Ascribe Greatness to our Elohim

By B. Earl Allen

I will publish the name of YAHUWAH: ascribe you greatness unto our Elohim.
Deuteronomy 32:3


YAHUWAH gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. 
Psalm 68:11



Since all doctrine or religious beliefs ought to be sustained by Sola Scriptura (by scripture alone), the unique focus of this publication is to weigh the evidence and prove each point of the set-apart name from the Scriptures alone. The topic of the set-apart name has not been exempt from those being overly zealous about tradition for proof of the exact pronunciation.
This publication takes into consideration all of Scripture upon the subject, the original and exact pronunciation is attainable (Deut. 29:29), as the Lawgiver Himself declared from Mt. Sinai. Not taking what is on the surface of several Bibles, but sinking the shaft deep into the mine of truth, comparing Scriptural names, translations, also considering historical evidences, putting them in their proper setting, allowing Scripture to reign paramount.
This book also touches on the importance of the set-apart name, and also the example set forth by our Saviour, how He reverenced His Father’s name. He certainly was not ashamed of it, as many seem to be. Nor did He over use it, but by His life and example sought to bring honour to it.
The object of this publication is to show the part that the set-apart name plays in the great controversy between truth and error; exposing the counterfeit which is promoted by principalities, powers, and academics in high places. It is also to help guide the pilgrim on his journey to the Promise Land and to the honour of Him who loved us, and gave Himself for us.
B. Earl Allen
Chapter One/ Index

Chapter 1

The Set-Apart Name in the Three Angels Message

The first angel’s message is, “Fear Elohim, and give honour to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:7

Some think that preaching the importance of keeping the seventh day Sabbath is the Three Angels Message. Yes, it definitely includes the Sabbath, but there is more involved. There are principles laid out in this message. “Fear Elohim” implies that many are not fearing enough to obey Him; this further implies all points of Scripture that the Creator has given us to obey.

Let’s use the seventh day Sabbath as an illustration. If man decides to sprinkle holy water on a day other than the seventh day Sabbath, and tries to say that it’s holy, which he has not the power to do, but might think he does; then if men honour this man made holy day, are they fearing Elohim? Of course not! This would be the fear of man, thus obeying because man might require it of you, even to the point of making it a law of the land. All of the afore-said about a man made holy day applies to Sunday keeping. Does it give honour to Elohim to observe a man made sabbath? No! Obedience is the highest form of worship! So if we obey a man made law, is this worship toward the Creator? Again a resounding “No!” Yet, this is what almost the whole Christian community is doing! Sunday is a day that man has set aside for worship, yet there is no Scriptural decree to make it a weekly sabbath. “Fear Elohim” means to tremble at His Word (see Isaiah 66:2).

In His Word there is a commandment that our Creator has given, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it set-apart. Six days shall thou labour, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of YAHUWAH thy Elohim.” Exodus 20:8-10

The principle of the Three Angels Message is this: Fearing Elohim means to get back to and obey the original, as given by the Creator Himself; and put away the man made commandments and doctrines.

The Sabbath is part of the Three Angels Message, and a major part; but the Three Angels Message includes the whole law.

The same principles apply to the observance of Christmas. No where in Scripture is there a statute requiring us to set aside December 25, as a day to honour the birth of our Saviour! To the contrary, Paul said, “ye do show the Sovereign’s death till He come.” I Cor. 11 26; not His birth till He come. It is in the hearts of millions to honour this papal holiday, while the holidays of our Creator are despised. But if we truly fear Elohim, we should obey His statutes, one which states: “Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto Me in the year.” Exodus 23:14. But do we really tremble at His Word? Or, do we fear man, and what he might think of us if we actually started obeying the Creator.

The principle is obeying the original commands given from our Creator, and putting away the man made statutes, that go contrary to His Word.

This principle also applies to the set-apart name. Our Creator has given the original set-apart name for us to reverence. He spoke it with His own mouth from Mount Sinai when He spoke the ten commandments. The whole assembly heard it. That name is the original! But through language and culture and time man has thought to change the original pronunciation. Therefore we need to discover the original, so we can get back to it, and put away the man made names for the Creator.

Really, if man makes up the name for the Creator, it is not much different from what the heathen used to do! The heathen would make up their god, and give it a name, and start worshipping it. In reality, making up a name for the Creator is not much different, it’s an attempt to create the Creator.

Is it the fear of Elohim to give Him a name? Yea, it is the fear of Elohim to honour the name that He has given. Let’s let Elohim be Elohim.

Part of fearing Elohim is to fear His name, as the Scripture says, “unite my heart to fear Thy name.” Psalm 86:11

“Then they that feared YAHUWAH spake often one to another: and YAHUWAH hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared YAHUWAH, and that thought upon His name.” Malachi 3:16

Let’s give honour to Him also! “Not unto us, O YAHUWAH, not unto us, but unto Thy name give honour, for Thy mercy, and for Thy truth’s sake.” Psalm 115:1

“I will praise thee, O Sovereign my Elohim, with all my heart: and I will honour Thy name for evermore.” Psalm 86:12

“Who shall not fear thee, O YAHUWAH, and honour thy name? for Thou alone art set-apart: for all nations shall come and worship before Thee; for Thy judgments are made manifest.” Revelation 15:4

The question is, will we fear Him now, while there is probation time? Or, will we fear Him only when it’s too late?

Because the first angel’s message is not received, which is a message of truth, it is then that the second angel must sound, warning, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Revelation 14:8. This gives additional force to the first message, because it is an expose’ of man-made errors.

The third angel presses the same truth even further, declaring, “If any man worship (obey) the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Elohim, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the set-apart angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the print of his name.” Revelation 14:11 Tyndale Bible

Ultimately, it is the rejection of truth that souls end up lost. If souls heeded the first message “Fear Elohim”, and worship (obey) Him, no one would have to be warned about worshipping the beast and his image. Paul stated; “all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” Paul continues, “and for this cause Elohim shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie (something that is not the original): that they might be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” II Thessalonians 2:10-12

“Give unto YAHUWAH the honour due unto His name; worship YAHUWAH in the beauty of being set-apart.” Ps. 29:2

“I am YAHUWAH: that is My name: My splendour will I not give to another, neither My praise to graven images.” (inventions of man) Isaiah 42:8

The fourth commandment contains the great seal. Compare the presidential seal below:

The Seal

A seal always contains the Name, Title and Jurisdiction.

Anciently, on the 10th day of the seventh month, the Hebrews faithfully observed the great Day of Atonement, which is a type of the great work of Judgment in the heavenly set-apart place, before tabernacling with YAHUSHUA forever. Anciently, on this day, after the ceremonies were completed, the high priest would proclaim the set-apart name, and pronounce a blessing upon the congregation; a type of what YAHUSHUA our heavenly high priest is doing. “I have declared unto them thy name, And will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved Me may be in them, and I in them.” John 17:26.

When a bride is in the sealing of a marriage covenant, she takes on her husband’s name.

“They shall put My name upon the children of Israel and I will bless them.” Numbers 6:27

Chapter 2 / Index

Chapter 2

The Jewish Cover Up:
“Don’t Mention the Set-Apart Name!”

The conspiracy to cover up the set-apart name goes way back, even as far back as the days of Eliyah. The religious leaders thought that they would get along better with religiondom around them if they used a common title they could all agree on; Baal means Lord (see Hosea 2:16 margin KJV). After all, they reasoned the Creator is Lord or Sovereign; by this they could be in ecumenical harmony with everyone about them. Eliyah thought differently. To Eliyah truth mattered.

Even as far back as 787 B.C.E, Amos tried to show the children of Israel the folly of their reasoning about not mentioning the set-apart name. . . “Hold thy tongue: for we may not make mention of the name of YAHUWAH.” Amos 6:10.

When the Jews were carried into Babylon 606 B.C.E, many of the personal names had the element “yahu”, thus came the slanderous term “yahoo” for folk who seemed uncivilized like those barbaric beard-wearing Ju’s or Jews (Interesting to note, in the 1611 KJV is a word spelled “Iurie“, the modern KJV has “Jewry”, and Matthew is really Matithyahu).

Perhaps they meant well in covering up the name, because they were afraid the Babylonians might desecrate the set-apart name by using it in a profane way. This might seem like good logic at first, but the Jews went into captivity because they were not concerned with the name to begin with. The prophet Jeremiah rebuked the Jews about the time of the Babylonian captivity, for trying to cause the people to forget His name.

“How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophecy lies? Yea, they are prophets (or preachers) of the deceit of their own heart; which think to cause My people to forget My name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers have forgotten My name for Baal.” Jeremiah 23:26, 27

Satan and his evil angels hate hearing the set-apart name being praised and exalted. It has been his constant effort to remove the name, through culture and time, and slip in titles, that he might direct the worship to himself. “In Egypt, for example, the concept of the ‘concealed Name’ was extremely common.” The Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology

“In Gnostic thought, the concrete is resolved into the abstract. Personal names are replaced by terms of philosophy; mythological figures are changed into qualities and attributes and events into cosmic processes. [Hence, the personal name (YAHUWAH) becomes the attribute ‘Lord’.] In many religions the god represents a thing such as Aeolus, as personification of the wind. [Hence the personal name Lucifer becomes a thing ‘morning star’.]” (quoted in New Age Bible Versions)1

“In this New Age ‘name game’, new versions have substituted ‘titles’ which transport the reader to a list of Satan’s latest poison pen names.” New Age Bible Versions p. 14

The prophets of old wrote more about the last days than their own time. For they saw the big picture, that the things they were experiencing were only a foreshadow of the end times, or types for the last days (I Cor 10:11); thus Jeremiah was mostly talking about the end time preachers who cause the people to forget His name for Lord.

