
120th Jubilee



Will the 70th Jubilee Begin on Coming Aviv 1?

Will the 70th Jubilee Begin Next March 2025 ( Click here for PDF easy reading )



It shall be a jubilee for you, when each of you shall return to his property and each of you shall return to his clan. (Leviticus 25:10)


The following article is written by   Maj Tom, D Min ( Link to original article here)


Will the 70th Year of Jubilee Start in March 2025?

Compelling archaeological and biblical evidence suggests the trumpet announcing the coming 70th Year of Jubilee already sounded on the Day of Atonement in October 2024. If so, the 70th anniversary of Jubilee since 1406 BC will start next month, in March 2025.
The number 70 is auspicious in The Most High YHWH’s word, symbolizing perfect spiritual order.                          Some examples:
  • 70 Nations in Genesis 10
  • 70 Israelites went into Egypt
  • 70 elders on Mount Sinai, and later in the Sanhedrin
  • MessiYah sent out 70 disciples, two by two
  • Israel exiled 70 years in Babylon
  • Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy
In this article you’ll learn:
  1. What is the Year of Jubilee?

  2. The archaeological and biblical evidence suggesting the Hebrew year starting in March 2025 is the 70th Jubilee since Israel entered the promised land in 1406 BC.
  3. The huge implications of Jubilee’s fulfillment for Christians/ Believers today.                                                                           What does it mean? What can you expect?
What is the Biblical Year of Jubilee?
Blowing the shofar (ram’s horn)


In the Bible, Jubilee first appears in the book of Leviticus, chapter 25…
And you shall count off seven sabbaths of years—seven times seven years—so that the seven sabbaths of years amount to forty-nine years. Then you are to sound the trumpet far and wide on the tenth day of the seventh month, on the Day of Atonement. You shall sound it throughout your land. So you are to consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty in the land for all its inhabitants. It shall be your Jubilee, when each of you is to return to his property and to his clan. (Leviticus 25:8-10)


The Pattern of The Most High YHWH’s Rest: Sabbath/Shmitah/Jubilee Cycle
The 7th-Day Sabbath
The Most High YHWH rested on the seventh day of creation and blessed the seventh day. Later, The Most High YHWH made resting on the 7th-day the fourth commandment in the Ten Commandments.
The 7th-Year Shmitah
The Most High YHWH extended the 7th-day Sabbath pattern into a 7th-year cycle, commanding Israel to work the land for six years and then let the land rest every seventh year.
Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, when you come into the land that I give you, the land shall keep a Sabbath to the Most High YHWH. For six years you shall sow your field, and for six years you shall prune your vineyard and gather in its fruits, but in the seventh year there shall be a Sabbath of solemn rest for the land, a Sabbath to the MOST HIGH YHWH. You shall not sow your field or prune your vineyard. (Leviticus 25:2-4)
This 7th-year cycle is called the shmitah (pronounced shmee-tah) cycle.
After 7 Shmitahs, the Jubilee
Then, The Most High YHWH further extended the pattern of sevens. The year after every 7th-shmitah (7×7 years) is a Jubilee year of rest.
So, here’s the progression:
  • The Most High YHWH instituted the Sabbath in Genesis chapter two.
  • The Most High YHWH’s rest in the weekly 7th-day sabbath is extended to a year of rest every 7th-year. Each group of 7 years is a shmitah cycle.
  • Then, following 7 shmitah cycles (49 years) the capstone event of The Most High YHWH’s Sabbath rest is the Jubilee year. Thus, the Year of Jubilee is a triple-amplified, symbolic picture of complete Sabbath rest: Sabbath—>Shmitah—>Jubilee.

Ancient Israel’s Disobedience

There’s no record of Israel ever celebrating the Year of Jubilee by complying with all its requirements to forgive debts, free slaves, etc.
And the ancient Israelites didn’t obey the shmitah requirements either. After 490 years of neglecting to let the land rest every seven years, The Most High YHWH destroyed Solomon’s temple and exiled the Jews to Babylon for 70 years—one year for every shmitah year they skipped. (2 Chronicles 36:21)


Is a Jubilee Cycle 49 or 50 Years?

Many people get confused about whether the Jubilee cycle is 49 years or 50 years.
Here’s a simple picture to show how the 50th year is also the 1st year of the next 49-year cycle. The green boxes are shmitah rest years.

The 50th year is the 1st year of the next 49-year cycle.


When Does a Jubilee Year Begin?

