
Part 3 of “Exploring The Authority Of Yahushua Messiah’s Biblical Calendar, In His High Priesthood Order Of Melchizedek”
From the Apostolic testimony of  The Begotten Son of YHVH, Yahushua’s authoritative calendar related behaviour,  in the context the foundational solar calendar precepts from the Zadok Priesthood testimony of the Qumran Library and the calculation of days according to Moses Law (Leviticus 23), we find that this year the Feast of Weeks occurs on Tuesday 27 May 2014 .
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Yahushua Melchizedek Calendar

Exploring The Authority Of Yahushua Messiah’s Biblical Calendar, In His High Priesthood Order Of Melchizedek (And Its Implications For Identifying The Appointed Times In 2014) by
This paper presents a synopsis of principles from my research and study over many years concerning the identification of the true biblical calendar and which I trust will help others in their studies and understanding of this subject and subsequently to identify the annual biblical calendar in the emunah firm belief of Yahushua Messiah’s demonstration.
The major statement of this paper is that, given the full biblical and historical evidence now available to us it is Yahushua Messiah   ALONE who only has the biblical authority over the biblical worship calendar today, through His post-resurrection office as High Priest of the Melchizdek order.   No-one else has any biblical authority to set or proclaim the biblical calendar of YHVH, regardless of what religious orthodoxies they are. His behavioural example is thus highly significant. 
The implications of understanding exactly who carries the true Divine authority over the biblical calendar today (as outlined by Moses in Leviticus 23) are both radical and profound to any who are sincerely concerned and called to prepare for the redemption and return of YHVH’s trustworthy remnant elect in the last days.






 “Shocking info unveiling Mystery Babylon the Great, as Mecca. Discover which country, will Nuke Mystery Babylon and why the Antichrist Beast will rise from Turkey. Find out what Satan’s Secret Symbol has been, throughout all his 7 Empires, which will prove conclusively, why the Beast and Babylon are connected to Islam. We also uncover more Islamic connections to the 666, the Sun God and Coming Revived Ottoman Empire. 1. MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT REVEALED to the WORLD!!! Part 1 2. MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT REVEALED to the WORLD!!! Part 2 3.ANTICHRIST’S ORIGINS ☪ DESTINIES & MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT REVEALED to the WORLD !!! ~Part 3 4. FALSE PROPHET’S UNVEILED REVELATIONS & MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT REVEALED to the WORLD !!! ~Part 4

 Also more on the Mark of the Beast and its Islamic Connection. The End days and the Role of Islam:

To Watch these 4 Videos’ playlist. please click the link below:

Babylon the Great & The Turkish Antichrist

This is Armageddon News

In this Broadcast, we’ll discover the ancient Mark of Satan’s Kingdom, we’ll find out who

Babylon the Great really is, and we’ll discover why Turkey will be the Seat of the


Many have long speculated, on who Babylon the Great really is. Rome, has

been the prime candidate for many, as well as New York. But neither of these, is the true

Babylon. The Bible tells us, that this Babylon is a Mystery to the World, but the Bible

declares plainly, exactly where Mystery Babylon is located.

Its not the original Babylon in Iraq. But yet its practices are identical to Babylon’s. The

Babylonian Religious system, revolved around the worship of the Heavens. The Sun,

Moon and Stars.

The crescent and star symbol, is the very key, not only to who Mystery Babylon is. But

also to the identity of the Beast.

The Crescent and Star is known, to be the Symbol of Islam. But these ancient and

demonic symbols, were also the very symbols of Baal-Hamon. Baal, the ancient

Mesopotamian false god, mentioned in the Bible. Who was worshipped together with

Ashteroth the star goddess.

These symbols, go all the way back to Nimrod, and Semiramis.

Semiramis was the wife of Nimrod, but she was also his Mother.

This disgusting Harlot, started all the false religions of the World. When God changed

the people’s languages and they stopped building Nimrod’s tower of Babel. This cult of

Nimrod and Semiramis, continued to spread, into those divided nations. Most of which

have a god, and goddess as the basis of their false religion, which began with Nimrod

and Semiramis.

Their cult went from one Empire to the next.

In Egypt, there were called Osiris an Isis.

In Assyria, Assur and Ishtar.

In Babylon Bel and Belit.

In Persia Mithra and Anahita.

In Greece Helios and Artemis.

In Rome Apollo and Diana.

Throughout the Bible, they are mainly called Baal, and Ashteroth, the Queen of Heaven.

In the book of Acts they are called Moloch, and Rephan.

You even took along the tent of Moloch, the star of your god Rephan, and the images

you made in order to worship them. Acts 7:43

But throughout all their name changes, one thing remained the same. The symbols by

which these false gods, are identified. The Crescent, and Star.

In Egypt, the Crescent and Star was carried on the head, of Isis. And the Apis Bull also

carried the Sun Disk image of Isis, between his Crescent shaped horns.

And if you take a closer look, you can see that the real Author of these symbols, is the

Serpent. And he is the one receiving the worship through these symbols of the Crescent,

and Star. The Bible tells us that the serpent is Satan.

During Roman times, Semiramis was worshiped under the name Diana. Diana’s image

was once again, the Crescent and Star of Islam. And they too bowed down, and

worshipped her image, in the form of a meteorite, which fell from heaven. Because the

meteorite, depicted her astrological, Moon and Star image.

When the Apostles, tried to Minister to the people in Ephesus,

… all of them with one voice, went on crying out for about two hours, Great is Diana of

Ephesus. Acts 19:34

And having quieted the crowd, the city clerk said. “Men of Ephesus, for what man is

there who does not know, that the city of the Ephesians, is the temple keeper, of the

great goddess Diana, and of the image fallen from heaven. Acts 19:35

Clearly the image which fell from heaven, was a meteorite. And the worshippers of

Diana, all worshiped her in the same way, by shouting GREAT, GREAT, GREAT is


This is exactly how the Muslims praise Allah.

And they bow toward the City of Mecca. Repeating Allahu Akbar, over and over again.

For Allahu Akbar, means Allah is Great. And its the very same cry heard, by the

worshippers of Diana.

As they bow toward the Great City of Mecca. Mecca, has become just like Ephesus, the

city which held the meteorite Image, which fell down from Heaven. They too chanted that

Diana was Great. For the Muslims, just like Ephesus, also bow down to an image which

fell from heaven. And Muslims are seen kissing, and caressing this stone, as if the stone,

was a woman.

Indeed Mecca is the Great Harlot, whose worshipers call her Great. And its the very title,

written on her Forehead. Babylon the Great.

When the Angel took John into the Desert, to see this Harlot, he told him that it wasn’t

just a false Religious System, but a Religious City, as well. The only Religious City,

which can be found in a desert. Is Mecca. And shockingly, the very symbol of the Star of

Semiramis, the Harlot, is still being worshipped today, by Muslims around the World. In

the form of the Kaaba Stone. The Muslims claim that the Kaaba Stone, was a star which

fell from heaven. Its the very same star symbol of Semiramis, the Queen of Heaven.

And she is still being worshipped today, exactly where the Angel, said this Harlot could

be found. In the wilderness, or desert (Rev. 17:3) Babylon is not Rome, neither is it New

York, for neither of those places, are found in a Desert.

The last time Israel was in the Desert, they were also worshipping a false god. The

Golden Calf, which Moses Smashed. This was the same bull-calf god, from Egypt. The

Bull god, carried the very symbol, of the Harlot Isis, between its Crescent shaped horns.

Thanks to the discoveries, of Ron Wyatt, we know exactly that this false worship, took

place in the desert of Saudi Arabia. Where the altar for the golden calf still stands, kept

secret by the Saudi Arabian government. The very same country and desert, where the

Jews were worshiping this Golden Calf Beast, and star symbol of the Harlot, is the same

Country and desert, in which we find, the City of Mecca.

Mecca, has become the global centre, of Moon and Star worship. The exact same

Religion of Ancient Babylon.

Before Islam, Mecca was a city dedicated to many false gods. The false goddess, Allat

was the wife of Allah.

Allat was the Moon goddess, and fertility goddess Semiramis. Which Satan has used

from the beginning. Her shrine was the Kaaba, which housed Allat’s most famous idol. A

Black Stone Meteorite.

Muhammad took the city of Mecca in 632. And Muhammad entered her shrine, and

destroyed Allat’s idols. Yet her Black Stone idol, was preserved. And Muhammad even

helped to position her Black Stone idol, in the East Wall of the Kaaba.

Indeed the Kaaba Stone, is the Idol of the Harlot.

The Angel told John that this Harlot sits on many waters.

Then he said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples,

multitudes, nations and languages.

The Angel told John, that the Waters were not seas, but people from all over the World.

From many peoples, nations and languages.

This is an amazing description, seeing as the Muslims come from all over the world, for

the Hajj. These people flow in, and circle around the Kaaba, like water.

Indeed this Harlot does sit, on many peoples nations and languages. And they all fall

down, and worship the Image of Semiramis or Diana, which fell from Heaven.

THE MUSLIM CALL TO PRAYER, exactly mirrors, Nebuchadnezzar’s form of worship.

Nebuchadnezzar set up an Image, in the plain of Dura. When all the people in his

Kingdom heard the music; which was a call to prayer. They all had to bow down, toward

the Image which he set up. Or, he said they would be put to death. This is identical, to

the Islamic form of worship. It’s exactly the same form of Babylonian worship, instituted

by Nebuchadnezzar. And at the Call to prayer, Muslims, just like the Babylonians, all fall

down and worship an Image.

The worship of Bel, in Babylon, revolved around Sun worship. And astoundingly the

Islamic Prayer times, are based on the five positions of the Sun, throughout the day. In

fact, the five prayer times, have to be judged by things like: What the sun’s color is. How

long the shadow is. Or whether there is light left in the sky. You can find out from

Wikipedia how Islamic prayer times, are tied to the Sun itself.

The very Beast system of BABYLONIAN WORSHIP, is already in Place, waiting for the

speaking Image of the Beast. Which may, be the very Kaaba stone itself. Which

Muhammad declared, would one day speak, and give wisdom to all who touch it.

Very few people have connected the dots to Islam. Those who refuse to bow toward the

Islamic Beast’s Image, when the call from the minarets is heard, throughout the Islamic

Empire, will be put to death. Just like they were, under Nebuchadnezzar.

In Babylon, they worshiped the Sun God, through the Magic Square. And the Babylonian

priests wore these Sun Seal amulets, as seals of protection, from the God’s themselves.

They believed that the numbers 1 to 36 represented the 36 constellations which were

also gods.

And the total of all the numbers, equaled 666, which also represented the Sun God,

which was their King.

Hidden in the Babylonian Square, is a 6 sided symbol. A symbol, which encompassed all

there false gods. This shape, creates a 3 dimensional, Cube, or house, for these Gods.

Which is exactly the shape, of the Kaaba, itself. But that’s not all. Seeing as the

Babylonian Sun god, was the supreme ruler, over these other gods, or constellations. Its

number, was placed outside, the Square.

The very same position, in which we find the 666, on the Babylonian seal. Is the exact

same position, we find the Kaaba Stone, built into the Kaaba’s wall. Without doubt, the

Kaaba stone, is intricately connected, with Babylonian Sun worship, and worship of the


The very name Kaaba, in english, means square, or cube. Its the same Magic Square,

the Babylonians used, to worship their Sun god.

The Black Kaaba, represents the Sun around which all the Muslims, like stars, revolve.

Some prominent Islamists, have said that Muslims Circling the Kaaba, resembles the

orbit, of the galaxy.

Wikipedia says,

It has been proposed, for example, that the act of Tawaf, Closely resembles the shape

of a galaxy, when viewed from above.

This Circling, is interesting, because the very place, where Nebuchadnezzar placed his

Idol, was called Dura. And Dura means, Circle.

Muslims portray Allah, in symbols of the Sun, and Star.

And you can clearly see, on the Kaaba doors, that the name of Allah, is portrayed with

Sun symbols.

In the Bible, which has been translated into Arabic, there is something very surprising.

Found in the Arabic number, 666, is a word. And that word, is Stone. As in, Kaaba

Stone. The Bible is telling us, that the 666, is directly linked to the Kaaba Stone of Islam.

The Bible describes the Beast, as coming from the Sea. So it was interesting to discover,

that in Nautical sea miles, the distance, from the Kaaba in Mecca, to the Dome of the

Rock, in Jerusalem. Is exactly 666 Nautical Miles.

Muhammed, called The Black Stone, “Yameen Allah.” Which means, “the Right Hand,

of Allah.”

But in the Bible, Jesus himself, is referred to as the Right Hand of God. And he sits at

His Father’s Right Hand. He is also called, the Corner stone. So this Stone is literally a

replacement, for Christ.

Muhammad also declared that by doing the Hajj. Which is making the pilgrimage to

Mecca, once per year, circling around the Kaaba Stone 7 times, and then touching it.

That Allah uses the Black Stone, to take your sins away.

Once again we can see Christ being replaced by this stone. For the Bible says, it is

Jesus, who takes away our sins, through his sacrifice. And Muhammad has replaced

Jesus Christ, with a Stone, fallen from Heaven.

Moses clearly said:

And beware, lest you raise your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun and the

moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, you be drawn away and bow down to them

and serve them. Deuteronomy 4:19

Without doubt Muslims, are clearly disobeying God, by bowing down to a star fallen from


Acts 7:39 says: “But our ancestors refused to obey him; they pushed him aside and

wished that they could go back to Egypt… It was then that they made an idol in the

shape of a bull, offered sacrifice to it, and had a feast in honor, of what they themselves

had made. So God turned away from them and gave them over to worship the stars of

heaven, as it is written in the book of the prophets.

Elohim says he will turn away, from those who worship the Host of Heaven. For this has

been the religion, of the heathen, throughout the generations of the World. And its also,

the very religion of Islam.

The angel told John, that the Religious City of Babylon, had a name written on her



OF THE EARTH. Revelation 17:5

The very name of Mecca, means “Mother, of all settlements.”

Indeed Mecca, is the Mother of Islamic cities around the world and the Abominations of

Baal, which top all her Islamic Mosques. And she is Mother of Islamic Terrorism, and

responsible for the death’s of Christians slaughtered in the Middle East and around the


Revelation 17:6 says, And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with

the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.

This False Religion, is drunk with the blood of Jihad. For she advances her religion by

slaughter. But the main reason she is called Mother. Is because she is the Biggest,

False Religion, in the world. She is the MOTHER of all false religions.

Note how the Bible, says the Christians will die in the last days. By being BEHEADED.

And no other Country, beheads more people, than Saudi Arabia. Without doubt, Mecca,

is the Mother of Jihad, and responsible for the Deaths of Christians, by Beheading.

The Angel told John in Revelation 17:9, that this Mysterious City, also sits on seven hills.

And Mecca, does indeed sit on Seven Hills.

The Bible tells us that this Mysterious Babylon is located near the sea. For when God

causes the Beast and his ten Kings, to Destroy Babylon, all that trade by sea, behold the

smoke of her burning. As if she had been nuked.

The biggest shipping lane in the world, is the Red Sea. And Mecca, sits right on this

trade route. Its from here that these Ships, will behold Mecca burning.

Revelation 18:17 says: All the ships’ captains and passengers, the sailors and all others

who earn their living on the sea, stood along way off, and cried out as they saw the

smoke, from the flames that consumed her.

“There never has been another city like this great city!”

Isaiah 21:9 says:

Babylon has fallen, has fallen! And all the graven images of her gods, He has smashed

to the ground.

John saw the same thing, in the Book of Revelation:

Revelation 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great has

fallen, has fallen!

But where did Isaiah, say this Harlot could be found.

Isaiah 21 says,

This is the Prophecy, against the DESERT, BY THE SEA!”

Mystery Babylon, is a City Located, in a Desert, by the Sea.

John saw the same thing:

Revelation 17:3 And he carried me away into a Desert, by the Spirit. And I saw a

woman sitting on a scarlet beast.

The Prophet Jeremiah saw the Destruction of the Arabian Peninsula:

Jeremiah 49 “Edom will become an object of horror… No ONE WILL LIVE THERE, OR

DWELL IN IT. Hear what the LORD has planned against EDOM, what He purposed

against all who live in TEMAN… At the SOUND OF THEIR FALL, the earth will tremble;

the cry will resound, to the RED SEA.”

The very sea, that Mystery Babylon sits near, is the RED SEA.

But where is EDOM, and where is TEMAN?

In Scripture, the Ancient nation of Edom, stretches from Yemen, (Teman), to Northern


Ezekiel 25: Says, I will stretch out my hand against Edom, and kill both man and beast.

I will lay it waste, from TEMAN, TO DEDAN.”

Isaiah 21: A prophecy against the DESERT BY THE SEA. Against DUMAH. Someone


You caravans of DEDANITES, who camp in the thickets of ARABIA… You who live in

TEMA. Within one year… all the splendor of KEDAR will come to an end.”

Where is Dumah, Seir, Arabia, Tema and Kedar?

Its in the Arabian Peninsula, in modern day Saudi Arabia. Exactly as the Prophets John,

Jeremiah and Isaiah said. Arabia is known in Arabic as Al-Jazeera, Al Arabia.” Meaning


The original Babylon is not located near the Sea. But Mystery Babylon is.

Revelation 17:16 And the ten horns, which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate

the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her

with fire.

Elohim Warns his people, to Flee Mystery Babylon.

Zechariah 2:7 “Up, escape to Zion! you who dwell in daughter Babylon.”

Run away from Babylon! Run for your lives! You shouldn’t die because of Babylon’s

crimes. This is the time for the vengeance of YHWH. He will pay the people of

Babylon back, for what they have done. Babylon was a golden cup in YHWH’S hand.

It made the whole world drunk. The nations drank its wine. That is why the nations have

gone insane.

Jeremiah 51:11 Sharpen the arrows; gather the shields; Jehovah has raised up the spirit

of the kings of the Medes, (which is IRAN). For His plan is against Babylon, to destroy it.

Yes Iran, will be amongst the Beast alliance nations, who Destroy Mecca and Saudi

Arabia. And Iran, is going to use its nuclear Weapons, against Saudi Arabia.

Many have wondered, what the flying scroll is in the Book of Zechariah:

Zechariah 5:1-4 And behold! A flying scroll. And he said to me, What do you see? And I

answered, I see a flying scroll… And he said to me, This is the CURSE

(“alah” in Hebrew

Strongs H423)

, that goes forth over the face of the whole earth. I will bring it forth, says

Yahuwah of Hosts; and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him

who swears falsely by My name. And it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall


This Flying Scroll, is a Nuclear Missile. For YHWH tells Zechariah, that it will devour timber,

and stones. And YHWH even told us, from where this Nuclear missile would come.

YHWH said, they would:

Zechariah 5:11…. build a house for it in the land of Shinar; and it shall be established,

and set there, on its own base.

The Land of Shinar, includes parts, of both Iraq, and Iran. But why would the Beast, the

Islamic Antichrist and his Caliphate, want to destroy Saudi Arabia?

Because she is still, a Harlot.

Revelation 17:2 The kings of the earth, practiced sexual immorality with her. And the

people of the world, became drunk from drinking the wine of her immorality.

How do the Kings, commit Sexual immorality with Saudi Arabia? And what is the Wine,

which Saudi Arabia has, which has made the Earth Drunk?

This Whore lives in a Desert. And yet she produces wine in this Desert.

What is the Wine of the Desert, which has made the Earth drunk today? What Wine

have the kings of the Earth, prostituted themselves, and there countries, to obtain?


But how can we be sure, that the Whores Wine, is Oil?

Isaiah 34:8 This is the time when YHWH will rescue Zion and take vengeance on her

enemies. The rivers of Edom will turn into tar. And the soil will turn into sulfur. The whole

country will burn like tar.

Tar is simple, Crude Oil

The Beast and his Alliance, which includes Iran, will destroy Saudi Arabia. And its Oil,

will burn. Because the Beast wants FULL CONTROL over the Middle East’s Oil. And

Saudi Arabia, will refuse to stop supplying the West. Which the Islamic Caliphate, wants

to control.

Joel 3:2 I will also gather all nations and will bring them down into the valley of

Jehoshaphat. And I will fight with them there for My people and for My inheritance Israel,

whom they have scattered among the nations, and divided My land. And they have cast

lots for My people, and have given a boy for a prostitute, and sold a girl for wine. So that

they might drink.

After the Islamic Antichrist Conquers Jerusalem, he will divide the Land up, amongst the

Islamic nations. And the Children will be Sold to the Arab nations for Prostitutes, and

traded for wine. Which is Oil.

The Kings of the Earth, have been in Bed, with Saudi Arabia. Because Saudi Arabia

owns one fifth, of the Worlds proven Oil fields. Saudi Arabia, sells her oil across the

world, especially to the West.

The Islamic Beast hates Saudi Arabia, because of her whoring economic policies. But

YHWH hates Saudi Arabia, for a different reason. Not only is Saudi Arabia, whoring her Oil

to countries, in exchange for more Islamic control over the world. But Saudi Arabia, is

also the Greatest whore on Earth. Because she is also spreading her false religion to the

World, through Mecca.

Revelation 17:16 And the ten horns which you saw, on the beast, these will hate the

harlot, and will make her desolate and naked. And they will eat her flesh and burn her

with fire.

If you think its unlikely, that the Beast would attack Mecca, think again. The Islamic

Caliphate, has already burned the Kaaba once. When it bombed the City of Mecca.

Iran sees Saudi Arabia as a Traitor for sending oil to Islam’s hated enemies. Islam itself

has declared, that Mecca will be destroyed. They have said:

“The Madhi will rule the world from Jerusalem, because MECCA, will be DESTROYED”.

– Yawm Al-Ghadab, Safar Alwaly.

Some Islamic Prophecies, also declare that other areas of Saudi Arabia, will be

Destroyed as well.

“The Flourishing state of Jerusalem, will be when Medina is in RUINS. The ruined state

of Medina will be, when the GREAT WAR COMES.” –

Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud,

Book 37 Number 4281: Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)

Many have missed this next verse, which describes people, crying over this city, and

casting dust on there heads.

Revelation 18:19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing,

saying, Alas, alas, that great city

When last did you see a Westerner, casting dust on there heads, in Anguish? Its not a

Western custom. But its still, an Arab Middle East Custom. To cast dust on ones head in


Isaiah 13:19-20 And Babylon…shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.

It shall never be inhabited forever, nor shall it be lived in, from generation to generation;

nor shall the Arabian pitch his tent there; nor shall the shepherds make their flocks lie

down there.

Why would the Arabian be pitching his tent in the Vatican, or in New York? The

Scriptures are clear. Babylon is in Saudi Arabia, that is where the Arabian pitches his

tent, and where the flocks lie down.

Mystery Babylon, is a city of Slavery.

Revelation 18:11-13 “The merchants of the earth, will weep and mourn, over her

because no one buys their cargoes anymore…. HUMAN BEINGS SOLD FOR SLAVES.

Saudi Arabia, has been condemned by numerous human rights groups. For its horrific

treatment of an imported foreign labor force.

Saudi Arabia is also the home, of one of the largest SEX SLAVERY trades, in the World.

The Harlot believes that no one can see her atrocious behavior; she boasts of seeing no


Revelation 18:11-13 In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit enthroned, as Queen. I am not a

widow; I will SEE NO SORROW.’

Saudi Arabia, tries to hide the terrible conditions, of the lower class. And attempts, to

cover up the abominable sex trade; and to conceal the decadent lifestyles, of the rich Oil

Barons, who control Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is renowned, for the unparalleled

decadence, of the ruling class.

While her work force, slaves away in terrible conditions. And she spends money, like a

Queen, according to scripture.

Revelation 18:12-13 …merchandise of gold and silver, precious stones and pearls, fine

linen and purple, silk and scarlet, every kind of citron wood, every kind of object of ivory,

every kind of object of most precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble; and cinnamon and

incense, perfume and frankincense, wine and oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle and sheep,

horses and chariots, and bodies and souls of men.

The Harlot Babylon is a big importer. And a massive consumer. Saudi Arabia imports

these EXACT same goods. Saudi Arabia is famous for its gold and jewelry markets.

Mecca and its suburbs, import everything. Because their entire country is a Desert.

The lustful, Oil Countries of the World. Have made Saudi Arabia rich, beyond her wildest

Dreams. And she is decked with gold and precious jewels.

And Mecca is the city, that sits as a queen, upon the Heart of the Beast Empire, which is

the Islamic Caliphate. Soon the Beast Empire will be Revived. And the Islamic Antichrist

will proclaim that he, is the true Messiah and Madhi. And the False Prophet, will perform

miracles to deceive many.

And these miracles will falsely claim Islam, to be the one true religion. And that following

the Madhi, will bring peace, money and joy to the World.

And People will flock to see, the Miracles being done, by Islam.

Yahushua warns people not to go out to the Desert to see the so called Messiah.

If you are told that the Messiah is out in the desert, don’t go there! Matthew 24:26

The Desert Yahushua was likely referring to, is Mecca. And Jesus warns his people, not to

go to this Desert, to see this False Messiah.

Yahushua also said, that there would be false wonders, being done in Jerusalem, by false

prophets. A false prophet, is someone who points to a False Messiah. Indeed there will

be many Muslims, trying to deceive even the elect Christians, into following the Madhi.

And there will be great signs, performed by Satan, when this Madhi is revealed.

2Thessalonians 2:9 says, When the wicked one appears, Satan will pretend to work all

kinds of miracles, wonders, and signs. Lost people, will be fooled by his evil deeds. They

could be saved, but they will refuse to love the truth and accept it. So YHWH will make sure

that they are fooled, into believing a lie.

YHWH says these people, will be deceived by these Miracles of Satan. Because they

REFUSED to love the truth and accept it. But what is the Truth? Its that YHWH became

Flesh, born of a Woman, and suffered and died on the cross, for our sins. And was

raised again from the dead. But the Islamic Antichrist and False Prophet, will preach the

exact opposite of the Bible. And it will be a Great Delusion and a lie, and this lie will be

attended by the signs and miracles of Satan. And people will be drawn to Islam. You

have been Warned! Mystery Babylon is the Mother, of all Cults.

Now that we know that Babylon is Mecca, and the Beast, is the Revived Islamic

Caliphate and its King.

The book of Daniel, tells us the story behind the Little Horn Antichrist, and the area, from

which he arises.

Daniel describes the Conquest of King Darius, in Persia, by Alexander the Great.

The Grecian Kingdom is described as a goat. And the Persian Kingdom the Ram.

Daniel 8:5-7 …a goat came rushing out of the west, moving so fast that his feet didn’t

touch the ground. He had one prominent horn, between his eyes. He came toward the

ram, which I had seen standing beside the river, and rushed at him with all his force. I

watched him attack the ram. He was so angry, that he smashed into him and broke the

two horns. The ram had no strength to resist. He was thrown to the ground, and

trampled on, and there was no one who could save him.

Alexander the great conquered Persia and King Darius.

The goat grew more and more arrogant, but at the height of his power, his horn was

broken. In its place four prominent horns came up, each pointing in a different direction.

At the height of Alexander’s conquest, he suddenly died. And his four generals divided

his Goat Empire between themselves. The Bible, then describes the Little Horn

Antichrist, coming from one, of the parts of Alexander’s divided kingdom.

Daniel 8:9-10 Out of one of these four horns, grew a little horn, whose power extended

toward the south and the east and toward the Promised Land. It grew strong enough to

attack the army of heaven…

These were the divisions of Alexander’s Kingdom, and its only from one of these

divisions which the Antichrist can appear. He can not come from Rome, or America.

Because the Bible clearly says, that he comes, out of one of the four horns. Which

represent the divided kingdom of Alexander. And Alexander’s four generals, never

extended their kingdoms further than the Middle East. And the farthest Northern part,

was Greece.

Daniel Chapter 11, narrows the area even more, by calling the Antichrist the King of the

North. The King of the North, was the Seleucus Kingdom, which included Turkey, Syria,

Iraq and Iran. And its this area we should be watching for the Antichrist to appear.

Lets discover where the Bible says the seat of the beast is located.

The Bible even tells us, which country to watch, for the revival of the Beast. Its Turkey.

And its the very country, which is now stepping forward, trying to revive the Ottoman

Empire. Calling it the Neo-Ottoman Order. Turkey, is positioning itself as a peace

Mediator, in the Middle East.

Israel, will sign the Seven year Peace agreement, with Turkey. And put there trust in

Turkey, relying on them for security, in the Middle East. But they will literally, be signing

a Covenant, with the Antichrist himself. Who will be mediating this Peace deal between

Israel, and many, other Muslim nations. The Bible calls this, a Covenant with Death

(Isaiah 28:15). And clearly tells us, that Israel, will rely on the Turkish Antichrist, until he

attacks them.

Turkey was the seat of the Ottoman Empire, but it was also the seat, of the Eastern

Roman Empire.

Yahushua himself told us, that the Beast would come from Turkey:

And to the angel of the church in Pergamos, (which is in Turkey), write. He who has the

sharp sword with two edges, says these things. I know your works, and where you live,

even where Satan’s seat is….where Satan dwells. Revelation 2:12-13

Yahushua is telling us, not only that Satan Dwells, in Turkey Pergamos. But that his very

SEAT OF POWER, is in Turkey, not Rome. Turkey was the Eastern Roman Empire.

Rome moved its Capital to Constantinople. Its from there, which we should expect to see

the Prince, who comes mediating a Peace deal with Israel.

Now lets compare the next verse, where Satan gives that very same SEAT, TO THE


“And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a

bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power

and HIS SEAT and great authority.” Revelation 13:2

Did you catch that? Where did Jesus say the “SEAT” OF SATAN WAS?

Pergamos TURKEY. This is the very same SEAT of power that Satan gives, to the


The Antichrist’s seat is in Turkey. The book of Daniel calls him, the Little Horn.

Surprisingly, Istanbul which was the very capital, of both the Roman, and Ottoman

Empire, is shaped just like a little horn. And its very name, is the Golden Horn.

The Bible Describes the Beast, having had Seven Heads, which describe the Kings and

their kingdoms.

These were. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome. And the Ottoman Empire,

became the 7th head.

The Angel said, that the seven heads, were 7 kings. Because unless, the King of the

Empire falls, the Kingdom remains alive. So when Rome fell, did the Roman Empire, fall?

No, it moved its King, and Capital to Turkey. And that Kingly line, continued right up until,

it was defeated, by the Ottoman Empire. Then Rome and its King fell.

The Ottoman Empire is the missing Seventh Head of the Beast. And it has come and

gone. Without people even realizing it was there. And yet it clearly left its mark on

Jerusalem. For The Ottoman Empire, is the same Empire, which rebuilt Jerusalem, as it

stands today.

But how do we know, that the Ottoman Empire was the Seventh Head. Well From the

time of Egypt, right up until 1923, and the end of the Ottoman Empire, there has been an

unbroken line of Empires or Heads, ruling the Middle-East. The Beast/Empire has been

alive from Egypt, to the Ottoman Empire. But where is the Beast now? Its Dead. And its

dead because it was only given seven heads. And the Last Empire, which was the

Ottoman Empire, was given a deadly wound, which killed, the whole Beast. And there

was no empire to take its place. So it died. And it descended into the Bottomless pit.

Wikipedia says:

The Empire fought against the Allies in the First World War. And at the end of the War, it

was partitioned by the Allies.

The Bible says the head of the Beast, was wounded to death, by the Sword.

The “Sword”, which cut into the Beast’s 7th, and Final Head, Was World War I. And that

same Sword, of the Allied Nations, divided up, or cut up, the Ottoman Empire. Into the

Middle East Countries we have today.

The Bible says:

And I saw one of his heads, as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was

healed. And all the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3

But its deadly wound will be healed. When the 7th head of the Ottoman Empire, comes

back to life, as an 8th Empire. And it will ascend from the Bottomless Pit. And its wound

will be healed, when all the divided Ottoman Nations, are reunited under Turkey.

These are the 10 horns, the Bible speaks of. Which are on the Beast. These will hand

over their power to the Turkish Beast.

Which was ruled by the Caliph, the Successor of Muhammad.

According to Wikipedia, the name Caliph, is translated from the Arabic word, Khalifa,

meaning “successor”, or “substitute”. Muslims often say the Caliph is the substitute for

Muhammad. But in the Koran, it is used to establish Adam’s role, as representative of

G-d, on earth.

Did you catch that? The Quran says Khalifa is like G-d on Earth. And the Caliph is both

a religious, as well as political leader. And he is a successor to Muhammad, and all the


So not only does Caliph, mean replacement for G-d on Earth. But the Caliph is also the

substitute for Muhammad and all the prophets. Muslims claim that Yahushua, was just one of

their Prophets. So the very seat the Caliph holds, is not only as G-d on earth, but

substitute for Yahushua as well.

Amazingly the word “Antichrist”, does not only mean “against Messiah”. But “substitute for

Messiah” as well. The title of Caliph, matches this description, perfectly.

There is a reason why Satan seat is in Turkey. Its because the Garden of Eden, was

located there. Remember Adam and Eve were the rulers of this World, until they

forfeited their seat, to Satan. And Satan, will give that very seat of Adam, to the Islamic


Ezekiel 28:12 Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto

him, Thus saith YHWH Elohim; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect, in

beauty. Thou hast been in Eden the garden of Elohim.

YHWH is telling us not only that Satan is in Eden, but so is the Antichrist. And Eden, is in


Remember, Jesus said:

Luke 17:26 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of Man.

Guess where the Ark of Noah was Located? In Turkey. Turkey is indeed the Place to


The very color of Turkey’s Flag, is like a Scarlet Beast. And as we’ve discussed, the

Crescent and Star is the very symbol Satan has chosen, to depict himself down through

the ages, through false gods.

Satan’s Chosen King, will rise from an alliance of Arab Nations which include Turkey,

Iraq and Iran.

The reason why the Beast is described as a mixture of animals, of Lion, Bear and

Leopard. Is firstly because it denotes the three Old Empires, which unite to form this

Beast. These were Babylon the Lion, Persia the Bear and Greece which included

(Turkey) the Leopard.

But this mixture, also describes the Arabs themselves and their kingdom.

Not only did John see the Harlot in the desert of Saudi Arabia, but he also saw the Beast,

which was upholding her. There is a very good reason why the Beast, was sitting in the

Arabian Desert. And why it was described, as a mixed animal.

Because Elohim, was describing the people, of the Kingdom itself. The Arabs, take their

Name from Arabia, itself. The name Arabia, in Hebrew is, e-reb. Meaning a mixture, or

mixed people, or mixed company.

The Arabs are known as the mixed people. Because they are a mixture of all the races

in the Middle East.

Amazingly, Elohim was describing the Arab race itself, as a mixed Beast.

Also in the book of Daniel, YHWH describes the Kingdom of the Antichrist, as a mixture of

Iron and Clay.

And the Hebrew word, used to describe this mixed Kingdom, is the very word, “Arab”.

Which is the Hebrew word for Mixed.

Daniel literally said, the Kingdom of the Antichrist would be an Arab Kingdom.

The Bible describes another figure, called the False Prophet. He will likely be seen as a

Religious leader. He is described as having lambs, horns. The Bible says he will rise

from the earth or land. Which is in contrast to the Beast, who rises from the sea, of

Islamic Nations. The opposite of the Sea, is the earth. And the Earth is actually a

Reference to the Land of Israel. So this Second Kingdom, will Rise from the conquered

parts of Israel and Jerusalem. Which is why its described, as having, two Lambs, horns.

And its possible that this false prophet will be Jewish, and may even claim to be Yahushua Messiah.

And he will do false wonders, like bring fire from heaven, which will deceive both

Jews, and Muslims. And this false Prophet will point to the Islamic Antichrist, declaring

him, the True Messiah. And this False Prophet, will deceive all into submitting to the

Caliph, and his Empire. And he will tell those in the Middle East, to set up an Image, to

honor the Revived Islamic Empire.

Revelation 13:14 And it deceives those dwelling on the earth, because of the miracles

which were given to it to do, before the beast. Saying to those dwelling on the earth, that

they should make an image to the beast, who had the wound by a sword, and lived.

The Bible doesn’t tell us, what form, this image will take. But it will be built, to honor the

Revived Islamic Empire. And the False prophet, will enable it, to speak.

The Bible warns, that if any bow down to this Image, of the Islamic Empire, they will be

cast into hell forever, with the Antichrist.

The number 666, can be found in the very Seal of the Ottoman Caliph’s themselves.

There seal is called, the Tughra. It contains both, a Hebrew, and a Greek number 666.

The Hebrew 666 consist of the letter, vav. Repeated three times. And right on top of the

Hebrew, is found a Greek number 666, which is the Letter, Stigma. Again repeated three

times. Sometimes the Caliph’s use a Pseudonym, next to their Name, like El-Ghazi,

meaning the Warrior. And you can clearly see a 666 in this Pseudonym. Indeed the

Name of the Caliph, written in the Tughra. May very well be, the Mark of the Beast. For it

contains both the name of a man, and his Number. And also the Mark of his Empire, the

Crescent and Star.

The Bible, compares the Antichrist, to a star fallen from heaven, like Lucifer, who fell,

and like the very Kaaba stone itself, fallen from heaven.

Isaiah 14:12 says, How you are fallen from the heavens, (Lucifer,) O shining star, son of

the morning. How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!

The very image of Lucifer, is the star, fallen from heaven. And the Islamic Antichrist, will

use a star Symbol, as a representation of himself. Which is why, we find the Name of the

Caliph, in the Sun Symbol.

Because the 666, was a representation of the Sun God. And we know from our studies,

that the Sun God is really the Serpent, Satan. And by putting the Caliph’s name in the

Sun, or Star. Satan is declaring the Caliph, to be the 666.

So now you know, the Ottoman Crest, is totally Satanic. For the Crescent and star, has

been Satan’s personal symbol, throughout all of his seven kingdoms. And its the very

Star and Crescent symbol, found on the Egyptian Golden Calf. Which was worshipped

by the Apostate Jews in the desert.

And now this Crescent and Star symbol of the Serpent Satan, has become the very

symbol of the Islamic Empire.

The very seal, of every Turkish President. Is the eight pointed, Star. Which is the very

same star used, by Alexander the Great. Its no wonder Elohim calls the Turkish Antichrist,

a star, fallen from heaven. For that is his very seal.

The Greek 666, which is Chi, Xi, Stigma, has also been found, in the Bismillah, which is

the Name of Allah.

And its also been found again in the Shahada. Which is the Islamic Confession of Faith.

Which is worn as a badge on the foreheads, by Muslims.

The Bible tells of the terrible fate, for those who take the Islamic Antichrist’s Mark:

Revelation 14:9 … “Whoever worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on

his forehead or his hand will drink the wine of YHWH’s wrath, which has been poured

unmixed into the cup of his anger. He will be tortured with fire and sulfur in the presence

of the holy angels and the lamb. The smoke from their torture goes up forever and ever.

There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image or for anyone

who receives the mark of its name.”

So to Recap:

1. Do not bow down to the Caliph, nor swear any oaths of allegiance, to him.

2. Do Not take the mark of his Name, as a stamp on your forehead or hand. Or wear his

mark, as a badge on your forehead or right arm.

3. And Do Not worship the image which he sets up, even though it speaks and you may

be put to death or imprisoned, because of your refusal to bow to it.

Rather believe, in YHWH’s only begotten Son. Yahushua Messiah. Who died on the cross, for

your sins. Call upon his name, and you shall be saved. Only Jesus, has the power to

save. His name, is the only one, in all the world that can save anyone. And Salvation, is

found in no other. So cry out to YHWH today. Ask him to forgive you, of all your sins. And

Believe in what he did for you on the cross, and you shall be, saved.

John 3:16

For YHWH so loved the world that he gave, his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes

in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Please pray this Prayer, today:

Father YHWH, I believe that you sent your Son, Yahushua The Messiah. To die on the cross for my

sins, I believe that he died, and was resurrected, and is coming back to judge the living

and the dead. Father, I repent. Please forgive me of all my sins. Come into my heart,

and make me, your child. In the name of your Son, Yahushua Ha Machiah. Amein.

If you have said this prayer, and decided to turn from your life of sin, and follow Yahushua

The Messiah. Then you have become a child, of YHWH. Please go and find a Born Again,

believers’ assembly, where you can have fellowship with other believers.

Thank you for listening. Please see our other broadcasts, on the end days. This program

has no copyright, and may be distributed freely.


Published on Jan 8, 2014 

The True Message of the Ark of the Covenant Discovery by Ron Wyatt

To make certain Ron Wyatt made no mistake in this, YHWH directed His angels to visually appear to Ron and verbally direct him. Taking the Tables of Stone the angel said, “YHWH wants everyone to see these… sometime after The Sunday Law is enforced.” Those are the exact words of the angel to Ron.

Ellen White (Year 1901) explicitly described the message of the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant, 80 years before Ron Wyatt discovered it, “And He [Messiah] gave unto Moses, when He had made an end of communing with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of YHWH.” (Exodus 31:18.) Nothing written on those tables could be blotted out. The precious record of the law was placed in the ark of the testament and is still there, safely hidden from the human family. But in YHWH’s appointed time He will bring forth these tables of stone to be a testimony to all the world against the disregard of His commandments and against the idolatrous worship of a counterfeit Sabbath.” Manuscript 122, “The Law”, November 23, 1901. {8MR 100.3}

Just like any message from YHWH, just like the Bible itself, the message of this discovery is both simple and profound. The true message of the Ark of the Covenant can be stated as simply as “a testimony to all the world against the disregard of His commandments and against the idolatrous worship of a counterfeit Sabbath”, or in other words, “We must still keep the Ten Commandments today, and the fourth, the Sabbath, is still Friday sundown until Saturday sundown, but NOT Sunday.” All the deeper studies on the Ark, like those at and the videos on this website still all conclude in this one message – That we must keep the Ten Commandments as they are written on the Tables of Stone and NOT keep Sunday as the governments of the world will try to dictate under the Sunday Law.

So did Ron Wyatt preach this message as THE true message of the Ark of the Covenant – or did YHWH choose the wrong man?


Ron Wyatt Archeology -The Ark Of The Covenant

YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH aka YAHSHUA ben Yosef commonly known as J_sus Chr_st was recovered during the Ark of the Covenant dig by Ron Wyatt of True Message of the Ark of the Covenant Discovery by Ron Wyatt

The dry blood of the Risen MESSIAH, Yahushua has been found on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant. It is in a cave below a crucifixion site near the Garden Tomb. This is true and will hit the mass media in the near future.

Ron Wyatt has made many discoveries pertaining to he Bible. All things will be revealed in their time. Yahuwah takes no pleasure in what He must do to those who do not believe in Him. All of mankind was created by Yahuwah, as sure as these Scriptures are true. So will the Ark of the Covenant be revealed in it’s time. None will be without excuse, when He comes back for His people

Transcript of the Interview:…
Audio recording of Ron Wyatt just before his death from cancer in August of 1999 regarding his claim/experience in the Ark of the Covenant and the Chamber it was in. Ron says that he was told by an angel in the Chamber that the information would be made known to the world after the Sunday Law was passed. Ron says that he changed it to The Mark of The Beast.

At 17 minutes Ron talks about what he was told about the 2 tables of stone, the 10 Commandments. He was told that when the Sunday Law is passed is when this information would be released.
This is the most important information on this planet

Ron Wyatt returned to the cave 3 more times, and since his first visit, to his absolute surprise, the cave had been completely tidied up. Four angels stood before him and he was told that the time is not yet for the world to see this discovery with their own eyes, but the time is coming when the inhabitants of the world will have a universal, religious Sunday law enforced upon them. This law will force man to break YHWH’s law, by penalty of disenfranchisement – being unable to buy or sell, (Rev. 13:17). Ron Wyatt was told that some time after this law has been passed, YHWH will allow the tables of stone (The 10 Commandments) and a good clear video of the Ark of the Covenant to be put on public display. For more information on the proposed law download a small booklet here. “It is time for thee, YHWH, to work: for they have made void thy law.” Psalm 119:126.

This is the very same law that Ron Wyatt referred to in the last interview he ever gave. The full interview is available here. The interviewer asks Ron, “…you took the tables of stone out, and then the angel told you something about the tables of stone?” And Ron Wyatt answers, “Yeah, he told me that it had to do with when these were to be shown to the world… when the mark of the beast law was in force, that shortly after that, was when this would take place… it wasn’t stated as the mark of the beast law, it was stated, “when the Sunday law…”. The interviewer wanting to make absolutely sure that the angel himself said the words “Sunday Law” then confirms with Ron, “But the angel said “Sunday law”?” And Ron Wyatt confirms, “That’s right.”

Other related Video :  Crucifixion of Yahushua and the mercy seat

The Tables of Stone were Confirmed as PART of the New Covenant.

So what does all this mean? What message does this discovery have for the Christian world? What does it mean that Christ sprinkled His blood and water above the Ten Commandments?  Ron Wyatt’s Testimonies.

A brief look into some of the stories and testimonies that Ron Wyatt shared with us, to see if they match up to the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Ron claimed to have met four angels in the cave with the Ark of the Covenant, and claimed to have even met Messiah Himself whilst digging!  The Ark of the Covenant Has Been Found

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might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.”

P.S. For More Details on the Sunday Law subject, please visit research articles blog dated  July 31 2013:



The Noahide Laws: The Imposter


This is the most anticipated film of our entire service in the FOY Ministry. Taken from the popular book titled, ‘The Imposter’ written by L. McGuire, (c) 2008 FOY Publications has blessed thousands. Therefore, the FOY Ministry felt that a DVD was a must to produce. After much hard works and long months, we are blessed to present you ‘The Imposter DVD’, written by L. McGuire.

WARNING: This film is not sugar coated to please all who watch. Some may find this film offensive, nevertheless the truth must be told!


Additional Information regarding the Art of the Covenant:

The Great Secret of Solomon’s Temple  – By Michael Rood

 Prepare for a Rood Awakening! as Michael Rood takes you on a whirlwind adventure in this fast paced video presentation, “The Great Secret of Solomon’s Temple and the Hiding of the Ark of the Covenant.”

   NO8 Click the Image on the left for Video

The Hebrew Scriptures detail the building of a great temple under the direction of King Solomon of Israel, the wisest man on earth. The Temple was built as a place to house the Ark of the Covenant. To make provision for the Ark’s safe keeping, Solomon constructed a sand-hydraulic elevator in the Most Holy Place. The emergency escape route and the stone sarcophagus in which the Ark was hidden during Nebuchadnezar’s siege were recently discovered in the elaborate tunnel system that honeycombs Mount Moriah – the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

NO.9  Click the image above for Video



No.11 Click the image above for Video

This is Michael’s “signature work”, the teaching that details the hiding of the Ark of the Covenant, and the Ark’s importance in the fulfillment of the Feast of Passover – a shadow of good things to come. This is the abbreviated introduction to Michael’s 13-hour video teaching extravaganza: “The Prophecies in the Spring and Fall Feasts of the LORD” – the 26 episode Bible Prophecy 101 and 201 series.

1. China’s Confessions 神州福音史跡 (Movie)

(With English Subtitle.) The Most High ShangDi in Chinese especially in Cantonese prononciation= El Shaddai in Hebrew

 China . . . known to the Chinese people as: “神州- The Land of The Most High Creator” since the beginning of its recorded history raises a very interesting question: How did the Chinese people lose their belief and their tradition of worship in their Most High ShangDi over the last five thousand years of endless and painful Chinese history?The film is based on Mr.Yuan Zhi Ming’s book, ” Land of the Most High-CHINA’s Confessions” exploring the history of this five thousand years of Chinese beliefs, and searches for the missing Most High ShangDi against the backdrop of China’s history. (With English Subtitle.)
Source 影片來源:。(YahArise is a non commercial channel)有「神州」之稱的中國由創邦開始,怎樣由敬畏神到失落神? 五千年歷史的大國,經歷了五千年連綿不絕的慘痛,人所尋找的盼望及福份往那裡去找呢?


Please click here for PDF free to download link:
The internet has opened up many opportunities for studying China’s history, and even tracing it back to Noah.  This article explores some of the excellent information and resources now available.


To begin, it is necessary to understand Chinese naming conventions.   In Chinese, a name is made up of a family name (surname), which is written first, and then the personal name. Family names are usually of one character each, although there are exceptions like Ouyong and Situ. There are over 6,000 Chinese surnames for about 1 billion people.   Chinese who have the same surname have much more loyalty to someone else who has the same surname than Americans with the same surname have.


In mainland China the top five family names are Chen, Li, Zhang, He, and Huang.  The Li surname has a long history which goes back to a specific person named Emperor Zhuanzu who was the first Li and lived before 2000 B.C. This is according to the Xing Zuan, the Chinese dictionary of surnames. The Li family has a long history in China with many stories. During the Tang Dynasty about 15 different surnames were given the honor of having the Li surname. Li Yuan was the founder of the Tang Dynasty which lasted from 618 to 906 A.D. His son who ruled after him was Li Shimin. In their dynasty, printing and paper money were introduced to China.

Further information about Chinese names comes by way of the Message Board URL :

”… If anyone is interested in family genealogy for descendants of China’s Chou Dynasty, one source of information in my family’s genealogy homepage at The Chou Dynasty is China’s current Imperial family, which resides abroad, outside of China, in Hawaii, in the United States of America. The Chou Dynasty in Hawaii currently consist of approximately 70% of the main prince lineages of the Ch’ing Dynasty and 40-60% of the main lineages of the Ming Dynasty. All of these people have lived in America (Hawaii), now, for three generations or more and are loyal American citizens, holding a belief in democracy and Christianity. If you can not e-mail me, you can write by postal letter to: Chou Dynasty, P.O. Box 4604, Honolulu, Hawaii 96812. Send me your e-mail address for a return reply… I am a descendant of many of China’s great families and I am related to many famous lineages of China. If anyone is doing any serious history or genealogy research on these people or families, I would like to help or get involved. You may write to me by postal mail. Their names are given below:

Chou Dynasty and related family surnames of Chow (Chou, Zhou), Lum (Lin), Chang (Cheng), Goo (Ku), Wu (Wo, Woo), Ing (Ng), Ching (Cheng), Ho, Chiang, Mau (Mao), Choy (Tsai), Sun, Yap (Yip, Ye, Yeh), Wong (Wang), Lai, Kee (Ke), Kwock (Kwok, Kok, Kuo, Guo, Kop), Lau (Liu), Loui (Lui), Dang (Teng, Tang, Deng, Dung), Siu (Hsiu, Hsiao) and Young (Yang, Yong). Also, included: Chock (Cheuk, Cho), Tom (Tan, Tam) and Aisin-Gioro.

…The Chou lineage, which I am from are descendants of the migration to Taiyuan (around 300 BC) and Hsienbei ancestry (Northern Dynasties of the Tuoba clan 386 BC to 600 BC). My lineage can be traced to The Chou Dynasty, Northern Chou Dynasty, and Later Chou Dynasty.

I am part-Mongolian, part-Manchurian, but mostly Chinese. My Mongolian lineage can be traced back to Tamucin. I am a 28th generation descendant wanting to meet and contact family members around the world or people interested and/or doing research on the Mongolian history and genealogy. I am a 6th generation descendant of Tao Kuang (Min Ning) and second-cousin to China’s late Premier Zhou Enlai. By marriage-ties created by Chou P’an Lung, I am a second-cousin to the late Sun Yat-sen and the late Chiang Kai-shek.

Lester D.K. Chow
P.O. Box 4604
Honolulu, Hawaii 96812”

So Lester Chow’s historical research is mainly found at .   And those engaging in historical research of China may want to begin there.

But there are other sites with information as well.  For example, here is information Lester Chow posted regarding the origin of various Chinese surnames:

“Origin of Various Surnames,
by Lester D. K. Chow.

When researching the origin of Chinese family surnames,
we accept, in a general sense, the old 100 surname chart
of Emperor Huang Di. Some families, though, have their
own specific origin, which comes from a time prior to
China’s early history.

A good example of this is the original Chou Dynasty
(1122 BC – 249 BC). The following surnames come from
the Chou Dynasty and represents the families of various
Chou Dynasty Kings and Princes: Chow (Chou, Zhou, Jou),
Lum (Lin), Chang (Cheng), Goo (Ku), Wu (Wo, Woo), Ing
(Ng), Ching (Cheng), Ho, Chiang, Mau (Mao), Choy (Tsai),
Sun, Yap (Yip, Ye, Yeh), Wong (Wang), Lai, Kee (Ke),
Kwock (Kwok, Kok, Kuo, Guo, Kop), Lau (Liu), Loui (Lui),
Dang (Teng, Tang, Deng, Dung, Thien), Siu (Hsiu, Hsiao)
and Young (Yang, Yong). Also, included with the Chou
Dynasty surnames, above, are: Chock (Cheuk, Cho) and Tom
(Tan, Tam).

So, if your surname is any of the above, you are a
descendant of China’s Imperial Chou Dynasty. Family
genealogy can be found at our site…   The Chou Clansmen Association Homepage .”

And here was a question posed to Lester Chow, and his response:
“> Hello Lester Chow, Your Genealogy of Mankind is fascinating.  In the Genealogy, you present the Yellow Emperor  (the  man held to be one of the two progenitors of the Han  Chinese race)

The Yellow Emperor is the progenitor of the Han-Chinese race. He is not one of two, he is “the” progenitor. It is the Chou clan people, according to history, and the Chi family (includes the Chow) that have
influenced and directed the “rivers (rivers of mankind in what is called China, today)” so as to direct Ham’s (Han) ancient civilization, out from under Put and out from under Magog. It is the Chou
and the Chi that have done this and have shaped (re-shaped) China’s entire civilization!

Hou Chi, family and friends, were only factors in shaping China’s entire civilization. Please re-read my site as you will find new meaning, now, with my explanation.  Huang Di may not have been the smartest, nor wisest, being a descendant of Ham in Nimrod’s camp. It is the Chou and Chi that really shaped China as my work brings this out.

HAM (憨 see Han; 咸 see Xian)

HAN (韓,韩,邗,罕,寒 see Hahn, Hon; 憨 see Ham, Hom)


…The genealogy text is a record, an accurate record of the Chou clan history, so this should be preserved by members of the Chou clan. Do you think they are worthy or caring enough to
devote their time and resources to doing this? Symbols of the past are important and past history should be preserved. The past teaches us lessons, that is why the Chou clan fathers recorded their history and genealogy, done from ancient times like I have done on my above-mentioned homepage. Can you guess how many in my own family are interested in preserving this kind of thing? How many are really worthy…

> In the Genealogy, you present the Yellow Emperor  (the  man held to be one of the two progenitors of the Han  Chinese race) to be one of the sons of Put. This is  very interesting because the man Put was mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 10:6) as the son of Ham, the son of  Noah. If the Yellow Emperor was truly the son of Put like you claim, then most Chinese clans would be able to trace there lineage up to Adam! I think all Chinese clan associations will be interested.

Being a descendant of Put, may not be a complimentary thing. If one was to find out that their lot is an evil one, one would reject that info as not being true. It is always best to face truth as truth makes better persons. By realizing our past flaws and failings (the same said of our ancestors), we can chart a better, more productive, and upright path for the future. This is the message that I bring, not a
doom and gloom  one.  I think my genealogy text says that Huang Di is the eleventh son of Put.  … Understanding past history is important, because it allows us to understand ourselves…”

Here is an excerpt from the website :


Chinese Rulers and Emperors

In History, Mythology, and Folklore

“Early Chinese history is derived from archaeological evidence and (with due caution) later legend.  More systematic history begins with the Shang and particularly the Zhou dynasties.  This early political period, vital in Chinese cultural development, ends in 221 B.C.E. with the establishment of a more powerful state.” [1]
“Chinese emperors had many names – a family name, reign titles, and a temple name as well as a multitude of honorary titles.  The first Ming emperor, for example, was born Zhu Yuanzhang (Zhu was his family name).  When he declared himself emperor he took the reign title Hongwu (‘Vast Military Power’) and was known after his death by his temple name, Taizu (‘Surpreme Progenitor’).  Strictly speaking the reign title refers to a number of years and the correct usage is therefore ‘emperor of the Hongwu period’.  Ming and Qing emperors kept one reign title throughout their reign but many earlier emperors changed them to mark an auspicious event or the start of a new era and years were then dated from the start of such reign eras rather than from the emperor’s date of accession.” [2]
“The exact regulations governing the ranks of women in the imperial household varied.  A girl entered the palace as a concubine; if she became an imperial favourite, she was promoted to consort; if the emperor married her, she became empress.  Any concubine whose son became emperor became empress on her son’s accession (this frequently occurred posthumously).” [2]


Descent of Shang Dynasty Rulers from Adam and Eve

As Reckoned by Lester D. K. Chow [3]

Old TestamentDescendants

4026 – 3096 B.C.

Adam(Earthling man, mankind)

3896 – 2984 B.C.

Seth(Appointed, substituded)


Enosh(Enos = man)




Mahalalel(Praise of God, or God shines forth)

3566 – 2604 B.C.



Enoch(Initiated, or dedicated)

3229 – 2370 B.C.

Methuselah(Man of the dart/light spear)

3152 – 2375 B.C.

Lamech(A strong youth)

2970 – 2020 B.C.

Noah(Rest, or consolation)






Shelah(Established + place)


Eber(Be high gift from God)


Joktan(Tribe to sustain)


Jobab(Jehovah to hold)
Shang DynastyDescendants

1767 – 1121 B.C.

  Tang | T’ien I | Ch’eng T’ang(To rest on Harmony)
  Ta Ting“Great Authority”
  Ta Chia“Great Family/kindred”
  Ta Keng | T’ai Keng Hsiao | Keng Pien“Great Change”
  Ta Mou | T’ai Mou | Chung Tsung“To Say”
  Chung Ting“Center Authority”
  Tsu I“My Ancestors”
  Tsu Hsin“Ancestral Faith”
  Tsu Ting“Ancestral Authority”
  Hsiao I“Filial Am I”
  Wu Ting | Wo Ting | Kao Tsung“Military Authority”
  Tsu Chia“Ancestral Family
  K’ang Ting | Keng Ting‘Peace/Repose Authority”

r. 1123 B.C.

Wu I | Wu Tsu“Subject to Me”
  Wen-Wu Ting | T’ai Ting“Shen’s Authority”
  Fu I | Ti I | I“First Father”
  His Wen | Ti Hsin | Djou“Succession from Shen”
  Wu Keng“To Awaken Change”



Hsia | Xia Dynasty






As  Reckoned  by

Obsidian [5]

As Reckoned By

Yutopian [4]


  Yufl. 2100-2055 Xia Yu Di2205 – 2197 BC  
  Ch’Ifl. 2055-2016 Xia Qi(2,197 – 2188 B.C.)  
  Ta K’angfl. 2016-1986 Xia Tai Kang(2,188 – 2,159 B.C.)  
  Chung K’angfl. 1986-1977 Xia Zhong Kang(2,159 – 2,146 B.C.)  
  Hsiangfl. 1977-1970 > Xia Xiang(2,146 – 2,079 B.C.)  
  Shao K’ang Xia Shao Kang(2,079 – 2,057 B.C.)  
  Chu17 years Xia Zhu(2,057 – 2,040 B.C.)  
  Feng26 years Xia Huai(2,040 – 2,014 B.C.)  
  Huang Xia Man(2,014 – 1,996 B.C.)  
  Hsiehmore than 21 years Xia Xie(1,996 – 1,980 B.C.)  
  Pu Chiang69 years Xia Bu Jiang(1,980 – 1,921 B.C.)  
  Chiung21 years Xia Pian(1,921 – 1,900 B.C.)  
  Chin20 years Xia Li(1,900 – 1,879 B.C.)  
  K’ung Chia Xia Kung Jia(1,879 – 1,848 B.C.)  
  Kao3 years Xia Bo(1,848 – 1,837 B.C.)  
  Fa Xia Fa(1,837 – 1,818 B.C.)  
  Chiehfl. c. 1600 Xia Jie(1,818 – 1,783 B.C.)  



Shang Dynasty




As Reckoned by

Obsidian [5]

As Reckoned By

Yutopian [4]

As Reckoned By

K. L. Ross [6]

Ta Efl. c. 1600    
Pu Ping    
Nan Jen Shang Tang(1,783 – 1,753 B.C.) Ch’êng-t’ang1523 –
Ta Chia Shang Tai Jia(1,753 – 1,720 B.C.) T’ai-chia
Tsu Ting Shang Wo Ding1,720 – 1,691 B.C.) Wu-ling
Ta Keng Shang Tai Kang(1,691 – 1,666 B.C.) T’ai-kêng
Hsiao Chia Shang Xiao Jia(1,666 – 1,649 B.C.) Hsiao-chia
Yung Chi Shang Yong Ji(1,649 – 1,637 B.C.) Yung-chi
Ta Mou Shang Tai Wu(1,637 – 1,562 B.C.) T’ai-wu
Chung Ting Shang Zhong Ding(1,562 – 1,549 B.C.) Chung-ting
Pu Jen Shang Wai Ren(1,549 – 1,534 B.C.) Wai-jên
Chia Shang He Tan Jia(1,534 – 1,525 B.C.) Tsien-chia
Tsu E Shang Zu Yi(1,525 – 1,506 B.C.) Tsu-yi
Tsu Hsin Shang Zu Xing(1,506 – 1,490 B.C.) Tsu-hsin
Ch’iang Chia Shang Wo Jia(1,490 – 1,465 B.C.) Ch’iang-chia
Tsu Ting Shang Zu Ding(1,465 – 1,433 B.C.) Tsu-ting
Nan Keng Shang Nan Geng(1,433 – 1,408 B.C.) Nan-kêng
Chia Shang Yang Jia(1,408 – 1,401 B.C.) Hu-chia
Pan Kengc. 1325- ? Shang Pan Kang(1,401 – 1372 B.C.) P’an-kêng
Hsiao Hsin Shang Xiao Xing(1,372 – 1,352 B.C.) Hsiao-hsin
Hsiao E? -c. 1230 Shang Xiao Yi(1,352 – 1,324 B.C.) Hsiao-yi
Wu Tingc. 1230-c. 1171 Shang Wu Ding(1,324 – 1,265 B.C.) Wu-ting
Tsu Kengc. 1171-c. 1164 Shang Zu Geng(1,265 – 1,258 B.C.) Tsu-kêng
Tsu Chiac. 1164-c. 1131 Shang Zu Jia(1,258 – 1,235 B.C.) Tsu-chia
Hsiung Hsinc. 1131-c. 1127 Shang Bing Xing(1,235 – 1,219 B.C.) Lin-hsin
K’ang Tingc. 1127-c. 1123 Shang Geng Ding(1,219 – 1,198 B.C.) K’ang-tin
Wu Ec. 1123-c. 1088 Shang Wu Yi(1,198 – 1,194 B.C.) Wu-yi
Wen Wu Tingc. 1088-c. 1077 Shang Tai Ding(1,194 – 1,191 B.C.) Wên-wu-ting
Fu Ec. 1077-c. 1075 Shang Di Yi(1,191 – 1,154 B.C.) Ti-yi
Ti Hsinc. 1075-c. 1050 Shang Zhou(1,154 – 1,134 B.C.) Ti-hsin
Chou | Xi Zhou Dynasty

As Reckoned by

Obsidian [5]

As Reckoned By

Yutopian [4]

As Reckoned By

K. L. Ross [6]

Wuc. 1050-c. 1047 Zhou Wu Wang(1,134-1,115 B.C.) Wu Wang
Ch’engc. 1047-c. 1017 Zhou Cheng Wang(1,115-1,078 B.C.) Chêng Wang
K’angc. 1017-c. 992 Zhou Kang Wang(1,078 – 1,052 B.C.) K’ang Wang
Chaoc. 992-c. 973 Zhou Zhao Wang(1,052 – 1,001 B.C.) Chao Wang
Muc. 973-c. 918 Zhou Mu Wang(1,001 – 946 B.C.) Mu Wang
Kungc. 918-c. 903 Zhou Gong Wang(946 – 934 B.C.) Kung Wang
Ec. 903-c. 900 Zhou Yi Wang(934 – 909 B.C.) I Wang
Hsiaoc. 900-c. 893 Zhou Xiao Wang(909 – 894 B.C.) Hsiao Wang
Yic. 893-c. 861 Zhou Yi Wang(894 – 878 B.C.) I Wang
Lic. 861-827 Zhou Li Wang(878 – 827 B.C.) Li Wang878
Hsuan827-781 Zhou Xuan Wang(827 – 781 B.C.) Hsüan Wang827
Yu781-c. 772 Zhou You Wang(781 – 770 B.C.) Yu Wang781

From this time on, the structure of Chinese society became increasingly feudalized, as local provinces became increasingly autonomous. Formal recognition of the Chou Emperors was retained, but real power fell more and more into the hands of petty Kingdoms within China.


Dong Zhou Dynasty




As Reckoned by

Obsidian [5]

As Reckoned By

Yutopian [4]

As Reckoned By

K. L. Ross [6]

Pingc. 772-719 with… Zhou Ping Wang(770-719 B.C.) P’ing Wang770
Hsi Wang770-760    
Huan719-696 Zhou Huan Wang(719 – 696 B.C.) Huan Wang719
Chuang696-681 Zhou Zhuang Wang(696 – 683 B.C.) Chuang Wang696
His681-675 Zhou Xi Wang(683 –676 B.C.) Hsi Wang681
T’ui675-673 with… Zhou Hui Wang(676 – 651 B.C.) Hui Wang676
Hui675-c. 651    
Hsiangc. 651-c. 618 with… Zhou Xian Wang(651 – 618 B.C.) Hsiang Wang651
Shu Tai636-635    
Ch’ingc. 618-612 Zhou Qing Wang(618 – 612 B.C.) Ch’ing Wang618
K’uang612-606 Zhou Kuang Wang(612 – 606 B.C.) K’uang Wang612
Ting606-585 Zhou Ding Wang(606 –585 B.C.) Ting Wang606
Chien585-571 Zhou Jian Wang(585 – 571 B.C.) Chien Wang585
Ling571-544 Zhou Ling Wang(571 – 544 B.C.) Ling Wang571
Ching (I)544-520 Zhou Jing Wang(544 – 519 B.C.) Ching Wang544
Ching (II)519-c. 476 Zhou Jing Wang(519 – 476 B.C.) Ching Wang
YuanCc. 476-c. 469 Zhou Yuan Wang(476 – 468 B.C.) Yüan Wang475
Tingc. 469-c. 440 Zhou Zhen Ding Wang(468 – 441 B.C.) Chêng-ting Wang468
K’aoc. 440- ? with… Zhou Ai Wang(441 – 441 B.C.) K’ao Wang440
Ai440 and…    
Ssu440 and… Zhou Si Wang(441 – 440 B.C.)  
Hsi Chou Huan Kung Zhou Kao Wang(440 – 425 B.C.)  
Wei Lieh425- ? with… Zhou Wei Li Wang(425 – 401 B.C.) Wei-lieh Wang425
Hsi Chou Wei Kung    

By this point the Chou monarchy had lost all control over provincial dynasties, and the remaining Chou era is known as the “Warring States” period, as various local states contended for the Mandate of Heaven.

Anc. 401- ? with… Zhou An Wang(401 – 375 B.C.) An Wang401
Hsi Chou Hui Kung    
Lieh375-368 with… Zhou Lie Wang(375 – 368 B.C.) Lieh Wang375
Hsi Chou Wu Kung? – ? and…    
Tung Chou Hui Kung367-359 and then…    
Heien368- ? with… Zhou Xian Wang(368 – 320 B.C.) Hsien Wang368
Hsi Chou Wen Kung? -249 (sic) and…    
Tung Chou Wu Kung359- ? then…    
Shen Ching320-314 Zhou Shen Ling Wang(320 – 314 B.C.) Shên-ching Wang320
Nan314-256 Zhou Bao Wang(314 – 255 B.C.) Nan Wang314-256
  Zhou Hui Wang(255 – 221 B.C.)  



Chin | Qin | Ch’in Dynasty

As Reckoned by

Obsidian [5]

As Reckoned By

Yutopian [4]

As Reckoned By

K. L. Ross [6]

As Reckoned By

A. Paludan [2]


Chao-hsiang Wang



Hsiao-wên Wang



Chuang-hsing Wang



Shihuangdi (Zheng)


Qin Shi Huang Di

(246 – 210 B.C.)

Wang Chêng


(changes his name to)



Qin Shihuangdi

221 BC – 210 BC

Er Shi (Hu Hai)


Qin Er Shi

(209 – 207 B.C.)



Hu Hai

Er Shi | Ershihuangdi

210 BC – 207 BC



Qin San Shi

(207 – 206 B.C.)


Ziying | Sanshihuangdi

207 BC – 207 BC

Reigned 46 days


Western Han | Hàn | Xi Han Dynasty




As Reckoned by

Obsidian [5]

As Reckoned By

Yutopian [4]

As Reckoned By

K. L. Ross [6]

As Reckoned By

A. Paludan [2]

Gaodi (Liu Bang)206-195 Han Gao Zu – Liu Bang(206 – 194 B.C.)

Kao Tsu
Liu Pang


Liu Bang | Liu JiGaodi | Gaozu206 BC – 195 BC
  Chu Ba Wang(206 – 202 B.C.)    
Huidi (Liu Ying)195-188 Han Hui Di(194 – 187 B.C.)

Hui Ti
Liu Ying


Liu YingHuidi195 BC – 188 BC
Shaodi Kong188-180with… Han Lu Hou(187 – 179 B.C.)

Lu Hou (f)
Lu Chih


Lu Zhi | Lu Hou(Regent for Shaodi Kong and Shaodi Hong)188 BC – 180 BC
Shaodi Hong188-180      
Wendi (Liu Heng)180-157 Han Wen Di(179 – 156 B.C.)

Wên Ti
Liu Heng


Liu HengWendi180 BC – 157 BC
Jingdi (Liu Qi)157-141 Han Jing Di(156 – 140 B.C.)

Ching Ti
Liu Ch’I


Liu QiJingdi157 BC – 141 BC
Wudi (Liu Che)141-87 Han Wu Di(140 – 86 B.C.)

Wu Ti
Liu Ch’e


Liu CheWudi141 BC –  87 BC
Zhaodi (Liu Fuling)87-74 Han Zhao Di(86 – 74 B.C.)

Chao Ti
Liu Fu-ling


Liu FulingZhaodi87 BC – 74 BC
Xuandi (Liu Bingyi)74-49 Han Xuan Di(74 – 49 B.C.)

Hsüan Ti
Liu Ping-I


Liu Bingyi | Liu XunXuandi74 BC – 49 BC
Yuandi (Liu Shi)49-33 Han Yuan Di(49 – 32 B.C.)

Yüan Ti
Liu Shih


Liu ShiYuandi49 BC –  33 BC
Chengdi (Liu Ao)33-7 Han Cheng Di(32 – 6 B.C.)

Ch’eng Ti
Liu Ao


Liu Ao | Liu AuChengdi33 BC –   7 BC
Aidi (Liu Xin)7-1 Han Ai Di(6 – 0 B.C.)

Ai Ti
Liu Hsin

6 BC

Liu XinAidi7 BC –   1 BC
Pingdi (Liu Jizi)1 BCE-6 CE Han Ping Di(0 – 6 A.D.)

P’ing Ti
Liu Chi-tzu

1 AD

Liu Jizi | Liu KanPingdi1 BC –   6 AD
Ruzi (Liu Ying)6-9  

Liu Ying


Liu YingRuzi7 –   9
      Wang Mang9 –  23

Note: Wang Mang founded the Xin (‘New’) dynasty, but it is not recognized by official historians.