The Tablets

Baruch, the scribe of Jeremiah, wrote (mostly for the last days): “I will scatter them. For I knew that they would not hear Me: because it is a stiff-necked people: but in the land of their captivity they shall remember themselves, and shall know that I am YAHUWAH their Elohim: For I give them an heart, and ears to hear. And they shall praise Me in the land of their captivities, and think upon My name. “And for this cause Thou hast put Thy fear in our hearts, to the intent that we should call upon Thy name, and praise Thee in our captivity.” Baruch 2:29-32; 3:7 (KJV Apocrypha)

In the Messiah’s time, the Jews were still in this mode of not mentioning the Creator’s name. YAHUSHUA had constant controversy with the religious leaders and tried to show them that their traditions caused them to break the commandments.

One example of our Saviour uttering His Father’s name, was when He got up to read the scroll in the synagogue on Sabbath. He read from the prophet Isaiah. When He read the portion He bypassed all Jewish tradition and simply read the Scriptures just as they read. When He came to the tetragrammaton, He did not say “Adonai” or “Lord”, but simply spoke His Father’s name.

“The Spirit of YAHUWAH is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the good news to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. To preach the acceptable year of YAHUWAH.” Luke 4:18, 19 (quoting from Isaiah 61:1, 2)

“And He closed the book, and He gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on Him.” Luke 4:20

Did He realize what He had just done? He transgressed the tradition of the elders. The Jews considered it blaspheme to speak the set-apart name, and thus the punishment of Lev. 24:16. The common people didn’t mind too much at first, they did think it was a bit brave of Him. But the synagogue leaders instigated things and ended up attempting to throw this radical Jew off the edge of the cliff for blaspheming and uttering the set-apart name, lest a plague should break out and everyone start mentioning the name.

Another place YAHUSHUA mentioned the name is in Matthew 22:44, quoting from Psalm 110:1; this is indicated in the English text by putting all capital letters “LORD”. This leads us to ask, “How many other times did He mention His Father’s name when quoting from the Old Testament?” Obviously every time! He was a “user of the true name” in His day. I’m sure He didn’t over use it, to the point of being obnoxious.

It is Scriptural to mention and praise the name of YAHUWAH, “by Thee only will we make mention of Thy name.” Isaiah 26:13

Another example of the Jews avoiding the name is in Mark 14, where YAHUSHUA is brought in before the high priest at His trial. The high priest asked, “Art thou the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed?” When he said “Blessed” it was to avoid the name. What was YAHUSHUA’s reply? The English says “I am”, but the Greek is the same as the Septuagint for Ex. 3:14, THE BEING. But YAHUSHUA was speaking Hebrew to the high priest and possibly said the set-apart name, at least the translation. It was as if YAHUSHUA corrected the high priest and said, “you mean YAHUWAH”.

But the response of the high priest gives it away also.

“Then the high priest rent his clothes, and said. What need we any further witnesses? Ye have heard the blasphemy: what think ye? And they all condemned Him to be guilty of death.” Mark 14:63-64

What was the counsel of Moses? “Because I will publish the name of YAHUWAH: ascribe ye greatness to our Elohim.” Deuteronomy 32:3

Martin Luther made a profound comment concerning this issue. “They [the Jews] now allege the name Yehovah to be unpronounceable; they do not know what they are talking about… If it can be written with pen and ink, why should it not be spoken, which is much better than being written with pen and ink.”

The name Yehovah came about as a result of an attempt, by the Jews, to cover up the set-apart name. Example: When a reader, in the King James Version, comes to “LORD God”, the Hebrew words and vowel points are “Yehowah Elohim”. But, instead of a Jewish person speaking the set-apart name, the scribes put vowel marks on the tetragrammaton to indicate for the reader, to say “Adonai Elohim”. But when a reader in the KJV comes across “Lord GOD” (as in Ezek. 33:27), in Hebrew is “Adonai Yehowih”, because in this instance the tetragrammaton has the vowel points of Elohim. Otherwise the Jewish reader would say “Adonai Adonai” [twice], so to avoid this, they vowel pointed it to indicate to the reader to say, “Adonai Elohim”. You will notice that the vowel marks on the Tetragrammaton in Ezek. 33:27 differ from the vowel marks used in Exodus 9:1.

Peter Galatin simply read the Hebrew as it was, without the special instruction to say Adonai. Thus, he must have thought he came upon a new revelation of how to pronounce the set-apart name. The message of Eliyah was to restore the set-apart name to its proper use.



1) The Encyclopedia of Religion & Ethics ed. James Hastings p. 223

Chapter 3/ Index

Chapter 3

The Elijah Message

What is the Elijah message? The Messiah said that “Eliyah truly shall first come and restore all things.” Mt. 17:11. Restore what things? Those things that have been forgotten! The prophet Malachi gives us some insights: “Behold, I will send you Eliyah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of YAHUWAH.” Malachi 4:5. As YAHUWAH’s mouth piece, what shall he come saying? “Remember ye the law of Mosheh My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and the judgments.” Malachi 4:4

“Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of YAHUWAH; and he shall send YAHUSHUA the Messiah, which before was preached unto you: whom the heavens must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which Elohim hath spoken by the mouth of all His set-apart prophets since the world began.” Acts 3:19-21

Not only does this include the seventh day Sabbath, but also the appointed festivals. Marriage is a heavenly institution; the land sabbaths, yea, all the statutes. Animal offerings are not listed in the statutes given from Mt. Sinai. The statutes are listed in Exodus 21-23 and repeated in Deuteronomy chapters 12 through 26.

Another thing that Eliyah is said to accomplish, is that he would “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” Malachi 4:6

Not only does this apply to family relationships, but it also applies to our spiritual forefathers, like the reformers, who were bringing us step by step out of Babylon. How many hearts despise early American reformers who were real pioneers in the Scriptures (this is not the work of Eliyah). On the other hand, many have been turned off because those who pretend to uphold the reformers and pioneers, refuse to walk in advancing truth, using the reformers and pioneers as an excuse for not walking in further light. Evidently they have become comfortable with playing the game of church, nor can they appreciate the work the reformers and pioneers accomplished. If it were not for them, we would not be enjoying the blessings of the Sabbath truth and other truths, along with great reference works like Strong’s Concordance. We would have found ourselves as those in the Dark Ages without truth. Since that state of affairs, truth has been progressive.

“They that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.” Isaiah 58:12. We should understand more than the reformers and pioneers, because we should be building on the truths that we received from them as a blessed inheritance, instead of trying to abolish their works and trying to start over.

Not only does this apply to them, but to the Reformers who brought us out of the Dark Ages. They were witnesses to Catholicism’s abusive nature and terrible abominations. YAHUWAH did not reveal all His truths to them, but gave them enough truth to call them out from her.

The hearts of the forefathers were toward us! “YAHUWAH having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.” Hebrews 11:40. They did their best to preserve the truths they did have, so that we would not be deceived by that false system of Satan.

This principle goes back even further to Columba, Patrick, Paul, Peter, John, the other apostles as well; even back to “father Abraham”, Shem, Noah, and yes Adam. Abraham observed the appointed times, even the Feast of Unleavened Bread, as Scripture bares out that YAHUWAH came and communed with Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3) at this appointed time, and “four hundred and thirty years (later), even to the selfsame day, it came to pass, that all the hosts of YAHUWAH went out of the land of Egypt.” Exodus 12:41 (see also Galatians 3:17).

This is no surprise, of course, for Scripture states; “Abraham obeyed My voice, and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.” Gen. 26:5

What other message might Eliyah bring?

Remember how the children of Israel were tricked by their religious leaders into thinking Baal could send rain? Baal means “Lord” (see Hosea 2:16 margin). The religious leaders reasoned that they could have more influence with other nations around them if they mingled among them and used a common title they could all agree on. In this way, everyone could be in ecumenical harmony. The result, of course, was that the heathen converted them to their ways. But Eliyah believed that the Israelites needed to get back to calling the Creator by His name, the name that He had addressed Himself on Mt. Sinai, when He spoke the Ten Commandments. Thus, the idea came to him that there should be a confrontation on Mt. Carmel. The story is called “The Set-Apart Name Showdown.” Where Elijahu (I Kings 17:1 margin KJV) confronted the Israelites with a question, “How long halt ye between two opinions? if YAHUWAH be Elohim, follow Him: but if the Baal, then follow him.” And the people answered him not a word. I Kings 18:21. You know the story, when fire came down and consumed the wet sacrifice they acknowledged, “YAHUWAH, He is the Elohim; YAHUWAH, He is haElohim.”

This story applies, with great force, to our time as well, when Sabbath keepers want to use man made terminology for the Creator, so that they can blend well with other Christians who observe Sunday (a man made holy day). How long will ye halt between two thoughts: if YAHUWAH be Elohim serve Him, but if the Lord, serve him. “Fear YAHUWAH, and give honour to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of water.” Revelation 14:7

The set-apart name is given for the purpose of distinguishing the Creator from other deities. The issue is TRUTH versus man made religion.