In the following quote, Hebrew scholar Dr. Nehemiah Gordon answers two questions.
  1. He discusses the 49 or 50 year question above.
  2. He clarifies when the Year of Jubilee begins—in which month of the year? It’s “announced” by a trumpet blast on the Day of Atonement, in October. Then, the Year of Jubilee begins on the next Hebrew New Year’s Day, close to the spring equinox, in March.
Here’s his quote (emphasis mine):
“The Torah says the following:
And you shall pass a shofar of blasting in the Seventh Month on the tenth of the month; on the Day of Atonement, you shall pass a shofar throughout all your land.(Leviticus 25:9)
This verse is saying that a shofar should be used to announce the arrival of the Jubilee year, the 50th year in the Sabbatical system. It does not say that the Jubilee begins on the Day of Atonement, only that the impending arrival of the Jubilee year is announced on the Day of Atonement. The shofar is to be passed throughout the land on Yom Kippur of the 49th year, six months before the beginning of the coming Jubilee year. This interpretation is supported by the immediate context in Leviticus 25. Verse 8 says to count forty nine years, verse 9 says to pass the shofar throughout the land, and verse 10 says to proclaim the 50th year as the Jubilee. This shows that the shofar announcing the coming Jubilee in verse 9 is passed through the land before the Jubilee is actually proclaimed in verse 10.” Nehemiah’s Wall 9-18-22 


Evidence suggesting the 70th Jubilee will Start in March 2025

Archaeological Evidence
When did the Shmitah/Jubilee Cycle Start?
To know which modern year is a Jubilee year, we must have a reference point to calculate from.
According to Leviticus chapter 25, the Shmitah/Jubilee cycle started when Israel entered the Promised Land.
When you come into the land that I give you, the land shall keep a Sabbath to the MOST HIGH YHWH. For six years you shall sow your field, and for six years you shall prune your vineyard and gather in its fruits, but in the seventh year there shall be a Sabbath of solemn rest for the land, a Sabbath to the MOST HIGH YHWH. (Leviticus 25:2-4)


This BibleArchaeology.org article that convincingly proves that Israel entered the Promised Land in 1406BC. Reputable secular sources widely agree on this date. A search on their website will provide many references to 1406BC. Here is one of them:
The commencement of the conquest can be dated exactly. With the exodus datable to 1446 BC, the conquest automatically is dated to 1406 BC, because for “40 years the sons of Israel walked in the wilderness” before entering Canaan (Josh 5:6). Since the crossing of the Jordan River transpired on the 10th day of the first month, a date of 28 April 1406 BC is fixed as the day in which the Israelites crossed into Canaan (Josh 4:19).BibleArchaeology link 


Biblical Evidence

Based on this 1406BC start date and a 49-year Jubilee cycle, the 70th Jubilee Year will start on Day 1 of the Hebrew calendar in 2025. Depending on which Hebrew calendar The Most High YHWH uses, the New Year will begin on either March 19 (The Most High YHWH’s solar calendar) or March 30 (Nissan 1 on the Jewish lunar calendar) in 2025. (To learn why I say it’s ‘The Most High YHWH’s solar calendar,’ read this post.) P.S. You may interested with this link too: https://man-child.com/we-are-transitioning-into-a-new-age-get-ready-for-messiyah-1000-years-reign-on-earth/ 


Here are my calculations:

2025AD + 1406BC -1* = 3430 years.
*You need to subtract one because there is no year zero on a BC and AD timeline. As soon as 1 BC ends, AD 1 starts. So between the first of January 1 BC and the first of January AD 1, it’s precisely one year.
The pattern and dates fit exactly, testifying to the precision of The Most High YHWH’s plan.


What are the Implications of Jubilee’s Fulfillment for Believers Today?

What Can You Expect?

My Safe Answer

The Year of Jubilee is a “triple-amplified, symbolic picture of complete Sabbath rest.”
7-days Sabbath—>7-years Shmitah—>7×7 years Jubilee
So, what is The Most High YHWH’s rest?
The Most High YHWH’s rest means much more than simply not doing work on Saturday or Sunday.
The Most High YHWH’s Rest- Shabbat
From the 7th day of creation, the concept of The Most High YHWH’s rest has been fundamental to man’s relationship to The Most High YHWH.
Hebrews 3:7 to 4:13 is a very mysterious and challenging passage about entering The Most High YHWH’s rest. After relating how ancient Israel failed to enter The Most High YHWH’s rest because of their “evil heart of unbelief,” he exhorts Christians,
For if Joshua had given them rest, The Most High YHWH would not have spoken of another day later on. So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of The Most High YHWH, for whoever has entered The Most High YHWH’s rest has also rested from his works as The Most High YHWH did from his. Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience. (Heb 4:9-11)
Since Jubilee is a ‘triple-amplified, symbolic picture of complete Sabbath rest,’ and this passage in Hebrews teases a promise of entering into a higher-level experience of The Most High YHWH’s rest, I think it’s safe to assume some of Messiah’s disciples will enter into this higher level of The Most High YHWH’s rest during the Year of Jubilee.