Hsin | Xin Dynasty
  As Reckoned ByYutopian [4]

As Reckoned By

K. L. Ross [6]

  Wang Mang(? – 23 A.D.) Wang Mang9  
  Han Wei Yang Wang – Liu Xuan(23 – 25 A.D.) Huai-yang Wang23  




Eastern Han Dynasty
25 – 220



Eastern Han Dynasty
25 – 220

 25 –  57

Liu Xiu | Guang Wudi | Guangwudi

 57 –  75

Liu Yang | Liu Zhuang | Mingdi

 75 –  88

Liu Da | Zhangdi

 88 – 106

Liu Zhao | Hedi

106 – 106

Liu Long | Shangdi

106 – 125

Liu Yu | Liu Hu | Andi

125 – 144

Liu Bao | Shundi

144 – 145

Liu Bing | Chongdi

145 – 146

Liu Zuan | Zhidi

146 – 168

Liu Zhi | Huandi

168 – 189

Liu Hong | Lingdi

189 – 220

Liu Xie | Xiandi

The Three Kingdoms Period
220 – 280


Wei Kingdom
220 – 264

220 – 226

Cao Pi | Wendi

227 – 239


240 – 253


254 – 260

Gao Gui Xiang Gong

260 – 264


Wu Kingdom
222 – 280

222 – 252

Sun Quan | Wu Wudi

252 – 258


258 – 264


264 – 280


Shu Han Kingdom
221 – 263

221 – 223

Liu Bei | Shu Han Xuande | Zhaoliedi

223 – 263

Hou Zhu

The Period of Disunion
265 – 589


Western Jin
265 – 316

265 – 289

Sima Yuan | Sima Yan | Jin Wudi

290 – 306

Sima Zhong | Huidi

307 – 312

Sima Zhi | Huaidi

313 – 316

Sima Ye | Mindi

Eastern Jin
317 – 419

317 – 322

Sima Rui | Yuandi

323 – 325

Sima Shao | Mingdi

326 – 342

Sima Yan | Chengdi

343 – 344

Sima Yue | Kangdi

345 – 361

Sima Dan | Mudi

362 – 365

Sima Pi | Aidi

366 – 370

Sima Yi | Hai Xi Gong | Haixigong

371 – 372

Sima Yu | Jian Wendi | Jianwendi

373 – 396

Sima Yao | Xiao Wudi | Xiaowudi

397 – 418

Sima Dezong | Andi

419 -419

Sima Dewen | Gongdi

Liu Song Dynasty
420 -479


420 – 422

Liu Yu | Song Wudi

423 – 423

Liu Yifu | Ying Yang Wang

424 – 453

Liu Yilong | Wendi

454 – 464

Liu Jun | Xiao Wudi

465 – 472

Liu Yu | Mingdi

473 – 476

Liu Ye | Cang Wu Wang

477 – 479

Liu Jun | Shundi

Qi Dynasty
479 -501

479 – 482

Xiao Daocheng | Qi Gaodi

483 – 493

Xiao Ze | Wudi

494 – 498

Xiao Luan | Mingdi

499 – 500

Xiao Bao Chuan | Dong Hunhou

501 -501


Liang Dynasty
502 – 556

502 – 549

Xiao Yan | Liang Wudi

550 – 550

Xiao Gang | Jian Wendi

551 – 551

Yu Zhang Wang

552 – 554

Xiao Yi | Yuandi

555 – 556

Xiao Fangzhi | Jingdi

557 – 589

557 -559

Chen Baxian | Wudi

560 – 566

Chen Qian | Wendi

567 – 568

Chen Bozong | Lin Hai Wang

569 – 582

Chen Xu | Xuandi

583 – 589

Chen Shubao | Hou Zhu

Sui and Tang Dynasties
581 – 907


Sui Dynasty
581 – 618

581 – 604

Yang Jian | Wendi

604 – 617

Yang Guang | Yangdi

617 – 618

Yang Yu | Gongdi

Tang Dynasty
618 – 907

618 – 626

Li Yuan | Gaozu

626 – 649

Li Shimin | Taizong

649 – 683

Li Zhi | Gaozong

684 – 684

Li Zhe | Zhongzong

684 – 690

Li Dan | Ruizong

690 – 705

Wu Zhao | Wu Zetian

705 – 710

Li Zhe | Zhongzong

710 – 712

Li Dan | Ruizong

712 – 756

Li Longji | Xuanzong

756 – 762

Li Yu | Li Heng | Suzong

762 – 779

Li Yu | Daizong

779 – 805

Li Shi | Dezong

805 – 805

Li Song | Shunzong

805 – 820

Li Chun | Xianzong

820 – 824

Li Heng | Muzong

824 – 827

Li Zhan | Jingzong

827 – 840

Li Ang | Wenzong

840 – 846

Li Yan | Wuzong

846 – 859

Li Chen | Li Zhen | Xuanzong

859 – 873

Li Wen | Li Cui | Yizong

873 – 888

Li Yan | Xizong

888 – 904

Li Jie | Li Yi | Zhaozong

904 – 907

Li Zhu | Adi | Zhaoxuan | Aizong

Five Dynasties Period
907 – 960


Later Liang
907 – 923

907 – 910

Zhu Wen | Liang Taizu

911 – 923


Later Tang
923 – 935

923 – 926

Tang Zhuangzong

926 – 935


934 – 935


Later Jin
936 – 947

936 – 944


944 – 947


Later Han
947 – 951

947 – 948


948 – 951


Later Zhou
951 – 960

951 – 954


954 – 960






Northern and Southern Song
960 – 1279



Northern Song
960 – 1126


960 – 976

Zhao Kuangyin | Taizu

976 – 997

Zhao Guangyi | Zhao Kuangyi | Taizong

998 – 1022

Zhao Dechang | Zhao Heng | Zhenzong

1022 – 1063

Zhao Zhen | Renzong

1064 – 1067

Zhao Shu | Yingzong

1068 – 1085

Zhao Xu | Shenzong

1086 – 1101

Zhao Xu | Zhezong

1101 – 1125

Zhao Ji | Huizong

1126 – 1126

Zhao Huan | Qinzong

Southern Song
1127 – 1279

1127 – 1162

Zhao Gou | Gaozong

1163 – 1190

Zhao Bozong | Zhao Shen | Xiaozong

1190 – 1194

Zhao Dun | Guangzong

1195 – 1224

Zhao Kuo | Ningzong

1225 – 1264

Zhao Yuju | Zhao Tian | Lizong

1265 – 1274

Zhao Mengqi | Zhao Qi | Duzong

1275 – 1275

Zhao Xian | Gongzong | Gongdi

1276 – 1278

Zhao Shi | Duanzong

1279 – 1279

Zhao Bing | Bing Di




Yuan Dynasty1279 – 1368



Yuan Dynasty
1279 – 1368

1279 – 1294

Khubilai Khan | Shizu

1294 – 1307

Temur Oljeitu | Chengzong

1308 – 1311

Khaishan | Wuzong

1311 – 1320

Ayurbarwada | Ayurbadrabal | Renzong

1321 – 1323

Shidebala | Shoodbal | Yingzong

1323 – 1328

Yesun Temur | Yesuntemur | Taiding |Taidingdi

1328 – 1329

Tugh Temur | Asugbal | Wenzong Tianshundi

1329 – 1329

Tugh Khoshila | Hooshal | Mingzong

1329 – 1332

Tugh Temur | Tugtemur | Wenzong

1333 – 1368

Toghon Temur | Togontemur | Shundi




Ming Dynasty1368 – 1644



Ming Dynasty
1368 – 1644

1368 – 1398

Zhu Yuanzhang | Zhu Yuanzhong | Hongwu | Taizu

1399 -1402

Zhu Yunwen | Jianwen | Huidi

1403 – 1424

Zhu Di | Yongle | Chengzu

1424 – 1425

Zhu Gaozhi | Hongxi | Renzong

1426 – 1435

Zhu Zhanji | Xuande | Xuanzong

1436 – 1449

Zhu Qizhen | Zhengtong | Tianshun | Yingzong

1450 – 1457

Zhu Qiyu | Jingtai | Jengdi

1457 – 1464

Zhu Qizhen | Zhengtong | Tianshun | Yingzong

1465 – 1487

Zhu Jianshen | Zhu Jianji | Zhu Jianru | Chenghua | Xianzong

1488 – 1505

Zhu Yutang | Hongzhi | Xiaozong

1506 – 1521

Zhu Houzhao | Zhengde | Wuzong

1522 – 1567

Zhu Houcong | Zhu Houzong | Jiahing | Shizong

1567 – 1572

Zhu Zaihou | Longqing | Muzong

1573 – 1620

Zhu Yizhun | Zhu Yijun | Wanli | Shenzong

1620 – 1620

Zhu Changle | Zhu Changluo | Taichang | Guangzong

1621 – 1627

Zhu Yujiao | Tianqi | Xizong

1628 – 1644

Zhu Yujian | Chongzhen | Zhongzhen | Sizong




Qing Dynasty1644 – 1911



Qing Dynasty
1644 – 1911

1644 – 1661

Fulin | Shunzhi | Shizu

1661 – 1722

Xuan Ye | Xuanye | Kangxi | Shengzu

1723 – 1735

Yinchen | Yinzhen | Yongzheng | Shizong

1736 – 1795

Hongli | Qianlong | Gaozong

1796 – 1820

Yongyan | Jiajing | Renzong

1821 – 1850

Min Ning | Minning | Daoguang | Xuanzong

1851 – 1861

Yichu | Yizhu | Xianfeng | Wenzong

1862 – 1874

Zaichun | Tongzhi | Muzong

1875 – 1908

Zai Tian | Zaitian | Guangxu | Dezong

1909 – 1911

Aisin Gioro Puyi | Henry Puyi | Xuandi | Xuantong | Xuanzong



[1] Stearns, Peter N., General Editor, The Encyclopedia of World History, Sixth Edition, 2001, ISBN 0‑395‑65237‑5.
[2] Paludan, Ann, Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors: The Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers of Imperial China, 1998, ISBN 0‑500‑05090‑2.
[3] Chow, Lester D. K., Chou Dynasty, 2001.
[4] Yutopian, Chinese Culture: History, 2000.
[5] Obsidian, Regnal Chronologies: China, 2002.
[6] Ross, Kelley L., Emperors of the Sangoku, The “Three Kingdoms,” of India, China, & Japan, 2001.


Go to the index for People in History, Mythology, and Folklore




Here is information from FAQ: About China’s Imperial Family :

“   a) The Chou Dynasty is China's most benevolent and longest lasting
      dynasty in the history of China (800 years).
   b) The descendants of the Chou along with the people of the Chi
      grouping are Shemites, descendants of Shem, as opposed to the Han
      (Hamite, descendants of Ham) people of China.
   c) By their ancient paternal lineage, they are an ancient Hebrew tribe
      of people who migrated or were sinocized into the Han-Chinese race.
      They could be classified, today, by their ancient paternal lineage,
      as being Caucasian, Middle Eastern, or Arab.
   d) The primary essence of the Chou was the worship of God and obedience
      to God's leanings.  From the Chou Dynasty comes China's knowledge of
      God and Heaven.  In ancient times, people were in darkness and Nimrod
      took his people (Hamites) away from the knowledge of God.  Written
      language ceased to exist and man denigrated into a low and debased
      state of existence.  The Chou Dynasty and Chi grouping of people
      brought back civilization and a godly (organized) form of existence
      to China in the form of an upright feudal state.  From this early
      beginning, all of China's cyclical patterns derive.
   e) The Chow clan begins with a man named Jobab (Jo.ab or Jo.bah), who
      was born in 2206 BC, after whom the Chou or Chow Dynasty and clan
      gets its name (Chou is prounced as "Jo").
   f) The Chou history, though, according to Chou clan records, goes back
      to the era around 3896-2984 BC and to a time around 1366 BC with the
      founding of their family's dynasty structure.
   g) In 1122 BC, the Chou Dynasty begins its formal reign of China.  The
      Chou Dynasty ends in 256 BC giving the Chou Dynasty a reign of 866
      years, the longest in China's history.
   h) The Chou (Jo) clan people are originally from the Wei river valley,
      in northern China, which is a valley which resembles their original
      home in the Middle East, an ancient village, later named Hassuna
      (formerly the village of Joktan), which was located across the Tigris
      River, south of Calneh, during the time of Nimrod's rule.  The
      Chinese word wei's main meaning or root is "terrorize," which is what
      Nimrod did to many ancient cities during his day.
   i) The essence of the Chou, therefore, is a godly one, ever since the
      early beginnings of its history, in 3896, until today, the leaders
      of the dynasty and clan, if they are true to their faith, hopefully,
      were good and upright leaders in whatever endeavor they chose to
      undertake.  Virtue, benevolence, and true worship of God is what the
      Chou is all about…” :

History of Jew Surname
The following is a letter I received from Lester Chow, a leading researcher of the Zhou/Chou/Chow lineage:November 2, 2003Lester D.K. Chow
P.O. Box 4604
Honolulu, Hawaii 96812
Tel: (808) 538-1855
mailto: lchow@nospam.lava.netRebecca Jew
3131 N. 70th St.
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
mailto:rebelynn@cox.netI am writing to say that I like your genealogy homepage.  It certainly looks nice and it has the appearance of being professionally done. That’s to your credit.  Good work!  I am writing to give you an update on our Jew/Chow genealogy sites:1. The new url for the Chow genealogy site is
2. The Chou Clansmen Association site ( has been taken down and will be relocated to and (our trade names), when we are ready.  We do not have enough members and we are currently experiencing financial problems.  Our Hawaii USA lineage represents the main lineage of the entire Chou Dynasty.

Origin of the Jew surname
When we, Chinese, came to America, our family surname was Romanized in many different ways. In mainland China, because people use Chinese characters in writing, our family name is always the same. Indigenous Han-Chinese people use only one character as their surname, for example surnames like Chow, Chang, Ching, Lum, Wong, and Sung are composed of only one Chinese character.  The correct and generally used Romanization is Chow in Cantonese and Zhou in Pinyin.  Variations have been created in the West, sometimes, to signify a certain lineage or family legacy.  For example, the main lineage of the Chou Dynasty (going back to the following dynasties: Chou Dynasty 1122-256 BC, Northern Chou Dynasty 557-581 AD, Later Chou Dynasty 951-960 AD, and Modern Chou Dynasty 1644-2003 AD), a dynasty family comprised of over 20 Chinese family surnames, goes by the surname of Chow.  A secondary lineage, from the Northern Chou Dynasty, uses Jue as their surname, after their founding branch ancestor.

The proper Romanization of our family name, today, is Chow in Cantonese and Zhou in Mandarin (Pinyin).  We use the Romanization of Chou (Zhou in Pinyin) to signify our dynasty in accord with Chinese custom.  The name Chow (Chow, Zhou, or Chou), pronounced as Jo in the Middle East and China, comes from our family’s early Hebrew or Shemite origin in the Fertile Crescent (3896-1900 BC).

We are not Jews.  The Chow clan is an early Hebrew tribe (about 200 years prior to the time of Abram), also called Shemites, descendants of Eber, who resided in Hassuna in Iraq as their village. Every tribe had their own God-given land, where they resided.  Hassuna in Iraq was our family’s village (city, hometown).  In 2205 BC Nimrod, an evil and wicked warlord, an opposer to God, took his people and absorbed (sinocized) other people and (took) their lands up and down the Tigris River and throughout the Fertile Crescent.  Asshur, Calah, Nineveh, and Khorsabad are cities, where the descendants of Jobab resided alongside of the descendants of Asshur, that were claimed in the name of Nimrod.

Generally, Chinese people with the surname of Jew are descendants of the Chou Dynasty (carrying the “Jo” surname) whose surnames were Romanized as such to honor our family’s Hebrew heritage in America.  In 2086 BC or around that time period there lived a man, a descendant of Jobab, named Ju in China.  His name meant to eat greens instead of eating meat, because in days of old God had commanded it.  The Chou clan, being the family in mainland China that brought and held the worship of God in China, throughout history has memorialized Ju.  And so upon our arrival to the United States of America, some family members were called Ju, after one of our founding ancestors.  The name Ju was, somehow, Romanized in a Christian way and the Chinese surname of Jew came

Other Jew/Chow links:

Copyright (c) Lester
D.K. Chow 1985-2003


Copyright information
contained in the above letter.



So the internet provides fertile ground for research in China’s history, even back to the time of Noah.

3. “Baru atta YAHUWAH, the Aloahiym of Shem” (Gen. 9:26)


 Click here for PDF free to download file:


With Noah’s words of blessings, “Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem” God has given a prophecy to mankind.  Shem is one of Noah’s three sons.  Yahweh is the God of Shem and the Lord Jesus Christ is a direct descendant of Shem. (Lk. 3:23-38)  We know that Shem had five sons named Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram. (Gen. 10:22)  Jesus’ ancestry came from Arphaxad.  The genealogy of Shem is traced to Abraham. (Gen. 11:10-32)  In Genesis 12 God made a covenant with Abraham.


“I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.  I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Gen. 12:2-3)


The blessings that God bestowed to Abraham have been fulfilled in the nation of Israel and the Messiah Jesus.  Indeed “all the families of the earth” are truly blessed by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is also the God of Shem.


There is much  information in the Bible concerning the descendants of Arphaxad but little is written about the other four sons of Shem.  The line of descendants of Joktan continued in their migration towards the east after the flood (Gen.10:30-32) There is evidence in anthropology that some of the descendants of Shem gradually settled down in Asia particularly China.     Some Chinese family names are traced to Shem.   Many scholars believe that Isaiah 49:11-12 refer to China.  The Chinese, who are believed to be descendants of Noah’s son Shem, called themselves the Sine people. The Chinese word was Chin. The three criteria of Isaiah 49:11,12 are that the country must be east or south of Jerusalem; must be far from Jerusalem; and must be an important country to mention.  China meets all these criteria.


The earliest civilization in China showed their belief in the One True God, the Creator of the Universe.   They were worshiping the God of Shem.  The first prehistoric dynasty is said to be Xia () from about the twenty-first to the sixteenth century B.C.  The beginning of this period corresponds with the time that God called Abraham and made a covenant with him.  This is also the same period when China first developed its own form of writing.


I confess that my knowledge of Chinese writing is very small and limited, but I do know enough of it to share with you what I have learned through research on its co-relationship with the belief in the One True God.  Whereas the Abraham line of the Semitic race has developed the Hebrew written language based on sounds, the Chinese written language is based on pictures, symbols and signs. God gave the Hebrew people the Torah and He has given the Chinese picture words as a way of revealing His truths to them.  Let me show you a few of these words.


The first Chinese word I would like to illustrate is “create”. 


Here is the Chinese word   



zao – create 


         This word has a combination of four symbols or picture words

This stroke denotes life.      means earth.  

 means mouth or person     pertains to movement


A combination of these four symbols or picture words gives us the description of how God created man.


“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” (Gen. 2:7)



The next Chinese word we study is “righteousness”   



 yi – righteousness


This word has two words one above the other.

means sheep or lamb (at the top)

means I or me (at the bottom)


The Biblical meaning of “righteousness” refers to that only which God can impart on sinful man when He takes away his sin through the shedding of blood.  Abel’s sacrifice of an unblemished lamb was acceptable to God. (Gen. 4:4)  Abraham’s sacrifice of a ram in the place of Isaac is also acceptable to God. (Gen. 22:7-18)  The Chinese people have understood this truth at the very beginning of its civilization when they composed the word for righteousness by placing the word for lamb above the word for “I” or “me”.  The Chinese word for righteousness consists of the word at the top for “lamb” or sheep which, of course, refers to our Lord Jesus Christ who is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. (Jn. 1:29)  We can only receive God’s righteousness when we have the “Lamb of God” over us.


Now let us look at the Chinese word   that means I or me which is composed of two words. 

 means hand, and  means spear


The Chinese word   for righteousness has the word for “Lamb” over the word “me”.  The Lamb of God has become my substitute in death.  It  is also a prophecy of our Lord’s atonement for sin on the cross at Calvary.


“But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.” (Jn. 19:34)


This miracle combined the two events of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and His baptism on the Jordan River. This is the reason why our Lord said to John the Baptist at His baptism, “Permit it to be so now, for it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” (Mt. 3:15)  The apostle Paul wrote:  “Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?  Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, . . . (Rom. 6:3-4)



The next Chinese word that we shall consider is “ship”  .


chuan – ship


 This Chinese word is composed of three words

 means ship, boat or floating vessel.

 is the radical symbol for 8, eight.

means mouth or person.


When you have a pictogram of eight people in a boat what do you think this Chinese word refers to? Noah’s Ark, of course.  Just read what the Bible says.


“On the very same day Noah and Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and Noah’s wife and the three wives of his sons with them, entered the Ark.” (Gen. 7:13)


“. . . who formerly were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the Ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls were saved through water.” (1 Pet. 3:20)


How did the Chinese people know that eight people were saved in the Ark during the Great Flood?  It is easy!  Shem is the ancestor of the Chinese people.  When Shem’s descendants migrated to China they also brought with them stories of the Great Flood.  In fact many other countries also have stories of the Great Flood.  When the Chinese formulated their written language they just composed the word “ship” by using the three symbols of a floating vessel, eight and people.  This is also their way of preserving truth and history.


Our next Chinese word is “tower”  .


t’a – tower

This word is a combination of several words.

means earth or world

pertains to grass and plants

means unity – combination of

means people

means one

 means mouth, language


This Chinese word    fitly describes the “Tower of Babel”.


“Now the whole earth had one language and one speech . . . And they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over face of the earth.” (Gen. 2:1-4)


Our next Chinese word is “come”   .



lai – come


This word  has a cross (green) in the middle.  Two persons  (red) were hanging on both sides of the cross, and One Big Man  (red) was hanging at the bottom of the cross.


The Chinese word   is God’s invitation for all peoples of the  world to come to Him for salvation.  The two criminals who hung on either side of the Lord Jesus Christ represent mankind who is filled with sin and in need of salvation.  One believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, repented of his sins, was saved and promised a place in Paradise.  The other criminal did not.  The Big Man at the bottom of the cross represents the Lord Jesus Christ who bore the sins of mankind on His body.


“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” (2 Cor. 5:21)


“Come, now, and let us reason together,’ says the LORD,  Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be while as snow; Though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isa. 1:18)


The last Chinese word that we shall consider is “blessing”  .
fu – blessing
=     means Divine    
 means fill – combination of  
 one   +    mouth, person  +   field



“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.” (Psm. 33:12)


Although the One True God had revealed His truths to the Chinese people through their writings for thousands of years yet they have rejected Him and worshiped other gods.  Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism have been the major religions in China.  But Confucianism had the greatest impact on the Chinese society.  It was the State religion of China from 100 B.C. to 1,900 A.D. Buddhism was first introduced to China about 65 CE.  With the downfall of the Han Dynasty in 220 CE and the troubled chaotic period that followed, Buddhism was able to spread to different regions of China.  By the late 4th century, 90 percent of the people in the northwest region of China (closest to central Asia and the Silk Road) were Buddhists.  In 1949, the Chinese communists gained control of China. The Government officially condemned religions. As a result, most followers of religions lived outside mainland China. In 1970’s, however, the Communist Government relaxed its policy against religion and so, religion enjoyed a revival on the mainland.


In 1949 the estimate of the number of Christians in China was put at one million.  “The growth of the church in China has no parallels in history.” Researchers estimated 30-75 million Christians in 1990 as likely.   The State Statistical Bureau in China confidently estimated 63 million protestants and 12 million Catholics in 1992.   Compare this to the estimated 1,812,000 Protestants and 3,300,000 Catholics in 1949.   Most of the growth is in the unofficial house fellowship networks, and through the work of itinerant preachers and numerous local revival movements. The number of Christians in China has grown to an estimated total of between 100 million to 200 million. It is possible that in China currently thousands of new converts each day believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the God of Shem.


Our God is righteous and fair in all His dealings with mankind that consists of many nations with different languages.  This is only one of the ways that He reveals His truth to one ethnic race of people.  God wants to give every person on earth an equal opportunity to know Him.


“Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.”(Acts 10:34-35)


“For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Tim. 2:3-4)


“For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.  For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.  There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Gal. 3:26-29)


Our Lord Jesus Christ is the God of Shem. “Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem”


Link:   “The oldest passages of the Bible in Chinese Signs”


May Aloahiym Barak you

 This is a Sermon based on this Article was preached by Paul Wong to a Congregation in Houston, Texas on January 25, 2003 This Article was published on this Website on September 9, 2009

For comments please write first to:

以Isa 49:12 看哪,這些從遠方來;這些從北方、從西方來;這些從秦(原文作秦吶Sinae)國來。

In reference to the Qin Dynasty, the Scriptures reference such:   Isa 49:12: “Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.” –which is land of Qin. 

Standing at the magnificent and historic Great Wall of China (built by the emperor Qin Shi Huang during the Qin dynasty 260 BC-210 BC), this video reveals the divine mission of this most important information regarding the Lost Tribes of Israel pursuant to their travel along the Silk Route through ancient Persia, modern day Afghanistan and India, integrating into the Chinese culture and population approximately 800 years before the birth of the Messiah Yahushua. Traces of some ancient Jewish rituals have been observed in some places.
More than two thousand years ago from today, and due to subjugation especially from Syria, a very large number of the 10 Tribes from the Northern Kingdom of Israel, eventually settled in the Central Plains of China, assimilating and flourishing into the Chinese culture, becoming one of them. For example: During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), a Ming emperor conferred seven surnames upon the Jews, by which they are identifiable today: Ai (艾), Shi (石), Gao (高), Jin (金), Li (李), Zhang (張), and Zhao (趙); significance of the original seven Jewish clan’s family names: Ezra, Shimon, Cohen, Gilbert, Levy, Y’hoshua, and Yonathan, respectively
In short, portions of the Chinese people of today and the Jews (Yahudim of Israel) are actually connected through their bloodline as lost brothers dating back over this period of thousands of years, as well as by the Ruach [Galatians 3:18, 29]. Hence, all have the same promise of YAHUWAH as the seed of Abraham.
However, through the course of events over this same time, these tribal members and their offspring lost sight of the truth and significance of their lineage as brothers in YAHUWAH. Here, we are referring to the mysterious “disappearance of the ten tribes of Israel,” those who have been found to have resettled in China.
The location of these lost 10 Tribes has long been held as an enigma in Israel’s history. In the case of China, according to archeological records found inscribed on a large stone tablet, by the decedents of these people in the City of Kaifeng, China, their ancestors’ footsteps in China can be traced as early as the Shang Zhou Dynasty prior to 1000 BC However, this may not refer to the migration of Jews necessarily, but simply that there is a relationship dating to this time period.
In reference to the Qin Dynasty, the Scriptures reference such: Isa 49:12: “Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.”
(Scholars associated Sin with China, the root word of Sinim, Sinae resembling the Latinization of Qin, after the Qin (state), founded 778 BC and Qin dynasty, founded in 221 BC by Qin Shi Huang-Di. At the time of the prophecy there was no one China, but many small states.)

Throughout the history of China, wars, insurrections, and civil unrest were common and destroyed much of the historical evidence, especially under the emperor Qin Shi Huang, a totalitarian despotic ruler who was the first emperor of the Chin Dynasty. To protect his position and power base, he confiscated and burned most or all books that could have shed some light of this period of Chinese civilization, murdering huge segments of society that were both educated and regarded as scholars of their day. Given the carnage of this period, many witnesses to this account destroyed any evidence of their link to their heritage or anything that would bring to themselves immediate death to themselves , their families, and their clan. After Qin, there were other emperors that served to employ the same method of terrorism against their opposition, costing a further expenditure of many innocent lives. In modern Chinese history, the Cultural Revolution under Mao Zedong regime is a prime example, destroying a huge segment of valuable historical documents, books, and other information.
So unexpectedly, referring to the historical event of the “burning of books” during the Qin Dynasty, the recorded evidence of the connection between the two countries of Israel and China was destroyed or lost. However, hints of this unique heritage and connection in history still remain, waiting to be uncovered through more research.
Therefore, let the ashes and the cries of the ground speak forth. Listen (Shema). YAHUWAH is calling His lost sheep back to the Covenant of the House of Israel [Matt 10:6; 15:24; Luke 15:4, 6].
二千多年前,因著亡國,極大量的以色列人流落到中原, 融入了中華,開枝散葉。
Video Source 視頻源自:     歡迎到訪主網頁: & (English Site)其他相關題目:

Nestorian priests in a procession onPalm Sunday, in a 7th- or 8th-century wall painting from a Nestorian church in China,Tang Dynasty


The Nestorian Stele is a Tang Chinesestele erected in 781 AD that documents 150 years of history of early Christianity in China.[1] It includes texts both in Chineseand in Syriac. The Nestorian Stele entitled 大秦景教流行中國碑 “Stele to the propagation in China of the luminous religion of Daqin
Some information about Christianity in China:
Christianity in China has a history going back to the Tang dynasty (8th century), and today is the fastest growing minority religion in China.[clarification needed] Christianity in China comprises ProtestantsCatholics, and a small number of Orthodox Christians. Although its lineage in China is not as ancient as the institutional religions of Taoism and Mahayana Buddhism, and the social system and ideology of Confucianism,Christianity has existed in China since at least the seventh century and has gained influence over the past 200 years.[2][3]

The growth has been particularly significant since the loosening of restrictions on religion by the People’s Republic since the economic reform in the late 1970s. Religious practices are still often tightly controlled by government authorities. Chinese over age 18 in the PRC are permitted to be involved with officially sanctioned Christian meetings through the “China Christian Council“, “Three-Self Patriotic Movement” or the “Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association“.[4] Many Chinese Christians also meet in “unregistered” house church meetings. Reports of sporadic persecution against such Christians in Mainland China have caused concern among outside observers.[5] Today, the Chinese government acknowledges 14 million Christians in China, but it is believed that there are an additional 70 million not included in that figure.[6]

    A Rare Look At Secret House Churches in China

How Many Christian In China 中國目前基督徒人數有多少?

There are 31 provinces, Municipalities and Administrative Regions in China (plus Hong Kong and Macau). We have provided estimates for every kind of Christian, for each city and county in China (2,371 in total.)
China         中国
Protestants Catholics Christians
Cities & Census Current Year TOTAL TOTAL % of current
Province Counties 2000 2011 TSPM[1] House church PROTESTANTS CPA[2] House church CATHOLICS TOTAL Population
Anhui 78 58,999,948 64,711,143 2,833,821 5,730,882 8,564,703 255,939 416,093 672,032 9,236,735 14.27%
Beijing 15 13,569,194 14,882,692 95,094 416,715 511,809 92,620 67,567 160,187 671,996 4.52%
Chongqing 31 30,512,763 33,466,398 402,738 1,495,325 1,898,063 251,242 457,820 709,062 2,607,125 7.79%
Fujian 69 34,154,222 37,460,351 1,880,885 1,572,184 3,453,069 907,550 1,000,191 1,907,741 5,360,810 14.31%
Gansu 81 25,124,282 27,556,312 350,731 760,109 1,110,840 52,457 104,915 157,372 1,268,212 4.60%
Guangdong 98 85,225,007 93,474,788 821,469 2,641,122 3,462,591 298,409 489,887 788,296 4,250,887 4.55%
Guangxi 90 43,854,538 48,099,657 183,878 594,012 777,890 66,873 133,747 200,620 978,510 2.03%
Guizhou 82 35,247,695 38,659,672 634,815 1,100,325 1,735,140 99,734 199,468 299,202 2,034,342 5.26%
Hainan Island 19 7,558,518 8,290,183 104,523 454,675 559,198 3,648 7,295 10,943 570,141 6.88%
Hebei 149 66,684,419 73,139,471 866,018 895,462 1,761,480 1,284,146 2,609,988 3,894,134 5,655,614 7.73%
Heilongjiang 78 35,966,050 39,447,564 1,100,821 2,615,824 3,716,645 43,787 87,574 131,361 3,848,006 9.75%
Henan 127 91,236,854 100,068,581 5,255,503 8,905,007 14,160,510 200,801 401,601 602,402 14,762,912 14.75%
Hong Kong 1 6,509,645 7,139,779 n/a n/a 523,132[3] n/a n/a 454,090[4] 977,222 13.69%
Hubei 78 59,508,870 65,269,329 661,945 1,668,102 2,330,047 97,469 194,938 292,407 2,622,454 4.02%
Hunan 101 63,274,173 69,399,113 724,483 1,393,905 2,118,388 77,896 155,793 233,689 2,352,077 3.39%
Inner Mongolia 89 23,323,347 25,581,047 256,508 1,315,757 1,572,265 256,035 512,069 768,104 2,340,369 9.15%
Jiangsu 73 70,188,617 76,982,875 3,060,435 2,613,611 5,674,046 415,793 623,690 1,039,483 6,713,529 8.72%
Jiangxi 91 40,397,598 44,308,085 1,040,720 1,528,433 2,569,153 163,940 327,880 491,820 3,060,973 6.91%
Jilin 49 26,702,191 29,286,963 406,650 1,418,390 1,825,040 92,494 184,989 277,483 2,102,523 7.18%
Liaoning 58 41,824,412 45,873,015 823,382 2,015,683 2,839,065 141,076 282,152 423,228 3,262,293 7.11%
Macau 1 504,635 553,484 n/a n/a 10,627[5] n/a n/a 17,158[6] 27,785 5.02%
Ningxia 20 5,486,393 6,017,476 71,073 106,610 177,683 17,768 35,537 53,305 230,988 3.84%
Qinghai 41 4,822,963 5,289,826 45,175 218,964 264,139 6,207 12,413 18,620 282,759 5.35%
Shaanxi 96 35,365,072 38,788,411 863,441 1,726,883 2,590,324 272,723 561,174 833,897 3,424,221 8.83%
Shandong 110 89,971,789 98,681,058 1,501,822 2,727,555 4,229,377 286,521 573,042 859,563 5,088,940 5.16%
Shanghai 11 16,407,734 17,996,003 438,430 915,997 1,354,427 244,020 420,208 664,228 2,018,655 11.22%
Shanxi 107 32,471,242 35,614,458 501,480 1,624,428 2,125,908 258,661 517,322 775,983 2,901,891 8.15%
Sichuan 158 82,348,296 90,319,611 403,834 1,152,569 1,556,403 416,740 833,480 1,250,220 2,806,623 3.11%
Tianjin 13 9,848,731 10,802,088 62,171 87,377 149,548 113,422 136,106 249,528 399,076 3.69%
Tibet 73 2,616,329 2,869,590 0 1,236 1,236 7,221 706 7,927 9,163 0.32%
Xinjiang 87 18,459,511 20,246,392 144,310 682,314 826,624 10,867 21,735 32,602 859,226 4.24%
Yunnan 124 42,360,089 46,460,546 1,189,804 1,494,929 2,684,733 220,478 440,955 661,433 3,346,166 7.20%
Zhejiang 73 45,454,851 49,854,881 2,754,543 4,141,327 6,895,870 777,209 1,571,451 2,348,660 9,244,530 18.54%
Totals 2,371 1,245,979,978 1,366,590,840 29,480,502[7] 54,015,712[8] 84,029,972 7,433,746[9] 13,381,786 21,286,780 105,316,752 7.71%Sorce


Joyful Abominations II by Yedidah

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 This factual report is designed to bring you face to face with Truth that affects your life now, your eternal position in the soon-coming Kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, and perhaps your eternal destiny.




I wrote an article in November 2012, entitled “The Three Cups.”  What you will read below will help you understand why you must fear drinking from the first two cups. Here is a quick summary.

Revelation 17:1-6: “And one of the seven messengers who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me saying `Come! I will show you the judgment of the great whore sitting on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed whoring and the inhabitants of earth were made drunk with the wine of her whoring.. And he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on scarlet beast covered with names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup filled with abominations and the filthiness of her whoring, upon her forehead a name written, MYSTERY–BABEL THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF THE WHORES OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the set-apart ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Yahuweh…’ ”

Jeremiah 51:6-7: “Flee from the midst of Babel, and let each one save his life! Do not be cut off in her crookedness, for this is the time of the vengeance of Yahuweh—the recompense He is repaying her. Babel was a golden cup in the hand of Yahuweh, making drunk ALL the earth. The nations drank her wine. That is why the nations went mad! Babel shall suddenly fall and be broken…”

The woman in Revelation 17 is clearly the Roman Catholic Church, and you know that if you’ve done any extensive studying on your own. “St.” Augustine, in the second century, said: “Rome is the second Babylon.” The spirit of Nimrod moved from the city he built, Babylon, across into Asia Minor, now Turkey, and into Rome, then across Europe, and into the United States. The great whore of Babylon is no more than Nimrod’s wife, Semaramis, under another cloak.

Jeremiah 50 and 51 describe the destruction of America, the final end-time Babylon. The world will soon be forced to drink from the cup of the whore, and whoever does will receive the cup of the wrath of Yahuweh!

This article below exposes Fides (the root-“faith”-of Christianity), Semaramis in disguise. Here is a picture I took at the Vatican, summer 2013, of a giant statue of Fides. Notice the cup she holds.

 statue of Fides

 All who identify with Yahuweh, Elohim of Israel, and Messiah Yahushua, must disengage from all contact with what He calls defilement. Let us learn what is an abomination to Him, and thus defiling to us.


Jeremiah 10:1-7: “Hear the Word that Yahuweh speaks to you, O house of Israel:  Thus says Yahuweh: `DO NOT LEARN THE WAYS OF THE HEATHEN, and do not be awed by the signs of the heavens, for the gentiles are awed by them. For the prescribed customs of the people are worthlessness. For one cuts a tree from the forest–work for the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool. They adore it with silver and gold, they fasten it with nails and hammers so that it does not topple. They are like a rounded post, and they do not speak.  They have to be carried, for they do not walk’…Who would not fear You, O King of the nations?  For this is Your due, for among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their reigns, there is none like You…The Portion of Jacob is not like these, for He is the Maker of all, and Israel is the tribe of His inheritance—Yahuweh of hosts is His Name.”

Luke 16:13-15: Messiah speaks to the religious Jews of His day: “No servant is able to serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will cling to one, and despise the other.  You are not able to serve Elohim and mammon.” (Mammon is the god of the world system–money). “And, the Pharisees, who loved silver, heard all this, and were sneering at Him.  So He said to them “You are those who declare yourselves righteous before men, but Elohim knows your heart, because WHAT IS HIGHLY THOUGHT OF AMONG MEN IS AN ABOMINATION IN THE SIGHT OF ELOHIM.”

Mark 7:6-13: “And in vain do they worship Me teaching as teachings the commands of men.  Forsaking the commands of Elohim you hold fast the traditions of men. And He said to them `Well do you set aside the command of Elohim, in order to guard your tradition…nullifying the Word of Elohim through your tradition which you have handed down.’ ”

I Kings 18:17-46: This passage describes Eliyahu’s (Elijah’s) famous contest on Mt. Carmel: Eliyahu slays Jezebel’s 450 prophets of Baal (the sun god) and hundreds of prophets of Ashteroth, Baal’s consort–the Queen of heaven. Eliyahu, Yahuweh’s prophet, demands that the people choose between serving Baal or Yahuweh, to take sides immediately. This contest has returned. Baal and Asheroth, Astarete, Ishtar/Easter are now worshipped in some fashion by most of the world’s people.

Psalm 75:8: “For a cup is in the hand of Yahuweh, and the wine shall foam.  It is filled with a mixture, and He pours it out.  All the wicked of the earth drink, draining it to the dregs.”

Excerpts from II Corinthians 6:14-7:1: “Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness (“Lawless against the Torah of Yahuweh)? And what fellowship has light with darkness?  And what union has the dwelling place of Elohhim with idols?…Therefore, `Come out from among them and be separate’, says Yahuweh, `and do not touch what I unclean, and I shall receive you.  And I shall be a Father to you and you shall be sons and daughters to Me’, says Yahuweh the Almighty.  Having, then, these precious promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of the flesh and spirit, perfecting set-apartness in the fear of Elohim.”



“Gentile”: “A heathen, barbarian, pagan, stranger, alien, and foreigner from the promises and covenants of the commonwealth of Israel-the sons of Jacob.”  If you are in Messiah, you are not a gentile. (Ephesians 2:8-19)

“Abomination”:   The word “abomination” in the Hebrew language, basically has these meanings:  #8441 of The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Hebrew Dictionary by James Strong, says the word “abomination” means: “something disgusting, an abhorrence–especially idolatry–and abomination reg. a custom or thing.”  It says in #8263, the word means: “filth.”  Its corresponding root #8262 means: “to be filthy, to loath, utterly pollute, detest, abomination.”  The Greek word is #946 and means: “to detest, idolatrous.”

In the Webster-Merriam Dictionary, 1994, gives this definition of “abomination”:  “something abominable, disgust, loathing.”  It is a strong word!

Our heavenly Father calls certain things “abominations.”  We must know what is  disgusting filth to Him, if we expect His favor. Luke 16:15, above, tells us that whatever the world system goes after is an abomination to Him.  Yahuweh started no religion, and neither did Yahushua or His Apostles.  What the Father put into motion from the beginning, still stands, like the rising of the sun, and the eternal Torah–the Instructions and Teachings of the Kingdom of heaven.  Messiah came to complete–or to make full the Torah.  (Matthew 5:17-19)  Elohim has nothing to do with man’s religious systems.  If you are a citizen of the Kingdom of heaven, you are required to keep its righteous rules, or else you are “lawless.” We either align with His plumb line of Truth or we are “crooked” to the plumb line. (Amos 7:7-8)  He is dropping the plumb line again. But, because Messiah is soon coming with the wrath of the Father, He won’t drop it again.

Baal was the sun god invented by Nimrod, son of Cush, son of Ham. “Baal” in Hebrew means “Lord” or “Master.”  Baal’s consort was called the Queen of heaven.  (Jeremiah 7:18-19; 44:45)

Today, because of the throwing out of Yahuweh’s Shabbat, Festivals, and calendar-dating, substituting them for pagan holidays, under Roman Emperor Constantine in 325 CE, the world celebrates the birthday of Baal and the impregnating of the Queen of heaven, on December 25th. All the sun gods of all pagan cultures were “born” on December 25th. I’m just reporting facts in this article, coupled with the Word of Yahuweh. I am not giving personal opinion.

Jeremiah 10:1-7, quoted above, is talking about the Christmas tree, which is a symbol of the phallus of Baal, decorated with his testicles, “balls,” in gold and silver and other bright colors. That’s what it is my friends–like it or not–that’s at the root of this abomination to Yahuweh!

You might not like the facts I bring out in this article, but sad for you, the factual truth about Christmas can be easily found on the Internet, because it is just history.  (For excellent quotes by historians and church fathers, refer to pages 21-24 of this article).

I John 3:4: “Everyone doing sin is also doing lawless (Torahlessness), and sin is the transgression of the Torah.”  The word “transgression” means:  “Revolt, rebellion, breaking away from, and apostasy.”  It is apostasy against the Kingdom instructions and teachings of Yahuweh.

Take sides! Do it now! Yahushua is soon-coming in wrath, and all in His path in the middle of the road (the “lukewarm”–mixture of hot and cold) will be destroyed, no matter how good your belief box is.

Yahuweh commands: If we want to be identified with Him, we must “Be set apart AS I AM set-apart.” (Leviticus 11:44-45; 19:2, 20:7-8, 23-26; I Peter 1:16)

Greek thinking says that you can believe what you want, and do what you want, and the god you’ve created in your own image will pat you on the head and say “that’s OK–I love you anyway.” Greek thinking says that emotional experience is equal to truth. The Elohim of the Bible is not the teddy bear, lollypop, or cherry soda god created by the Greeks and Constantine for the pagan masses.  His nature is like the culture of the East, of the Hebrews–straight on line.  There is no unconditional syrupy love from the Father or Son in the Scriptures–that’s Greek philosophy. Yahuweh has conditions on whether we are approved or not approved.  Read carefully John 14:15, 21-24.

In fact, read the whole Bible straight through, for the promises of protection, love, and care by Yahuweh are predicated on our fearing Him, loving Him with all our heart and soul (which in Hebrew understanding means obedience to Him), and our guarding His Covenant Torah to do it. (Examples: Psalm 103:11-18; Malachi 3:16-4:4) You can’t expect His protection if you do not fear Him enough to obey Him, and make Him your exclusive Elohim. [Refer to: “Royal Secrets and Exclusivity”/October 29, 2010]

Yahuweh is a Father–the best of all fathers! Yes, He is love. He is good, kind, merciful, tender, and gracious. But, He is also pure light and pure righteousness—a “consuming fire,” and though He loves mankind, He cannot not allow darkness in His presence, any more than a light bulb can allow darkness near it. Only a fool presumes on the Creator’s favor. Most people think they are good and deserve His blessings, but He will not allow other gods of man’s making in His face (Exodus 20:3).  Yahuweh is a jealous Elohim–and He has a remnant who is set-apart who are in His favor. (Exodus 34:14)

In fact, in Exodus 23:13 we see that He doesn’t even wanting us mentioning other gods: “And in all that I have said to you take heed.  And make no mention of the name of other gods, and let it not be head from your mouth.”

Prophetic of Messiah, in Exodus 23:20-22 Moses says: “See, I am sending a Messenger (the Messiah) before you to guard you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared (the land of Israel). Be on guard before Him, and obey His voice.  Do not rebel against Him, for He is not going to pardon your transgression (revolt, rebellion, breaking away, apostasy against Yahuweh’s Torah), for My Name is in Him. (Yahuweh–Yahushua)  But, if you diligently obey His voice and shall do all that I speak, then I shall be an enemy to your enemies and a distress to those who distress you.” (Italics mine)

This is why Messiah says such things as: “IF you love Me, keep My commandments,” and “You are My friends IF you guard My commandments” and “Unless you forsake all that you have, you cannot be My disciples.”  (John 14:15; 15:14; Luke 14:33)

From the oldest Greek texts: John 3:36: “He who believes in the Son possesses everlasting life, but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of Elohim remains on him.”  (The word for “believe” and the word for “obey” are two different Greek words.)

The Hebrew understanding of “faith” is that you must demonstrate openly what you believe, or your belief is a fake.  If one says they believe in Messiah, but don’t obey Him who always obeyed His Father, is a liar. (Jacob/James 2:14-26)

Messiah was Jewish and Levite. He was Hebrew of culture and character.  The Greek culture is almost 100% opposite of Yahuweh’s culture! Neither Yahuweh nor Yahushua will tolerate those who willfully continue to rebel against Their Instructions.

Yahushua is coming with the wrath of the Father, described in around 223 prophecies in the Word. (Revelation 19; Isaiah 63:1-6; Isaiah 34:1-8; 59:15-18 are examples)  Are you obedient, and humbly ready for Him?

He strongly warns “His people” to get out of everything to do with the Babylon/Baal system, or else we will perish with the wicked. (Ezekiel 21:3)

Isaiah 10, 13, 47, Jeremiah 50:8; 51: 6, 45, and Revelation 18 are a few of the chapters about end-time Babel–America). Yes, America is end-time Babylon–mystery Babylon the Great–historically and actually in every way. I have written extensively exposing the roots of the evil that has been perpetrated by this culture against its citizens and the world, especially against Israel.  I have also written a Scripture-study entitled “End Time Babylon.”

My friends, take a look at a picture of the Statue of Liberty–the goddess Liberta—Isis–the Queen of heaven, who holds up the Roman “cup.” [Refer to: “The Goddess That Rules America”/August 20, 2012, this article has several pictures]

The name of Nimrod’s wife Semaramis was changed in different cultures, but it is still the same wicked woman, described in Revelation 17, who became embodied in the Roman Catholic Church.  The torch of the Statue of Liberty is actually shaped like a Roman wine goblet, and was originally made as a wine goblet.  It was created by a Mason to honor the goddess consort of Baal. That cup in her hand is the cup of whoredom done against Yahuweh’s people in America and worldwide, and now especially in Israel.  She is the mother of spiritual whoredom against Yahuweh. These things are factual in history and current events, easily found by the students of truth.  Our history books have been re-written to focus on Greece and Rome. Western culture primarily comes from Greece. At the time when Rome was supposedly the world power, the most powerful House of Israel nation of Parthia scared Rome so bad that Rome made a “cold war” pact with them. The Israelite nation of Carthage was also very powerful. They sure fooled the stupid Romans when they said the earth was flat and sea monsters ruled outside the Straits of Gibraltar. The Israelites had been going out through those Straits around the world with Phoenicia for centuries. So to save their treasures, they lied to Rome. It was not until about 1,000 CE until Rome ventured out through the Straits.

Face reality! Americans have been programmed into illusions. Greek culture is based on philosophy, concepts, idealism, and the love of comfort and ease, emphasizing the body, and pampering the five senses. Because it is a pagan culture, there is no recognition of a separate eternal “spirit.”

Repentance must accompany salvation, for there is no salvation without repentance!  Repentance does not mean saying “sorry” over and over. It means to turn once and for all from sin, from the kingdom of darkness, and from all that is an abomination to Yahuweh.  If a person says they love Elohim, and Messiah, and yet practices what is an abomination to Them–they are liars. I don’t say this on my own–the Word says it. I am not judging, condemning, or criticizing anyone individually–I am just pointing out facts.

I John 2:3-7: “And by this we know that we know Him–IF we guard His commandments.  The one who says, `I know Him,’ and does not guard His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.  But whoever guards His Word, truly the love of Elohim has been perfected in him.  By this we know that we are in Him.  The one who says he stays in Him ought himself also to walk, even ass he walked.  (He walked out the Torah)  Beloved, I write no fresh command to you, but an old command, which you have had from the beginning.  The old command is the Word, which you heard from the beginning.”  (Italics mine)

The only “Word” that the Word talks about is the Tenach (The Torah, the Prophets and the Writings–miscalled “The Old Testament.”)

The organized Church, with its many pagan-based practices and doctrines, goes merrily on its way, week after week, season after season, bringing detestable filth before His eyes, and a stench in His nostrils, thinking they are honoring Him by their customs and traditions, yet He is disgusted at its activities that are part of His enemy’s world and its celebrations rooted in abominations against His very nature.

Abba Yahuweh said to me in 1986: “If the root is defiled, then the tree is defiled, and the fruit is defiled, and all who eat of it are defiled.”

Refer to Psalm 75:8: It is the mixture in the cup that is the great abomination.  He calls to us to come out of Lucifer’s Kingdom of darkness.  We can’t approach the King of Light with darkness clinging to us.

Years ago, during the Christmas season, I was sitting in a friend’s house in front of their newly decorated Christmas tree. We were having a Christian fellowship gathering. A lady I had just met came and sat in the chair next to me. She was a minister-teacher-evangelist like I was. She looked at the tree too, and then simply said to me without comment: “We cannot honor our King with His enemy’s symbols!”  I stared at the santas, the balls, the unicorns, the elves, and began to meditate on what she said. How could those cute little things be symbols of His enemies?

You can’t honestly put glitz and glitter on what is abomination to Yahuweh and call it good. To Yahuweh this is no different than putting perfume on dung.  The Christmas tree is Baal’s phallus and the balls are just that–testicles.  Burn your scented Christmas candles. They won’t fool Yahuweh and make His nostrils smell anything else but dung.

The Greek mind says “what looks good must be good,” and “what sounds good must be good.”  This idiotic thinking is from people who are too lazy to check out the truth for themselves, and thus fall easily for deceptions of pagan culture and the arguments of sweet-sounding humans.

II Corinthians 11:13-15: “For such are false messengers, deceptive workers, masquerading as messengers of the Messiah.  And no wonder!  For Satan himself masquerades as a messenger of light!  It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works.”

Matthew 7:13-15: “Enter in through the narrow gate!  Because the gate is wide, and the gate is broad, that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in through it. Because the gate is narrow and the way is hard-pressed that leads to life, and there are FEW there be who find it.  But beware of the false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”  (Interesting that both these passages are verses 13-15) Both describe the people who are now deceiving Christians by the multi-millions–especially in the West, because of Greek cultural standards and Greek philosophical shallow thinking.

Notice that “many” go the way of destruction and “few” go the way of life—through the gate into Yahushua’s coming Kingdom on earth.  Again, we see in Luke 16:15, regarding the things that the world runs after, that we should run the opposite direction!

When we are born again, we enter the Covenant of Israel (Ephesians 2:8-19) by faith in Messiah–we enter the government of the Kingdom of Yahuweh.  We enter a Kingdom ruled by a King, and depart from a kingdom ruled over by a created being, Lucifer–the Shining, or Illumined one, really Satan in disguise as an “angel of light.”

The world’s elite, who run this world system are agents for Lucifer–top-degree Masons, Illuminati, Council on Foreign Relations, Jesuits of the Vatican.  They worship Lucifer as their god–openly declaring that fact at the top levels of their multi-faceted organizations.  (They won’t use the word “Satan.”  That’s too low-class for them, even though Lucifer is Satan, the Devil, or the Dragon). They honor the god that will inhabit the world ruler, soon to come to Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.

Lucifer means: “the illumined one, the light bearer, the son of the morning.”  According to Masonic Illuminati teaching, Lucifer illumined Eve in the Garden of Eden. But, she actually partook of a mixture–the tree of both the knowledge of good and evil.  Today the Internet is the full-blown tree–giving mostly evil and a little good. Greek Gnostic thought is the root philosophy of all the world’s “mystery” religions throughout the ages. Gnosticism, and the world’s leaders say that illumined shining Lucifer is the good god, while Adonai, or Yahuweh, is the evil dark one.  It is also taught as a core principle in the New Age religion, which comes from Gnosticism. In the Garden of Eden, Lucifer convinced Eve (Hawwah) that the mystery that Elohim was trying to keep from she and Adam was the knowledge of good and evil. Lucifer offered her this knowledge if she would only eat from his tree. They got the mystery secrets all right–they tapped into the depths of Lucifer’s rebellion against the Most High Yahuweh.

Nimrod created a basic religion to honor Lucifer.  This religion is still at the core of ALL man-made religions. There are elements of Lucifer-worship in ALL pagan holidays. Even Muslims love Christmas, the worship Mary as the Queen of heaven, and the Greek Jesus. In Jordan, where I lived among Muslims for eight years, each Christmas they’d put out decorations–even at the falafel stand.  One Lebanese Muslim woman told me that Christmas was her favorite holiday. When I was in China I observed that even Chinese Communists love Christmas, keeping Christmas trees in some store windows year round. It is the holiday for everyone—everyone who worships Lucifer in various pagan forms, that is.

A counterfeit, man-made religion has lied to its people since its beginnings under the Roman Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicea, in Turkey in 325CE.  The Roman Catholic (universal) Church he founded in order to unite His fragmenting empire was simply a new form of sun-god worship.

In 2013, my son, daughter-in-law, and I, went to Rome to do intercession. We learned that the church of St. John Lateran was built by Constantine – the oldest church in Italy. We learned that what Constantine did in uniting his empire was to take basic ideas from the religion of Greek Gnostic Christianity, and combine them with the religion of Mithra from Persia, “Sol Invictus” (the unconquerable sun)–Constantine’s god–and to reduce all the gods of the Roman Pantheon down to the Greek semblance of the Greek savior-god Zeus (the Greek version of the Roman Jupiter) into Iesous (the English Jesus), making him chief god. Islam did this, too. With the help of the Roman Catholic Church, Mohammed took the 350 or so gods of Arabia and reduced them down to one (the former moon god)–Allah. Constantine was a success. His new religion, with its teaching of a god who died and rose again, like all the sun gods supposedly did, suited the pagans of Rome and all his empire, except the Torah-guarding believers in Yahushua. He went after these resisters with the sword. The Church has been dedicated ever since then to try to wipe out these “resisters.” Revelation 12 tells of their fleeing in these last days to escape the same sword. Today, Islam is the sword of the Vatican, as well as the sword of the Jesuits.

Wicca witches, worshippers of Isis, say that Mary and Isis are the same woman—Mary is just a christianized version of Isis. In all religious cultures there is artwork showing a mother and a little child in her arms. This is called the “mother-child” cult. However, the mother of the Messiah of Israel, Yahushua, was named Miriam.

He came in His Father’s Name – Yahuweh. Yahushua means “Yahuweh is salvation.”

Below: In one of the side chapels in the Lateran Cathedral, we see a statue of Jesus on the cross. But, look above him. Do you see the sun rays with the pyramid in the middle of them? It is a symbol of the sun god with the “eye of Horus,” in the middle. Look at the back of a dollar bill!
Iesous/Zeus of the Greeks simply became the Yesu of Rome, the Mithra of Persia, Serapis of Egypt.

 Jesus ob the crossPhoto by my son Derek

 I encourage you to read/review the study “Exposing the Real Agenda of Mary Worship”/April 10, 2013, which reveals much about these statues and paintings.

It has several pictures of paintings and statues showing the “mother-child” cult worldwide. In the Pantheon, we saw a statue of the boy Jesus with Joseph, and under the statue the name Iesovs–Latin for Iesous–which became the English Jesus.

But, the chief rules of the Luciferic game–the core-roots of Christian teaching from its inception–is: DO NOT, under any circumstances, make Yesu out to be Hebrew! Do not use His Hebrew Name. Now using Yahweh is illegal. Keep the people dependent on what the church teaches. Do not encourage them to read the Bible. In fact, make a law against their reading the Bible for themselves. DO NOT promote the Torah as anything but obsolete and ancient–non-applicable for now. Promote the teaching that we not under “the LAW of the JEWS.”  Promote the teaching that the Jews killed “Christ.” Destroy anything that relates Iesous/Yesu to anything Hebrew. Separate God from Yesu. Make “the God of the Old Testament” out to be cruel, even evil, harsh, severe, and genocidal. Make Yesu out to be sweet, loving, kind, and anti-Torah. Make the “Holy Spirit” out to be like Jesus. Promote the Nimrod-created “trinity.”

All of this manipulating by the Church bore fruit–even with the Protestants … i.e. we do not have to keep “the law of the Jews!”  Greek and Roman rulers made laws against circumcision, Shabbat, the Festivals, and the dietary laws of Yahuweh. They enforced these rules unto the death of many Jews and true believers in Messiah who guarded the Torah.

The despising of His set-apart Covenant is purely Lucifer-inspired.  Only one religion emphasizes the rejection of the Torah–Christianity.

Constantine, like Daniel prophesied, like anti-Messiah will do, changed times and seasons from the calendar of the Elohim, Creator of heaven and earth, to the Greco-Roman pagan calendar of the sun god worshipping Romans, Greeks, Persians, Babylonians, Egyptians, and Assyrians.

To his death, Constantine constantly interchanged the name Iesous with Mirthra,  depending on who he was talking to. Constantine worshipped “Sol Invictus”—“the unconquerable sun” to the day of his death. He was an evil man. After his supposed conversion to Christianity, he had his wife and son murdered.

The whole system of sun god worship goes back to Nimrod–whose goal it was to build a tower, shut out the Elohim Yahuweh, and take over the world. (Genesis 11)  This is the goal of Lucifer–Isaiah 14:11-19–to sit on the throne belonging to Yahuweh in Jerusalem.

Isaiah 14:12-15: “How you are fallen from the heavens, O Helel (Lucifer’s name), son of the morning!…For you have said in your heart `Let me go up to the heavens, let me raise my throne above the stars of El, ad let me sit in the mount of meeting on the sides of the north, and let me go up above the heights of the clouds, let me be like the Most High.’  But you are brought down to the grave, to the sides of the Pit.”  (Italics mine)

Regarding Isaiah 14: 13: From Reuniting the Covenant by Rav David Pollina, c. 2004, chapter 1: “The adversary says, `I will rule on the mountain of Mo’ed…’ `appointed place, time, meeting, sacred season’, the ordained Holy Days in Leviticus 23, times that have been set-apart sanctified for us to worship Yahweh.  This is haSatan’s agenda: to rule over the times and seasons set by Yahweh, to keep us from worshipping out Creator.”

Rav Pollina points out that Jeroboam was the first anti-messiah who changed times and seasons to fit his pagan religion–I Kings 12:26-33–and that Constantine was a major anti-messiah who changed times and seasons–forcing the celebration of Christmas and Easter and Sunday worship on all of his subjects, through his Roman Catholic Church.  He points out that the coming anti-messiah world ruler will also change times and seasons.

In Daniel 7:25, this world ruler changes the “mo’edim”–the appointed times of Yahuweh and His Laws. He is the lawless one who makes up his own religion and demands that men worship him as he prescribes or be killed.

All who would not enter Nimrod’s tower were killed. But, this is basic Catholic action from its inception–those who wouldn’t bow to the pope were killed.  Constantine declared himself the first pope, and demanded to be worshipped.

In Mexico today, Central and South America, parts of Africa and Asia, the Jesuit Order of the Vatican wears military clothes, carries assault rifles, and kills anyone who won’t bow to the Pope in “Catholic countries.”  They are the Vatican hit-men–the Vatican “C.I.A.”  They are also the top leaders of the Illuminati, having started it May 1, 1776, through one of their priests in Bavaria, Adam Weishaupt.

How did this ancient pagan Christmas story get started?

After Nimrod was slain, his former wife, also his mother, mysterious was pregnant with child. Being saintly, how was this possible? She said that she was impregnated by the rays of the sun, by her husband the sun god. Her son was named Tammuz, the reincarnation of “God” his father. So, Nimrod the sun god died, but rose again as Tammuz. Tammuz became the savior-god. Semaramis was called the “Queen of heaven,” and “the mother of God.”

As this new trinity-religion progressed, the worship was based on the “crossing” of a star through Taurus the bull each spring at “Easter,” impregnating the mother-goddess with the child, who was born on December 25th. This ancient symbol of the cross, in its various forms, is a fertility symbol of this zodiac crossing. The Nazi swastika is an ancient pagan symbol of the twisted cross of the zodiac.

When Constantine created his new counterfeit religion, he retained his supremacy over the new religion as the Pontifix Maximus, or supreme pope over the worship of the new sun god—Iesous.  The sound “oos” ended many sun god’s names to carry through identification with Zeus, i.e. Bacchus, Horus, Dionysus, Perseus, Theseus, and Iesous. Other sun gods were Adonia, Appolo, Attis, Baal, Helios, Hercules, Jupiter, Mithra Osiris, Serapis, Ra, Tammuz and Woden.

Historians tell us that Rome never died–it just hid in the Roman Catholic Church with the pope as the new Caesar. Today, revived Rome lives, and will produce the false prophet of Revelation 13.  This is the expressed goal of the Jesuit Order.

As a syncretism, the Greeks had to hear `Zeus’ in the Messiah’s name to satisfy them. (Fossilized Customs by Lew White, page 18) “Syncretism is when a religious or philosophical behavior is united or combined with another behavior.”  (Fossilized Customs, page 36)

Remember: The “J” is only about 500 years old in the English language.  It was created as a letter not found in any other language, by putting a tail on the Greek “I” at the time of the invention of the printing press and the printing of the first English Bible. Why would this letter be invented, when one of the sounds of the English “G” is also the sound of the “J”?  This was done to disguise the name of Iesous–and transliterate it as “Jesus”–thus disguising the real Hebrew name of our Savior, which is YahUshua.

The name Iesous refers to “Hey,” or “Hail” Zeus, savior god of the Greeks.  But the name “Jesus” has no etymology at all. Every Hebrew name has a meaning.

“Jesus” is not a transliteration of Yahushua. Names are not translated. A person’s name is how they are known. The very Name Yahuweh and Yahushua carry the character of Elohim–Their very nature. Their Names identify Them.  A name can be transliterated into another language. But, if a man named Giuseppe Verde in Italy travels to the United States, is he going to be called “Joseph Green?” NO! But, in Italian Giuseppe is “Joseph” and Verde is “green.” Names are not translatable. Your name is your name in every language on earth. Why did evil men have to get rid of the real name of Yahushua? Because it is Hebrew! So Lucifer and friends took the Names of our Father and Messiah out of our mouths, and replace them, i.e. “God”, “Lord”, “Jesus”, “Christ”–with the names of pagan gods.  There are 25 words in English “christianeze” that stem from the names of pagan gods. I recommend the book by C.J. Koster: Come Out of Her My People.

The name of a Canaanite god at the time of Joshua was called “Baal Gawd”–or Lord God. “Ba’al means “lord,” and “Gawd” means “prosperity, fortune.”Now what religion calls their deity “Lord” and “God”?

So, the whole bottom line with regards to the joyful abomination of Christmas is that it is a demonic deception, a counterfeit, and rebellion against what our Father’s calendar commands us to celebrate.

Messiah warned in John 5:43: “I have come in My Father’s Name (“Yahu”) and you do not receive Me. If another comes in his own name, him you will receive.” The world has received “Jesus.” But, now, the whole world is turning not only on the nation of Israel, but on Yahuweh Himself. The Vatican is openly calling the “God of the Jews” a genocidal cruel God who once again is commanding them to wipe out the rightful inhabitants of the land–the Palestinians. Mind-blowing, I know, but that’s what they’re saying.

Galatians 1:6-9: Sha’ul (Paul) warns of another Messiah who is a counterfeit with a counterfeit Good News–one that leaves out the Torah of Yahuweh and inserts the traditions of men, and paganism. Sha’ul and the other Apostles actually were fighting New Age Greek Gnosticism that had come into the assemblies through Greek teachers who were teaching Luciferic doctrine. This new religion of Iesous became Christianity!

The title “Christ” is also the name of a god in the world of the first century.  The translation of the Hebrew Machiach is “Messiah.”

Where did we get “Christ”?  The Roman Emperor Hadrian reported in the second century that many Greeks, including Hellenized Jews, were calling themselves “Gnostic Christians.”  He reported that they got the name “Christian” from the worshippers of Serapis in Alexandria, Egypt, who were called “Christians,” and whose leaders were called “The Bishop’s of Christ.”

Here is a picture of a bust of Serapis in the Vatican Museum in Rome.

 Serapiswoman in REV17

 Just below the statue is this picture in the floor. How fitting! The false “Christ,” connected to the “woman” of Revelation 17!

In ancient times Christ Mass (Christmas) was called “Child Mass.”  It had to do with the sacrificing of children to the sun god–in honor of his birthday. Their little dead bodies were laid under a child-mass tree–a fir or pine cut from the forest. The pine tree is also a symbolic phallus of Ba’al. Today, people who drag their children into the celebration of Christmas also sacrifice them to the Evil One–by opening doors for Lucifer’s world to take them over in soul and spirit.

Proverbs 8:7-8, 13: “For my mouth shall speak truth and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.  All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing twisted or crooked in them. The fear of Yahuweh is to hate evil: pride, and arrogance, and the evil way, and the twisted and crooked mouth do I hate.”

Proverbs 12:22: “Lying lips are abomination to Yahuweh, but they that deal truly are his delight.”

Revelation 21:27: “And there shall in no wise enter into it (the new Jerusalem in eternity) anything that defiles, neither whosoever works abomination, or makes a lie, but they that are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”  (Italics mine)

Revelation 22:14-15: “Blessed are they that do His commandments that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.  For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie.” (KJV)

The whole pagan system is a lie gift-wrapped in pretty shiny paper with a pretty ribbon on it. Christmas is the season of lies in the name of fun. Look at all those scantily dressed women in Santa hats parading in T.V. ads. Look at all the partying and drinking and sexual filth on your T.V., all promoting Christmas. Look at all the ads for buying things–greed in abundance. It is the favorite season of Ba’al Gawd. The whole American economy is gauged by how much is bought at Christmas, and what products are purchased. The receipt tabs of Christmas shoppers, carefully analyzed by economic experts, tell different companies what Americans want, and what they should produce to make Americans happy.  It is also an indicator of the economic stability of the country. If there are “record” sales to the good, then everyone is happy.  If people don’t spend as much, the economy reflects it. The whole thing stands against the Elohim of Israel!

I realize that to break away and side with Yahuweh often alienates people from their family, even their immediate family. So most people compromise and hope that “God” understands. Yet inside they know He doesn’t.

Messiah said in Matthew 10:34-39:  “Do you think I have come to bring peace on earth!  I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.  For I have come to bring division: A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and a man’s enemies shall be those of his own household.” (Micah 7:5-6)  “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take up his execution stake and follow Me is not worthy of Me.  He that has found his life shall lose it, and he that has lost his life for My sake shall find it.”

Yet, Christmas is billed as being about “peace on earth, good will towards men.” However, Christmas does not bring peace to the earth. Rearrange the letters of Satan and you get Santa.  Talk about a disguise as an angel of light!

The “dog” in the Revelation 22:14-15 Scripture above is one who does not keep the Torah and Covenant responsibilities of the Kingdom of Yahuweh. The dog tears and rends. The dog loves to eat vomit. The dog takes what it wants but assumes no responsibility to the one who gives. Thus Messiah called the Canaanite woman a dog in Matthew 15. She took the crumbs from the Master’s table–the healing for her daughter–but she returned to her lifestyle in what is now modern Lebanon, and did not follow Him or enter into the Covenant of Israel.  Her gods remained her gods.  This is like the free salvation bunch who take “grace” from “God,” but reject Covenant-responsibility to Yahuweh.

Where in Scripture does Yahushua tell us to honor His birthday? Did the early church honor His birthday? NO!  Because honoring birthdays was considered part of the zodiac worship (the worship of the stars, sun and moon).  Birthday celebrations were the most important days in a person’s life in ancient Greece and Rome, because of their interaction with the zodiac. That’s why the candles are usually in a circle on the cake–for the circle of the zodiac. Among occult people birthdays are still called, as they have always been called, “Witches’ shabbats.”  Our traditional celebration of birthdays is copying pagan tradition.

Yahuweh has a calendar, which he started in Genesis 1. As the principle sign of identification with Him, we are commanded to set apart Shabbat, day 7, to rest as He rested. He commanded His people to keep His seven Festivals–which picture the plan of salvation of Messiah. We are commanded to be set-apart from the world’s defilement. His Torah tells us how to do that.  “Be set apart AS I AM set apart”, says Yahuweh.  (Leviticus 11:44-45; 19 1; 20:7-8, 24-26; I Peter 1:16)  His calendar is so beautiful and full of peace!

These are His eternal covenants, and have nothing to do with the religion of Rabbinical Judaism. Yahuweh did not start Judaism–man did.  Yahushua did not start Christianity—man did.

For in-depth studies on both of these man-made religions read “The Foundation of Deception”/ May 2004 & “Exposing Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome”/March 2009]

Paul (Sha’ul) did not start Christianity either. Neither did he teach contrary to the Torah, as the lies are still touted. (Read Acts 21-26 carefully, and II Peter 3:15-16)  Sha’ul had nothing to do with “Replacement Theology,” which replaces Israel and Yahuweh’s promises to Israel with the “church.”  This theology is an abomination to Yahuweh and Yahushua. They are outside all religion, for all religion is the reasoning of sinful man! [Refer to: “Replacement Theology”/January 23, 2005]

The word “church” did not come from the Greek language. The Greeks used “ecclesia” for “assembly,” or “congregation.”  “Church” came when the translators of the King James Version went to the German word “kirke.”  This word’s etymology comes from the name of the goddess Circe, daughter of Helios the sun god, who supposedly turned men into pigs. So, even the word “church” is an abomination.

Our Elohim has no religion!  He needs no religion backing Him!  For the very word “religion” comes from the expression “the regions of Rhea.” Rhea was the “mother of Zeus.”