“Then they that feared YAHUWAH spake often one to another: and YAHUWAH hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared YAHUWAH, and that thought upon His name. And they shall be Mine saith YAHUWAH of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth Elohim and him that serveth Him not.” Malachi 3:16-18

Chapter 4 / Index

Chapter 4

The 144,000
The Wise Virgins with Oil

We are told in the parable of the Ten Virgins, that “the foolish virgins took their lamps and took no oil with them: but the wise virgins took oil in their vessels with their lamps” Matthew 25:3, 4. What is the lamp? “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105. What is the oil? “My Spirit, saith YAHUWAH of hosts.” Zech. 4:6. “Oil for the light.” Ex. 25:6; 27:20 etc.

When we store up the Word in our vessels, the Set-Apart Spirit can bring all these things to our remembrance (John 14:26) and help us rightly divide the Word of Truth, and give us favour in the right path. Then when it comes to investigating a new topic, we should already be acquainted with certain passages that help us grasp the subject, having a goodly background.

“Thy name is as oil poured forth, therefore do the virgins love you.” Song of Solomon 1:3 [Shemen is translated “oil” about 164 times and “ointments about 13 times, compare also Isaiah 1:6 margin]

The 144,000 are called “virgins” because they have the unadulterated doctrine, the pure faith. We can glean a few of their characteristics from Revelation 14 and thus seek to be in that number. They definitely love the set-apart name, and understand it’s importance, for it is “in their foreheads.” John saw them on Mt. Zion, not the Mt. Zion on this earth, but the real Mt. Zion in heaven, because Scripture states they “were redeemed from the earth.” Revelation 14:3. This Mt. Zion in heaven is the same which Lucifer said, “I will exalt my throne above the stars of EL: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.” Isaiah 14:13

The Law (the third commandment being nailed)

“…set-apart and reverend is His Name.” Psalm 111:9

“The works of His hands are verity and judgment; all His commandments are sure. They stand fast forever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness.” Psalm 111:7-8

“And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of Elohim.” Rev. 14:5 In other words, TRUTH was in their mouth. Their lives were the life of truth, because the Father’s character (His law) is in their minds, they received a seal to that effect, thus on their crowns, as John saw, was written, (Set-Apart to YHWH). In other words, because it was first “in” their foreheads, later they are blessed with privilege of wearing it on their crown where the name is then “on” their foreheads.

One thing for certain, these wise virgins were not incensed or bothered nor irritated by a name study. Nor are they irritated by brothers and sisters praising, and exalting, much less mentioning or singing the Father’s name, for that name is like music to their ears.

These are they which were not defiled with women.” Revelation 14:4. A woman is symbolic of a church, a pure church as in Jer. 6:2 or a corrupt church (Rev. 17:5) and her daughters. The 144,000 are not defiled with the various polluted churches and their errors; these follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. These do not look at the Bible through their denominational glasses, but instead, go by Sola Scriptura, letting Scripture be its own interpreter.

Ezra saw this same group of people that John saw. “I Esdras (Greek for Ezra) saw upon mount Zion a great people, whom I could not number, and they all praised YAHUWAH with songs. And in the midst of them there was a young man of a high stature, taller than all the rest, and upon every one of their heads He set crowns, and was more exalted, which I marveled at greatly. So I asked the angel, and said, “Sir, what are these?” He answered, and said unto me, “These be they that have put off the mortal clothing, and put on the immortal, and have confessed the Name of YAHUWAH: now are they crowned, and receive palms.” (II Esdras 2:42-45)

continuing in verse 46:

Then said I unto the angel, “What young person is it that crowneth them, and giveth them palms in their hands?” So he answered, and said unto me, “It is the Son of El, whom they have confessed in the world.” Then began I greatly to commend them, that stood so stiffly for the name of YAHUWAH.” (II Esdras 2:46-47). This book, II Esdras, is missing from the Catholic Bible; their II Esdras is actually the book of Nehemiah.

From both accounts of John and Ezra, we see how the set-apart name was important to this blessed group of people. To them, knowing the set-apart name was not frivolous, unimportant, useless or vain. Nor did it side track them from Sabbath observance; as a matter of fact, it helped them to actually keep the day set-apart, since the Sabbath is to be kept in honour of His set-apart name. We are told in Exodus 23 how to keep the Sabbath set-apart: “And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other elohim, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.” Ex. 23:13

“A good name is better than precious oil.” Eccl. 7:1

“There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise.” Proverbs 21:20

Chapter 5 / Index

Chapter 5


Josephus the Jewish historian wrote that the set-apart name consisted of “four vowels” (Jewish Wars, 5. 5. 7.). Why did Josephus write this? Please consider the following thoughts.

Remember, Josephus was writing to a Greek audience! He first wrote his history [at least his notes] in Hebrew Aramaic (Antiquities 12.5. 1-4 footnotes; Against Apion 1. 9). After the Jewish/Roman war, he had time, and with long perseverance, he mastered the Greek language, and compiled his history in Koine Greek, which was the international language of the world at that time. Though it was the international language, do not think it was the every day language in Israel, for it was not!

Josephus frequently altered Hebrew names, spelling them after the fashion of the Greeks, “to please [his Greek] readers” (Antiquities 1. 5. 1.). Josephus describes the head-gear worn by the Levitical priest:

“Of this was a crown made, as far from the hinder part of the head to each of the temples; but this … did not cover the forehead, but it was covered by a golden plate, which had inscribed upon it the Name of (Elohim) in SET-APART CHARACTERS.” (Antiquities 3. 7. 6. set-apart title and emphasis added).

The term HOLY CHARACTERS, means not just Hebrew letters, but the ancient Hebrew, known as Paleo-Hebrew, used in the time of Moses, and David.

Anciently, even the Greek language, like the Hebrew, was written from right to left. Also, the ancient Greek letters were similar to Paleo Hebrew. Therefore, the ancient Greek would have written the set-apart name very similar to the ancient Hebrew, which appeared like this: YHWH. The Modern Greek equivalent would be written IHYH, and understood as IEUE. But do not think that this, in any wise, proves the pronunciation of the set-apart name. Josephus was writing to the Greeks, the equivalent of YHWH. It was from this [Greek form] that the heathen formed their Jeue, Jove, and Jeve (see Adam Clarke’s Commentary on Exodus 3:14)

It is true that the letters waw, hei, yod can function as vowel letters. Let us consider a few examples: the yod acts as a vowel in the words “Eli” (Mt 27:46) also #430 Elohim, #4899 Mashiach, ish (Gen 2:23 margin KJV) etc. Yet it also functions as a consonant in other words like #3050 Yah, #2968 ya ab etc. Sometimes it acts as a vowel and a consonant all in the same letter, as in Eliyah, where it is a double yod.

“The hei is stronger and firmer than aleph, and never loses it’s consonantal sound in a middle of a word . . . . On the other hand, at the end of a word it is always a mere vowel letter, unless expressly marked by Mappiq as a strong consonant.” (As in YAHH Yahh, and Eloah Eloahh) Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammarp. 81

The waw waw also can act as a vowel in words like #452 Eliyahu, #3194 Yutah etc.. It also carries the “o” sound, as in #3117 yom. On the other hand, it acts like a consonant in words like #2331 chavah, actually the consonant is not a V, but as in Arabic, or as the English sound of “w”.

Sometimes the waw acts like a vowel and a consonant all in the same letter; they can also be consonants, depending on the usage.

Concerning the Set-Apart Name, the structure of the letters tell us that the yod is a consonant, as in the word YAH (Ps. 68:4 & Isa. 12:2; 26:4; 38:11 NKJV). Also the hei is a consonant, since “it never loses it’s consonantal sound in the middle of a word.” Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar p. 81

Also, the waw waw always acts as a consonant when ending words waw hei (except in Eloah Eloahh). When Hebrew-words end with “uah” sound, it is expressed in Hebrew as waw-eyin-hei or waw-alef-hei; therefore, if the Hebrew word ends waw-hei, it will always act as a consonant, ending like “wah” or “weh” etc.

The final hei in YHWH is the vowel letter in the set-apart name, “at the end of a word it is always a mere vowel letter.” Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar p. 81

Conclusion: When Josephus said “four vowels”, he was talking to his Greek audience trying to express the Tetragrammaton in a way that they would comprehend, trans-letter-ating from Paleo-HebrewPaleo Hebrew, which in Paleo Greek wasPaleo Greek, then into modern Greek, thus arriving with IHYH (literally IEUE.) But this does not in any way prove the pronunciation of the set-apart name.

Chapter 6 / Index

Chapter 6

Proving the Set-Apart Name from Scripture Alone!

The first letter in the set-apart name (YHWH) is a YOD; it can be seen in most Bibles just above Psalm 119:73.

The Saviour said, “Till heaven and earth pass, one YOD or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the torah, till all be fulfilled.” Matthew 5:18

When Bible translators put LORD in the place of the set-apart name (YHWH), they unknowingly attempted to make many YOD’s pass from the law. More specifically, when the Hebrew letter “Y” is turned into a “J”.

From my research, the “J” began to have a “g” sound in the English language about 1637, just after the King James Version came out. It was probably an attempt to out date this sharp sword. The King James Version later adjusted to keep up with the times. The “J” having a “g” sound, came about from the influence of the French, the long time enemy of Britain.