My Not-So-Safe Answers

  • The Year of Jubilee, beginning in March 2025, could restore our ancient spiritual inheritance in The Most High YHWH’s kingdom. When the biblical Jubilee is fulfilled, our veil of flesh and unbelief will be removed, and we’ll finally recover our pre-existent state of glory and joy in YHWH’s presence. Just as the Israelites returned to their ancestral allotment of land, The Most High YHWH will restore us to our ancient pre-Adamic position in His kingdom, completely reconciled and reinstated through His infinite grace and love.
  • Christians/ believers have a spiritual ‘promised land’ to enter. And what better time to enter our promised land than on the 70th Jubilee anniversary—at the end of the age?
  • The Year of Jubilee is when The Most High YHWH will restore our spiritual inheritance. Our inheritance includes:
    • Deliverance from our sinful nature
    • Glorification as sons of The Most High YHWH
    • Immortality
    • Our restoration in The Most High YHWH’s kingdom.
I realize many of these ideas are new to most Christians. If you’re curious to learn more about these unconventional views, there’s much more detail in my 2017 eBook — the Overcomers’ Treasure Map.

The Rapture?

Many Christians on YouTube, etc., are excitedly talking about the 2025 Jubilee as potentially when the rapture will occur. I don’t disagree with the timing, but I have a different expectation of what’s going to happen in the rapture.
I’m looking for a rapture (Greek: harpazo) like Paul’s, who was caught up (harpazo) to heaven, shown many wonderful things, and then he returned as a mortal to fulfill his ministry on earth. (see 2 Corinthians 12:2)
The manifested sons of The Most High YHWH (Romans 8:19) have a role to play in the end time, and their harpazo experience will empower and commission them to do it. Those who’ve read my novel trilogy will recognize this from Katie’s experience in Book 2—Martyrs and Miracles. After a week in paradise, she returned with her 143,999 brethren to proclaim the gospel ultimatum to every soul on earth.


Most evangelical pastors teach that The Most High YHWH will rapture living believers up to heaven, where they’ll be changed incorruptible (resurrected) in the twinkling of an eye. Unfortunately, this doctrine doesn’t reconcile with Revelation 20:4-5, which says only those overcomers who were beheaded or rejected the mark of the beast will partake in the first resurrection. All others (believers and unbelievers) will be resurrected at the end of the millennium.


Bottom Line

We won’t have long to wait. We’ll soon see if the 70th Jubilee Year starts being fulfilled at the end of next month. Either way, keep watching and be ready.


P.S. on Yom Kippur 2024, we have arrived the 7X7 Shmitah year of the 120th Jubilee since Adam (As the year that Israelites entered the Promised Land according to book of Jubilee, which is also the year of 50th Jubilee since Adam was created. Hence, 50+70=120th Jubilee)  Pls Read Article: We are transitioning into a NEW AGE, get ready for MessiYAH 1000 years reign on earth 

Also: https://man-child.com/2024-yom-kippur-is-the-7×7-shemitah-year-of-the-120th-jubilee-since-adam/

2024 Yom Kippur is the 7X7 Shemitah year of the 120th Jubilee since Adam

 Yom Kippur 2024 is the 7X7 Shmitah year of the 120th Jubilee since Adam vs MessiYAH back on Day Of Atonement in a Jubilee Year 11Q DSS ( PDF : )

What does that mean to you personally?

Are you ready to enter the thousand year’s reign with MessiYAH which has been foretold in the Book of Revelation?

*This article was first published on September 9th,2022: https://man-child.com/we-are-transitioning-into-a-new-age-get-ready-for-messiyah-1000-years-reign-on-earth/ Edited on the 17th September, 2022.

*https://man-child.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/2021-JubileeAccounting.pdf (based on the Book of Jubilee)

*https://man-child.com/dss-4q319-24-priestly-order-6-jubilee-chart-still-speaks-today/  (6 Jubilessx49=294years of DSS record)



We are in a spiritual war NOW. It is an information war. And many lives are at stake.

Let’s go through the background of this discussion with 7 prophecies concerning it:

  • 1. Prophecy of 7,000 years of the creation week: 8 But, beloved ones, let not this one matter be hidden from you: that with יהוה one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Psa_90:4.And 2Peter 3:7-15. V14 So then, beloved ones, looking forward to this, do your utmost to be found by Him in SHALOM, spotless and blameless!

Once the 7000 years completed: 2Pe 3:13  But according to His promise we wait for a renewed heavens and a renewed earth Isa_65:17, Isa_66:22 in which righteousness dwells. 

