Article by Dean Coombs @
Before we address Enoch’s prophecy of the seven epochs of 490 years each that span from Creation to Messiah, first some words about why the book of Enoch is important for today.
The timing of the renewed interest of the book of Enoch with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 is significant. It anticipates the repeat of the sin of the Watchers.
Footnote: The “Watchers” is a general designation for a certain class of high ranking angels. They “watch” over men and the cosmos to make sure that order is maintained, and then report back to YAH, the Almighty. However, some 20 of these rebelled, along with another 180 under their authority, “200 hundred in all” (Enoch 6:6). The final total who rebel is one million, as deduced from the hierarchy of Enoch 69:3 with 6:8, i.e., 20*10*50*100.
What was the sin of the Watchers?
“In the days of Jarod” (Enoch’s father), these angels mixed their DNA with men, animals, and plants. This resulted in giant men and monstrous creatures. This was the main reason why The Almighty sent the flood of Noah. A new creation was needed, a reset, because, except for Noah, all men had corrupted their way upon the earth.
Messiah Yahushua said:
“As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” Matt. 24:37
This sort of mixture of men and animals is happening again today and is being weaponized. YAH’s warning from the book Enoch applies to today because the sin is the same today, and so are the consequences. Indeed, the very first verse of Enoch claims to be a message for our day, i.e., “for those living in the day of tribulation,” (Enoch 1:1.)
Order and Chaos
However, there is another reason why the book of Enoch is important for these last days. And that reason is found in the verse immediately following the place where Jude quotes from in the New Testament.
“Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” (Jude 1:14-15)
Let us continue to read from the Book of Enoch, from the very next verse, (which is addressed to the fallen angels)…
“Observe ye everything that takes place in the heaven, how they do not change their orbit, and the luminaries which are in the heaven, how they all rise and set in order each in its season, and transgress not against their appointed order. … but ye–ye have not been steadfast, nor done the commandments of the Lord…” (Enoch 2:1, 4a)
In other words, the book of Enoch is saying that the orderliness of YAH’s creation testifies to their disorder (“transgression”). They are without excuse.
Footnote: Compare this with Romans 1:18-32, "Therefore they are without excuse, because since the creation of the world...etc." Likely the Apostle Paul had Enoch 1-7 in mind here as evident by his stress on sexual transgression. Also see the Book of Jude.
An orderly creation testifies to the following:
That these Watchers have transgressed, (i.e., they have caused chaos in YHWH’s orderly universe)
That the 364-days calendar is YHWH’s clear testimony to men and angels of divine order. Moreover, it points to the day of their doom and is marked on the calendar
An orderly creation testifies that YHWH’s children will eventually rule over their enemies, as surely as day follows night
And in keeping with the theme of an orderly cosmos, the Book of Enoch prophesies that the Enochic calendar (“workings of the cosmos”) would be fully revealed at the end of the seventh cycle of “seventy weeks”. It seems that the seven-cycles of 490 years complete its course twice: at the First and Second Coming of the “Son of Man,” (Enoch 93:9-14; cf., Daniel 9).
Sevenfold Light
“And after that in the seventh week (i.e., a “week” of generations of 70 years, see verse 3)… at its close shall the elect… receive sevenfold instruction concerning all His creation.” (Enoch 93:10-14).
The prophesied, “sevenfold light” was given to men when Yahushua came the first time, by His Apostles and prophets.
However, it seems logical that this prophecy of Enoch is also fulfilled a second time just before His Second Coming, not foundationally, but an expansion of what was revealed the first time. One thing held in reserve until these last days is the understanding of the workings of “the cosmic order”. And this is now revealed, both to secular men by way of science, but more importantly, to His servants by way of the revelation of Messiah as revealed by an orderly cosmos.
Cosmic Clock of Prophetic Potentials
The heavens are a cosmic clock that keeps track of the passage of time using extremely complex cycles and rhythms.
However, these complex rhythms, like the many hands of a complex watch, have been, and still are, tracking every event recorded in the Bible and in world history. All events occur in an orderly fashion in conjunction with the sun, moon, and stars thereby demonstrating a non-random universe.
Biblical events tend to clump together along the scaffold of these rhythms like the skeleton of the body upon which the flesh hangs. Or to use a secular analogy, these rhythms in time are like the invisible filaments affected by “dark matter” that gravitationally pull on the visible universe so that wherever this invisible dark matter is densest, the likelihood of the visible universe clumped around it is proportionally more likely.
The cycles and rhythms of the Almighty YAH’s clock act like gravity; they inexorably pull all things towards His master plan — toward the written destinies of both men and angels, yet without impeding freewill.
This does not mean that future events are easily predictable, but rather that the probability when major events occur is predictable, and even what type of event.