Noah Webster comments about the letter J: “This letter has been added to the English alphabet in modern days; the letter i being written formerly in words where j is now used. It seems to have had the sound of “y” in many words as it still has in the German.” 1828 American Dictionary

“JAH” the first part of the set-apart name is seen in the King James Version in Psalm 68:4, as in the word Hallelujah, meaning, “Praise ye YAH” as seen in the New King James Version in Psalm 68:4 & Isa. 12:2; 26:4; 38:11. Again, Noah Webster comments about this word HALLELUIAH: “This word is improperly written with j, in conformity with the Germans and other continental languages, in which j has the sound of y. But to pronounce the word with the English sound of j destroys it’s beauty. The like mistake of the sound of j in Jehovah, Jordan, Joseph, has perverted the true pronunciation, which was Yehovah, Yordan, Yoseph. This perversion must now be submitted to, but in Halleluiah it ought not to be tolerated.” 1828 American Dictionary

Any forester will tell you that J-rooted trees that have been forced or jammed into the ground by a careless tree planter will not grow well. When a dry spell comes along, often it is the J-rooted trees that die. Or, if the tree does live, the growth is really set back.

It is not the will of our Creator to be J-rooted; it is not His will that our spiritual growth should be set back or retarded by this J error. His will for us is to dig deep in Scripture and be rooted and grounded in the love of the truth. The old paths. (See Jeremiah 6:16)

“Those that be planted in the house of YAHUWAH shall flourish in the courts of our Elohim.” Psalm 92:13

When the spirit of Eliyah comes, the Set-Apart Spirit will cause us, “To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of YAHUWAH, that He might be magnified.” Isaiah 61:3

The Paleo YOD (), which looks like a Flying J, had a Y sound!

The Messiah foretold that before His second coming, the spirit of Eliyah would first come, “and restore all things.” Matthew 17:11 & Malachi 4:5. Certainly the Y sound would be restored in the set-apart name.

A complete list of names from Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance that include the short form YAH in Israelite names:

137 Names with YAH

Strong’s #


Common Name










































































Hode wah









































































JAH Psalm 68:4






































































































































































































































































So far, we have established from Scripture that the first part of the set-apart name is YAH (from Ps. 68:4); there are 137 Israelite names with “yah”, and there is also the word Halleluyah. Therefore, the first part cannot be “Yeh”! It is interesting to note that the heathen or Greeks in their hymns, in honor of Apollo, began and ended with hallelu greek, eleleu Ie, a mere corruption of the Hebrew word Halleluyah (see Clarke’s Commentaryunder Revelation 19:1).

Also consider the “IE” in the first two letters of IHS which is actually IES in Greek!

Ies was also a surname for Bacchus.2

Another consideration is YEHWE ZOGBANU – In Dahomean mythology, a forest giant, which had thirty horns and was a threat to hunters.3

The “Yeh” and/or “Yeho” came in with the Jewish cover up of our Heavenly Father’s Name.

To be safe, let’s hold fast to the Scriptural YAH! YAH is the short form of the great set-apart name; an extended form is seen in the King James Version where the translators hid a clue for the true pronunciation in the very story of the set-apart name show down on Mt. Carmel. In the margin of I Kings 17:1, we see the name Elijahu. Translators tell us that the first part of this name “Eli”  means “my God” See Matthew 27:46. Thus, the last part jahu or yahu is in reference to the set-apart name. Elijah’s name means “my El or Elohim is YAHUWAH”.

The Saviour said, “It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true” (John 8:17). Thus, the King James translators hid for us two witnesses that give us a clue to the true pronunciation of the set-apart name, not just one. Look in I Kings 18:3 margin, where we see the nameObadiahu, which name means “servant of YAHUWAH.” But there is more!

72 Names End in ‘YAHU’

Strong’s #



Common Name



(my Father is YAHUWAH)




(my Master is YAHUWAH)




(my flame is YAHUWAH)




(possession of YAHUWAH)




(my brother is YAHUWAH)




(my Elohim is YAHUWAH)




(strength of YAHUWAH)




(promised of YAHUWAH)




(reserved to YAHUWAH)




(built up of YAHUWAH)




(kneel to YAHUWAH)




(YAHUWAH is great)




(perfected by YAHUWAH)




(Love of YAHUWAH)




(delivered by YAHUWAH)




(majesty of YAHUWAH)




(endurance of YAHUWAH)




(remembered by YAHUWAH)




(my strength is YAHUWAH)




(my portion is YAHUWAH)




(favored by YAHUWAH)




(regarded by YAHUWAH)




(immersed by YAHUWAH)



Tob Adoniyahu

(pleasing to my Master YAHU)




(my goodness is YAHUWAH)




(will be heard by YAHUWAH)




(my foundation is YAHUWAH)




(kneeling to YAHUWAH)




(magnified by YAHUWAH)




(adorned of YAHUWAH)




(my unity is YAHUWAH)




(my strength is YAHUWAH)




(YAHUWAH will enable)




(YAHUWAH will establish)




(my boldness is YAHUWAH)




(taught by YAHUWAH)




(exalted of YAHUWAH)




(YAHUWAH will lend)

Ishiah, Isijahu



(heard by YAHUWAH)




(salvation of YAHUWAH)




(sustained by YAHUWAH)




(stability by YAHUWAH)




(planted by YAHUWAH)




(like YAHUWAH)




(my king is YAHUWAH)




(rescue of YAHUWAH)




(work of YAHUWAH)




(purchase of YAHUWAH)




(repaid by YAHUWAH)




(present of YAHUWAH)




(gift of YAHUWAH)




(my light is YAHUWAH)




(given by YAHUWAH)




(supported by YAHUWAH)




(Servant of YAHUWAH)




(continuing in YAHUWAH)




(strength of YAHUWAH)




(my power is YAHUWAH)




(helped of YAHUWAH)




(constrained by YAHUWAH)




(ransomed of YAHUWAH)




(delivered by YAHUWAH)




(YAHUWAH is righteous)




(hidden by YAHUWAH)




(entrapped of YAHUWAH)




(enlarged of YAHUWAH)




(protected by YAHUWAH)




(prospered by YAHUWAH)




(lodging of YAHUWAH)




(thank offering of YAHUWAH)




(heard of YAHUWAH)




(hedged by YAHUWAH)




(judged by YAHUWAH)




(prevailed by YAHUWAH)


Anciently, names not only ended with “yahu”, but also began with “Yahu”; this was determined by comparing other languages like Arabic and Cuneiform.

Jehoahaz — “An inscription of Tiglathpileser III records tribute being received from Iauhazi (mat) Ia-u-da-a

Jehoahaz of Judah’. The Illustrated Bible Dictionary

Jehoiachio–“In Babylon, Jehoiachin was treated as a royal hostage. He is named (Yau-kin) in Bab. tablets, dated 595 and 570 BC, as receiving rations at the court in company with his five sons.” The Illustrated Bible Dictionary

Jehonuthan— “The name occurs in Cuneiform records as Yahu-natunnu.” Seventh-day Adventist BIBLE DICTIONARY

Jehu-– “Cuneiform Ia-u-a.” The New Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew English Lexicon. In Arabic, Jehu was pronounced “Yahu”. See Hastings Dictionary of the Bible. All this evidence and more, suggest that “Yahu” was used at the beginning of names, instead of the more modem Jewish “Yeho” cover up of the set-apart name. Therefore, the 27 following names are restored to their original pronunciation.

27 Names Begin with “YAHU”

Strong’s #



Common Name



 (a Jewess)




 (He exists)




 (YAHUWAH seized)




 (YAHUWAH fired)




 (a name for Judea)




 (praise YAHUWAH Gen. 29:35 marg)




 (a Jew, a descendant of Yehudah)




 (Jewess-Jehudith, a Canaanitess)




 (I AM THAT I AM Ex 3:14)
















 (YAHUWAH-will establish)




 (YAHUWAH-will raise)




 (YAHUWAH-will contend)




 (YAHUWAH-is able)












 (YAHUWAH-is adding)
























 (YAHUWAH hath sworn)










1 With “YAHU” in the Middle

#454 Elyahuenai (toward YAHUWAH are my eyes) – Elihoenai

    72 Times at the End
      27 Times at the Beginning
        1 Time in the Middle
    100 Times; names with YAHU

So far we have established YaHu from Scripture!


2) Come Out of Her My People by Chris Koster

3) Mythology Folklore & Symbols

Chapter 7 / Index 

Chapter 7

Next Letter

U, V or W?

Was the sixth Hebrew letter waw developed from two uu’s put together? Of course not! However, it is true that our English W developed from two uu’s or vv’s put together; this is why it is called double u. But we English speaking people have to use this letter W to convey the ancient sound ofwaw in Hebrew and w_arabic in Arabic etc.

The Oxford English Dictionary lists two columns worth of information about the English W, explaining how it developed from two uu’s put together, then a statement toward the end: “1869 ELLIS E.E. Pron, I. iii. 187 In Europe (w) is thought to be peculiar to England… In Arabic however (w) is quite at home.”