  • 2. Prophecy of the 1000-year kingdom/ MessiYAH’s Reign on earth 1000 years is within the 7000 years’ timeframe!  Rev20:4 . . . And they lived and reigned with Messiah for a thousand years.  Zach 14:16 : And it shall come to pass, that everyone that is left of all the nations which came against Yerushalayim shall even go up from year to year to worship the Sovereign, יהוה of hosts, YaHuWaH Tseva’oth, and to celebrate the Festival of Sukkot. eFootnote: eBooths.
  • 3. The 120th Jubilee (clue1): Gen.6:3

  • And YaHuWaH said, My Ruach shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. (Many Jewish scholars have stated that this “120 years” is referring to the “jubilee years.” Man’s rulership on earth has been given a time frame of 120 Jubilee years.
  • 4. 70X7 Time of forgiveness is granted for the nation of Israel starting from them entering into the Promised land as a Nation of YHWH! In Matt18:21-22 (Clue2)

  •                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           MessiYah is referring to the 70 Jubilees [70Jubilees =70 x 7 weeks (7shabatical years) = 70×49 years=3430 years ] ! As counting down from the 50th Jubilee years that the Israelites cross the river Jordan in 1407/1406 BCE which is indicated in the Book of Jubilees, the 50th Jubilee since Adam!  Hence, 50Jubilees + 70 Jubilees = 120 Jubilees!
  • 5. MessiYAH is our Jubilee, and HE has come for us Isa.61:1-2 YaHuShua quotes this verse to declare that He is the true “Jubilee incarnate”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

  • Luke 4:21 And he began to say unto them, “This day this scripture is fulfilled in your ears.” HE is the promised MessiYAH! He has fulfilled the 1st part of the Isa 61 Prophecy in the 1st century, and HE is coming back for us in this end time to fulfill HIS promise: the 2nd part of the Isa 61 Prophecy in the coming 120th Jubilee.
  • 6. Prophecy of the return of the MessiYah King Melchizedek was spread around 100BCE which can be found in the Dead Sea Scroll numbered “11Q – Melchizedek Text” which “POINTS TO MESSIAH’S RETURN ON THE LAST JUBILEE!”

  • 7. Enoch’s prophecy of ten 490-year periods

In keeping with the theme of an orderly cosmos, the Book of Enoch prophesies that the Enochic calendar (“workings of the cosmos”) would be fully revealed at the end of the seventh cycle of “seventy weeks”. It seems that the seven-cycles of 490 years (which is 10 Jubilees) complete its course twice: at the First and Second Coming of the “Son of Man,” (Enoch 93:9-14; cf., Daniel 9).
“And after that in the seventh week (i.e., a “week” of generations of 70 years, see verse 3) … at its close shall the elect… receive sevenfold instruction concerning all His creation.” (Enoch 93:10-14). https://man-child.com/enochs-prophecy-of-ten-490-year-periods/

due to technical issue, please click the PDF for easy reading!

Yom Kippur 2024 is the 7X7 Shmitah year of the 120th Jubilee since Adam vs MessiYAH back on Day Of Atonement in a Jubilee Year 11Q DSS (PDF Link)

1. Restoring the Timetable of Sabbatical and Jubilee Years from the Ezekiel’s account

Eze 40:1 In the twenty-fifth year of our exile, at the beginning of the year, on the tenth of the month, in the fourteenth year after the city was smitten, on that same day the hand of יהוה came upon me and He brought me there. 

Babylonian Destruction of the 1st Temple and Jerusalem on 588/587BC on the 9th Day of 5th Month (summer) which is a Shemitah year: 588/587BC+14years=574/573BC Eze 40:1 which IS referring to the 67th Jubilee Year  from Adam ;  And from 1st exile at 599/598BC+25years=574/573BC. is a Jubilee Year ( Yom Kippur is on the tenth of the month of the agricultural new year.)
“Shmita” in Hebrew means “release”—the “release” from servitude or indebtedness, and to desist one year from field work.  (Lev 25; 26:33-43Deut 15Jer 25:11; 29:10Dan 9Ezra 1Neh 10:31Zech 1:12; 7:5.)  
  • 2. Searching for the 7X70 Jubilee = the 490th “Shmita-Cycle” :

    ( 70 jubilees elapse from the Conquest 1407/1406BC to AD 2024/2025)

Jubilee 50:4 Wherefore I have ordained for you the year-weeks and the years and the jubilees: there are forty-nine jubilees from the days of Adam until this day, [2410A.M.] and one week and two years: and there are yet forty years to come (lit.distant’) for learning the [2450 A.M. the 50 Jubilee] commandments of YAHUWAH, until they pass over into the land of Canaan, crossing the Jordan to the west.
The chats attached below shows that: The 70th Jubilee counted from when the Israelites in year 1407BC, the 50th Jubilee entered the Promised Land. (Row 2 is the first Jubilee of the next 70 Jubilee.) Hence, 50+70 =  the 120th Jubilee will fall on Year AD 2024/2025 since the creation.