By analogy, crucial events occur in history in proportion to how ‘dense’ the invisible filaments of the universe are. Or to use another analogy, they increase according to how loud the crescendo of overlapping chimes on YHWH’s cosmic clock is when they periodically chime all at once. It’s at these mountain-peak moments along YHWH’s timeline that new chapters in redemptive history ring out.
The pattern is obvious in hindsight but murky beforehand when as yet they are mere potentials, even if high in probability. Only YHWH the Almighty knows the end from the beginning because He is the Beginning and the End.
(Wiki) “In the standard model of the evolution of the universe, galactic filaments form along and follow web-like strings of dark matter. It is thought that this dark matter dictates the structure of the Universe on the grandest of scales. Dark matter gravitationally attracts baryonic matter, and it is this “normal” matter that astronomers see forming long, thin walls of super-galactic clusters.”
Chart for “Seventy generations of 70 years” of the Book of Enoch, the key to all other chronologies
The chronologies of Luke and Matthew are simply variations of the Book of Enoch, (as is Genesis in the MT, LXX, SP with the “Key of 23“. This even includes the Tablets of Sumer!)
“…Adam, the son of YHWH”, Luke 3:38.
Adam was created at age 70, as implied: “You shall die in the day that you eat from the tree”, that is 70 + “930” = 1000 years. (“A day is as 1000 yrs.”)
Apparently, Luke understood this extra “70-years” as a foreshadowing of the pre-incarnate Messiah Yahushua who came ’77 generations’ later.
However, Matthew counts three sets of “14 generations” to Abraham (and stops). Thus, Abraham is born in 2876 BC, which is ‘490 x 2’ to the Abraham of Book of Enoch (1896 BC).
(Note: Matthew overlaps the generation of the exile in order to ALSO allow a rounded 40 generations to Christ.)
Matthew and Luke trace their genealogies through the line of Judah, not Levi so that the Conquest of Canaan occurs three generations later. (See “Nahshon” in Wiki.).
Footnote: See note in the chart about the seven-days/years of creation, and its effects on the chronology. In the Book of Jubilees, both Cain and Abel are born when Adam was 70 and 77 years of age, (Bk Jub 4:1). The fall of man occurred "seven years exactly" after creation, (Jub 3:7). Luke likely had a similar notion about man adds up to 77 years. This is likely why Luke records 77 generations unto the redemption of man from the original transgression -- a year for each generation, similar to the Bk. of Enoch. Many manuscript fragments of both the Book of Jubilees and Enoch were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls that date to the period just before Luke and prove that such concepts well known to scholars of that time period. Interestingly, the final 12th cave of Qumran was discovered 70 years after the initial discovery of the other eleven caves, 77 generations after 3366 BC, etc. Also count cycles of 483-solar years ("490 yrs" of 360 days). See "Key of 23". 3366 BC less 3360 years = 6 BC, and 3360 is itself ten priestly years of 336 days! (See Luke 1:5)
Enoch’s Prophetic Outline: Pre-Creation to Messiah (70 gen.), and 30 more to the “Appearing of the New Heaven”
You can read the prophecy of Enoch at this link: Book of Enoch 91-93. Note the odd way that the last three cycles of 490 years appear out of order, that is, before the other seven cycles! This is a strong hint to the importance of the internal three-plus-seven and seven-plus-three pattern found throughout.
Enoch utilizes idealistic generations of 70 years, which he says is symbolic of just one day. Therefore one day equals 70 years. (Compare to Daniel 9.)
The parallels between the Book of Enoch and the Bible are self-explanatory.
The following is meant to be an aid to the chart.
Enoch 91-93 — (One day equals seventy years)
“In the 1st week”: 7 generations (i.e., “7 days”) span from “YAH” to Enoch’s birth (or from Adam to Enoch’s ascension). “I (Enoch) was born the seventh (day/generation) in the first week…” Enoch 93:3. The chart has 7 gen. to his birth as does Luke 3:37,38, likely the traditional understanding
“In the 2nd week”: 7 gen. from Enoch to Noah’s Flood and “Cainan” of Luke 3:36, inclusive. (Notice ref. to Noahide Laws. See Bk of Jub 7:20-28.)
- “In the 3rd week”: 7 gen. from Shelah to Terah, incl. (“The plant of righteousness”, 93:5, is Abraham, elected at birth through Terah at “70”, Gen 11:26-27. Compare to Enoch. One can instead begin from Creation unto Abraham incl., but in this chart, we follow the path of Luke that begins at “God”. The omission of LXX Cainan has the same effect.)
- “In the 4th week”:
7 gen. from Abraham to Moses of the Exodus/Tabernacle/Conquest, incl.
“In the 5th week”: 7 gen. from Moses to King David, incl. (David prepared for the temple in every way, but it was built 3.5 yrs into his son’s reign. Both the Bible and Enoch accredit the temple indirectly to David, 1Chron 22-29. David lived “70 yrs”, 2Sam. 5:4.)
