JUBILEES 2 1 And the malak of the presence spoke to Mosheh according to the word of YAHUWAH, saying: Write the complete history of the creation, how in six days YAHUWAH ALMIGHTY finished all His works and all that He created, and kept Shabbat on the seventh day and hallowed it for all ages, and appointed it as a sign for all His works.
17 And He gave us a great sign, the Shabbat day, that we should work six days, but keep Shabbat on the seventh day from all work.
18 And all the malakim of the presence, and all the malakim of sanctification, these two great classes –He has bidden us to keep the Shabbat with Him in heaven and on earth.
28 And every one who observes it and keeps Shabbat thereon from all his work, will be kodesh and Baruch throughout all days like unto us.
32 And the Creator of all things baruch this day which HE had created for barakah and making it kodesh and splendid above all days.
Throughout history,, today we can look to the Jews, who have tracked and kept the seventh-day Sabbath for millennia and be confident that our current Saturday is the seventh day of the week, on the same weekly cycle that has been in place since the beginning of creation—a cycle established and confirmed by The Most High YAHUWAH Himself.
Interesting Video: Even Beavers know when it is the Sabbath- Saturday. A16 years documentary !
Calendars printed in the United States put Saturday as the seventh day, but in Europe and other places in the world, Sunday is shown as the seventh day. So how can we be sure?
The seven-day weekly cycle is not tied to any patterns or alignments of the sun, moon, or stars. It is a non-stop serial counting of days, one after the other. Scripture tells us the cycle was established by The Most High YAHUWAH. After six days of creation, The Most High YAHUWAH rested on the seventh day (Genesis 2:1-2). Since then, the counting off days in groups of sevens—with each group called a week and every seventh day designated as a day of rest—has continued unbroken up to our own time.
English-speaking countries call the seventh day Saturday, but the word for that day in many languages indicates its origins as the biblical day of rest. For example, the seventh day in Spanish is called Sabado (coming from the Hebrew shabbat). This too is made plain on printed calendars in those languages.
Language reflects the customs of the culture that speaks it. Nearly every culture, from Babylon through modern times, rested on the seventh day. As languages developed, the name for the seventh day of the week remained “rest day.” In the mid-19th century, Dr. William Meade Jones created this “Chart of the Week,” listing the name for the seventh day in 160 languages, including some of the most ancient (shown below). Babylonian, in use hundreds of years before Abraham or the giving of the Ten Commandments at Sinai, calls the seventh day of the week sa-ba-tu, meaning “rest day.”

Such widespread use of forms of the word Sabbath for the seventh day of the week, Saturday, is clear evidence that speakers of these languages understood which day is the Sabbath.
Likewise, the fact that in no language do we see “Sabbath” similarly linked with Sunday, the first day of the week, is an obvious confirmation that this day never was considered the biblical Sabbath until later religious leaders tried to substitute Sunday for the true Sabbath day.
Which day of the week is the biblical Sabbath? It is clear from the names for the seventh day of the week, Saturday, in many languages.
Could we have lost our place?
If you have ever tried to count off numbers in a sequence you know how easy it is to lose your place. Could this have happened with the counting of the seventh day? After all, it has been a very long time since The Most High YAHUWAH established the first day of rest.
If the sequence had gotten all jumbled up sometime between the first day of rest and the Exodus of Israel out of Egypt, the true seventh day was clearly reestablished by the time the Ten Commandments were given.
We can conclude confidently that our current Saturday is the seventh day of the week, on the same weekly cycle that has been in place since the beginning of creation—a cycle established and confirmed by The Most High YAHUWAH Himself.
In the wilderness, The Most High YAHUWAH fed the people of Israel with manna. The manna would appear on the ground every day except the seventh day, the day of rest (Exodus 16:14-30). This sequence would repeat every seven days, over and over for 40 years. The weekly cycle of manna only stopped when Israel entered the promised land. Four decades of repetition is plenty of time to clearly establish which day was the day of rest.
If the Sabbath had somehow been lost between creation and the exodus, 40 years of weekly miracles would have definitely reestablished.
Did Israel ever lose track of the seventh day?
The Exodus was still an exceedingly long time in the past. Plus, Israel went through many periods of turmoil, forgetfulness of The Most High YAHUWAH, invasion, deportation, etc. Could Israel—and later the Jewish people—have mixed up the sequence of counting the seven-day weekly cycle through all that?