Zeus is considered a chief deity in the world today. He was the primary savior-god of the Greek empire. His son, Apollo (Apollyon) is mentioned in Revelation 9:11 as the king of the pit. Apollo, or Apollyon, means “destroyer.” In I Thessalonians 2:3, in describing anti-messiah, the word “apolia” is used for “son of destruction.” He is also mentioned in Revelation 11:8 and 17:8, as the king of the pit. Yet, before the summer Olympics, i.e. 2012, the Olympic flame is lit on Mount Olympus in Greece. The high priestess of the cult of Apollo prays over it for the return of Apollo. This ancient prayer relates back to the Cumaean Sibyl, the “pythoness,” whose ancient prophecy at Delphi, at the Temple of Apollo, is now being fulfilled by the Lucifer-worshipping hierarch of the Vatican and world elite. Truly the anti-messiah will be Apollyon, son of Zeus, incarnate again. Apollo is also Nimrod.

These ancient gods were real “people,” – Nephillim! (Genesis 6:2, 4; Numbers 13) Today, multitudes of the world’s people are calling for the return of Zeus and Apollo to rule the world. America is helping out with that return greatly! December 25th is the birthday of these sun gods.

He has an eternal Word, which is “forever settled in heaven.” (Psalm 119:89)  He changes not. (Malachi 3:6) Man’s religion changes a lot, every time man has another idea, and every time he translates the Bible to conform to his ideas.  As I heard recently, it is now estimated that there are nearly 30,000 denominations and organizations in Christianity and well over 350 translations of the Bible in English–all of them different of course.

Yahuweh, Elohim of Israel, is calling a people to Himself.  He cannot receive us if we don’t come out of Lucifer’s world and side totally with Him. You are either a worshipper of Yahuweh and Yahuweh or of Ba’al. The contest of I Kings 18 is now being reenacted with each individual!

II Corinthians 5:17: “If anyone be in Messiah, he is a new creation.  Old things are passed away, and behold, ALL things become new.”  At the true new birth, the Word literally cuts between the soul (mind, emotions, reason, will, and sinful nature) and the spirit, birthing the spirit into contact with eternity. The “soul” or mind is saved as it aligns with the re-born spirit. Those truly born from above desire what He desires, and thus love truth. [Refer to: “The True New Birth”/July 30, 2009]

Colossians 1:12-13: “…giving thanks to the Father who has made us fit to share in the inheritance of he set-apart ones in the light, who has delivered us from the authority of darkness and translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sin…”

We can’t rightly say that we are citizens of the Kingdom of light, and participate in the things of the kingdom of darkness!

Because most people do not love truth, which means they do not obey truth when it is revealed to them, they will come under the “strong deception” to come, which will be sent by Yahuweh.

II Thessalonians 2:9-12: “The coming of the lawless (Torah-less) one is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood, with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved.  And for this reason Elohim sends them a strong working of delusion for them to believe the falsehood, in order for them to be judged who do not believe the truth, but have delighted in unrighteousness.”

You might think that does not apply to you.  But, if you naturally balk at truth when it is presented in order to continue in your lifestyle that is at odds with Yahuweh’s Torah, then you are indeed buying into the strong delusion.  If you order your life as to what is convenient and pleasing to your flesh now, then you will most likely do so when anti-messiah comes.

It sure sounds like Messiahis speaking to Charismatic-type Christians here in Matthew 7:21-23: “Many shall say to me in that Day (the day of Yahuweh’s wrath and judgment), `Master, Master!  Have we not prophesied in Your Name and cast out demons in Your Name and done mighty works in Your Name?’  And then I shall declare to them, `I never knew you.  Depart from Me, you who work lawlessness.’ ” The word “lawlessness” here is “a nomia” in Greek.  It literally means: “Without the Torah.”  There is only one religion that specifically tells people not to obey the Torah–Christianity.

Grace is extended to the truly repentant.  Grace is not some cheap excuse to keep on sinning.  “El is not mocked, whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap.”  “The wages of sin is death.”  “The soul that sins it shall die.”  Those verses are not written to the unsaved only–but to everyone in general.

In a classic chapter on past and present sun god worship–Ezekiel 8–Yahuweh says in verse 17: “They are putting the branch to My nose.”  The priests of Yahuweh, who also worshipped the sun gods, would face east toward the Mt. of Olives, from the Temple Mount, with their backs to the Temple where the presence of Yahuweh’s Spirit dwelt over the Ark. On Ishtar (Easter) Sunday morning, as the sun came up for the Ishtar sunrise service, they held a palm branch up to their nose to shield their eyes from the sun’s rays and to honor the rays of the sun. Yahuweh departed from there, and they never knew it. He lifted off of His place over the Holy of Holies. In Ezekiel 11:23 it says that He stood on the Mt. of Olives, in front of the sun worshippers, and departed. They were so busy worshipping the sun that they didn’t see Him go, and they continued on with both sun worship and the practices of the Temple of Yahuweh.  The words they said as the sun arose in honor the sun god who had come back to life (at the spring equinox) is exactly the same as the words used for the present Catholic Mass for Easter Sunday morning: “He is risen; he is risen from the dead,” etcetera. His own priests wanted to put the palm branch to Yahuweh’s nose, symbolically including Him in their pagan worship.  This is exactly the Christian celebration of Christmas and Easter is doing–trying to bring Yahuweh and Yahushua into their vile abomination to make it respectable. You who continue with Christmas, know full well that you are putting the pine branch to the nose of Yahuweh!

Ezekiel 8 also speaks about what became the Roman Catholic “Lent.” Tammuz was gored by a bull, so the story goes, when he was 40 years old. Thus, tradition has mourning for Tammuz for 40 days before Ishtar/Easter in his honor. Then for Easter Sunday lunch, the traditional meat is ham (representing the boar that killed Tammuz). Easter sun-rise service also honors Nimrod/Tammuz. On this day the Queen of heaven comes down to earth. Did you ever wonder why people dye Easter eggs, primarily red? One year the White House only had red-dyed eggs for the Easter-egg hunt. Babies were sacrificed to the gods at this time, the eggs dipped in their blood.

You might say: “I would never do that.” But, still, you are identifying with what the Satanists still do! Do you want to participate with them symbolically?

I believe Yahushua was born on Yom Teruah, September 11, 3 BCE. The planetary alignment over Bethlehem, plus other factors, like the math in Daniel 9:24-27, has brought Bible scholars to this conclusion. Some believe He was born on the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles) of that year. That’s also a real possibility, of course, based on John 1:14. We know He is returning on a Yom Teruah! That’s a fact from Scripture. But, the church wants Him to join them in their traditional celebrations of paganism instituted by the Roman Church.

I’ll tell you this: If Messiah was born in Bethlehem in December, those shepherds were sure crazy. I’ve been in Jerusalem, 4 miles from Bethlehem, on December 25th. It’s freezing cold! It’s rainy and downright unbearable to be out for very long. Here are Scriptures describing December in Jerusalem: Jeremiah 36:22-23, Ezra 10:9-13; John 10:22. It is Hanukkah time.

The time of Sukkot is nice weather. That’s when Miriam and Yosef would have come to Bethlehem for the taxing, as well as for the Festivals. Bible researchers and scholars are now realizing that Messiah was born at the “tower of the flock.” This was just outside Bethlehem at Ephrat (Micah 4:8 and 5:2). This is where the special perfect lambs were kept for sacrifice in the Temple. The shepherds would have been Levite priests, caring for these very special lambs. The “Lamb of Elohim,” who would die for the sins of the world, was placed in a stone feeding crib (manger). They would have been sheltered and protected there.  Miriam and Yosef would have been able to stay there because of their lineage, both Judah and Levi, direct descendants of King David, as well as the fact that Messiah’s 1st cousin, John the baptizer’s father was a priest. Most likely, the “swaddling clothes,” were the undergarments of Zechariah (linen). Doesn’t that make more sense than the church’s version of a December birth in a cave? No wonder the shepherds heard an angelic choir – they were used to choirs praising Yahuweh in the Temple. They would have known that He was at the “tower of the flock.”


“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected (His) knowledge, I will reject you; you shall be no priest to Me seeing you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohim; I will forget your children.”  (Hosea 4:6)


This is fact:  There are more people sick with diseases at Christmas time, there are more deaths, more murders, more suicides, more theft, more vandalism and break ins, more human sacrifice, more child abuse and spouse abuse, more spouses fighting, more wives beat up by drunken husbands, more divorce, more drug abuse, more abortion, more open homosexuality, more grief, more drunkenness, orgies, wild parties, anger, frustration, depression, demonic oppression and possession, greed, lust for things, un-unnatural pressure to please people, duty to do things you don’t want to do, guilt, unnecessary work,  gluttony, abuse of the body, loss of sleep, coldness of heart, worry, anxiety, stress, torment and turmoil, indebtedness, tragedies of all types, more demonic supernatural manifestations, more world tragedies, more wickedness overall than at any other time of year.


And, most of this seasonal negativity is all covered up with the glitz and glitter of fake temporal happiness. The perfect peace of Yahushua is absent. Except for a few adults and of course the kids, most people are not happy at Christmas.

The Christian Africans I worked with in East Africa, those with a heart for Him, use December 25th for evangelism or for youth conferences, and avoid any type of traditional celebrations.  They know its pagan!

“The holiday season” is the most oppressive time of year for many adults. You can feel the oppression lift on January 2nd. What a relief when the Christmas tree and all the present boxes and wrappings are taken out for the “bulk waste” to pick up!

I know that some of you just love the holiday season. In the light of the truth of this article, ask yourself “Why do I love it so much?” Is it the kid in you? Does it make you feel warm and fuzzy? If so, it’s time to grow up! You can give gifts and do charitable deeds at other times. You can bake cookies in January. This “love” of Christmas is a spirit – not of goodness, but from the evil one! Don’t get mad at me–keep reading…

Be aware: Truly, there is a demonic spirit that rides on “Christmas” because it is the birthday of all of Satan’s gods that he has “created” via his agents for man to worship.  Satan/Lucifer is worshipped by mankind at Christmas.  Make your choice, and do it quick. Are you going to worship Satan, or Yahuweh? I speak from absolute knowing in reality what I am saying! It is a simple choice for those who love truth! If you don’t stand on the side of Truth, when the anti-messiah comes you’ll fall for him too…just like you fall for Santa in his wizard’s hat each December.

“Black Friday” is what America calls the day after Thanksgiving when people head to the stores to shop for Christmas presents, and get in on all the sales. But, if you’ve ever been in a major department store on that day, you realize it is anything but “peace on earth good will toward men.” Many people are like ravenous animals. If their kid wants the latest toy out, they’ve got to get it – and if someone gets in their way – they fight (literally). But, most look like zombies. Where is the true joy of Yahuweh?  Most are disgruntled, frustrated, and even angry–all the while a hymn is playing over the loud speaker–“O Holy Night” or “Silent Night.”  What horrible hypocrisy!  What blasphemy! People act like crazy people, grabbing and throwing things to get their child what their child “has to have” for Christmas.  Many stay up all night to go to special sales that begin at dawn so that they can be first in line to grab that special toy before someone else does. Literally, people will wait in front of a store from midnight to opening time, just to be first in the store. I remember when this happened with the “Cabbage Patch” dolls years back.

Credit cards are bulging and debt rises sharply–to be paid off later on.  People mentally go over the list of people to buy for, and always cringe when we find someone that they “need” to buy a gift for.  Where did this “need” come from?  Then there are the parties and the gift exchanges. Again, we “need” to bring something that will impress people as to our generosity. People give toys to poor children, many of which are designed for their immersion into the occult world, yet people feel so proud of themselves for being so sacrificing in generosity to the poor. The “warm fuzzies” is also an illusion at Christmas–feeling so good because you did a good deed. This is 100% NOT from Yahuweh! Would Yahuweh want the world to celebrate the birth of His Son like that!??? Would Messiah Yahushua want anyone to celebrate His birthday like that!????

Messiah’s words are left lying at home:  “Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.”  (Matthew 11:29-30)

I John 2:15-17:  “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.  If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.  And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of Elohim abides forever.”

Then there is the blunt Jacob, brother of Messiah, who said: “Adulterers and Adulteresses!  Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim? Whoever therefore intends to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim.” (Ya’cob 4:4) [Note: King James wanted a book of the Bible named after him – thus “James.”] The Hebrew name is Ya’cob!

Spiritual adultery–“whoredom”–is when we put some other god before Him, or in the place of Him. The word “anti” as in anti-messiah means: “in the place of”–a substitute–one who sits in the place of another.

To participate in the celebration of Christmas is to break the first two commandments (Exodus 20). To participate in what Yahuweh considers to be abomination, is to put another god in His face, and bow down to other gods – at least spiritually, if not naturally when one gets down on their knees to pull presents out from under the phallus of Ba’al!

The love of Yahuweh is rarely a part of the pagan practices of Christmas. The “spirit of Christmas” is the spirit of indulging in fleshly lusts. It is a time when adults abuse their bodies with too much sugar, but worse, they abuse their children’s bodies with overdoses of sugar. People gain unnecessary weight. Have you noticed that the four holidays that emphasize the eating of sweets are all pagan-rooted holidays: 1) Valentine’s Day, 2) Easter, 3) Halloween, and 4) Christmas? Woven in is sentimentality (a sin-nature manipulation of emotions), guilt-trips, and selfishness. Sentimentality is weak human love. It is not the love of the Abba Yahuweh! It does not produce the righteousness of Yahuweh in anyone. Self-seeking, self-love, self-centeredness prevail–Father and His Son are left out.

A few bake Jesus a birthday cake. Yes, that’s sweet, like birthday cake frosting, but sorry, He is not impressed. He’s not impressed with oratorios, or the singing of “Silent Night.”  He’s not impressed by Christmas programs. He’s not impressed with Christmas Eve candle-lighting services, either. It wasn’t a sentimental silent night when He was born. It was a noisy night–animal sounds and humans talking. He was born in a place where people had come for taxation, and for Sukkot–thousands upon thousands of people were there, living in succahs all over the hillsides outside Jerusalem.

It was not the cold of winter. It is gorgeous weather at that time of year in Jerusalem.  It was also right after the fruit harvest of the five fruit species of the Land–dates, olives, figs, pomegranates, and grapes.

Catholics venerate wood in several ways: 1) the “cross,” 2) the Christmas tree, and 3) the wood of the “manger.”  Yahuweh speaks to the worshippers of wood:  Isaiah 45:20-22.  At Easter, the Catholics have a mass in which everyone comes to kiss the wood, and to hear mass to venerate the “wood of the cross.”

All of Yahuweh’s Feasts of Israel were around harvests. Pesach, Passover, is around the barley harvest, Pentecost, Shavu’ot, around the wheat harvest, and Sukkot after the fruit harvest.  Ya’cob 5:7-8 tells us that the “husbandman”–Father–waits for “the precious fruit of the earth.”  After the resurrection of the fruit of the earth comes Sukkot–the tabernacling of Yahushua with man.  His ways follow His Word.  What did Yahushua celebrate in the Hebrew month of Kislev–usually in the Roman December?  He was a good Jewish child, and later a good Jewish man.  He celebrated Hanukah–the Feast of Dedication, along with His Jewish family. (John 10:22)  Hanukkah is about the re-dedication of the Temple after it was restored from when Antiochus Ephiphanes defiled it (167 BCE).  (For details on Hanukkah, read my article under Mikvah of the Covenant, on my website:

Hanukah is also called The Feast of Lights. It wasn’t on Rome’s calendar–it was on Israel’s calendar, like Purim.  It was during the Hanukkah recorded in John 10:22 that Yahushua chose to declare His deity publicly, i.e. John 10:30–His relationship with His Father.

No, there is no Scriptural command to celebrate Hanukkah or Purim, but it is such a joy to celebrate Yahuweh’s victories every chance we get, and thus teach our children His Truth.

What does Hanukah celebrate?  It celebrates the victory of His people over a Greek ruler who tried to get them to reject the culture of Yahuweh’s Kingdom, and become Greeks, serving Greek gods.  When Messiah comes and destroys the “Antiochus” to come, we will rejoice!

It was the Jews who converted to Greek culture and religion under Antiochus Ephiphanes around 167 BCE, and became “Hellenized” rather than be killed, whose ancestors created Christianity. Antiochus outlawed the Torah. Thus, in identifying with Greece, these Hellenized Jews and their offspring also turned from Torah. When Sha’ul and the other Apostles came along and taught not only about another savior besides Zeus, plus admonished people to guard the Torah, they tried to kill Sha’ul. Because their teachings were spreading like wildfire among the Jewish communities, they created Christianity as a means of gathering the pagans together against the teachings of the Apostles. Thus, as Kepha (Peter) reports in II Peter 3, they twisted the words of Sha’ul to make him sound like he was against the Torah. Today, if people stand against the Torah, they usually use 2-3 verses from Sha’ul’s writings to refute the whole rest of the Scriptures in order to justify their defiance of His Torah. It is the spirit of Satan!  The early Apostles were actually fighting the beginnings of Christianity and rabbinic Judaism in the 1st century CE!

In all of this world craziness, we are commanded to be set-apart.  Will you cling to Yahuweh’s calendar? Your eternal destiny may be at stake.

Look at Isaiah 2:2-3, Psalm 2:8-9; Revelation 2:26-27; 12:5; 19:15; and other passages like Zechariah 14:16-19, and Ezekiel 40-48 that are talking about the Kingdom on earth and the Third Temple.  In His kingdom on earth, and forever, the nations will be under His “rod of iron”–His Torah.

We talk about charity at the Christmas season.  Except, truth is, Christmas charity comes from the heathen idea that a good deed replaces a bad one–so many suave their sin-nature by doing good in the hopes that their guilt will be relieved.

I know that some, like my children, love to give gifts. I love to give gifts. Most of us do. There are still natural “givers” in this world. But because of greed and heard-heartedness, most of the world’s people are “takers.”  So, I ask the givers: Why not give to the widow, the orphans, the poor, the needy, the strangers and homeless, and the ones doing Yahuweh’s work for His Kingdom–twelve months out of the year? That’s what Yahuweh commands of us! What brings the greatest reward according to Scripture? – Isn’t it to give to those who cannot repay you?

In the past, to be with my family (a national excuse), I have been around “the tree” at a large gathering of my mother’s family on Christmas day. Everyone there professed to be a Christian on their way to heaven. Yet, the entire week I was with them not one person wanted to talk about the Savior, nor His Word, except one Italian Jew who was a Messianic believer. Thank goodness for him–it saved my week. Most kept their eyes glued on the TV, or went shopping. But, as the presents were opened around the tree, and believe me there were piles and piles of presents, not one person acted grateful as they ripped open the packages. I heard a lot of complaining–“I don’t like the color,” “it is not my style,” “the size is too small,”  “I wanted something else.”  Yes, there were the traditional nice “thank yous,” but then it was time to gorge on food, and the tree was left with trash all around it, and presents lost under the wrappings.  As you can guess, since I’ve avoided the season as much as I could by staying happily overseas until it is over.  Other times I have hidden out at friend’s house who did not “do Christmas.”

Yes, I grew up with it. Yes, I grew my children up with it. I repented! I want to warn as many as possible about this seductive evil. The “Christmas spirit” is the spirit of deception at least, and the spirit of mockery of Yahuweh at most.

My parents lied to me thinking they were playing a cute game–and fooled me into thinking that Santa was real. It was the fad of the day, so I don’t fault them.  But, I thought Santa was real. The milk and cookies were all gone on Christmas morning, so I reasoned he must have been there.

Do you realize that most people who were brought up on Christmas lies continue that kind of reasoning throughout their lives?  If a person looks good, talks right, says what is acceptable, we just accept them as good. Many go through their lives with a childish gullibility, or a cynical, skeptical attitude because finding out that Santa wasn’t real hurt too deeply, so we can’t trust anyone anymore.  Lies have long-term effects on a child’s personality.  Lies can bend a children’s personality in the wrong direction, because the parents that they trust have lied to them.  So, it can affect the attitude toward God Himself.

Belief in Santa can make gullible adults. It makes many think that God is like that, and if He doesn’t do what we want, or give us what we want, we get mad at Him.  We blame God for our troubles because He failed to give us what we wanted.  We’re actually mad at Santa!

I preached the Gospel on the streets of Los Angeles with a man who had been so hurt by the “game” of Santa, that later in his life he became an atheist.  He was a well-known Tennis Pro in the Los Angeles, California area. He made a lot of money. One day, he and his wife were in a horrible accident, which left his wife crippled for life. They were taken to separate hospitals.  The Spirit of Yahuweh came to both separately in their hospital beds.  Each received the Savior. When they were reunited, he stopped being a Tennis Pro, and they gave their lives to preaching the Good News of Messiah on the streets of Los Angeles.  I worked with them for several years. They were two of the most humble and precious believers I’ve ever known.  But, he told me that his bitterness at learning that Santa was not real was so great that it broke his heart, and it brought hate against God.

The anti-messiah will fool all the Christmas-deluded kiddies. If your God is another Santa, and you are looking to Him as you would Santa Claus, then you’re in for a great disappointment, because the Elohim of the Scriptures is not Santa!

If there was such a person as St. Nicholas, he sure went through some changes.  He first appeared among the Dutch, who at that time were not even Christians.  He was supposed to be a Bishop of the Church, whom the Church canonized as a “saint” long after his death, if he was a real person and not just a legend. Santa used to be an Irish elf, also, 2 feet tall, and wore green, and had magical powers.

The Santa we see today was created by the 19th century poem The Night Before Christmas.  (Note the drooping wizard’s hat) In fact, the fat Santa we see today was actually made famous by a Coca Cola commercial in the 1940’s. He still is a big part of Coke commercials.

I never taught my children to believe that Santa was real.  I always told them he was a game, and not real. I pointed out the Santa people in the stores, and showed them that it they were just men dressed up.  I just have never been able to lie to my children.

The very idea of hiding presents under wrappings to conceal them is called “fun.” Yet, this is another form of pagan thinking, carried to the extreme in the “mystery religions” of Lucifer. Light exposes the hidden things of darkness.  We are children of light if we belong to the Elohim of Israel. Hiding is fun for our sin nature.  Messiah says that the day will come when all hidden things will be revealed, and the darkness exposed.  (Matthew 10:26-27)

Ephesians 4:17-18:  “No longer walk as the gentiles walk.”  Will you be sad when the merchants can no longer sell their products, when economic Babel falls?  What side will you be on when Revelation 18 happens–the side of the merchants or the side of heaven? [Refer to: “Are You a Gentile?”/re-edited 2007]

I Peter 4:3-4: “For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the desire of the gentiles, having walked in indecencies, lusts, drunkenness, orgies, wild parties, and abominable idolatries, in which they are surprised that you do not run with them in the same flood of loose behavior.”

Let your light shine before men, so that they know you do not participate in what is offensive to the Elohim of the Word! The Christmas season is the in-season for the world to have drunken orgies, wild parties and free sex, gluttony, and all sorts of other filth?  Now, ask yourself–where did that aspect of the season come from?  Answer: It was always that way in the honor of the sun god’s birth.

No! “Jesus is not the reason for the season”–the sun god is.  Copying this “Saturnalia” is an abomination.  It has to do with the god Saturn.  Santa is literally the god Saturn!

Notice that those who use His real Hebrew name, and guard the Torah of Yahuweh, do not celebrate the pagan days? This is because “the fear of Yahuweh is the beginning of wisdom.”

My son’s best friend’s mother was horribly killed when a drunken driver hit her car, on December 7th –her son’s birthday. The drunken driver had just come from a Christmas office party where people were indulging in food and liquor.  My son, Derek, and his friend, Gary, were young boys. Gary’s aunt was also killed in the car–his mom’s sister.

If you defend the celebrating of Christmas, ask yourself: “Who am I defending?”  “What am I defending?”  Will you take your defense before the throne of Elohim in the judgment?  Sorry, but “God” won’t understand.

The Church was laid on a foundation of wickedness: 1) the hatred of Jews as “Christ killers,” 2) the outlawing of the Torah, and 3) the murder of anyone who came against its power and authority–including believers who kept the Torah. Today the Vatican sides with the Palestinians who are killing Jews in Israel. Their excuse is that the Jews killed “Christ,” and therefore they are destined to wander over the earth with no permanent home.  They are backing the U.N. in their attempts to give away Yahuweh’s land to His enemies.

The early believers never called themselves “Christians.” They were known as a “sect of Judaism,” called “the followers of the Way,” or the “sect of the Nazarene.”  (See Acts 24:5, 14)  Early believers, who met in homes, or in fields, and at the synagogue on Shabbat, received Messiah Yahushua as THE Messiah of Israel by faith, but also kept the Torah. They went to synagogue on Shabbat to hear the Torah read. The Scriptural concept of “hearing” is obedience to what you hear.

Constantine fashioned his sword the shape of a cross, and went after the “Christ killers”–Jews and Torah-observant believers to kill them all, for these were the only ones in his Empire who would not submit to him as the Pontifix Maximus, the Supreme Pontiff. Later the Church created the Crusades and the Inquisition to kill the “Christ killers,” and the Torah-observant believers in Messiah Yahushua. The Church called them “heretics,” for they obeyed Torah, and even had a copy of Matthew in Hebrew up until the 13th century. Hebrew Matthew has been re-discovered and translated into English.

Rome never died. Through Rome, Lucifer stills lusts to sit on the throne of Yahuweh.  And, for a short time, he will–in Jerusalem.  Now, the world’s Luciferian agents have one goal: To put their god on the throne of Elohim on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. That plan is now being worked out literally.

Through the centuries, murder, lies, deceptions, orgies, sexual filth—child abuse, child murder, fornication, perversion, and the slaughter of Jews and Word-believers who loved Jews, through the Crusades, the 300 years of torture and murder in the Inquisition, was the norm for the Roman Catholic Church.  Yet, in the last 20 years especially, her totally deceived daughters–leaders of the Protestant Evangelical and Charismatic churches and organizations, have rejoined with Rome in covenant, in a one-world unity religion.  I pray that they repent!

Are you getting a picture of why He calls the festivals of Rome “Abominations?”

I won’t discuss Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or Halloween.

My purpose in this article is to give solid evidence about the celebration of Christmas, and some about Easter. [Refer to: Passover or Easter? – Which One Honors the Savior?”/March 2005, which can be found on my site, under The Mikvah of the Covenant]

We know from the Scriptures what the “course” of priestly service was for Zechariah, Yochanan’s father. Thus we know that John (Yochanan) the baptizer was born exactly six months before his cousin Yahushua’s birth, and at what time.

(Luke 1:35-37; Luke 1:5; I Chronicles 24:10)

In the temple at the time of Sukkot, “the feast of Tabernacles,” great bowls of olive oil were suspended from the ceiling, and the priest’s undergarments were used as wicks. These lights were called “the lights of the world.”  Just the fact that this baby was wrapped in a priest’s undergarments, most likely Zechariah’s, gave the shepherds their sign that this child was the light of the world.

Let’s not make saints out of the Magi. Most likely they worshipped Mithra, even though they were Israelites from the great Parthian Empire. Parthia had kings from the lineage of David ruling over them. That’s why they came to find the baby “King of the Jews,” for they needed to raise Him as the next King to rule over them from the house of Nathan. The Talmud tells that Eli, Miriam’s father, was of the house of Nathan. The Magi knew the Scriptures, and also the signs of the Messiah that had been passed down from Noah’s day. They came with quite an entourage, estimated at about 10,000 people. That is what terrified Herod.  Rome and Parthia were in a “cold war.”  To Herod, it appeared that Parthia was promoting a war with all this entourage coming into Jerusalem.  It has been estimated that the wealth they brought in today’s money would have totaled about $500,000,000 dollars–1/2 a billion.  Some scholars say that the gold, jewels, myrrh and frankincense and other precious metals came from the savings of Daniel–who died a very rich man without heirs.  Since Daniel prophesied of the Messiah, it is very possible that he left the Magi his wealth to take to the Messiah when He would be born.

We are commanded to celebrate Messiah’s death and resurrection, the coming of the Ruach ha Kodesh, and second coming of Messiah, and that is all He told us to celebrate.  These events are wrapped up in the celebration of the seven Feasts (Leviticus 23), which give us the outline of the plan of salvation.  The word for “Feast” is the Hebrew word “mo’edim,” meaning “an exact-to-the-second appointment.”  He did not tell us to celebrate His birthday.

But, Yahushua was nailed to the stake on Feast of Passover (Pesach)–Aviv 14. He was buried on the Feast of Unleavened Bread–Aviv 15. He arose on the Feast First-fruits 72 hours later on Aviv 17. He sent the Spirit to fill His disciples fifty days after First Fruits, to put the terms of the Marriage Covenant on our heart at Sha’vuot. He will come again on the Feast of Trumpets (Tishre 1). He will announce all Israel saved, and judge the nations on The Feast of Atonement (Yom Kippur–Tishre 10). He and His Bride will exchange their wedding nuptials on the first day of Sukkot, then they will enter the chupah (Tishre 15) for seven days. On the 8th day they will come out to the rejoicing of the guests, and proceed to the wedding feast! It’s all on earth, not in heaven!

Don’t you want to get out of the burdensome Roman pagan calendar, and into Father’s calendar of freedom?  Don’t you want to rest on His set-apart day each week, which is an eternal covenant?  Your body wants to rest!

Did you know that our forefathers in America–the Puritans and Pilgrims–outlawed Christmas because they knew it was pagan?  There was actually a law in American law books that outlawed Christmas! It wasn’t until the Roman Catholics got a foothold into America that their pagan celebrations came to North America, including Halloween. (Fossilized Customs by Lew White, p. 85)

From an article by Adam Cohen in the International Herald Tribune, December 8, 2005, entitled “Commercialize Christmas, or Else”: “Christmas remains ubiquitous, and with its celebration in control of most branches of government, it hardly lacks for powerful supporters.  There is also something perverse, when Christians are being jailed for discussing the Bible in Saudi Arabia and slaughtered in Sudan, about spending so much energy on stores that sell `holidays trees’…The Puritans considered Christmas un-Christian, and hoped to keep it out of America. They could not find December 25 in the Bible and insisted that the date derived from Saturnalia, the Roman heathen’s wintertime celebration. The concern that Christmas distracted from religious piety continued even after Puritanism waned.  Throughout the 1800s many religious leaders were still trying to hold to the line.  On the eve of the Civil War, Christmas was recognized in just 18 states.”

From an article by Joe Kovacs of WordNetDaily, December 2004, entitled “Christmas in America Becomes Battleground”: The Catholic Encyclopedia states `the word “Christmas” in late Old English is Cristes Maesse, the Mass of Christ, first found n 1038, and as Cristes-messe in 1131. It explains `Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the church’, pointing out, `first evidence of the feast is from Egypt’ around 200 CE…In 1644, the English Parliament outlawed the holiday, compelling shops to be open that day…”  “`In New England, for the first two centuries of white settlement’ writes the historian Nissenbaum, `most people did not celebrate Christmas. In fact, the holiday was systematically suppressed by Puritans during the colonial period and largely ignored by their descendants.  It was actually illegal to celebrate Christmas in Massachusetts between 1659 and 1681 (the fine for doing so was five shillings).  Only in the middle of the nineteenth century did Christmas gain legal recognition as an official public holiday in New England.’ ”

“In the 1800s Alexander Hislop, a noted historian of antiquity examined the origins of customs such as the Christmas tree and date of celebration.  Writing in The Two Babylons Hislop maintains the practice derives from the worship of pagan deities: `The Christmas tree, now so common among us, was equally common in pagan Rome and pagan Egypt. In Egypt that tree was a palm tree; In Rome it was the fir denoting the pagan messiah…The mother of Adonis, the sun god and great mediatorial divinity, was mystically said to have been changed into a tree, and when in that state to have brought forth her divine son…Therefore, the 25th of December, the day that was observed at Rome when the victorious god reappeared on earth, was held at the Natalis invii solis—`the birthday of the unconquerable sun.’ ”

From chapter one of Reuniting the Covenant by Rav David Pollina, c. 2004: “Isaiah 14:8: `The evergreens also rejoice over your demise (Lucifer’s demise), as do the cedars of Lebanon, singing “Since you fell asleep, no woodsman comes up to chop us down.” ’ ” (Italics mine)  “When haSatan is defeated, millions of evergreen trees will rejoice that no one cuts them down anymore.”

Pollina says: “It is not possible, knowing the truth, to celebrate Christmas in honor of Y’shua.  How would you feel if your `friends’ ignored your real birthday and instead threw a party to the birthday of your most hated enemy gave gifts to each other instead of you, and said they did it all for the love of you?”

“The tradition of giving gifts is said to commemorate the gifts given by the wise men.  However, it must be noted that they did not visit Y’shua until approximately two years after His birth, and gave Him gifts because He was a King, not because of His birthday.  Coincidentally, the gift-giving tradition was also a major part of `Saturnalia’, one of the Roman sun-god feasts combined into Christmas by Constantine.  Of course, there is nothing inherently wrong with giving or receiving gifts; it is only their use in connection with this holiday being referred to that is wrong.”

From Come Out of Her My People by C.J. Koster, page 27-29: “The fact that the pagan origin of the festival of Christmas on the 25th December, namely, as birthday of the Sun-deity, is admitted by all scholars. The Messiah could not have been born in mid-winter…as the shepherds were not out in the fields. In any case, we are not commanded to remember the day of His birth, rather, to remember the day of His death.

The Catholic Encyclopedia says, `Christmas was not a part of the earliest festivals of the Church.  Irenaeus and Tertullian omit it from their lists of feasts.’ “  (These men lived before the official beginning of the Roman Catholic Church.)

“Sir James Frazer says, `The largest pagan religious cult which fostered the celebration of December 25 as a holiday…was the pagan sun-worship, Mithraism…This winter festival was called the Nativity of the SUN.’ ” “Mithraism was the fastest growing cult just prior to the year 321 and was the major rival of Christianity.”

Franz Cumont, perhaps the greatest scholar of Mithraism, wrote, quoting Minucius Felix, `The Mithraists also observed Sunday and kept sacred the 25th of December as the birthday of the sun.’ Many scholars have pointed out how the Sun worshipping Mithraists, the Sun-worshipping Manicheans and the Christians were all syncretized and reconciled when Constantine led the takeover by Christianity, even if it meant the latter’s surrender of most vital Scriptural truths, especially its Hebrew roots.

Sir James Frazer wrote, `If the Mithraic mysteries were indeed a Satanic copy of a divine original, we are driven to conclude that Christianity took a leaf out of the devil’s book when it fixed the birth of the Savior on the 25th of December, for there can be no doubt that the day in question was celebrated as the birthday of the Sun by the heathen before the Church transferred the Nativity.’ ”

“The mixing of pagan Sun-worship and Christianity is exemplified by the testimony of a Syrian scholiast on Bar Dalibi, who said, `It is a custom of the heathen to celebrate on the same 25th of December the birthday of the sun, at which they kindled lights in token of festivity.  In these solemnities and festivals the Christians also took part.’ ”  “Practically all the known Sun-deities were born on the 25th of December.”

In S.E. Titcomb’s Aryan Sun-myths, the Origin of Religions, we find it cited, quoted from primary sources that the following sun-deities were all born on 25 December, according to their legends:  Crishna (Vishnu), Mithras, Osiris, Horus, Hercules, Bacchus (Dionysus), Tammuz, Indra, and Buddha. Therein we also read of the Scandinavian goddess Frigia in whose honor a `mother-night’ festival was held at the winter Solstice (25 December). Thus we find the three great days of Christianity namely, Sunday, Easter, and Christmas, all three having had its origin the sun worship of the pagan nations.”

Deuteronomy 12:30:  This is exactly what the true Mighty One, Yahuweh, forbade His people to do. Ezekiel 8:9-16, the `wicked abominations’ of Sun-worship which had been fused and mixed with True Worship, is still an abomination today.”

From Fossilized Customs by Lew White page 31: “…Saturnalia…It was an ancient belief that the winter sun was slowly dying, because it was seen rising further and further to the south each morning. `Sol-stice’ means sun-stop. By December 25th, the ancient world’s solstice, it could be recognized as beginning to return northward, and was said to be `re-born.’  It marked the time for celebration that lasted for days. Carved idols were exchanged (eye-dolls), people hung wreaths on their doors, or wore them around their necks (an echo of the symbol of Nimrod, the branch of a tree, twisted into a circle, symbolic of the shape of the sun, and the annual cycle). The `re-birth’ of the sun came 9 months (gestation cycle) after “Easter” when the earth-mother was impregnated by the sun at the crossing of the Vernal (Venusian) equinox, when Mithras (the sun) `slayed the bull’ (the constellation of Taurus) and the sun moved into the next constellation—bringing on warmer weather.”  Read Fossilized Customs, pages 31-37, etc. on the origins of Santa, and elves, and the tree.

Long considered a classic book, The Two Babylons, or The Papal Worship, by Rev. Alexander Hyslop, c. 1916, first expanded edition from 1853, Rev. Hyslop goes into fine detail regarding the direct connection of the Roman Catholic Church to the ancient mysteries of Babylon, going back to the author of Lucifer worship–Nimrod. He shows that the Babylon of Revelation 17 is indeed the Papal Roman Church of today.

On pages 91-103, he talks about Christmas, and its connection to the worship of the Queen of Heaven (“Mary” in Christianity) called “Our Lady.”  Here are a few excerpts from page 93: “…within the Christian church no such festival as Christmas was heard of until the 3rd century and not until the 4th century did it get much observance.  How then did the Romanish Church fix on December the 25th as Christmas day? Why, thus: Long before the 4th century, and long before the Christian era itself, a festival was celebrated among the heathen, at that precise time of year, in honor of the birth of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven; and it may fairly be presumed that in order to conciliate the heathen, and to swell the number of the nominal adherents to Christianity, the same festival was adopted by the Roman Church, giving it only the name of Christ.  This tendency on the past of Christians to meet the Paganism half-way was very early developed; and we find Tertullian, even in his day, about the year 230, bitterly lamenting the inconsistency of the disciples of Christ in this respect, and contrasting it with the strict fidelity of the Pagans to their own superstition.  By us, says he, who are strangers to the Sabbaths, and new moons, and festivals, once acceptable to God, the Saturnalia, the feasts of January, the Brumalia, and Matronalia are now frequented; gifts are carried to and fro, New Year’s Day presents are made with din, and sports and banquets are celebrated with uproar; oh, how much more faithful are the heathen to their religion, who take special care to adopt no solemnity from the Christians.  Upright men strove to stem the tide, but in spite of all their efforts the apostasy went on, ‘til the Church, with the exception of a small remnant, was submerged under pagan superstition.  That Christmas was originally a Pagan festival is beyond all doubt.”

Notice that in ancient Rome on New Year’s Day, parties and sports were the norm. Western culture has never separated itself from Rome! Tertullian laments that the festivals, once acceptable to Elohim and His true congregation of believers in Messiah, were replaced by the celebrations of the pagans.  That is what happened, as early as the end of the 1st century–the Christians compromised with the pagans, and took on their celebrations and their worship day, and mixed with them for the same of “unity, and peace.”  The church has always done it, and is still doing it.  And our Savior hates it!

Isaiah 5:20: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

Proverbs 17:15: “He that justifies the wicked and he that condemns the just, even they both are abominations to Yahuweh.”  Did you know that tolerance for evil, justifying wrong-doing and standing up for those who sin against the Torah, is an abomination?  There is punishment for participating in abominations!

Deuteronomy 7:25-26: “The carved images of their gods, you are to burn with fire.  Do not covet the silver or the gold that is on them, nor take it for yourselves, lest you be snared by it, for it is an abomination to Yahuweh your Elohim.  Neither shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be a cursed thing like it; but you shall utterly detest it, and utterly abhor it, for it is a cursed thing.”

That’s talking about carved Buddha incense burners, statues of gods from vacations to third world nations, Christmas trees, Santa dolls, those cute little pointed eared elves, angel dolls that look like fat naked kids, fairies, flying horses (Pegasus), reindeer, or other supernatural things like talking snowmen, symbolic wreaths, gold and silver balls that you’re hanging onto because they came from grandma, or they are covered with real silver or gold, are abominations to the Elohim you want to live with forever.

The Scripture says that you are to burn these things with fire because they are images of the gods of this world.  I’ve had to do it.  Build a nice fire in your barbeque, and send them all to ashes.  Let your children help you, so that see that you are coming out of the kingdom of darkness, and that Yahuweh’s is real—so real that their parents are willing to destroy anything of the other kingdom.

These images of pagan things, like the image of the “beast” of Revelation 13, cause us to worship “things.”  Sentimentality is a demonic spirit that causes the worship of things! It is false love.  It is a destroyer in your life. You hang on to things, and they get a grip on your heart and your emotions, and you cry at the thought of giving away grandma’s precious Christmas angel. Beware of what you call “cute,” “sweet,” or “adorable.”  It can also trap you into wanting, even lusting, after things.

Let’s talk about images and their power to destroy us. You say: “they are inanimate objects–how can they hurt me”–“God understands my heart.” Yes, He sure does.  He says that the heart is desperately wicked, who can know it?  (Jeremiah 17:5-10) Traditional Christmas symbols are open portals for demonic worship, and demons, who know their power.  The Masons, the New Agers, the Illuminati, the Vatican, know that symbols are portals that are open to supernatural powers. If you go and bring them into your house, you bring in open portals. They are open doors to let the demonic world into your house to destroy you in any way they can.  Demons hide in these objects by which they were worshipped throughout the history of mankind after the judgment by Flood.   Demons hide in human bodies, in animal bodies, and in objects that make them comfortable.

No, in itself, your Christmas tree is just another dead tree. All the live Christmas trees taken from forests are depleting the oxygen level of planet earth–so you’re contributing to the destruction of the planet. In Scripture, we read about the “groves” that kings of Judah and Israel allowed the people to use for worship of foreign gods. Trees were always considered places of worship. Because Lucifer has always used trees, especially evergreens, to bring himself honor through the last 5,000 years, when you bring that tree into your house, and enact his ancient worship, using his ancient symbols, and celebrate on his ancient day of worship along with all the neo-pagan Lucifer worshippers in the world today, you have given him the right to do whatever he wants with you and your family. I’ve learned, understood and practiced deliverance from demonic powers for 48 years, and I know how they think, how they act, and how they deceive. When I say that they hide in Christmas, it is no idle talk.

in Christmas, it is no idle talk.

Do not confuse weepy sentimentality while you are singing “Silent Night,” with the anointing of the Spirit of Elohim. I know, people get all choked up at Christmas programs and magnificent choir productions, but remember that is a facet of the soul’s emotional abilities to deceive, and has nothing to do with the moving of the Spirit of Yahuweh. I am a college graduate with a degree in Music. I have been a Music Director, Minister of Music, a Choir Director, a pianist, and taught music, and piano for about 25 years. I have written and directed Christmas plays and musicals for children and adults, in schools and churches. Yahuweh uses all things to reveal Himself to us, so I am not ruling out His intervention into a church choir performance, but if it has no lasting impact on your life past the performance then your emotional reactions were not from Him but from your own soul.

Why are stars predominate symbols at Christmas, especially the five-pointed stars–pentagrams? Is it because of the star over Bethlehem? You can christianize the Christmas star all you want, but this star-symbol is zodiac-related.

The Magi saw the “star of Bethlehem” and began to follow at His birth, but it took them a year to get there. Topping off Nimrod’s phallic symbol–the tree–with a star at the top, isn’t exactly something that Yahushua would be happy with, to say the least. What does a pine tree have to do with Yahuweh or Yahushua? They created pine trees!

Why did I first write this article in 2003? I have to expose lies! However, it has proved to be the most controversial article I’ve written, receiving the most nasty-spirited backlash of any article, which proves it rattles Satan’s cage. I’ve sent it out each year, always with some little revision. But, this year there is lot of revision–in fact, it is a re-write.

The late Kenneth Hagan once answered his critics’ question as to why for over 50 years he taught on Mark 11:22-24. He answered them, saying that when people start obeying it he will stop preaching it.

We can’t afford to be like Lot’s wife. She was a good lady, but she loved her things too much, and lingered just a few seconds too long.  An evangelist once said:  The things that we fear losing are our gods. Yahushua leaves us with a very sober warning:  “Remember Lot’s wife.” (Luke 17:32)

Use this information as a springboard to spring you out of the pit of Christmas, Easter and Sun-day worship.  Study for yourself.




First written: November 2003

Revised: August 5, 2004

Revised again: November 19, 2007

Revised, rewritten, edited, pictures added: December 11, 2013


1. The Ancient Hebrew Wedding Ceremony By Yedidah
2.Seven-Appointments ( YAHUWEH’S SEVEN APPOINTMENTS WITH MAN ) By Yedidah
3.Two Witnesses and Bride of Messiah  By Yedidah
4.A Radical View of Set-Apartness_4ef244ddcfb21 (1) By Yadidah
Yedidah Ministry’s site:


Leviticus 23: 2, 4, 37, 44  “Feasts” in Hebrew is “mo-aw-daw”, which means “to fix by agreement or appointment, to meet, to gather together at a set time, assemble at a set time—an appointment or a fixed time or season, a place of meeting, a signal as appointed before time, an appointed sign”.  (#4150 James Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible/Hebrew Dictionary) This is the same word for “season” in Genesis 1:14, describing the purpose of the sun and moon, to create seasons for harvest.  Elohim’s planetary order of the sun, moon, stars and planets are perfect, to the second at all times in their orbits, or we could not exist on this planet.  Elohim uses the same words to describe His set-apart appointments with man with to-the-second timing.  These seven Festivals are the outline of His plan of salvation and redemption of His people–Israel.  Leviticus 23 gives the overview of all these appointments.

I Thessalonians 5:1 “But of the times and seasons brethren, I have no need to write to you”.  The believers in Thessalonica understood that Paul was referring to the appointments of Yahuwah of the plan of salvation.  The new believers went to the synagogue to learn the Torah of Yahuwah, and to participate in His set-apart signs and festivals.   The word for “times/seasons” in the Greek is “kairos”, #2540 in the Strong’s Greek dictionary means: “a specific, appointed time for an occasion, a fixed time”.  As Father keeps the planets, sun, moon and stars moving in perfect order to the fraction of a second, so He fulfills His set appointments with man, literally.   The seven Festivals/Feasts outlined in Leviticus 23, were given to the covenant-keeping children of Israel by Yahuwah, so that they could rehearse every year, the whole plan of His salvation from beginning to end.

The word “convocation” (KJV) in Leviticus 23:2-4 is #4744, “mik-raw”, in the Strong’s Hebrew dictionary.  It means: “something called out, a public meeting, a rehearsal, assembly”.  These meetings, or rehearsals, were to be celebrated forever.  In eternity future, these seven appointments will be celebrated with Yahushua and Yahuwah on earth with His people.

For approximately 4,000 years, the Father Yahuwah has had His people rehearsing all of His plans for their redemption and eternal blessing.  The word “holy” means to be “set-apart”.  These seven Festivals are to set apart His people unto Himself.  Within these Festivals are “high Sabbaths”, which are also to set His people apart unto Himself, as are the weekly Sabbaths from Friday night at sundown to Saturday night at sundown.  These are set-apart signs of who belongs to Yahuwah, Elohim of Israel, and His Salvation, Yahushua, and who does not belong to Him.  He has set-apart dietary laws also, so that our bodies function as the Creator designed them.  The Instructions of Yahuwah are only for our absolute and maximum good–in mind, emotions, spirit and body.  He is a such a good Father!

Four of these appointments have been fulfilled, and three remain to be

fulfilled.  We look back on the four and rejoice.  We look forward to the last three with great expectation, for they picture the coming of Messiah Yahushua and His Kingdom on earth.

When we come to Yahushua for salvation, we enter into a Covenant relationship with Yahuwah through His blood and His resurrection.  We give to Him all that we have and are after repentance for our sin, and He gives to us Himself and all that He is and has.  Repentance cuts the ties with anything that is not of His liking.  In this Covenant relationship we have responsibilities to fulfill our part of the Covenant, which is obedience to His set-apart teachings and instructions, called the Torah (Instructions and Teachings).  The Torah is contained within the first five books of the Scriptures, which is the foundation on which the Prophets, the Writings and the Messianic Scriptures are built.  Without an understanding of His foundation, we cannot properly understand the full ramifications of our salvation, our purpose for life here, or our eternal destiny.  We cannot understand what is required of us to please the King of the Kingdom, and what is right ruling for our good standing in His Kingdom.  Without Hebraic understanding of His Covenant with His people, and His eternal plan for His people, we cannot understand our destiny.  By observing His Festivals His way, we understand the full plan of salvation.

In Psalm 23, we read:  “He guides me in the tracks of righteousness, for the sake of His name”.  (Hebrew Scriptures translation)  The “tracks of righteousness” is the yearly path of the Festivals, and the weekly path of the Shabbat/Sabbath.

In Exodus 31:16 and Leviticus 23, the Feasts are called “perpetual statutes”.  As we see in Isaiah 66:22-23, even when the Father comes here, and creates a new heaven and new earth, the Shabbat, and the festivals of Yahuwah will be practiced.



First I will give the Hebrew origin of the celebration, and then give the fulfillment of it through Yahushua and the Ruach Yahuwah.

PASSOVER/PESACH:  Exodus 12 Yahuwah’s New Year

Yahuwah changed the day of the New Year (Exodus 12:2).  The days had been counted from creation, beginning with first day of the month of Tishre (Rome’s September/October).  But, He changed the New Year’s Day to the first day of the month of Abib or Nisan (Rome’s March/April).  He did this to begin the cycle of the seven festivals in the first month of their salvation from Egypt.  So Abib 1 is New Year’s on His redemption calendar.

This Feast began the plan of His salvation for the deliverance of His people.  The procedures required for this Feast were for the purpose of delivering them from the 10th plague on Egypt—the death of the firstborn.  On this night at, by following Yahuwah’s instructions, they were delivered from the death angel that passed over Egypt at midnight, killing the first born of man and animals.  By carefully following His instructions, we avoid the troubles that come on most people–in this life and for eternity.

On the 10th day of Abib (March/April), the lamb was to be brought for inspection into their homes for 4 days, to make sure it was without spot or blemish. The Lamb was killed “between the evenings”, which is between 3:00PM and sundown on the 14th of Abib.  It was eaten after sunset, which began the 15th of Abib, and the Festival of Unleavened Bread.  The lamb was roasted with a stake running up through its body.  The intestines were taken out and wrapped around the lamb’s head.  It was called “the crowned sacrifice”.  The roasted lamb was then to be eaten quickly.  They had no time for their bread to rise, so they made unleavened bread.  The blood of the lamb was applied to the top of the door and the sides of their house.  They were to have their sandals on their feet, and their bread in their bowls and be ready to leave as soon as the death angel passed over Egypt at midnight on the 15th.  When the death angel saw the blood on the doors of the Hebrew’s houses, he would not kill any first born in their houses, or of their animals. The death angel “passed over” the houses of the Hebrews, thus giving the name of the feast—Passover, or in Hebrew “Pesach”.


The Hebrews hastily left in the middle of night of the 15th of Abib, after the death of the firstborn of the Egyptians at midnight, at the command of Pharaoh, with all their livestock and possessions from Rameses.  They traveled by the light of the full moon toward Succoth to pick up the bones of Joseph.  At the time of their leaving Egypt in haste, they had unleavened bread to eat.  By the time that Pharaoh’s grief turned to rage, he was assembling his army to go after the Hebrews.  The Scriptures say there were 600,000 men plus women and children—so it supposed there were over 2 million Hebrews in all with their livestock and possessions.


The Hebrew people were trapped in a canyon that exited at the Red Sea, and Pharaoh was pursuing.  He knew that he had given them three days to go into the wilderness to worship their Elohim.   Because of his pursuit, however, they could not return in the three days, thus they had to keep running to escape Pharaoh’s wrath.

On the 17th of Abib, they reached the Sea while it was night.  The Red Sea was

before them, and Pharaoh and all of his army was behind them.  It was here that the greatest miracle on earth occurred so that they could be delivered, and Pharaoh and his army killed, thus releasing the Hebrews from their ownership by Pharaoh.    As the sea parted for the Hebrews to walk across on

dry land, the sea came back together to drown Pharaoh and his army, loosing his ownership over all the Hebrews forever.


The Hebrews received the Torah (the Teachings and Instructions of Yahuweh), which were the terms of the marriage covenant between Elohim and His people, at the “mountain of Elohim”–Sinai/Horeb.  Mt. Sinai is in modern Saudi Arabia, in the Midian mountains, as the Bible tells us.  It took them 50 days to reach the “mountain of Elohim” from the day they crossed the Red Sea.  “Pentecost” is Greek for “fifty”.  The terms of the marriage covenant are covered in the 10 Commandments.  It outlines the character of the one He wants to be His Bride.  The 10 Commandments were written with the “finger of Yahuwah”.  Yahushua tells us that the “finger of Yahuwah” is the Ruach Yahuwah.


The Festivals of Yahuwah are all based on harvest cycles.  The first three Spring Festivals are based on the barley harvest.  Pentecost is based on the wheat harvest.  The Autumn Festivals are based on the fruit harvest.  The five species of fruit are: pomegranates, figs, dates, olives, and grapes.  Thus the Festivals revolve around what Israel calls: “the seven species”.

This is why instructions were given in the wilderness for these festivals, but the Hebrews could not celebrate these Festivals until they entered the land and began the harvest cycles.


This Festival commemorated the blowing of the silver trumpets and the shofar to gather the people together for set-apart convocations in the wilderness.  It was originally the New Year celebrated from the day of creation, on Tishre 1 (September/October).   The people gathered together to honor the first sliver of the new moon, which marked the day of creation, on Tishre 1, with the blowing of trumpets and shofars.


This was and still is, the most somber day of the year for the nation of Israel.  It is a feast only for those whose sin is forgiven by the blood of Messiah.  It is a day of fasting and mourning for those whose sin needs to be forgiven, or whose eternal hope rests on their good works, or church baptism, or those Jews who have no blood sacrifice now because they have rejected the blood of Yahushua.

It was the day that the High Priest went into the most set-apart place, where the Ark of the Covenant was, and where the presence of Yahuwah dwelt, to present the blood of a goat, for the covering of the sin of the nation for that year.  (Leviticus 16)  It was the day of national salvation.  It was also considered the day of the “closing of the gate”—when the wicked who chose to be outside of His Covenant were sealed to damnation.  This day also marked the years until Jubilee, which was declared every fiftieth year with the sound of a “great shofar” (Leviticus 25).  Only on the eve of Yom Kippur, in Jerusalem, are the religious Jews allowed, by their Rabbis, to pronounce the Name of Yahuwah.


This Festival, lasting 8 days, was for the Hebrews to celebrate their wanderings for 40 years, so that they would not forget how Yahuwah led them, fed them, gave them water, healed them, disciplined them, and brought them into the “promised land” victorious over all their enemies.  It was a week to dwell in booths, or tents (tabernacles), to remember the desert journey.  Thus in Israel each Sukkot, the Jews put up succahs–little booths–and eat in them and sleep in them, and have parties in them for the whole 8 days of the Festival.  It is a very joyful week.  On the last day of the Festival they dance with the Torah throughout the streets, in celebration of the Word of Yahuwah.




Yahushua entered Jerusalem on the 10th of Abib, as the Lamb, for inspection by the leaders of the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and the people in general.  It is generally called “Palm Sunday”, because of the praise and worship that Messiah received, the waving of palm branches and other signs of devotion, as He entered Jerusalem on that Sunday.  (John 12:12-16; Matthew 21:1-9)

They asked Him all sorts of questions, but could find nothing wrong in Him.  They inspected Him for the full four days, and the leaders, puppets of Rome, realizing that He was challenging their positions perhaps as King of the Jews, decided that He must be killed, though they could find nothing to accuse Him of rightfully.  (Luke 13:34-35; Luke 19:28-44; John 11:47-53)

They did not know that He had come to lay down His life, to redeem the House of Israel back to Yahuwah, renewing the Covenant also with the House of Judah.  He said in Matthew 15:24, “I have not come except for the lost sheep of the House of Israel”.  The northern 10 tribes, after Solomon’s death, separated into Samaria.  They became so idolatrous, that Yahuwah had to “write them a bill of divorce”.  (Jeremiah 3:8) Judah was sinful, but not like the northern 10 tribes (called the House of Israel, or the House of Ephraim, or the House of Joseph).  Though the tribe of Ephraim held the birthright of all the 12 tribes, his descendants, like Esau despised his birthright and went whoring after the gods of the nations.   Therefore, by 786BCE they were all scattered into the gentile nations, and lost their identity, being absorbed by the gentiles. (Hosea chapters 1-3 give us a clue as to who these people are today).  Today, from history, archeology, legend, and Biblical tracing, we know that most of them ended up places north of Iraq/Iran, and in Western Europe and America.  Because–in Matthew 10:5-6–Yahushua told the disciples not to go to the gentiles, but to go to the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”, when they did leave Jerusalem, they went north and west with the reconciling message of Messiah and return to Torah and their Elohim, Yahuwah.

Yahushua actually came, by Torah instructions, to die, in order to break the then existing marriage contract with the House of Israel, so that He could rise again, and remarry her under the renewed covenant in His own blood.  Excepts from Jeremiah 31:31-34: “`Behold, the days are coming’, says Yahuwah, `when I shall make a renewed covenant with the house of Israel, and with the House of Judah,…I will put My Torah in their hearts.  And I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people…for they shall all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them’, declares Yahuwah. `For I shall forgive their crookedness, and remember their sin no more’”. This was the “renewed covenant in His blood” (Matthew 26:28).

In this renewed covenant, He could include also the House of Judah, the southern Kingdom with its 3 tribes, and also the gentiles outside of the covenant with Israel—those pagans and heathen, out in the world.  (See Ephesians 2:8-19)

His death, therefore, was mainly to restore and redeem the House of Israel, the northern 10 tribes of Jacob, back into the fold, so that they would keep, from their heart, the Torah of Yahuweh.  As we will see later, that is what Pentecost is all about.

Yahushua died near sunset on the 14th of Abib.  He was the High Priest, who sacrificed Himself.  This signified that the debt that we owed to Yahuweh, which was eternal death, had been “paid in full”, and now we were made just in the sight of Yahuweh. (John 19:30; Colossians 2:13-15)  Deuteronomy 21:22-23/Galatians 3:13: “Cursed be anyone who hangs on a tree”.   He hung on a stake, a pole–a tree.  He fulfilled, to the second, the instructions for the Passover Lamb of Exodus 12.

I Corinthians 5:7-8:  “…Messiah, our Passover, has been sacrificed for us.  Let us therefore, celebrate the Feast…”

The Festival of Passover, of Unleavened Bread, and of First Fruits covers one week, and is generally called the Feast of Unleavened Bread or “Passover Week”.  The unleavened bread, or matzo, is a picture of sin.  No leavened bread, or any product with leaven in it, is eaten from sunset beginning the 15th of Abib until the completion of the seven-day Feast—matzo is what is usually eaten in place of bread.  Before the night of the Passover meal (the “Seder Supper”), the night that begins the 15th of Abib, we must get all leaven out of our houses, as Yahuwah commands.  This is symbolic, as I Corinthians 5:7-8 tells us of getting out the sin from our lives.

Messiah celebrated a special Passover meal with His disciples, on the beginning of Abib 14.  Notice, this “Last Supper” did not include the Passover Lamb or the bitter herbs.  I Corinthians 11:23-25 tells us that on the night He was betrayed, He took the bread and the wine.

It was in this meal that he explained His coming sacrifice.  In this meal He revealed Himself as the Messiah, taking the third cup of wine—the cup of redemption—and proclaiming that it was the renewed covenant in His blood.  He gave them the picture of His death, and then proceeded at midnight to go out to the Garden of Gethsemane where He was betrayed.  (See I Corinthians 11:23)

He died not long after 3:00PM (Matthew 27:45-50)  the 14th of Abib, at the time that the priests were also killing the Passover Lambs for each household in the Temple.  “Behold the Lamb of Elohim that takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).

He had to be in the earth, as Jonah was in the belly of the whale, for 72 hours, to fulfill Yahushua’s words in Matthew 12:40, before sundown.  Sundown would begin the 15th of Abib.  He had to go into the ground before the beginning of the mid-week Shabbat, the High Shabbat, for the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  Therefore, since the High Shabbat, and beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread began at sundown, He was taken from the stake and placed in the tomb of Joseph of Aramathea, before sundown.  That is why the quick attempt of Joseph to claim the body of Messiah before Pilate.


Messiah was buried before sunset, which began the 15th of Abib, and the week-long Feast, before the High Shabbat of Unleavened Bread. (Mark 15:42; Luke 23:50-56)  That night the Passover meal was eaten with roasted lamb and bitter herbs and unleavened bread.

Regarding Unleavened Bread:  Yahushua was the “corn of wheat” that was put into the ground in death, which brought forth “much fruit”.  (John 12:24)  In Revelation, we read that He entered into Hades in the heart of the earth, and took “the keys of death and hell” away from Satan.  (Revelation 1:18)  He then stepped over into Paradise, also at that time in the heart of the earth, and proclaimed His coming to all those set-apart ones from Adam until that present time.  (Acts 2:26-31 and Luke 16:20-31)   At His resurrection, He opened heaven’s gates to them, and to all of us.  (Matthew 28:50-52; Ephesians 4:8-10)  He told the thief on the stake, “Today you will be with me in paradise”, not heaven.  He did not open heaven until He was raised from the dead and took “captivity captive” with Him. (Luke 23:43)


He arose from the dead after 72 hours, “early on the first day of the week”—or after sundown on Shabbat night, towards the dawn of the morning, of Abib 17.  As He came up out of the grave, He loosed us from Satan’s power over us, opening heaven’s gates for us.  He is our “first fruits”.  He is the “first fruits of those who slept”.  (I Corinthians 15:20-23)

As the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, going into its depths on dry ground, and coming up out of its depths to new life in a new land, so Yahushua in going into the heart of the earth, and coming up out of the heart of the earth, in our place, caused Satan and all of his hosts of demons to be loosed from us, their power over us destroyed.  Pharaoh owned all of the Hebrew people—they were his possessions.  Satan owned us totally.   Pharaoh and all his army was drowned, thus the Hebrew people were no longer slaves, owned by Pharaoh.  When Yahushua came up out of the heart of the earth, all ownership by Satan over us was cancelled!  HalleluYAH!

Remember that Yahushua fulfilled all of these feasts to the second in His timing, related to the actual event.


Exactly 50 days after Yahushua rose from the dead, counting from the Feast of First Fruits, the Ruach Yahuweh descended on the waiting Apostles and

disciples in the Temple in Jerusalem, just as it took exactly 50 days after the crossing of the Red Sea to reach Mt. Sinai.  The people in Jerusalem saw the tongues of fire, and heard the wind, and the people speaking in the languages of the earth.

Rabbi Joseph Hertz in his Authorized Daily Prayer Book, page 791, states: “The revelation at Sinai, it was taught, was given in desert territory, which belonged to no one nation exclusively; and it was heard not by Israel alone, but by the inhabitants of all the earth. The Divine Voice divided itself into the seventy tongues then spoken on earth, so that all the children of men might understand its world embracing and man redeeming message.”  The Torah tells us that there is one Torah for all mankind.  It is the will of Yahuwah for all people!

The Word tells that Mt. Sinai shook, and that there was a loud blast from a shofar in the sky, and it was smoking from the fire that came with His presence.  There was a mighty wind, and the people were terrified (Exodus 19).  On Pentecost, He came with fire, and wind, and languages.  He came to empower the believers in Messiah with Himself, to baptize them into Messiah, to bring them to the Father, to teach them the Word as Yahuwah would have it taught, to unify the believers into one people in Messiah, to impart supernatural gifts to His people for the edification of the congregation of His people, and to write the Torah, which Yahushua had expanded, into our heart, so that we would keep His Kingdom Instructions with joy, peace, love and righteousness.  

ALMOST 2000 YEARS OF “SUMMER” — Jeremiah 8:20; John 4:35

The time between the festivals is the time when the grain harvests are finished, and it is too hot to plant and reap, for the summer has come.

We have been in summer time, spiritually, since the resurrection of Messiah.  He told us: “Don’t say there are four months and then comes the harvest, but lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest”.

Between the month of Sivan (May/June), when Pentecost occurs, until the month of Tishre and the fruit harvest, are 4 months.
He told us go forth and bear fruit from ourselves as well as to harvest the “fruit of the earth”, which are the souls of fallen man. (John 15:1-7)

James 5:7-8: “Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, and has long patience for it, until he receives the early and latter rain.  Be also patient, establish your hearts, for the coming of Messiah draws near”.  The early rains come in the Autumn at the fruit harvest, and the latter rains come in the Spring before the Barley harvest.  James 5:7-8 is talking about the Father, who waits for the “fruit harvest” at the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah.  This is a harvest of the souls of mankind into His Kingdom, following the outpouring of the Ruach–then the Messiah will return.  It is the time for the proclamation of the “Gospel of the Kingdom”, the message of repentance and return, to restore Israel back to Yahuweh and the Torah.  That is what the

first Apostles and disciples did—they went into the areas where the “lost sheep of Israel” went, and proclaimed the Messiah’s death and resurrection, and the Kingdom to come, restoring the Torah as the foundation of faith and practice to His people.  (Ezekiel 18:30-32; 33:11-19)

About the mid-1st century, Greek believers in Messiah’s death and resurrection, rejected the Father Yahuweh and His Kingdom’s Torah, thus breaking away from the teachings of Messiah Yahushua and His Apostles, to form their own sect, which they called “Christian”.  “Christian” was not a new term, for the worshippers of the sun god Serapis, in Egypt, had also been calling themselves “Christians”, and their religious leaders were called “the Bishops of Christ”.  Under Rome, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire in 325CE.  So, in the last 1,700 years, the Greco/Roman religion of Christianity has become a gigantic institution of approximately 1.8 billion people, because people, like the early Greeks, enjoy the idea of eternal life, but refuse the responsibility to Yahuweh, His Torah, and His Kingdom.  Now, at the end of the time of spiritual summer, Yahushua, the Messiah of Israel, is restoring to us the simple faith that He left to us.  The faith that was taught by His early Apostles and disciples, who were believers in Messiah and also Torah observant.  He said that “few” would find the truth and walk in it.  Now we are preparing or the fulfillments of the Fall Feasts—His coming, His restorations, and His dwelling on earth with His people.


This Feast pictures the meeting with Messiah in the air, as He comes with the

wrath of the Father upon the wicked, and comes to resurrect all those who

have died in Him, and all who are still alive on the earth at His coming.  This is what He calls the “harvesting of the earth”.  (Matthew 13)

He has a definite path of return.  He comes from the East to Mt. Sinai first, then comes directly north over ancient Edom, from the port of Aqaba, up the King’s Highway, to Mt. Paran, over the ancient town of Teman, over Mt. Seir, in which is Petra, Jordan, and then on to the Mt. of Olives–Matthew 24:27-31; Isaiah 63:1-6; Habakkuk 3, Deuteronomy 33:2-3 and about 220 other passages all through the Word.

The Feast of Trumpets falls on Tishre 1 each year.  It is over 3 days, by the Roman calendar, over 2 days by the Hebrew calendar.  Therefore, “no man knows the day or the hour” in which the third trumpet (a shofar/ram’s horn) will be blown.  Three trumpets are blown, and everyone waits for the “last trump” to be blown, which signals the opening of the gates of heaven, and the descent of Messiah to gather those in who are righteous.  This is Messianic hope among the Jews, and the believers in Messiah.

Messiah cannot come at any time—this is man’s thinking.  He can only come to fulfill this Festival on the 1st or 2nd of Tishre.  Of course, there are always 2 days upon the earth at one time.   Messiah gives us a sign when this day is approaching, by telling us that 3 ½ years before, a man, a world ruler, will set

up his reign on the Temple Mount.  Then the Word tells us that 3 ½ years, on the Lunar Calendar of 360 days a year, He will come.  He does not want the children of light to be in the dark.  He does not come as a “thief in the night” to those watching, praying, and hearing the Ruach Yahuweh.  That is clear from I Thessalonians 5:1-10.  Therefore, the children of light know the seasons by the Festivals.

Here are some of the 220 Scripture passages regarding His second coming:  I Thessalonians 4:13-18; I Corinthians 15:51-58; Revelation 11:15-17; Philippians

3:20-21; Revelation 19:11-16; Zechariah 14:1-5; and Jude 14-15.  He comes at the “last trump”—the 7th trumpet of the tribulation.  This is clear from both I Corinthians 15:52 and Revelation 11:15-19.  It is quite plain from the Scriptures that Yahushua comes with the wrath of the Father, which is so severe that no one can withstand it without His protection.  So, the Feast of Trumpets is the celebration of our gathering together unto Him, but also of judgment on the wicked.  It is a day of separation and justice.


Ten days after the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, begins the Feast of national Atonement.  This pictures the first action of Messiah after His marriage and the wedding Feast.

There are seven days between Yom Teruah, the “last trump”, and the beginning of the Day of Atonement.  During these 7 days, Messiah will marry His Bride, and they will be in the wedding chamber.  At the end of the 7 days, the couple will come out of the marriage chamber, and there will be a Feast with the wedding guests and attendants.

(So beautifully has Messiah and will Messiah fulfill all the requirements of the ancient wedding Feast.  Please ask for my article, The Ancient Jewish Wedding Ceremony, which includes the terms of the wedding covenant, sealed in His own blood, in terms that make it understandable in modern terminology–It clears up a lot of questions).

After the wedding Feast, Messiah and His wife will go to Jerusalem, and He will call all nations to the Valley of Jehoshaphat for judgment as to how they treated the people of Israel.  The Valley of Jehoshaphat is directly in front of the Eastern Gate—in the north Kidron Valley.  Here is where the goods Kings of Judah, cleansed the Temple, after evil Kings had defiled it, by burning idols and evil priests.  Here, Messiah will sit and divide out who will be judged and who will not.  (Joel 2 and 3 and Matthew 25:31-46)

The other aspect of the Day of Atonement fulfilled by Messiah, is that on this day, “all Israel will be saved”—national redemption.  It is the day that He announces to all those faithful Israelites, of all ages, that they are justified in Yahuweh’s sight because of His Atonement.  On this day, Yahushua, the High Priest, enters into the courts of Yahuweh, and sprinkles His own blood on the mercy seat, and atones for the whole House of Jacob.  (Romans 11:26; Ezekiel

36:22-38; Jeremiah 31:31-34: Jeremiah 50:20 and hundreds of other verses throughout the Word).  This is the day of the mighty restoration of the two Houses in their completeness, as per Ezekiel 37:15-28, in which He restores them into one Kingdom again.


On this day, 5 days after the Day of Atonement, Yahuweh proceeds to tabernacle with man for 1,000 years.  It pictures Elohim living with His creation.  (Revelation 20:11-chapter 22)

This Festival will demand required attendance each year, or there will be penalties – Zechariah 14:16-19.This is the time that Messiah was born.  He came to “tabernacle among us” – John 1:14.  It is the time of the restoration of all things.  Acts 3:19-20

In John 7:37-39, we read: “On the last day, the great day of the Feast”, during the celebration of the water pouring, Yahushua stood up and declared “If any man thirst, let him come to Me and drink.  He that believes on Me, as the Scriptures has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spoke He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive…)”

The Bride of Messiah will rule and reign with her Bridegroom, not only for this 1,000 years, but in the New Jerusalem, forever.  (Revelation 19-22)

There are many passages in the Word, which describe the peace and prosperity of this time.  But, since all modern technology will be destroyed, we will go back to an agricultural society.  Man will work 6 days, and on Shabbat, he will rest.  He will attend the seven Festivals in Jerusalem, and keep the Torah.  Yahushua, and those who rule with Him, will enforce the Torah “with a rod of iron”.  It is wise now, to enter the covenant relationship with Yahuwah through Messiah, and guard His Torah, for He comes with a “fiery Torah” to the earth, and those who are obedient to Him, will have great privileges.

