Editor’s note: Our Messiah resurrected on YOM 18 the weekly Shabbat day after 72 hours exactly 3 days 3 nights..before the sunrise of the following first day of the week when the woman came to look for Yahushua !!!!
Editor’s note: Zadokite, Enochian Calendar BEGINS EVERY YEAR Following THE VERNAL EQUINOX (Same Day Worldwide) being identified: The next day following the Equinox is DAY ONE of the 364 day per year with YHWH divine appointments. The 12 months of the year are divided into 4 quarters, each quarter being 30 days, 30 days, 30 days and 1 leader of the season’s days. And each quarter has 13 Weekly Sabbaths. To find the Weekly Sabbath, and this rule only applies to finding the Weekly Sabbath: the identified Day One of the year will always be the day 4 of the week and you count 5,6,7. The 7th day of this count is the Weekly Sabbath for the 364 days.
2017 March 20th Vernal Equinox Date and Time for West Jerusalem, Israel
Vernal Equinox Time = 12:28:06
Sunrise = 05:42:56
Sunset = 17:50:34
Day Duration = 12 Hours 07 Mins 38 Secs
Previous Day Duration = 12 Hours 05 Mins 40 Secs
Next Day Duration = 12 Hours 09 Mins 35 Secs
Regarding the Appointed PLACE that YHWH has chosen for Israel HIS people to celebrate HIS Appointed Feasts. To us, the most important element of all these observations is It is all about keeping The Covenant with our creator Father, and HE makes it clear that Jerusalem shall not be left out. We trust and believe the witnesses given by this group that March 20th is the Equinox and March 21st is the Aviv 1 as this should be a world wide event according to Enoch 24 hour a day time frame. Hence the countries in the South hemisphere below depends on their actual location may get on the 21st as they have to wait for the sunrise for them to observe their solar noon… To us It starts from Israel Jerusalem as that is the covenant place YHWH set HIS eyes on: but every location shall be able to observe from their own solar noon finding on the 24 hours Enoch Time Frame …and therefore the equinox will overlapping/cross 2 dates in Gregorian calendar.. as the Solar Noon observation cannot be in both North and South hemispheres at the same time. We are with the same date with the verified 2017 March 20th Vernal Equinox Date and Time for West Jerusalem, Israel
Vernal Equinox Time = 12:28:06
Sunrise = 05:42:56
Sunset = 17:50:34
Turn of the Year 3/20 Naples Florida Solar Noon Pete”s Witness.
North Florida Using Metal Ruler 3/20/17. Solar Noon
before solar noon March 20 2017 Equinox Report from Utah USA
Fighting overcast skies- a few mins before solar noon March 20 2017 Equinox Report from Utah USA
20 March 2017 Equinox Shadow plot from New Zealand
straight line witness of the Celestial Equator in New Zealand, the 20th of March, 1st of Aviv.—By Joy Colecutt, 20 March 2017 Equinox Shadow plot 。
March 20 2017 Equinox Report from Florida USA
Shalom, Here we go. This is the link we have worked on and will continue to update with resounding evidence daily to any man or woman desiring to be led by the sign of Aviv promised in Torah which overrules any other method later developed in the Temple era.
We will add even more videos, pictures, articles and teachings, we are now working on. Prayerfully and carefully review the evidence and testimony presented here and ask the Ruach to guide you home. I will only answer questions [not arguments, debate or accusation] by private message as I and my family need to rest and prepare for the upcoming Shabbat and Feasts. We will get to private messages-questions later in the week. We need a little rest. Shalom and revelation in your journey as you see the evidence and signs of The Aviv and learn not to follow any man without overwhelming evidence.
Please see: https://www.yourarmstoisraelglobal.com/the-sign-of-the-aviv…
You may share the new link as well! We wish all Torah Abib keepers a happy, spiritually meaningful and prosperous New Year! From the Koniuchowsky & your friends at Your Arms of Love To Israel!
The Great Sign – Aviv 1 March 21st 2017 after the turn of the year Equinox ( Video Clip )
Pictures below showing the Equinox: The turn of the year has taken place on the March 20th 2017
The shadows by pass and overrule all mans toys and machines…the evidence we have between a straight line dues east west and a crooked one is empirical..