“. . . the sound of waw, a long time ago, wasn’t ‘vav’ at all; but ‘w’, and ‘w’ is weak. . . The Yemenite Jews of Arabia, who retain an ancient, correct and pure pronunciation of Hebrew, still pronounce the waw as ‘w’ -as does Arabic, the close sister language of Hebrew.” How the Hebrew LanguageGrew p. 29, 30

Why do many Jews today contend that the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is a V? According to the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, and other reference materials, it is because of German influence. “The German (Ashkenazic) influence arose within the last 1800 years, after the Jews were dispersed in 135 CE. As Jewish communities gradually developed in Eastern, Central and Western Europe, German influence eventually made its mark on the Hebrew language.” The Sixth Letter is Waw (study by Voy Wilks 3/3/96)

There are, generally speaking, two main pronunciations: the Ashkenazi, or German, originated by Central and Eastern European Jews, carried to all countries to which those Jews have emigrated (Western Europe, America, etc.): and the Sephardi, or Spanish, used by the Jews of Spanish or Portuguese stock in Europe and America and also by Jews from Oriental countries. In all the universities and throughout Israel, the Sephardic pronunciation has been adopted, since it is generally believed that this is the pronunciation nearest to the original….” Biblical Hebrew p. 33 by Menahem Mansoor

The shape of the letter V came from the design on the back of the cobra.


But when did the sound “V” come into use? Consider the following argument! The original set-apart name was pronounced Yahuwah (which we will seek to prove in the continuation of this book). Clement of Alexandria (c.150-c.215) transliterated from the original set-apart name of the Hebrew language into Greek as Iaoue (Iaoue), the Greeks had a tendency to put an “e” on the end of names, as seen in the New Testament, which only the KJV points out. Names like Noe (Matt. 24:37), Osee (Rom 9:25), Jude (NT Book), Core (Jude 11) etc; which, according to the Old Testament, were Noah, Hosea, Judah, and Korah. But obviously Clement was transliterating from the Hebrew at a time when the waw had a W sound. Later on, Theodoret (c.390-455) and Epiphanius (c.315-404) transliterated the set-apart name as Iabe (Iabe); a couple of hundred years had passed since Clement, and they must have been transliterating at the time that the Hebrew had adopted the V.

Original Hebrew Name: YAHUWAH

Clement transliterates into Greek: iaoe

Later Theodoret & Epiphanius:       iabe

Probably transliterating from Hebrew with “v”: YAH VAH

“From Latin v, which was at first bilabial (voiced like ‘b’ using the lips), but became labiodental (using the bottom lip to the teeth) in the 2d century A.D.”4

So, from the quote above, we learn that even in Latin the V did not come into use until the second century, and also comparing Clement with Theodoret and Epiphanius, using Iaoue and labe, we can see when this change of V came in. But the question we must ask is: “What pronunciation did waw have when the Creator spoke the ten commandments from Mt. Sinai? What about the Hebrew that Abraham spoke? Or Noah? Or Adam, which he had learned from YHWH Himself?” Obviously, it was the more ancient pronunciation that our English W conveys, which even the American Indians retained in their language from the original; for at one time, “the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.” (Gen 11:1). Place names in America bare this out, such as Waxahachie Tex, Nowata Ok, Hiawassee Ga, Wewoka Ok, Iowa etc.

“…The Hebrew letter waw waw can function as a consonant or a vowel. When the waw is a consonant, it sounds like w, as in water, and usually has a vowel sign under it. . . When the waw functions as a vowel, it has the sound of o as in row or oo as in pool. With a dot above it, the waw sounds likeo as in row: waw_oh. With a dot in its center, the waw sounds like oo as in pool waw_oo. Note: This dot in the center of the waw is not a daghesh (a dot in the center that indicates that the letter is doubled, in such a case a vowel mark is also beneath that letter)… When a waw functions as a vowel, sounded o or oo, it does not have the sound of w as in water. The yod, like the waw, can be both vowel and consonant.” A Simple Approach To Old Testament Hebrew, p. 9

“The Semitic waw and yod are certainly, by usage, consonants; although by nature they are vowels, viz. u and i and consequently are consonantal vowels.” Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar p. 26

There is a structural system in Hebrew, depending on the arrangement, whether it was a vowel or a consonant; which existed before vowel points were used, also during the time when the paleo-waw waw_paleo was used.

The point to be made is this: “Was our Creator influenced by the German (Ashkenazi) speech, when He delivered His name on Mt. Sinai?” Of course not! Man is notorious for altering that which has gone out of the Creator’s lips (Review Ps. 89:34). He made it plain, “I change not.” Malachi 3:6, thus we understand that the Creator was not the one who changed the waw_paleo to a vav. In the Father of lights, there “is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” James 1:17; likewise with His only begotten Son “YAHUSHUA the Messiah the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Hebrew 13:8.

Not only did the Jews change the waw (W) to vav (V), but in recent times have also changed the Hebrew B to V as well. Therefore, Abraham becomes Avraham, and Yacob becomes Yacov, Tel Abib becomes Tel Aviv, and everyone gets confused. Did we really need two v’s in Modern Hebrew?

So far, using Scripture and history, we have established YaHuW. But, the question might be asked, “Can the waw sustain the ‘u’ and the ‘w’ all in the same letter?” Consider the following illustration with the words Phuvah, (more accurate Phuwah) or should it be Puah? The same Hebrew word is transliterated both ways; even the Bible scholars were baffled as to the true way to transliterate from Hebrew on this point. This point needs to be understood, to understand the set-apart name.

Phuwah or Puah?

The waw, with a dot in the center and with a vowel sign under it waw.ah, is a “strengthened consonant” (the older term of doubling). “The waw_oo u is, however, easily to be recognized, since it cannot take a vowel before or under it.” Gesenius Hebrew Grammar p. 55

Genesis 46:13

Numbers 26:23







Latin Vulgate



William Tyndale



Geneva Bible



1611 King James


Pua (Phuvah)

margin KJV



New King James





















Living Bible






NAB (Cath.)



New Jerusalem



Book of Yahweh

Puw ‘ah (?)

Puwwah (OK)

The Scriptures 5


The Point Made With Phuwah: Tested, Tried and True

The translation, I AM THAT I AM, has three parts; therefore, the name has three parts (or syllables) and is vowel pointed YAHUWAH

Now, to give an explanation:

The letter *waw* does not carry the “oo” sound, because the markings are beneath the letter *he*:hoo. The waw.ah is doubled, indicated by the dot in the center and vowel mark beneath (Example, see Strong’s Heb. #2332). Now, this is how the “huw” and the “wah” are combined all in the same letter.

This may seem hard to comprehend, but it is absolutely proper Hebrew grammar. This same situation appears in many other names like Eliyahu. The “i” and the “y” are both indicated by a double "I" "Y" (yod):


The dot in the center of the double yod, with the vowel mark Qamets beneath it, indicates that this is a double yod. The dot beneath the lamed_dot (see arrow above) indicates that the first yod is a vowel, and the second yod is a consonant (Eliyahu).

Elihu (#453) has the same Hebrew letters as Eliyahu (#452), the only difference is a double yod. The vowel marking indicates that the yod has a vowel sound, else it would read Elyahu instead of Elihu. The same principle applies to the Tetragrammaton, as it does to Eliyahu; instead of the yod, the waw is doubled, but is written only once. The first waw is a vowel sound of (U), indicated by the hoo with three dots under it. The second waw is a consonant sound of “w”.

Thus, the name is perfectly transliterated Yah?wwah, written in English as Yahuwah. Compare Strong’s #6312

Proving the Set-Apart Name From

Josephus, the Jewish historian, seems to refer to the tetragrammaton as consisting of four vowels (Wars of the Jews, 5. 5. 7)

We already covered this in a previous chapter, but briefly, Josephus himself admitted to frequently altering Hebrew names, spelling them after the Greek fashion “to please [his Greek] readers.” (Antiquities 1.6. 1.)

“Why Josephus speaks of ‘four vowels’ is uncertain. The first and third letters are probably ‘by nature vowels’ (= i and u), though by usage, consonants (Gesenius, Heb. Grammar, ed. Cowley, pp. 26,45). He is perhaps thinking of a Greek form (iaue).” Wars of the Jews 5. 5. 7. footnote; edition Loeb Classical Library

The first letter in the set-apart name is a consonant, the “Y” in YAH, and in the word Halleluyah.

RULE #1 “hei can never be a vowel letter in the middle of a word.” Gesenius Hebrew Grammar p. 56.


This means that this letter must be a consonant, and have a vowel following it, such as ‘ho’, ‘hu’ ‘he’, ‘ha’ etc.

RULE #2 Since the hei in the middle of a word is always a consonant, this means that in the set-apart name, there must be three syllables.

“The vowel letters hei,yod, waw, and Alef, as such, naturally do not close a syllable … On the other hand, syllables are closed by the consonantal waw and yodGesenius Hebrew Grammar p. 75

“Assimilation” usually takes place when one consonant, which closes a syllable, passes over into another, beginning the next syllable, and forms with it a strengthened letter.” Gesenius Hebrew Grammar p. 68

Stade, Lehrb. der hebr. Gr., Lpz 1879, pp. 44, 103, rightly insists on the expression strengthened pronunciation instead of the older termdoubling, since the consonant in question is only written once. The common expression arises from the fact that in transcription a strengthened consonant can only be indicated by writing it as doubled.” Ibid p. 55 footnote

This means that in the set-apart name Yahuwah, the waw must be a consonant, because it closes a syllable and opens a new one; and therefore it becomes a strengthened consonant written double waw, or doubled.

Waw with Deges (waw_oo) cannot, in our printed texts, be distinguished from waw pointed as Sureg (waw_oo); in the latter case the point should stand higher up. The waw_oo u is, however, easily to be recognized since it cannot take a vowel before or under it. Ibid p. 55 footnote

When a Hebrew word ends “waw_hei“, the waw is almost always a consonant after such an arrangement. Example: Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary lists no words that end with “uah” spelled in Hebrew waw_hei. The sound always ends waw_eyin, waw_eyin_hei, waw_alef_hei. However, there is an exception to the waw being a consonant after such an arrangement, that is Eloahh #433, and is spelled eloah, but please notice the hei_dot is dotted in the center, meaning that it is a consonant.