This Feast also pictures the coming of the Father to the earth, at the end of the 1,000 years.  He will come to raise up the wicked, and judge them, sending them justly to the lake of fire.  He will create a new heaven and a new earth, and bring His City—the New Jerusalem—down over the earth, where He will reign from forever.

The Festivals of Hanukkah and Purim

The Festival of Hanukkah usually falls in December.  John 10:22 shows that Yahushua went up to the Temple during this Festival, also called the Festival or Feast of Dedication.  It is a celebration of a historical victory by the Jewish people around 167BCE, without which we would not have the Hebrew Scriptures.  Greece wanted to destroy anything of Hebrew culture.  The Jews fought back, and won.  This festival also will have its fulfillment in those who stand against the anti-messiah during the Tribulation, in his attempts to destroy anything to do with Yahuwah and His Torah off the earth.

The Feast of Purim is from the book of Esther.  It also shows the victory of the Jews over a leader who wanted to destroy them.  It, also, will be fulfilled during the tribulation, as the world ruler will try to destroy all Torah-observant Jews and Messianic Torah-observant believers out of the world.

The Word does not require us to celebrate these two festivals, but in celebrating them, as Yahushua did, we are learning to look to His victory in the days of severe testing.  (For further information about these two festivals, please ask for my article:  Hanukkah).

These festivals are the heritage of those who belong to Yahuwah, along with the weekly Shabbat.  These are signs of who belongs to the Messiah of Israel, and who does not.

His calendar is not laborious and heavy.  It is light and joyful, and through obedience to His Festivals, Shabbats, and laws for our good, we maintain a healthy, balanced life, in mind, emotions, spirit and body.

Shalom to you,


Originally written in 2002; Revised April 18, 2005

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The Two Witnesses, the Bride of Messiah, the Forerunning Companies, and the Fleeing Remnant

Revelation 11:3-19

Zechariah 4:2-3; 11-14

Matthew 17:1-11

Revelation 3:7-13; 7:1-8; 9:4; 14:1-1-5; 22:3-5, 14

Ezekiel 9:1-11; Malachi 3:16-4:4 and many more

Today we are already seeing many phenomenons on the earth.  The great apostasy, falling away, has begun and is accelerating.  Many who once seemed so solid in their faith in Messiah are denying Him and turning to Judaism, or demoting His equality with the Father, or adding mystic and occult, New Age-style practices to their beliefs.  Many are running after what they get—in the “prosperity” movement—and are apostate as far as the original faith taught by Yahushua Messiah.  The worship of things, and the exaltation of humans, is idolatry.  The ancient Canaanite god of fortune and prosperity was “Baal Gawd”—translated from Hebrew as “Lord, God”.

But, from Father’s Kingdom two witness companies of people have been set into ministry–set-apart to Yahuweh, Elohim of Israel, marked by the characteristics of Eliyahu (Elijah) and the sons of Zadok (The Cohenim of today—those who are descendants of the Kohathites from Aaron, and those who have the Levite spirit of separation, se-apartness, and undefiled purity—Ezekiel 44:15-18).  Eliyahu and Zadok were Levite priests!

These two companies of the set-apart remnant of Yahuweh are coming together as one by the Spirit of Yahuweh.  There is a “Bridal remnant” that will do exploits during the time of the anti-messiah.  She is hidden within these two companies at present.  She is marked and sealed, for she cannot die—but will be alive and remain to receive her Bridegroom.  Those not marked, of His set-apart ones, will either be martyred or die in the world holocaust to come, but their reward will be great!  All end-time ministry falls into the two categories of the Elijah prophetic messages (as I Kings 18), or the Zadok teachings of those set-apart who love Truth.  The exhortation of Revelation 22;11 is that the set-apart must be more set-apart, and the Zadok teaching helps them with this.  (Ezekiel 44:23)

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These companies forerun the two witnesses’ and the Bridal remnant’s work in the latter days.  Once mankind has polarized, the set-apart martyrs have died, and other set-apart ones who have died in war, by pestilence and famine, the work of the two companies will no longer be needed, except to exhort and encourage any remaining set-apart ones.  Therefore, the Bridal remnant among them will move into doing “exploits” for the Father in the earth, thus paving the way for Messiah’s return to receive her unto Himself.

The major characteristic of those that do “exploits” is that they know Him. (Daniel 11:32)

These companies, like the Bride and the two witnesses, have a zeal and passion for Yahuweh their Father, and Yahushua their Bridegroom like no other people on earth. They joyfully guard the Torah of Yahuweh.  They are dropping His plumb line of Truth into the earth, and teaching the difference between the defiled and the undefiled, the pure and the clean.  It is these companies who are preparing the set-apart ones of Yahuweh for their part in the times before Messiah’s return.

We know the literal two men witnesses of Revelation 11 are not far behind these two companies, and not far behind them is the coming of our Jewish Savior and Bridegroom, Yahushua ha Machiach—Messiah of Israel!  “The Spirit and the Bride say: `Come Yahushua Come!’ ” (Revelation 22:17)

As the world is polarizing against Yahuweh, the Torah–His Kingdom Instructions and Teachings, His absolutes and Truth in the earth–there is a tiny remnant emerging who have the characteristics of the Messiah, which are totally opposite of the characteristics of the “god of this world”–Satan/Lucifer.  This remnant is hidden now, but will soon be manifested as the Bridegroom releases this company into His end-time ministry.

In studying the characteristics of these two men, these two witnesses of Yahuweh, I see the characteristics also of His forerunner companies, and of the Bride herself.

The setting aside, training and preparation of this remnant people has been going on for a long time, but now at the end of the age as we know it, these people are going through their final purifying so as to be able to walk blameless before Him during the time of the greatest tribulation the world has ever known.  He is purifying them as gold is purified in the fire. This is a people who are dead to self, and alive unto Him.  This is the totally opposite characteristic of the world’s people, who are into their own self-controlled

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agendas, ambitions, goals and plans.  The set-apart ones are servants, and lay down their lives for Elohim and His people.  They have an intimate relationship with Him, and thus know His heart’s desires.  They are a repentant people, sensitive to the conviction of the Spirit of Yahuweh, so that sin has no hold of them.   They are dead to the things of the world, the flesh and the Devil. They are humble, contrite, and obedient to Him.  They fear Yahuweh justly, as pure-of-heart people towards His agenda-focus only.

They are Malachi 3:16-4:4 people.

The Spirit is able to direct their thoughts, words and actions at the slightest touch of His presence.  These people give, while the world’s people take.  They submit to His authority, His Truth, His absolutes; the world rebels against truth and absolutes.  While the world is getting more and more cold, and hard, and lawless and rebellious, the companies of Yahuweh are becoming more and more loving, kind, sensitive, compassionate, and obedient to the will of their Master Yahuweh, and their Bridegroom Yahushua the Savior.  They are becoming more set-apart unto Him, as Revelation 22:11 commands us.

Primary to understand is that these set-apart ones, chosen before the foundation of the world to be revealed in these last days, are hidden ones.

The Bridal remnant is the most hidden—in “the secret place of the Most High”.

The word for “mark” in Hebrew is “tav”, used in Ezekiel 9:4; 6, regarding the marking of the set-apart ones before the destruction of the wicked, means: “a signature”, from a word that means “to scratch or imprint”.

Revelation 3:12: On the Bride’s forehead, seen by Yahuweh, Yahushua and His angels, but also by the agents of Satan and his world, is the signature of the Father’s family name, the name of the residency of the Bridegroom, and the signature of the Bridegroom—a type of marriage license.

The word for “sealed” in Greek, means “a signet, as fencing in or protecting from misappropriation, a stamp, an impression, mark of privacy or genuineness—a seal”.  The Bride is sealed.  She is first marked, then the marking is sealed.  We see that in Revelation 9:4, she is sealed, or else she will die.  The trumpet judgments are loosed in chapter 8.  Therefore, the 144,000s of Revelation 7:1-8 must be sealed before the beginning of the trumpet judgments.  I believe that as per my articles The Forty-Eight Hour Transition and Yedidah’s September 12th Report, that on September 12,

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2007, the trumpet judgments were released, thus the marked Bride had to be sealed by then for preservation in the days to come.

This sets the Bride apart from all other humans, and lets all know that this one is not to be touched for destruction.

This hidden remnant is not flamboyant, braggadocios and worldly, with big ministries, big websites or big mailing lists, or with big mouths and little ministries either.  The true Bridal remnant does not exalt flesh at all.  She only points to Him, her Beloved.  She knows His heart, and therefore enters into the “fellowship of His sufferings”.  The “Bridal souls”, as Sister Basilea Schlink called them, are quiet people, who mind their own business and who exude His nature, and not “SELF”—which is the god of the Greek culture the West is immersed in.  This remnant suffers more than any other group, for she watches the destruction of His people, their deaths or their defections to the anti-messiah—people who could have lived, or gone to a higher reward, if they had only obeyed Him, followed Him, and listened to Him.

It is primary to understand that the Master was a Jew, a Hebrew, not a Greek or Roman.  Eastern culture and mind-set, especially the Hebrew culture of the Word, given to us by Yahuweh, is totally opposite of the western culture of America and Europe.  His Bride and those who are His true bond slaves are hidden, quiet, reserved, and modest, following Him

wherever He goes, as an eastern woman would follow in the footsteps of her husband.

Revelation 14:4-5: “These are those who are not defiled, for they became virgins.  (II Corinthians 11:2) They are those following the Lamb wherever He goes. They are redeemed from among men, being first fruits to Elohim and to the Lamb. And in their mouths is no falsehood, for they are blameless before the throne of Elohim”.  (Italics mine)

Psalm 83:3: Yahuweh is called upon to protect His “hidden ones”.  The word “hidden” is #6845 Strong’s Concordance, and means: “to hide away, to cover over, to hoard or reserve, to protect, to keep secretly in a secret place, to esteem, to lay up secretly–privately”.

This reminds us of Psalm 91.  So many claim Psalm 91 for protection—as an amulet like the crucifix and garlic.  But, verse 1 is the condition:  “He that dwells (lives continually; has residency because of meeting requirements of the King’s government) in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”.  (Italics mine)

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To be hidden in Him requires that one completely forsake the world system and hide in Him exclusively for their protection—an action that is opposite of western values.  But, to be His disciple, one must forsake all that is not of Him—Luke 14:25-33.   It takes a purposed extreme change in lifestyle for a westernized person to “dwell” in the “secret place of the Most High”.

John 15:7: “If you abide (stay, dwell) in Me, and My word abides (stays, dwells) in you, you can ask what you will and it shall be done for you”. (Italics mine)

This process of abiding can only be done is one totally is dependent on the Ruach Yahuweh for everything, and has died to self, and has no life of their own except to obey Him and love Him, and be in relationship with Him so well that they think like Him.  Does a branch act on its own and thus bear fruit on its own?  Of course not—it gets its life from the root, and thus does nothing but abide in the supporting trunk that has a strong root deep in the earth.  (John 15:1-7 says that we are branches, and He is the supporting trunk).

In living in Edom—Aqaba, Jordan—on the Red Sea for most of the last eight years, I saw how an eastern Bride acts.  She has none of the “women’s lib” characteristics of the American woman that so often causes the man to divorce her. The American male is in a society that seeks to emasculate him—depriving him of his male role–to be controlled by the prevailing

jezebel spirits in the culture.  Therefore he either rebels and acts out violently or shrinks back and becomes a mouse.  The proper role of the male and female has been lost.  The Torah lifestyle gives us a balance in the roles of man and woman that bring peace to the home, stability, and order.  The children grow up knowing what they are, and how they are to act.  There is very little divorce among those that adhere to the Torah and to the spirit of Torah which is love, joy, peace, self-control, faith, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, and kindness.

Neither does the Scriptural Hebrew Bride act like a mouse.  She’s a strong woman.  She’s a well-trained, disciplined soldier in His army also, as well as a bond slave to His commands.  She is balanced between being reserved, hidden, meek and quiet, humble and contrite, and using boldness when authorized by her Bridegroom to fulfill His desires.  He is her defense, so she doesn’t need to defend herself.

Because she is a watchman/gatekeeper, with His keys that He has given to her to open His gates for His people, she has to be bold in intercession,

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proclamation, declaration and the prophetic gifts, in order to fulfill His will.  She is gifted in whatever He needs for her to do—healing, deliverance, teaching His Word, ministering the baptism into the Ruach Yahuweh, or leading someone to salvation through Messiah’s shed blood and resurrection.  Whatever is needed, He has trained her to be able to do, without fear, without shame, without holding back in compromise, and without “self” getting in the way.

She has died to “self” and has no other agenda than to please Him. “Dead” people—dead to their own desires, ambition, and agendas are happy people, free people!  (Romans 6; Galatians 5:24)

Yet, her relationship with Him is mature—it is not sentimental, gooey and mushy, full of false Greek romantic fantasy—it is intimate, yet powerful at the same time.  It is a relationship based on sweet friendship as well as personal intimacy.

Messiah gave us a wonderful example of an eastern Bride:  He said in John 5:19, reiterating it several times in other passages: “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son is able to do nothing at all by Himself, but only that which He sees the Father doing, because what He does, the Son does also.”

A beautiful example of this was told to me this Sukkot in Jerusalem by someone who watched what happened.  She said that she was serving in a soup kitchen in downtown Jerusalem.  A man who was a friend of those in the soup kitchen brought his new bride to introduce her.  They were served their meal.  But, first the man spoke to those present.  His new bride looked lovingly at him, totally enthralled at what he was saying, even though the

food was getting cold.  He picked up his fork and took a few bites.  She picked up her fork and took a few bites.  He put down his fork and spoke

some more.  She put down her fork and again looked lovingly at him as he spoke”.  She did nothing but follow His example.

The Bride is a wise lady.  She has many ideas and she goes about to do them…but the ideas have come from her Bridegroom, and He is behind her 100% in her endeavors.

So many in America, who teach on the Bride, have Him as a romantic Greek.     They do not know the Hebrew Messiah—the Jew—whom John saw as awesome and fearsome.  He is to be respected as the ultimate male—the second Adam—the conquering King and coming High Priest.  To bring Him down to the level of romance and sentimentality is to lessen His position as

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Elohim.  Yes, He is tender, gentle, very sweet and precious.  But, this intimacy is for the hidden ones—behind closed doors.

The ancient eastern culture does not allow for a show of romance between couples.  There is no handholding or kissing, no hugging and teasing–no display of affection that is accepted in public.

Today, in China and Africa and the Arab world, and among the religious Jews, I found that this is also true.  It is considered very distasteful for man and woman to display affection in public in these places.  When the Jewish Messiah comes, He comes with the wrath of the Father, not “tip toeing through the tulips”.

Getting to know Him takes set-apartness—making being alone with Him a priority.  Shabbat is the “date day” and He speaks more to her on this day than on any other day of the week—at least that’s what I’ve found.  The Orthodox Jews say that Shabbat comes as a Bride.  But, being alone to hear Him, and to learn His will for her, is primarily above everything to the Bride.  She may work at a job, be raising children, or a senior who is babysitting grandchildren, but her focus is not on these things—it is on Him.  She is constantly talking to Him, her “best Friend”.  There is an intimacy that she does not express to anyone else, not even her best friends.  What they share together is private!

The Biblical Hebrew culture is His cultural standard, given to us by covenant relationship (the terms of the marriage covenant) at Mt. Sinai, and written

on our hearts on the day of Pentecost (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Acts 2).  We must know Him in Hebraic culture of the Word.  The Bride thinks like an eastern lady.  The eastern women are strong, yet they have tenderness inside.

An eastern wife indeed walks behind her husband.  And this is the way we are to walk behind Messiah Yahushua.  It is “following” Him.  He leads!  When He said, “Follow Me” it was a call for His disciples to become bridal of heart. The sealed ones “Follow the lamb wherever He goes” (Revelation 14:4).  The eastern woman follows her husband in submission, honor, and obedience.  He, in turn, loves her and protects her and shares His heart with her.  Their relationship is exclusive—she has no other “gods” before Him.

The woman following behind her husband in no way demotes her as a second-class citizen, but exalts her as HIS woman. He knows that in private He has her as His exclusive lady.  She knows that when they get alone together,

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they are exclusive, and she belongs to Him.   She only unveils herself for Him.  She only undresses for Him.

Moses had to wear a veil over his face, because of the presence of Yahuweh which made his face shine.  He was as a bride, veiled.  When Moses went into the presence of Yahuweh, he took the veil off.  When the bride goes into the presence of her husband, off comes the veil.  What a beautiful picture we have in the relationship between Moses and Yahuweh.  “And since then, no prophet has arisen in Israel like Moses, whom Yahuweh knew face to face”.  (Deuteronomy 34:10)  See Exodus 33:9-23; 34:29-35.

Exodus 33:11: “Thus Yahuweh spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend”.

Numbers 12:3,7-8: “And the man Moses was very humble, more than all men who were on the face of the earth…And Yahuweh said, `Hear now My words: If your prophet is of Yahuweh, I make Myself known to him in a vision, and I speak to him in a dream.  No so with my servant Moses, he is trustworthy in all My house.  I speak with him mouth to mouth and plainly, and not in riddles.  And he sees the form of Yahuweh…” 

Notice the two outstanding qualities—humility and faithfulness—Yahuweh considered Moses trustworthy because he was faithful.  We have to earn His trust.  When He trusts us, we can carry His authority and He backs us.

Matthew 17:1-3: “And after six days Yahushua took Kepha and Ja’cob, and Yohanan his brother, and brought them up on a high mountain by themselves and He was transformed before them and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white a light.  And, see, Moses and Eliyahu appeared to them, talking with Him”. 

In the ancient Hebrew wedding, Eliyahu was considered the attendant of the Bridegroom and Moses the attendant of the Bride.

Abraham was called “the friend of Yahuweh”. Yahushua says in John 15:14: “You are My friends, if you do whatever I command you”.

Here comes in the Hebrew understanding of love:  To love means to submit and obey, thus love is proven by actions, by respect and honor.  Love, like faith, must be proven in action, or else it is empty and void and false.  (Ja’cob 2)

Thus Messiah says in John 14:13: “If you love Me, keep My commandments”.

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There are times of intimacy when He draws His beloved up next to His side—YES!  But, this is in private.

But, how can one really teach on the Bride?  I’ve asked myself this question.  It is not an option to be a part of this remnant.  It was a choosing before

the foundation of the world by the Bridegroom.  One can teach about the Bridal remnant as part of end-time teachings, but to teach on her as an option, no.  It is the work of the Ruach Yahuweh who prepares her for the Bridegroom.  This is why “the Spirit and the Bride say `Come’ ”.

The Bride is marked, and sealed, and this is a sovereign work of the Ruach.  This position takes life-long training.  No “self” must be in her.

Psalm 45:10-11:  “Listen, O daughter, and see, and incline your ear, and forget your own people and your father’s house, and let the King delight in your loveliness.  Because he is your Master—bow yourself to Him.”

This is repugnant to the brazen culture of America and Europe, where women strut around in their bras on TV for all to see, including little children, women wear scanty clothes in public, and stone-faced haughtiness is considered “chic”.

But, if you are Messiah’s love, then you leave all to follow Him, because He is Master, and you bow to Him alone!

Rebekah chose to leave her family behind in Syria and go with Abraham’s servant to become the wife of Isaac.  Genesis 24 is a picture of the Ruach, extension of Abraham, going forth to bring the bride of Messiah to Himself.

In this chapter we have a powerful principle of faith:  “I, being in the way, Yahuweh led Me”…  We must be “in the way” following the Master, if He is to lead us.  When you bow to Messiah, you realize that you abandon yourself to His desires.  He is Master.

The Bride is one who is led.  She does not go off on her own.  The payment price has been paid, and she belongs to her husband.  Messiah paid the ultimate price for us—His blood! (For more on “The Ancient Hebrew Wedding”–Covenant and Ceremony—please ask for the article by that name).

Yahushua won’t have another whore, as the ten tribes were to Him, so that He had to break the engagement by a “certificate of divorce”—Jeremiah 3:8.

[Note: In eastern culture the engagement is as binding as marriage, and must be ended by divorce, same as marriage.  Thus Joseph secretly wanted to “put her away” – Miriam – when she was found with child.]

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Yahushua wants a woman who is exclusive, for He is a jealous lover – Exodus 34:14: “For you shall worship no other god: For Yahuweh, whose Name is Jealous, is a Jealous Elohim”.  Anything that we put before Him is a god, an idol.  We must never be guilty of idolatry.  Oftentimes we put ourselves, or our family, before Him, and we become a god that we worship.  In Matthew 10:34-39, He says that if we put anything before Him, we are not worthy of Him.

In the late 1980’s, I heard a man, a friend, teach on the Bride—it was excellent teaching. As he spoke I asked the Father, “Who is the Bride”?

Father immediately showed me a vision of a single human, which has three parts—representing the three groups of His people.  There was the outward body—representing the carnal ones.  They live in the “outer court” receiving  salvation yet entering also into the carnality of superficial life.  They are

quite content to stay there.  Though they are believers in Messiah, they do not guard the Torah of Yahuweh, and thus are not set-apart to Yahuweh.  They can go no further than the “outer court”, where the altar of sacrifice and the laver are.  This group of people will spend eternity on the new earth because of their faith in Messiah Yahushua, but are unable to enter His eternal City (Revelation 21:23-24a) because they did not guard His commandments (Revelation 22:14). They are the guests at the wedding.  These are “the saved”.  These are the “30-fold”.

Like all people, this body had a soul: A mind, will, emotions, feelings, reasoning and personality—the seat of the sin nature, which relates to the world by the five senses and data input.  But, this one in the vision had “saved their soul” by transforming it in the Word and submission to the Master.  These not only believed in the Messiah, but by willful obedience also guarded the Torah.  These are friends of the Bridegroom and the Bride, the attendants at the wedding, who have right to represent the saved of the new earth before the King (Revelation 21:24b-26), just as attendants in a wedding go between the guests and the Bride and Groom, standing with the Bride and Groom during the ceremony.  These are they who dwell in the “set-apart place”–the area of the showbread (representing the Word of Elohim to the twelve tribes), the menorah (representing the light of the world, and the light of the assemblies of Yahushua), and the altar of incense (representing the prayers of the set-apart ones, continually going up before Elohim as a sweet-smelling savor)– the 60-fold, those that minister to

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others and to Yahuweh.  These come and go into the City, but do not live there.  Only one gets to live with the Bridegroom—the Bride.

Then He spoke to me of the third part of a person—the spirit—the place, where at our point of giving our lives to Him, begins to contact eternity.  It is the place that He speaks to us, and wishes to abide in us.  It is here that He teaches us, and talks to us, and leads and guides us.  This is the place of fellowship between He and us.  It is the eternal spirit, in the heart (center of our being), that learns through obedience to respond to Him and obey Him without question.   It is by “walking in the spirit”, hand and hand with Him, that we are perfected.  It causes our soul to change (Romans 12:1-2).  These three parts make up the human being.  It is our job to teach the soul not to war against the spirit, but to submit to it.

As He showed me this vision that day, He said of the Bride:  “She is the spirit”.   She is the one who contacts Him in the secret place—through her eternal spirit to His Spirit (Ruach).  It is there that she fellowships with her Beloved.  Her spirit is like the inner most set-apart place, where the Ark sat in the Tabernacle or Temple.  She is the 100-fold, the one who lives in the

Most Set-Apart place and ministers to Elohim.

It is a priestly role.  Only the High Priest can grant such a privilege to anyone.  Our High Priest is Yahushua.  (Mark 4:20—the three levels of fruit-bearing)  It is here in the hidden place that she is trained to know her Bridegroom.

The Ark is a picture of the Person of Messiah.  Therefore, to be in seclusion

with Him, away from the “outer court” of busyness and frivolity, chitchatting and shallow uselessness, is her greatest longing.  During the wilderness journey, when the Kohathites carried the Ark forth, Judah went out first following the Ark to its resting place.  The other tribes followed.  Spiritually, Father has sent Judah home first (Zechariah 12:7) following the “Ark”, looking for Messiah, to prepare the way for Messiah to find His rest on Mt. Zion (Psalm 132:12-14).  (Numbers 9:15-10)

Numbers 10:33: They Kohathites took the Ark out three days before Judah began to follow.  We are in the “third day” since Messiah’s first coming, and Judah is beginning to follow—HalleluYah!  (Hosea 6:1-3; Exodus 19)  On the “third” day, Yahuweh comes down in the sight of men.

The Bride is the one who listens for His voice, and responds without “but”, or “wait”.  Unlike the woman of the Song of Songs chapter 5, she doesn’t put

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Him off, when He comes seeking her.  She is the one who is not afraid to get her feet dirty, but arises quickly to let Him into her life.

She is not uppity—she does not think of herself as too good to be with His poor people in any Third World Country.  She is as happy in a mud hut, or concrete block house, in Africa, a shack in China, a mud and stick house in the Mongolian Gobi or sitting on a sheep skin in a hogan on the Navajo reservation, as if she was in a palace.

And she is not fearful—for she knows He is with her everywhere He sends her.  She is only fearful of one thing:  Offending Him.  She fears the Father with great fear, for she knows that her relationship with the Bridegroom also involves a relationship with the Father!

To bottom line it—she knows Him well enough to know His nature, His ways, and His thinking, so that she fully trusts Him with her life, knowing He will only do her good.  And as with the Proverbs 31 woman, He comes to the place where He absolutely trusts her too.  She has proven herself faithful. Proverbs 31:11-12: “The heart of her husband shall trust her…she shall do him good, and not evil, all the days of her life”.

He will hide her for a short time, during the worst of the tribulation time, in Edom, in “the clefts of the rocks”, until He comes for her.

(Song of Songs 2:13-14)   He will take her unto Himself as a first-fruit of the resurrection (Revelation 14:1).

But, she sits not idly by for 3 ½ years, but is part of those who do “exploits” in the earth.  Therefore, the characteristics of the Bride are also the characteristics of the two witnesses.  (Daniel 11:32)

She does not think of the “mansion over the hilltop”, she thinks of her eternal home by His side, for 1,000 years in the City of David in Jerusalem, and then in the New Jerusalem.  This is the Bride:  Revelation 22:3-5.

I am so shocked that so few Christian people want to see the City of David in Jerusalem—even those I thought were bridal of heart.  This is the center of where His earthly Kingdom began under King David.  This is where the great Gihon River, one of the rivers of the Garden of Eden, gushes forth, where Samuel anointed Solomon, and Ezra read the Torah for the first time in 70 years.  So much is happening there now, on that little hill of Zion—the real Zion—to prepare for the near future, that it is overwhelming.  This is

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where the Siloam Springs is, the south Kidron Valley, and the place, where for forty years, the tabernacle of David sat—where the Psalms were written.  I praise the Father that the Jews have preserved it and excavated it for us.  It is the place where Messiah will dwell with His Queen, for 1,000 years.

The bride longs for the day that she is crowned Queen – the day He is crowned King – on their wedding day.

Psalm 45 (the Wedding Psalm):  Verses 13-15: “…Her dress is embroidered with gold.  She is brought to the King in embroidered work; Maidens,

her companions following her, are brought to You.  They are brought with gladness and rejoicing; They enter the King’s palace…”  Verse 9 spoken to the Bridegroom: “…At Your right hand stands the Queen in gold from Ophir”. 

His family is her family. His culture is her culture.  His Land is her Land.  His Covenant (Torah) is with her for eternity.  She might be from one of the other twelve tribes, but His tribe is her family—Judah.  She has His love for “His brethren”—the Jewish people.  She loves them because she sees them through His eyes.

Matthew 25:31-46:  He judges on how the nations and individuals treated His brethren—the Jews (tribe of Judah).  Many of the religious Jews today, Orthodox and Chasidic, will receive Him at His coming—Zechariah 12:10-13:1.  This means that we should be praying for the redemption of the tribe of Judah, for a remnant will be saved.  Messiah is also part Levite, and today Levites, like Jews, can be DNA tested to prove their lineage.  The remnant

of the Zadok priesthood, through John the baptizer, Messiah’s cousin, is now being trained, and will serve Messiah in the Kingdom.  Therefore, we must walk among the Jews and Cohenim (Levites) with prayerful hearts– always aware that among them are the set-apart remnant of His brethren!  The more we love the Jewish people, the more the Father gives us love and understanding for Yahushua’s “brothers”. 

The Bride loves His City—Jerusalem.  Yes, it is defiled, and in Revelation 11:8 it is called “Sodom and Egypt”, yet it is the only place on earth that He will defend in the last days (Zechariah 14).   She is not disgusted or put off by the attitudes of religious Jews, nor of their lifestyle they brought to Israel from 1930’s Europe, but she sees Jerusalem as He saw it when He wept over it—Matthew 23:37; Luke 13:34-35.

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Luke 19:41: “And when He was coming near to Jerusalem, He beheld the City, and wept over it”.  The word “wept” means: “intense, convulsive sobbing”.  Do we weep over the Jewish people and His City like that?  If your heart is knit to His City and to His people, then you have His heart.  If you are turned off by them, and act with a “better-than-thou” self-

righteous mentality towards them, it is clear that you are not of the Bridal Company.

His end-time companies carry His heart to His people, so no matter what they do, we must carry the love of the Messiah for them.   The fruit of the re-born spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) is first of all His love.  It takes over if we

will let it, so that we see His City and His people as He sees it.  That doesn’t mean we condone sin, nor their rejection of the Messiah, but we pray—day and night—always praying.  Isaiah 62:1-7, “…give Him no rest until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth”.

The whole Word focuses on the last of the last days, and the Bride is finally

revealed, as she separates from the rest of the world’s peoples, and her love and purity and faithfulness, and dogged determined obedience is seen before a cruel and wicked world.   She is a very small remnant from all nations of the earth.  She may have gone through her whole lifetime and not met another member of the Bridal Company, but now, He is bringing her together with others of like mind for the final days.

She has a part to play with the two witnesses of Revelation 11.  They interact.  She carries the same message as they, and they protect her.

More characteristics of the two witnesses, their forerunning companies, and of the Bridal remnant

1)    These set-apart ones are born from above–by the Spirit of Yahuweh, and have His nature, hating sin, and loving righteousness.  They have “passed from death unto life”, and it is evident by their love of Elohim, and fellow believers.  (John 13:35 and I John 3:14)  Yet, they belong to no man-made, man-controlled group.  Their fellowship is with those of like mind and heart. They are “set-apart” unto Him.

2)   They guard and obey the Torah from their heart–Elohim’s instructions and teachings are written on their hearts by the Ruach Yahuweh.  To them, obeying the Torah is great joy!

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3)    Yahuweh calls the “witnesses”, “My two witnesses”—Revelation 11:3.

They represent the remnant of the whole house of Jacob—the house

of Judah with its three tribes (Judah—Jews—Levi and Benjamin)

and the house of  Israel (also called the house of Ephraim or the

house of Joseph), with its ten tribes.  The two companies and the

Bridal remnant also represent all the tribes of Jacob.

4)    They have power and authority granted to them by their Father

based in their intense love for their Elohim and His people.  Power

with Him comes by consistent loving obedience–to the degree to

with which we conform to His nature.  Without the nine fruit of the

Ruach Yahuweh in action (Galatians 5:22-24), their power could be

easily turned and used to take their own revenge and anger on

people.  Elisha the Prophet had the double portion of the mantle of

Eliyahu.  He had great power.  But, the first thing he did was to use

his power to cause bears to attacks a group of children who were

taunting him.  Power without His love to control it is dangerous.

He has to be able to trust us with His Word and His given authority.

5)     Father’s 3½ years of intense tribulation (pressure), which he allows

Satan and man to bring, and His final wrath, which He alone brings, is

simply to separate those He loves from those who would destroy


“Tribulation” comes from the Latin word “tribulum”, which is a farm

instrument that puts pressure on wheat or corn, to release the

chaff so that it blows away.  It is the height of His love for us, to

free us from our own sin, and from what is evil (I Peter 4:1ff).   His

wrath, then, is motivated by love.  Therefore, since the two

witnesses are given power and authority to do “as they wish”, the

level of their love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, gentleness and self-control must be at a high level.

6)     They walk blameless before the throne, having come out of the Babel

system in all of its whoredom, and worship Yahuweh alone.  To be

blameless is to be single hearted—not distracted by things that are

not of Him—“pure of heart”—and set apart (Hebrews 12:14;

Matthew 5:8).

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7)   They have totally submitted themselves to hearing and obeying

Yahuweh, so that they are “dead” to their own desires.  They have no

other purpose than to be channels of His love and judgment.  Because

they are so pure of heart, the Father can use them to judge His

enemies.  (Ezekiel 44:24—a characteristic of the Zadok Priesthood is

righteous judgment).  Therefore, Yahuweh trusts them.  Trust, based

on love, between Elohim and a set-apart people is the highest form of

relationship.  He can trust very few to fulfill His will, only those He

personally trains will please Him fully.

8)   The witnesses are unique in that they know they are on a course to a

finish line that includes dying in Jerusalem. (Revelation 11:7)  The

witnesses will die in the streets of literal Jerusalem.  The Bridal

remnant will not die, but be alive and remain at His coming.  Psalm 91

was written for the Bridal remnant—for those “dwelling” in Him.

Why do the two witnesses die?  In ancient Israel, two witnesses were

chosen by the High Priest to announce the first sliver of the new

moon, thus proclaiming the new month.  This is how the Festivals of

Yahuweh were determined.  The “day and hour no man knows” is

about their job.

In ancient times, two witnesses, who were priests, would go up on the

Temple Mount at the dark of the moon—the 29th and 30th of each

month—and watch and wait for the sighting of the first sliver of

the new moon.  Because they did not know which of the two days the

new moon would appear, they said it was “the day and hour no man

knows”.  When they sighted the new moon, they would go to the High

Priest.  He would call to them, “Come up here” (Revelation 4:1).  They

would go before him and he would ask them questions to make sure

each agreed, for as the Scripture rules: “In the mouth of two or

three witnesses, let every word be established”.  If their testimony

agreed, then the shofar was blorn and the new moon declared.

In Revelation 11, during the dark of the moon, their bodies lie in the

street.  But, as the new moon appears, their bodies ascend before

the High Priest, Yahushua Messiah. The shofar (last trump:

Revelation 11:15-19) is blown for the new month of Tishre, the High

Priest descends (Revelation 19; Matthew 24:31; Matthew 13:36-50),

The wicked are gathered for burning first, and then the righteous

are gathered into His Kingdom.

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      The two witnesses are two priests who prophesy, for it is only Levites

who have the right to determine the new moon—especially the new

moon of Yom Teruah—The Feast of Trumpets—Tishre 1. It is on this

feast that Messiah comes.

9)    The witnesses and the Bridal company, who do exploits even during

the time of anti-messiah (Daniel 11:32) are constantly persecuted,

despised, rejected, and the targets of the most sadistic, cruel and

bitter hate of the enemy and his marked ones (those who have

received the mark of the beast—the ID mark of the anti-messiah).

Because the enemy cannot attack them honestly, he creates lies and

slander and gossip to assassinate their reputation, and cast doubt on

their integrity. People say:  “You are too harsh; Your God is cruel and

unloving; Your God puts people in legalistic bondage; You are too

too critical, judgmental, unloving; You are crazy, insane, intolerant, a

doomsday prophet, a religious nut”, and the list goes on.  The

Luciferic world hates Yahuweh and His Torah, for its people are

agents of Satan as the angel of light—Lucifer—“the light-bearer

the illumined one”.  Right now, the agents of Lucifer appear to be

nice, but II Corinthians 11:13-15 is in effect.

Yet, these kind ones have been trained in wisdom and understanding,

so they know to continue in His love even in the face of the most

cruel enemies, and false accusations.

10)   The witnesses, Bridal remnant and forerunning companies use His

Hebrew Names and titles, for they are His witnesses in the earth.

They know Him intimately, so use His correct Names to glorify and

honor Him.   “You shall be hated by all men for My Name’s sake”,

Yahushua said. (Matthew 10:22; 24:9)  They are not ashamed to give

honor and esteem to the One True Creator, Yahuweh, Elohim of

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—Elohim of Hosts, Elohim of Israel.  They

are not ashamed to be identified with Israel, and the twelve tribes

of Jacob.  They are not ashamed to be identified with the tribe of

Judah—the Jewish people—for it is the family tribe of the Messiah

of Israel is Yahushua—the Lion of the tribe of Judah, rightful heir

to the throne of King David.  Their Savior is Yahushua, the salvation

of Yahuweh, who purchased us with His own blood—the payment of

the wedding dowry.  They represent the uniting of the two houses

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        of Israel—the southern and the northern kingdoms (Revelation

7:1ff; Ezekiel 37:15-28)—all the tribes of Jacob.

11)     Jeremiah was a Zadok priest, as was Ezekiel, as was Ezra, yet they

both were prophets.  Yochanan (John) the baptizer was full-blooded

Levite, yet he was a prophet.  Revelation 11, the whole chapter, is

about the Temple, the Dwelling Place of Yahuweh in heaven, and

Yahushua on earth, and is about priests at His second coming.

From the Amplified Bible, Revelation 11:3: “I will grant the power

       of prophecy to My two witnesses”.  The description of these

       witnesses is like that of the end-time Zadok priesthood, who will

serve Messiah in the Kingdom.  They “stand” before the Master.

(I Kings 17:1; Matthew 17:3; Zechariah 4:2-3, 11-13).  They walk in

all the prophetic and miraculous gifts, and perform signs and

wonders. (I Corinthians 12:1-11)

In DNA Traditions by Rabbi Yaakov Klieman, pages 115 and 117, he

gives Jewish tradition that Elijah was a priest, from the lineage of

Phinehas, son of Eliazer, son of Aaron.  Phinehas was not in the

lineage of the High Priest–Aaron’s son Ithimar was to carry that

lineage. But, because of Phinehas’ daring act of zealous honor for

Yahuweh, the priesthood passed through his lineage to Zadok and

to those Cohenim of today, identified back to Aaron by DNA

marking and the Y chromosome.

In Numbers 25:13, Yahuweh grants that through Phinehas would

come an everlasting priesthood, which we see will be in force

forever—(Ezekiel 44:15 and following; Jeremiah 33:17-36; Isaiah

66:21-23).  The priesthood of Ithimar died out with Eli, at the

destruction of Shiloh.  Jews say that when the forerunner

of Messiah, Eliyahu, comes, he will distinguish, by prophesy,

between the different tribes of Jacob.  On page 117, in listing

“Eliyahu the prophet”, Klieman puts in parenthesis, “priest”.  I have

traced every verse about Eliyahu in the Word, and there is more

evidence that he was a displaced priest in the northern Kingdom,

than not.  His power in intercession is an indication of His calling as

a mediator between the people and Yahuweh—a sign of the

priesthood.  (For more information, read the article “Elijah

and Zadok Unite”.)

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12)     They have the fire of His Word in their mouths to drive back the

enemy.  (Revelation 11:5; Psalm 18:8; Jeremiah 5:14; 20:9; 23:29)

This fire has the power to kill anyone who would hurt them.

Because they are disciplined by His love, they only use this ability

when they have to.  The “fire” is His Word, coming out of their

spirit, through their mouth.

13)     They see into the hearts of people; they discern spirits.  They know

what is in certain ones, for good and bad.  Because of this “gift”,

those who are hiding things, flee from them, and even do evil to

them, to escape the light that comes from the Prophets

themselves.  These two witnesses walk in the Light, and the

darkness flees, but those in the darkness flee from them.

They “intimidate” the easily offended among the proud.  The Bride

also intimidates and offends–because she is so pure, she exposes

those who are wearing masks, without her having to say a word.

14)      The demonic forces of Lucifer/Satan fear them, and all those who

belong to Lucifer fear them. They intimidate the powers of

darkness. They literally torment the anti-messiah, his agents, and

all of his followers—most of the earth’s people.  That is why when

the two witnesses are killed, the world people do not even want

them buried, so that they can look on their dead bodies and

rejoice.  They send presents to each other to celebrate the death

of those who tormented them.   (Revelation 11:7-10)

15)     They witnesses stand before the Master of the whole earth—

Zechariah 4:14; I Kings 17:1; Deuteronomy 34:10-12; Revelation

11:4; Matthew 17:3).  Eliyahu stood before Ahab and said:  “As

       Yahuweh lives, before whom I stand”… That is a priestly duty—to

       minister to Yahuweh.  T

Deuteronomy 5:30-31: Yahuweh says to Moses: “God say to them,

`return to your tents’.  But you, stand here by Me, and let Me

speak to you all the commands, the laws and the right-rulings

which you are to teach them”.  Here we see Moses as an

“attendant”—a friend of the Bridegroom in the wedding, as in

Matthew 17:3, standing beside the Bridegroom, representing the


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16)    They are clothed in the armor of Elohim—the spiritual robes of the

High Priest Yahushua, and have upon their foreheads the golden

Plate which reads: “Set-Apart to Yahuweh”.  Thus they operate in

the power of the priestly anointing to represent the remnant in the

earth. (Exodus 28/Ephesians 6:10-18)  Therefore, they qualify as

His intercessors, to open doors for His purposes in the earth.

17)     They know the Word very well, because they have hungered and

thirsted for it all their lives—it is a living thing within them.

Therefore, they can speak it with great power.  His Word is their

life.  It forms a protective shield around them. They love Truth

with a passion, as taught to them personally by the Father’s Spirit.

They do not heed the opinions of man, but only go by what the

Ruach teaches.(I John 2:27; John 14:26; 16:13)

18)     They are trained well by the Father from an early age, and He has

guided their training, so that they have developed the

characteristics needed for this calling.  As Samuel was called as a

little child and trained by the High Priest, so this set-apart

remnant was chosen from the foundation of the world, and called

early, and trained early to hear the voice of the High Priest.  It

takes years to be transformed into His image, and to know how to

please the High Priest.  They know His voice well, so that they are

not deceived by the voice of the enemy.  It takes much training to

be able to discern between His voice, the voice of the enemy, and

human voices.  It takes fine-tuned “discernment of spirits” to

distinguish between the true and the false.  They cannot be


19)    Sin is not an issue.  So many that think they are Bridal, are

constantly battling sin in their own life, battling moods that are up

and down, attitudes that are up and down according to how the

world around them treats them–they pamper the flesh.  They are

soul-oriented.  They do not live out of their eternal spirit, but out

of the soul that contacts the natural world.  They do not “walk in

the spirit”.  To the purified remnant, sin is not an issue—it has

been dealt with.  (Read I John 3:4, 6-10l 21-24; 5:18).

Romans 6:11: “Likewise reckon yourselves dead indeed to sin, but

alive unto Elohim, through Messiah Yahushua our Master”.

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           Read Romans 6 slowly and prayerfully. When we received Messiah,

after turning from sin through repentance, we died to sin, and

became the servants of righteousness—indeed, if the 30

things done by the Ruach at our receiving Messiah were done.

Henceforth, we live a life of repentance, so that at the slightest

conviction of the Ruach we repent and turn.  We do not go back to

the vomit of the dog, but continue on to new levels in Him.

See Galatians 5:24 also. The American gospel is not Scriptural!

Yes, there is temptation to sin, but the power of the Ruach living

in one totally sold out to Him, is a buffer against temptation.

Messiah broke the power of sin for us—we don’t have to sin!  It is

our choice.  He empowers us to live in “newness of life”.

Sometimes we sin by mistake, and the Ruach is faithful to point

that out—so that we can repent and make things right with our

fellow man.  If we hurt our fellow man, there is no such thing as

saying “I’m sorry” to Elohim, and not to the person we hurt.  That’s

cheating!  The witnesses, Bridal remnant and forerunners are very,

very, very sensitive to sin.

So many are running to this meeting and that meeting trying to

get help, or reading the newest New Age-type “self-help” book to

find how to fix their problems.  They have no concept of yielding

to the Ruach Yahuweh so that He can change them from “glory to

glory” (II Corinthians 3:17-18), by His power.  We ask and we

yield, and He does the work.  Psalm 138:8: “Yahuweh will perfect

that which concerns me.  Your mercy, O Yahuweh endures


20)      Their center of operation for the witnesses is literal Jerusalem.

It is very possible that the center of operation for the Bridal

remnant is home-based in  Israel, in the days when the

forerunning companies are out of work—for “night” has come.

There will be a remnant in Jerusalem, hidden in the labyrinth of

tunnels beneath East Jerusalem.  There will also be a remnant of

the set-apart ones in Edom, Mt. Seir, Petra—Greek for Sela in

Hebrew.  But, it appears that the Bridal remnant is not in hiding

until the last festival cycle—for Revelation 12:14 uses the word

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for festivals—“mo’edim”—Yahuweh’s appointments.  It would stand

to reason that this overcoming, victorious remnant would not be

sitting on her hands or twiddling her thumbs for 3 ½ years, waiting

for Messiah to show up.

Eliyahu appeared before Ahab and Jezebel, and Moses appeared

Before Pharaoh, so the witnesses appear before world rulers,

confronting the very hierarchs of darkness, and anti-messiah


21)       Yahuweh trusts them with the rod and the mantle of authority.

Just as Elijah said before Ahab (I Kings 17:1): “As Yahuweh Elohim

of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall be no dew or rain

these years except at my word”.  The power of declaration and

proclamation is in their mouth.  This is true spiritual warfare.

Proverbs 18:21 says “Life and death is in the power of the


In I Kings 17:21-22 Eliyahu prays for a dead child: “O Yahuweh, my

Elohim, I pray, let the life of this child come back into him.  And

Yahuweh heard the voice of Eliyahu, and the life of the child came

back to him, and he lived”.  Yahuweh only trusts those He

personally trains. This power is a result of their close relationship

with Yahuweh—they trust Him; He trusts them.  They are

spiritually always tied to His throne within the veil”.  Their tongue

is controlled by the Spirit of Yahuweh.

James 3:8: “No man can tame the tongue.  It is unruly, evil, filled

with deadly poison”.  Yet, these two witnesses, and the Bridal

remnant is so controlled by the Spirit of Yahuweh, that their

tongues only speak His will, just like Yahushua only spoke what the

Father told Him to speak.

23)    Yes, because of foreknowledge, (I Peter 1:2), the Father chose the

Bridal remnant before the foundation of the earth for His Son and

held back her coming until this last hour, to be revealed.  He chose

all of us according to His foreknowledge, for the Book of Life of

the Lamb was written before the foundation of the world.  He

chose us based on His foreknowledge of how we would respond to


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24)       “His wife HAS MADE HERSELF ready” (Revelation 19:7) She is

dressed in white linen—the “righteousness of the set-apart ones”.

The spirit of righteousness is a Levite spirit—which sees only in

“black and white”—truth or falsehood, defilement or set-

apartness, cleanness or uncleanness.  There is no gray area with

them.  But, then, there is no “gray area” in Hebrew understanding

either.   Like Yahuweh, the witnesses and the Bridal remnant

will not tolerate a mixture.  Their righteous anger is manifested

against sin in their own lives, and against lies and deceptions that

are hurting His Bridal-hearted ones.  They have the passion of

Eliyahu at Mt. Sinai, when he said, “I have been jealous for

Yahuweh, Elohim of Hosts, for the children of Israel have

forsaken Your covenant, they have thrown down your altars, and

they have slain Your prophets…” (I Kings 19:10)

They have no other gods in His face–they are jealous and zealous

for Him, and passionately loyal and faithful.  They are emotional

people who burn with “fire in their bones” for His purposes in the


25)    Jeremiah 5:14: “…I am making you’re My words in your mouth

fire, and this people wood, and it shall devour them”.  Revelation

11:5: “And if anyone wishes to harm them, fire comes out of their

mouth and consumes their enemies.  If anyone wishes to harm

them, he has to be killed in that way”.  The fire is the Ruach and

the Word of Yahuweh coming out of these priest’s mouths to

judge the wicked.  Except in intercession, and her job as

gatekeeper, the Bride is not called on to judge like the witnesses.

“Our Elohim is a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:29).  Ezekiel 44:24:

Part of the Levite role is judgment.  The companies of Eliyahu

and Zadok at times may have these powers under the control of

the Ruach—but they do nothing except at His OK.  (Exodus 32:26-

Like Messiah did nothing except what He saw His Father doing,

and said nothing except what He heard His Father saying, so this

remnant and these witnesses are totally under the control of

Yahuweh.  But, like Messiah (Revelation 19), they carry the sword.

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26)    “Witness” in the Greek language means “martyr”—the witnesses,

whether the two or the bridal remnant, live martyred lives—they

are dead to self.  Dead people don’t worry about dying, so these

have  no fear during the worst of times.

They drop The Final Plumb Line – Amos 7:7-8.  After this,

Yahuweh will not pass by to convict anymore, and thus if people

do not adhere to their warnings, there is no more salvation.  The

time of Yahuweh “striving with man” is already over.  His mercy

continues for a short time longer.  The witnesses, the Bridal

remnant and the forerunning companies are themselves, by their

lives, a living plumb-line.

27)    The witnesses are physically two men. One may be the original

Eliyahu, who went up in a whirlwind, or one on which the

spirit of Eliyahu rests, as the spirit of Eliyahu rested on John

the baptizer. We do not know. But, because he appeared with

Messiah on Mt. Hermon (Matthew 17:1ff), the one to come is

most likely the original Eliyahu (II Kings 2).

By all Scriptural indications, especially Revelation 11;6, the two

Are Eliyahu and Moses (Moshe).  Moses died by relinquishing his

spirit at the command of Yahuweh.  He was buried in the plains

of Moab by Yahuweh Himself—the very area that Yahushua went

to after His baptism, for forty days and forty nights.  I believe

that after Moses was buried, that Yahuweh resurrected him,

body, soul and spirit.  As Enoch went to be with Yahuweh, body,

soul and spirit, and Eliyahu also.  Eliyahu is a picture of those who

will be alive and remaining at Messiah’s coming, being

changed/glorified without dying, so Moses pictures those who

have died, but are resurrected at Messiah’s coming.  (I

Corinthians 15:51-58; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Philippians 3:20-


Satan contended with the Archangel Michael over where the

body of Moses disappeared to.  (Jude 1:9)  If Moses’ body was

still in the ground where Yahuweh buried him, why would Satan

wonder where it was?  Why would Satan want his body?

For different reasons, some say the other witness could be

Enoch, or Daniel, or John the Apostle.

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    28)    True of the two companies, the Bridal remnant and the

witnesses:  Since childhood, the enemy has tried to kill them,

discredit them, slander them, discourage them, isolate them,

cause them to feel lonely and rejected, unwanted, insecure, and

unloved, and lure them into sin that would stop them from

fulfilling their calling.  Satan knew, from the foundation of the

world, that in the days of his exaltation on the earth, Yahuweh

would have His special forces.  So Satan has been trying to

destroy children, even as Herod did, to get at the ones anointed

by Yahuweh.  He now knows who they are because of the marking

and the sealed mark.

He has tried to lure them into addictive sin over and over.  They

have had one attack after to sidetrack and discourage them

from doing what they were assigned to do “before the

foundation of the world”.   As in Eliyahu’s day, the spirit of

Jezebel is very strong.  This spirit knows who is flowing in the

Eliyahu anointing, and so sends its agents to try to destroy them

in one way or the other.  Discouragement is a primary trick of

the enemy.  It worked o Eliyahu, and it works on Yahuweh’s

Eliyahu company of today.

The attacks of the enemy on the mind and body of these set-

apart ones is intense, for the  enemy wants to silence them

from speaking forth the Word in power.

They have been assaulted with poverty and constant struggling.

Yet through it all, they have learned total dependency on the

Father. They have learned that He is faithful and to be totally

trusted with everything, including their lives.

They have been assaulted with doubts, depression, and even

despair.  As with Eliyahu, they have wanted to die many times.

But, the faithful Ruach has made sure they did not deviate

from their course too long.  He has sent angels to minister to

them!  As with Kepha, “Satan has desired to sift you as wheat,

but I have prayed for you that your faith fail not”.  Yahushua,

the High Priest, intercedes for them before the Father to

strengthen them..

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29)        Yahuweh, in His training of them has taken them through the

wilderness experience so that they will only “lean upon their

beloved”, and not lean on man for anything—for “vain is the help

of man”.  (Song of Songs 8:5; Jeremiah 17:5-9)

Like all humans, they have the temptation to want to escape

the constant struggling by compromising His assignments.  They

are tested constantly by Yahuweh to see if they will trust Him.

Deuteronomy 8:2-5:  He leads us through harsh wilderness to:

a)    humble us,  b) to prove us, c) to know what is in our heart,

whether we will guard His commandments or not, to make us

know that “man does not live by bread alone, but by every

Word that comes from the mouth of Yahuweh”.

30)        They have no interest whatsoever in being advanced in the

world system.  It is foolishness to the Bridal remnant, and the

witnesses, and to the forerunning companies.  They see the

Babel (the confusion by mixture) of the world system, and obey

the many verses in the Word to get out of it, and stay out of it.

They are not waiting for Elohim to knock them in the head with

a personal “word”, they are acting on His written Word!

Their lives are simple.  They are adequately provided for, but

they do not seek to advance in the culture of Lucifer—

Greco/Roman culture.  They enjoy the simplicity of Hebrew

cultural standards.  To them, Ja’cobs words in 4:4 say it best:

To be a friend of the world is to be an enemy of Elohim.  People

want to advance, have security, and be self-satisfied in this

world—and they do not know Him who is coming to destroy their

security, destroy all they have built in this world, and destroy

them, if they hold onto it!

31)         They spend much time in His presence, and do not go out to do

anything without consulting Him.  They don’t go “shopping”.

They are “under orders”, on constant “assignment” for the King

of Kings and His Kingdom.    Their life is not theirs to control!

Therefore, life for them is a step-by-step walk.  They do not

watch, see, read, anything, listen to anything, look at anything,

or say anything, or do anything outside of His OK.  They are

bond slaves.

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                    Like Noah, to the world of his day, these set-apart ones do not

look “normal”—because they are not normal by the world’s


32)    They are well-trained and highly disciplined soldiers.  (II

Timothy 2:3-4) They understand “hardship” and embrace it.

They are not afraid of suffering.  They are not like the western

Christians who chant:  “We don’t have to suffer; nothing’s going

to happen to us”.

The set-apart ones are Joel 1 people—not afraid to wear

spiritual sackcloth.

The reason they don’t wear actual burlap clothes is for the

same reason they don’t carry banners that say “The end of

the world is near”, or “Repent or Perish!”.  They do not draw

attention to themselves!  They stay hidden in Him, until He

reveals them.  Messiah Yahushua does not call us to get

caught up in emotional “causes”—to carry placards and

demonstrate for the rights of the “underdog”.  He did not tell

His disciples to stand up and protest Roman rule.  We are not

called to lead coups or rebellions.  His ways are not the ways

off man.  But, when evil attacks us, we can resist it.  If it

were not for the stand of the Maccabees, we wouldn’t have

the Torah today.  He tells us how to stand up against wrong.

He tells us when to speak out and when to be quiet.  The two

witnesses don’t go looking for trouble, but when it attacks,

they counter-attack.  He calls us to intercede and by His

power declare changes into the earth, as He directs.

There are thousands of good causes in the earth—but those

who know His Word, know what He is allowing and what to

stand up against.  This takes very wise discernment from the

spirit, not from the soul-realm.  Unless we are led by the

Spirit, the anti-messiah spirit will wear us out—doing things

He puts in our path to sidetrack us!  Beware!

33)    These set-apart ones know the “fellowship of His sufferings”,

and walk in great compassion towards His set-apart ones who

who are suffering.  The witnesses are a great encouragement

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to the Bridal ones who have to remain on earth during the

entire 3 and 1/2 years, and thus see all the horrors of

nuclear holocaust, and the savagery done to His people by

sadistic Satanists, without being able to do anything about it.

34)       The Bridal remnant gives comfort and consolation to the

dying–to the martyrs, to those of the two companies who

are suffering.  They are always looking for ways to help the

suffering of Messiah’s people scattered throughout the

world now, being imprisoned, being tortured, being

humiliated, being publicly killed, leaving families to starve

and die for lack of help.  The true Bridal remnant doesn’t

think of herself, she thinks of what is hurting the

Bridegroom—from the simplest Christian in China, to the

strongest ones that are suffering inside.  She is self-less.

She’s not “lily-livered”—she can look at the bodies of the

set-apart ones who have been beheaded, tortured, and

horribly murdered and not be emotionally or intellectually

turned off or swayed to hate or bitterness.  She has control

over her emotions.  She can pray for their families they left

behind, and for the remnant that is going to die.

35)       She has a passion for the remnant of His people–to see to

their needs in all ways—now and in the future.  The

preparation of the remnant is her life.  She wants to save

as many  as possible from receiving the great deceptions

now on the earth.  She wants to rescue as many as possible

from the flames of eternal fire.

36)       Because the witnesses and the Bridal remnant are humble

servants, they are in and out of the areas where He is

protecting His people—either in Edom and Moab, in the

modern-day Jordanian wilderness–Daniel 11:41; Revelation

12:6, 14, 17, etc.–or who are hidden in the great tunnels

that run beneath the City of David and the Temple Mount

and other areas around Jerusalem.  These in Edom

and Jerusalem are the overcoming ones, who endure to the

end, through the tribulation period–Revelation 2 and 3,

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          Matthew 24:13.

These are the patient ones of Revelation 12:17 and 14:12—

those having the witness of Messiah Yahushua and guarding

the commandments of Yahuweh.

37)    Eternal lives will be faltering, and these witnesses and the

Bridal company will hold their hands in love, supplying them

with the inner strength to endure to the end.  They will

minister to those about to be martyred.  They will minister

to those who do not take the mark, and so are in severe

danger of being arrested and killed.

During the time of the anti-messiah, they will minister to

the Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego people who refuse to

bow to the world ruler, and so will suffer the consequences.

(Daniel 3) Many of these will escape because of their trust

in Him.  It is said of the Apostle Yohanan that they boiled

him in oil, and tried all other means to kill him, but could

not.  As with the three Hebrew men, Yohanan is a picture of

the Bridal remnant, who may undergo severe testing, as did

the three Hebrews, but they come out without smelling like


Fire purifies.  Our Master said He would baptize us in fire

and the Ruach ha Kodesh.  His fire is not problems that

come on us because of our own decisions.  His fire comes

because we are being purged of all dross in order to be

“vessels of honor”. (I Corinthians 10-15)  Much of the fire is

because we are doing what Yahuweh has told us to do, and

are thus being persecuted for “righteousness sake”.

Pure gold is heated to such a high temperature, that the

dross floats to the top and is skimmed off, and the

reflection of the goldsmith is seen in the pure gold.

Even now, the Bridal remnant is at work constantly to

encourage, to comfort, to warn, to build up and exhort, and

to prepare the set-apart ones for the coming tribulation

before Messiah returns.  All of us should now be involved in

Isaiah 40:1—comforting His people, helping them come

home from the nations (aliyah), assisting the poor, the

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          orphan, the widow, the homeless, as He leads us.

37)        The two witnesses never have the privilege of being hidden,

and so are open and vulnerable the whole 3 ½ years.  But,

the Bridal remnant—which are a part of the forerunning

companies—need to find protection for the worst of the

tribulation, and so are allowed to enter Edom for a festival

cycle–a cycle of moed’im—Revelation 12:14. The two

witnesses continue their fervor in the face of the anti-

messiah, until they are murdered.

So, there are two separations that occur during the last

3 ½ years:

A.) The Forerunning companies divide into either

martyrs, those who die as a result of war, or the Bridal


B.) The Bride separates from the witnesses to go into the

place of safety for the remaining year.

It is this Bridal remnant in the Petra area of Edom (Mt.

Seir) who are mentioned in Isaiah 21:6-12 and Isaiah 52:6-

10, who declare the fall of Babylon into the earth!

These are the watchmen who proclaim the fall of end-time

Babylon, who rejoice as they see eye to eye the return of

Messiah!  Their whole life has been to declare His Word, so

the last Word proclaimed before the return of Messiah is

put into the mouths of the Bridal remnant—who say to the

cities of Judah, “Your Elohim Reigns!”

This Bridal remnant and the remnant in Petra, the remaining

Jewish remnant who receive Messiah at His coming, too, are

all overcoming ones–those who have endured to the end,

and thus will be delivered and rewarded (Revelation

chapters 2 and 3).  The martyrs will be raised to rule and

reign with Him.  And the Bride will proceed to her wedding.

How glorious!

38)       The witnesses, who dress in sackcloth (burlap) to show

their suffering, the entire 3½ years, are a sign to the world

of Yahuweh’s and Yahushua’s suffering for each person.

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They are Joel 1 type priests who mourn.  The Bride is a

testimony of endurance to the set-apart ones of Yahuweh

and Yahushua, to encourage them to overcome and endure.

They do not wear anything conspicuous, but are “clothed in

humility”.  She is the one who is patient until the end,

knowing that He will deliver her.

“Those that endure to the end will be delivered”–Matthew

24:13; Revelation 14:12.  The Bride stands with His people;

the witnesses stand with the Bride, but their ministry is

directed to thwarting the plans of the anti-messiah.  They

are united, yet their work is different.

39)       The witnesses literally have the power to release the

plagues of Yahuweh onto the earth. The plagues are

reminiscent of the drought brought on by Eliyahu’s

judgment, and the first plague brought on by

Moses’ judgment before Pharaoh.  (I Kings 17:1; 18:41-45;

Ja’cob 5:17-18; Revelation 11:6)  Moses turned water into

blood—Exodus 7:17; Revelation 11:6.  The plagues of the

tribulation period match the ten plagues sent on Egypt.

Like the Egyptian plagues discredited different gods of

Egypt, so these plagues are designed to judge the

gods of the modern world.   (I wrote a comparison of the

plagues of Egypt and the tribulation plagues, ask if you’d

like to have this).

40)       The two witnesses are the two olive trees, and the lamp

stands that represent the two houses of the whole house of

Jacob.  Notice that those grafted into the olive tree are

olive branches.  In Romans 11:16-18 Paul is talking to the

House of Israel who became wild (yet an olive tree) and

were being grafted into the domestic tree (Judah)

by faith in Messiah.  According to an Israeli horticulturist,

it takes three days for a wild olive shoot to take hold, graft,

into a domestic tree.   We are in the third day since

Messiah’s birth, and so the wild shoots are now taking hold

of the tree of Israel once again–whose root is

Elohim–and are returning to the Torah of Yahuweh.

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                         The witnesses and Bridal remnant help to unite the Torah

and the belief in Messiah among both the house of Judah

and the House of Israel.  Thus they assist with the coming

together of the two sticks into His hand—Ezekiel 37:15-28.

41)         Revelation 11:4 and Zechariah 4:2-3, 11-14:  These are the

two of Zechariah 4, who pour oil from themselves into

the lamp stands—the menorah’s–which symbolize the

congregations of the believers.   Therefore, part of their

ministry is to bring His set-apart ones into the place of

safety during the 3 ½ years.  Oil pours through them.

“You anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over” (Psalm 23:5)

“See how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell

together in unity—like the precious oil on the head, running

down on the beard, the beard of Aaron…”  (Psalm 133:1-2)

“Anointing” means: “a smearing of grease or oil”.

Isaiah 10:27: “And in that day, it hall be that his burden is

removed from your shoulder and his yoke from your neck,

and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing

oil”.  The Hebrew picture is of oxen yoked with yokes that

they cannot bear, that rub their necks and cause pain.  By

greasing up the ox’s neck, the painful yoke can slide to the


42)    Eliyahu comes to restore all things (Malachi 4:4-6) and

return Yahuweh’s children to their fathers—Abraham, Isaac

and Jacob through the teaching of the Torah. He comes to

restore Torah to earthy fathers, so that they can teach

their children the Torah, and restore children to their

earthly fathers, so they will listen to Torah and obey it.

This is also the message of the Eliyahu forerunning company,

as well as drawing a clear line of separation—between the

worship of Yahuweh or the world ruler.  Eliyahu calls the

world’s people to deny the “mark of the beast”, to repent

and turn to the salvation of Yahuweh through Messiah

Yahushua.  Set-apartness to Yahuweh is the message—

obedience, and submission to Him.  This unites the Eliyahu

and Zadok companies who forerun the witnesses.  The Bridal

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        remnant is among these companies, and unites them,

“networks” them as the Spirit leads.

Messiah asks an unusual question in Luke 18:8: “When the Son

of man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”

“Faith” in Hebrew understanding is obedience to His Torah,

as a demonstration that your faith in the Jewish Messiah is


Without the Torah in the earth, there is no hope.  Yahushua

is the living Torah.  Without adherence to the Covenant of

Yahuweh—Torah—there is no faith.  To deny the Torah,

therefore, is to deny the Messiah.  A world without His

teachings and instructions is a world in chaos.  Without the

presence of Yahuweh’s eternal Kingdom Torah in the

earth, the earth will be taken over totally by lawlessness,

which is sin, and He will have no entrance into it anymore.  He

will have to destroy it totally.

Malachi 4:4-6:  In the midst of the fires of tribulation, this

prophecy exhorts: “Remember the Torah of Moses, My

servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel—laws

and right rulings.  See, I am sending you Eliyahu the prophet

before the coming of the great and awesome day of Yahuweh.

If Moses is the other witness, you can see how they work

together to restore the Torah, and to protect those who

guard the Torah, so that it is not lost from the earth.

Moses, of course, is responsible to keep what Yahuwah gave

him in the earth, in the face of a world ruler bent on

destroying it from the earth!

43)   The two witnesses are intercessors before the throne of

Yahuweh for His remnant people.  As priests, they

intercede for the deliverance of the whole house of

Jacob—all the tribes.  They stand “in the gap” between the

forces of the enemy and Yahuweh’s judgment, even as

Moses did in Exodus 32.

44)        Isaiah 40:3: They are voices in the wilderness crying:

“Prepare the way for Yahuweh”.  They make straight in the

desert (the Arabah—the area between Israel and Jordan

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          from the Red Sea north to the base of the Dead Sea), a

highway for Elohim.  They walk on the King’s Highway, as

does the Bridal remnant—the real King’s Highway that runs

from the Port of Aqaba through Petra onward to Amman.

Isaiah 35:8: “And a highway shall be there, and it shall be

called `the way of set-apartness’….”

45)        One chief characteristic of the 144,000, the Bride, is

unswerving loyalty/faithfulness to the Bridegroom.  See

Revelation 14:1-5 for the characteristics of the “first

fruits” to Yahuweh—the 144,000 marked remnant.  These

are seen on Mt. Zion—having been the first – “first fruits”

of the resurrection – into His chupah—Bridal chamber for

seven days—before the guests and attendant come to

the marriage feast.

The number 144,000 is plural—so not exact numbering—but is the same group who spend eternity before

Yahuweh, in the presence of their Bridegroom, in the

Heavenly City–Revelation 22:3-5, 11.  They are the only

ones who see Yahuweh’s face.

46)        Though the Apostles rule in the Kingdom over the twelve tribes of Jacob, (Matthew 19:28-29) though the witnesses and the prophets of Yahuweh have been loyal to Him, these are considered “the friends of the Bridegroom”. John 3:29—Yohanan the baptiser calls himself a “friend of the Bridegroom”—an attendant.  The Apostles are called “friends” of Messiah.  These are the “Kings of the earth”.  (Revelation 21:24-26)  These are His ambassadors in the earth. They are the administrators over the earth’s people.  They are given much authority because they have been found worthy.

47)        There are so many other points to bring out as to the

nature of A.)  the witnesses, B.) the bridal remnant, C.)

the forerunning companies, and D) the set-apart ones

        that remain in Edom during the 3 ½ years following the

        world fleeing.  Many of these will die, but some will stay


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           They are in all states of health—physical, mental and

emotional, and spiritual.  They are in a U.N. prison, which is

“hell on earth”.  During the time of the anti-messiah’s

worst, when the Bridal remnant is with this remnant in

Edom/Petra, they will encourage each other.  It is about

this time that many have had dreams of being in Petra—

they are those who will escape alive and live there for 3 ½

years until the end.


As per Isaiah 33:14-17, the Bridal remnant in particular

is set apart, and will not purposely look on sin–so even

today, CANNOT watch T.V programming or read romance

novels or murder mysteries, enjoy radio music that is not

of Yahuhsua, read magazines involved with worldly things,

laugh at what the world laughs at, go to movies that world

calls “good”, go to the world’s “church” services and listen

to conversations, music and sermons, that include

deceptions, lies and worldliness.  She won’t run to meetings

to hear the latest prophet or teacher.

She’s bored by what the worldly believers find fascinating.

She speaks the “oracles of Elohim” or she keeps quiet.

She stays enclosed until He releases her for His purposes.

She can’t be a part of the world, period!  It disgusts her!

She’s not a part of the whore system!

She has come out of Babylon—and is free from its mixture

of good and evil.


The witnesses:  These are two human men empowered by the Ruach Yahuweh. They are priests, thus they stand for, and intercede for, the remnant of the two houses of Judah and Israel/Ephraim/Joseph.  They assist in preserving this remnant of both houses, which Messiah is bringing together into one (Ezekiel 37). When their course is finished, they die in a street of Jerusalem. They have special powers from Yahuweh to keep them alive until the appointed time of their death just before Messiah’s return.

The Bridal Company: She comes from all the tribes and represents the

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Bridegroom in the earth as His ambassador. She is pictured as the 144,000, but this number is symbolic and could mean more or less.

She is the only group that is marked and sealed for preservation through the whole tribulation. She is protected during the “day of Yahuweh”, and thus does not minister openly the whole 3 ½ years.  She is the only one who is “abiding in the secret place”, and uses His Names and titles correctly, adhering to Torah out of love for her Beloved (for the Ten Commandments are the terms of her marriage covenant with her Bridegroom) to whom the promises of Psalm 91 are written.  She cannot die, but is sustained by His power, and angelic protection.  She is the only one who fits all the statements of Psalm 91.  She is under direct orders from her Bridegroom, therefore is exclusive and hidden except to the witnesses, and members of Yahuweh’s companies.

The forerunning company: This company are those with the Eliyahu and Zadok anointing who are in the earth now to perform these directives for the Father.  They may or may not be martyred. The Bridal remnant is hidden within these two companies.  Yet, all the ones in these companies are not necessarily the Bride. They minister now, and into part of the tribulation time.  But, their ministry is short because of the deaths of the set-apart ones whom they instruct.  The forerunning company is comprised of people from all the tribes of Jacob.  They are not marked or sealed for preservation.  Most likely these are those of Revelation 7:9-17, whereas the Bridal remnant is Revelation 7:1-8.

The remnant from the world fleeing: These either die or are kept alive in Edom for 3 ½ years.  There is a remnant who escapes from all the nations, and are kept as refugees in the U.N. refugee camp between Petra and Bosrah, in southern Jordan.  This refugee camp has been planned and stocked since the early 1960’s at least, from about the time that Americans began planning for the great fleeing, and the Jewish ship owners in the Houston shipping channel began organizing to rescue fleeing people, especially Jews.  These are in different stages of spiritual development, are in different stages of physical health, and in different stages of mental and emotional health.  These are guests who are alive at His coming, or who die from the conditions of the harsh high desert of the Petra area.

I have talked to several friends who have had dreams of being in Petra during the 3 ½ years.  Many will be Jews who have fled from Israel, or

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Christians who have fled from Amman, and Lebanon, and Syria when Damascus was destroyed.  This is a “mixed multitude”.  At the very end, it also includes the most rich, most powerful people on the earth—Revelation 6:14-17—look at the lineup.