From North Florida 3/20/17 PM Late PM STRAIGHT AND NARROW!
The sun is the GREAT sign and existed for time before the Tabernacle and Temple, the Levites or the DSS. No witness can replace it as primary. If the foundation is shaken the righteous ones cannot stand. The LINES do not lie and are not LAST YEAR’s sundial mark. The sun speaks fresh alive each year. Are we listening? Watch this! Share please! Again happy and healthy New Year!
P.S. Aron Ryan from Utah USA:
This is why I think that Jerry Morris (from Oklahoma) choose his final readings (which was on 21st March) as Equinox is bias even though his series of teaching ( Priestly Calendar) on the below video is sound-
1- He uses marks from the previous year. He does not let each new year speak for itself. Through the natural movement the shadows WOULD be at the same place each year on a specific date. That only proves that it is the same day as the previous year- not the equinox. Again each year must speak for itself.
2- It appears that he set his armillary in place and never checks their settings with a protractor before each reading. So if it has moved even slightly or was set without a protractor then it could be off by a day or two each year.
if you don’t use a clean slate each year and go off last years marks it will always read the same. You must have a clean slate each year to have unbias data
I don’t think anyone realizes how time consuming and draining it is to track time for weeks. I for one and well as Mariamne didn’t just run out at the last minute or after and look at a device that wasn’t checked daily… using shadows in other applications as well…. It all takes time to track and record… thank you Mariamne and Moshe for your dedication to the truth… Even if we had to take the crazy train to get there
The photo was taken March 21st 2017 with the PINK strings indicating a CURVED outline…the yellows stakes with the blue post its’ were taken March 20th 2017, a straight line throughout the day…12 hrs or so….now please be so kind and throw all doctrine and currently held views out the window…when the sun rises due east and sets due west this line is straight; just 2 times a year..which of these 2 days do you think is Spring Echanok-Turn of the Year? Does that [heaven] confirm or challenge your position? Is it always on a Roman Tuesday as some teach?
PS On March 16-17 the so called Equiulux days in Jerusalem the shadows are curved even more than these pink strings on the pegs were on March 21st 2017. Aviv OT is a heavenly sign!!!!
Moshe Joseph Koniuchowsky from FL Sanderson USA
The Only Foolproof Way To Mark The Turn of The Year By Mariamne Fl USA
Sundial Observation on Mar 20, 2017 closer to Equinox from Oklahoma USA
Sundial Observation on Mar 19, 2017 Closer to Equinox from Oklahoma USA
Hello. The start of the scriptural year varies from each location? I am from the Philippines.
Shalom Philippines, You shall have the same day as March 21st as Aviv 1, March 20th Equinox is a Enoch Time frame 24 hours one day event worldwide ( hence the countries in the South hemisphere below depends on their actual location may get on the 21st as they have to wait for the sunrise for them to observe their solar noon… ) to me It starts from Israel Jerusalem as that is the covenant place YHWH set HIS eyes on: but every location shall be able to observe from their own solar noon finding on the 24 hours Enoch Time Frame …hence the equinox will overlapping/cross 2 dates in Gregorian calendar.. as the Solar Noon observation cannot be in both North and South hemispheres at the same time
At the time of the approaching Vernal equinox, the constellation of Virgo/Bethulah is beginning to rise in the east at sunset. Spica is a Latin word which means ‘ear of grain’ and corresponds to the Greek word stakhys. This is the origin of the English word ‘spike’ which is related to the English word ‘ear’.
Spica the star in the hand of Bethulah corresponds to the Hebrew word ‘Tsemach’ which has the meaning of a sprouting plant.
Where’s the barley? Look up…up into the heavens where you’ll find your answer!
When Spica was rising in the evening sky after sunset, night after night, until that night when it was at the appropriate location to announce the Vernal equinox, one can say “the barley has ripened”.
While the ancients knew the stars and how to tell time by them, the rising of Spica – i.e., the rising of the stalk of grain in the hand of the woman announced the new year and that star sign, over the many centuries became the “ripening of the barley” thus becoming confused with an earthly sign of the ripening of the barley crops!
Genesis 1:14 And Jahuwah said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to divide between the day and the night. And let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.