A point in the bosom of hei_dot is called Mappiyq (mappeek). It occurs only in the final vowelless letter of a few words, and we have it represented by hh” Strong’s Concordance, Introduction to the Hebrew Dictionary.

RULE #3 Unless the hei is dotted with the Mappiyq, “at the end of a word, it is always a mere vowel letter.” Gesenius Hebrew Grammar p. 81

Yahuwah YAHUWAH fits all the Hebrew Grammar Rules!


4) Funk & Wagnal’s Encyclopedia (1934) under V

5) The Scriptures, by the Institute For Scripture Research

Chapter 8/ Index

Chapter 8

The Translation





I AM THAT I AM Ex. 3:14. “This passage is intended to indicate the etymology of Jehovah [YAHUWAH], as understood by the Hebrews, no one has ventured to doubt.” Smith’s Bible Dictionary

“Etymologically . . . of the verb hawah (or hajah), signifying to be.” Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Encyclopedia (1934) under Jehovah Exists or Self Existing in the sense of: “yesterday, and today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

Various Bible Translations render Exodus 3:14 differently


New American Standard

I am what I am

The Living Bible


Peshitta / Lamsa

 am who I am


I am who am

Catholic Douay Version

I am who I am

Today’s English Version

I  AM; that is who I am

New English Bible

I am he who is

New Jerusalem Bible


Revised Standard Bible


Holy Name Bible

I will be what I will to be

footnote (Holy Name Bible)

I am the Being


I will become whatsoever I please


I will be what I will be

William Tyndale


1599 Geneva Bible


New King James Version


King James Version

The note in the margin of the 1599 Geneva Bible sums it up well. “The [El] which ever have been, am and shall be: the [El] Almighty, by whom all things have their being, and the [El] of mercy, mindful of My promise.” Ex 3:14

Which is the most accurate is not what I wish to dwell on; the point is that from the Hebrew words AHAYAH ASHER AHAYAH, we can derive the true pronunciation of the set-apart name. It is the interpretation, definition, explanation, translation, or meaning of the set-apart name.

Though the Scofield Bible footnote on Gen. 2:4 uses Yahwe (?), it also states that the name is from “havah”, or more accurate “hawah”.

According to Gesenius Hebrew English Lexicon, pp.219-22, the Hebrew characters and vowel points used, one can see the NAME is derived from (hawah), and from (hayah), meaning to EXIST, SELF EXISTING.

“Many critics contend for Hebrew: Yahveh, some for Yahvah, and some for Yahaveh. It is generally derived from havah, an old form of haiah,meaning ‘He is’. The import of the name is explained in the book of Exodus: ‘And (Elohim) said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM …’ (Ex. 3:14, thereby predicating self-existance in a sense in which it can be applied to no created being.” The American Peoples Encyclopedia Vol. II, page 599 (1952)

Many more references could be given as pointed out by Young’s and Strong’s Concordances, Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia, and Gesenius’ Hebrew English Lexicon, page 337, 338. The name is derived from hawah (ha WAH). Combining Yah with Wah, we have the first and last part of YAHUWAH.

A statement by Alexander MacWhorter of Yale University in his book, Memorial Name, published in 1857, harmonizes with this, as he said the NAME is derived from the Hebrew verb “havah”, the OLD FORM of “hayah”, meaning to EXIST or SELF EXISTING ONE. This passage from Exodus 3:14 has not two parts, but three. Many have not noticed the middle section of the translation I AM THAT I AM. In Hebrew Asher means: who, which, what, that, are, etc. Another Hebrew word that often means the same thing is #1931 huw. Huw also means: this or that, which (is), who and he etc.

Huw and asher often mean the same thing, or can interchange. Example: compare the following passages and usage’s of asher and huw.

“And Elohim saw every thing that (asher) He made, and, behold, it was very good.” Gen 1:31.

“And the gold of that (huw) land is good.” Gen. 2:12.

“Behold, Rebekah came out, who (asher) was born to Bethuel.” Gen. 24:15

“Now these are the generations of Esau, who (huw) is Edom.” Gen 36:1

See by these examples both asher and huw can interchange with each other!


Not only does Moses give us a translation of the set-apart name, but so does the prophet John in the book of Revelation, which gives us a revelation of the set-apart name. Notice the marginal reference in Revelation 1:4 to Exodus 3:14, where the translators were hinting and telling us that this is another translation of the set-apart name. Although the true chronological arrangement of time, past, present and future, is found in Revelation 4:8, “which was, and is, and is to come.” See also the other passages of the same, in Revelation chapters 1:8; 11:17; 16:5. Some of the new versions omit “and art to come” in Rev. 11:17 & 16:5. John warned them not to take out any portion lest Elohim take away their part out of the book of life. See Revelation 22:19

Thus it becomes ultra important to have all three parts of the translation included as our proof for determining the true original set-apart name.

Which was,which is, and which isto come

# 1961 hayah; was, to exist, to be, come to pass
#1931 huw; he, which (is), who, that
#1933, 34 hawah; to be, to exist, come to pass




Now that we have carefully considered both translations, we can also begin the process of elimination. If the set-apart name were Yahowah, which might be a corruption of the set-apart name, but cannot be the original, for then the translation must read “I AM oh I AM” or “I Am alas I Am,” since the Hebrew word “how” #1930 (pronounced ho) and means Oh and/or alas.

Notice in the translation of Exodus 3:14, “I AM” is repeated, thus in the set-apart name YAH is repeated with WAH, both YAH and WAH mean basically the same thing. In Hebrew the Y and W can interchange and yet the same meaning is preserved. A couple of examples from Scripture are in order.

Take the name Dodavah, II Chronicles 20:37 (more proper Dodawah), which means love of Yah. Which part of this name means Yah? The wah of course! Let’s do another. Hodevah (more accurate Hodewah) means majesty of Yah. Again the testimony of two men is true.

Are there Hebrew words where the (yod) and the (waw) are interchangeable and the meaning remains the same or similar?

The translation of the Father’s Name is “I AM that I AM.” Notice that “I AM” is repeated. Since Strong’s H#1961 (hayah) and #1933-1934 (hawah) both mean “to exist,” His Name covers the aspect of His past, present and future existence. So, in the Father’s Name, Yah is repeated with Wah. Are the yod (y) and the waw (w) interchangeable? Let’s find out… Remember, Hebrew is read from right to left.

Sometimes scholars get it right though they come at it from a different angle.

“Among etymologies proposed, S. Mowinckel and J. Montgomery contend that the name is a compound, yahu or yahuwah, ‘O He!’. “6 (An Arabic angle). James Montgomery shows sort of a secondary translation in his study THE HEBREW DIVINE NAME AND THE PERSONAL PRONOUN HU, where he touches on the basic theme “I am YHWH” and it’s parallel, “I am He”.7 Tracing the Biblical references in Deuteronomy 32:39 for “I am He” to Isa. 41:4; 43:10, 13; 46:4; 48:12.

It is also interesting to note that when Judas and the band of officers came looking for YAHUSHUA in the garden of Gethsemane: “YAHUSHUA therefore knowing all things that should come upon Him, went forth, and said unto them, ‘Whom seek ye?’ They answered Him and said, ‘YAHUSHUA of Nazareth.’ YAHUSHUA saith unto them, ‘I am He….’ As soon then as He said unto them ‘I am He’, they went backward, and fell to the ground.” (John 18:5,6). The possibility does exist here that He spoke the set-apart name. The Greek words are the same as used in John 8:58, “Before Abraham was, I am,” which is the same Greek usage the Septuagint uses in Exodus 3:14, “THE BEING”. There is more from the book of John:

“If ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins.” John 8:24.

“When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then ye shall know that I am He.” Jn 8:28. See also Jn 4:26; 9:9; 13:19

The King James translators knew this, and thus italicized “He” to indicate this connection with Ex. 3:14.

The main thing this bares out is that “He” in Hebrew is “Hu”, thus verifying the element Hu instead of “Ho” in the set-apart name.


6) The New 20th-century Encyclopedia (2nd Ed.) of Religious Knowledge p. 886

7) Journal of Biblical Literature Vol. 1xiii, 1944, p. 161

Chapter 9 / Index

Chapter 9

Evidence for Yahweh

Several Early Greek Writers?

What’s wrong with the following statement? “Several early Greek writers of the Christian Church testify that the name was pronounced Yahweh.” The Modern Judaica Encyclopedia, Vol. 7 p. 679
YHWH YHWH is a Hebrew name!

On the surface the above quote sounds pious doesn’t it? Very few scholars detected anything. Who were these Greek writers?

“The pronunciation, Yahweh, is indicated by the transliteration of the name into Greek in early Christian literature. . .’by Clement of Alexandria, and by Theodoret. . . . Strictly speaking, Yahweh is the only name of god.” The New Bible Dictionary p. 478 by J.D. Douglas. Not mentioned in the quote, but also used for evidence for Yahweh, is Epiphanius (who wrote Iabe) and Origen who wrote (Iae).