These are the primary groups of the end times that survive–plus the martyrs, those that die in war, by famine, by disease and biological warfare, or in nuclear holocaust, or those who take the mark of the world ruler and so sell their soul to Satan.


NOTES:  Jewish tradition has always put the coming of Eliyahu at the Feast

of Passover. During the Seder Supper, a plate is set for Eliyahu, and children go looking for him at one point in the ceremony.  The Jews know that Eliyahu is the forerunner of the Messiah.  In Safed, Israel, the center of the occult, mystic kabala, Eliyahu is actually worshipped by many.

John (Yochanan) the baptizer was born at the Feast of Passover.  Yochanan was the forerunner of the Suffering Servant Messiah.  He preached repentance and turning to Yahuweh for salvation.  This is the gospel of the Kingdom—“Repent, for the Kingdom of Elohim is at hand”.

Many thought Yochanan was Eliyahu.  He lived in the spot where Eliyahu went into heaven in a whirlwind, on the east side of the Jordan River, at the headwaters of the Dead Sea by the Plains of Moab.  Yochanan dressed like Eliyahu, wearing camel’s hair clothing to appear “hairy”, and wearing a leather belt.  Eliyahu was a hairy man, who wore a leather belt, the Scriptures tell us (II Kings 1).  Yochanan was full-blooded Levite, yet was a prophet.  He stood for what was right and just, therefore, he was beheaded for standing for what was right in the face of what was wrong.  He was uncompromising.

Yochanan was called “Eliyahu” by Yahushua Messiah.  (Matthew 11:14)  The Eliyahu to come will be the forerunner of the Messianic King.

The two witnesses appear at the Feast of Passover, when the anti-messiah sits on Yahuweh’s throne.  The anti-messiah will come to take power, into Jerusalem, on the 10th of Aviv—to mock Yahushua’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  It is on the 10th of Aviv that the witnesses begin their ministry.  They are confrontational against the anti-messiah and false prophet from day one.

The gospel at the last of the tribulation is found in Revelation 14:5-6, and it

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is preached by angels: “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue and people, saying with a loud voice, `Fear Elohim, and give glory to Him, for the

hour of His judgment has come: and worship Him that made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and the fountains of waters”.

Until then, we preach the good news of the Kingdom (Matthew 24:14-15)—NOTICE that the appearing of anti-messiah stops the preaching of this good news of the coming Kingdom of Messiah Yahushua.    

The last great appeal of Yahuweh to man before he faces wrath, is that they

at least acknowledge Him as creator—but they would not.  Their reaction to this is in Revelation 9:20-21: “And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols or gold, silver and brass and stone, and of wood…Neither repented of their murders, nor of their drug sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.” 

Revelation 6:14-15 also describes the rulers of the earth—rather than repent, these mighty and rich people, and all with them, called for the rocks and mountains to fall on them to hide them from the “wrath of the Lamb” of Elohim.

Because of His heart of love—Yahuweh wants no one to perish.   He wants everyone to have a clear choice, so at the great white throne judgment, when the books are opened, they can’t claim they were not told.

By this time, all believers will have fallen into one of four camps: 1) Those who have denied their faith in Him, and received the mark of the beast (this is called “the great falling away”—II Thessalonians 2:3; Revelation 3:1-5; 3:15-17), or 2) Those who have refused the mark of the beast and have been martyred, (represented by the assembly at Smyrna is Revelation 2:8-11, and Stephen, the first martyr, Acts 7:55-60), 3) Those who have died from war, famine, pestilence, the beasts of the earth, or natural causes, and 4) Those who are part of the marked remnant (represented by the assembly at Philadelphia–Revelation 3:7-13) or safely tucked into Edom, or the tunnels under Jerusalem.

The witnesses and their forerunning companies call for the keeping of the covenant sign of identification with Him—the weekly Shabbat, and the

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Festivals of His choosing, the keeping of His dietary laws, and all that brings us separation and set-apartness to Him.  For He says, “Be set-apart as I am


The two characteristics of the Bride mentioned several times in

Scripture are 1) She belongs to Messiah Yahushua, and 2) she guards the Torah of Yahuweh (Revelation 12;17; 14:12, etcetera). 

She has no interest in the world system, doesn’t get involved with its shallowness, she stays hidden in Him.  She speaks the oracles of Elohim because she has deep, rich relationship with Him.  She doesn’t gossip, or slander, or advance an agenda by manipulation or control of deviousness.  She does not wrong anyone, though she is wronged by many.  She doesn’t retaliate for He is her defense.  She’s just not like what is normal for women, or men who operate from their soul-realm—five senses, reason, and sin nature.

There are 1.9 to 2 billion people on planet earth that call themselves “Christians”—one billion are Roman Catholics.   The Bridal remnant is less than 1% of 2 billion—which is 2 million.  The Bible says 144,000s—out of 6.4 billion people on planet earth.  She is not a part of the Christian or Messianic religions, but she is set-apart as the early assemblies of the Apostles who followed the Nazarene.  She represents all the tribes of Jacob—two from Joseph—total 13.  The Bridal remnant is scattered over the earth.  Each member will probably only find another member when the tribulation begins.  He will unite them in twos and threes most likely.  This is why she feels so lonely—isolated at times—for she is.  The only Friend and Companion she often has is the Spirit of the Father.  This is why she depends on Him for everything—for all her needs in all ways.  He is her life.  She wants blamelessly before Him on this earth, before the resurrection.  She has been so purged of “self” that her mind does not think like others think.

The job of the witnesses, and the witness companies is to prepare the

world for Yahuweh’s final judgment, and the establishment of His Kingdom on earth.

The good news of the last days is: “Whosoever calls upon the Name of Yahuweh shall be saved”.  (Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13)

In Isaiah 43:11, Yahuweh says: “Besides Me there is no savior”.  The Name Yahushua means:  Yahuweh is salvation!

By this time, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or any other

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man-made religion will not remain on the earth, except by those who continue to worship the “beast”—the lawless one—the man of sin—the anti-messiah.

All religion will be destroyed.  The great whore, the Vatican, will have been burned with fire.

We are in the final days…and so we must “batten down the hatches” and secure ourselves firmly in Yahuweh and Yahushua and do what we can while it is “day”, “for the night comes when no man can work”.  We must work on our heavenly reward and position now.

He will require of us what He has given to us to multiply for Him.  The good servants will hear: “Well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over little, but I will make you faithful over much, enter into the joy of your Master”. (Matthew 25:14-30) The lawless ones will hear: “Depart from Me, I never knew you, you who are without the Torah”.  (Matthew 7:21-23)

I leave with you more study on this subject, as the Spirit leads and teaches.

Blessings and Shalom as you watch, pray, and work for His Kingdom,


May 8, 2005

Revised: October 22,, 2007

Tiberias, Israel

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Ha’Misparim La’Debarim The Numbers of the Words by Craig Wm. Peters

Click the link below for easy PDF reading with the Paleo Hebrew Words: HaMisparim_LaDebarim_Messiah_Teaches_the_Shema_v_5pt0


The Messiah Teaches The Shema

dxa hwhy wnyhla hwhy larvy ems
echad YHWH Elohenu YHWH Yisrael Shema
one YHWH our Elohim YHWH Israel Hear

Shema Yisrael, YHWH is our Elohim, YHWH is one.

And you shall love YHWH your Elohim with all your heart,

with all your soul, and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:4-51

 The Hebrew word “shema/emS ” means “hear.” In our opening text, this word serves as a call to hear the Eternal Word of YHWH, the Elohim of Yisrael. It is a call to hear and obey the King of Yisrael from a heart of love—not from a lukewarm heart acting out of a sense of mere moral duty, and not from an even colder heart motivated by an outward show of religious obligation or arrogant self-exaltation steered by the self-supremacy people so often feel due to baseless pride. If Yahushua taught us to uphold the Eternal precepts of the Age-Abiding Torah (and He did2), then those who castigate such a life of loving obedience, by calling it “legalism,” are setting forth their Messiah as a senseless imposter before all the world.
s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a
The present study is a series of meditations about the importance of this word, shema/emS, and its significance as seen in the Foremost Commandment in all of the Torah. The Mashiach/Messiah was (and still is) the splendor of His people Yisrael and a Light to enlighten the Gentiles in the Torah of YHWH.3 And now that He has walked among us as the Unblemished Lamb, that great Light from the Torah of YHWH continues to shine forth from the Spirit of the Mashiach in the Heavens.4 In this article, the Spirit reveals how our Mashiach/mSyh 5 both observed and taught the importance of all of the Torah on those many occasions He spoke of and referred to the Shema. We will see that there were many instances in which Yashua taught His listeners the importance of this Greatest Command—a commandment which has the most preeminence over and above all of the other commandments in the Torah. We begin, though, by pondering the time the Messiah set forth the Shema as the greatest commandment in the entirety of Scripture.
t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a 1
Jewish tradition divides this Commandment into two separate parts: “The Shema” (Deuteronomy 6:4) and the “V’havta” (Deuteronomy 6:5). Since the Messiah made no such division (teaching the entire text embodies the single, greatest commandment), we will refer to both verses as “the Shema.” 2 Matthew 5:17-20 3 Luke 2:32, John 14:15, 15:10, Romans 2:13, 3:31 4 2Corinthians 3:12-18 5 “Mashiach” is the transliteration for the Hebrew word, mSyh, the word meaning “anointed,” and often translated as “Messiah.” 2
The Greatest Commandment
We have far more than one record of the Messiah teaching us to uphold the Greatest and Most Preeminent commandment in all of the Torah, but we begin by pondering His words on that most obvious occasion. Yahushua the Messiah came to bring life and immortality to light through the Good News,6 and it is His very words which reveal to us the preeminent love for YHWH which He desires to be burning in the hearts of all of His people: And Yahushua answered him,
“The first of all the commandments is, ‘Shema (Hear) Yisrael YHWH is our Elohim, YHWH is one: And you shall love YHWH your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength: this is the first commandment.’ ” Mark 12:29-30
We may see and imply many things from these words of Yahushua spoken on this all important matter: 1. Loving YHWH and putting Him first (above all else) is the preeminent commandment. Absolutely nothing is more important, including our own lives.7 2. With these words, the Messiah was clearly teaching and upholding the ageabiding authority/perpetuity of all of the Torah! And showing the Shema to be the preeminent commandment of the Pentateuch8 not only teaches us the ongoing validity and immutability of the entire Torah across the immense time span of 1000 generations,9 but it further indicates how every other commandment was intended to be walked out in everyday practice: the Word of YHWH is to be upheld because of a believer’s love for the Most High and his/her gratitude for the great and enduring chesed/lovingkindness which the Most High has bestowed upon each of us. And in relation to this all-important point, the general Christian world seems painfully oblivious to the stark difference between obedience and legalism:
Upholding the Torah out of love for YHWH is baruch obedience that touches eternity while attempting to keep His commandments out of a heartless religious obligation and an arid sense of duty can only be legalism and, oftentimes, self-exaltation.
To reword what someone else has so wisely said:

6 1Timothy 1:10 7 Daniel 3:8-28 8 (the Five Books of Mosheh/Moses) 9 The Torah will be in effect until time immemorial—until heaven and earth pass away. Matthew 5:18, 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 16:17, 21:33 3

Keeping the Torah without the Spirit of love is legalism. In contrast, the supposition one is walking in the Spirit of love—all the while one is refusing to uphold the commandments of the Torah—is both disobedience and self-deception. And neither of these states will be acceptable for anyone who aspires to inherit reward10 and splendor11 by entering into the Millennium Kingdom of YHWH at the First Resurrection:12 A person will not attain to the classification of those who overcome—the classification of called, and chosen, and faithful13—apart from having upheld the Torah in the Spirit of love.14
Thus, in setting forth the Shema as absolutely preeminent, the Messiah teaches us it is only through love—the love which our hearts are directing towards YHWH—that we may uphold every other Torah commandment.
The Shema was set forth as the Preeminent Commandment of the Torah because truly keeping it will also lead to us truly keeping every other commandment. Somehow, people abide under the idea that mistakenly concludes true, authentic love for YHWH abrogates/abolishes/ends the Torah; but this is a completely baseless and unscriptural supposition: Through the Shema, the Messiah taught that true love for YHWH will result in us keeping His Torah and its Ageless Decrees—all of which are pulsating with infinite wisdom, with immense light, and with enduring, life-giving love.
The secret of the Shema15 tells us it is only through love for the Most High that we may keep the commandments of YHWH in a way that pleases Him. We must desire to hear His Voice with the advanced intention16 of permanently obeying whatever He says/reveals/teaches us:
Teach me, YHWH , the way of Your statutes, and I will keep it to the end. Psalm 119:33
10 2Peter 1:10-11 11 Romans 2:6-7,10 12 1Corinthians 9:24-27, Philippians 3:7-14 13 Revelation 17:14 14 Romans 2:13, 3:31, 1John 5:1-3, Matthew 5:17-20 15 Remember: “Shema” means “hear.” 16 Daniel 1:8, Ezra 7:10. Contrast: 2Chronicles 12:14,Psalm 78:8, 4
I have not departed from Your judgments: for You have taught mePsalm 119:102
I am Your servant; give me understanding, that I may know Your testimonies.Psalm 119:125
While the truth of hearing with a view to obey is seen in many places throughout the Word of YHWH,17 the misparim/numbers of the Shema also make this important concept even more abundantly clear.
The Misparim/Numbers of the Shema: Drawing Near With Our Hearts.  YHWH does not want a people who draw near to Him with their lips while their hearts are far from Him. Through the prophet Yeshayahu (Isaiah), YHWH said it like this: 13 Therefore, the Sovereign has said, Because this people have drawn near with their mouth, and with their lips have honored Me, but their heart they have removed far from Me, and so their reverence for Me has become a commandment of men, in which they have been schooled. 14
Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder; and the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hidden.18 Isaiah 29:13-14
The above truth indicates this: If we are following the commandments of men (in contrast to following the commandments of hwhy given in His Torah), then that is part of what constitutes having hearts that are far from Him. Because He rebuked the man-made, Jewish traditions of His day, the Messiah spoke of this very thing: 3 And He answered and said to them,
Why do you also transgress the commandment of Elohim because of your tradition? 4 For Elohim said, “Honor your father and your mother,” and, “He that speaks evil of father or mother, let him die the death.” 5 But you say, “Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, that wherewith you might have been profited by me is Corban,”19 6 he shall not honor his father. And you have made void the Word of Elohim because of your tradition. 7 You hypocrites, well did Yeshayahu prophesy of you, saying, 8 “This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. 9 But in vain do they worship Me, 17 Exodus 20:6/Deuteronomy 5:10 > John 14:15, 21
18This perfectly describes America, as well as many other nations of today, since our leaders (and people) have all forsaken the Torah of YHWH and are, thus, left with no wisdom to rule in a way that brings about a prevailing peace and prosperity.
19 (“Corban” is a Hebrew word describing a gift given to Elohim) 5 teaching as their doctrines the precepts of men.” Matthew 15:3-9 Many fail to recognize that, with this encounter, the Messiah was fully upholding the authority of the Torah and the commandments of Elohim as He rebuked the religious leaders of the Jewish community for setting forth their own teachings that contradicted the Torah.
The Messiah would do the same today (even among those who express faith in Him) as there are so many entrenched traditions that have no basis in Scripture. These traditions have made the Torah of YHWH of no effect and of no importance in the hearts of the people. Yet the Messiah taught the Torah and spoke of its unending Authority20 across the 1000 generations prophesied to exist on the earth.21 Thus, we see more of the importance behind the Shema—the Preeminent Commandment that enjoins us to fulfill the Torah by walking in love for YHWH and His Word. For YHWH Himself has indicated it is those who keep His commandments who are expressing the love for Him which He desires: … and showing chesed/lovingkindness unto thousands of those that love Me and keep My commandments. Exodus 20:6
Our love for YHWH is expressed through keeping His commandments. And when uttering the Shema, above all things, we should certainly be drawing near to YHWH with our hearts. The revelation which Ruach Elohim22 gives through the Hebrew misparim/numbers in this regard is not only absolutely stunning, but it gives us yet more understanding of a number of very relevant Scripture texts.
Just below, readers will see the first six words of the Shema and above each word is the misparim (in red/RIGHT) and the place value (in blue/LEFT):
← ← ← 13/13 26/26 48/102 26/26 64/541 50/410
dxa hwhy wnyhla hwhy larvy ems
echad YHWH Elohenu YHWH Yisrael Shema
(is)one YHWH our Elohim YHWH Israel Hear
While much more will be said about these numbers later, for now, readers will note the sum of the red numbers is the misparim/gematria value of the entire sentence, and that this total value is 1118:23 13 + 102 + 26 + 541 + 410 = 1118
Amazingly enough, the factors of 1118 are as follows:
20 Matthew 5:17-20, 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 21:33 21 Exodus 3:14-15, Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalm 105:8 22 (the Spirit of Elohim/Power) 23 Readers are invited to confirm all misparim and place values using the charts which appear at the end of this study.
6 1 , 2 , 13 , 26 , 43 , 86 , 559 , 1118
Three of the above factors are highlighted in red because three of the words in the first line of the Shema24 have that very same misparim value. In the case of 13 and 26, three of the six words have one or the other misparim value:
← ← ← 13 = (4) d + (8) x + (1) a = dxa = echad = one
← ← ← 26 = (5) h + (6) w + (5) h + (10) y = hwhy = YHWH
To better explain wnyhla/Elohenu having a base word which equals 86,
“wnyhla/Elohenu” means “our Elohim” and the Hebrew title,
“Myhla/Elohim,” has a misparim of 86:
← ← ← 86 = (40) M + (10) y + (5) h + (30) l + (1) a = Myhla = Elohim
Another Hebrew word which has this very same misparim is the world-famous exclamation of praise,
“Hallelu-Yah:” ← ← ← 86 = (5) h + (10) y + (6) w + (30) l + (30) l + (5) h = hywllh = Hallelu-Yah
This is so because, while “Elohim” is a title for YHWH that conveys His indescribable power to perform and create, the word “Hallelu-Yah” is an utterance of praise by which we sing and praise that very power.
This is the power revealed in and through His Qadosh Name.25 Thus, the two words are quite related and their number value being the same is an amazing and inspired result! So with 13, 26, and 86 being factors of 1118, the Spirit is calling our attention to ponder these words and their special relationship to loving yhwh with the whole heart as we draw near to Him with sincere, loving reverence. Not coincidentally, Tehillim 86 has some very relevant things to say over keeping/fulfilling the Shema by honoring YHWH with and in our hearts, the very thing that the Messiah teaches26 to all those who have ears to hear:
10 For You are great, and do wondrous things: You are Elohim alone. 11 Teach me Your way, YHWH; I will walk in Your truth: Unite my heart to fear Your Name. 12 I will praise You,YHWH my Elohim, with all my heart; and I will magnify Your Name for evermore. Tehillim/Psalms 86:10-12
That these things would be written in Psalm 86 is not at all coincidental: This is the prayer of a believer who wishes to fulfill/keep the Shema and readers will note numerous similarities between the wording in these lines and the wording seen in 24 (the base word in the case of wnyhla/Elohenu)
25 Psalm 21:13 26 Matthew 15:3-9 7 Deuteronomy 6:4-5. This also makes it clear that when Kepha (Peter) instructed the believers to set apart YHWH Elohim in their hearts, he (like Isaiah27 and like the Messiah) was teaching them to uphold the Shema:
But set apart YHWH Elohim in your hearts, and always be ready to give an answer to everyone asking you a reason concerning the expectation that is in you, with meekness and fear. 1Peter 3:15, ISRV
28Speaking forth the Shema, by faith, is a significant part of setting apart YHWH Elohim in our hearts. Through proclaiming the Shema, we set our love upon YHWH and exalt His Name, even as the Spirit has inspired to be written in the 91st Psalm:
Because he has set his love upon Me,29 therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he has known My Name.30 Tehillim/Psalms 91:14
Proclaiming the Shema and Taking Upon Ourselves the Yoke of the Kingdom
In many rabbinic teachings, we see the ages-old understanding that a loving, reverent, and sincere speaking forth of the Shema is regarded as taking upon oneself the Yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven.
31 So important is this segment of Scripture that many Jews not only recite it twice a day but also on their deathbed. And historically, many of our Jewish brothers have made the Shema their last utterance when about to face an untimely death—either through a final moment of valor/heroism which would certainly end their life, or when a persecutor was about to inflict one’s demise.32 Since the Shema’s relationship to the Yoke of the 8 Kingdom
27 Isaiah 8:1328 See the end-note reference to the ISRV Scriptures. 29 Deuteronomy 6:5 30 Deuteronomy 6:4 31 In regard to the Yoke of the Kingdom, see the following websites: • • • (a longer, pdf version of the very first site given above) • • • • • • • 32 •
8  is generally not known (or its importance is not fully realized and acknowledged) among most believers—and we speak of those who recognize Yahushua was (and still is) the Messiah—it is key for readers to study the Internet information given in the footnote on this matter. See the websites given in the previous footnote; and upon reading the material seen at those places, our main point of emphasis should be repeatedly seen and acknowledged, even if you find other rabbinic statements which strike you as obscure, unscriptural, or even unverifiable:
Faithful believers who proclaim the Shema should be aware that they are, by Emunah (Faith), taking upon themselves the Yoke of the Kingdom.
If the previous statement could be proven to be a mere tradition of men it should most certainly be rejected. However, our study will show that the Messiah of Yisrael also understood this to be the case: A sincere, loving, and reverent proclamation of the Shema, in faith, is taking upon ourselves the Yoke of the Kingdom. And we will see even the Messiah upheld the direct connection between speaking, proclaiming, and upholding the Shema and taking upon oneself the Yoke of the Kingdom of Elohim. Since Yahushua the Messiah of Yisrael taught this very thing relative to the Shema, we will see the importance of this Kingdom-Yoke is an absolute truth and not merely a man-made Jewish tradition!33 What we are saying will become yet more evident as the study now progresses into the next section.
The Shema: Seeing and Entering the Kingdom WhenYahushua spoke to Nakdimon/Nicodemus, He indicated that to inherit reward and greatness in the world/age to come, a believer in the Elohim of Yisrael must both see and enter the Kingdom; while both aspects are ultimately fulfilled in those who partake in the First Resurrection, seeing and entering indicate a significant progression which must officially begin during our earthly sojourn. We will see the Shema is an essential part of beginning the process, per the words of the Messiah Himself:
1 But there was a man from among the Pharisees, his name Nakdimon, a ruler of the Yahudim; 2 he came to Him by night, and said to Him, Rabbi, we know that You have come from Elohim, a teacher, •
33 Remember: the Messiah rebuked any Jewish traditions of His time which were merely man-made doctrines that failed to uphold the Torah. We now have a commendable and righteous Jewish-Israeli tenet which He did not rebuke because it upholds the Torah!
9 for none can do these signs that You do unless Elohim is with him. Yahushua answered and said to him, Amein, amein, I say to you, unless any one is born from above he cannot see the Kingdom of Elohim. 4 Nakdimon said to Him, How can a man be born being old? Can he enter a second time into the womb of his mother and be born? Yahushua answered, Amein, amein, I say to you, unless any one is born of water and of Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of Elohim. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not marvel that I said to you, it is needful that you should be born from above. 8 The wind blows where it will, and you hear (shema) its voice, but know not from where it comes and where it goes: thus is every one that is born of the Spirit. John 3:1-8 We will show that when the Messiah spoke of seeing the Kingdom and entering the Kingdom, His reference was to nothing less than the Shema—the Commandment which Yahushua taught to be the Greatest of all in the Torah.
Notice from the Hebrew words given below, the Masoretic text of Deuteronomy 6:4 shows the ending letters of the first and last words of the manuscript were rendered by the scribes to be considerably larger than the other letters in the text:
dxa hwhy wnyhla hwhy larvy ems
echad YHWH Elohenu YHWH Yisrael Shema
one YHWH (is) our YHWH Israel Hear one (is) Elohim
Yet the AYIN (e) and the DALET (d) are letters with very special meanings relative to our present topic of study; these two letters are the key to understanding the words of the Messiah:
1. The letter AYIN (e) not only represents the eye, but in the Hebrew language, the letter AYIN is pronounced in the same way as the word for eye: AYIN ( Nye : ahyeen); this is, undoubtedly, where we get our pronunciation/derivation for the English word “eye.”
2. The letter DALET (d) not only represents a door, but in the Hebrew language, the letter DALET is pronounced nearly the same way as the Hebrew word for door: DELET (tld).
Do our readers already see where this is going? The Spirit reveals that wheYahushua spoke of seeing34 and entering35 the Kingdom,36 He was speaking of 34 John 3:3 35 John 3:5 36 John 3:3-8 10 nothing less than the Shema, since the large AYIN (e) spoke of the eyes and seeing (or having sight) and the large DALET (d) signified the door:
dxa hwhy wnyhla hwhy larvy ems
echad YHWH Elohenu YHWH Yisrael Shema
one YHWH our Elohim YHWH Israel Hear
Also notice when the Messiah spoke of the Shema and taking upon oneself the Yoke of the Kingdom, He inferred one who is born of the Spirit hears the Voice of YHWH: The wind blows where it will, and you hear (shema) its voice, but know not from where it comes and where it goes: thus, is every one that is born of the Spirit. John 3:8
This, of course, was another contextual reference to the Shema and to being a son of Abraham—the patriarch who walked by faith and who heard the Voice of YHWH. And having heard the Voice of YHWH across a lifetime of faithfulness, we read these words which the Most High spoke over Abraham’s resulting life of love-driven obedience: Because that Abraham obeyed My Voice, and kept My charge: My commandments, My statutes, and My laws. Genesis 26:5
Because Abraham kept the Shema—because he continually heard the Voice of YHWH—he also kept the other commandments of Elohim! And it is only those who walk in the commandment-keeping faith37 of Abraham who are heirs according to the Promise.38
The Shema teaches us that Elohim is—that He exists—and that our ears must be open to His Word and His directives. As we hear His Voice and believe/act upon His Word, our spiritual sight is then acquired, gained, augmented: 39 We see the Eternal King and His Eternal Kingdom.Then we are joined to YHWH,40 by EMUNAH(faith), and become one (echad)41 with Him.
While we have not yet fully entered the Kingdom, this does grant us citizenship in that Kingdom42 as we have now been spiritually translated into a new, spiritual realm.43 Then it is a question of living a lifetime of faithful service by which YHWH determines the measure of our heavenly 37 Acts 24:14, Matthew 5:17-20, Romans 2:13, 3:31, 16:26, 1John 5:1-5, Reveleation12:17, 14:12, 22:14 38 Galatians 3:7,9 39 (all depending on how new/old is our walk/sojourn to the Kingdom) 40 Isaiah 56:3, Zechariah 2:11 41 1Corinthians 6:17 42 Philippians 3:20 (“conversation” per KJV means “citizenship”) 43 Colossians 1:13 11 reward:
How great/abundant will our entrance into His Kingdom on Earth be, and what will any individual believer inherit/possess in that Kingdom? Our entrance can be abundant or it can be meager.44 That there will be significant differences in reward is a Kingdom-fact not generally taught, but this will be an absolute reality in the Resurrection based on the level of one’s faithful service to YHWH in this life.45 The Requirement for Having Ears That Hear.
Who are those blessed ones that will hear His Voice? Who are those who will hear the Voice of His Spirit saying, “This is the way, you walk in it?”46 And how do we acquire ears that will hear?
The only ones who will hear His Voice are those that hold forth His Name as Qadosh/Swdq, 47 for YHWH only reveals Himself in fullest measure to those who desire to honor Him and to walk in His ways.
Note, first of all, the Hebrew word for “emS/shema”—the Hebrew word meaning “hear”—has a misparim value of 410: ← ← ← (mv) 410 = (70) e + (40) m + (300) S = emS = shema = hear
So we momentarily pause to ponder the heart attitude, and the mind set, of those who reverently hold forth YHWH and His Name as absolutely Qadosh/Swdq:
Exalt YHWH our Elohim, and worship at His set apart hill; for YHWH our Elohim is Swdq/qadosh. Tehillim/Psalms 99:9
He sent redemption to His people: He has commanded His covenant for ever:
Swdq/qadosh and awesome is His Name. Tehillim/Psalms 111:9
We have said those who are blessed to hear His Voice are those who reverently hold forth the Name of YHWH as qadosh/Swdq, for such an attitude prepares the heart to see the salvation of Elohim.
48The saying is true and worthy of all acceptance. In confirming this, the Hebrew word “Swdq/qadosh/set apart,” like the word for “hear/shema/emS,” has a misparim value of 410:
← ← ← (mv) 410 = (300) S + (6) w + (4) d + (100) q = Swdq = qadosh
The relationship between these words is not at all coincidental:
44 2Peter 1:10-11 45 Luke 19:11-26 46 Isaiah 30:21 47 The Hebrew word “Swdq/qadosh” has the meaning of “set apart;” it is the word customarily translated as “holy.” 48 2Chronicles 12:14/Jeremiah 11:8, Psalm 50:23, 78:8 (See Darby as well as Young’s Literal Translation), 12 Those who draw near to His Throne of favor and who exalt YHWH as qadosh (410) will, like Abraham,49 be blessed to hear (410) His Voice.
The Hebrew numbers confirm to us the requirement set forth for those who would hear His Voice and subsequently see and enter His Kingdom of Light.
t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a
Because the Messiah was without sin, He fulfilled the Shema perfectly and the Spirit opened His ear to hear the Voice/Spirit of YHWH every morning:

The SovereignYHWH has given me the tongue of the learned,
that I should know how to speak a word in season to a
weary one: He awakens morning by morning;
He awakens my ear to hear as the learned.
Isaiah 50:4

Morning by morning,50 the Messiah drew near to hear the Voice of YHWH; and because He heard, Yahushua also saw what the Father we should ponder this statement in more detail.

You Are My Witnesses
In the Masoretic text, the enlarged letters of the Shema not only call our attention to the importance of the first and last words of this opening line, but when the two letters are joined, the pair also forms a word in the Hebrew language:
dxa hwhy wnyhla hwhy larvy ems
echad YHWH Elohenu YHWH Yisrael Shema
one YHWH our Elohim YHWH Israel Hear
As His people, we are honored with the indescribable privilege to proclaim the Shema and to be a witness to the Unity and Sovereign Supremacy of the Elohim of Yisrael. In Hebrew, the word for “testimony,” or “witness,” is “eyd” (de), and readers will see that is the word formed by the enlarged letters of the Shema:
74 = (4) d +(70) e = de = eyd = testimony = witness
So when YHWH declared to all Yisrael that the nation was to be His witnesses to the world, He was referring to nothing less than the Shema; and this is quite clear from the context of the following Scriptures:
49 B’reshit/Genesis 26:4-5 50 Mark 1:35, Psalm 5:3, 88:13, 119:147, 130:5-6, Isaiah 26:9 51 John 5:19 13
You are My witnesses,52 says YHWH , and My servant whom I have chosen; that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He: before Me there was no Elohim formed, neither shall there be after Me. Isaiah 43:10
I have declared, and I have saved, and I have shown; and there was no strange elohim among you: therefore, you are My witnesses, says YHWH , and I am Elohim. Isaiah 43:12
Do not fear, neither be afraid: have I not declared to you of old, and shown it? And you are My witnesses: Is there an Elohim besides me? Yes, there is no Rock; I know not any. Isaiah 44:8
Imagine a nation filled with millions of individuals that daily proclaim (in millions of places), “Shema Yisrael YHWH Elohenu, YHWH echad” … all witnessing (de) to the Supremacy of our Elohim as they proclaim His Sovereign Rule/Kingdom. So it is that YHWH declares our nation, Yisrael, to be His witnesses! Through proclaiming the Shema and through having hearts that authentically uphold it, we are His witnesses (de). Yet while we are to witness this Unity among ourselves, the intent of YHWH has always been for Yisrael to show all nations the wisdom of His ways 53— the wisdom of the ancient paths revealed in His Age-Enduring Torah.54 And YHWH, who changes not,55 has never retracted this worldwide intent and purpose!
Thus, He decreed the Shema (and all of the Torah) would be proclaimed and taught through the Messiah and His followers!
t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a
Remember, the overriding theme of the Shema is the Sovereign Rule of YHWH, the Oneness of His Name over all things, and the love/allegiance we are to have for Him because of that Supremacy. The Messiah, thus, held forth the Shema as He taught the supremacy of love:

34 A new commandment I give unto you, that you
love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love
one another. 35 By this shall all men know that you are
My talmudim, if you have love one for another.
John 13:34-35

Proclaiming the Shema and Taking Upon Ourselves the Yoke of the Kingdom

53 Deuteronomy 4:5-7, Numbers 14:21, 1Kings 4:30-34, Psalm 22:27-28, 65:2, 72:11,19, 86:9, Isaiah 2:1-4, 11:9, 66:22-23, Micah 4:1-3, Habakkuk 2:14, Revelation 15:4 54 Mishle/Proverbs 3:1-8, 7:1-5, 1Kings 4:30-34 55 Malachi 3:6 14

Many make the mistake of thinking that “new” means something to be contrasted with what was “old”—as though the two are opposites. But Yahushua the Messiah had already made it clear that the Shema—to love YHWH with all the heart, soul, and mind—was the Greatest Commandment of the Eternal Torah.

And in the very same breath, He had shown the Second Greatest Commandment to be loving one’s neighbor as oneself.56 So what was new about the Messiah’s teaching in this matter?

The newness came as He showed forth His living Example of the love and humility by which we are to walk in fulfilling “the old.” The apostle John wrote likewise, indicating that nothing of the Law and Prophets—that which had been “from the beginning”—would ever been removed:

7 Beloved, no new commandment write I unto you, but an old commandment which you had from the beginning: the old commandment is the word which you heard. 1John 2:7 With these lines, John spoke of the Torah—the Word of Elohim that takes us back to the very beginning: In the beginning, created Elohim the heavens and the earth … B’reshit/Genesis 1:1 Then John continues and shows how, in the Messiah, this old commandment is to be fully upheld in a new and living way: 8 Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in Him and in you; because the darkness is passing away, and the true light already shines. 9 He that says he is in the light and hates his brother is in the darkness even until now. 10 He that loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no occasion of stumbling in him. 11 But he that hates his brother is in the darkness, and walks in the darkness, and knows not where he goes, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. 1John 2:7

This conveys the same meaning of old and new as taught by the Messiah. The “new” is designed to help us finally keep the “old” in the way YHWH has always intended. In the New Covenant, the Spirit is now writing His Torah on our hearts and minds as YHWH has always longed to do:

8 For finding fault with them, He says, Behold, the days come, says YHWH , when I will make a new covenant with the house of Yisrael and with the house of Yahudah: 9 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers, in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in My covenant,

56 Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:28-31 15

and I regarded them not, says YHWH . 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Yisrael after those days, says YHWH : I will put My laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts:57 and I will be to them an Elohim, and they shall be to Me a people… Hebrews 8:8-10

And after being resurrected, Yahushua would later indicate that His followers should take forth His love into all the nations as His witnesses:

But you shall receive power, when Ruach ha’Qodesh has come upon you: and you shall be My witnesses (de) in Yerushalayim, and in all Yahudah, and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Acts 1:8 Walking in love, teaching the Shema, and teaching all of the Torah, these men would continue to be a witness (de) to all the nations as they stood for the Unity of the Elohim of Yisrael.

These leaders would be teaching the nations to observe all that the Messiah had commanded them and those teachings would certainly include the Shema58—the Foremost Commandment—along with all of the Eternal Torah which Yahushua fully upheld.59 18 And eSwhy came, and spoke to them, saying,

All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go, therefore, and teach all nations, immersing them into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Set Apart Spirit. 20 Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you: and behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age, amein. Matthew 28:8-20

Like Yisrael of old, these men/women were to be witnesses! They were to be examples of the Messiah’s love as they upheld the Shema and taught all the nations the Age-Abiding Torah of YHWH.

So we see the plan of YHWH to bring all nations into His Israeli worship—and to use all Yisrael as His witnesses—has never changed. And central to this is His Eternal Torah that will remain the Constitution of His Kingdom across all 1000 generations60—reaching into a time which is many thousands of years in the future from the present day.

57 Ezekiel 36:26-27, Isaiah 51:7-8, Psalm 40:8 58 Matthew 22:34-38, Mark 12:28-30 59 Matthew 5:17-20 60 Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalm 105:8 16

The Door of Vertical and Horizontal Unity:

Entering the Kingdom All of this brings us to the importance of unity … echad … oneness. Some people strive to have Vertical Unity while taking little or no thought for walking in a way that will bring horizontal unity. They are Vertically pious and place their intent on serving the Most High, but take little or no thought for having authentic love and humility towards their neighbor and fellow man. You may have passed such people on the street and found they acted as though you did not exist. Still others strive to have horizontal unity—seeming to reach out in love and to serve others— but through their rejection of the Torah, they absolutely fail to understand the humility that hwhy requires of them for obtaining Vertical Unity.61 They place their intent on serving their neighbor/fellow man yet take no thought for having authentic love and humility towards the Most High. But the Shema teaches that both aspects of love-inspired unity are of significant importance for those who would inherit greatness in the Kingdom. Vertical and horizontal unity go far beyond the usual thoughts people have of merely being pleasant to everyone and maintaining a positive demeanor while doing our best to love and serve them. Perhaps we cannot understand unity until we have seen its antithesis: What does the opposite of unity look like? We will see disunity either opposes the Supremacy of hwhy and His Oneness with His people, or it opposes the oneness which hwhy has established, via His Torah, to create peace and order within a society. t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a It is not coincidental the DALET (d)—the Door—is set on the word, dxa/echad, meaning one/unity. If we fail to unify, then we will fail to enter through that special Door (d); we will fail to enter in and partake in the Millennial Kingdom: Many will fail to inherit greatness and reward in the Millennial Kingdom due to their lack of authentic love; they will have failed to maintain both Vertical and horizontal unity. Yet the Shema teaches both. This is why eSwhy—when declaring the Shema to be the Greatest Commandment in the Torah—then proceeded to say the Second Greatest Commandment is like the Foremost and Greatest: loving one’s neighbor as oneself is in the same spirit as the Shema. 61 Compare Micah 6:8 and Deuteronomy 10:12. Micah was teaching Yisrael that, to walk humbly with our Elohim, we must be upholding His Torah. Disregard for His Torah is the definition which hwhy Himself gives for pride/arrogance. See Psalm 119:21, 51, 69, 78, 85, 122, Isaiah 13:11 17 28 And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him, Which is the first commandment of all? 29 And eSwhy answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, Yisrael; hwhy our Elohim, hwhy is one. 30 And you shall love hwhy your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength: this is the first commandment. 31 And the second is like it, even this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself: there is no other commandment greater than these. 32 And the scribe said to him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one Elohim; and there is no other but He. 33 And to love Him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love a neighbor as himself, is more than all whole burnt-offerings and sacrifices. 34 And when eSwhy saw that he answered discreetly, he said to him, You are not far from the Kingdom of Elohim.62 Mark 12:28-34 John wrote likewise of the two, foremost commandments: If a man says, I love Elohim, and hates his brother, he is a liar: for he that does not loves his brother whom he has seen, how can he love Elohim whom he has not seen? 1John 4:20 We believe John (and all Hebrews) knew about the Door of Unity and we believe they also knew how this word dxa/echad—being composed of certain letters— also had a special meaning: dxa echad/unity As we pondered earlier, the letter DALET (d) represents a door, and the present study has already shown this Door—the door which is opened to those who love hwhy —is our entrance into the Kingdom. Yet take notice of the Hebrew word formed in front of the door: xa ach/brother The Shema speaks of Vertical Unity, of our love and devotion to hwhy; but it does not omit a strong statement over the importance of horizontal unity. Since Elohim is One, then He is one with our brothers; and if we wish to be one with hwhy, then 62 Another text which shows the Messiah knew and taught the connection between truly upholding the Shema and entering the Kingdom of Elohim. 18 we must strive to be one with them. The first murderer did not walk in unity and, in his open rebellion, Cain even had the audacity to ask hwhy the now famous question: Am I my brother’s keeper? Genesis 4:9 For those who desire to walk in unity/echad/oneness with the Most High, the Shema certainly teaches we are to be our brother’s keeper. But unity means far more than just “being nice” to others: Unity must be understood in relation to the Torah. Thus, we should ponder the opposite of unity as it relates to the Word of hwhy. And upon doing this, it will become very clear why love and unity are so interrelated. Notice how each of the Ten Words relates to unity and how violating them brings about disunity: Five Commandments appeared on each of the Two Tables of Stone. A synopsis of each command on the First Table is seen below: I. No other elohim before Me. II. No images of false worship. III. Do not to profane the Qadosh Name of hwhy. IV. Uphold the qadosh/set apart Shabbat and honor the qadosh Presence of hwhy in this Day. V. Honor your father and your mother. The First Table of the Ten Commandments relates to love for hwhy. Those who violate any of these commandments break the oneness/unity which hwhy wants with His people:63 But your iniquities have separated between you and your Elohim, and your sins have hidden the face from you, that He will not hear. Isaiah 59:2 When Yisrael turned aside to idolatry, they were joined to false gods and this broke their unity with hwhy Elohim. That the Fifth Commandment relates to parents and children further shows how the family unit is so important in the True Worship of the Elohim of Yisrael. Honor for parents translates into honor for hwhy and His Name.64 Dishonoring parents breaks the parent-child unity which hwhy wishes to see within a family. 63 Isaiah 56:3, Zechariah 2:11, 1Corinthians 6:17 64 Malachi 1:6 19 When one breaks any of the commands on the Second Table, is very evident how disunity occurs. A synopsis of each command on the Second Table is seen below: VI. You shall not murder. VII. You shall not commit adultery. VIII. You shall not steal. IX. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. X. You shall not covet … Let us ponder unity and disunity as they relate to the horizontal commandments given on the Second Table: VI. You shall not murder. Murder brings on an unjust death. Yet what did James write about how death occurs? “For as the body without the spirit is dead” … James/Ya’acov 2:26 Does murder, then, break the unity/oneness of the body and the spirit? It does. And breaking the unity between body and spirit equals death. VII. You shall not commit adultery. What about adultery? Does adultery break the unity between and man and his wife? It does. And violations of marital unity have caused an immeasurable amount of human pain and suffering across the millennia. VIII. You shall not steal. Does stealing break the unity between and man and his possessions? It does. And ownership is an important concept in the Torah. IX. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Does bearing false witness break the unity between and man and his reputation? It does. And in a legal system which advocates both corporal and capital punishment, the results could be weighty, if not fatal. But since a good name is to be chosen above great riches,65 bearing false witness is stealing something from a man that is even more valuable than his money. X. You shall not covet … Does coveting break the unity in a person’s mind between what he or she presently has and what that one wrongfully desires? It does. Did not Solomon write that what the eyes see is better than what the heart desires? And does coveting break the unity in a person’s mind so that there is no longer trust in the emunah, or faithfulness, in the Most High Elohim? It does. 65 Mishle/Proverbs 22:1 20 Given the above contemplations, it is now rather clear how disunity either opposes the Supremacy of hwhy and the Oneness He wants with His people, or else it opposes the unity which hwhy has established to create peace and order within the Kingdom of all those who are living in subjection to His Torah. As we have seen, the misparim for echad is 13: 13 = (4) d +(8) x +(1) a = dxa = echad = one/unity In closing, it is not a coincidence that “echad” adds to 13, and that 13 is only half of the misparim for the Qadosh Name: 26 = (5) h + (6) w +(5) h +(10) y = hwhy= YHWH Oneness (13) is incomplete if it is only expressed towards our fellow man (as is common today in many religions). And oneness (13) is incomplete if only expressed towards our Heavenly Father (as is common today with so many who seek to walk with the Most High and yet have little or no love and humility towards their fellow man). We are not setting apart His Name66 unless we become expressions of His unity and unless that unity is Vertical—directed toward our Creator and Redeemer—as well horizontal—directed toward our fellow man. The psalmist wrote: “Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart.”67 If we express true love/unity (13) towards our Heavenly Father and true love/unity (13) towards our fellow man, it is only then that we will begin to be the greatest expression of His Qadosh Name (since 13 + 13 = 26); and it is only then that we will be a living testimony to the atonement that Messiah came to bring to all as He fulfills His ministry to take away the sins of the world.68 The Hearing Ear and the Seeing Eye Having studied the Shema and its large, peculiar letters, it should now be more evident why King Shelemo/Solomon wrote of “the hearing ear and the seeing eye:” The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, hwhy has made even both of them. Proverbs 20:12 A more literal rendering from the Hebrew text would be as follows: The ear hears, and the eye sees: hwhy has made even the two of them. Proverbs 20:12 66 Matthew 6:9-10, 1Peter 3:15 67 Psalm 119:2 68 John 1:29,36, 12:32, Ephesians 1:9-10, Colossians 1:19-20 21 And one might rightly wonder why Shelemo wrote: … “the hearing ear and the seeing eye.” Why did he not place vision before hearing: …“the seeing eye and the hearing ear?” One would especially think this to have been the case since nearly everyone in our days would place far more value on the ability to see than on the ability to hear! But this was not the case: Solomon set the hearing ear before the seeing eye. We believe King Shelemo/Solomon wrote by the Spirit and that he presented hearing and sight in the order given for more than just one reason. Recall the enlarged AYIN ( e ) on the Hebrew word for “hear” which has been written in the Masoretic text of Deuteronomy 6:4: emS shema/hear. As previously indicated, the letter AYIN ( e ) represents the eye and, thus, “seeing,” “sight,” and “vision.” So the Spirit is telling us that the ability to see—to truly see—will only come if we first have the ability to hear! Hearing comes before seeing; thus, seeing is quite connected to hearing! In Mishle/Proverbs 20:12, we not only believe King Shelemo/Solomon wrote by the Spirit but that, as he did so, the wise ruler of Yisrael was referring to nothing less than the Shema itself: Spiritual sight/insight/vision will not be ours unless we first have ears to hear. And let us ponder those incidents which we have all surely encountered: Have you ever been in (or witnessed) a discussion/argument with someone and, although knowing you (or the proponent of a view/idea/fact being presented) were 100% correct, found that the opposing person was absolutely unable to see? Figuratively speaking, you could even say the opposing party was blind! But why was the other person unable to see/perceive and to understand your point of view? Why were they blind? Was it not because he or she was unable and/or unwilling to truly hear what you were saying? We could rightly say, then, a lack of hearing results in blindness! And Ya’acov/James warned how people can be absolutely blinded by the anger that closes their ears; he wrote of this phenomenon when stating that man’s anger creates within him the inability to hear: 22 19 You know, my beloved brothers, but let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; 20 for man’s anger works not the righteousness of Elohim. James 1:19-20 The unrighteous anger of man blocks the ears and closes the eyes. Would you, then, agree with hwhy that hearing has to come before seeing? And is it any wonder, then, that the very first word of the Greatest Commandment in all of the Torah is the word “emS/shema/hear”? Sight is extremely important, but without the ability and the willingness to truly hear, we will also have eyes that are blind: we will be absolutely unable to see.69 t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a As he wrote by Ruach ha’Qodesh,70 we believe Yeshayahu/Isaiah also referred to the Shema in still another text found in the scrolls attributed to him: Lift up your eyes on high, and see who has created these, that brings out their host by number; He calls them all by name; by the greatness of His might, and for that He is strong in power, not one is lacking! Isaiah 40:26 Once we have bowed in reverent humility before the Most High, and once we have fulfilled the Shema by giving ourselves to hear His Voice, we can then lift up our eyes on high and see more of His greatness. Notice the first three Hebrew words of the text for “Lift up your eyes on high:” ← ← ← warw Mkynye Mwrm wav and see your eyes on high lift Sequentially pulling off the first letter of the first three words (appearing above in blue), we see formed the Hebrew word “shema/emv:” emv shema/hear. The Spirit shows us time and again that those who truly wish to see must first be willing to draw near to hwhy with a reverent, loving submission that burns in a heart ready to hear and obey His Word. Blessed be His Name and blessed be the One who reveals the ancient paths of peace and rest revealed in His awesome Word. 69 Psalm 115:5,8, Revelation 3:16-17 70 The Spirit of hwhy. 23 “The Commandment” (Singular) is the Shema In Deuteronomy 6:1, the Word of hwhy introduces us, in advance, to the Shema by referring to it as “the Commandment:” 1 Now this is the commandment, the statutes, and the judgments which hwhy your Elohim commanded to teach you, that you may do them in the land where you go to possess it: 2 that you may fear hwhy your Elohim, to keep all His statutes and His commandments which I command you—you, and your son, and your son’s son—all the days of your life: and that your days may be prolonged. Deuteronomy 6:1-2 Of course, only a few lines later, we read “the Commandment”—the Shema in Debarim/Deuteronomy 6:4-5—along with the statutes and judgments that immediately follow it. Because the Messiah recognized the Shema as the Commandment, as the Preeminent Command in all of the Torah, we are not surprised to see the emissaries making reference to this pivotal teaching as well. Sha’ul wrote to Timothy about the telov/telos/goal of “the Commandment:” But the goal of the commandment is love out of a pure heart, and a good conscience, and faith unfeigned … 1Timothy 1:5 We notice here the love spoken of is three-fold—just like the three facets of love seen in the Shema: 1. With all your heart: … out of a pure heart … 2. With all your soul: … a good conscience … 3. And with all your might: … and sincere faith …. Later, as the letter nears it close, Sha’ul then exhorts Timothy to take hold of ageabiding life. In so doing, Sha’ul once more mentioned the Shema as he enjoined Timothy to keep “the Commandment” until the very end: 12 Fight the good fight of the faith, lay hold on the age-abiding life, whereunto you were called, and did confess the good confession in the sight of many witnesses. 13 I charge you in the sight of Elohim, who gives life to all things, and of the Messiah eSwhy —who before Pontius Pilate witnessed the good confession—14 that you keep the commandment without spot, without reproach, until the appearing of our Sovereign eSwhy the Messiah, 15 which in its own times He shall show, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Sovereign of sovereigns; 16 who only has immortality, dwelling in light unapproachable; whom no man has seen, nor can see: to whom be honor and power eternal, amein. 1Timothy 6:12-15 24 Writing to the Romans, Sha’ul also indicated that “the Commandment” (the Shema) was to result in the obedience of faith among all the nations: 25 Now to him that is able to establish you according to my Good News and the preaching of eSwhy the Messiah, according to the revelation of the secret which has been kept in silence through times eternal, 26 but now is manifested, and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the eternal Elohim, is made known to all the nations unto obedience of faith: 27 to the only wise Elohim, through eSwhy the Messiah, to whom be the splendor for ever, amein. Romans 16:25-27 Upholding the Shema: Many Will See and Fear The Shema teaches us we cannot fear until we see and that we cannot see until we hear! To see the Kingdom of Elohim, just what is it that we must see? What must be before our eyes? The unrighteous contrast provides us with the answer: The transgression of the wicked declares within my heart: “There is no fear/dxp/pachad of Elohim before his eyes.” Tehillim/Psalms 36:1 The word for fear is dxp/pachad and it means “dread,” or “fear.” We will say considerably more about this word in just a moment. But because the lawless do not hear, they also cannot see: They cannot see the fear of Elohim. Referring to the Shema, Sha’ul wrote likewise: Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of Elohim: I speak this to your shame. 1Corinthians 15:34 But to understand the fear of hwhy and to find the knowledge of Elohim, we must first fulfill/keep the Shema: We must incline our ears to wisdom. So wrote Shelemo: 1 My son, if you will receive my words, and lay up my commandments with you; 2 so as to incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; 3 yes, if you cry after discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding; 4 if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures: 5 then you will understand the fear of hwhy , and find the knowledge of Elohim. Mishle/Proverbs 2:1-5 Hearing the Voice of hwhy is the beginning of fearing Elohim and walking before Him in reverence. And notice how similar are the Hebrew words for see and fear in these texts: 25 ← ← ← wnyhlal hlht sdx rys ypb Ntyw to our praise new a song in my And He Elohim mouth gave ← ← ← hwhyb wxjbyw waryyw Mybr wary in YHWH and trust and many they will fear see ~ Tehillim/Psalms 40:3 ~ waryyw Myqydu waryw and the and they fear righteous will see Translated: … “and the righteous will see and fear” ~ Tehillim/Psalms 52:6 ~ While the Hebrew root words for “see ( har )” and “fear ( ary )” are slightly different, readers will notice when they are placed in the manuscript, per Inspired Hebrew grammar, all the letters are the same (while not identical, both words are composed of all the same letters: w – y -r – a ). If we hear/shema, then we may also see; and only if we see may we then fear. Yet apart from honoring the Name of hwhy and His Oneness/Supremacy/Preeminence, we will not hear, nor will we see, nor will we fear. The Fear/Dread of hwhy : Even the Demons Believe and Shudder A superficial contemplation of the Shema may not engender the fear/dread of hwhy that actually emanates from the Inspired lines of this all-important and most Preeminent segment of Scripture. But Ya’acov/James was referring to the Shema when he wrote: You believe that hwhy is One? You do well! Even the demons believe, and shudder! James 2:19 In speaking this rebuke, Ya’acov was correcting the believers for their evident lack of the fear/dread that even demons possess.71 Sha’ul wrote likewise: Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of Elohim: I speak this to your shame. 1Corinthians 15:34 The Shema also teaches us the Preeminent things related to the knowledge of Elohim. Recall that the enlarged AYIN (e) and DALET (d) are letters which form the word “eyd” (de), meaning “witness,” or “testimony:” 71 Sha’ul wrote likewise! 26 dxa hwhy wnyhla hwhy larvy ems echad YHWH Elohenu YHWH Yisrael Shema one YHWH our Elohim YHWH Israel Hear But the reversing the enlarged AYIN (e) and DALET (d), the resulting Hebrew word is the masculine form of the word “dey-ah” (ed), meaning “knowledge:” Do you know the balancing of the clouds, the wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge (ed)? Job 37:16 So while speaking the Shema makes us witnesses ( de ) of the Supreme Rule of the Most High, it also reminds us to grow in the knowledge ( ed ) of Elohim. And this is an infinite sojourn of a magnificent and unending scope. Knowledge! The True Knowledge of Elohim! We just saw how, in Proverbs 2, Solomon wrote that knowledge leads to fear; even so, we provide this text once more asking readers to notice that we must first hear before we may then fear: 1 My son, if you will receive my words, and lay up my commandments with you; 2 so as to incline your ear to wisdom,72 and apply your heart to understanding; 3 yes, if you cry after discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding; 4 if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures: 5 then you will understand the fear of hwhy , and find the knowledge of Elohim. Mishle/Proverbs 2:1-5 Yet, in our days, increasingly many lack the dread that says we better not toy with the Word, the will, and the ways of the Most High. But the fear/dread of hwhy knows the reality of the line that asks a most obvious question: You, fearful are You, and who may stand in your sight when once you are angry? Tehillim/Psalms 76:6 The implied answer is: “Absolutely no one!” And the immediate implication of this question is the additional statement: “You do not want to see Him when He gets angry!” The Messiah was the Qadosh One73 of Yisrael who ultimately fulfilled the Shema in His perfect Life of upholding the Torah and leaving us an Example in which to 72 (“Incline your ear” equals shema/hear) 73 Isaiah 41:14 27 walk.74 And did demons shudder in dxp/pachad/fear/dread before the Messiah— the One who was/is the Word—the Shema—made Flesh?75 So it is not coincidence that both words (qadosh and shema) add to the same value in Hebrew; it is by Providential Design: ← ← ← 410 = (300) S + (6)w + (4) d + (100) q = Swdq = qadosh = set apart ← ← ← 410 = (70) e + (40) m + (300) S = emS = shema = hear From Echad (dxa ) to Pachad (dxp ) So why do the demons believe that hwhy is One and subsequently shudder in fear and dread before Him? The Hebrew word for fear/dread is dxp/pachad and its misparim is 92: ← ← ← (mv) 92 = (4) d + (8) x + (80) p = dxp = pachad = fear/dread hwhy really calls for our attention with this word since its place value is 29—the reversal, or mirror image, of 92, its misparim: ← ← ← (pv) 29 = (4) d + (8) x + (17) p = dxp = pachad = fear If we see (e) that the Oneness/Unity/dxa/Echad of hwhy cannot be challenged—that His sovereign will permeates and overrides all persons, all actions, all circumstances, and all things He has created76—and if we see (e) that His wrath is upon all those who oppose and rebel against that Unity/(dxa), then we will also understand this fear/dread. And amazingly enough, this actually describes how we may derive the Hebrew word dxp/pachad—the word which refers to this fear and dread. If sight (e) is added to dxa/echad/oneness/unity, the result is dxp/pachad/fear/dread: d x a (echad) + e (eye/seeing/sight) ======= d x p To fully explain the above, if we “add” ALEPH/a = 1 with AYIN/e = 16, we arrive at PE/p = 17: 1 + 16 = 17 (ALEPH/a = 1) + (AYIN/e = 16) = (PE/p = 17) 74 1Peter 2:21, 1John 2:4-6 > John 14:15, 15:10 75 Mathew 8:28-29, Mark 1:23-28, Luke 4:31-36. Was there a relationship between the dread/terror which these demons had before the Qadosh Seed, the Messiah, and the fact that he was also the Shabbat/Sabbath in the Flesh? Read on! 76 Romans 8:31-39 28 So even by this inspired literary result, the Spirit is teaching us more about the importance of hearing, seeing, and fearing: Seeing (e) the importance of unity (dxa/echad)—by seeing how Vertical and horizontal unity are both essential (and quite interrelated) in the Kingdom of Elohim—we will then know the fear/dread of hwhy because we will also know and recognize that the Most High will simply not allow His Unity to be opposed for any great length of time.77 If we see the Unity/Supremacy/Purpose of hwhy to be unassailable and unchallengeable, then we will also have dxp/pachad (fear/dread) before Him; for absolutely nothing will stand in the way of His sovereign will;78 and those who do oppose Him will surely suffer His vengeance and retribution: 9 Know therefore that hwhy your Elohim, He is Elohim, the faithful El, who keeps the covenant and the chesed/lovingkindness with those that love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations, 10 and repays those that hate Him to their face, to destroy them. He will not be slack to him that hates Him: He will repay him to his face. Deuteronomy 7:9-10 And those who have seen the retribution of hwhy also have dxp/pachad (fear/dread) before Him: They know the results are not pleasant when His anger and wrath are finally stirred up to avenge His Land and His people; as we have already read: You, fearful are You, and who may stand in your sight when once you are angry? Tehillim/Psalms 76:6 Through the secret of the Shema, we are to have/maintain the fear/dread before hwhy that sees and knows He will not long allow His Word to be challenged by those in rebellion against His Eternal Torah; and when He does arise in anger, the nations will tremble in fear before Him: Put them in fear, hwhy : Let the nations know themselves to be but men. Selah Tehillim/Psalms 9:20 But hwhy is the true Elohim; He is the living Elohim, and an everlasting King: at His wrath the earth trembles, and the nations are not able to abide His indignation. Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 10:10 77 Deuteronomy 7:9-10 78 Proverbs 21:30 29 So the Shema teaches us we cannot fear until we see and that we cannot see until we hear! The transgression of the wicked declares within my heart: “There is no fear/dxp/pachad of Elohim before his eyes.” Tehillim/Psalms 36:1 We will show this fear is especially connected to the Shabbat, the Day which hwhy will most surely defend. Nechemyah/Nehemiah knew the dread of hwhy and His imminent wrath upon those who forsake his Shabbat. The Dread/Terror of hwhy and the Shabbat To review once more, fear/dxp/ pachad has a misparim of 92 and a place value of 29: ← ← ← (mv) 92 = (4) d + (8) x + (80) p = dxp = pachad = fear ← ← ← (pv) 29 = (4) d + (8) x + (17) p = dxp = pachad = fear The Spirit reveals part of the significance here relates to the Shabbat, since Psalm 92 was inspired to be “A Psalm, a Song for the Day of the Shabbat.”79 When Nechemyah castigated the men of Yahudah for working on the Shabbat, he spoke to the nobles of the dread/fear of hwhy and the great evil that already come upon the city of Yerushalayim for their historical profaning of the Day: 15 In those days I saw in Yahudah some treading wine presses on the Shabbat, and bringing in sheaves, and lading asses; as also wine, grapes, and figs, and all burdens, which they brought into Yerushalayim on the Shabbat Day: and I testified in the day in which they sold provisions. 16 There dwelt men of Tyre also therein, who brought fish, and all manner of wares, and sold on the Shabbat to the children of Yahudah, and in Yerushalayim. 17 Then I contended with the nobles of Yahudah, and said to them, What evil thing is this that you do, and profane the Shabbat Day? 18 Did not your fathers thus, and did not our Elohim bring all this evil upon us, and upon this city? Yet you bring more wrath upon Yisrael by profaning the Shabbat? 19 And it came to pass, that, when the gates of Yerushalayim began to be dark before the Shabbat, I commanded that the gates should be shut, and charged that they should not be opened till after the Shabbat: and I set some of my servants at the gates, that there should no burden be brought in on the Shabbat Day. 20 So the merchants and sellers of all kind of wares lodged without Yerushalayim once or twice. 21 Then I testified against them, and said to them, Why lodge you about the 79 And the dread of hwhy is conveyed in this Psalm as well. See Psalm 92:6-9 30 wall? If ye do so again, I will lay hands on you. From that time forth they came no more on the Shabbat. 22 And I commanded the Levites, that they should cleanse themselves, and that they should come and keep the gates, to sanctify the Shabbat Day. Remember me, my Elohim, in this also, and spare me according to the greatness of Your chesed. Nechemyah 13:15-22 There is certainly a connection with the dread (92) of hwhy, and His wrath that is to be brought on those who spurn His Torah; and the Shabbat is pivotal to the whole dynamic between observing versus profaning His Word and ways.80 Severe were the warnings which Jeremiah gave before the captivity relative to keeping the Shabbat,81 and severe were the warnings which Nechemyah gave afterwards. Fearing This Great and Awesome Name: What is the Result? Yet another text in the Five Books of Mosheh refers to the Shema and it also indicates that truly fearing the Name of hwhy will result in Yisrael upholding the precepts of the Torah: 58 If you will not observe to do all the words of this Torah that are written in this book, that you may fear this magnificent and fearful Name, hwhy your Elohim, 59 then hwhy will make your plagues wonderful, and the plagues of your seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. 60 And He will bring upon you again all the diseases of Egypt, which you were afraid of; and they shall cleave to you. 61 Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this Torah, them will hwhy bring upon you, until you are destroyed. 62 And you shall be left few in number, whereas you were as the stars of heaven for multitude; because you did not hearken to the voice of hwhy your Elohim. Deuteronomy 28:58-62 If we fulfill the Shema by daily/continually seeking to hear the Voice of hwhy, we will also be found honoring His Name and keeping His Torah. This conveys the very same thing seen in the life of Abraham: Because the patriarch heard the Voice of hwhy, he subsequently kept the charge of hwhy: His commandments, His statutes, and His laws.82 Such is the call for all who would walk in the steps of Abraham and enter the Kingdom with reward and greatness.83 hwhy Will Be King Over All the Earth The Shema states that hwhy is the One and only Elohim. Understanding this, we also see a Zechariah prophecy which refers to the Shema being upheld, worldwide, when hwhy reigns from Mount Tziyon as King over all the earth: 80 Ezekiel 22:26 81 Jeremiah 17:19-27 82 Genesis 26:4-5 83 Romans 4:12, Matthew 5:17-20 31 And hwhy shall be King over all the earth: in that day shall hwhy be one, and His Name one. Zechariah 14:9 Of course, this Scripture provides us with a direct connection between the Shema and the exaltation of hwhy as King over All things. In that day, hwhy will be the only one and His Name the only one. This provides a very clear explanation as to why it is not a stretch of the imagination to believe speaking forth the Shema is also recognizing the one and only King; and thus, proclaiming the Shema is/should be submission to His Rule and constitutes taking upon oneself the Yoke of the Kingdom. The Commandment of the Eternal Elohim, the Eternal King When he wrote to the Romans about “the commandment of the Everlasting Elohim,” to what was Sha’ul referring? 25 Now to Him that is able to establish you according to my Good News and the preaching of eSwhy the Messiah, according to the revelation of the secret which has been kept in silence through times of ages past, 26 but is now manifested, and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the Eternal Elohim, is made known to all the nations for the obedience of faith: 27 to the only wise Elohim, through eSwhy the Messiah, to whom be the splendor age-abiding, amein. Romans 16:26-27 We believe the Shema is “the commandment of the Eternal Elohim.” And having just mentioned fulfilling the Shema in an earlier part of his letter to Timothy, Sha’ul once more connected this Foremost Commandment84 with the Eternal, Age- Abiding King: 17 Now, unto the King of the Ages––incorruptible, invisible, Elohim only wise—be honor and splendor, to the ages of ages, amein. 1Timothy 1:17 Recall that the Shema identifies with the Kingdom of Heaven. But how is this so, unless it also reveals the King? And in what light is our King, thus, revealed? We look, once more, at the first line of the Shema: dxa hwhy wnyhla hwhy larvy ems echad YHWH Elohenu YHWH Yisrael Shema one YHWH (is) our YHWH Israel Hear one (is) Elohim 84 (i.e., the Shema) 32 As was previously mentioned, the Hebrew word formed by the enlarged AYIN (e) and DALET (d) is the word “de/eyd,” meaning “testimony,” or “witness.” Yet with a different vowel pointing, these same two letters form a word that means perpetual, beyond, eternity: de = ad = for ever, beyond, perpetuity King David exalted hwhy and His perpetual Kingship: hwhy is King for ever (Mlwe) and ever (de): the nations are perished out of His land. Tehillim/Psalms 10:16 And hwhy proves and shows forth His Kingship because He is the eternal, everexisting Mighty One, reigning on High: For thus says the high and lofty One that inhabits eternity (de ), whose Name is qadosh: I dwell in the high and qadosh place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite. Yeshayahu/Isaiah 57:15 When we speak forth the Shema, we are proclaiming the Kingship of the One who inhabits the Aes. And because He inhabits eternity, hwhy is the Eternal King. Blessed be His Name. Teaching the Shema as the Preeminent Commandment Proved that eSwhy was (and is) the Mashiach/Messiah! It is a matter of such great, prophetic significance and amazement that describing it is really beyond words. When the Mashiach came forth proclaiming the Kingdom of Elohim, that He would be teaching the Shema to be the preeminent commandment actually provides us with yet another proof He was, indeed, the long-awaited Anointed One of hwhy and the King of Yisrael. Recall, once more, that the misparim for the Hebrew word “emS/Shema/Hear” is 410: ← ← ← (mv) 410 = (70) e + (40) m + (300) S = emS = shema = hear So the first word of the greatest Torah commandment is “Shema” and adds to a misparim value of 410. And this is where the Inspired and Elohim-Breathed Word of the Most High becomes so very amazing! In Hebrew, the title “Mashiach” means “Anointed.” As many will already know, this is the word which we translate into English as “Messiah.” But let us look at the misparim value (mv), the place value (pv), and the full value (fv) of this Hebrew word: 33 ← ← = xySm = Mashiach = Anointed/Messiah ← ← ← (mv) 358 = (8) x + (10) y + (300) S + (40) m ← ← ← (pv) 52 = (8) x + (10) y + (21) S+ (13) m ================= (fv) 410 But 410 is the misparim value (mv) of the word, “Shema.” So the full value (fv) of the Hebrew word “xySm/Mashiach/Messiah” points directly to the Shema and the One who had/has ears to hear the will of the Father and to do it!85 The Messiah taught us the Torah and He taught us the preeminence that walking in love must have in fulfilling it; and so, eSwhy taught the preeminence of the Foremost Commandment, even the Shema. That His title of “Mashiach” would contain this very number (410 = Shema) is simply beyond description. Blessed be the Name of hwhy, Who alone does wonderful things! He Who Has Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear Having pondered the many times and the many ways in which eSwhy taught the importance of the Shema, it should now be rather evident that when He spoke of having “ears to hear,” the Messiah was, once more, directing the hearts of those who would be faithful to uphold this Preeminent Commandment by loving hwhy, the Father: He that has ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 11:15 He that has ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 13:9 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father.86 He that has ears, let him hear. Matthew 13:4387 As the woman at the well said, when the Messiah comes, He will declare to us all things.88 Also note the following: We have in this prophecy another text by which the Messiah is directly connecting the Shema to overcoming and entering the Kingdom of Heaven/Elohim! Those who keep the Shema, those who have ears to hear, will be those who overcome; and it is they who will shine forth like the sun in the Kingdom of the Father. We move on to still other texts in which the Messiah is directing us toward the Shema. 85 Isaiah 50:4-6, John 4:34, 5:30, 6:38 86 Daniel 12:3 87 Another text directly linking the Shema with the Kingdom! 88 John 4:25 34 He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies: To him that overcomes, to him I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of Elohim. Revelation 2:7 He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies: He that overcomes shall not be hurt of the second death. Revelation 2:11 He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies: To him that overcomes, to him I will give of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and upon the stone a new name written, which no one knows but he that receives it. Revelation 2:17 He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies … Revelation 2:29, 3:6, 3:13, 3:22 And we have seen how central the Shema is to the teachings of all of the prophets of Yisrael, including the first servant-leaders who followed the Messiah and then taught others of His ways. Sha’ul, Kepha/Peter, and Ya’acov/James89 all set forth the Shema as Preeminent. As we end our study, for those who desire to have ears that hear the Voice/Spirit of the Most High Elohim, absolutely nothing compares to fasting-derived meekness and humility.90 Fasting and prayer will open one’s ears to hear the Voice of the Spirit as does nothing else. For it is only through fasting and prayer may we seek and find hwhy with the whole heart.91 In Hebrew, the misparim for “Mwu/tsōme/fasting” is 136: ← ← ← (mv) 136 = (40) M + (6) w + (90) u = Mwu = tsōme = fasting/fast Yet this value of 136 is also the misparim for the Hebrew word which means “voice,” lwq/kol: ← ← ← (mv) 136 = (30) l + (6) w + (100) q = lwq = kol = voice 89 James 2:19 90 Zephaniah 2:3 91 Jeremiah 29:13 35 As Yeshayahu/Isaiah wrote, we should be fasting to cause our voice to be heard on high92 (not fighting for our rights through horizontal strife and contention93). That is certainly a major part of what the Spirit would teach us with this most direct and obvious number connection. But even more importantly, we should be fasting to keep, fulfill, and uphold the Shema, the Preeminent Commandment in all of Scripture: We should be fasting (136) and praying to seek for ears that are open—for ears that will hear—so that, like Abraham, we will hear and obey the Voice (136) of hwhy Elohim of Yisrael. Doing so conveys the love towards hwhy that He desires from each of us. May all of our readers so seek and find Him. His Name is great in Yisrael! C.P. 6/2012 – 12/23/2012 t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a The author of this study is a Messianic writer who ministers the Word of hwhy , in part, through free articles provided to feed the Messiah’s sheep worldwide. He believes the Spirit reveals the Hebrew misparim/numbers—as given in the inspired Aleph-Beit—provide us with the Most High’s very own Commentary on His Eternal Word. t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a PC Personal Copyright 2012-2013, by the author. Version 5.0: 11/27/2013 This document may be freely copied and distributed if it is left unaltered and in its entirety. It must also be given away without cost to recipients, and it may not be included in any publication without the author’s written permission. hwhy El Shaddai will rebuke anyone who copies these truths for republication and/or who subsequently attempts to reproduce and sell them. Isaiah 55:1-2, Micah 3:11, 1Peter 5:2 92 Isaiah 58:4 93 Isaiah 58:4 (“you fast for strife and contention”) 36 We believe most copyrights have been abused worldwide in religious circles as false shepherds and other merchants feed on the sin of the people. These many abuses have filled the worship house of hwhy with money changers who hinder True Worship by robbing and oppressing the poor.94 Many have turned reverence and the worship of hwhy into a means of great, personal gain.95 We assert such things were never meant to be.96 Hence, this copyright is intended to allow for free distribution of the Word of hwhy with the following, minimal limitations: • This document may be copied and distributed (or freely printed in its pdf format after being downloaded from the Internet): 1. If it is left unaltered. 2. If it is left in its entirety. 3. And if it is given away at absolutely no cost. Matthew 11:5, Luke 4:19, Galatians 2:10 • Neither this article, nor any portion of this article, may be included in any publication which is sold. This stipulation applies regardless of the nature of the organization or the nature of its sales, meaning: profit or nonprofit. Further, whether an organization’s publication is of a religious nature, or otherwise, this stipulation still applies. • With the exception of our first stipulation (i.e., the one specified under the first bullet point giving permission to photocopy the work in its entirety), publishing any portion of this work without the author’s written permission is strictly prohibited. For other free documents which are offered to provide encouragement and edification from the Word of hwhy, please refer to the following websites: t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a The Gospel of Shalom To obtain a free copy of the book, The Gospel of Shalom, as well as many spiritual songs of immense edification by Renalee Colon, see the following website: t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a 94 Zechariah 7:10 95 Micah 3:11, 1Timothy 6:5-10, 1Peter 5:2 96 Isaiah 55:1,2, Mark 11:15-17 37 An Excellent Translation of the Scriptures “ISRV” is an acronym which means: “INSTITUTE FOR SCRIPTURE RESEARCH VERSION.” If this acronym has been used in the current document, it is to indicate we have quoted a Scripture text from the excellent translation produced by the INSTITUTE FOR SCRIPTURE RESEARCH. These believers have published a most helpful, edifying version of the Word of hwhy which is entitled “The Scriptures.” For those wishing to make further inquiry, the ISR website address is: t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a “The ALEPH-BEIT Place Value and Misparim Charts” appear on the following page >> 38 The ALEPH-BEIT Place Value and Misparim Charts (All Charts are Read From Right to Left) ← ← ← Misparim Value (MV) Place Value (PV) Name Letter 1 …….………………… 1 ……………….. ALEPH ………… a 2 …….………………… 2 ……………….. BEIT …………… b 3 …….………………… 3 ……………….. GIMEL ………… g 4 …….………………… 4 ……………….. DALET ………… d 5 …….………………… 5 ……………….. HE ……………… h 6 …….………………… 6 ……………….. VAV …………… w 7 …….………………… 7 ……………….. ZAYIN …………… z 8 …….………………… 8 ……………….. CHET …………… x 9 …….………………… 9 ……………….. TET ……………… j 10 …….………………… 10 ……………… YOD ……………… y 20 …….………………… 11 ……………… CAPH …………… K, k 30 …….………………… 12 ……………… LAMED ………… l 40 …….………………… 13 ……………… MEM …………… M, m 50 …….………………… 14 ……………… NUN …………… N, n 60 …….………………… 15 ……………… SAMECH ………… o 70 …….………………… 16 ……………….. AYIN ……………. e 80 …….………………… 17 ……………… PE ……………… P, p 90 …….………………… 18 ……………… TZADE ………….. U, u 100 …….……………… 19 ……………… KOF …………….. q 200 …….……………… 20 ……………… RESH …………… r 300 …….……………… 21 ……………… SHIN, SEEN ……… s, S 400 …….……………… 22 ……………… TAV ……………… t A letter’s place value, or what some people call the ordinal value, is simply obtained by finding its numerical order, or position, within the ALEPH-BEIT. So, from first to last, we have ALEPH = 1 while TAV = 22. Below are provided more compact Place Value and Misparim Charts which readers may wish to print and cut out so you may more readily confirm the calculations in this document as well as finding the MV or PV of any Hebrew word. ————————— PLACE VALUE (PV) CHART ———————– ← ← ← (11) k (10) y (9) j (8) x (7) z (6) w (5) h (4) d (3) g (2) b (1) a ← ← ← (22) t (21) S (20)r (19) q (18) u (17) p (16) e (15) o (14) n (13) m (12)l ——————————————————————————————— —————————MISPARIM VALUE (MV) CHART ———————– ← ← ← (20) k (10) y (9) j (8) x (7) z (6) w (5) h (4) d (3) g (2) b (1) a ← ← ← (400) t (300) S (200)r (100) q (90) u (80) p (70) e (60) o (50) n (40) m (30)l ———————————————————————————————