Yahushua Messiah, the very Word of The Most High YAHUWAH, put off the Esteem and Honor He shared with the Father and was born a flesh and blood human being. He was the “Master of the Sabbath” (Matthew 12:1-8; Mark 2:23-28; Luke 6:1-5). Yahushua Messiah would have known if He, or His fellow Jews, had the sequence of the seventh day messed up.
The record of Yahushua Messiah’ life shows He rested on the seventh day in obedience to the commandment (John 15:10). Yahushua Messiah observed the day of rest on the same day of the week as His fellow Jews. The religious authorities of the day may have disputed what types of activities were appropriate for observing the seventh day as a day of rest, but not which day of the week it was.
Yahushua Messiah’s obedience to the Fourth Commandment confirmed the seventh day as kept by the Jews was the correct day.
Did the Jewish people lose track of the seventh day after Yahushua Messiah’s death?
Years before the time of Yahushua Messiah’s death, and in the centuries since, the Jewish people have been widely dispersed throughout the Middle East and Europe. Wherever they have gone, they have fiercely guarded the observance of the seven-day weekly cycle so they might never break the Fourth Commandment.
It is possible to consider that isolated pockets of Jews may have lost track of the weekly cycle due to some local turmoil, but such an error would have quickly been corrected by comparing notes with the many other Jewish communities in other countries and continents—communities which had not experienced any interruption or disruption in the seven-day weekly cycle.
However, there is not any historical record of any dispute among any Jewish groups that the day we call Saturday is the seventh day of the weekly cycle, The Most High YAHUWAH’s day of rest. The Jewish people have successfully kept the original seven-day weekly cycle intact.
Now, one last question that sometimes comes up:
Did the change to the Gregorian calendar in 1582 lose track of the seventh day?

From 46 B.C. up to A.D. 1582, the Western world used what is called the Julian calendar. It was a vast improvement over the previous Roman calendars because it finally kept the months in sync with the seasons. However, after many centuries even the Julian calendar was about 10 days out of sync with the solar system.
In 1582 the old Julian calendar was replaced with the new, improved Gregorian calendar, which is the calendar system we still use today. At the time of the change to the new calendar system, those 10 days were simply dropped out of the calendar to get the dating system of the calendar back in sync with the solar system. It was Thursday, Oct. 4, 1582, and the next day, Friday, should have been Oct. 5. However, the new calendar made the next day Oct. 15 instead.
That change had no impact on the seven-day weekly cycle. Whether that following Friday was numbered as the 5th of the month or the 15th of the month, it was still the sixth day of the week, and the day that followed was still the seventh day of the week.
Even today we constantly add a day into our calendar every four years. We call it a “leap year.” Changing the number of days in a calendar month does not alter the weekly cycle—there is no six-day week, or eight-day week.
So, we can conclude confidently that our current Saturday is the seventh day of the week, on the same weekly cycle that has been in place since the beginning of creation—a cycle established and confirmed by The Most High YAHUWAH Himself.
Correspondence between Biblical numbers and astronomy
The number 7 is a recurring numerical theme in the Hebrew scriptures. The menorah‘s seven lamps on its branches correspond to the lights of the seven Classical planets: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun (4th), Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Hebrew mysticism recognized their great importance. Therefore, along with the four lunar phases being slightly over seven days (~7.4 days) each, the number 7 was held in very high regard. The Torah reflects this with Bereishit (Book of Genesis 1:1) being seven words and twenty-eight letters (7×4) in its original Hebrew. This is “YHWH’s signature“.[citation needed]
“And Aloah said, ‘Let there be lights in the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons, days, years and festivals’...the 4th day (of 7).”[16]
In many languages, the names of the days of the week are derived from the names of the seven planets; each day was consecrated to the particular planet that ruled during the early hours of the morning. While Talmudists were familiar with the planets and their characteristics in astrology, they opposed their worship to any planet, so weekdays are not named them in Hebrew besides for the Sabbath. Instead, they are referred to by number.
The ancient Chinese called the Heavenly “Seven Governments”, which means the sun, the moon plus the five stars of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Coincidentally, the West also names the seven days of the week after the “seven planets”.