The Catholic Church quoted fairly:”… Judging from Greek transcriptions, the Set-Apart Name .. . YHWH ought to be pronounced Yahweh.” 8

Gesenius stated in his Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon “this same form appears on the gems of the Egyptian Gnostics as the name of God . . .[but these gems are not of the most remote antiquity; they are the work of heretics of the second and third centuries].” (brackets not supplied) under #3068 Jehovah

Clement of Alexandria was a teacher of the Gnostic’s; Origen was one of his students. The Masons and Catholics alike claim Clement, Origen, Theodoret and Epiphanius as the forefathers of their faith.

Simon Magus (Acts 8:9-24) was the father of Gnostic heresies, also pseudo-messiah, he was a teacher who went to Rome and taught angelology and astrology.

The school in Alexandria was mixing paganism in the true apostolic faith and promoting “sun worship.” It was the school of Gnosticism that prepared the way for the Papacy to be established. Constantine was also a Gnostic Christian. Some of their heretical beliefs:

Predestination from astrology! The body could never be saved! That prophets were not dependable for inspiration! They believed in magic!Believed in speaking in tongues like today’s charismatics, which does not edify believers in truth! Sprinkling instead of baptism by immersion! Sunday worship! Hatred for the Torah!

The Jesuits restored Gnosticism in the Council of Trent:

“The Society of Jesus proposed to subordinate the Holy Scriptures and in their place substitute the interpretations of the Bible by the ecclesiastical writers of the first centuries whom they call the ‘fathers’. All the errors and vagaries of the allegorizers who confused and darkened the first three centuries were selected. The first great papal council which assembled after the Reformation, the Council of Trent (A.D. 1545-1563), was dominated by the Jesuits. This assembly laid down the law, and no papal authority has dared since to dispute it.” Truth Triumphant p. 317

Why use Greek writers for evidence anyway? Greeks were notorious for altering Hebrew names.

Compare Hebrew and Greek Names

Notice the “a” ending in Hebrew vs. “e” in Greek!


KJV Text



I Chr. 8:2




Ezra 10:30




Num. 1:15




I Chr. 8:4




Gen. 36:24




I Chr. 7:39




Gen 35:27




II Sam. 11:3




11 Sam. 8:8




II Kings 25:23




Gen 3:20 marg



I Kings 19:16




II Sam 5:16




Josh. 18:24




I Sam 28:4




Gen. 19:24


II Esd 2:8


II Kings 17:6




Esther 3:1




I Chr. 3:20




Gen. 46:17


Possible LXX


Josh. 16:6




II Chr. 36:21


II Mace 2:5


I Chr. 1:20




II Sam. 8:18




II Kings 11:2




I Chr. 7:27




Ezra 2:6




Judg. 11:1




Gen. 46:17




Ezra 3:7




I Chr. 4:34


Luke 3:29


Exodus 17:9




Gen. 29:35


NT- Book


Jer. 40:8




Num. 16:1


Jude 11


I Chr. 8:33




Gen. 25:14




Gen. 36:13




Ezra 2:54




Num. 32:42




Gen. 6:29


Man. 24:37


I Chr. 3:7


Luke 3:25


Num. 21:30



Ho sea

Num 13:16


Rom. 9:25


I Kings 4:17




I Chr. 4:12




II Kings 15:25




Gen. 41:45




Num. 31:8




I Chr. 7:25




(Greek #4516)


Acts 18:2


Gen. 10:24




Gen. 36:13




II Sam. 20:1




Isa. 8:6




II Sam. 21:21




I Chr. 2:3




Num. 33:27




Gen. 22:24




I Chr. 2:24




I Chr. 7:25




Gen. 11:24




Ezra 2:60


I Mace. 5:13


Josh. 15:34




Judg. 8:5




OT Book


II Esd. 1:40


II Chr. 14:9



The Roman Catholic Douay version was largely based on the Greek Septuagint and thus many names ended with an “e”.

Though the Greeks loved to walk around in white pretentious robes, our Creator labeled them as a kingdom with spots “like a leopard.” Dan. 7:6. Can the leopard change his spots? (Jer. 13:23). How then can they do good that are accustomed to do evil, including changing names? Our Creator knew that the Grecians would seek to remove the children of Israel far from their border! YAHUSHUA is coming back for a glorious congregation “not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” Eph 5:27

In the last days our Creator said: “I will turn to the people a pure language.” For what purpose? “That they may call upon the name of YAHUWAH, to serve Him with one consent.” Zephaniah 3:9. What language should we consult to derive the true pronunciation of the set-apart name? Certainly not the Greek! However Scripture tells us which language it is.

Thus saith YAHUWAH of hosts, “In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all the languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Yahudi, saying, ‘We will go with you: for we have heard that Elohim is with you.'” Zechariah 8:23. It seems strange that scholars only mention the evidence of the early Greek writers. Why do they not give all the other evidences?

The evidence from Origen is “Iae”, but this was also the name of a pagan god. In the Dictionary of World Mythology by Cotterell under Kuat, who is “The sun god in Kamaiuran mythology.” We find that “Iae” was the moon god, and brother to Kuat. Strange that Origen came up with this, when Clement his teacher used Iaoue.

“Clement, most famous of the Alexandrian college faculty and teacher of Origen, boasted that he would not teach Christianity unless it were mixed with pagan philosophy.” Truth Triumphant p. 47

The Greek language does not even have a “Y” sound, or an H sound in the middle of a word, nor a W, nor an “sh” sound. Neither did the Latin have a W sound, nor an “sh” sound. Therefore many early believers contended that the Messiah’s name could only be pronounced from the Hebrew correctly.

Celsus, a pagan editorialist who lived about 185 C. E., finds fault with Christians, and so reports that many of their beliefs are from Jews, paganism and folly. Upon reading through his book, however, it is obvious that what Celsus calls “Christian” is not always what we would call a believer today. Celsus lumps everybody together. Celsus is obviously categorizing together both those who claim to be Christians and those in the Faith once transmitted to the Apostles. Regardless of the distinction, he comments, “… they assume that by pronouncing the name of their teacher they are armored against the powers of the earth and air and that their God will send armies to protect them….And they are quite insistent on the efficacy of the name as a means of protection: pronounce it improperly, they say, and it is ineffective. Greek and Latin will not do; it must be said in a barbaric tongue to work.” Celsus, On the True Doctrine, [Joseph Hoffman, Translator, Oxford University Press, 1987] page 118.

Since Celsus ridicules the Jewish faith and the Jewish race, it seems he considered them to be the lowest forms of human life on earth. Thus, the language referred to as “barbaric” can be none other than Hebrew.

The fact is that the early Gnostic Greek writers did not speak according to the law and the testimony. How could they? They hated it. Thus they had no light in them. If you ask the Greek writers what the set-apart name is, you will get several different answers. Some would say, Iaoue, or Iape, or Iao, or Iae, or, Iaoth, or as Philo, the one who amalgamated Judaism and mythology producing Gnosticism said, the name was “leuo”. Does it seem like they really knew what the set-apart name was!?!

“Alexandria and Antioch were always antagonists, Alexandria presenting a mystical transcendentalism and promoting the allegorical interpretation of the Scriptures; Antioch insisting on the grammatico-historical interpretation of the Scriptures, and having no sympathy with mystical modes of thought.” A Manuel of Church History, Vol. 1, p. 297

This quotation shows a bit of the background of what we are dealing with concerning the name Yahweh. Clement of Alexandria said: “The name of God too, among the Greeks, contains four letters.” Stromata, Book V Chap. VI. The English text shows “Jave”.

Often, it can be seen in various literature like the Catholic Encyclopedia and The Jehovah Witness Bible- the elegant edition where they show the form “Jahve”. We have already seen how the “J” began having a “g” sound about the middle of the 17th century; before that it was a fancy i, often having a y sound. Earlier words with “J” were spelled with “I”, thus Jove would be spelled Iove and pronounced Yahve, the priests have introduced it to the Spanish community as Yave.

According to Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary, under the word ALLELUIAH, we learn that “Io” is a corruption of Jah or Yah.

How Long Halt Ye Between Two Opinions?

“There are two opinions as to what was the actual pronunciation of the set-apart name while Hebrew was still a spoken language. On the one hand, we may gather from the contemporary Assyrian monuments that it was pronounced “Yahu.” Wherever an Israelitish name is met with in the cuneiform inscriptions which, like Jehu or Hezekiah is compounded with the heavenly title, the latter appears as Yahu; Jehu being Yahua, and Hezekiah Khazaki-yahu. Even according to the Masoretes it must be read Yeho (that is, Yahu) when it forms part of a proper name. The early Greek characters, wrote Iao (that is, Yaho). On the other hand, the four consonants, YHVH, can hardly have been pronounced otherwise, than as Yahveh; and this pronunciation is supported by the two Greek writers Theodoret and Epiphanios, who say that the word was sounded Yave. The form Yahveh, however, is incompatible with the form Yahu (Yeho), which appears in proper names.” The Century Cyclopedia (1900)

However, Professor Eerdman’s article showed that it is not safe to follow the Samaritan pronunciation advocated by Theodoret and Epiphanius, because the Samaritans were opposed to the Jewish way. “They built their own temple on Gerizim and had their own priesthood. They thwarted the Jews whenever they could. On the count of their attitude, we may safely assume that the Samaritans had their own [different] pronunciation of the holy name. For this reason the Samaritan pronunciation should not have been regarded [by modem scholars] as evidence for the Jewish pronunciation.” Quoted in The Good News Nov-Dec 1972 (Magazine of The World Wide Church of God).