53 Deuteronomy 4:5-7, Numbers 14:21, 1Kings 4:30-34, Psalm 22:27-28, 65:2, 72:11,19, 86:9, Isaiah 2:1-4, 11:9, 66:22-23, Micah 4:1-3, Habakkuk 2:14, Revelation 15:4 54 Mishle/Proverbs 3:1-8, 7:1-5, 1Kings 4:30-34 55 Malachi 3:6 14 Many make the mistake of thinking that “new” means something to be contrasted with what was “old”—as though the two are opposites. But eSwhy the Messiah had already made it clear that the Shema—to love hwhy with all the heart, soul, and mind—was the Greatest Commandment of the Eternal Torah. And in the very same breath, He had shown the Second Greatest Commandment to be loving one’s neighbor as oneself.56 So what was new about the Messiah’s teaching in this matter? The newness came as He showed forth His living Example of the love and humility by which we are to walk in fulfilling “the old.” The apostle John wrote likewise, indicating that nothing of the Law and Prophets—that which had been “from the beginning”—would ever been removed: 7 Beloved, no new commandment write I unto you, but an old commandment which you had from the beginning: the old commandment is the word which you heard. 1John 2:7 With these lines, John spoke of the Torah—the Word of Elohim that takes us back to the very beginning: In the beginning, created Elohim the heavens and the earth … B’reshit/Genesis 1:1 Then John continues and shows how, in the Messiah, this old commandment is to be fully upheld in a new and living way: 8 Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in Him and in you; because the darkness is passing away, and the true light already shines. 9 He that says he is in the light and hates his brother is in the darkness even until now. 10 He that loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no occasion of stumbling in him. 11 But he that hates his brother is in the darkness, and walks in the darkness, and knows not where he goes, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. 1John 2:7 This conveys the same meaning of old and new as taught by the Messiah. The “new” is designed to help us finally keep the “old” in the way hwhy has always intended. In the New Covenant, the Spirit is now writing His Torah on our hearts and minds as hwhy has always longed to do: 8 For finding fault with them, He says, Behold, the days come, says hwhy , when I will make a new covenant with the house of Yisrael and with the house of Yahudah: 9 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers, in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in My covenant, 56 Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:28-31 15 and I regarded them not, says hwhy . 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Yisrael after those days, says hwhy : I will put My laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts:57 and I will be to them an Elohim, and they shall be to Me a people… Hebrews 8:8-10 And after being resurrected, eSwhy would later indicate that His followers should take forth His love into all the nations as His witnesses: But you shall receive power, when Ruach ha’Qodesh has come upon you: and you shall be My witnesses (de) in Yerushalayim, and in all Yahudah, and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Acts 1:8 Walking in love, teaching the Shema, and teaching all of the Torah, these men would continue to be a witness (de) to all the nations as they stood for the Unity of the Elohim of Yisrael. These leaders would be teaching the nations to observe all that the Messiah had commanded them and those teachings would certainly include the Shema58—the Foremost Commandment—along with all of the Eternal Torah which eSwhy fully upheld.59 18 And eSwhy came, and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go, therefore, and teach all nations, immersing them into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Set Apart Spirit. 20 Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you: and behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age, amein. Matthew 28:8-20 Like Yisrael of old, these men/women were to be witnesses! They were to be examples of the Messiah’s love as they upheld the Shema and taught all the nations the Age-Abiding Torah of hwhy. So we see the plan of hwhy to bring all nations into His Israeli worship—and to use all Yisrael as His witnesses—has never changed. And central to this is His Eternal Torah that will remain the Constitution of His Kingdom across all 1000 generations60—reaching into a time which is many thousands of years in the future from the present day. 57 Ezekiel 36:26-27, Isaiah 51:7-8, Psalm 40:8 58 Matthew 22:34-38, Mark 12:28-30 59 Matthew 5:17-20 60 Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalm 105:8 16 The Door of Vertical and Horizontal Unity: Entering the Kingdom All of this brings us to the importance of unity … echad … oneness. Some people strive to have Vertical Unity while taking little or no thought for walking in a way that will bring horizontal unity. They are Vertically pious and place their intent on serving the Most High, but take little or no thought for having authentic love and humility towards their neighbor and fellow man. You may have passed such people on the street and found they acted as though you did not exist. Still others strive to have horizontal unity—seeming to reach out in love and to serve others— but through their rejection of the Torah, they absolutely fail to understand the humility that hwhy requires of them for obtaining Vertical Unity.61 They place their intent on serving their neighbor/fellow man yet take no thought for having authentic love and humility towards the Most High. But the Shema teaches that both aspects of love-inspired unity are of significant importance for those who would inherit greatness in the Kingdom. Vertical and horizontal unity go far beyond the usual thoughts people have of merely being pleasant to everyone and maintaining a positive demeanor while doing our best to love and serve them. Perhaps we cannot understand unity until we have seen its antithesis: What does the opposite of unity look like? We will see disunity either opposes the Supremacy of hwhy and His Oneness with His people, or it opposes the oneness which hwhy has established, via His Torah, to create peace and order within a society. t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a It is not coincidental the DALET (d)—the Door—is set on the word, dxa/echad, meaning one/unity. If we fail to unify, then we will fail to enter through that special Door (d); we will fail to enter in and partake in the Millennial Kingdom: Many will fail to inherit greatness and reward in the Millennial Kingdom due to their lack of authentic love; they will have failed to maintain both Vertical and horizontal unity. Yet the Shema teaches both. This is why eSwhy—when declaring the Shema to be the Greatest Commandment in the Torah—then proceeded to say the Second Greatest Commandment is like the Foremost and Greatest: loving one’s neighbor as oneself is in the same spirit as the Shema. 61 Compare Micah 6:8 and Deuteronomy 10:12. Micah was teaching Yisrael that, to walk humbly with our Elohim, we must be upholding His Torah. Disregard for His Torah is the definition which hwhy Himself gives for pride/arrogance. See Psalm 119:21, 51, 69, 78, 85, 122, Isaiah 13:11 17 28 And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him, Which is the first commandment of all? 29 And eSwhy answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, Yisrael; hwhy our Elohim, hwhy is one. 30 And you shall love hwhy your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength: this is the first commandment. 31 And the second is like it, even this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself: there is no other commandment greater than these. 32 And the scribe said to him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one Elohim; and there is no other but He. 33 And to love Him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love a neighbor as himself, is more than all whole burnt-offerings and sacrifices. 34 And when eSwhy saw that he answered discreetly, he said to him, You are not far from the Kingdom of Elohim.62 Mark 12:28-34 John wrote likewise of the two, foremost commandments: If a man says, I love Elohim, and hates his brother, he is a liar: for he that does not loves his brother whom he has seen, how can he love Elohim whom he has not seen? 1John 4:20 We believe John (and all Hebrews) knew about the Door of Unity and we believe they also knew how this word dxa/echad—being composed of certain letters— also had a special meaning: dxa echad/unity As we pondered earlier, the letter DALET (d) represents a door, and the present study has already shown this Door—the door which is opened to those who love hwhy —is our entrance into the Kingdom. Yet take notice of the Hebrew word formed in front of the door: xa ach/brother The Shema speaks of Vertical Unity, of our love and devotion to hwhy; but it does not omit a strong statement over the importance of horizontal unity. Since Elohim is One, then He is one with our brothers; and if we wish to be one with hwhy, then 62 Another text which shows the Messiah knew and taught the connection between truly upholding the Shema and entering the Kingdom of Elohim. 18 we must strive to be one with them. The first murderer did not walk in unity and, in his open rebellion, Cain even had the audacity to ask hwhy the now famous question: Am I my brother’s keeper? Genesis 4:9 For those who desire to walk in unity/echad/oneness with the Most High, the Shema certainly teaches we are to be our brother’s keeper. But unity means far more than just “being nice” to others: Unity must be understood in relation to the Torah. Thus, we should ponder the opposite of unity as it relates to the Word of hwhy. And upon doing this, it will become very clear why love and unity are so interrelated. Notice how each of the Ten Words relates to unity and how violating them brings about disunity: Five Commandments appeared on each of the Two Tables of Stone. A synopsis of each command on the First Table is seen below: I. No other elohim before Me. II. No images of false worship. III. Do not to profane the Qadosh Name of hwhy. IV. Uphold the qadosh/set apart Shabbat and honor the qadosh Presence of hwhy in this Day. V. Honor your father and your mother. The First Table of the Ten Commandments relates to love for hwhy. Those who violate any of these commandments break the oneness/unity which hwhy wants with His people:63 But your iniquities have separated between you and your Elohim, and your sins have hidden the face from you, that He will not hear. Isaiah 59:2 When Yisrael turned aside to idolatry, they were joined to false gods and this broke their unity with hwhy Elohim. That the Fifth Commandment relates to parents and children further shows how the family unit is so important in the True Worship of the Elohim of Yisrael. Honor for parents translates into honor for hwhy and His Name.64 Dishonoring parents breaks the parent-child unity which hwhy wishes to see within a family. 63 Isaiah 56:3, Zechariah 2:11, 1Corinthians 6:17 64 Malachi 1:6 19 When one breaks any of the commands on the Second Table, is very evident how disunity occurs. A synopsis of each command on the Second Table is seen below: VI. You shall not murder. VII. You shall not commit adultery. VIII. You shall not steal. IX. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. X. You shall not covet … Let us ponder unity and disunity as they relate to the horizontal commandments given on the Second Table: VI. You shall not murder. Murder brings on an unjust death. Yet what did James write about how death occurs? “For as the body without the spirit is dead” … James/Ya’acov 2:26 Does murder, then, break the unity/oneness of the body and the spirit? It does. And breaking the unity between body and spirit equals death. VII. You shall not commit adultery. What about adultery? Does adultery break the unity between and man and his wife? It does. And violations of marital unity have caused an immeasurable amount of human pain and suffering across the millennia. VIII. You shall not steal. Does stealing break the unity between and man and his possessions? It does. And ownership is an important concept in the Torah. IX. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Does bearing false witness break the unity between and man and his reputation? It does. And in a legal system which advocates both corporal and capital punishment, the results could be weighty, if not fatal. But since a good name is to be chosen above great riches,65 bearing false witness is stealing something from a man that is even more valuable than his money. X. You shall not covet … Does coveting break the unity in a person’s mind between what he or she presently has and what that one wrongfully desires? It does. Did not Solomon write that what the eyes see is better than what the heart desires? And does coveting break the unity in a person’s mind so that there is no longer trust in the emunah, or faithfulness, in the Most High Elohim? It does. 65 Mishle/Proverbs 22:1 20 Given the above contemplations, it is now rather clear how disunity either opposes the Supremacy of hwhy and the Oneness He wants with His people, or else it opposes the unity which hwhy has established to create peace and order within the Kingdom of all those who are living in subjection to His Torah. As we have seen, the misparim for echad is 13: 13 = (4) d +(8) x +(1) a = dxa = echad = one/unity In closing, it is not a coincidence that “echad” adds to 13, and that 13 is only half of the misparim for the Qadosh Name: 26 = (5) h + (6) w +(5) h +(10) y = hwhy= YHWH Oneness (13) is incomplete if it is only expressed towards our fellow man (as is common today in many religions). And oneness (13) is incomplete if only expressed towards our Heavenly Father (as is common today with so many who seek to walk with the Most High and yet have little or no love and humility towards their fellow man). We are not setting apart His Name66 unless we become expressions of His unity and unless that unity is Vertical—directed toward our Creator and Redeemer—as well horizontal—directed toward our fellow man. The psalmist wrote: “Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart.”67 If we express true love/unity (13) towards our Heavenly Father and true love/unity (13) towards our fellow man, it is only then that we will begin to be the greatest expression of His Qadosh Name (since 13 + 13 = 26); and it is only then that we will be a living testimony to the atonement that Messiah came to bring to all as He fulfills His ministry to take away the sins of the world.68 The Hearing Ear and the Seeing Eye Having studied the Shema and its large, peculiar letters, it should now be more evident why King Shelemo/Solomon wrote of “the hearing ear and the seeing eye:” The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, hwhy has made even both of them. Proverbs 20:12 A more literal rendering from the Hebrew text would be as follows: The ear hears, and the eye sees: hwhy has made even the two of them. Proverbs 20:12 66 Matthew 6:9-10, 1Peter 3:15 67 Psalm 119:2 68 John 1:29,36, 12:32, Ephesians 1:9-10, Colossians 1:19-20 21 And one might rightly wonder why Shelemo wrote: … “the hearing ear and the seeing eye.” Why did he not place vision before hearing: …“the seeing eye and the hearing ear?” One would especially think this to have been the case since nearly everyone in our days would place far more value on the ability to see than on the ability to hear! But this was not the case: Solomon set the hearing ear before the seeing eye. We believe King Shelemo/Solomon wrote by the Spirit and that he presented hearing and sight in the order given for more than just one reason. Recall the enlarged AYIN ( e ) on the Hebrew word for “hear” which has been written in the Masoretic text of Deuteronomy 6:4: emS shema/hear. As previously indicated, the letter AYIN ( e ) represents the eye and, thus, “seeing,” “sight,” and “vision.” So the Spirit is telling us that the ability to see—to truly see—will only come if we first have the ability to hear! Hearing comes before seeing; thus, seeing is quite connected to hearing! In Mishle/Proverbs 20:12, we not only believe King Shelemo/Solomon wrote by the Spirit but that, as he did so, the wise ruler of Yisrael was referring to nothing less than the Shema itself: Spiritual sight/insight/vision will not be ours unless we first have ears to hear. And let us ponder those incidents which we have all surely encountered: Have you ever been in (or witnessed) a discussion/argument with someone and, although knowing you (or the proponent of a view/idea/fact being presented) were 100% correct, found that the opposing person was absolutely unable to see? Figuratively speaking, you could even say the opposing party was blind! But why was the other person unable to see/perceive and to understand your point of view? Why were they blind? Was it not because he or she was unable and/or unwilling to truly hear what you were saying? We could rightly say, then, a lack of hearing results in blindness! And Ya’acov/James warned how people can be absolutely blinded by the anger that closes their ears; he wrote of this phenomenon when stating that man’s anger creates within him the inability to hear: 22 19 You know, my beloved brothers, but let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; 20 for man’s anger works not the righteousness of Elohim. James 1:19-20 The unrighteous anger of man blocks the ears and closes the eyes. Would you, then, agree with hwhy that hearing has to come before seeing? And is it any wonder, then, that the very first word of the Greatest Commandment in all of the Torah is the word “emS/shema/hear”? Sight is extremely important, but without the ability and the willingness to truly hear, we will also have eyes that are blind: we will be absolutely unable to see.69 t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a As he wrote by Ruach ha’Qodesh,70 we believe Yeshayahu/Isaiah also referred to the Shema in still another text found in the scrolls attributed to him: Lift up your eyes on high, and see who has created these, that brings out their host by number; He calls them all by name; by the greatness of His might, and for that He is strong in power, not one is lacking! Isaiah 40:26 Once we have bowed in reverent humility before the Most High, and once we have fulfilled the Shema by giving ourselves to hear His Voice, we can then lift up our eyes on high and see more of His greatness. Notice the first three Hebrew words of the text for “Lift up your eyes on high:” ← ← ← warw Mkynye Mwrm wav and see your eyes on high lift Sequentially pulling off the first letter of the first three words (appearing above in blue), we see formed the Hebrew word “shema/emv:” emv shema/hear. The Spirit shows us time and again that those who truly wish to see must first be willing to draw near to hwhy with a reverent, loving submission that burns in a heart ready to hear and obey His Word. Blessed be His Name and blessed be the One who reveals the ancient paths of peace and rest revealed in His awesome Word. 69 Psalm 115:5,8, Revelation 3:16-17 70 The Spirit of hwhy. 23 “The Commandment” (Singular) is the Shema In Deuteronomy 6:1, the Word of hwhy introduces us, in advance, to the Shema by referring to it as “the Commandment:” 1 Now this is the commandment, the statutes, and the judgments which hwhy your Elohim commanded to teach you, that you may do them in the land where you go to possess it: 2 that you may fear hwhy your Elohim, to keep all His statutes and His commandments which I command you—you, and your son, and your son’s son—all the days of your life: and that your days may be prolonged. Deuteronomy 6:1-2 Of course, only a few lines later, we read “the Commandment”—the Shema in Debarim/Deuteronomy 6:4-5—along with the statutes and judgments that immediately follow it. Because the Messiah recognized the Shema as the Commandment, as the Preeminent Command in all of the Torah, we are not surprised to see the emissaries making reference to this pivotal teaching as well. Sha’ul wrote to Timothy about the telov/telos/goal of “the Commandment:” But the goal of the commandment is love out of a pure heart, and a good conscience, and faith unfeigned … 1Timothy 1:5 We notice here the love spoken of is three-fold—just like the three facets of love seen in the Shema: 1. With all your heart: … out of a pure heart … 2. With all your soul: … a good conscience … 3. And with all your might: … and sincere faith …. Later, as the letter nears it close, Sha’ul then exhorts Timothy to take hold of ageabiding life. In so doing, Sha’ul once more mentioned the Shema as he enjoined Timothy to keep “the Commandment” until the very end: 12 Fight the good fight of the faith, lay hold on the age-abiding life, whereunto you were called, and did confess the good confession in the sight of many witnesses. 13 I charge you in the sight of Elohim, who gives life to all things, and of the Messiah eSwhy —who before Pontius Pilate witnessed the good confession—14 that you keep the commandment without spot, without reproach, until the appearing of our Sovereign eSwhy the Messiah, 15 which in its own times He shall show, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Sovereign of sovereigns; 16 who only has immortality, dwelling in light unapproachable; whom no man has seen, nor can see: to whom be honor and power eternal, amein. 1Timothy 6:12-15 24 Writing to the Romans, Sha’ul also indicated that “the Commandment” (the Shema) was to result in the obedience of faith among all the nations: 25 Now to him that is able to establish you according to my Good News and the preaching of eSwhy the Messiah, according to the revelation of the secret which has been kept in silence through times eternal, 26 but now is manifested, and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the eternal Elohim, is made known to all the nations unto obedience of faith: 27 to the only wise Elohim, through eSwhy the Messiah, to whom be the splendor for ever, amein. Romans 16:25-27 Upholding the Shema: Many Will See and Fear The Shema teaches us we cannot fear until we see and that we cannot see until we hear! To see the Kingdom of Elohim, just what is it that we must see? What must be before our eyes? The unrighteous contrast provides us with the answer: The transgression of the wicked declares within my heart: “There is no fear/dxp/pachad of Elohim before his eyes.” Tehillim/Psalms 36:1 The word for fear is dxp/pachad and it means “dread,” or “fear.” We will say considerably more about this word in just a moment. But because the lawless do not hear, they also cannot see: They cannot see the fear of Elohim. Referring to the Shema, Sha’ul wrote likewise: Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of Elohim: I speak this to your shame. 1Corinthians 15:34 But to understand the fear of hwhy and to find the knowledge of Elohim, we must first fulfill/keep the Shema: We must incline our ears to wisdom. So wrote Shelemo: 1 My son, if you will receive my words, and lay up my commandments with you; 2 so as to incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; 3 yes, if you cry after discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding; 4 if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures: 5 then you will understand the fear of hwhy , and find the knowledge of Elohim. Mishle/Proverbs 2:1-5 Hearing the Voice of hwhy is the beginning of fearing Elohim and walking before Him in reverence. And notice how similar are the Hebrew words for see and fear in these texts: 25 ← ← ← wnyhlal hlht sdx rys ypb Ntyw to our praise new a song in my And He Elohim mouth gave ← ← ← hwhyb wxjbyw waryyw Mybr wary in YHWH and trust and many they will fear see ~ Tehillim/Psalms 40:3 ~ waryyw Myqydu waryw and the and they fear righteous will see Translated: … “and the righteous will see and fear” ~ Tehillim/Psalms 52:6 ~ While the Hebrew root words for “see ( har )” and “fear ( ary )” are slightly different, readers will notice when they are placed in the manuscript, per Inspired Hebrew grammar, all the letters are the same (while not identical, both words are composed of all the same letters: w – y -r – a ). If we hear/shema, then we may also see; and only if we see may we then fear. Yet apart from honoring the Name of hwhy and His Oneness/Supremacy/Preeminence, we will not hear, nor will we see, nor will we fear. The Fear/Dread of hwhy : Even the Demons Believe and Shudder A superficial contemplation of the Shema may not engender the fear/dread of hwhy that actually emanates from the Inspired lines of this all-important and most Preeminent segment of Scripture. But Ya’acov/James was referring to the Shema when he wrote: You believe that hwhy is One? You do well! Even the demons believe, and shudder! James 2:19 In speaking this rebuke, Ya’acov was correcting the believers for their evident lack of the fear/dread that even demons possess.71 Sha’ul wrote likewise: Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of Elohim: I speak this to your shame. 1Corinthians 15:34 The Shema also teaches us the Preeminent things related to the knowledge of Elohim. Recall that the enlarged AYIN (e) and DALET (d) are letters which form the word “eyd” (de), meaning “witness,” or “testimony:” 71 Sha’ul wrote likewise! 26 dxa hwhy wnyhla hwhy larvy ems echad YHWH Elohenu YHWH Yisrael Shema one YHWH our Elohim YHWH Israel Hear But the reversing the enlarged AYIN (e) and DALET (d), the resulting Hebrew word is the masculine form of the word “dey-ah” (ed), meaning “knowledge:” Do you know the balancing of the clouds, the wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge (ed)? Job 37:16 So while speaking the Shema makes us witnesses ( de ) of the Supreme Rule of the Most High, it also reminds us to grow in the knowledge ( ed ) of Elohim. And this is an infinite sojourn of a magnificent and unending scope. Knowledge! The True Knowledge of Elohim! We just saw how, in Proverbs 2, Solomon wrote that knowledge leads to fear; even so, we provide this text once more asking readers to notice that we must first hear before we may then fear: 1 My son, if you will receive my words, and lay up my commandments with you; 2 so as to incline your ear to wisdom,72 and apply your heart to understanding; 3 yes, if you cry after discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding; 4 if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures: 5 then you will understand the fear of hwhy , and find the knowledge of Elohim. Mishle/Proverbs 2:1-5 Yet, in our days, increasingly many lack the dread that says we better not toy with the Word, the will, and the ways of the Most High. But the fear/dread of hwhy knows the reality of the line that asks a most obvious question: You, fearful are You, and who may stand in your sight when once you are angry? Tehillim/Psalms 76:6 The implied answer is: “Absolutely no one!” And the immediate implication of this question is the additional statement: “You do not want to see Him when He gets angry!” The Messiah was the Qadosh One73 of Yisrael who ultimately fulfilled the Shema in His perfect Life of upholding the Torah and leaving us an Example in which to 72 (“Incline your ear” equals shema/hear) 73 Isaiah 41:14 27 walk.74 And did demons shudder in dxp/pachad/fear/dread before the Messiah— the One who was/is the Word—the Shema—made Flesh?75 So it is not coincidence that both words (qadosh and shema) add to the same value in Hebrew; it is by Providential Design: ← ← ← 410 = (300) S + (6)w + (4) d + (100) q = Swdq = qadosh = set apart ← ← ← 410 = (70) e + (40) m + (300) S = emS = shema = hear From Echad (dxa ) to Pachad (dxp ) So why do the demons believe that hwhy is One and subsequently shudder in fear and dread before Him? The Hebrew word for fear/dread is dxp/pachad and its misparim is 92: ← ← ← (mv) 92 = (4) d + (8) x + (80) p = dxp = pachad = fear/dread hwhy really calls for our attention with this word since its place value is 29—the reversal, or mirror image, of 92, its misparim: ← ← ← (pv) 29 = (4) d + (8) x + (17) p = dxp = pachad = fear If we see (e) that the Oneness/Unity/dxa/Echad of hwhy cannot be challenged—that His sovereign will permeates and overrides all persons, all actions, all circumstances, and all things He has created76—and if we see (e) that His wrath is upon all those who oppose and rebel against that Unity/(dxa), then we will also understand this fear/dread. And amazingly enough, this actually describes how we may derive the Hebrew word dxp/pachad—the word which refers to this fear and dread. If sight (e) is added to dxa/echad/oneness/unity, the result is dxp/pachad/fear/dread: d x a (echad) + e (eye/seeing/sight) ======= d x p To fully explain the above, if we “add” ALEPH/a = 1 with AYIN/e = 16, we arrive at PE/p = 17: 1 + 16 = 17 (ALEPH/a = 1) + (AYIN/e = 16) = (PE/p = 17) 74 1Peter 2:21, 1John 2:4-6 > John 14:15, 15:10 75 Mathew 8:28-29, Mark 1:23-28, Luke 4:31-36. Was there a relationship between the dread/terror which these demons had before the Qadosh Seed, the Messiah, and the fact that he was also the Shabbat/Sabbath in the Flesh? Read on! 76 Romans 8:31-39 28 So even by this inspired literary result, the Spirit is teaching us more about the importance of hearing, seeing, and fearing: Seeing (e) the importance of unity (dxa/echad)—by seeing how Vertical and horizontal unity are both essential (and quite interrelated) in the Kingdom of Elohim—we will then know the fear/dread of hwhy because we will also know and recognize that the Most High will simply not allow His Unity to be opposed for any great length of time.77 If we see the Unity/Supremacy/Purpose of hwhy to be unassailable and unchallengeable, then we will also have dxp/pachad (fear/dread) before Him; for absolutely nothing will stand in the way of His sovereign will;78 and those who do oppose Him will surely suffer His vengeance and retribution: 9 Know therefore that hwhy your Elohim, He is Elohim, the faithful El, who keeps the covenant and the chesed/lovingkindness with those that love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations, 10 and repays those that hate Him to their face, to destroy them. He will not be slack to him that hates Him: He will repay him to his face. Deuteronomy 7:9-10 And those who have seen the retribution of hwhy also have dxp/pachad (fear/dread) before Him: They know the results are not pleasant when His anger and wrath are finally stirred up to avenge His Land and His people; as we have already read: You, fearful are You, and who may stand in your sight when once you are angry? Tehillim/Psalms 76:6 Through the secret of the Shema, we are to have/maintain the fear/dread before hwhy that sees and knows He will not long allow His Word to be challenged by those in rebellion against His Eternal Torah; and when He does arise in anger, the nations will tremble in fear before Him: Put them in fear, hwhy : Let the nations know themselves to be but men. Selah Tehillim/Psalms 9:20 But hwhy is the true Elohim; He is the living Elohim, and an everlasting King: at His wrath the earth trembles, and the nations are not able to abide His indignation. Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 10:10 77 Deuteronomy 7:9-10 78 Proverbs 21:30 29 So the Shema teaches us we cannot fear until we see and that we cannot see until we hear! The transgression of the wicked declares within my heart: “There is no fear/dxp/pachad of Elohim before his eyes.” Tehillim/Psalms 36:1 We will show this fear is especially connected to the Shabbat, the Day which hwhy will most surely defend. Nechemyah/Nehemiah knew the dread of hwhy and His imminent wrath upon those who forsake his Shabbat. The Dread/Terror of hwhy and the Shabbat To review once more, fear/dxp/ pachad has a misparim of 92 and a place value of 29: ← ← ← (mv) 92 = (4) d + (8) x + (80) p = dxp = pachad = fear ← ← ← (pv) 29 = (4) d + (8) x + (17) p = dxp = pachad = fear The Spirit reveals part of the significance here relates to the Shabbat, since Psalm 92 was inspired to be “A Psalm, a Song for the Day of the Shabbat.”79 When Nechemyah castigated the men of Yahudah for working on the Shabbat, he spoke to the nobles of the dread/fear of hwhy and the great evil that already come upon the city of Yerushalayim for their historical profaning of the Day: 15 In those days I saw in Yahudah some treading wine presses on the Shabbat, and bringing in sheaves, and lading asses; as also wine, grapes, and figs, and all burdens, which they brought into Yerushalayim on the Shabbat Day: and I testified in the day in which they sold provisions. 16 There dwelt men of Tyre also therein, who brought fish, and all manner of wares, and sold on the Shabbat to the children of Yahudah, and in Yerushalayim. 17 Then I contended with the nobles of Yahudah, and said to them, What evil thing is this that you do, and profane the Shabbat Day? 18 Did not your fathers thus, and did not our Elohim bring all this evil upon us, and upon this city? Yet you bring more wrath upon Yisrael by profaning the Shabbat? 19 And it came to pass, that, when the gates of Yerushalayim began to be dark before the Shabbat, I commanded that the gates should be shut, and charged that they should not be opened till after the Shabbat: and I set some of my servants at the gates, that there should no burden be brought in on the Shabbat Day. 20 So the merchants and sellers of all kind of wares lodged without Yerushalayim once or twice. 21 Then I testified against them, and said to them, Why lodge you about the 79 And the dread of hwhy is conveyed in this Psalm as well. See Psalm 92:6-9 30 wall? If ye do so again, I will lay hands on you. From that time forth they came no more on the Shabbat. 22 And I commanded the Levites, that they should cleanse themselves, and that they should come and keep the gates, to sanctify the Shabbat Day. Remember me, my Elohim, in this also, and spare me according to the greatness of Your chesed. Nechemyah 13:15-22 There is certainly a connection with the dread (92) of hwhy, and His wrath that is to be brought on those who spurn His Torah; and the Shabbat is pivotal to the whole dynamic between observing versus profaning His Word and ways.80 Severe were the warnings which Jeremiah gave before the captivity relative to keeping the Shabbat,81 and severe were the warnings which Nechemyah gave afterwards. Fearing This Great and Awesome Name: What is the Result? Yet another text in the Five Books of Mosheh refers to the Shema and it also indicates that truly fearing the Name of hwhy will result in Yisrael upholding the precepts of the Torah: 58 If you will not observe to do all the words of this Torah that are written in this book, that you may fear this magnificent and fearful Name, hwhy your Elohim, 59 then hwhy will make your plagues wonderful, and the plagues of your seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. 60 And He will bring upon you again all the diseases of Egypt, which you were afraid of; and they shall cleave to you. 61 Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this Torah, them will hwhy bring upon you, until you are destroyed. 62 And you shall be left few in number, whereas you were as the stars of heaven for multitude; because you did not hearken to the voice of hwhy your Elohim. Deuteronomy 28:58-62 If we fulfill the Shema by daily/continually seeking to hear the Voice of hwhy, we will also be found honoring His Name and keeping His Torah. This conveys the very same thing seen in the life of Abraham: Because the patriarch heard the Voice of hwhy, he subsequently kept the charge of hwhy: His commandments, His statutes, and His laws.82 Such is the call for all who would walk in the steps of Abraham and enter the Kingdom with reward and greatness.83 hwhy Will Be King Over All the Earth The Shema states that hwhy is the One and only Elohim. Understanding this, we also see a Zechariah prophecy which refers to the Shema being upheld, worldwide, when hwhy reigns from Mount Tziyon as King over all the earth: 80 Ezekiel 22:26 81 Jeremiah 17:19-27 82 Genesis 26:4-5 83 Romans 4:12, Matthew 5:17-20 31 And hwhy shall be King over all the earth: in that day shall hwhy be one, and His Name one. Zechariah 14:9 Of course, this Scripture provides us with a direct connection between the Shema and the exaltation of hwhy as King over All things. In that day, hwhy will be the only one and His Name the only one. This provides a very clear explanation as to why it is not a stretch of the imagination to believe speaking forth the Shema is also recognizing the one and only King; and thus, proclaiming the Shema is/should be submission to His Rule and constitutes taking upon oneself the Yoke of the Kingdom. The Commandment of the Eternal Elohim, the Eternal King When he wrote to the Romans about “the commandment of the Everlasting Elohim,” to what was Sha’ul referring? 25 Now to Him that is able to establish you according to my Good News and the preaching of eSwhy the Messiah, according to the revelation of the secret which has been kept in silence through times of ages past, 26 but is now manifested, and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the Eternal Elohim, is made known to all the nations for the obedience of faith: 27 to the only wise Elohim, through eSwhy the Messiah, to whom be the splendor age-abiding, amein. Romans 16:26-27 We believe the Shema is “the commandment of the Eternal Elohim.” And having just mentioned fulfilling the Shema in an earlier part of his letter to Timothy, Sha’ul once more connected this Foremost Commandment84 with the Eternal, Age- Abiding King: 17 Now, unto the King of the Ages––incorruptible, invisible, Elohim only wise—be honor and splendor, to the ages of ages, amein. 1Timothy 1:17 Recall that the Shema identifies with the Kingdom of Heaven. But how is this so, unless it also reveals the King? And in what light is our King, thus, revealed? We look, once more, at the first line of the Shema: dxa hwhy wnyhla hwhy larvy ems echad YHWH Elohenu YHWH Yisrael Shema one YHWH (is) our YHWH Israel Hear one (is) Elohim 84 (i.e., the Shema) 32 As was previously mentioned, the Hebrew word formed by the enlarged AYIN (e) and DALET (d) is the word “de/eyd,” meaning “testimony,” or “witness.” Yet with a different vowel pointing, these same two letters form a word that means perpetual, beyond, eternity: de = ad = for ever, beyond, perpetuity King David exalted hwhy and His perpetual Kingship: hwhy is King for ever (Mlwe) and ever (de): the nations are perished out of His land. Tehillim/Psalms 10:16 And hwhy proves and shows forth His Kingship because He is the eternal, everexisting Mighty One, reigning on High: For thus says the high and lofty One that inhabits eternity (de ), whose Name is qadosh: I dwell in the high and qadosh place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite. Yeshayahu/Isaiah 57:15 When we speak forth the Shema, we are proclaiming the Kingship of the One who inhabits the Aes. And because He inhabits eternity, hwhy is the Eternal King. Blessed be His Name. Teaching the Shema as the Preeminent Commandment Proved that eSwhy was (and is) the Mashiach/Messiah! It is a matter of such great, prophetic significance and amazement that describing it is really beyond words. When the Mashiach came forth proclaiming the Kingdom of Elohim, that He would be teaching the Shema to be the preeminent commandment actually provides us with yet another proof He was, indeed, the long-awaited Anointed One of hwhy and the King of Yisrael. Recall, once more, that the misparim for the Hebrew word “emS/Shema/Hear” is 410: ← ← ← (mv) 410 = (70) e + (40) m + (300) S = emS = shema = hear So the first word of the greatest Torah commandment is “Shema” and adds to a misparim value of 410. And this is where the Inspired and Elohim-Breathed Word of the Most High becomes so very amazing! In Hebrew, the title “Mashiach” means “Anointed.” As many will already know, this is the word which we translate into English as “Messiah.” But let us look at the misparim value (mv), the place value (pv), and the full value (fv) of this Hebrew word: 33 ← ← = xySm = Mashiach = Anointed/Messiah ← ← ← (mv) 358 = (8) x + (10) y + (300) S + (40) m ← ← ← (pv) 52 = (8) x + (10) y + (21) S+ (13) m ================= (fv) 410 But 410 is the misparim value (mv) of the word, “Shema.” So the full value (fv) of the Hebrew word “xySm/Mashiach/Messiah” points directly to the Shema and the One who had/has ears to hear the will of the Father and to do it!85 The Messiah taught us the Torah and He taught us the preeminence that walking in love must have in fulfilling it; and so, eSwhy taught the preeminence of the Foremost Commandment, even the Shema. That His title of “Mashiach” would contain this very number (410 = Shema) is simply beyond description. Blessed be the Name of hwhy, Who alone does wonderful things! He Who Has Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear Having pondered the many times and the many ways in which eSwhy taught the importance of the Shema, it should now be rather evident that when He spoke of having “ears to hear,” the Messiah was, once more, directing the hearts of those who would be faithful to uphold this Preeminent Commandment by loving hwhy, the Father: He that has ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 11:15 He that has ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 13:9 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father.86 He that has ears, let him hear. Matthew 13:4387 As the woman at the well said, when the Messiah comes, He will declare to us all things.88 Also note the following: We have in this prophecy another text by which the Messiah is directly connecting the Shema to overcoming and entering the Kingdom of Heaven/Elohim! Those who keep the Shema, those who have ears to hear, will be those who overcome; and it is they who will shine forth like the sun in the Kingdom of the Father. We move on to still other texts in which the Messiah is directing us toward the Shema. 85 Isaiah 50:4-6, John 4:34, 5:30, 6:38 86 Daniel 12:3 87 Another text directly linking the Shema with the Kingdom! 88 John 4:25 34 He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies: To him that overcomes, to him I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of Elohim. Revelation 2:7 He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies: He that overcomes shall not be hurt of the second death. Revelation 2:11 He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies: To him that overcomes, to him I will give of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and upon the stone a new name written, which no one knows but he that receives it. Revelation 2:17 He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies … Revelation 2:29, 3:6, 3:13, 3:22 And we have seen how central the Shema is to the teachings of all of the prophets of Yisrael, including the first servant-leaders who followed the Messiah and then taught others of His ways. Sha’ul, Kepha/Peter, and Ya’acov/James89 all set forth the Shema as Preeminent. As we end our study, for those who desire to have ears that hear the Voice/Spirit of the Most High Elohim, absolutely nothing compares to fasting-derived meekness and humility.90 Fasting and prayer will open one’s ears to hear the Voice of the Spirit as does nothing else. For it is only through fasting and prayer may we seek and find hwhy with the whole heart.91 In Hebrew, the misparim for “Mwu/tsōme/fasting” is 136: ← ← ← (mv) 136 = (40) M + (6) w + (90) u = Mwu = tsōme = fasting/fast Yet this value of 136 is also the misparim for the Hebrew word which means “voice,” lwq/kol: ← ← ← (mv) 136 = (30) l + (6) w + (100) q = lwq = kol = voice 89 James 2:19 90 Zephaniah 2:3 91 Jeremiah 29:13 35 As Yeshayahu/Isaiah wrote, we should be fasting to cause our voice to be heard on high92 (not fighting for our rights through horizontal strife and contention93). That is certainly a major part of what the Spirit would teach us with this most direct and obvious number connection. But even more importantly, we should be fasting to keep, fulfill, and uphold the Shema, the Preeminent Commandment in all of Scripture: We should be fasting (136) and praying to seek for ears that are open—for ears that will hear—so that, like Abraham, we will hear and obey the Voice (136) of hwhy Elohim of Yisrael. Doing so conveys the love towards hwhy that He desires from each of us. May all of our readers so seek and find Him. His Name is great in Yisrael! C.P. 6/2012 – 12/23/2012 t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a The author of this study is a Messianic writer who ministers the Word of hwhy , in part, through free articles provided to feed the Messiah’s sheep worldwide. He believes the Spirit reveals the Hebrew misparim/numbers—as given in the inspired Aleph-Beit—provide us with the Most High’s very own Commentary on His Eternal Word. t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a PC Personal Copyright 2012-2013, by the author. Version 5.0: 11/27/2013 This document may be freely copied and distributed if it is left unaltered and in its entirety. It must also be given away without cost to recipients, and it may not be included in any publication without the author’s written permission. hwhy El Shaddai will rebuke anyone who copies these truths for republication and/or who subsequently attempts to reproduce and sell them. Isaiah 55:1-2, Micah 3:11, 1Peter 5:2 92 Isaiah 58:4 93 Isaiah 58:4 (“you fast for strife and contention”) 36 We believe most copyrights have been abused worldwide in religious circles as false shepherds and other merchants feed on the sin of the people. These many abuses have filled the worship house of hwhy with money changers who hinder True Worship by robbing and oppressing the poor.94 Many have turned reverence and the worship of hwhy into a means of great, personal gain.95 We assert such things were never meant to be.96 Hence, this copyright is intended to allow for free distribution of the Word of hwhy with the following, minimal limitations: • This document may be copied and distributed (or freely printed in its pdf format after being downloaded from the Internet): 1. If it is left unaltered. 2. If it is left in its entirety. 3. And if it is given away at absolutely no cost. Matthew 11:5, Luke 4:19, Galatians 2:10 • Neither this article, nor any portion of this article, may be included in any publication which is sold. This stipulation applies regardless of the nature of the organization or the nature of its sales, meaning: profit or nonprofit. Further, whether an organization’s publication is of a religious nature, or otherwise, this stipulation still applies. • With the exception of our first stipulation (i.e., the one specified under the first bullet point giving permission to photocopy the work in its entirety), publishing any portion of this work without the author’s written permission is strictly prohibited. For other free documents which are offered to provide encouragement and edification from the Word of hwhy, please refer to the following websites: t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a The Gospel of Shalom To obtain a free copy of the book, The Gospel of Shalom, as well as many spiritual songs of immense edification by Renalee Colon, see the following website: t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a 94 Zechariah 7:10 95 Micah 3:11, 1Timothy 6:5-10, 1Peter 5:2 96 Isaiah 55:1,2, Mark 11:15-17 37 An Excellent Translation of the Scriptures “ISRV” is an acronym which means: “INSTITUTE FOR SCRIPTURE RESEARCH VERSION.” If this acronym has been used in the current document, it is to indicate we have quoted a Scripture text from the excellent translation produced by the INSTITUTE FOR SCRIPTURE RESEARCH. These believers have published a most helpful, edifying version of the Word of hwhy which is entitled “The Scriptures.” For those wishing to make further inquiry, the ISR website address is: t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a “The ALEPH-BEIT Place Value and Misparim Charts” appear on the following page >> 38 The ALEPH-BEIT Place Value and Misparim Charts (All Charts are Read From Right to Left) ← ← ← Misparim Value (MV) Place Value (PV) Name Letter 1 …….………………… 1 ……………….. ALEPH ………… a 2 …….………………… 2 ……………….. BEIT …………… b 3 …….………………… 3 ……………….. GIMEL ………… g 4 …….………………… 4 ……………….. DALET ………… d 5 …….………………… 5 ……………….. HE ……………… h 6 …….………………… 6 ……………….. VAV …………… w 7 …….………………… 7 ……………….. ZAYIN …………… z 8 …….………………… 8 ……………….. CHET …………… x 9 …….………………… 9 ……………….. TET ……………… j 10 …….………………… 10 ……………… YOD ……………… y 20 …….………………… 11 ……………… CAPH …………… K, k 30 …….………………… 12 ……………… LAMED ………… l 40 …….………………… 13 ……………… MEM …………… M, m 50 …….………………… 14 ……………… NUN …………… N, n 60 …….………………… 15 ……………… SAMECH ………… o 70 …….………………… 16 ……………….. AYIN ……………. e 80 …….………………… 17 ……………… PE ……………… P, p 90 …….………………… 18 ……………… TZADE ………….. U, u 100 …….……………… 19 ……………… KOF …………….. q 200 …….……………… 20 ……………… RESH …………… r 300 …….……………… 21 ……………… SHIN, SEEN ……… s, S 400 …….……………… 22 ……………… TAV ……………… t A letter’s place value, or what some people call the ordinal value, is simply obtained by finding its numerical order, or position, within the ALEPH-BEIT. So, from first to last, we have ALEPH = 1 while TAV = 22. Below are provided more compact Place Value and Misparim Charts which readers may wish to print and cut out so you may more readily confirm the calculations in this document as well as finding the MV or PV of any Hebrew word. ————————— PLACE VALUE (PV) CHART ———————– ← ← ← (11) k (10) y (9) j (8) x (7) z (6) w (5) h (4) d (3) g (2) b (1) a ← ← ← (22) t (21) S (20)r (19) q (18) u (17) p (16) e (15) o (14) n (13) m (12)l ——————————————————————————————— —————————MISPARIM VALUE (MV) CHART ———————– ← ← ← (20) k (10) y (9) j (8) x (7) z (6) w (5) h (4) d (3) g (2) b (1) a ← ← ← (400) t (300) S (200)r (100) q (90) u (80) p (70) e (60) o (50) n (40) m (30)l ———————————————————————————————