Lest you think the announcement of the Vernal Equinox by the rising of Spica and the setting of the Pleiades could not possibly be twisted into the “ripening of the barley” in the fields, take a look at this passage from Philo, from his writings “On the Creation”:
“And besides the stars above mentioned” {Philo was describing Ursa Major} “the band of the Pleiades is also made up of seven stars, the rising and occultation of which are the causes of great benefits to all men. For when they set, the furrows are ploughed up for the purpose of sowing; and when they are about to rise, they bring glad tidings of harvest; and after they have arisen, they awaken the rejoicing husbandman to the collection of their necessary food. And they with joy store up their food for their daily use.”
An ainteresting article on the Qumran sundial:
so far it backs up the method we are learning…although the author is not aware of what we know.
“In 1997 Glessmer and Albani first published the dial, noting that it had been recognized as such by Stephen Pfann
They suggested that, like anyshadow-casting object, the instrument may have been used to ascertain thecompass points by tracking the shadow at noontime, or calibrating the ris-ing point of the sun on the horizon along the year. This function, however,does not require the entire apparatus of circles and lines, as in fact it couldalso be done without a gnomon at all, by observing the rising points of thesun on the horizon (cp. e.g. the Babylonian Talmud
‘Erubin 56a). Noting this point, and giving primary attention to the deep circles engraved around the socket, GA explain the circles as marking the different shadow lengths in each of the seasons. Thus the dial would mark the cardinal days of the year: the shortest shadow in the summer, longer at the equinoxes and the longest in the winter.
However, if one wanted to determine the cardinal days using a shadow-casting device, one would more readily make use of a longer rod for shadow casting, and would have little use of the minute gra-dual lines preserved on the Qumran dial. A much simpler device would suffice for this purpose. Moreover, the small scale of the device would harm the accuracy of the measurements.
“According to Thiering , the Qumran dial was initially used to determine the date of the equinoxes and solstices,using the concentric rings, as suggested by GA. Since at that stage there were no gradual marks on the dial, it was not used to measure hours at all.At a later stage the dial was used without a gnomon, and served as a kind of portable odometer (modern term) to measure the distances traversed by Essene community members in their travels. The gradual lines we remarked for this purpose rather than for time-measuring. The idea of dis-tance measurements is based on Josephus’ report ( B.J.2.124–125) that the Essenes traveled much within Judea, and for that purpose they were keen to host each other in their respective communities. Further reasoning leads Thiering to the assumption that all hours of the day (equinoctial! not sea-sonal) were announced at Qumran, and that “It would be surprising… if each announcement was not received with a prayer.”
“3.4 Hollenback Hollenback raised the possibility that the dial from Qumran was not meantfor measuring seasonal hours, but rather for measuring equinoctial hours(i.e., fixed-length hours as in present-day clocks).
For that purpose he assumes that the dial was not placed horizontally but rather in an angle of app. 58o (=90–32; 32o
being the latitude of Qumran), with the gnomon oriented towards North. Since in this specific placement the receiving plane is parallel to the earth’s equatorial plane, and the gnomon is aligned with the earth’s rotational axis, the shadow will move uniformly on the entire receiving circle. If the circle is divided into 24, then each hour is marked by 15o
Hollenback suggests that this use of the instrument ac-counts quite well for the various numbers of gradual lines in each of the three rings. The inner ring containing 48 lines would measure half-hours,
the middle ring measured 1/3 of an hour, and the outer ring 1/4 of the hour.
In a 2004 addendum Hollenback pointed to a similar mode of gra-
duation in a Chinese (!) dial dating to the 17th–18th centuries
C .E. (!).
It is often maintained, contra Hollenback
, that equinoctial sundials were not known in Classical Antiquity. Thus Evans
: “… all surviving Greek and Roman dials are marked in seasonal hours. There is not a single exam- ple of a dial that indicated equinoctial hours throughout the year
” (myitalics, Jonathan B.). A possible exception to this rule was adduced by Hol-lenback
as proof for his theory. It is a sundial catalogued by Gibbs
as item no. 5023G.
However,Gibbs explicitly states that “it is practically im- possible to determine its date. No other equinoctial plane dials are known from antiquity”.