The meaning of the names of the five planets, one star and one moon [planetary satellite] are:[33]
- שבתאי, Saturn
- Meaning: “the restful one,” whose name is parallel to that of the Sabbath; the Seventh-day; the day of rest. Esoterically, Shabbatai שבתאי embodies Time itself. In the midst of time’s passage, Shabbatai שבתאי remains still and silent, drawing all endeavors to a close.
- 6th Day. Tzedeq צדק, Jupiter
- Meaning: “righteousness”, as Jupiter is the embodiment of divine influx.
- 5th Day Ma’adim מאדים, Mars
- Meaning: “the red one”
- 4th Day Ḥammah חמה, the Sun
- Meaning: “the hot one”
- 3rd Day Kokhevet כוכבת, Nogah נוגה or Kokhav-Nogah כוכב נוגה, Venus
- Meanings: “the she-planet,” “the bright one,” or “the bright planet,” respectively
- 2nd Day Kokhav כוכב, Mercury
- Meaning: “the planet,” since Mercury is the Principle of planetary influence, in and of itself. The Mercurial principle is that of multipotency. It embodies our means of adaptation and represents the many facets of existence. In being deemed simply as “the planet”, Mercury is presented as a blank slate; an open-ended modality of being.
- 1st Day Levanah לבנה, the Moon
- Meaning: “the white one”
Names of weekdays
The names for the days of the week are simply the day number within the week, with Shabbat being the seventh day. In Hebrew, these names may be abbreviated using the numerical value of the Hebrew letters, for example יום א׳ (Day 1, or Yom Rishon (יום ראשון)):
- Yom Rishon – יום ראשון (abbreviated יום א׳), meaning “first day” [corresponds to Sunday]
- Yom Sheni – יום שני (abbr. יום ב׳) meaning “second day” [corresponds to Monday]
- Yom Shlishi – יום שלישי (abbr. יום ג׳) meaning “third day” [corresponds to Tuesday]
- Yom Reviʻi – יום רביעי (abbr. יום ד׳) meaning “fourth day” [corresponds to Wednesday]
- Yom Chamishi – יום חמישי (abbr. יום ה׳) = “fifth day” [corresponds to Thursday]
- Yom Shishi – יום שישי (abbr. יום ו׳) meaning “sixth day” [corresponds to Friday]
- Yom Shabbat – יום שבת (abbr. יום ש׳), or more usually, simply Shabbat – שבת meaning “rest day” [corresponds to Saturday]
The names of the days of the week are modeled on the seven days mentioned in the creation story (Genesis 1). For example, Genesis 1:8 “… And there was evening and there was morning, a second day” corresponds to Yom Sheni meaning “second day”. (However, for days 1, 6, and 7 the modern name differs slightly from the version in Genesis.)
The seventh day, Shabbat, as its Hebrew name indicates, is a day of rest in Judaism. In Talmudic Hebrew, the word Shabbat (שַׁבָּת) can also mean “week”,[10] so that in ritual liturgy a phrase like “Yom Reviʻi beShabbat” means “the fourth day in the week”.[11] (Genesis 1:26-31; Genesis 2:1-3).
Did Yahushua Messiah keep the seventh day Shabbat?

Yahushua Messiah Himself obeyed Torah teaching and He has emphasized its importance in this notion. “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath,” He explained to some who completely misunderstood its intent and purpose (Mark 2:27). He clarified the great underlying principle of the Sabbath day that so many have missed through the centuries: The Sabbath, far from enforcing a tiresome bondage or sanctioning a list of forbidden activities, is something The Most High YAHUWAH made for man/all mankind not just for the Jews! It was sanctified—Set Apart—when mankind was made, with The Most High YAHUWAH creating Adam and Eve on the sixth day of creation week and hence creating the Sabbath on the following day by setting that day apart.
The Disciples Kept the Sabbath mentioned 85 Times within the book of Acts There are many scriptures that verify the Sabbath day being the 7th day of the week. All throughout the ‘New testament’, the first day of the week is called “The first day of the week” and the 7th day of the week is called “The Sabbath”. This fact alone should prove when the Sabbath truly is. Click link above. http://www.eliyah.com/85times.html

Other reasons why Saturday is the true Shabbat:
Other reasons why Saturday is the true Shabbat:
1. History tell us that Catholics have opposed the Jewish Sabbath(Saturday), and believers have continuously observed Sunday since 321 A.D.