Study of Two House Restoration of Israe1 rev 8.1(sacred names w-cover) (1)
please click the above link for easy PDF reading
The purpose of this study is to take you from Genesis to Revelation to show the future
restoration of the two houses of Israel into one United Kingdom under Messiah in the
Millennium. The restitution of all things is a major theme that permeates the scriptures and
will be studied in detail here. The church world has done a wonderful job preaching
redemption by the blood of Messiah, but a very poor job on one of the main reasons the
Messiah came. And that is the restoration of a re-unified Israel back into their land and under
one king, Messiah. The church also gets a failing grade for their understanding and handling
of the law (Torah).
Why is this important? Because it involves you if you are a believer in Messiah! It is vital that
you understand who you are. If you are a gentile and follow a Jewish Messiah, you are likely
a descendant of the House of Israel. Most Christians fall into this category, but few know it.
They are, in all probability, Israelites who have forgotten their true identity. Think of the
implications! Read on for the proof. It is not an easy read and will require some study on
your part, but it is worthwhile. According to the Apostle Paul, if you’re saved, you become an
Israelite by engrafting into the natural Olive tree of Israel. The renewed covenant (New
Testament) is made only with the House of Israel and the House of Judah (see Jer. 31:31 and
Heb. 8:8). It is not made with anyone else.
Do you want to know where you’ll spend the next 1,000 years? It might surprise you. Read
what I present here and the scriptures should open up to your understanding in a way that will
truly amaze you. You’ll actually be able to understand things that made no sense to you
before, and even be able to relate some of the things occurring today to the prophecies of old.
One thing I’d like to clear up here and that is, this is not a white supremacy teaching nor the
maligned British/Israelism (although there is some truth to it), neither is it replacement
theology. The “church” does not replace Israel and I will prove it. Israel comes in all colors
and is in all nations. This all comes straight out of the scriptures.
I suggest that you get your bible to follow along and read all the scriptural references I give to
verify the information I present. It will be difficult to understand if you don’t. As we go
sequentially through the Torah and the Prophets, I will comment on the verses that clearly
show the future whole house (all 12 tribes) restoration of Israel.
Some things I say may offend some. This is not my intention and I apologize in advance. I am
simply trying to be as honest and true to scripture as my understanding allows. So please
don’t be offended if some of my beliefs differ from yours. Scripture is of no private
interpretation and that certainly goes for me too.
There will be other side topics covered as they arise, which are often misunderstood.
Before I get into the meat of this study, let me state why I depict and use the names YHWH
and Yahushua instead of the more common terms “Lord and Jesus.” YHWH is the Fathers name
in ancient Hebrew characters as He wrote it Himself in the tablets of stone at Mt. Sinai.
Yahushua is our saviors name written in the same characters. YHWH would be pronounced as
either Yahweh or Yahuah. The saviors name is pronounced Yahushua, Yahusha or Yahshua.
YHWH said in Exo. 3:15
15 And YHWH said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children
of Israel, HWHiy Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim
of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name
for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
Also see Isa. 42:8; 51:15; 54:5; Jer.10:16; 16:21; 31:35; 33:2; 50:34;51:19. There are many other scriptures that
indicate YHWH is jealous for His holy name.
We are to love the name of YHWH (Isa. 56:6). We are to call upon this name for salvation
(Acts 2:21; Joel 2:32; Rom.10:13). How can you call upon His name if you don’t know it?
The Messiah’s name is Yahushua. This literally means the Salvation of YHWH or YHWH saves.
His Fathers name is in his name. He said in John 5:43 “I am come in my Father’s
name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye
will receive.” His name is the same as that which is transliterated Joshua in the “Old
Testament.” Since there are no “J’s” in Hebrew, replacing the “J” in Joshua with a “Y”, gives
a pretty close rendering of ocwhy’s Hebrew name. Names are usually transliterated when
going from one language to another, but this did not happen with our savior’s name in most
bible versions of today. The name “Jesus” bears absolutely no resemblance to ocwhy.
Just as bad, is the substituting of a title for the name YHWH. Our Father YHWH’s name is
very important to Him. You will find the name YHWH mentioned almost 7,000 times in the
original Hebrew, which the translators render as “Lord”. Look what He says in Jer. 23:26-27:
26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea,
they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;
27 Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which
they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my
name for Baal.
Baal, Strong’s # 1167 one of the meanings of this word is “Lord.”
I think it is more honoring to our Elohim to use the name He revealed to us instead of a
substitute given by man. This is just my personal opinion and you are free to disagree and use
the substituted titles printed in most bible versions.
However, both the Christian and Jew do violate the third commandment by bringing the name
of  YHWH to naught or rendering it void. The Christian uses the titles “Lord” and “God”,
whereas the Jew calls Him HaShem (the name) or they write “G_d and L_rd”. (Even the
substitute titles “God and Lord” have become ineffable to them). However, the Jews will
accept the Messiah just before his return and will call upon the name of YHWH, not HaShem,
L_rd or G_d. ocwhy tells us in Matt. 23:39, “Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall
say, “ Baruch Habah Beshem YHWH” or “Blessed is he that comes in the name of YHWH.”
This tells us two things. They will call Yahushua “blessed” as the one who comes in YHWH’s
name and they will actually utter the name of YHWH.
There has always been some confusion over the use of the name YHWH in the Old Testament.
Many times, it is obvious that the one speaking, or being spoken of, is the pre-incarnate
ocwhy and not HWHiy, the Father. There is an explanation to this and will be covered at the
end of this study. So, just bear with me on this until we get there.
When I began to write this booklet, there was very little information regarding the Two House
Restoration of Israel on the internet at that time. I did run across a web site called “Your Arms
to Israel” and got some of the data I present from there. However, I can no longer recommend
this site due to what I consider to be recent radical changes in their basic belief system.
The manner I have chosen to present this information is to start at the beginning in Genesis
and proceed through the Torah showing the history of Israel, how and why they were divided
and their dispersions. Next, I take you through the prophets, beginning in Hosea and then
from Isaiah to Malachi and discuss all scriptures that relate to the Two Houses of Israel. We
cover New Testament references that arise as we study the prophets, and then we proceed on
through the New Testament or Renewed Covenant to the book of Revelation. It’s quite a
journey, so please bear with me. This is a study, so to get the most out of it, please take your
time, follow me along and look up the scriptures as I don’t print them all out. Let us now
Most of us are familiar with the story of Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his brothers.
We see how YHWH was with him and he prospered and became great in the land of Egypt.
We recall the tearful reunion with his brothers and later his father, Jacob, who had thought
him to be dead.
YHWH had previously renamed Jacob, “Israel” and said a nation and a company or
Commonwealth of Nations would come from his loins. And the land that He had given to
Abraham and Isaac, He would give to him and his seed after him (Gen. 35:10-12).
Israel (Jacob) became sick and knew his time was short, so Joseph brought his two sons,
Ephraim and Manasseh to be blessed by him. Israel strengthened himself on his bed and
related how YHWH had appeared to him at Luz in the land of Canaan and the promises that
were made to him. (Gen. 48:1-4)
Israel then proclaimed that the two sons of Joseph were to be his, as his own sons were and
that any other sons he may have afterwards would be his (Joseph’s) and receive their
inheritance through Ephraim and Manasseh. (Gen. 48:5-6)
Israel pronounced a blessing upon the two boys, reversing his hands upon their heads so as to
give the traditional firstborn blessing to Ephraim, the younger of the two. He conferred his
n ame, I srael , upon the two lads and blessed them. When Joseph saw that Israel’s hand’s were
reversed, he protested, but Israel refused saying that Manasseh would be great, but Ephraim
would be greater and become a “multitude of nations”. (Gen. 48:14-19)
The phrase “multitude of nations’ is the Hebrew melo hagoyim, which means fullness of
nations. Hebrew reference to any non-Hebrew was goy or gentile, so the phrase could be
better translated “Fullness of Gentiles”. See Strong’s 4392 and 1471.
You have heard this phrase before in Romans 11:25. The context in Romans is about the
grafting into the tree of Israel (Olive tree) of Jew and Gentile alike.
Rom. 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this
mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part
is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of
Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
I will come back to the mystery in verse 25 later on in this study.
Back to Israel’s (Jacob) blessing upon Ephraim and Manasseh, in Gen. 49:1, we are told that
the primary fulfillment of these promises were to be in the latter days.
We are familiar with the story of Israel becoming numerous in the land of Goshen in Egypt
and their eventual fall from Pharaoh’s grace and becoming slaves in the land. Moses rose up
to become a mighty prophet of YHWH and led Israel out of captivity after 430 years in Egypt.
Also recall the story of the Passover. The children of Israel placed the blood of an
unblemished lamb upon the door posts of their dwellings and YHWH passed through the land
of Egypt and smote the first born of man and beast, but passed over the dwellings where he
saw the blood. The next day, on the first day of unleavened Bread, they left Egypt.
They were told the keeping of the Feast of Unleavened Bread would be for a sign unto them
upon their hand and for a memorial between their eyes (forehead) that YHWH’s LAW may be
in their mouth. (Exo. 13:9) It was a feast to be kept forever. (Exo. 12:14). Also, the laying up
of YHWH’s Statutes and Commandments are also a sign upon your hand and between your
eyes (forehead). (Deut. 11:18)
The Sabbaths were also for a sign between YHWH and Israel forever (Exo. 31:13 -17). Some
of the Feasts of YHWH were also regarded as Sabbaths. The Day of Atonement is a Feast to
be kept forever (Lev. 16:31, 23:31), so is the Feast of Pentecost (Lev. 23:21) and the Feast of
Tabernacles (Lev. 23:41). In the Millennium, every one that is left alive of the nations that
came against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship the king, YHWH of Hosts and
to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. (Zech. 14:16)
Israel is to keep HWHiy’s Sabbaths (Lev. 26:2). YHWH said if Israel keeps His Statutes and
Commandments, He would make His covenant with them (Lev. 26:9). But, if not, He would
punish them 7 times more for their sins (Lev. 26:18) and He would scatter them among the
heathen (Lev. 26:33; Deut. 28:64). Then the land will enjoy her Sabbaths (Lev. 26:34-35).
Of course, as we know, Israel disobeyed…but, I’m getting ahead of myself. The above was
for us to understand why Israel was later scattered.
Remember also that YHWH had promised Abraham that his seed would be as numerous as the
stars in the heavens (Gen. 15:5) and that His covenant would be with him and he would
become the father of many nations (Gen. 17:4). And that this covenant would be an
everlasting covenant to him and his seed after him. And YHWH gave to him and his seed all
the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession and He would be their Elohim (Gen. 17:7-8).
When YHWH brought Israel out of Egypt, Moses declared that they were already as numerous
as the stars of heaven (Deut. 1:10).
10 YHWH your Elohim hath multiplied you, and, behold, ye are this day as the
stars of heaven for multitude.
And Moses adds:
11 (YHWH Elohim of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more
as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you!)
The bible says that 600,000 men of Israel crossed over the Red Sea, not counting women,
children and a mixed multitude with them. The Jewish Historian, Josephus, says these were
men fit for battle, which would make them range from 20 to 50 years of age. Most historians
say there were about 2-3 million souls that crossed over. Applying the 1000 times multiplier
of Deut. 1:11 would make this number about 2-3 billion people. Where are all these people?
That would be about a third to almost half of the world’s population today. Certainly, the 18
million or so Jews worldwide cannot account for such numbers.
Remember, in Gen. 17:20, Ishmael was also promised to become a great nation. By contrast,
YHWH’s promise to Isaac was that he was to become many nations. James McKee points
out in his book “When Will Messiah Return” that today there are only about 18 million Jews
worldwide while there are hundreds of millions of descendents of Ishmael. Seemingly, he
adds, the one that was promised a great nation has more descendents than the one promised
many nations. We know that YHWH cannot lie so there must be billions of Israelites
somewhere in the world today.
We know how Israel became a mighty nation under King David. But, friction broke out
between the tribe of Judah (including Benjamin and later, the Levites) and the other 10 tribes,
which are usually referred to as Israel in scripture. Judah is sometimes referred to as Israel,
but in most cases it applies to the other 10 tribes collectively known as the House of Israel, the
House of Joseph or Ephraim. The House of Jacob can include all of Israel.
The argument was over Judah moving King David from Gilgal to Jerusalem. (II Sam. 19:41-
43). Judah contended that the King was Jewish and hence, their relative. The House of Israel
countered that they owned 10 parts of Jacobs House, which was the greater share, and they
should be in control of kingly moves and decisions. (II Sam. 19:42-43).
This was the beginning of the split into two separate kingdoms (II Sam. 20:1-2). However, the
actual split didn’t take place until after the reign of Solomon, King David’s son. In violation
of Torah, Solomon put Jeroboam over the House of Joseph as forced laborers. No tribe of
Israel was to be enslaved by another. YHWH was angry with Solomon and rent the kingdom
from his hand and gave the 10 tribes to Jeroboam (I Kings 11:28,31). But for David’s sake,
He removed the 10 tribes after the death of Solomon (I Kings 11:34-35). But He gave one
tribe (Judah) to Solomon’s son, Rehoboam (I Kings 11:36). So, the 10 tribes rebelled against
the House of David (I Kings 12:10; Isa. 7). Only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin stayed with
Rehoboam (I Kings 12:21).
Jeroboam, king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel decided to ordain his own priests and did
so using some of the lowest in character that were not even Levites. Jeroboam cast the Levites
off from executing the office of priest. Offended, the Levites went to Jerusalem and Judah (II
Chron. 11:13-14). This is how Judah came to include the Levites also.
Judah was angry over the split and wanted to go to war with Israel to reunite the kingdom into
one again under Rehoboam (I Kings 12:21). But YHWH spoke to Shemaiah, the man of
Elohim, and told him to warn Rehoboam not to go up against Israel, that this thing was from
Him (I Kings 12:22-24).
Israel went into gross apostasy. They decided to worship in their own way. They made two
calves of gold to be their gods, built a house in a high place and made priests out of just about
anybody they chose. Jeroboam ordained his own feasts and sacrificed unto the calves on the
altar he built and burnt incense (I Kings 12:28-33).
Things haven’t changed much in the last 2700 years. We have done the same thing. We have
created our own feast days, Christmas and Easter, and rejected YHWH’s Feasts that He said
were to be observed forever. We have decided that the Sabbath is no longer valid, with no
scriptural basis whatsoever, and made Sunday our Sabbath. Yet, YHWH said the keeping of
the Sabbath would be a sign between Him and His people forever, (Exo. 31:16-17; Ezek.
20:12). And look too at some of the priests the Church has ordained.
Although YHWH declared His name numerous times, we have chosen to substitute titles in
place of His name, again with no scriptural justification to do this. We still call Him Baal
(Lord) as did Israel 2700 years ago. We have rejected His law, although ocwhy plainly
stated in his first Sermon on the Mount, that he did not come to destroy the law or the
prophets, but to fulfill them. Fulfill doesn’t mean “terminate.” He further added that until
heaven and earth pass, not one jot or one tittle of the law shall in no wise pass from the law
until all be fulfilled. And whoever would break one of the least of these commandments and
teach men so, shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5:17-19). The last time
I looked, heaven and earth were still here. All things have not yet been fulfilled. Therefore,
either ocwhy lied, and we are still in our sins or the law is still valid today.
This is the reason that Ephraim Israel went into captivity and was scattered among the nations
of the world. YHWH said He would smite Israel and scatter them beyond the river and would
give them up because of their sins (I Kings 12:15-16; Isa. 7:8; 2 Kings 17:21-23). He told
them not to make any idols or graven images, neither rear up a standing image (obelisk), but
to keep His Sabbaths, walk in His Statutes and keep His commandments. If not, He would
punish them 7 times more for their sins and scatter them among the heathen. All this was
because they hated His statutes and law. They wanted to do their own thing, like many today.
Read all Leviticus 26. They served Baal!
They are prophesied to become “not a people” (Deut. 32:21. This is important, as we will see
later in this study. Paul refers to them in Rom. 10:19. They are the “Lo-Ami” (not a people) of
Hosea Chapter 1. We will get into more on this later.
But, all is not lost…. Baruch HaShem YHWH (Esteem the name of YHWH). We serve a
compassionate creator. He said “And yet for all that, when they be in the land of their enemies, I
will not cast them away, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break my
covenant with them; for I am YHWH their Elohim (Lev. 26:44).
In fact, YHWH intends to gather them from all the nations where He had scattered them. He
will once again bring them into the land He had given to their fathers and they shall possess it
(Deut. 30:1-10). He said it was a “light thing”, an easy task, for the Messiah to re-gather all
the tribes of Israel (See Isa. 49:6).
About 1000 B.C.E, before Israel was split into two kingdoms, the prophet Nathan was
instructed by YHWH to tell King David that He would appoint a place for Israel, never to be
moved again where the children of wickedness would afflict them no more (II Sam. 7:10; I
Chron. 17:9). This prophecy was given about 80 years before Israel split into two kingdoms
and at a time they were living in their own land and at peace. This has to be still future as they
were moved out of the land and are still being afflicted today.
Israel is to be a people unto YHWH forever.(II Sam. 7:24). YHWH only has one chosen
people and that is Israel. The church is not a separate entity and does not replace Israel. When
a person becomes born again, they are grafted into the Olive tree of Israel. If they are not
grafted in, they are not YHWH’s people (not saved). The Jews have to come the same way
and although broken off, are grafted back in also. The bride of the Messiah is Israel and
none other.
The House of Judah and the House of Israel (Ephraim) are called a Green Olive tree in Jer.
References to the re-gathering of Israel are numerous and we will look at them in detail a
little later. Now back to the story:
Because of her disobedience to Torah, Israel went into Assyrian captivity in about 721 B.C.E.
(II Kings 15:29; 17:6-7, 23). Foreigners were brought into the land of Israel in their place.
These became the Samaritans (II Kings 17:23). Israel had walked in the statutes of the
heathen (II Kings 17:8) and rejected the statutes and covenants of YHWH (II kings 17:15).
A remnant of Israel escaped the Assyrian captivity and Hezekiah tried to get them to come to
Jerusalem to keep Passover (II Chron. 30:1,6). But, Ephraim scorned the invitation (v.10), the
remnant of Asher, Manasseh and Zebulun went up (v.11). II Chron. 31:1 makes it clear that
“all Israel that was present” represented only a remnant that had escaped Assyrian captivity,
not the bulk of Israel. See also II Chron. 34:9, 21, which also bears this out.
There was another call to keep Passover by King Josiah and it is clear that again only a
remnant of Israel was present (II Chron. 35:16-18). This was mostly a Jewish gathering with
all 12 tribes represented, but not in full attendance. Those Ephraimites who did attend were
Scythians from the north that did not eat swine’s flesh, loathed idolatry, kept Sabbath and
other Israelite customs. According to Josephus, the Jewish historian, the ten tribes were still in
exile 600 years after the Josiah revival. The migration path of Israel is generally known as
they migrated Westward throughout Europe as far as the British Isles. Yair Davidiy, a Jewish
researcher and non-believer in ocwhy has done extensive study on the migrations of Israel
as has Steven M. Collins in his book. “The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel…Found!?”
Judah was spared for a little while longer, but they too were disobedient and went into the
Babylonian captivity between 606-586 B.C.E (II Kings 23:27;24:15; II Chron. 36:20) For
failure to keep the land Sabbaths, the land was to lie fallow for the 70 years that they were in
captivity (II Chron. 36:21).
We need to look at a couple of things here for background information. The birthright
belonged to the first born and entitled the first born to a double portion of inheritance
(Deut.21:15-17). It was counted as a worthless thing by Esau, who sold it to Jacob. It was
forfeited by Reuben and given to Joseph’s sons (I Chron. 5:1). Jacob reversed his hands when
conferring blessings upon Joseph’s two sons. He transferred the birthright blessing to
Ephraim, although Manasseh was the elder (Gen. 48:19). YHWH calls Ephraim his firstborn
in Jer. 31:9. The name Ephraim in Hebrew means “doubly fruitful”. The firstborn of man and
beast belonged to YHWH (Num 3:13, 8:17). It was the firstborn of man and beast in Egypt
who were slain by HWHiy except those who had daubed the blood of the spotless lamb upon
their doorposts. In Exo. 4:22, HWHiy calls Israel His firstborn. According to Heb. 12:23, all
believers are part of the general or worldwide assembly of firstborn ones, (Israel) by the blood
of the Messiah.
Judah will provide the ruler or king over Israel (Gen. 49:10; I Chron. 5:2; 28:4), both King
David and the Messiah are from Judah. Ephraim is the strength of my head, Judah is my
lawgiver (Psa. 60:7; 108:8) Ephraim received the birthright blessing and Judah was given the
Scepter/ruler ship blessing.
The Babylonian captivity came to an end in 536 B.C.E. (Ezra 1:1-3). Only a handful (42,360)
of the Jews returned (Ezra 2:64). This was about one third of those that were carried away 70
years earlier. The majority preferred the ease in Babylon and never returned. Ezra 2:70 says
all Israel dwelt in their cities. This is a case where all Israel doesn’t always mean “all of
Israel”. This is speaking of a remnant of Judah and a few from the other tribes that went into
the Babylonian captivity. These are they that returned and reoccupied their cities. All did not
return as is evident from the list of those who did return (Ezra 2). This list contains 30,360 of
the families of Judah, the missing 12,000 names were from the other tribes who had escaped
to Judah and had not gone into the Assyrian captivity, but were taken with Judah into
Babylon. Ephraim Israel never returned from Babylon because it was never in Babylon as a
nation. If all Jews never returned, neither did all Israel.
There was a remnant of Israel that did come back into the land, but the vast majority never
did. Josephus, the Jewish Historian, said “the ten tribes are beyond the Euphrates till now and
are an immense multitude not to be estimated by numbers.” Josephus lived at the time of the
Messiah and confirmed that most of Israel was still in exile then.
Many Jewish Rabbis and scholars also believe that Israel is still in worldwide dispersion and
will be re-gathered by Messiah just before the building of the third temple at the dawn of the
Now, back to the story of the return of Judah from Babylon:
The temple was finished in 515 B.C.E. and dedicated. A sin offering was made for all 12
tribes of Israel (Ezra 6:15-17). The children of Israel, a remnant here since Israel as a nation
never returned from captivity, the priests, Levites and the rest of the children of the captivity
(Jews) kept the dedication. The sin offering was made for all 12 tribes even though they had
been in exile about 200 years at the time.
Okay, this brings me to the book of Isaiah. I pondered for some time on how to present all the
material in the prophets (Isaiah-Malachi.) and decided rather than try to put it all in
chronological order which would be very difficult, that I would go through these scriptures
and comment on them in the order they occur in the text. From time to time, I will deviate
from this to elaborate on some verses and cross-reference them to other scriptures.
In a nutshell, Israel sinned (broke the covenant) and was punished 7 times more for their sins,
they went into captivity and were sown all over the world. YHWH divorced them and said
they would no longer be His people. But the death of the Messiah made it possible for her
remarriage. YHWH said He would gather Israel from all parts of the globe wherein they had
been scattered and none would be left behind. There were several characteristics they would
have, they would have cast away the law, would be eating swine’s flesh, would be steeped in
idolatry, but would remember their Elohim and would be the ones to accept the Messiah that
Judah rejected. They would be the ones in general that are known as “Christians”; they would
not have a great animosity toward the Jews, and are referred to many times (as gentiles) in the
renewed covenant (New Testament). They would be brought into the land of Israel by
Messiah at the dawn of the Millennium and resettled in the land of their ancestors according
to tribal lineages. The Palestinian (Philistine) problem would be resolved by moving any
remaining Philistines out of the land. Most will be killed. Once in the land of Israel, Judah and
Israel will be rejoined into one nation, they will have one king, ocwhy the Messiah sitting on
the throne of David. They will never again be removed from their land and they will keep
Torah, the Sabbath and the Moadim (Feasts). The Day of YHWH will have occurred and all of
the world will finally be at peace. The marriage ceremony of Messiah and his bride, Israel,
will take place. We will rule and reign with Messiah throughout the millennium.
We will now see how this all takes place, and where it is in scripture.
We are about to get into the meat of the teaching at this point. Before I go into Isaiah and
proceed on through the prophets, I think I’ll begin with Hosea because it lays a lot of
groundwork we’ll need as we proceed.
Hosea was written about 765 B.C.E. or around 40 years before Israel went into the Assyrian
captivity. Hosea means Savior or Salvation. Hosea is a type of the Messiah. This is how
YHWH sees himself and Israel. The entire book of Hosea is about Ephraim Israel and is
quoted from many times in the renewed covenant (New Testament).
YHWH instructed Hosea to take a wife of whoredoms, the same as YHWH did with Israel. His
first son is named Jezreel (Hos. 1:4), which means “YHWH sows.” YHWH is about to sow or
scatter Israel among the nations. What He has sown, He will one day reap. YHWH goes on to
say in v.4 that He would cause to cease the kingdom of the House of Israel.
This did happen in the Assyrian captivity and Israel ceased to be a kingdom. Further proof
that they never returned from the Assyrian captivity as some allege, is found in Acts 1:6 when
the disciples came to the Messiah and asked him if he would at this time restore again the
kingdom to Israel.
Acts 1:6 ¶ When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying,
Master, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?
7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the
seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.
This indicates that the disciples certainly understood the scriptures that prophesied the
gathering of both houses of Israel under one king, the Messiah. They didn’t understand that
there would be two separate comings and thought the kingdom would be restored then. This
proves that at the time of the Messiah’s earthly ministry, Ephraim Israel was still in
dispersion. Some have argued that Ephraim returned when the Jews did, but this clearly
indicates they didn’t. Only a few of them attended the Josiah revival as we have already seen,
but not on a national basis.
Gomer, Hosea’s wife, conceived again and bare him a daughter. YHWH told him to name her
Lo-ru-hamah (not pitied or no mercy), “for I will no more have mercy upon the house of
I srael ; but I will utterly take them away (Hos 1:6).
“But I w ill have mercy upon the house of J udah”…… (Hos. 1:7).
This shows that Israel referred to here are the ten tribes (Ephraim) and not Judah. Judah is
part of the 12 tribes of Israel, but is usually referred to in scripture as Judah (including
Benjamin), whereas the other ten tribes are simply called Israel. This is an important
distinction the “Church” world has missed, as we shall see as we continue. Israel is often
referred to as Ephraim because their first king was of the tribe of Ephraim.
When Gomer weaned Lo-ru-hamah, she conceived and bore another son. This time YHWH
said to call his name Lo-Ami (not a people), “ f or y e are not my people and I will not be your
Elohim (Hos. 1:9). This had been prophesied in Deut. 32:21 and in Isa. 7:8.
But in verse 10 comes a wonderful promise of hope. YHWH said that though the number of
the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, which can’t be numbered, it shall come to
pass in the place where it was said unto them, ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto
them , y e are the sons of the living Elohim (Hos. 1:10).
Do we find this mentioned in the New Testament? Yes! I Peter 2:9-10 reads:
9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar
people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out
of darkness into his marvellous light:
(Moses also spoke the above in Exo. 19:5-6, YHWH’s marriage proposal to Israel)
10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of Elohim:
which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
This is a clear reference to the Lo-Ami and Lo-ru-hamah of Hosea chapter 1. And it refers to
Ephraim Israel, who had become gentiles, not to Judah. I Peter was written to the strangers
s cattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, Elect according to the
foreknowledge of YHWH the Father…. (I Pet. 1:1-2). The word “scattered” is “Diaspora” in
Greek and is defined in Strong’s #1290 as a converted Israelite resident in a gentile country.
Calling them “Elect” tips us off to their being Israel.
Paul also links the gentiles with the prophecy of Ephraim Israel in Rom. 9:24 and quotes
Hosea in Rom. 9:25:
24 Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the
25 ¶ As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my
people; and her beloved, which was not beloved.
26 And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye
a re not my people; there shall t hey be called the children of the living
In Rom 10:19, Paul quotes Moses in Deut. 32:21, “I will provoke you to jealousy by them that
are not a people” (Lo-Ami).
In Hosea 1:11, YHWH declares He will gather the children of Judah and the children of Israel
together, and appoint themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land: for great is
the day of Jezreel.  YHWH has sown and now He will reap in the day of Jezreel (Day of
YHWH). This will happen at ocwhy’s Second Advent.
Again quoting Paul in Ephesians 2:12-19,
12 That at that time ye were without Messiah, being aliens from the
commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise,
having no hope, and without HWHiy in the world (Speaking of Ephraim)
13 But now in ocwhy the Messiah ye who sometimes were far off (Ephraim
Israel) are made nigh by the blood of Messiah.
14 ¶ For he is our peace, who hath made both one,(Ephraim and Judah) and
hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;
15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments
contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain (two) one new
man, so making peace; (Ephraim and Judah = one Israel)
16 And that he might reconcile both unto YHWH in one body by the cross,
having slain the enmity thereby:
17 And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, (Ephraim Israel)
and to them that were nigh. (Judah)
18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.
19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens
with the saints, and of the household of YHWH;
Ephraim Israel is referred to in various passages of scripture as they who are far off.
YHWH said in Hos. 2:11 that He would cause to cease her feast days, new moons and
Sabbaths. Ephraim has forgotten these and so has the Christian church. Israel had become
very sinful and had attached pagan practices to the feasts. See Isa. 1:13 and Amos 5:21.
Ever wonder why it’s so hard to convert a Jew to Christianity? You tell them to forget about
YHWH’s Feasts and Sabbaths and to come to worship on Sunday and celebrate Christmas,
erecting a Christmas tree in direct violation of Jeremiah 10, and substitute the pagan festival
of Ishtar (Easter) for Passover. This pagan festival was highlighted by sunrise worship
services and the sacrificing of children in whose blood, Easter eggs were dyed red. The Jew is
told to forget Torah, which the bible calls eternal, and that the Law is no longer in effect.
Then he is told that the Messiah’s name is Jesus, (the “us” ending in Roman names was to
honor Zeus, i.e Claudius, Gaius, Titus, etc., just as the “el or yah” endings in Hebrew names
are to honor YHWH, i.e. Mattithyahu, Yehezqel, etc. ). Not many Jews are going to buy into
this system. We need to return to the first century belief and practices of the Messianic
Nazarenes. (I will explain this term later on.) Remember, Paul said the “mystery of iniquity”
was already at work in his day. Iniquity or “anomia” in Greek is defined as a condition of
being without the law or Torah-less-ness. Paul called this a mystery of “law-less-ness” or not
observing the law (Torah).
It is interesting to note here, what ocwhy said in Matt. 7:21-23:
1 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Master, Master, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in
22 Many will say to me in that day, Master, Master, have we not prophesied in
thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many
wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that
work iniquity.
Here again “iniquity” is the Greek word “anomia” (Strong’s no. 458) – look it up! It means
lawlessness or violation of the law. How can you violate the law if it is done away? You
can’t. The very definition of sin is the breaking of the law (1John 3:4). If there was no law,
you couldn’t sin. Don’t let some preacher deceive and tell you the law is done away. (And
heaven forbid that you are a pastor teaching this.) If the Law is abolished, then ocwhy lied
and can’t be the savior. He said it would be easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for
one jot or tittle of the law to pass away (Matt. 5:17-19). He had a reason for saying this which
I will explain when we get to Matthew 5:17-19.
YHWH is also tired of being called “Lord” which means Baal. He says in Hos. 2:16 that in
that day (usually a reference to the Day of HWHiy and beginning of Millennium), that thou
shalt call me Ishi (husband) and no more call me Baali (Lord). Naturally, those who are the
future bride of ocwhy will call him husband at that time.
The next few verses make it clear that this is during the Millennium. YHWH says He will take
away the names of Baalim (Lords) out of her (Israel’s) mouth and they shall be remembered
no more. He says in that day, He will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field
and fowls of heavens and the creeping things of the ground and He will break the bow and
sword out of the earth and cause them to lie down safely. He will betroth us to him forever
(Hos. 2: 17-20).
The earth shall hear Jezreel (HWHiy sows) and I will sow her (Israel) unto me in
the earth; and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy (Lo-ruhamah);
and I will say to them which were not my people (Lo-Ami), Thou art
my people (Ami); and they shall say, Thou art my Elohim. (Hos. 2: 22-23).
This is the millennium. Those that were sown into all the earth, who were not a people (Lo-
Ami) and had not obtained mercy (Lo-ru-hamah) is Ephraim Israel, who had become
gentiles and forgotten who they are. This is another proof that the re-gathering of Israel that
went into exile 2700 years ago will soon begin. These are not the Jews as can be plainly seen
from the text, although the Jews will once again rejoin Ephraim and the kingdom of Israel will
once again be one. The Two Stick Prophecy of Ezekiel 37 makes this crystal clear. We will
look at this in detail when we study the book of Ezekiel.
HWHiy says his people are destroyed for lack of knowledge or understanding. They have no
love for the truth. Because they have rejected knowledge, He will also reject them, seeing that
they shalt be no priest to Him; seeing t hey have forgotten H is LAW, He will also forget
their children (Hos. 4:6; Isa. 5:13; 5:24). This is pretty heavy stuff. It is not something that is
long past, this is a current warning for us now. This is something we’re trying to rectify here
in this study.
Israel and Ephraim shall fall in their iniquity and Judah shall fall with them (Hos. 5:5).
Ephraim shall be desolate in the day of rebuke (Hos. 5:9). HWHiy will be unto Ephraim as a
lion and as a young lion to the house of Judah. HWHiy will go and return to His place until
they acknowledge their offense and seek His face. In their affliction (tribulation), they will
seek Him early (Hos 5:14-15; Jer. 30:7-11).
It looks like there are some pretty rough times ahead for both Judah and Israel.
In Hosea 6:2 is a prophecy of when we will be raised up. After two days will He revive us and
in the third day will He raise us up and we shall live in His sight. The principle of 1 day as a
thousand years with HWHiy seems to be in view here. Israel has to date been in dispersion for
a little over 2700 years. In Hos. 6:3, it speaks of Messiah’s first and second advents.
Ephraim and Judah have transgressed the covenant (Hos. 6:7). Ephraim has mixed himself
among the people (gentiles) (Hos. 7:8). They have transgressed His covenant and trespassed
against His Law. (Hos. 8:12).
Ephraim Israel is swallowed up among the gentiles (Hos. 8:8) and has rejected the Law (Hos.
8:12). And Ephraim (as the church) still rejects the law today in spite of ocwhy’s warning in
Matt. 5:17-19, due to a misunderstanding of what Paul was teaching elsewhere.
Ephraim (Israel) shall return to Egypt (symbolic of the world) and will eat all kinds of unclean
things (Swine’s flesh, etc.) – (Hos. 9:3). (This is a picture of the parable of the “Prodigal Son”
of Luke 15:11-32. The two sons are Judah and Ephraim.)
The question is posed, “What will they do in the solemn day and in the day of the Feast of
HWHiy?” (Hos. 9:5. The answer is they have forgotten the Feasts and the Sabbaths.
Ephraim shall be a wanderer among the nations (Hos 9:17). There are numerous passages that
bear this out. Ephraim feeds on wind and follows after the east wind (Hos. 12:1). The East
wind blows towards the West and this is the direction Israel went into Europe out of Assyria.
They were instructed by Jeremiah to set up way markers as they went so they would know
how to return (Jer. 31:21).
HWHiy asks in Hos. 11:8, “How shall I give you up, Ephraim?” And in verse 9, He says He
will not execute the fierceness of His anger, He will not return to destroy Ephraim, for He is
Elohim and not a man (Not destroy all of them in the Day of HWHiy).
HWHiy says that when Ephraim spoke trembling, he exalted himself, but when he offended in
Baal (Lord), he died (Hos. 13:1). He will have to be reborn.
HWHiy tells Israel there is no savior but Himself (Hos. 13:4). And in Him is their help (v.9).
The iniquity of Ephraim is bound up; his sin is hid (Hos. 13:12). HWHiy says He will ransom
them from the power of the grave; He will redeem them from death (Hos. 13:14). We now
know the price He paid for our redemption, the life of His only begotten son.
Return to me O’ Israel and ask your iniquity be taken away and HWHiy will receive us
graciously (Hos. 14:1-2). HWHiy will heal their backsliding and his beauty shall be as the
Olive tree (Israel) (Hos. 14:4-6).
End of Hosea Study.
Isaiah was written about 760 BCE before the Northern Kingdom went into the Assyrian
captivity. The Hebrew name of Isaiah is YeshaYahu or HWHiy has saved.
The first 6 or 7 chapters deal primarily with Judah. The first place Ephraim Israel is
mentioned is in chapter 7 where Ephraim plots to go up against Judah ( Isa. 7:6 ).
Ephraim is prophesied to be broken, that it not be a people (Lo-Ami) (Isa. 7:8; I Kings 14:15;
2 Kings 17:21). We saw this also in Hosea which we just covered (Hos. 1:9).
The Messiah was sent to Jacob (Israel and Judah) and it hath lighted upon Israel (Isa. 9:8).
Judah rejected him.
The re-gathering of Israel is prophesied. HWHiy will set His hand the second time to recover
the remnant of His people, which shall be left from Assyria and Egypt (Isa. 11:11). This is at
the dawn of the millennium (Isa. 11:6-9). The first time He set His hand to recover His
people was after the Babylonian captivity of Judah. He shall assemble the outcasts of Israel
and gather the dispersed of Judah from the 4 corners of the earth (Isa. 11:12). They will be
scattered worldwide. The “outcasts of Israel” is another expression used of Ephraim (Isa.
Ephraim will not envy Judah and Judah will not vex Ephraim (Isa. 11:13). And they (together)
shall fly the Palestinians out of the land to the east (v.14). This is the literal interpretation of
this verse.
Isa. 49 is speaking of the Messiah who is given for a covenant of the people, who comes to
restore the preserved of Israel. Notice in verse 1, the call is to the isles, to a people from afar
(Ephraim). Hear ocwhy, the one whose name was mentioned from his mother’s womb, the
one whose mouth was like a sharp sword, who was given as a covenant of the people, to cause
to inherit the desolate heritages, to set the prisoners free.
Isa. 49:6 And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to
raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also
give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the
end of the earth.
The ‘preserved’ of Israel is the Hebrew word ‘Natzrim’ from the root ‘Natser’ (strongs 5341).
The word Natser is used only 3 times in scripture and it is only used referring to Ephraim. It is
the same root word for Nazareth. The savior was called the Nazarene and Christians in Israel
today are called “Natzrim” or the “preserved of Israel”. As a matter of interest, the United
States is known in Israel as the “Land of the covenant”. While I’m on this subject, it is a
curious thing that the word ‘Brit ish’ means ‘man of the covenant’ in Hebrew. In 1603 James
VI of Scotland became King James I of the United Kingdom of England, Ireland and Scotland
– the Union of James. Under his reign, a gold sovereign was issued in recognition of the
fulfillment of bible prophecy. The Latin motto on the reverse side of the medal read,”Faciam
eos in gentem unam”, meaning “I will make of them one people” – a quote from the prophecy
of Ezekiel 37:22 where HWHiy spoke of uniting the lost tribes of Israel under the throne of
Israel is divorced by HWHiy – (Isa. 50:1; Jer. 3:8), but we see that for a small moment HWHiy
has forsaken His wife (Israel) (Isa. 54:7).
The redeemed of HWHiy shall return to Zion (Isa. 51:11). We’re going to Israel!
HWHiy’s name is continually blasphemed (Isa. 52:5), but at the Second Coming, His people
will know His name (Isa. 52:6). This implies that His people do not now know His name, but
use a substitute. I will declare His name to you today. His name is HWHiy and His son is
named ocwhy HaMoshiach. As He says at the end of verse 6, Behold I Am!
Blessed is the man who keeps the Sabbath and doesn’t pollute it and keeps his hand from evil
and takes hold of His covenant (Isa. 56:1-4). And join themselves to Him, to love His name,
to be His servants – These, He will bring to His house of prayer, (Isa. 56:5-7). HWHiy Elohim,
who gathers the outcasts of Israel, will gather others besides them (Isa. 56:8). Here again,
Israel is described as being outcasts. Judah wasn’t outcast, but was dispersed. Israel had just
or was just about to go into captivity. Judah would not go into captivity for another 135 years
or so. This has to be referring to Ephraim. Maybe the Jews are the others to be gathered here
as are other strangers who join themselves to Israel.
My question here is, how can you love His name if you don’t even know it? “Lord” and
“God” certainly aren’t names. At best, these are only titles and are repugnant to Him. If His
name is not important, why are there 10 commandments instead of nine? Thou shalt call Him
anything you want to? No, He said thou shalt not bring His name to naught or render it void.
“Void” is “shav”, Strong’s #7723 and means false, uselessness, lying, etc.
HWHiy reveals Himself to a nation that was “not called by His name” or (alt. Trans.) “not
calling upon His name.” He had divorced Israel. They became ‘not a people and He is not
their Elohim’ (Hos.1:9; Isa. 65:1; Rom. 10:20). These people are described as rebellious
people, walking in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts (Isa. 65:2). They wanted
to worship in their own way and not in the way prescribed by HWHiy. They are also described
as eating swine’s flesh and abominable things (Isa. 65:4). They are a smoke in the nose of
HWHiy (v.5). They are the ones that forsake Him, that forget Zion, that prepare a table for
‘God’ (Babylonian deity of fate – Strong’s 1409) and furnish drink offerings to ‘that number’
or “fate” (as an idol – Strong’s 4507) (Isa. 65:11). There is a mistranslation in this verse in the
KJV and other versions. It reads “that prepare a table for that troop”. The Hebrew word used
here and translated “that troop” is gd, pronounced “gawd” or god. It is kind of scary to think
this may be a reference to Christian communion.
I encourage you to get your interlinear bibles, (I use Green’s KJV interlinear) and Strong’s
Concordance and check out for yourselves the things I have stated above.
During the Day of HWHiy, the ones slain by Him will be many (Isa. 66:15-16). They will
sanctify themselves (who pronounce themselves morally or ceremonially clean- (Strong’s #
6942), eating swine’s flesh and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together
(Isa. 66:17). Leviticus 11 explains what the abominable things are. It is hard for me to
imagine that HWHiy is taking vengeance upon those pronouncing them selves pure, eating
swine’s flesh, crabs, oysters, shrimp, clams, eels and the like and excuse the Christian for
doing the same. Perhaps we are mistaken about the food laws being canceled. What is it
about a pig that made it unclean 2,000 years ago, that makes it clean today? Why would
HWHiy put these things off limits for food over 2,000 years ago, and then make them OK to
eat now? If He is the same yesterday, today and forever, why would He change this? The truth
is obvious. It is another case of our misinterpreting what Paul was saying in his epistles to the
assemblies of ocwhy. They never even considered these forbidden things to be food. Most
of Paul’s explanations was about meat sacrificed to idols, and whether it was okay to eat that
or not, or contrasting the eating of meat with vegetarianism.
Paul said in Rom. 14:14 that there is nothing unclean of itself. And in the next verse it says “if
your brother be grieved with your meat…”, which in verse 2 is contrasted with eating
vegetables only. It is not talking about ritually unclean animals, but probably meat sacrificed
to idols, as in I Cor. 10:25-28. Think about it for a minute. A buzzard is unclean of itself, as
is a spider or a bat and other carrion eaters. Paul couldn’t possibly be talking about these. He
says in 2 Cor. 6:16-17, that the unclean thing had to do with idols. Pig and Buzzard are not
Some try to say that Peter’s vision in Acts 10:12-16 where he was told to kill and eat of
unclean things was HWHiy approving the eating of everything, clean or unclean. They usually
take this out of context and fail to read on down to verse 28 where the explanation is given,
that gentiles were to be saved. In fact, Paul said that returning gentiles (Israel) were to abstain
from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood
(Acts 15:28-29; 21:25. This prohibition from eating blood in itself indicates the food laws
were still in effect. Besides, it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul, which is why
we are not to eat it (Lev. 17:11-12). We know that neither Peter nor Paul ate unclean things,
even after ocwhy’s death.
Before we leave Isaiah, I need to comment further on Isa. 66:17-21. I believe I can show that
this is written to Christians. According to verse 19, there will be survivors from this group of
people. HWHiy will set a sign among them. I believe this sign to be the keeping of the Sabbath
(Exo.31:16-17). It is the sign that identifies HWHiy’s people. These escapees will be Sabbath
keepers. In verse 20, it states that “they” (the surviving pork eaters) will bring all your
brethren (Israel) for an offering to HWHiy o ut of all the nations upon horses, chariots and in
litters, mules, etc., to HWHiy’s Kadosh (set apart) mountain Jerusalem, as the children of
I srael bring an offering in a clean vessel into the house of HWHiy. They will preach the
kingdom message throughout the nations (Isa. 18:7; 49:22; Jer. 31:8).
Here is the clincher that identifies these people:
Isa. 66:21 And I will also take of them for priests and for Levites, saith
HWHiy doesn’t make priests and Levites out of the heathen. We do find such a group of
people though. They are mentioned in Rev. 1:6; 5:10; 20:6; 1 Pet. 2:9 and Isa. 61:6. They are
the redeemed of Israel, the saints of the most high, those who Paul called “gentiles” whom he
equated with Ephraim in Hosea chapter 1. They are the Christians who believe in ocwhy,
but did not hearken to the call to come out of Babylon and return to Torah. They were still
eating pig.
End of Isaiah study.
Jeremiah (Yirmeyahu) means Exalted of HWHiy. He spans the reigns of king Josiah,
Jehoiakim and Zedekiah (627-583 BCE). It is written over 100 years after Israel had gone into
the Assyrian captivity.
Jeremiah was ordained by HWHiy to be a prophet to the nations (Jer. 1:5).
Ephraim Israel becomes a degenerate plant of a strange vine unto HWHiy (Jer. 2:21). The
word ‘degenerate’ is Nokri in Hebrew and means ‘strange’ or foreign’ and the word translated
as vine can also be translated as tree. The olive tree is a symbol of Israel. Here Ephraim Israel
has become a “wild olive tree”.
HWHiy had divorced Israel (Jer. 3:8), but says back sliding Israel has justified herself more
than treacherous Judah (v.11). HWHiy says in v.12, Go and proclaim these words toward the
North, and say, Return backsliding Israel, for HWHiy is merciful – only admit or confess
your sins (v.11-13). Assyria was to the East, but here HWHiy has Jeremiah sending a message
toward the North. The Sacae, (Isaac’s sons) lived to the North in the area of the Caspian and
Black Seas. They were the Scythians who had such Israelite customs as the banning of eating
pork. They gave most of the modern names to the rivers flowing into the Black Sea, such the
Danube, Don, etc., which preserve the name of the Israelite tribe of Dan. The Scythians tribes
(Israelites) twice defeated large invasions by the Persian Empire. They were regarded as a
major power in the ancient world.
HWHiy then says He is married to them (v.14a). How can this be if He divorced them? (Hint:
it takes the death of her husband). HWHiy will take them one from a city and two from a
family (v.14b)(a remnant) and give them pastors of knowledge and understanding (v.15).
Right now, there a very few pastors that have a true understanding of HWHiy’s plan for the
restitution of all things. They have inherited lies from their fathers (Jer. 16:19).
At that time (referring to the millennium), Jerusalem will be called the throne of HWHiy and
all nations will be gathered unto it, to the name of HWHiy (Jer. 3:17; Isa. 2:2-4).
In those days, the house of Judah will walk with the house of Israel and come together out of
the land of the North to a land He has given them for an inheritance of their fathers (Jer. 3:18;
50:4; Ezek.37:19-22). The setting here is the days of the millennium, which is still future, and
we see Israel and Judah returning together out of the land of the North. They will be returning
to all the land that was given to their fathers, which means a lot of land will have to be
liberated from Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Egypt, not to mention the Philistines
(Palestinians), which are actually Edomites. The timing here is obvious, after the Second
Coming of ocwhy, we’re going back to Israel.
HWHiy warns Judah that He would cast them out of His sight (Jer. 7:15) as He did the whole
seed of Ephraim (Israel). The Jews did go into captivity in 606-585 BCE, over 100 years after
Ephraim. The children of Judah set abominations in the temple to pollute it (Jer. 7:30). HWHiy
will make Judah desolate (Jer. 9:11; 10:22). They forsook the law and walked after other
Baalim (lords) which their fathers taught them (Jer. 9:13-14).
HWHiy warns Israel not to learn the ways of the heathen – Christmas tree, etc. (Jer. 10:1-5).
The house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken the covenant HWHiy made with their
fathers (Jer. 11:10). The house of Israel and the house of Judah provoked HWHiy by burning
incense to Baal (the Lord) (Jer. 11:17).
Many pastors have destroyed HWHiy’s vineyard (Jer. 12:10).
HWHiy says He will pluck out his evil neighbors (Palestinians and other Arabs) that touch the
inheritance of His people Israel. (That is all the land given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). The
Palestinians are illegally occupying the land given to both houses of Israel. He would also
pluck out Judah and later have compassion on them and bring them again to his heritage.
They will swear by the name HWHiy as they taught them to swear by Baal (Lord) (Jer. 12:14-
HWHiy has caused the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah to cling to him
(Jer. 13:11). Two houses are in view here.
Judah was to be carried away captive to Babylon (Jer. 13:19, 20:4).
HWHiy is to bring Israel back into their land. He will send fishers to fish them and many
hunters to hunt them from the holes in the rocks (Jer. 16:15-16). On first glance, there is
nothing here to tell us this is a latter day prophecy. But verse 14-15 tells us the same thing as
we see in Jer. 23:7-8 that it will be said HWHiy liveth that brought up and led the seed of the
house of Israel out of the North country and from all countries where He has driven them
(Also Isa.66:20). HWHiy says He will bring them again into the land that He gave unto their
fathers (Jer. 16:15). In fact, this exodus will be so great that the former will be all but
forgotten (V.14). We see from the verses preceding the Jer. 23: 8 proclamation, that the
setting for this is in the time of the Second Coming when the Messiah reigns on the earth. We
know this by Jer.23:3-6 which states that HWHiy will gather the remnant of His flock out of
the countries where He has driven them and will bring them again to their folds (v.3) and He
will raise unto David a righteous branch, and a king shall reign and execute judgment and
justice in the earth (v.5). This is the Messiah who will reign over all the earth. And in verse 6,
it says “In his days, Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is the name
whereby he shall be called, HWHiy Our Righteousness.”
This can’t be referring to his first coming to the earth, because Israel is still scattered and
Judah is not now saved. Even if Israel had been gathered and was living in Judah at the time
of the Messiah, they were not living safely in their land, they were under Roman occupation.
A third witness is Jer. 33:6-17, which says the same thing as Jer. 16 and Jer. 23. Here He says
He will cause the captivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel to return and will build them,
as at the first. In 23:8, He says He will cleanse them from all their iniquity. This is still
future. The house of Israel has never been re-gathered again, as has Judah. We will learn more
about this reunification when we get to Ezekiel 37.
One more thing I’d like to comment upon before we leave Jer. 16. HWHiy is going to punish
their iniquity double because they have defiled His land, and filled his inheritance with the
carcasses of their detestable and abominable things. These are the ones who have not kept the
law (v.11). The carcasses of abominable things probably indicate they do not regard the food
laws. Verse 19 indicates that in the day of their affliction, the gentiles shall come from the
ends of the earth, and shall say, “Surely our fathers have inherited lies…” I believe this
refers to the tribulation time period. A false religious system is in existence, a system of lies, a
system that teaches the law has been abolished. In verse 21, HWHiy says He will cause them
to know His hand and His might and they (gentiles) shall know that His name is HWHiy.
Jeremiah 23 begins with “Woe be unto the pastors that scatter the sheep of my pasture, says
HWHiy”. How many denominations do we have in Christianity? The word denomination
means “little nations”. They all believe something differently. How much false doctrine is
being spread by the false prophets? This chapter is a stinging indictment against false
prophets and teachers. Pastor, you can rectify this now. E-mail me at my address at the end of
this study and I will send you by return e-mail my article entitled “Warning to the Sheep and
False Shepherds”. I will send this article to anyone that asks for it. It is a strong warning.
HWHiy says in verse 2, He will bring evil upon them. When He gathers the remnant of His
flock, He will give them shepherds to feed them (v.3) -Another indication that this is still
future. HWHiy has not sent these prophets, yet they ran: He has not spoken to them, yet they
prophesy (Jer. 23:21). Anyone come out of a Charismatic background? Ever hear anybody
say “Yea, thus sayeth the Lord?” and you knew in your heart He didn’t say a thing. HWHiy
says in Jer. 23:26-27, that the prophets prophesy lies and cause the people to forget His name,
as their fathers have forgotten His name for Baal (Lord). This ought to be enough to get a
person to wonder whether HWHiy likes to be called “God or Lord”, instead of His revealed
We have been taught too much false doctrine and tradition of man. We are told the law has
been abolished, even though ocwhy said in Matt. 5, that until heaven and earth pass away,
not a jot or tittle would pass from the law until all things be fulfilled. The last time I checked,
heaven and earth were still here. We are told we are now allowed to eat unclean food. What
makes a buzzard now clean and edible? It is still filthy and so is swine’s flesh. Read again
Isaiah 66:17 in it’s context and see if eating swine’s flesh is OK with HWHiy. We are also told
we don’t have to keep the Sabbath anymore, even though most preachers agree that the Ten
Commandments are still binding upon us today. They say it doesn’t matter which day you
keep as long as you keep one of them as your Sabbath. They have no scriptural evidence
whatsoever to justify a change from the Sabbath to Sunday. They have rejected HWHiy’s
required Feasts and have substituted pagan festivals in their place, i.e. Christmas and Easter.
Do you suppose HWHiy is in agreement with this? Are we trying to come to Him in our own
way? Are we offering strange fire up to Him? The bible says there is a way that seems right
unto a man, but the end thereof is destruction. People, repent!! And turn back to the right way,
the strait and narrow path before it’s too late! Don’t follow the majority; they’re on the wrong
path!! Matt. 7:14 says “few there be that find it”. Few are certainly not the majority. They’re
perverting HWHiy’s grace.
The days come saith HWHiy that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and
Judah and cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers and they shall possess it..
(Jer. 30:3). Clearly, this is still future. Judah was brought back to their land for a short while
and rebuilt the temple, but Israel has never returned. We know the timing is at the end of days
as the tribulation is spoken of in verse 7.
“Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it: it is the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he
shall be saved out of it” (Jer. 30:7).
Mainstream denominations like to refer to this as the Jews really getting theirs, while the
Church is raptured to safety. Wasn’t Jacob the father of Joseph as well as Judah ? Didn’t
Jacob confer his name, Israel, on the sons of Joseph? Aren’t born again believers grafted into
the tree of Israel, thereby becoming offspring and heirs of Jacob? The time of Jacob’s trouble
is for them as well as the Jews.
HWHiy tells us not to fear nor be dismayed, for He will save us from afar. And Jacob shall
return and shall be at rest, and be quiet and none shall make him afraid (Jer. 30:10).
Again, this is clearly future and involves both houses of Israel. Israel has never been at rest
and quiet and not fearing. This will take place in the millennium.
HWHiy says in the last days (Jer. 30:24), at that time, He will be the Elohim of all the families
of Israel and they shall be His people (Jer. 31:1). Thou shall plant vines upon the mountains of
Samaria (Jer. 31:5). This Refers to the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
For there shall be a day that the watchmen (Natzrim – translated as the “Preserved of Israel”
in Isa. 49:6) upon Mt. Ephraim shall cry…. (Jer. 31:6).
HWHiy will bring the remnant of Israel from the North and from the coasts of the earth, a
great company shall return (Jer. 31:8). They will come weeping. HWHiy will lead them so
they shall not stumble – “For I am a father to Israel and Ephraim is my firstborn” (holds the
birthright) (Jer. 31:9).
Hear the Word of HWHiy, O ye nations, and declare in the isles afar off, and say, He that
scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him as a shepherd doth his flock (Jer. 31:10).
ocwhy is called the “Word of HWHiy”. I believe ocwhy was referred to as HWHiy in the
Old Testament as he spoke the very words of HWHiy, his father, and spoke in the first person
as if he were the father Himself. He was the personal representative of the father. He is the
express image of the father. He did not speak of himself, but his father who sent him told him
what to say and what to speak (John 12:49, 14:24). The angel of HWHiy also spoke in the first
person as if He were HWHiy.
One example of this concept is in Gen. 22:11-12.
11 ¶ And the angel of HWHiy called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham,
Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto
him: for now I know that thou fearest Elohim, seeing thou hast not withheld thy
son, thine only son f rom m e.
Then, in verses 15-18, this is again seen, but here he makes it clear he is quoting HWHiy.
15 ¶ And the angel of HWHiy called unto Abraham out of heaven the second
16 And said, By myself have I sworn, saith HWHiy, for because thou hast done
this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:
17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed
as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and
thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;
18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast
obeyed my voice.
There are many places in the tanakh (Old Testament) where HWHiy is seen to refer to Himself
in terms that are applied elsewhere in scripture as speaking of the Messiah. So when I see the
phrase, the “Word of HWHiy” came to Ezekiel or Jeremiah, etc., I believe it literally means
ocwhy brought the word to them. He is called the “Word of HWHiy” in John chapter 1.
There are many examples like those above that can be shown, but to keep this document as
short as possible, I’ll provide those in a separate note, if desired.
Now back to Jer. 31:10 above. The isles afar off mean the ends of the earth and could refer to
places like America. He that scattered Israel (Jezreel – see Hos.2:23) will gather him, and
keep him as a shepherd does his flock (Jer. 16:16, 33:7). They shall not sorrow any more at all
(Jer. 31:12). This shows this is still future.
Rachel weeps for her children and refuses to be comforted (Jer. 31:15). Matthew applies the
fulfillment of this prophecy to the slaying of the children less than 2 years of age in Matt.
2:16. But, Rachel was the mother of Joseph and Benjamin. Israel at that time was made up
primarily of Judah, Benjamin and Levi. Rachel is weeping for the whole House of Israel,
including the ten still in exile.
As further proof of this, let’s look at the next few verses. “…. thy (Rachel’s) children shall
come again to their own border. I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself….” (parts
of Jer. 17-18).
Jer. 31:20 Is Ephraim my dear son? is he a pleasant child? for since I spake
against him, I do earnestly remember him still: therefore my bowels are
troubled for him; I will surely have mercy upon him, saith HWHiy. {are…:
Heb. sound}
21 Set thee up waymarks, make thee high heaps: set thine heart toward the
highway, even the way which thou wentest: turn again, O virgin of Israel,
turn again to these thy cities.
Does this sound like HWHiy has forsaken Ephraim Israel? See also Hos 11:8-9.
HWHiy certainly did sow Ephraim into the nations as He said He would do in Hos. Chapt 1. In
Hos. 12:1, we are told Ephraim feeds on wind and follows the East wind. He is told in Jer.
31:21 to set up way marks, to make high heaps to mark the way he went so he would know
how to return one day. There are dolmens all over Europe made by migrating Israelite tribes.
The Hebrew word “tamrurim” for high heaps is used in Modern Hebrew for traffic signs.
HWHiy will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah
(Jer.31:31; Heb. 8:8; John 10:16). This is the renewed covenant, the Brit Chadasha or New
Testament. Note: this covenant is made only with two parties, the House of Israel and the
House of Judah. If one doesn’t belong to either, the covenant is not made with them. In other
words, the church does not replace Israel, it has to join her. This covenant is connected to the
restoration of all of Israel to the land. He will write His law in their hearts (Jer. 31:33; Isa.
51:7; Heb. 8:10; 10:16; Rom. 2:15).
He says that if heaven above can be measured, He would cast off the seed of Israel (Jer.
31:37). The days come that the city (Jerusalem) shall be built (Jer. 31:38). It shall not be
plucked up nor thrown down anymore forever (Jer. 31:40). It’s obvious that this is still future
as Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D. and will be razed again in the tribulation.
HWHiy promises to re-gather His people Israel from all the countries where He has driven
(sown) them in His anger and bring them back to the land and cause them to dwell safely (Jer.
32:37). This is another future event, as the Jews certainly aren’t living in safety today. This is
another reference to Jezreel, the sowing and reaping of Israel.
And they shall be my people and I will be their Elohim (Jer. 32:38; Eze. 11:14-21; Rom. 9:25-
26; I Pet. 2:10).
HWHiy will give them (Israel and Judah) one heart and one way, that they may fear Him
forever (Jer. 32:39). Still future as Judah has not yet accepted ocwhy, the messiah. The point
I am trying to prove in this entire paper is that there are two houses of Israel (Judah and
Ephraim Israel or the house of Joseph) that will be re-gathered and joined as one kingdom
under ocwhy Ha Moshiach. Judah is being gathered now and is there to prepare the way for
the return of the rest of Israel. Israel has yet to be gathered and is still scattered into the
He will make an everlasting covenant with them. They will fear Him and not depart from Him
and He will plant them in this land (Israel) (Jer. 32:40-41).
HWHiy says He will cause the captivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel to return – and will
cleanse them from all their iniquity (Jer 33:7-8; 31:8; Eze. 11:17; 34:11).
In the place which ye say is desolate, the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem, the voice
of joy and gladness, the voice of the bridegroom (ocwhy?) and the voice of the bride
(Israel?), the voice of them shall say “Praise HWHiy of hosts” – His mercy endures forever;
and of them that bring the sacrifice into the house of HWHiy (Millennium temple?) for I will
cause to return the captivity of the land, as at the first (Jer. 33:10-11).
Behold the days come, saith HWHiy, that I will perform the good thing which I have promised
to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah (Jer. 33:14) (Two Houses).
In those days, and at that time will I cause the Branch of Righteousness to grow unto David;
and he shall execute judgment and righteousness to the land (Jer. 33:15, 23:5).
“In those days and at that time” is a Hebrew expression to refer to the “Atid Lavoh”, the
millennium (see also Jer. 50:4). Judah calls this time the Atid Lavoh and Ephraim calls it the
future age. It refers to the millennium when the full and total national redemption of Israel
The Branch of Righteousness is none other than ocwhy HaMoshiach who will come from
heaven to fulfill the many prophecies uttered by the prophets since the world began. He is
referred to as the Branch (Jer 33:15; 23:5; Isa. 4:2; 11:1; Zech. 3:8; 6:12).
In those days (the millennium) shall Judah be saved and Jerusalem shall dwell safely (Jer.
33:16, 23:6). We know this to still be future as Judah does not now even accept the Messiah,
ocwhy and they certainly do not dwell safely in Jerusalem.
For thus saith HWHiy, David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of
Israel (Jer. 33:17. Neither shall the priests, the Levites, want a man before me to offer burnt
offerings and to kindle “meat” (Hebrew says grain) offerings and to sacrifice continually.
ocwhy shall sit upon this throne forever. The temple will be rebuilt and there will be priests
HWHiy said to Jeremiah, Have you not observed what these people have spoken saying “The
two families (Israel and Judah- see v.14) which HWHiy has chosen, have been rejected by
Him”? (Jer. 33:24). If HWHiy’s covenant is not with day and night, then He would also reject
the descendant’s of Jacob – For I shall turn back their captivity (Jer. 33:25-26). Obviously,
some were saying that HWHiy had cast off Israel and Judah, yet HWHiy says emphatically that
it would never happen, that He will indeed bring them back and have mercy upon them (Jer.
The apostles were told they would sit upon 12 thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel (Matt.
19:28; Luke 22:30). If the 12 tribes were not to be returned, then why were they told this?
Why would Jacob (James) write his epistle to the twelve tribes scattered abroad, if they had
already returned and were no longer relevant? This shows that as of the time of the apostles,
Israel had not yet returned. And of course, in the book of Revelation, we see the New
Jerusalem coming down out of heaven, having 12 gates, 12 angels and names written thereon
of the 12 tribes of the children of Israel (Rev. 21:12).
Where is the “church gate”? Which gate do they go in? Which gate do you intend to enter?
In those days and in that time (atid lavoh –future age, Millennium), the children of Israel shall
come, they and the children of Judah together, going and weeping: They shall go and seek
HWHiy, their Elohim (Jer. 50:4; 3:18). Zechariah Chapter 8 also shows this event involves
both houses of Israel.
They will ask the way to Zion, saying come let us join ourselves to HWHiy in a perpetual
covenant that shall not be forgotten (Jer. 50:5). Didn’t they know the way? Weren’t they
taught correct doctrine? What is the perpetual covenant? Could it be in the Torah?
My people have been lost sheep; their shepherds have caused them to go astray (Jer. 50:6).
ocwhy told the disciples not to go to the gentiles, but rather go to the lost sheep of the house
of Israel (Matt. 10:6; 15:24). His sheep hear his voice and he knows them and they follow him
(John 10:27). Their shepherds (Pastors) have caused them to go astray. They have inherited
lies (Jer. 16:19). They have been taught doctrines and traditions of men (Matt. 15:9; Mark 7:7;
Heb. 13:9). Woe to the shepherds of Israel (Eze. 34:2).
HWHiy says He will bring Israel again to his habitation and he shall feed on Carmel and
Basham and his soul shall be satisfied upon Mt. Ephraim and Gilead (Jer. 50:19). These are
places in the Northern kingdom (Ephraim Israel).
In those days and in that time (atid lavoh – Millennium) saith HWHiy, the iniquity of Israel
shall be sought for and there shall be none and the sins of Judah, and they shall not be found:
for I will pardon whom I reserve (Jer. 50:20; Rom. 11:25-27). Here again, we find a
distinction between the house of Judah and the house of Israel in the end time. We know this
is still future because Judah has not yet been pardoned, but it shows Judah and Israel are being
dealt with here, the two houses of Israel.
Israel and Judah have not been forsaken of his Elohim; though their land was filled with sin
against HWHiy (Jer. 51:5). End of Jeremiah study.
The book of Ezekiel was written about 595 B.C.E., about 120 years after Israel was carried
away into Assyria. Ezekiel was among the Jewish captives in Babylon. Ezekiel is Yechezkel
in Hebrew and means “the strength of Elohim”.
Ezekiel was sent to the children of Israel (Eze. 2:3). This may refer to both houses (Ephraim
and Judah) however; the distinction between the house of Israel and the house of Judah is
made in chapter 4.
We find something very interesting in chapter 3:1-5. Ezekiel is given a roll (scroll) and told to
eat it and then go speak (witness or prophesy) unto the house of Israel. This is identical to the
scroll John was told to eat in Rev. 10:9. John was told in Rev. 10:11 that he must prophesy
again (further) before many peoples, tongues and nations and kings. Three verses later,
HWHiy says He will give power unto His two witnesses and they should prophesy 3 ½ years
(Rev. 11:3). They are identified in Rev. 11:4 as the two “Olive Trees” and two “Candlesticks”
standing before the Elohim of the earth. I believe Ezekiel and John represent these two olive
trees, one natural and the other wild. I know there has been much speculation over the identity
of these two witnesses, but Ezekiel and John shared a common experience and were told to
prophesy. Ezekiel was sent to the house of Israel, the people of his tongue, and John was told
to prophesy to many people, tongues, nations and kings. The language in Revelation 10:11
seems to indicate that John’s further prophesying will be in addition to what he has already
done in writing down the Revelation of our savior, ocwhy HaMoshiach.
Ezekiel is told to go to them of the captivity (Jews), unto the children of his people (Eze.
3:11). He is made a watchman unto the house of Israel (Eze. 3:17).
Ezekiel is told in chapter 4 that a siege against Jerusalem shall be a sign to the house of Israel
(Eze. 4:1-3). He is then told to lie on his left side and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel
upon it according to the number of days that he lies on it, he should bear this iniquity – 390
days for Israel, a day for a year (Eze. 4:4-5). And then he is told to lie on his right side and
bear the iniquity of Judah 40 days, a day for a year (Eze. 4:6). Here we have a distinction
between the house of Israel and the house of Judah.
This prophecy did have a literal fulfillment after 390 years according to Craig Marley, a
fellow believer in the two house of Israel doctrine. His statement follows:
“721 B.C.E. minus 390 years brings us to 331 B.C.E. Israel (10 tribes) was taken into captivity by Assyria
starting in 721 B.C. with the fall of Samaria. As prophesied, 390 years later in 331, Israelites were free to
migrate when Alexander the Great overthrew the Medes and the Persians. History records the two greatest waves
of Celtic migration coincided with the Assyrian invasion in the 8th century and again in the 4th century B.C.E.”
However, prophecy seems to have multiple layers of fulfillment. Israel did not repent and I
believe the 7-fold multiplier of Lev. 26:18 takes place and Israel’s 390 years becomes 2730
years (Fullness of gentiles?). If this is so, then possibly the melo hagoyim (fullness of
gentiles) of Gen 48:19, translated as “multitude of nations”, would be complete in about 2008,
starting from their exile in 721 B.C.E. See also Luke 21:24 and Rom. 11:25. Will the future
siege of Jerusalem begin around 2008 as the sign to the house of Israel?
Again quoting Mr. Marley:
“Judah is not as cleanly shown in history. There are two or three possible fulfillments
of this 40 years, one is that Judah under Jehoiakim was made a vassal
kingdom of Babylon about 605 B.C.E. Three years later Jehoiakim rebelled and was captured and killed by
Nebuchadnezzar, (and Jerusalem was destroyed in586). Jehoiachin, the son and successor of Jehoiakim was
taken captive to Babylon in 602 after only 3 months on the throne, and released in the 37th year of his captivity
later by a new Babylonian king. Total 40 years. “
Another possible 40 year period may be the interval between the Jews rejection of Messiah
and the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 70 C.E.
Continuing on…
Ezekiel is told to bake his bread with dung – Even shall the children of Israel (not Judah, but
the 390 day bunch –see v. 9) eat their defiled bread among the gentiles where HWHiy would
drive them (Eze. 4:12-13). Why would HWHiy have Ezekiel do such a thing? Is this how
HWHiy views the unclean food that Israel (Ephraim) eats now? He calls their food “defiled”.
I won’t comment on chapter 5 as to whether it is past or future. There are some similarities
with chapter 6 and 7. Eze. 5:4 says a fire shall come forth into all the house of Israel. A third
part of them will die of pestilence and famine, a third part will fall by the sword and another
third will be scattered to the winds and a sword will be drawn out after them. In chapter 6,
Ezekiel is told to prophesy against the mountains (governments?) of Israel that HWHiy would
bring a sword upon them and destroy their high places, altars and sun pillars (steeples?).
HWHiy says for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel, they shall fall by the sword,
famine and pestilence. This has undoubtedly happened before. One verse in Chapter 6 makes
reference to “he that is far off” shall die of the pestilence; and “he that is near” shall fall by
the sword (Eze. 6:12). We have seen in various other places that Ephraim is referred to as
being “afar off” and Judah is described as being “near”.
Chapter 7 speaks of the tribulation and the day of HWHiy. This prophecy, like others, may
have a double fulfillment. These things did happen to Judah and Jerusalem, but the language
of verse 7, “the day of trouble is near”, seems to refer to the time of Jacob’s trouble (the
tribulation period). Verse 17 speaks of conditions that will occur during the tribulation. Verse
19 refers to the “day of the wrath of HWHiy”, which takes place after the tribulation, both
clearly future events. This is the same thing that is said in Zephaniah 1:18 that “their silver
and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of HWHiy”. Compare
this with other verses that describe the Day of HWHiy and their silver and gold not being able
to deliver them in that day (See Zep. 1:18; Isa. 2:20; 31:7). Isa. 2:20; and Isa. 13:17 seem to
refer to the same event.
Ezekiel 11:15-20 refers to the re-gathering of Israel. Ezekiel’s brethren (Jews) and all the
house of Israel wholly are they unto whom the inhabitants have said, Get you far from
HWHiy: unto us is this land given in possession. The inhabitants of Jerusalem (Jews) wanted
all of the land of Israel for their possession. HWHiy said to Ezekiel, that although He had cast
them far off (Ephraim) among the heathen and scattered them among the nations, He would
be a little sanctuary in the countries where they are come. Verse 17 is a little hard to
understand because of the use of the word “you”, but I believe it refers to both Israel and
Judah. HWHiy makes it clear that He will re-gather the whole house of Israel and bring them
back into their own land to their heritages. They will come there and take away all the
detestable things and abominations (v.18). And they will receive a new heart and new spirit
that they may walk in HWHiy’s statutes and keep His ordinances and they shall be His people
(Ami) and He will be their Elohim (v.19-20). This is when He makes a new covenant with us
and writes His laws in our hearts (see also Jer.32:39). Hebrews 8:8,10; and 9:16 make it clear
that this is referring to the covenant that ocwhy made with us written in his own blood.
There seems to be many aspects of it that are still not being observed today. The majority of
“Christians” do not walk in His statutes. They continue to bring HWHiy’s name to naught and
to violate the Sabbath. They refuse to keep His moadim (feasts) and substitute pagan practices
in their stead. They continue to eat abominable things in violation of kashrut (See Isa. 66:17;
65:4;). The next verse (21) warns:
EZE. 11:21 But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their
detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way
upon their own heads, saith Master HWHiy.
The Jews were prophesied to go into captivity and a remnant of the 10 tribes that were among
them. The prince of Jerusalem (Zedekiah) and all the house of Israel that is among them shall
go into captivity (Eze. 12:10-11). He was to die in Babylon without seeing it. He was blinded
by the king of Babylon ( Jer. 52:11). Judah would be dispersed among the nations (v.15). The
cities of Judah would become desolate (V.20).
HWHiy gave Israel His Sabbaths to be a sign between Him and them (Eze.20:12, 20; Exo.
31:17). Exodus 31:17 makes it clear that this is a s ign between HWHiy and Israel forever.!
When you become a believer and follower of ocwhy, the Messiah, you are grafted into Israel
(Romans Chapter 11). If you are not a keeper of the Sabbath, what sign do you have?
But, Israel polluted His Sabbaths (Eze. 20:13). HWHiy would not let them enter into the
Promised Land (a type of heaven – or His kingdom), because they didn’t keep His law and
polluted His Sabbaths (Eze. 20:16). Israel in exile (Ephraim) hasn’t changed their ways during
the past 2,700 years. They still refuse to keep HWHiy’s law, saying it is “done away with or
nailed to the cross”. They treat the Sabbath as an ordinary day, have rummage and garage
sales, work, play, merchandise and use it for their own pleasure. They prefer to keep Sunday,
the sun god’s “holy” day. They have dared to change the commandment of HWHiy with no
scriptural support, only the supposed authority of the Catholic Church.
HWHiy pled with Israel to keep His law and hallow His Sabbaths, which would be a sign
between Him and Israel (Eze. 20:20). But Israel refused. For this reason, HWHiy will pour His
fury out upon them and will gather them out of all the land where they have been scattered
(Eze. 20:34). He will bring them into the wilderness and plead with them face to face and will
cause them to pass under the rod (judgment) and bring them into the bond of the covenant. He
will purge out from among them rebels and them that transgress against Him (Eze. 20:35-
38a). He will bring them out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into
the land of Israel (Eze. 20:38b).
Could this be the catching up spoken of by ocwhy in Matt. 24: 40-42; Luke 17:37, about one
being taken and the other left. The disciples asked where they were taken and Messiah replied
“Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles (vultures) be gathered together”. Will these
rebels be taken to the great feast of the fowls of the heaven? (See Jer. 7:33; Eze. 29:5; Rev.
19:18; Zep. 1:7; Eze. 39:4;17-18; Rev. 16:16). I know that most of these scriptures refer to the
Gog/Magog battle. Could this immense slaughter also include rebellious individuals, the
unsaved, who are caught up and supernaturally removed to the great winepress of HWHiy’s
wrath at Armageddon? (See Rev. 14:19; Joel 3:13; Jer. 25:30-31).
The good news for believers (Israel) is found in Eze.20:40-41. In HWHiy’s holy mountain
(His kingdom) there shall a ll the house of Israel, all of them in the land serve Him and there
He will accept them (Eze. 20:40).
Eze. 20:41 I will accept you with your sweet savour, when I bring you out
from the people, and gather you out of the countries wherein ye have
been scattered; and I will be sanctified in you before the heathen.
42 And ye shall know that I am HWHiy, when I shall bring you into the land of
Israel, i nto the country f or the which I lifted up mine hand to give it to your
43 And there shall ye remember your ways, and all your doings, wherein ye
have been defiled; and ye shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for all
your evils that ye have committed.
44 And ye shall know that I am HWHiy, when I have wrought with you for my
name’s sake, not according to your wicked ways, nor according to your
corrupt doings, O ye house of Israel, saith the Master HWHiy
Note, In verse 44 above, HWHiy brings us into His kingdom because of His grace and His
righteousness, not ours. We will loathe ourselves for the abominations we have committed
(verse 43 above, Eze. 36:24-31).
Ezekiel 21 speaks of the tribulation – HWHiy is against the land of Israel and draws forth His
sword and cuts off the righteous and wicked from there. All flesh, from the South (Judah) to
the North (Israel) is HWHiy’s sword drawn against (Eze. 21:2-5). This is the sword of HWHiy
drawn against His own people! (Eze. 22:18-22). It is given into the hand of the slayer (v.11).
It will not be put back into its sheath again. Once the tribulation starts, things will continually
get worse until the Day of HWHiy and the return of ocwhy. I know this will turn a lot of
people off, but I didn’t write the bible, I’m just reporting what it says. There will be no pretribulation
rapture to snatch the Christian to safety. He will go through the tribulation as will
all Israel. The thought that the Christian will be protected, no matter what, flies in the face of
those in Rev. 6 who were slain for the word of their testimony and their fellow servants and
brothers who were yet to be killed. Could it be that the Christian is not as obedient as he
thinks he is? Does he keep HWHiy’s Sabbaths? Does he keep His feasts? Does he keep the
law? Read Rev. 14:12. They keep the commandments of HWHiy and have the faith of
ocwhy. Does he eat unclean food? Does he celebrate pagan holy days? Does he bring the
name of HWHiy to naught by calling Him Lord (Baal) and God? Does he have idols in his life
that he puts before Him? HWHiy desires obedience, not sacrifice. Doesn’t the bible say
judgment starts in the house of HWHiy? Believer in ocwhy, you can remedy this today by
casting aside all He did not command and do those things which He did.
Every heart will melt and all hands shall be feeble and every spirit shall faint and all knees
shall be weak as water. Behold, it cometh and shall be brought to pass, saith HWHiy (Eze.
21:9; Jer. 6:24; Eze. 7:17).
Eze. 21:25 refers to the profane wicked prince of Israel whose day is come when iniquity shall
have an end. This may refer to Zedekiah, the last king of Israel, as these things (v. 19-24) did
happen in his day. But, it may also refer to Satan or the antichrist because of the language
“when iniquity shall have an end”. Prophecy is written in such a way that it often has
multiple fulfillments.
In verse 27, the expression “overturn” repeated three times may indicate that Jerusalem was
to be destroyed three times. The first time would have been by the Babylonians, the second by
Titus and the third is still a future destruction by the antichrist. The one to whom it rightfully
belongs is the Messiah and it will be given to him.
When HWHiy shall have gathered the house of Israel from the people where He scattered
them, they shall dwell safely in their land that He gave to their fathers. They shall dwell safely
when He has executed judgment on all those around about them that despises them (Arab
nations, Palestinians, etc.)(Eze. 28:24-26).
HWHiy will search out His sheep and deliver them out of all the places they have been
scattered in the cloudy and dark day (Eze. 34:12-16). He will bring them from the people and
gather them from the countries and bring them into their own land (Eze. 34:13; 11:17). He
will seek that which was lost and bring again that which was driven away, the lost sheep of
the house of Israel. He is the good shepherd of John 10:14-19.
One shepherd (ocwhy) will be over them to feed and care for them (Eze. 34:23-24). And He
will make a covenant of peace (Eze. 16:60; 20:37; 37:26; Isa. 42:6;49:8; 55:3; 57:8; 59:21;
61:8,; Jer. 31:31; Heb. 10:16) with them and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness and
sleep in the woods (Eze. 34:25-26).
The land will yield its increase and they shall be safe in their land (v.27). This obviously is
still future. HWHiy will be with them and the house of Israel will be His people (Eze. 34:30).
Edom (Mt. Seir) or Jordan will be destroyed because of their perpetual hatred of the children
of Israel and also because they will shed Israelite blood during the tribulation (Eze. 35:1-9).
The end of verse 5 tells us when this will take place. It is at the time of their calamity
(tribulation) and in the time their iniquity had an end. This is the end of Israel’s punishment of
2730 years for breaking the covenant and when they begin to be awakened to their true
identity. They (Edomites) will be made a perpetual desolation because they have said “These
two nations and these two countries shall be mine and we will possess it” (Eze. 35:9-10).
These two nations are undoubtedly Judah and Ephraim Israel, the Southern and Northern
kingdoms. I think it’s worthwhile noting that the majority of the so-called Palestinians are
Jordanians (Edomites), who moved into the land after the modern day nation of Israel was
formed in 1948. It is a fact of history that two homelands were to be established in the land of
Israel, one for the “so called Palestinians” and the other for the Jews. The Arab nations
wanted all of the land for the Palestinians and their hatred of their ancient enemy prompted
them all to declare war on the new nation of Israel, the day after it was formed. They were
defeated by a lightly armed rag tag population of Jewish settlers and HWHiy Himself. The
“Palestinians” to this day, refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist and are determined to
drive them into the sea.
They will be made a perpetual desolation and their cities shall not return (Eze. 35:9). This
shows it is still a future event. HWHiy considers their speaking against Israel as blasphemy
against Himself. He will destroy them when the whole world rejoices (Eze. 35:12-15). This is
probably when Israel is ruined the third time and the sword of HWHiy is upon all the
inhabitants of the land. They will think Israel is finally and permanently destroyed and the
land is theirs for the taking. The Moslems will believe it is Allah who is giving them this final
victory over the Jews. The whole world will rejoice and celebrate Israel’s destruction. This is
when HWHiy makes them desolate (v.14).
The Edomites (Jordanians, Palestinians) will think that the ancient high places (temple mount)
are theirs for a possession. The land of Israel lies desolate (desolate heritages- see Isa. 49:8)
and the cities were forsaken and had become a prey and derision to the residue of the heathen
that are round about (Eze. 36:2-4). The shouts of “Allahu akbar” will be short lived when
HWHiy’s fury is poured out upon them.
Listen to what HWHiy says:
8 But ye, O mountains of Israel, ye shall shoot forth your branches, and yield
your fruit t o my people of Israel; for t hey are at hand to come.
9 For, behold, I am for you, and I will turn unto you, and ye shall be tilled and
10 And I will multiply men upon you, a ll the house of Israel, e ven all of it:
and the cities shall be inhabited, and the wastes shall be builded:
11 And I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and
bring fruit: and I will settle you after your old estates, and will do better
unto you than at your beginnings: and ye shall know that I am HWHiy.
12 Yea, I will cause men to walk upon you, e ven my people Israel; and they
shall possess thee, and thou shalt be their inheritance, and thou shalt no more
h enceforth bereave them o f men .
This seems to indicate this will take place after the Day of HWHiy and the return of ocwhy.
The heathen will be dealt with and the land will begin to yield its increase in preparation for
HWHiy’s people, Israel, who are at hand to come back into their land. HWHiy is for them and
will turn to them and sow (Jezreel- Hos. 1:11) them upon the land. Verse 10 makes it clear
that ALL of the house of Israel (all 12 tribes) will return to their land and rebuild the desolate
heritages. There HWHiy will settle them according to their ancient tribal lands for their
inheritance and t he land will n ever again be left without it’s Israelite inhabitants (V. 11-12).
Israel had defiled their land and was like an unclean woman before HWHiy, so He poured out
His fury on them for their idols and blood they shed upon the land and He scattered them
among the heathen and dispersed them among the nations (Eze. 36:17-19). Judah had gone
into the Babylonian captivity by this time, but had not been dispersed among the nations, as
was Israel.
Israel caused the name of HWHiy to be profaned among the heathen where they went (Eze.
36:21). The heathen undoubtedly saw the people of HWHiy in their current state of exile and
supposed HWHiy had no power to protect them. Therefore, HWHiy said in Eze. 36:22-23, that
He would take them from the heathen and gather them out of all the countries where they had
been scattered, for His holy names sake.
Eze. 36:21 But I had pity for mine holy name, which the house of Israel had
profaned among the heathen, whither they went.
22 Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith Master HWHiy; I do not
this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name’s sake, which
ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.
23 And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen,
which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that
I am HWHiy, saith Master HWHiy, when I shall be sanctified in you before their
eyes. {their: or, your}
Does this sound like His name is no longer important and we are free to blaspheme and
profane it by using substitutes? Does He still feel this way about His name? If so, how will He
sanctify His name? Let’s look at the next verse.
Eze. 36:24 For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of
all countries, and will bring you into your own land.
25 ¶ Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all
your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.
26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I
will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart
of flesh.
27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes,
and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.
See also Eze. 36:27; 11:19; Jer. 32:39; 32:40; Rom. 11:27; II Thess. 2:13; Heb. 8:8-10; Isa.
51:7; Jer. 31:33; Rom. 2:15 and Heb. 10:16
28 And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my
people, and I will be your Elohim.
Ye shall be His people (Ami) and He will be your Elohim. (Hos. 1:10; I Pet. 2:10; Eph. 2:19;
Rom. 9:26)
In the day that HWHiy shall have cleansed us from all our iniquities, He will also cause us to
dwell in the cities and the waste places (desolate heritages) shall be built up (Eze. 36:33-37;
37:23-24) (after Judah is joined to them again).
The vision of the Valley of Dry Bones in Eze. 37 represents the resurrection. Some say it
represents the re-birth of the nation of Israel. It could mean this also, but the wording leads me
to believe it is the resurrection too. Eze. 37:9 indicates they were those that had been slain.
They were the whole house of Israel (v.11), HWHiy will open their graves and cause them to
come up out of them and He will bring them to the land of Israel (v.12-13). From here we go
into the Two Stick Prophecy of Judah and Joseph, one of the most important prophecies
concerning the restoration of the two houses of Israel
The word translated stick is “tree” in Hebrew (Strong’s # 6086). The wild olive and natural
olive tree branches will be grafted back into one tree. HWHiy instructs Ezekiel to take one
stick and write upon it for Judah and for the children of Israel, his companions: then take
another stick and write upon it for Joseph, the stick of Ephraim and for all the house of Israel,
his companions: (Eze. 37:16). And join them together into one stick and they shall become
one in thine hand (Eze. 37:17). There would be one tree with both Judah and Ephraim grafted
in and so all of Israel shall be saved (Rom. 11:23-26). The mystery Paul speaks of in Rom.
11:25 is the full return of Ephraim (the fullness of gentiles – melo hagoyim of Gen. 48:19).
This was spoken by Jacob to Joseph concerning Ephraim.
These are the other sheep that ocwhy mentioned in John 10:16 that were not of this (Judah)
fold that he said he must bring, and they would hear his voice; and there shall be one fold and
one shepherd.
HWHiy continues in Eze. 37:19, that He would take the stick of Joseph which is in the hand of
Ephraim and the tribes of Israel, his fellows, and will put them with him, even the stick of
Judah and make them ONE stick and they shall be ONE in HWHiy’s hand.
To make sure there would be no misunderstanding of this prophecy, HWHiy goes on to
explain it in Eze. 37:21-28, that He would take the children of Israel from among the heathen
and bring them into their own land and He will make them one nation in the land of Israel
and one king (ocwhy) will be king over them and they shall no more be two nations and
neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all. (Isa. 11:11; Jer. 3:18;
John 10:16; Eph. 2:16)
We know without a doubt that this has never taken place and is one of the strongest proofs of
the reunification of the two houses of Israel, after almost 3,000 years.
Judah still rejects ocwhy as Messiah, but this prophecy says that Judah and Ephraim will be
one nation again under one king, never to be divided again. Both are now incomplete and
need each other. To the Jews (Judah) has been entrusted the oracles of HWHiy and the law,
and to Ephraim, belief in and preaching ocwhy as savior.
They will no longer defile themselves any more with their idols and detestable things. HWHiy
will cleanse them and they shall be his people and He will be their Elohim (Eze. 37:23;
And David (ocwhy) shall be king over them (Acts 2:30) and they all shall have one
shepherd: They shall also walk in His judgments and observe His statutes and do them (Eze.
What does a shepherd watch over? Sheep! ocwhy said he was the door into the sheepfold,
he knows his sheep and they hear his voice (John 10:1-16).
During his ministry on earth, ocwhy said to the Canaanite woman in Matt. 15:24:
Matt 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of
the house of Israel.
When he sent out his 12 disciples, he told them in Matt. 10:5-6,
5 ¶ These twelve ocwhy sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into
the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:
6 But go rather to the l ost sheep of the house o f Israel.
The cities of Samaria were then inhabited by men from Babylon, they were not Israelites.
When Israel went into the Assyrian captivity, the king of Assyria brought men from Babylon
and other places and put them into the cities of Samaria (II Kings 17:24).
It is quite common to hear preachers in today’s Churches say that these lost sheep are the lost
people of the world, but this is simply not true. The lost people of the world are not sheep,
they are goats. ocwhy is the good shepherd, not goat herder.
Matt 25:33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on
the left.
Matt. 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from
me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his
HWHiy calls His people lost sheep:
Jer. 50:6 My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused
them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they
have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their restingplace.
{restingplace: Heb. place to lie down in}
Their shepherds (pastors) have caused them to go astray by preaching false doctrine and
doctrines of demons.
Back to Ezekiel 37:25, reunified Israel will dwell in the land that HWHiy gave to Jacob,
where their fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell therein…. forever. And ocwhy shall
be their Prince f orever .
Do we have a reunified Israel living in the land given to Jacob by HWHiy? No, the Jews are
living in only a portion of the land given to Judah. The other 10 tribes are not even yet in the
land. There is the matter of the Edomites occupying Israel’s land at present. They will be
cleared out of all the land that belongs to Israel, not a one of them will be left there. There are
many scriptures to indicate this.
The next three verses are exciting:
Eze. 37:26 Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall
be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and
multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for
27 My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their Elohim, and
they shall be my people.
28 And the heathen shall know that I HWHiy do sanctify Israel, when my
sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.
This refers to the millennial temple, which will be built at the beginning of the millennium.
HWHiy’s tabernacle refers to His dwelling place. He will dwell among Israel forevermore
(also Eze. 43:7; Zech. 6:12-13). I didn’t see any reference to the Church at all. ocwhy’s
bride is Israel and will be where ever he is.
Ezekiel 38-39 are the Gog/Magog invasion chapters. I believe this to be the battle of
Armageddon which takes place at the Day of HWHiy (Eze. 39:8). Many of the events of this
invasion correlate to Revelation 16. The feast of the ravenous birds described in Eze. 39:4;
17-18 is also seen in Rev. 19:17-18. I believe these are the eagles spoken of by ocwhy in
Luke 17:37.
One thing that is interesting is the belief of the Moslems in the battle of Gog/Magog. They
believe that Ishmael was the one that Abraham was about to sacrifice on the altar and was
prevented by the angel. They believe that Ishmael was the child of promise and not Isaac.
There is a lot in the Koran about this battle and they believe that Jesus (this is the name they
call him) will turn to Allah and ask to come down and destroy the Christians and Jews. He is
given permission and they are victorious with the Christians and Jews vanquished. Then Jesus
forces everyone left to become Moslems. The Moslems are at this moment trying to bring
about this battle because they think they will win. This is why they are so dangerous. They
think they are doing Allah’s will (doing God a favor) and are willing to die for it.
Back to the study…
Notice in Eze. 39:25-29, right after the Day of HWHiy and the Gog/Magog invasion, HWHiy
25 Therefore thus saith HWHiy Elohim; Now will I bring again the captivity of
Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel, and will be jealous for
my holy name;
26 After that they have borne their shame, and all their trespasses whereby they
have trespassed against me, when they dwelt safely in their land, and none
made them afraid.
27 When I have brought them again from the people, and gathered them out of
their enemies’ lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations;
28 Then shall they know that I am HWHiy their Elohim, which caused them to be
led into captivity among the heathen: but I have gathered them unto their
o wn land, and h ave left none of them any more there . {which…: Heb. by
my causing of them, etc}
29 Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my
spirit upon the house of Israel, saith HWHiy Elohim.
How can you read these four verses and not get excited. HWHiy scattered Israel and placed
them in a place of safekeeping and in a land where they dwelt safely. (This may be America).
After the Gog/Magog battle and the great day of Jezreel (HWHiy sows), Israel will be reaped
from all the places they have been scattered and none will be left behind.
The way it looks is that there is a partial re-gathering going on now with Judah preparing the
land for the full return of Ephraim. The dry bones prophecy refers to this and to the
resurrection. This occurs at the beginning of the Day of HWHiy. The “two stick” prophecy is
taking place now with the wild and natural olive branches being grafted back into the one
olive tree. The time of Jacob’s trouble will take place for about 3 ½ years. The battle of
Armageddon (Gog/Magog) which precipitates the Day of HWHiy undoubtedly will be nuclear
as the sun and moon are darkened by all the debris in the atmosphere. The rapture will take
place at the return of ocwhy at the beginning of the Day of HWHiy. The graves will be
opened and the dead shall arise, then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together
with them in the clouds to meet the master in the air: and so shall we ever be with ocwhy (I
Thess. 4:17).
The rest of the book of Ezekiel deals with the millennial temple. It’s interesting to note in
these verses that Israel will keep HWHiy’s laws, statutes, assemblies and shall hallow His
Sabbaths (Eze. 44:24). But Wait !! I thought these had all been done away with! I thought
Sunday was the Christian Sabbath commemorating the supposed resurrection day of ocwhy
… never mind that he was resurrected at the end of the Sabbath, not on Sunday morning. If
ocwhy was not in the grave 3 days and 3 nights, he was not the Messiah. You can’t get 3
complete days and nights out of a Good Friday crucifixion and Sunday morning resurrection.
I think we have been duped too long. No man has the authority to change HWHiy’s
commandments, yet that is what took place at the council of Nicea in around 325 C.E. And
the sad thing is Ephraim went along with it and continues to offer up strange fire to HWHiy.
Ephraim Israel hasn’t changed a bit in the last 2700 years. He still has Asherah poles at his
places of worship. They call them steeples now. We know how HWHiy feels about our false
feasts, He wanted to destroy Israel for doing the same thing. Read how Aaron wanted the
people to worship HWHiy through a molten calf and to proclaim a bogus feast to Him (Exo.
People! Come out of Babylon! Come back to the Elohim of our fathers, HWHiy. Keep His
commandments, keep His Sabbaths, keep His law, obey Him in all things. Stop dishonoring
Him by calling Him Lord (Baal) or titles that He did not authorize. There are thousands of
lords in the world. His name is HWHiy. His son came in His father’s name, for his fathers
name was in him (ocwhy). Why not use His real name now that you know it? I know old
habits are hard to break, but it can and must be done.
The Book of Joel was written about 800 B.C.E. before Israel went into the Assyrian captivity.
Joel is Yah El in Hebrew and means HWHiy is Elohim. The book of Joel speaks of HWHiy’s
terrible judgments. Chapter 3 begins by saying:
Joel 3:1 ¶ For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring
again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of
Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my
heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted
my land. (See also Jer. 25:31)
As stated earlier, the expression “in those days and at that time” usually refers to the end of
this present age and the beginning of the Millennium. Notice that HWHiy says this is the time
when He would bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem. He brought the captivity
back into their land the first time at the end of the Babylonian captivity, the second time (or
again) is when He began bringing the Jews back into their land in 1948. Nothing is said about
Israel at this time. It is because Judah would be gathered first to the land and most of Ephraim
would follow after the Day of HWHiy.
HWHiy will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat and will
plead with them (all nations) for His people (Jews) and for His heritage Israel (Ephraim)
whom they have scattered among the nations and divided HWHiy’s land.
Pray for our President. He is leading the call for the dividing of HWHiy’s land between Israel
and the Palestinians now. Our nation is in grave danger because of it. (See Joel 3:2)
Put in the sickle for the harvest is ripe; come, get you down for the press (winepress) is full
(Joel 3:13; Rev. 14:19-20; Jer. 25:30). The Day of HWHiy is near.
HWHiy will be the hope of His people (Jews) and the strength of the children of Israel (Joel
3:16). HWHiy will dwell in Zion, then shall Jerusalem be holy and no strangers will pass
through her anymore (Joel 3:17).
Egypt shall be a desolation and Edom (Jordan) shall be a desolate wilderness for the violence
against the children of Judah, because they have shed innocent blood in the land (Joel 3:19).
This may be for the violence and suicide bombings going on right now in Israel (Judah).
Most of the Palestinians came from Jordan – Yassir Arafat was born in the West Bank of
Egyptian parentage.
Amos was written about 787 B.C.E., more than 60 years before Israel went into the Assyrian
captivity. Amos means one with a burden.
Amos is mostly about the 10 tribes of Israel or the House of Joseph (Ephraim). We’ll pick up
our study in chapter 3:1-2, where HWHiy affirms that He has something against the whole
family of Israel which He brought up from the land of Egypt. He tells them that He has known
o nly them of all the families on earth, therefore He is going to punish them for their iniquities.
He is about to send them off into captivity to punish them for their disobedience. HWHiy says
in Amos 3:7. Surely Master HWHiy does nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His
servants the prophets.
There are references to the Day of HWHiy in Amos 5:18,20, which is still future, but much of
Amos is history.
HWHiy tells Israel He hates their feast days:
Amos 5:21 ¶ I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your
solemn assemblies. {in…: or, your holy days}
22 Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not
accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts.
See also (Isa. 1:13; Hos 2:11).
Some try to use this verse and others like it to say that HWHiy doesn’t want Israel to keep the
Feast days, but this is completely false. Israel had become very wicked and had begun to
attach pagan practices to their worship (much like we do today) which were unacceptable to
HWHiy. He has a prescribed manner in which we are to approach Him and will not accept
man’s attempt to reach Him in man’s own way. After Israel separated from the House of
David and formed the Northern kingdom, they began to appoint their own priests from the
basest of individuals. The Levites became disgusted and went back to Jerusalem and aligned
themselves with Judah and Benjamin. Jeroboam and Israel (Ephraim) began to try to approach
HWHiy in their own way.
Notice, HWHiy called them “Your Feast days” and “Your solemn assemblies”. They were not
His feast days, they were man’s substitutions.
Amos 6:1 ¶ Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain
of Samaria, which are named chief of the nations, to whom the house of
Israel came! {are at…: or, are secure} {chief: or, firstfruits}
Could this be a modern day reference to the Jews trusting the government of the United States
(the chief of the nations) for their security? The United States is known in Israel today as the
land of the covenant. Many of Ephraim Israelites are living today in the United States.
HWHiy tells Israel that they will go into captivity (Amos 7:11,17). Israel will be sifted among
all nations (Amos 9:9). All the sinners of HWHiy’s people (Israel) will die by the sword,
which say “The evil shall not overtake us nor prevent us” (Amos 9:10; Isa. 28:15). Are these
the ones looking for the rapture? Mostly those that believe in this false doctrine are those who
desecrate the Sabbath. They eat swine’s flesh and other abominable things. They have no law,
and substitute pagan festivals in place of those commanded by HWHiy.
11 ¶ In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and
close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will
build it as in the days of old: {close: Heb. hedge, or, wall}
That day just happens to be when Messiah ocwhy returns at his Second Coming (Acts
15:15-16) to rebuild the Tabernacle of David with the restored 12 tribes of Israel.
Acts 15:15-16 And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written,
After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which
is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up:
This was spoken by Jacob (James), the half brother of ocwhy. He quoted the prophecy we
have just looked at in Amos, which proves it is still future. As I have stated before, I believe
that the pre-incarnate ocwhy was the one who spoke these words in Amos. He said “I” will
“return” and build “again” the tabernacle of David, to which James agrees that it is ocwhy
who will do this.
17 That the residue of men might seek after HWHiy, and all the Gentiles,
upon whom my name is called, saith HWHiy, who doeth all these things.
What gentiles that are called by his name ? ocwhy is also called Israel. Could it be that these
gentiles are Israelites?
18 Known unto HWHiy are all his works from the beginning of the world.
19 Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among
the Gentiles are turned to HWHiy:
This would be better translated “returning” to HWHiy. The Greek word is Strong’s # 1994
“epistrepho” which means to come again or turn again. James makes it clear that these
gentiles upon whom HWHiy’s name is called are returning Israelites. These “gentiles” or non-
Jews are from the ten tribes of Israel (Ephraim).
David’s tabernacle refers to the throne and kingdom of Israel of all 12 restored tribes. We see
above that this is still in the future and at the return of Messiah at the dawn of the millennium
to set up his righteous kingdom upon the throne of David, given to him by his Father HWHiy
(Luke 1:32).
These are the ones Jacob (James) said that were to abstain from pollution’s of idols and from
fornication and things strangled and from blood (Acts 15:20). They are the called out ones by
the Holy Spirit. You can’t come to ocwhy unless the Holy Spirit draws you. If you are called
by the Holy Spirit, you hear ocwhy’s voice and follow him. Then you are grafted back into
the good Olive tree of Israel (John 10:16; Jer. 31:31).
HWHiy will bring “again” the captivity of His people Israel and they shall build the waste
cities (desolate heritages). HWHiy says He will plant them upon their land and they s hall n o
m ore be pulled up out of their land which He had given them. (Amos 9:15). This is still
future. It cannot refer to the Jews returning from the Babylonian captivity because they were
plucked up again from the land in 70 A.D. by the Romans and dispersed again into the
Obadiah is Ovadyah in Hebrew and means servant of HWHiy. Obadiah was written about 587
B.C.E. about 130 years after Israel went into the Assyrian captivity in 720 B.C.E. This book
deals mainly with the destruction of Edom (modern day Jordan and probably the Palestinians,
which are mostly Jordanians).
HWHiy declares their destruction for their violence against their brother Jacob (Judah and
Israel) and they shall be cut off forever (Obad. 1:10).
They had rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction (Obad. 1:11; Joel
3:19). They entered into Israel and looted it in the day of Israel’s calamity and also tried to
prevent those that did escape (v.12-14).
For the day of HWHiy is near upon all the heathen, as thou hast done; it shall be done unto
thee (Obad. 1:15). You reap what you sow.
. Obad. 1:18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a
flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and
devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for
HWHiy hath spoken it.
Remember, this was written about 130 years after Israel (the house of Joseph) went into
dispersion in the Assyrian captivity. This prophecy never happened in biblical times and its
fulfillment is in the latter days near the Day of HWHiy (v.15). Israel and Judah will team up
and destroy the Edomites.
The famous Jewish Rabbi, Rambam, in 1270 A.D. said the ten tribes were still in their place
of exile and had not returned.
Other prophecies against Edom (Esau) – Joel 3:19; Isa. 34:5-17; Jer. 49:17-22; Ezek. 25:12-
14; 35:1-15.
According to Jewish sages, Obadiah 1:20 is best translated: “The first exile (of the ten tribes),
who reach from the land of the Canaanites to Zarephath (France and Britain)….” The
“captivity of the host” are the Hebrew words “Galut Ha Chail” which means the “first exile”
and was so understood by Jewish Rabbi’s.
Zarephath included what is now known as England. Ancient books refer to England as the
Isles of Zarephath (Isles of France). Even though it later separated itself from France and
became a kingdom in its own right.
Obad. 1:21 And saviors shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of
Esau; and the kingdom shall be HWHiy’s.
Paul said this deliverance on MT. Zion would be at the return of ocwhy (Rom. 11:25-29).
Micah (Who is like HWHiy), was written about 750 B.C.E. before anyone went into exile.
Micah was a contemporary of Isaiah in Judah and of Amos and Hosea in Ephraim. He was a
prophet of Judah to both Ephraim and Judah.
Micah 4:1 ¶ But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the
house of HWHiy shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be
exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.
HWHiy reaffirms that in the last days that the mountain (government or kingdom) of the house
of HWHiy shall be established in the top of the mountains – as the preeminent kingdom of the
2 And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the
mountain of HWHiy, and to the house of the Elohim of Jacob; and he will
teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth
of Zion, and the word of HWHiy from Jerusalem.
I guess the law (Torah) hasn’t been done away with then, as is being taught by many main
stream Christian denominations. Torah also includes HWHiy’s Feasts (Moadim). The word of
HWHiy is ocwhy. (John 1:1)
3 And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off;
and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into
pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall
they learn war any more. (also see – Isa. 2:2-4; Joel 3:10; Rev. 11:15; 20:1-10; Isa
11:3-5; 51:5)
Part of this verse is inscribed in stone at the UN headquarters in New York. If they only knew
what was in store for them. This obviously is a future event that will occur in the Millennium.
In that day, referring to the time HWHiy sets up His righteous kingdom on earth, ruling from
Jerusalem, he will gather her that is driven out and her that is cast far off (Israel), a strong
nation (Micah 4:6-7).
Israel (Ephraim) is described many times as being “far off” and they along with Judah will
become a strong nation and HWHiy will reign over them in Mount Zion forevermore (Micah
Many nations shall gather against Judah and Jerusalem, but HWHiy will gather them as
sheaves (of tares) into the threshing floor and they shall be threshed (Micah 4:11-13).
Only Israel will be on ocwhy’s side at his return. All nations shall gather against Jerusalem.
Israel is commanded to rise and thresh (v.13; Zech. 14:14).
The nations will be completely ignorant of why they are assembling against Israel in that day.
They do not know HWHiy’s thoughts (v.12), and they will be almost totally annihilated,
except for less than 1/6th part of them (Ezek. 39:2; Rev. 16:16).
The sheaves being gathered for the threshing floor are at the reaping of the tares (Rev. 14:15-
19), also referred to as the great wine press of the wrath of HWHiy (Rev. 14:19; Joel 3:13; Jer.
25:30-33; Matt. 13:30).
Many have taught that the “one taken and the other left” of Matt. 24:40-44 and Luke 17:34-36
is the Rapture. This is completely false. This is one “Rapture” you don’t want to have any part
of. Luke 17:37 makes it clear that these taken are tares that are being gathered by the angels
for destruction at ocwhy’s return (Ezek. 39:4-18; Rev. 19:18; 16:16). This is the great feast
for the fowls of the air, the unrighteous at Armageddon.
Micah chapter 5:1-4 speaks of the Messiah as the one that will come forth out of Bethlehem to
be ruler over Israel. He will give Israel up until the time that she which travails hath brought
forth: then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel (Micah 5:3; Isa.
66:7; Rev. 12:2-5).
Israel will travail until the Messiah comes and their eyes will be opened and they will
recognize Him (Zech. 12:10; 13:6). This will be a national day of salvation for that nation and
all Israel will be re-gathered into their land.
The remnant of Jacob (Israel) shall be in the midst of many people as the dew from HWHiy
(Micah 5:7) and the remnant shall be among the gentiles (Micah 5:8). This remnant shall
return unto the children of Israel (v.3). Israel will be purged of strongholds, witchcraft, idols,
etc. when HWHiy executes vengeance upon the heathen (v.15).
Zephaniah means HWHiy has hidden. He was a contemporary of Jeremiah, Ezekiel and
Daniel. This prophecy came in the days of Josiah, who reigned over Judah about 50 years
before they fell and some 80 years after Israel went into the Assyrian captivity. Zephaniah
was called a prophet, priest, Levite and returning exile.
Zephaniah is speaking in the time frame of the Day of HWHiy, which is still future. HWHiy
will stretch out His hand over Judah and Jerusalem (Zep. 1:4). This indicates that it is not a
collective Israel as some try to make it by saying the ten tribes returned at some time in the
past.. As of the Day of HWHiy, only Judah is in Jerusalem as a people.
Can you imagine what trouble people had before 1948 in wondering how this was going to be
fulfilled since the Jews were not in Jerusalem from 70 A.D. to 1948? Wouldn’t the Holy
Spirit have used the word “Israel” in Zep 1:4 to denote all 12 tribes, rather than “Judah”
which only includes 2 tribes? The other inhabitants of Jerusalem are plenty of Israeli Arabs
living there today.
HWHiy will cut off the remnant of Baal from Jerusalem and the idolatrous priests, the
worshippers of the god of the Ammonites and those who are backslidden from HWHiy (Zep.
HWHiy has prepared a sacrifice and has invited his guests (Zep. 1:7). This undoubtedly refers
to the great feasts of the fowls of the air on mighty men at Armageddon (Ezek. 39:17-18;
39:4; 29:5; Jer. 7:33; Rev. 19:18).
Their silver and gold will not deliver them in the Day of HWHiy’s wrath (Zep. 1:18; Isa. 2:20;
The Palestinians will be dealt with. Gaza will be forsaken, Askelon a desolation (Zep.2:4).
Woe to the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites (Palestinians,
Philistines), the word of HWHiy (ocwhy) is against you. O’ Canaan, the land of the
Philistines (Palestinians), I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant, says
HWHiy (Zep. 2:5).
The coast (including Gaza) will be for the remnant of the house of Judah (those that survive
the attack on Jerusalem) (Zep. 2:7).
A judgment is placed on Jordan (Moab) and the Ammonites (Jordanians and some
Palestinians). Moab will become as Sodom and Gomorra (Zep. 2:8-9). They will be a
perpetual destruction (Ezek. 21:28; 25:3-7; 35:5,9,15).
HWHiy again reaffirms He will gather all the nations to pour out his wrath upon them
HWHiy will give us a pure language that we all may call upon His name, to serve Him with
one consent (Zep. 3:9). This may be a return to the pre-Babel language when the world spoke
one tongue and all would call upon Him with His true name. The curse of Babel would be
reversed. The names of false deities will be eliminated from our lips.
The remnant of Israel will not sin nor speak lies in that day. The king of Israel, even HWHiy
(ocwhy) in the midst of thee; thou shall not see evil any more (Zep. 3:13-15). This is the
beginning of the millennial reign of the Messiah.
At that time, HWHiy will bring Israel back again, He will gather them and turn back their
captivity (Zep. 3:20). HWHiy will restore the kingdom to Israel at that time, the restoration of
all things.
Zechariah means “HWHiy Remembers”. It was written about 520 B.C.E.
In Chapter 2:7-13, we have ocwhy saying he will be sent by HWHiy and will come and live
in the midst of them (Israel) and we shall know that HWHiy of Hosts had sent him (Zech. 2:7-
13; 8:3).
In chapter 3, we find the two olive trees which are the two anointed ones that stand by the
Elohim of the whole earth (Zech. 4:11-14; Rev. 11:3). These are the same two olive trees
mentioned in Rev. 11:3 which shall prophesy 42 months (3 ½ years), clothed in sackcloth.
When they have finished their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will
war against them and kill them and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of Jerusalem for 3
½ days (Rev. 11:4-12).
I believe these two will be John and Ezekiel, representing Judah and Israel, because of a
common experience they both shared mentioned in my explanation of Ezekiel 3:1.
In chapter 3:1, we are introduced to Yehoshua, the high priest standing before the angel of
HWHiy and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. This is not the Joshua (Yehoshua)
who led the children of Israel into the Promised Land. This Yehoshua was clothed in filthy
garments (representing sin). His filthy garments were taken away and his iniquity was
removed (v.3-4).
Zech 3:8 Hear now, O Yehoshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit
before thee: for they are men wondered at: for, behold, I will bring forth my
servant the BRANCH. {wondered…: Heb. of wonder, or, sign}
9 For behold the stone that I have laid before Yehoshua; upon one stone shall
be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the LORD of
hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.
I believe it is obvious this Yehoshua represents our Messiah. He was made sin for us and by
his death, our sins were purged. He paid the penalty for our sins, indicated by his filthy
garments. The men who are wondered at could be his followers, the believers.
The seven eyes are a reference to the eyes of HWHiy which run to and fro through the earth.
This is a characteristic of the lamb of Rev. 5:6 referring to the Messiah.
Zech. 6:11 Then take silver and gold, and make crowns, and set them upon the
head of Yehoshua the son of Yehozadek, the high priest;
Yehoshua son of Yehozadek, the high priest would be intrepreted, Yehoshua son of the
righteous HWHiy, the High Priest, which is exactly what ocwhy the Messiah was and is.
12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh HWHiy of hosts, saying, Behold
t he man whose name i s The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his
place, and he shall build the temple of HWHiy: {grow…: or, branch up from
under him}
I believe this is a prophecy that actually gives the name of our Messiah. Notice above, it says
speak unto him (Yehoshua), “Behold the man whose name is THE BRANCH…”. We know
the BRANCH refers to the Messiah (Isa. 4:2; 11:1; Jer. 23:5-6; 33:15-17; Rev. 22:16).
13 Even he shall build the temple of HWHiy; and he shall bear the glory, and
shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne:
and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.
Zech. 6:12-13 reveals to us that ocwhy, our high priest, shall build the temple of HWHiy
(Millennial temple) and shall sit and rule upon his throne (Also Ezek. 37:27-28; 43:7).
They that are far off (Ephraim) shall come and build the temple (Zech. 6:15).
Chapter 7 speaks of some of the former Jewish Babylonian captives taken into Medo Persia.
When Babylon fell, those Jews who went into Medo Persia were those who chose not to
return to Judea.
ocwhy, speaking as HWHiy, again reaffirms his intention to dwell in the midst of Jerusalem
and set up his throne and rule there (Zech. 8:3). He says he will save his people from the East
and the West and will bring them and they shall dwell in Jerusalem (Zech. 8:7-8)
As the house of Judah and the house of Israel were a curse among the heathen, so ocwhy
will save them and they shall be a blessing. (Zech. 8:13)
Many people and strong nations shall come to seek HWHiy of Hosts in Jerusalem and pray
before HWHiy (Zech. 8:22). In those days, ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the
nations, the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying we will go with you: for we have heard that
Elohim is with you (Zech. 8:23). I believe this is a reference to Ephraim returning with 10
men (lost 10 tribes) to Zion. The “him that is a Jew” may be none other than ocwhy
When the eyes of all of Israel (all 12 tribes) are toward HWHiy, the Palestinians will be dealt
with. The king (who ever rules the Palestinians) will be cut off (Zech. 9:1-6).
Zechariah 9:9 is a prophecy of the first coming of ocwhy and its fulfillment is spoken of in
John 12:12-15; Luke 19:30-38. It also points to who is being spoken of here as the setting is in
the Second Coming. ocwhy will make war cease (v.10) and will speak peace unto the
heathen. His reign shall be over the entire earth.
We have been redeemed by the blood of the covenant as he has set the captives free from the
pit where there is no water (v.11). ocwhy is our salvation, our covenant (Isa.42:6; 49:8), we
have been redeemed from sin and the second death. We have come to the source of living
water and will never thirst again.
Both Ephraim and Judah are depicted here as being a bow in the hands of a mighty man to
help HWHiy in the battle of Armageddon against the anti-messiah, who with his armies
surrounding Jerusalem, will have taken the city at the very moment ocwhy comes back to
earth to deliver Israel. The trumpet will sound and HWHiy will defend Israel and will save
them in that day as the flock of His people: for they shall be as stones of a crown, lifted up as
an ensign upon the land. (Zech 9:15-16). Judah and Ephraim will be the only people fighting
against the anti-Messiah. (Jer. 51:50; Isa. 27:13; Matt. 24:3) (Isa. 63:1-6; II Thess 1:7-10; Rev
They shall be as mighty men because HWHiy is with them (Zech. 10:5). The riders of the
horses that come against them shall be confounded (Isa. 41:11); 45:16; Jer. 51:47; Zech 12:4).
Zech. 10:6 And I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house
of Joseph, and I will bring them again to place them; for I have mercy
upon them: and they shall be as though I had not cast them off: for I am
HWHiy their Elohim, and will hear them.
This is a wonderful prophecy that speaks of a future re-gathering of Judah and Israel (house of
Joseph). HWHiy says He will have mercy on them (Lo-Ruhamah of Hos. 1:6). And it will be
as though He had never cast them off (Lo-Ami of Hos. 1:9-10).
Paul speaks of this concerning Ephraim, which had become gentiles in Romans 9:25-26, that
where it was said “Ye are not my people, there shall they be called the children of the living
Elohim.” Peter also mentions this in I Peter 2:9-10, concerning born again believers from
Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia. He called them a chosen generation, a royal
priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people .… which in time past were not a people (Lo-
Ami), but now are the people of Elohim: Which had not obtained mercy (Lo-Ruhamah), but
now have obtained mercy. These were believers from the 10 scattered tribes of Israel.
Zech. 10:7 And they of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man, and their
heart shall rejoice as through wine: yea, their children shall see it, and
be glad; their heart shall rejoice in HWHiy.
8 I will hiss for them, and gather them; for I have redeemed them: and
they shall increase as they have increased.
They would be sown among the people (gentiles) and they would remember him and He will
bring them again also out of Egypt and gather them out of Assyria and will bring them into
the land of Gilead and Lebanon. There will be so many of them that there would be no place
for them; that they would spill over. (Zech 10:7-10). They will spill over into Gilead and
It should be noted here, the Jews were never in Assyria, so this speaks of Ephraim Israel.
Gilead was the ancestral home of Manasseh.
Chapter 12 deals with Jerusalem becoming a burdensome stone for all people. All of the
people of the earth will gather against it. This is when ocwhy comes down to fight for Israel
and defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem. This is when he will seek to destroy all nations that
come against Jerusalem. The Jews will then recognize ocwhy as their Messiah and will
mourn because they pierced him. Verses 11-14 tell of Israel’s national day of salvation and
repentance. This includes all 12 tribes as they see the nail scarred hands of their savior (Zech.
One thing to be noticed here is that ocwhy, as the word of HWHiy, speaks in the first person
as if he were HWHiy himself. He only speaks those words he heard from his Father HWHiy.
(John 12:49). We know this is ocwhy because he says they shall look upon me whom they
have pierced. (Also see John 19:37). Many times in the Old Testament, we find the phrase,
“The word of HWHiy” came to Jeremiah or to Ezekiel and others, “and said…” As I have
stated before, I believe this to be the pre-incarnate ocwhy speaking his Fathers words.
I have since learned of the concept of the “Greater and Lesser HWHiy” which more
adequately expresses the above and exceeds my feeble attempt to explain what I was seeing in
scripture. This was a concept that was also generally accepted by ancient Jewish sages to
explain such occurrences in scripture as one HWHiy speaking to another HWHiy.
At this time, all prophets will cease to be. If any should prophesy, his parents will pronounce
death on him because he is prophesying lies (Zech. 13:2-4). There will be no further need of
prophets because ocwhy himself will dwell with us.
Zech. 13:7 ¶ Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is
my fellow, saith HWHiy of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be
scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones.
This verse seems to be unconnected to this chapter. It probably refers to Messiahs’ first
coming. One thing is interesting about verse 7 and it is the word “fellow”. This word is
Strong’s # 5997 “Awmeeth” from a primitive Hebrew root meaning “to associate with;
companionship; comrade; kindred man; another fellow of the same kind and nature”. It proves
there is more than one person in the divinity. (I avoid the use of the word “Godhead”). This
shepherd is a fellow Elohim. Only here is the word translated “fellow”, elsewhere it is
rendered “another” (Lev. 19:11; 25:17) and “neighbor” (Lev. 6:2). But, even these references
uphold the idea that the meaning is another person of the same kind and nature. In this
passage, both persons are called HWHiy (Zech 13: 7; 14:9). In verse 7, HWHiy calls the
Messiah, my shepherd, the man that is my fellow, and says: smite the shepherd (my shepherd,
not me) and the sheep will be scattered: And I (HWHiy of Hosts) will turn mine hand upon the
little ones. If HWHiy calls another person, My shepherd and My fellow, then there must be
two persons involved here.
Some have balked at my use of the word “persons” to refer to deity, however, in Webster’s
New World dictionary, in theology, any one of the three modes of being (trinity) are referred
to as “persons”. If the word ‘persons’ offends you, please substitute intellects, beings or
entities, etc. as you see fit.
To say that ocwhy IS HWHiy, the Father, as some allege causes me huge problems. John
1:18 and 1John 4:12 say that no man has seen Elohim at any time. However, Exo. 24:11
indicates that the nobles of the children of Israel did see Elohim and ate before Him. So do we
have a contradiction here? No. No man has ever seen the Father, except the Son. As I stated
earlier, I believe the pre-incarnate ocwhy appeared at various times in the Old Testament in
the stead of HWHiy and spoke in the first person, the very words His Father gave Him to say.
This is affirmed in John 8:28 and 8:38.
John 8:28 Then said ocwhy unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man,
then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my
Father hath taught me, I speak these things.
Now back to the study:
During the tribulation, two parts of the inhabitants will be cut off in the land of Israel. The
third part will be brought through the fire and refined as silver and gold. They will call upon
the name of HWHiy (not some title) and HWHiy will hear them. He will say, “It is my people
and they will say, HWHiy is my Elohim (Zech. 13:8-9; Isa. 4:2-5; 40:2; 48:9-10; 51:17-23;
52:9; Jer. 31:1-2; 33:8; 50:20; Ezek. 22:18-22; Zeph. 1:4).
Zech. 14:1 ¶ Behold, the day of HWHiy cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in
the midst of thee.
2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be
taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city
shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off
from the city.
3 Then shall HWHiy go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought
in the day of battle.
See also Zech. 12:2-4; Eze. 38:16; Isa. 29:6-8; 31:5-9; 34:2-10; Jer. 25:29-33; 30:10-11;
46:27-28; Eze. 38:16; Joel 2:20; 3:1-2,16-20; Amos 1:2; Luke 21:20-24
We will return with ocwhy to Jerusalem (Zech. 14:5) and ocwhy will be king over all the
earth in that day (v.9).
Zech.14:16 ¶ And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the
nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to
worship the King, HWHiy of hosts, and to keep the feast of Tabernacles.
This verse proves the feasts are not just Jewish feasts, and are done away with as far as the
church is concerned. Everyone will keep the feast of tabernacles in the Millennium or they
will experience a severe lack of rain. (v.17). And worse yet, if they still refuse, then they will
receive “the plague”. This plague is mentioned in v.12. It is highly recommended this Feast be
kept. Our savior became flesh and tabernacled among men.
Malachi was written about 557-525 B.C.E. It means in Hebrew, “My messenger”.
One thing I want to point out in Malachi is a couple of verses that Pastors frequently quote to
fill their coffers. Mal. 3:10-11 about bringing all your tithes into the storehouse, that there
may be meat in mine house… But, how often do you hear them quote one of the last things
said in the Old Testament?
Mal. 4:4 ¶ R emember ye the l aw of Moses my servant, which I
commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and
This is the last commandment in the Old Testament. Does it stand to reason that if the law
was to be abolished, as many teach, this admonition would have been here?
ocwhy in his first sermon, said in Matt. 5:17-19:
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come
to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle
shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall
teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but
whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the
kingdom of heaven.
HWHiy called “heaven and earth” to record against Israel that He set before them life and
death, blessing and cursing. They were to choose whether to keep Torah or not (Deut. 30:19.
(See also Deut. 4:13, 26-30; 31:28).
ocwhy knew that in the latter days men would teach that the law had been abolished. In his
very first sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, he addressed this very point. He stressed to
them, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law (torah)
till all be fulfilled.
He was reminding them that “heaven and earth” had been called to record against them to
choose life or to choose death. Only if heaven and earth (all of creation) passed away could
this record against them be revoked.
This indicates the permanency of the law (Torah) which would remain in effect as long as
heaven and earth existed. ocwhy wasn’t mistaken about the law and he didn’t lie. He said it
wouldn’t become void. If it did, as some maintain, then he did not tell us the truth and he
cannot be the Messiah and we are still in our sins. The Torah is eternal.
The scriptures in Deuteronomy are particularly important because they tell us in Deut. 4 13-
30) that it is the Ten Commandments He is talking about and warns us about forgetting them.
He calls heaven and earth to witness against them that they would utterly perish from off the
land and He would scatter them among the nations. He says in Deut. 4:30 that when they are
in tribulation and all the curses come upon them, even in the latter days, that if they turn
back to Him and obey His voice, He would not destroy them. Shouldn’t we begin to keep the
3 and 4th commandments?
Let’s look at some more scriptures other than the ones already mentioned that are in the New
Testament (Renewed Covenant) that refer to the 10 tribes of Ephraim Israel.
Matt. 19:28 – ocwhy tells the disciples they will sit upon 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of
Israel. Obviously, for all 12 tribes to be judged, the lost 10 will have to be restored (also see
Luke 22:30).
Matt. 21:43 – ocwhy tells the priests and the elders of the Jews that the Kingdom of HWHiy
shall be taken from them and given to a nation (tribe) bringing forth the fruits thereof. The
kingdom was taken from the Jews and given to Israel (the elect), for the last 2,000 years have
mainly been gentiles (made up mostly of Israelites who have forgotten their heritage).
Matt. 24:14 – When the disciples asked ocwhy about the sign of his coming and the end of
the age, one of the things he told them in Matt.24:14 was that this gospel of the kingdom shall
be preached in all the world for a w itness unto all nations; and then the end shall come.
This I believe to be the message the two witnesses of Revelation will preach. They will
preach the good news of the restoration of the kingdom of Israel, essentially the two house
message we now proclaim.
Luke 1:33 – ocwhy shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; – this includes all 12 tribes
of Israel.
Luke 4:27 – And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus, the prophet. This doesn’t
refer to the 10 tribes, but I wanted to call your attention to a blatant bad translation. (like using
the word “Easter” instead of Passover in Acts 12:4.) The prophet in the Old Testament they
are referring to was Elisha. Elisha means, “My El is savior”. Eliseus literally means, “My El
is Zeus”. This was no accident that this was translated in this manner. Similar things have
been done in other places by the translators of the KJV version of the bible. It pays to be alert
to things like this. This is the reason I reject the name “Jesus”. Our savior’s name is ocwhy,
the “Salvation of Yah or HWHiy saves”. The other is not even remotely close.
John 1:14-16 – ocwhy is the good shepherd (Ezek. 34:12) and said “Other sheep I have
which are not of this fold.” (He is speaking to the Jews referring to Ephraim Israel) “, them
also must I bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there will be one fold and one shepherd”.
(See also Ezek. 37:24 – The two sticks of Israel prophecy).
John 11:51-52 – Caiaphas the high priest prophesied that ocwhy should die for that nation
(Jews) and not for that nation (tribe) only, but that “ h e should gather together i n one the
children of HWHiy that were s cattered abroad . ” This ought to make chills run up your spine.
This is speaking of Ephraim Israel which were scattered in 721 BCE. Judah was back in their
land when this prophecy was made, so it can’t be referring to them. This also proves that the
10 tribes didn’t return during Hezekiah’s reign and during the Josiah revival as some try to
allege. Only Judah returned from Babylon as a nation. There were a few from the other 10
tribes, but not on a national basis. There was an innumerable host of Israelites that were still
in exile according to Josephus during ocwhy’s ministry. These are the lost sheep of the
house of Israel (Matt 10:6, 15:24).
Acts 2:36, 39 – Spoken to all the house of Israel and in verse 39, it says “For the promise is
unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as HWHiy our
Elohim shall call.” Again, Ephraim is described in many verses as being “afar off.”
Acts 26:6-7 – Paul refers to the promise of HWHiy to their fathers; unto which promise our 12
tribes……hope to come. Again, this proves Paul was expecting the restoration of the kingdom
to Israel in which all 12 tribes hope to come.
Paul spoke a lot about the return of the Lo-Ami (not a people). He referred to them as
gentiles. If you trace the migrations of the Celts and Scythians, you’ll see that Paul went to
them first, as the lost sheep of the House of Israel. I have already covered the Lo-Ami of
Romans 9 and 10.
Rom. 10:11 – …salvation is come unto the gentiles, for to provoke the Jews to jealousy.
These gentiles are the Lo-Ami of Rom. 10:19.
Rom. 11:17-28 – This is where Paul is calling the gentiles a “wild olive tree” that are grafted
into the natural olive tree. All must be grafted into the tree of Israel for salvation is of the
Jews (the natural tree and the Messiah). This is the two stick prophecy where they are both
grafted into one tree. It is called a mystery in verse 25, that blindness in part is happened to
Israel (Judah and Ephraim), until the fullness of the gentiles be come in. This is the Melo
HaGoyim of Genesis 48:19. This was spoken to Joseph by Jacob concerning Ephraim. And
so ALL Israel shall be saved: (v.26). Salvation will come to all 12 tribes, to the elect – those
who accept ocwhy. They are all grafted into the natural olive tree (Israel). Those Jews who
reject ocwhy will be broken off the tree and the gentiles who reject him will not be grafted
in. All Israel is not Israel. The blindness is upon both houses of Israel at present. Judah rejects
the Messiah and Ephraim rejects the Torah. Each one needs both to be complete in one.
The Corinthians were most likely Ephraimites: Paul admonishes them to keep the Feast in I
Cor. 5:8 and also says he would not that they be ignorant, how that a ll o ur fathers were under
the cloud, and all passed though the sea (I Cor. 10:1-2). Did you ever wonder that if the law is
done away, why did Paul keep the Feasts and tell the Corinthians to do likewise?
The Galatians were also most likely Israel in Exile, in fact, the word for exile in Hebrew is
“galut”(GLT). This is the same root as the name Galatia or Galut-yah, which means “exiles of
Hebrews 8:8 – This is speaking about changes in the priesthood. The important thing I want
to show here is that it is with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. The renewed
covenant is only made with the House of Israel and the House of Judah, no one else.
However, one becomes Israel by belief in ocwhy and is grafted into the Olive tree of Israel.
Hebrews 12:23 – “To the general assembly and the church of the firstborn…”. You can
interpret this two ways. You could say it is the church of ocwhy, as the firstborn from the
dead, or it could refer to Israel. Israel is called by HWHiy, His eternal firstborn. Exo. 4:22.
Ephraim is also called HWHiy’s firstborn in Jer. 31: 9.
James 1:1 – The Book of James is written to the 12 tribes which are scattered abroad. The real
name of James is Jacob. It was called James in honor of King James who sponsored the KJV
The above, again proves the twelve tribes were scattered at the time of the writing of the book
of James and had not been gathered at this time, as some claim. Many of the Jews remained in
Babylon and did not return, so were also included in those scattered abroad. Reference to
these is found also in I Pet. 5:13.
We have already touched upon I Peter as being written to the northern kingdom (Israel) in
The second epistle of John was written to the Northern Kingdom in exile as she is called the
elect lady in 2 John 1:1. And in verse 13 it says, “The children of thy elect sister greet thee.
The Northern Kingdom’s sister is Judah. They are called sisters in Ezek. 23:4.
Rev. 7:4-8 – This is a list of those tribes in which the 144,000 are sealed of all the tribes of
the children of Israel. I had some preacher tell me that since Ephraim is not mentioned here,
he is excluded from salvation. I told him his ignorance was showing, because this list includes
the tribe of Manasseh and the tribe of Joseph. Joseph had two sons that had tribes named for
them. They were Manasseh and Ephraim. Who did he think was being referred to as the tribe
of Joseph? It can only be Ephraim since Manasseh was already mentioned.
Rev. 21:12 – The holy Jerusalem has 12 gates on which the names of the twelve tribes of the
children of Israel are written. Proves HWHiy has not discarded the 10 tribes of Ephraim Israel.
Some teach too that the church has replaced Israel. Is there a “church” gate named here
There are more references to the 10 tribes in exile in the New Testament that I haven’t listed
above. The apostles and early church understood there was to be a future reunification of the
kingdom and assumed those to whom they wrote the epistles understood this also. This basic
understanding of the early church was such that nothing needed to be said about the Law
being eternal or swine’s flesh still being unclean and never considered to be food. They all
knew it. Peter recognized that Paul’s words were not always understood and were being
twisted, to the destruction of those unstable individuals.
2 Peter 3:15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even
as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him
hath written unto you;
16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are
some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and
unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own
I find in my own studies, that when there seems to be a conflict or contradiction in things said,
it is my own understanding that is at fault.
This concludes my study on the Two House of Israel Restoration in the latter days. I wouldn’t
have spent weeks putting this together if I wasn’t absolutely convinced beyond any shadow of
a doubt of the validity of this premise. I pray you will go back and look at all the scriptures I
have listed and ask the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) to reveal to you whether or not these
things are so. This study is somewhat complicated in that it is not something that is generally
taught in the church. To really get a grasp of what I am teaching may require going back over
this study several times. It is vitally important that the reader understand that the prophecies
concerning Israel in the end times are not only for the Jews, but in most cases are for those
who are still in the churches. As a believer in ocwhy, YOU are Israel! Most of the end time
prophecies are in the “Old Testament” and are largely ignored by the churches today. They
pertain directly to you!
There may be places in which you may not agree with me. That’s OK, I am fallible, but the
word of HWHiy isn’t. I may have included some scriptures that have already happened in the
past. I don’t think they would change anything. I find that prophecy often times has multiple
When I became aware of the Two House Restoration, my understanding of prophecy
blossomed. The scriptures suddenly just opened up and became understandable. I feel I have
been blessed with this knowledge of what is to transpire and who we are in ocwhy and what
is in our future.
I don’t believe a person can fully understand the New Testament without a good grasp of the
Old Testament. The Old Testament was all the early church had until letters began to be
written to the various assemblies. These letters usually referred to some doctrine found in the
Old Testament and explained it either as having its fulfillment in the ministry of ocwhy or
their future applications. Paul’s audience was mostly Jews who were familiar with Torah and
the prophets. They knew what Paul meant when he was talking about the law. Paul didn’t
have to go into detail and explain the basic tenets of the law and what part of the law he was
making reference to (Sacrificial law, moral law, etc.).
Is it possible, that mainstream Christianity has been mistaken regarding the abolishing of the
law? Undoubtedly! After all, we see in Rev. 12:17; 14:12 and 22:14 that the Saints of HWHiy
are those who have the testimony of ocwhy AND keep the Commandments of HWHiy. They
need to come back to Torah, keep the Ten Commandments (all ten of them), the Sabbaths and
Feasts. They need to dump their substitute “holy” days that were derived from pagan sources.
(Xmas, Easter, Halloween, etc.). Turn back from fables and doctrines of demons and men to
the pure word of HWHiy. Develop a love for the truth and you will be blessed by it. Our
Father will then reward you by keeping you from the strong delusion that is come upon all the
earth (2 Thess. 2:10-12).
Brick Parrish
Nov. 2002
Rev. July 08
E-mail address:
Other articles available from the author will be sent by e-mail upon request:
Dumb Greedy Dogs
Warning to Sheep and False Shepherds
Is the Renewed Covenant Totally in Effect
Doctrine of Balaam
The Law
The Mystery of Iniquity
Thou Shalt Eat Anything
Who are YHWH’s Chosen People?
Who Do You Worship?
Does it Really Matter What Name We Call Our Savior?
And They Did Evil in the Sight of YHWH.
Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Two Witnesses of Devarim (Deuteronomy)