- “In the 6th week”:
7 gen. from Solomon to the 70-yr exile, incl. or excl., Enoch is ambiguous
- “In the 7th week”:
7 gen. from the exile unto Messiah and the prophesied “sevenfold increase of light” (of revelation). (The Messiah is here called, “The Eternal Plant of Righteousness”.) The “70-weeks” of Daniel 9 is the same as the 7th “week” of Enoch 93:9-14
- “In the 8th week”:
7 gen. (Enoch 91)
- “In the 9th week”:
7 gen. (Enoch 91)
- “In the 10th week”
: 7 gen. (Enoch 91)
From the Exodus to Now
Now let us view the above prophecy of seven weeks (of generations) again, except this time beginning from the Exodus rather than from Creation.
There have elapsed seventy weeks of seventy years from Moses unto our generation. That is, from the 40 years between the Exodus to when Israel entered the Promised Land (1446-1406 BC), plus 7*7*70 more years to our generation equals AD 1985 to 2025.
Observe that if one begins from the Exodus (a type of ‘new creation’ instead of the literal Creation), then a general parallel between the events listed in Enoch’s prophecy, except now from the Exodus to our day, reemerges.
How long is a generation?
A generation can be 40, 70, or 100 years in the Bible. However, in the Book of Enoch, it is logically 70 years. The number seven predominates the book, as it does also in the Book of Jubilees (and Book of Revelation). Furthermore, we have Daniel 9 that concurs.
Footnote: "Plant of Righteousness" Compare the third "week" with the seventh in Enoch's prophecy. They both refer to the "Plant of Righteousness" and their seed/elect. This has the effect that what is said about Abraham can also be true of Yahushua. And the parallel is not by accident, for the prophecy about Abraham also goes on to prophecy about Abraham's seed, the Messiah. "After that in the third week at its close...a man shall be elected (i.e., Abraham), and his posterity shall become the plant of righteousness for evermore," (93:5). And the above statement is explicitly said to be fulfilled at the end of the seventh "week", where the "posterity" of Abraham is again called, "The Eternal Plant of Righteousness," (93:10, cf., 10:15) upon whom the elect "hang" (38:2).
Locked out special endnote, “The sign of blindness and sevenfold light”. I have excluded this note because not everything is meant for the general public. 1260
There are many interpretations of when the 70th year Jubilee will occur and the 70th week timeline. However just for my better understanding, will the tribulation start after the 70th Jubilee or will it conclude at the 70th Jubilee? Also what are your thoughts on the coming asteroid Apophis due to impact the earth on April 13, 2029. It’s supposed to be the size I think of 3 football fields. Some are saying this is “the sign” in the sky before the son of man comes in the clouds in Matthew 24. The asteroid date is also supposedly 3.5 yrs after the feast of tabernacles -the last trump before the herold (sign) before Christ comes (rapture).
Thanks for your question.
While there may be many opinions about 70 jubilees, one thing that’s for sure: the great majority of scholars (evangelical) now accept 1406 BC as the date of the Conquest, which is the official start of the jubilees, and that the majority of scholars also agree with the plain text of the Bible that a jubilee is 7 x 7 years. Hence, 70 jubilees come to AD 2025. Many have notions based upon merely a few months or years of research, whose views spread out because they happen to have a loud megaphone. However, it is not their lifelong study and so their views only confuse.
We all like complex things simplified. We like it black and white. But the fact is there are many possible paths the Almighty may take when the final Shemita (seven years) unfolds. It can be before or after the 70th, or perhaps in between. Moreover, the “time, times, and half-a-time” interweave so that different themes follow different timelines so as to interact with one another. Many times in the past the “seven-years” has played out in various ways, foreshadowing the final climax. By spending much time studying the math of the foreshadows one soon realizes the infinite possibilities of the climactic final fulfillment. And this is why “no man knows the day or the hour”.
About Apophis: I wrote about Apophis in-depth in early 2007. My main point of that article is the timing of the announcement that there was a 2.7 percent chance of Apophis hitting the earth coincided with the great tsunami that killed 300,000 people, as a warning of what would be even worse if an asteroid ever hit the ocean. I also speak about another heavenly sign that occurred at the same time in Saggitarius.
I wrote:
I this article I mainly write about its meaning numerically and thematically. However, I see it as a warning rather than the real deal, and I have not changed my mind.
As early as a few years ago I briefly refer to Apophis and display a prophetic image of a meteor striking the mountain. Actually, the Almighty has revealed this warning many times. For example, see the sign of the meteor striking the moon during the blood-moon eclipse an hour after posting a prophetic image of the same.

But I repeat, I do not have a witness in my spirit that Apophis is anything other than a warning of some unknown meteor in the future striking the earth.
Also, see
May YAH’s favor be upon you in your own studies!