2. Historians have kept calendar records fairly faithfully;
3. A number of Christian groups/sects observed the seventh day Sabbath(Saturday) for some or all of their history. These include: the Waldensians, the Scotts, the Albigensian, the Martoma Christians in southern India; and the Abyssinians of Ethiopia. A prince of Ethiopia, who was in exile in the United States, attempted to teach his people FROM WORDS IN THEIR OWN MOTHER TONGUE, that Ethiopia had anciently observed the Sabbath (Saturday) and the Biblical Feasts.
4. According to the Dead Sea Scrolls, there was a change in the Temple from a solar calendar to a lunar calendar, but WITHOUT AFFECTING THE TIMING OF THE SEVENTH DAY SABBATH.
0ur Testimony on keeping the seventh day Shabbat with DSS Enoch Priestly Calendar:
We have been very delighted after almost 6 years we have been following the calendar only 364 days 52 Shabbat on the current 7 days a week, Shabbat on Sat-day without breaking it, yet last few years as we checked and compare with the 6 years Priestly order as to who are on duty that Shabbat, whether that Shabbat shall have a full moon or not, miraculously, it has matched all the 6 years DSS finding continuously. This means that we are keeping the same Shabbat with those Zadokite Priests as well as our Messiah in His time 2000+ years ago! Details on how to read the 6 years priestly order chart please visit our webpage:https://man-child.com/the-times-of-torah-enoch-the-order-of-malki-tzedek-2019/ and https://man-child.com/2021-2022-calendar-based-on-dds-priestly-order-6-years-calendar-excel-spreadsheet/
With YaHuWaH Priestly Calendar from DSS, the Spring Equinox falls during the last week of the old year annually, so it is not ever necessary to wait for the following Wednesday, or go back to a prior Wednesday, as that would throw everything off, including the weekday moon phases recorded by the true Zadokite priests! The Sign of the Spring Equinox, the straight line of shadows from sunrise to sunset, will occur somewhere within the 7 days OF THE EQUINOX WEEK that transits the old year [day 364] to the new one on Aviv 1!
The lunar phases confirm the year of the cycle we are in. Aviv 1 has a full moon in years 1 & 4 and again on year one of the new priestly cycle. The priestly order was based on calculation of lunar phases, not the 2nd or 3rd day of a 2–3-day full moon and NEVER BY OBSERVATION OF THE MOON.
****Gregorian dates change year to year regardless of Torah patterns. Roman data-dates need to be ignored and shunned every year!
****The Torah priestly cycles NEVER CHANGE & are as follows: Years 1-4 same, Years 2-5 same, Years 3-6 same.
****If we start every year on Day 4 – Modern Wednesday every year will end on a 3rd Day-Tuesday and will be exactly 364 days as required by Torah & Enoch! For now, we only tracked and matched the DDS 6 years priestly calendar according to Enoch with only and straightly 364 days yearly with 52 “Shabbats” not weeks, and the 1st day, we only start the year on the 4th day of the first week of the new year… by doing it, we discovered that we are observing the exact same day same month and the same 6 years uninterrupted priestly order ( for example, this year 2021/2022 is the 3rd year of this priestly order circle) , hence, even though after 2000+ years between us and them, we are sharing the same calendar even with the moon position monthly with the same priest on duty every 6 years circle!!!! ( https://man-child.com/2021-2022-calendar-based-on-dds-priestly-order-6-years-calendar-excel-spreadsheet/ ) And this was supported with scripture records as well as Jewish history when they mentioned a particular priestly order was on duty at that day of that month! And because of this, we also know how to identify the sabbatical years and Jubilee years according to the scriptures. ( https://man-child.com/is-2022-or-2024-the-120th-jubilee-in-yhwh-dss-calendar/ )The numbers match perfectly! We have also tried scriptural studies on “dates” with this calendar exercise in Chinese ( https://man-child.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/GENESIS-6-8-Calendar-Noah-Flood-based-on-Enoch-DDS-364days-Counting.pdf ), the counting of days match perfectly without breaking the Shabbat year to year. We will try to describe it in English in this coming Year of YHWH! Amein.