Please click here to download PDF:  The Character and Commands of our Messiah



The Character and Commands of our Messiah

Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I shall give you rest.
Luke 10:22 “All has been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is, except the Father, and who the Father is, except the Son, and he to whom the Son wishes to reveal Him.”


We are grateful of His grace and mercy to reveal such things that will bring us into unity with both יהושע Yahusha and the Father. 
It only makes sense that if we desire to be like the Messiah (יהושע Yahusha), and do His commands, we should have an outline of His commands and His character.  This document is an attempt to provide to us such an outline. 

In the Name, in the Character, in the Personality of

Luke 9:48: and said to them, “Whoever receives this little child in My Name receives Me.  And whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me.  For he who is least among you all, he shall be great.”
Matthew 24:5 “For many shall come in My Name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and they shall lead many astray.


The Hebrew word שם (shem[1]) can mean to breath.  And in ancient Hebrew thinking, the breath of a man represents his character as in his personality.  In Hebrew we can think of all the aspects of a word all at the same time.  Another feeling of the word shem is a name, as in the name of a person.  To the early Hebrew thinker, the name of a person was more than an identifier as we use it here in the West, a person’s name denoted their character, personality, a remembrance, a place, or their function in life. 
Consider these things, when we strive for the understanding of the phrase, “doing something in the name of…”.  When we do something in the name of someone else we are representatives of and are doing something that emulates their character or personality. 
So in the verses above when we do this, we are to be in a state of emulation of the same character, and personality of the Father, Son, and The Set Apart Spirit (Ruach[2]).  Yes this is saying to us that we can have the same character, and personality as the Father and the Son and the The Set Apart Spirit ( The Ruach Ha Qodesh).  We are never told to do something that we cannot accomplish.  Our Father wants us to be successful.  As a matter of fact it is our Father’s desire to be one with us.  We know this from the Hebrew word echad[3] (unity), which besides other things addresses Father’s desire to be one with us, which to our Father is like a strong and deep desire to quench one’s thirst.  We want to be one with Him, and He wants to be one with us too.
In order for us to take on the character and personality of the Messiah we better known by heart His character and rehearse being like Him.  And we need to know the commands of יהושע Yahusha.  As we read above we are to do things in His Name, and in the next verse Matthew 28:20, we are to teach His commands.  So we better know them so we can teach them. 
Mat 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.  Amein.


I John 2:28 And now, little children, stay in Him, so that when He appears, we might have boldness and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.
From the time before Noah, our patriarch Enoch saw and prophesied of the Kingdom.  When he was given this vision, he was excited.  He saw the value of this, and wanted his children to dwell there too in that place.  So Enoch taught and sent to us instructions through books of instruction. 
 He told his sons, and instructed them to tell their sons. 
Enoch 39:6 In that place I saw the Elect One (יהושעYahusha) of right doing and of faith.  7 And I saw his dwelling place under the wings of יהוהYahovah, the Creator of the breathing.  Doing right will prevail in his days; and the right-doers and chosen will be without number before Him forever and ever.  All the right-doers and chosen before Him will be strong as fiery lights, and their mouth will be full of blessing, and their lips praise highly the name of יהוהYahovah, the Creator of the breathing.  Right doing before Him will never fail, and uprightness will never fail before Him.  8 There I wished to dwell, and my spirit longed for that dwelling-place.  And there, up to this time, has been my portion, for so has it been established concerning me before יהוהYahovah, the Creator of the breathing. 
Enoch prophesied of the Son of Man (יהושע Yahusha), who was a Son through the elect or lineage of Adam (a man), through Enoch (to teach), through Noah (to rest), through David (one beloved).  And to David was promised that a king shall rise from his loins. יהושע Yahusha (one who is the salvation of יהוהYahovah) is that promised Son of David who is our King and Saviour.  All of our patriarchs saw this place and desired to be in and to dwell in the Kingdom with the promised King and Saviour from יהוהYahovah. 
The intention of this document is to make real to us the hope of His soon coming and to help us do all that is needed to do to prepare and to have our oil lamps full and wicks trimmed.  The Bridegroom is soon here and we have opportunity to purchase oil, and fill our lamps, and to have them burning bright. 
We want to be triumphed ! We want to be a part of the rest we have all been promised. 

Commands and Character

Because the commands give us insight into His character, it would benefit us to discuss these commands and character at the same time. 
 Tov Sherpherd

Character of a Shepherd

In essence יהושע Yahusha was a shepherd of sorts.  Not of actual sheep but of people.  The job of a shepherd represents a responsibility designed to manage and provide for the integrity of the flock. 
The shepherd made sure that the flock had plenty of food, and water, and that they kept together for safety, and that they had a sheepfold to sleep in at night, and sometimes the shepherd would sleep in the doorway of the sheepfold, or the shepherd would make a fold from thorn bushes that would serve as a temporary place of peace.  The shepherd loves each and every member of the flock with all his heart, and desires their success, and does all required for them to achieve their success. 
Psalms 23:1 יהוה (Yahovah[4]) is my shepherd; I do not lack.  2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters.  3 He turns back my being; He leads me in paths of righteousness For His Name’s sake.  4 When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil.  For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.  5 You spread before me a table in the face of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup runs over.  6 Only goodness and kindness follow me All the days of my life; And I shall dwell in the House of יהוה (Yahovah), To the length of days!
Our flock might be our family, our close friends, our church, our group, or our club.  We do not see ourselves as being separate individuals, but we are in unity with our flock.  They know our voice and understand our direction because they understand our concern for them.
So we have this command to be a shepherd, and take on יהושע Yahusha’s character of being a shepherd.  The method by which each of us becomes like a shepherd will vary from person to person.  Something to review daily would be, “Am I acting like a shepherd?”

Be tolerant of other people not in our group

 Here is a situation that shows יהושע Yahusha’s tolerance.  He showed that anybody that is for him, is okay to accept. 
Luke 9:49 And Yoḥanan answering, said, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your Name, and we forbade him because he does not follow with us.” 50 But יהושע (Yahusha[5]) said to him, “Do not forbid him, for he who is not against us is for us.”
Please allow me to give an example here.  We have a brother here in Tampa Florida who produces Rap music.  I do not understand Rap music, nor do I have an ability to talk to people who like Rap music.  Our brother does have that ability, and all the music he produces encourages his peer group to follow our Heavenly Father’s instructions. 
“Do not forbid him, for he who is not against us is for us.” should be rehearsed in our heart.  We are being commanded not to disdain anybody simply because they are not from our congregation. 

Do not judge

We are being asked not to disdain followers simply because a person has tattoos or piercings or hair style different from what we feel is the norm accepted in our congregation.  When we disdain we are actually abasing another person, and elevating oneself into a position of importance. 
Luke 6:37: “And do not judge, and you shall not be judged at all.  Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned at all.  Forgive, and you shall be forgiven. 
John 7:24: “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”
When we elevate ourselves, we think things like, “I am better than those people over there, and our Father has more respect for me than them.” This is a two fold error when we have feelings of being better than another, this is the judgment, and we assume we have an elevated position. 
יהושע Yahusha was speaking to the Pharisees when he recounted the example of the man who saw himself as better than others, who then usurped an elevated position at the front seat of the party. 
Luke 14:8 “When you are invited by anyone to a wedding feast, do not sit down in the best place, lest one more distinguished than you be invited by him, (recommended reading Luke14:1-14)

Do Father’s business

Luke 2:49 And He said to them, “Why were you seeking Me? Did you not know that I had to be in the matters of My Father?”
What is our focus in life? To יהושע Yahusha it was our Father’s business.  To our Father it was important that the sheep were well tended.  This forces attention to others and away from focusing on one’s self.  Again, when we focus on ourselves, we abase, we judge, we disdain, and we see to our own wellbeing.  The shepherd is quite the opposite.  All attention is on the flock, and the flocks wellbeing. 
Matthew 14:14 And when יהושע (Yahusha) came out, He saw a large crowd and was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.
 Additionally יהושע Yahusha has a desire to find and restore any individual lost sheep back to the fold.  He maintains the focus of Father’s need to maintain the integrity of the flock. 
Matthew 18:13: “And if he should find it, truly, I say to you, he rejoices more over that sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray.
יהושע Yahusha expresses the joy of our Father when He states that there is much to celebrate over finding and restoring the one sheep that was lost.

Do not point the finger

It is typical that when we speak to people we can close the communication with them simply by the other person being able to sense our opinion of them.  Ones’ opinion exposes itself in our tone, our body posture, the words we choose to use, and the questions we ask. 
Matthew 12:35 “The good man brings forth what is good from the good treasures of his heart, and the wicked man brings forth what is wicked from the wicked treasure.
When we raise the hand and point the finger this is done in error and we are ignorant of the scriptures in the book of Proverbs.  The first error is the position taken to judge.  The second error is that by doing this in the presence of other people, this is akin to gossip.  Then others have cause to stumble and miss the mark when they hear the words of our condemnation.  Thirdly, this is not taking a concerned view of one in the flock, nor taking compassion for them. 
We need to rehearse these scriptures so as not to be the one who points with the fingers. 
Proverbs 6:12 A man of Beliya‛al[6] (without benefit to anyone), a wicked man, Walks with a perverse mouth, 13 Winks with his eyes, shuffles his feet, Points with his fingers; 14 Perverseness is in his heart, Plotting evil at all times, He sends out strife.  15 Therefore his calamity comes suddenly; Instantly he is broken, And there is no healing.  16 These six matters יהוה (Yahovah) hates, And seven are an abomination to Him: 17 A proud look, A lying tongue, And hands shedding innocent blood,18 A heart devising wicked schemes, Feet quick to run to evil, 19 A false witness breathing out lies, And one who causes strife among brothers.
We remember יהושע Yahusha talking to the Samaritan woman, and the woman brought out to be stoned because of adultery.  The Samaritan woman was very familiar with the fingers being pointed at her, both for being a Samaritan and for being a woman.  And the woman caught in adultery, was being pointed at because the torah teaches not to do this.  It is very natural for us to apply levels to each transgression, and therefore we point the finger, nevertheless, it appears that יהושע Yahusha did not. 
By pointing the finger, are we taking vengeance for יהוהYahovah and judging someone we believe deserves judgment right now.  When we consider that יהוהYahovah made servants of Kings Cyrus and Darius, men who we might want to condemn for their actions were actually doing the will of יהוהYahovah.  We are in that same position when we point the finger, because we might be pointing the finger at a servant of יהוהYahovah.  יהושע Yahusha did not do this, neither should we. 
Hebrews 10:30 For we know Him who has said, “Vengeance is Mine, I shall repay, says יהוה (Yahovah).” And again, “יהוה (Yahovah) shall judge His people.” See also Deuteronomy 32:35-36
When we point the finger, we lose the opportunity to restore a lost sheep, and it is one of the things יהוהYahovah hates. 

Not to forbid those who seek

There is one thing that יהושע Yahusha does not do, he does not forbid those who seek access to His teaching.  Anybody who seeks to learn needs open access.  There was one point in history that יהושע Yahusha was teaching only the Jews.  He instructed his disciples:
Matthew 10:…  “Do not go into the way of the gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Shomeronites (Samaritans), 6 but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Yisra’ĕl (Israel) .
Eventually, this prohibition was lifted.  Consider the event of the Samaritan by the well in John  chapter 4.  The Samaritans desired to learn from יהושע Yahusha and he did teach them.  And he did not forbid them the truth. 
John 4:40 Therefore when the Shomeronites (Samaritans) came to Him, they were asking Him to stay with them, and He stayed there two days.  41 And many more believed because of His word.
Also consider this verse where the prohibition was lifted for all people in the Earth. 
Matthew 28:19 “Therefore, go and make taught ones of all the nations, immersing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Set-apart Spirit,
Going back to some of the things we have discussed, judging outward appearance, associations, or any other prejudice should have no bearing on who we talk to about the instructions from יהוהYahovah and יהושע Yahusha.  This one verse we have just read in Matthew chapter 28 is now establishing that there is absolutely no advantage or virtue in being a Jew.  We are all equal through association with the Christ. 
John 3:15 so that whoever is believing in Him should not perish but possess everlasting life.  16 “For Elohim so loved the world that He gave His only brought-forth Son, so that everyone who believes in Him should not perish but possess everlasting life.

Despising the little ones

There are many versions of the bible available to read.  Which one to choose? No matter what version someone uses and is comfortable reading, we cannot forbid them, and despise them by criticism of their version of the bible.  Our Father’s Spirit of Teaching will show them what to do as they grow in Spirit. 
Matthew 18:10 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in the heavens their messengers always see the face of My Father who is in the heavens.
The word “despise” is a powerful word meaning; to look down upon, to regard with contempt or feel a deep repugnance for, to have a distaste, to be disgusted, or to disdain, to loathe, or to scorn.
Who are the little ones? These infants, or little children, are a poetic way of describing a person who is new to hearing the Truth, and who have not yet reached a point of maturity in the Truth. 
Matthew 19:13 Then young children were brought to Him to lay His hands on them and pray, and the taught ones rebuked them.  14 But יהושע (Yahusha) said, “Allow the young children and do not stop them from coming to Me, for of such is the reign of the heavens.”
Consider a vessel that is empty.  Then we put a few things into it.  It is not at capacity yet, so we understand that it can hold more.  And consider a house.  When we make the first wall we cannot enter the house yet because it is not complete.  When we write a story we cannot publish it until we edit the story and print The End
 When we have compassion for the little ones we can see them as not complete or mature yet.  In the scriptures, the word perfect is defined as, complete, whole, mature, what is complete or entirely in accord with truth and fact.  So here in this next verse we read of the promise for all on Earth.  There will be no more confusion and we will all posses the same Truth.
Jeremiah 31:33 “For this is the covenant I shall make with the house of Yisra’ĕl (Israel) after those days, declares יהוה (Yahovah): I shall put My Torah in their inward parts, and write it on their hearts.  And I shall be their Elohim (one who yokes and Teaches), and they shall be My people.  34 “And no longer shall they teach, each one his neighbor, and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know יהוה (Yahovah),’ for they shall all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares יהוה (Yahovah).  “For I shall forgive their crookedness, and remember their sin no more.”
This verse in Jeremiah applies to Jews and all nations.  We belong to the Christ as indentured servants bound together by an oath, thus unifying us. 
Deuteronomy 15:17: then you shall take an awl and thrust it through his ear to the door, and he shall be your servant forever.  Do the same to your female servant.
That servant was now a part of the master and his family and property. יהושע Yahusha always referred to us as servants bound by oath.
Matthew 24:44 “Because of this, be ready too, for the Son of Aḏam is coming at an hour when you do not expect Him.  45 “Who then is a trustworthy and wise servant, whom his master set over his household, to give them food in season? 46 “Blessed is that servant whom his master, having come, shall find so doing.

Who is our Neighbor

Matthew 22:37 And יהושע (Yahusha) said to him, “ ‘You shall love יהוה (Yahovah) your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind.’ 38 “This is the first and great command.  39 “And the second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’
Apparently it is important to יהושע Yahusha that we understand and implement these commands.  We have heard it said that if we did not have any other commands, these two cover all of them as if they are a consolidation of all commands. 
For example, love of the Father is covered in the first five commandments, and love of neighbour is covered in the last five commandments. 
When we love our neighbour we want the best for our neighbor and treat them with the respect that we would like to receive from them.  All interpersonal relationships should be directed through the Father.  We are not the judge of others, we are not in position to condemn or regulate.  Those who express Divine Love do not disdain.

Judgment of a nonbeliever

We are mindful of the command to love our neighbour.  יהושע Yahusha reminded us of judgment of our neighbour when he revealed the parable of the compassionate Samaritan in Luke chapter 10.  Those who should have had compassion for the certain man did not for various excuses.  At that time the Samaritans were judged by the Jews as unrighteous.  This man, in Luke chapter 10, was beat up robed, naked, and left for dead, and the priest and the Levite who should have had compassion for him did not.  The Priest and the Levite were very aware of the command to love our neighbour.  Obviously this certain man was in dire need.  So much so it required several days to recuperate.  They looked upon a man in need and offered no hand out to help.  Obviously we should not be this way.
What the compassionate Samaritan did by providing lodging and care by paying from his pocket, was akin to what Abraham did to help all who passed by to his home to make sure they were okay, and from this verse below in Ecclesiastes.  In both cases nothing is expected back in return, regardless who the person was.
Ecclesiastes 11:1 Send out your bread on the face of the waters, for after many days you shall find it.
Jasher 22:11 And Abraham planted a large grove in Beersheba, and he made to it four gates facing the four sides of the earth, and he planted a vineyard in it, so that if a traveller came to Abraham he entered any gate which was in his road, and remained there and ate and drank and satisfied himself and then departed.  12 For the house of Abraham was always open to the sons of men that passed and repassed, who came daily to eat and drink in the house of Abraham.  13 And any man who had hunger and came to Abraham’s house, Abraham would give him bread that he might eat and drink and be satisfied, and any one that came naked to his house he would clothe with garments as he might choose, and give him silver and gold and make known to him the Lord who had created him in the earth; this did Abraham all his life.
As Abraham was entertaining we can assume he talked about what he had learned from Noah and Shem.  He would have talked about יהוה Yahovah, the creation, Enoch, Noah and Shem.
Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to receive strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained messengers.
Some of the people to whom Abraham gave information, may have embraced what he said to them.  He did what he was known for to broadcast the peace and truth he had heard.  The lesson to us is that not all people are going to hear what we say.  We are to have peace with that, and let the Spirit teach what is right. 
John 12:47 “And if anyone hears My Words but does not watch over them, I do not judge him.  For I did not come to judge the world but to save the world.
If יהושע Yahusha does not judge those who do not have ears to hear, neither should we judge.  Give out our bread to them and after many days it will return. 

Care for each other

Matthew 25:35 for I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in, 36 was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came to Me.’ …  40 “And the Sovereign shall answer and say to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, in so far as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me.’
This verse above at Matthew 25 is referring to the return of the Son of Adam (man), the Christ, the Messiah, also known as יהושע Yahusha.  At that time we will experience the Judgment.  This Judgment was prophesied by all the prophets starting at Enoch and continuing until יהושע Yahusha. 
We will be there, and it will be thrilling to hear the words, ‘Truly, I say to you, in so far as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me.’
Matthew 25:23 “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and trustworthy servant.  You were trustworthy over a little, I shall set you over much.  Enter into the joy of your master.’
יהושע Yahusha has entrusted his sheep in our hands.  He has entrusted each of us into each other hands.  We are all of the same flock.  When he returns we will recognize His voice.  When we work we do work with our hands.  We ask our Father to anoint the work of our hands, that the work we accomplish is His will. 
John 10:16 “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold – I have to bring them as well, and they shall hear My voice, and there shall be one flock, one shepherd.

Guide to Truth

In these last days the teacher of Truth is amongst us.
Matthew 16:13 “But when He comes, the Spirit of the Truth, He shall guide you into all the Truth.  For He shall not speak from Himself, but whatever He hears He shall speak, and He shall announce to you what is to come.
Think not that anyone of us can teach better than any other, or that we have the best understanding of the Truth.  This just is not true.  Some do have the gift from above to present information as teachers, but even those people understand what they do depends upon the Spirit of the Truth. 
Matthew 16:17 And יהושע (Yahusha) answering, said to him, “Baruch (Bl-ssed) are you, Shim‛on Bar-Yonah (Simon Barjona), for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father in the heavens.


Here we read of guarding the Word because of love for יהושע Yahusha.  In this case the guarding is a result of outward attack upon the Word or instructions we have in our heart.  The attack comes in the form of things that are different from the original instruction given to us.
Enoch 14:3 As He created and gave to Mankind the power of understanding the word of wisdom…
Luke 11:35 “See to it therefore that the light which is in you is not darkness.
 In the Book of Enoch this attack comes in the form of wrong teaching forced upon us from the Fallen Watchers.  These Fallen Watchers are the same entities that caused so much hurt to mankind before the flood.  And they were the reason for the flood.  They had completely infiltrated all mankind except for Noah and his family.  The drive to teach us wrong doing, from the Fallen Watchers and their spawn is still relentless.  We have gates of communication, our eyes, our ears, our mouth, our nose, and our sense of touch.  We cannot allow outside stimuli to affect our heart in a way that affects our relationship with יהושע Yahusha and the Father. 
John 14:23 יהושע (Yahusha) answered him, “If anyone loves Me, he shall guard My Word.  And My Father shall love him, and We shall come to him and make Our stay with him.
When we eliminate, or prevent outside stimuli from affecting our heart, we will guard the Word placed into our heart.  What we allow to get through our eyes and ears subtly enters our heart, and breaks down the Word contained there.  This is also true of our nose, our mouth and what we feel with our fingers.  So now the question is, to what extent are we willing to go to insure that we hear those words, “You good and trustworthy servant.” No detail about this guarding can be minimized or discarded as insignificant to our wellbeing and health. 
John 15:10 “If you guard My commands, you shall stay in My love, even as I have guarded My Father’s commands and stay in His love.
We are being told to guard the word in us just like יהושע Yahusha guarded the same word in him.  When we do this we remain in Father’s Love.  It appears that יהושע Yahusha is indicating here to follow these commands and we will be able to accomplish the guarding process like he was able.
Malachi 3:2 “And who is able to bear the day of His coming, and who is able to stand when He appears? For He is like the fire of a refiner, and like the soap of a launderer.
This guarding we face is the fire of the refiner, and is the soap of a launderer.  These things form us into a precious people.  These things make us attractive.  After the fire and the soap we are changed from our former self.  With the guarding of the Word in us, we are special and our Father desires our success. 
I Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a set-apart nation, a people for a possession, that you should proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light,
The Launderer uses water and soap, dips and then examines the cloth.  If it is not clean, they repeat the process, until the cloth is clean.  The refiner must sit close to the crucible and watch the heat, because the Gold cannot boil or it will ruin.  The set apart ones, are a result of the refiners experienced eye who tries the Gold in the crucible and removes the dross until it is purified and refined until he can see His reflection in the top of the melted gold. 
We want our Father to see His reflection in us.  This is the mark we receive, when he sees His reflection in our forehead, the thinking part of our body. 

Washing feet

After a long journey in the days when people wore sandals and walked to where they needed to go, it was customary to receive the weary traveller into the home and wash the road dust from their feet.  Many things in the scriptures are poetic.  The question here is what did יהושע Yahusha mean about a command to wash each other’s feet? This was a common practice so why was this common practice emphasized and elevated to the level of a command?
We know that we need to clean our inside first and not just the outside of our body.  We know it is important for us to be washed by the cleansing of the water of the Word.
Matthew 23:26 “Blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and dish, so that the outside of them becomes clean too.
 In John 13 we read of the account of יהושע Yahusha washing the feet of His disciples.  Simon refused at first, and then יהושע Yahusha said, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.”
Then He said, “He who has had a bath (from the cleansing of the Word) does not need to wash, except his feet, …” The idea of feet is that the feet represent the tools that allow us to walk on the path of righteousness.  This is the poetic value of our feet.  The feet can also allow us to walk on the path of destruction.  So there is a definite need to wash ones feet, so that we continue on the path of righteousness.  We wash each other’s feet, not in condemnation, but in a heart of assistance.  We wash each other’s feet in conversations whenever we meet.  We wash each other’s feet, when we have concern, when we see an action that has fallen away from the mark.  We wash each other’s feet, when we exclaim how to better hit the target, not in condemnation, but in a spirit of assistance. 
John 13:4 “Then if I, Master and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.  15 “For I gave you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.

Take heed

We are to take heed, pay attention to this.  This is important to us because complacency sets in, and sometimes we do not realize it.  We become familiar with rote and soon we pay no attention to it and the affect it has on our life.  For a myriad of reasons we are all affected by these things. 
The principles taught at Matthew 5:27-30 concerning our eyes, and how if they cause us to stumble in our heart, we are better off without them if in fact they are going to withhold us from a righteous walk.  The gates of communication with all things outside our body are wired directly to our heart and are in need of guarding.  The things that get through these gates can cause us to stumble. 
Mark 4:24 And He said to them, “Take heed what you hear.  With the same measure you use, it shall be measured to you, and more shall be added to you who hear.
We must pay attention to the things we hear from other people which might trigger a judgment within us.  And when we have developed a judgment within us this same judgment is used to measure us.  When something is measured it is like an archer, when after they have let an arrow loose at a target, a measurement is taken between the arrow and the centre of the target.  This is the Hebrew mind set about the word transgression.  It is missing the mark. 
In essence this next verse is saying the same thing. 
Matthew 7:1 “Do not judge, lest you be judged. 
We should also read Matthew 7:1-5. 
We have been commanded to be careful how we judge others, we have been told to be careful because at the judgment we will be measured in the same way we have developed thoughts about others.  So if in our mind we are stringent towards the actions of others, similarly by that level of stringency we will be measured.  So if a person looks at another person and lusts, they in their heart have committed adultery.  Today, we have much opportunity to adulterate.  This is all around us in the way that the media uses sex in their adds and how seeing the nakedness of another is commonplace in the movies, and the internet where we believe no one sees our peeking at things we should not be peeking into at all.  So if these people have stringent opinions about the sexual preference of others, then they too will be treated stringently.  Their adulterous actions will be measured in the same way they have judged others in their heart.  Therefore the execution of this command not to judge must be paramount in our heart.  We must remember the voice of יהושע Yahusha saying, “Whoever is without sin cast the first stone.”
One other of the gates of communication involves eating and drinking for life and function.  There may come times when our hearts become weighed down, as in when one becomes depressed and we compensate with worry, overeating, and drunkenness.  Easier said than done, but we are working on victory here.  We are looking for a way to overcome depressed times in our life.  We all have a common goal and that is the Kingdom.  That is the battle flag we look to in the battle.  This promise, as the battle flag, gives us fortification to live abundantly. 
Luke 21:34 “And take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down by gluttony, and drunkenness, and worries of this life, and that day come on you suddenly.
Let us remember about the command concerning the washing of each other’s feet.  When we think about washing each other’s feet we can be vigilant to consider the heart of other’s and do all that is needed to prevent them from being weighed down. 
We have been called to vigilance and watchfulness for ourselves and for others too. 
Mark 13:33 “Take heed, watch and pray, for you do not know when the time is –
Matthew 24:32 “And learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that the summer is near.
We have been asked to be vigilant for the possible danger that would rob from our heart.  The day is quickly approaching when our Messiah will return and establish the promised rest that our Father intended for us in the first place.  Therefore we have also been asked to be watchful for the signs of this happening.  And in being watchful, we can fortify our diligence to be like Him as we see this day approaching. 
Additionally through our mouth we can be as יהושע Yahusha was.  He was always pleasant mouthed, full of hope for Father’s plan.  This plan is a wealth of encouragement.  This plan is like the Ark that floated Noah and his family.  Those who were in the Ark were saved from destruction. And in the same way, when we choose to be inside the Messiah who is our Ark. He is our safety from destruction.
Luke 4:22 And all were bearing witness to Him, and marvelled at the pleasant words that came out of His mouth.  And they said, “Is this not the son of Yosĕph (Joseph)?”
Through the gates of our eyes many things enter to harm us.  We are incessantly driven without rest and told through the media all the things we all need and how all these things will benefit us.  This is blasphemy to the very definition.  This is also what the Fallen Watchers did to people in the time of Noah.  And it still persists to be a problem for us. 
I John 2:16 Because all that is in the world – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life – is not of the Father but is of the world.
When we desire something that is normal, nevertheless, what is the most important thing to us? We have this warning.  The thinking in this next verse forms a certain type of person.  And we must remember that all gifts that we have comes from above and nothing we have was acquired by the work of our own hand. 
Luke 12:15 And He said to them, “Mind, and beware of greed, because one’s life does not consist in the excess of his possessions.”


Picture of Yahushua in a mission field
Picture of Yahushua in a mission field
We have this list laid out before us.  It is not exhaustive.  Nevertheless it is a start and can be used as a reminder. 
How to accomplish these things will vary as we are all individuals with just as many ways to accomplish things that are important to us.  With this list in our heart, we can examine ourselves.  And when we see trouble we can ask our Father for support on each individual issue as it happens the moment we recognize it.  We have been told:
I John 3:22 And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we guard His commands and do what is pleasing in His sight.
We want to be like Him, because we love Him in the same way He loves us.  He wants us to be successful and He asks nothing of us that we cannot accomplish.  He is confident of that.  So in confidence when we feel the pressure of failing at one of these commands or characteristics, we ask in all confidence that we will receive help to overcome it, and then we ask to have strength to overcome the next time we are faced with this pressure again. 
When we guard His commands in our heart, we do this because we want to hear them and do them.  We want triumph at the end of the race.
Luke 11:28 But He said, “Blessed rather are those hearing the Word of Elohim and watching over it!”
John 14:23 יהושע (Yahusha) answered him, “If anyone loves Me, he shall guard My Word.  And My Father shall love him, and We shall come to him and make Our stay with him.
This is the triumph, and this is the joy, and this is the shalom before the return of יהושע Yahusha.  To be One with the Father and One with יהושע Yahusha is possible as we have been promised.  They Both want us to work diligently to accomplish this Oneness.  We are being told that we are all worthy to be as One with Them.  To the end, that our heart and characteristics are indistinguishable from Them, who have a strong and deep desire to be One with all of us.
We know that at His appearing, we will be judged by a just judge.  We have no fear of the judgment, because we know he loves us with divine love, and has no intention to destroy us.  We will all receive torah in our hearts, and the pressure of blasphemy will be removed from around us, and we will all live in safety, and peace. 
Micah 4:3 And He shall judge among many peoples, and reprove strong nations afar off.  They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks – nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither teach battle any more.

Post Conclusion

Okay, so what is next? We need to develop methods, which in the end, allow us to unlearn all the things that we have erroneously been taught during this assault on our heart.  We are determined to have victory.  We are determined to be like The Father and יהושע Yahusha.  We want Them to dwell in us as They have promised. 
This document could be longer and could be more exhaustive.  Nevertheless, we have been promised help to learn the information we need.
Mark 6:8 And He instructed them to take none at all for the journey except a staff – no bag, no bread, no copper in their money belts,
A staff is a shepherd’s tool and we were told when we do our work to hold a staff.  We are not The Shepherd.  יהושע Yahusha is The Shepherd we read about in the scriptures.  However when we were asked to go out to the nations, in His Name, our feet walk His path, we are acting in His Name and our hands become His Hands to accomplish what is needed by Him.  יהושע Yahusha and our Father dwell in us.  We are representatives of The Shepherd.  We are like Him doing His business.  So we have step one, to be like Him, and step two, to do His business and wash feet as His representatives. 
For if we say this is too much, or we cannot do this, remember what יהושע Yahusha said:
Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I shall give you rest.  29 “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your beings.  30 “For My yoke is gentle and My burden is light.”
יהושע Yahusha is saying to us, yes you can do this! I know you can do this because I will be there with you to help you!  In the yoke it will be my head in the other side of the yoke, and we will pull together. 
We will be successful in all this, because Yahusha has set us up for success.  We thank you Father for sending your Spirit of Teaching into us so that we can hear your Words of Truth and see your Path of Righteousness. 
[1]              Strong’s H8033, Benner 1473-A (N)
[2]              Strong’s H7307, Benner 1445-J (N)
[3]              Strong’s H259, Benner 1165-C (N)
[4]              Strong’s H3068
[5]              Strong’s H3091 variant spelling
[6]              A compound word Strong’s H1100 (H1097 and H3276) , Benner 1035-A (f) and 1357-L (V)