8) The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 14 p. 1065

Chapter 10 / Index

                                      Chapter 1

                                              Modern Idolatry

                                  BAAL means LORD

                                             Hosea 2:16 margin KJV

“How long halt ye between two opinions? if YAHUWAH be Elohim, follow Him: but if haBaal (the Lord), then follow him.” 1 Kings 18:21

“Baal-gad” Joshua 11:17 means “Lord-god”

Gad = G-d

Pronounced Gawd, or God, and written Gad! See Isaiah 65:11 margin

#1408 “a Babylonian deity” of Fortune.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance

No wonder our money has the phrase


(that is the deity of fortune)

“I am YAHUWAH: that is My name: and My glory will I not give to another, neither My praise to graven images.” Isaiah 42:8

(Note: In Joshua 11:17, g-d is marked with Qamets)

Dios = Dios

Observe the Greek text of:

Acts 14:13

Which is translated “Jupiter”??

See also the Greek text of II Maccabees 6:2 The Hebrews died faithfully for not worshipping Dios. See the Maccabee story.

In the Greek text of Acts 28:11 is sons of zeus (Dioscuri), meaning “sons of Zeus”. The KJV translated it “Castor and Pollux”.

“For all the gods of the nations are idols: but YAHUWAH made the heavens.” Psalm 96:5




= Theos (Theos)

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or likeness of anything that is in heaven above…” Exodus 20:4

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of Elohim into an image.” Romans 1:23

“Only in a few localities, notably in Crete, does any form of the name Zeus survive, but the god still lives under the title Theos

[Theos], a title so conveniently equivocal, that the Christian can use it without heresy and square perfectly with the ancient pagan belief.” Greek and Roman Mythology, Appendix I, Survivals of Ancient Greek Divinities and Myths in Modern Greece, p. 312

“The early Christians (Messiahans) were called atheists because they denied the gods of the Greeks and Romans.” Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Enc.(Atheist)

Christ = Krishna

“Krsna, whose name is pronounced as Krsta in many parts of India at the present day.” Mythology of All Races, Vol. 6, p. 178

Mythology, Folklore and Symbols also show Krsta as a variant spelling of Krsna.

Russians spell Christ Christa (Pronounced Christa)

Khri also means white, or opening; Khris, the orb of the Sun. Krishna was the Hindu Sun god.” Morals and Dogma p. 78

Kriss Kringle means Christ child, (see the dictionaries) also used for Santa Clause years ago.

Christ is spelled Kristos; (Xristos) in Greek! “X stands for Christ, as in Xian. Christian; Xmas. Christmas. Noah Webster’s (1828) American Dictionary

“And they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” Revelation 14:11

X can also stand for Xpovos (Chronos) or Saturn.

Esus = Ecyc Mongolian for Jesus

=Isus Crotian & Romanian for Jesus

Eesoos   Eesoos, Russian for Jesus

=Esu (A god of trickery in Africa)

=Esu Isis in the Cuneiform language

=Esu (A principle title of Tammuz)

“Esu, one of the principle titles of Tammuz.” Mythology of All Races Vol. 5 p. 131

“Hesus. Also called Esus. In Celtic religion, he was the supreme god.” Dictionary of Pagan Religions

“The first Druids were the true children of the Magi, and their initiation came from Egypt and Chaldea; that is to say, from the pure sources of the primitive Kabalah. They adored the Trinity under the names Isis or Hesus, the Supreme Harmony; of Belen or Bel, which in Assyrian means Lord.” Morals & Dogma p. 103

“The three letters S S S (in Greek SSS) were the symbol of Isis, which is thus connected with 666.” Number in Scripture p. 49 by E.W. Bullinger

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call His name YAHUSHUA: for He shall save His people from their sins. Matthew 1:21

Ioue = Yahueh used by some


Jove = Jave Ante-Nicene Fathers

= Yave used by the Spanish

= Yahveh

= Yahweh by Christians

“I am YAHUWAH: that is My name: and My glory will I not give to another (name), neither My praise to graven images.” Isaiah 42:8

If you were going to counterfeit a one hundred dollar bill, wouldn’t you make it appear as close as you could to the real thing. Thus, any name that deviates at all from the original is a counterfeit! Which only appears to be genuine, but isn’t. It might take careful study!

“Between truth and error there is an irrepressible conflict. To uphold and defend the one is to attack and overthrow the other.” The Great Controversy, p. 126

The Scripture teaches that the deadly wound would be healed (Revelation 13:7), and upon its heads the “names” of blasphemy (Rev. 13:1 margin & 17:3).

In the end time scenario, the Scripture says of the beast, that “he opened his mouth in blasphemy against Elohim, to blaspheme His name, and His tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven [including Moses and Eliyahu], “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them; and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues (languages), and nations.” Revelation 13:6, 7. But in the book of Daniel it brings out that while YAHUSHUA is in the Most Set-Apart place in the heavenly sanctuary before the Ancient of Days, “there was given Him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve Him.” Dan. 7:14. Languages can serve YAHUSHUA by following the rules of transliteration, letter for letter, sound for sound, from the Hebrew as near as possible, regarding the set-apart name issue.

“I will turn to the people a pure language, that they may call upon the name of YAHUWAH, to serve Him with one consent.” Zeph. 3:9

It does seem strange that the name Dios can be perfectly preserved, letter for letter, sound for sound, from ancient Greece to modern day Mexicans. Why was not this same special care given to the name of the Creator of heaven and earth?!?

Today the Spanish call “Dios” the Creator, but in old time this was the name of Zeus or Jupiter. The Greek word behind “Jupiter” in Acts 14:13 is Dios, also the same of II Maccabees 6:2. Anciently the Hebrews would rather die than worship “Dios”, which they did; you can read about it in the Maccabee story. Also the Spanish call the Saviour Jesus, pronounced “Heh soos”; that’s odd, the supreme god of the Druids was called Hesus.

Why is this? “Jesuit missionaries played a crucial role in taking Catholicism to Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Jesuit scholars made contributions to philosophy, language studies, and especially theology.” Encyclopedia Americana

This explains why the precious Spanish folk call on these various gods.

Today the Spanish scholars and priests are teaching the set-apart name is Yave which is pronounced the same as Iove or Jove.

In 1672, Wilkins National Religion p. 51, “Believing but one supreme Deity, the Father of all subordinate powers:.. whom they call Jupiter or Jove, with plain reference to the Hebrew name Jehovah.” Oxford English Dictionary, under “Jove'”.

In the book Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop, it shows that “Jove” was used as the set-apart name, see pages 26 & 73.

The Catholic scholars and monks have no problem with the form Yahweh! As a matter of fact, they are evangelizing it! It is contained in their New Jerusalem Bible and in their New American Bible in Genesis 22:14 and Exodus 17:15 etc.

 In the Greek Dictionary of Strong’s Concordance #2203, we find that “Jove” is a name for Jupiter or Zeus!? Yet in Numbers 21:14 of Orginenis Hexapla, in the place of the tetragrammaton is found the word “Jovae”.

When the “a” comes before the “e” such as the above, it is a hint to the old style of their combining the letters such as, ae, as in “Judaea”; others spell it “Judea”, while the old good quality King James Versions combine them as “Judaea”.

The oldest form of Jove is spelled “Ioue”. If these four vowels are said fast enough, as today’s modem promoters teach, you will say “Yahweh!”

How can commandment keepers, living in the closing scenes of earth’s history, who profess to love the appearing of the Sovereign YAHUSHUA in the great clouds of glory, be sympathetic to a name that was invented or made up by men’s hands? Especially the Greeks and Gnostics, at that! How can we be sympathetic to the gods of the Romish church?

In Summary

So far we have considered if the last part of the name should have an “a” at the end or an “e”. Using Scripture alone, the translation suggests an “a” because “I AM” is repeated; therefore YAH would be repeated with WAH. The Greek evidence suggests a “WEH” ending.

But what about all the evidences and forms of the set-apart name from around the world other than the Greek? What about Latin scholars? What about Sabbath keepers in Western Europe? What about the Arabs? What about the American Indians and more? How is it that scholarship overlooks these evidences, and looks only to the Greek? The next several chapters will examine some of these other evidences.

Chapter 11 / Index

 Chapter 11

Testimonies to the Historic “a” Sound

At the End of the Set-Apart Name

At about 1516 Peter Galitin felt that he made a great discovery, that the set-apart name was more accurately pronounced IEHOVAH; from this point forward reformers felt they were on to a new revelation of the set-apart name. William Tyndale slipped it in his Bible of 1530 in a few places. Other Bibles like Coverdale, 1599 Geneva Bible, and the 1611 King James Version followed in succession. This was due to the learning of Hebrew by Peter Galitin, and reading the vowel points of the Masoretic Hebrew text.

The name Yehovah had the vowel points of another word, because Jewish scribes in the Dark Ages placed vowel points above and below the four letters to remind the reader to say Adonai (Lord) instead of the set-apart name. Peter Galitin did not know this, he just simply read it the way it was written.

But, before 1516 Roman scholars and theologians in the 1400’s and 1500’s used the form Jova, before that it was Iova, and before that it was Ioua,(Which form is seen in the Oxford English Dictionary under Jehovah). The sentence is in Latin, and reads:

“Non enim he quatuor liter YHWH si ut punctate sunti, legantur, Ioua reddunt: sed (ut ipsi optime nosti) Iehoua efficiunt].”

The sentence basically translates: “Not certain here of four letter YHWH (or) if in what manner to punctuate with marks the magnificent leger, Iouaredundant: apart from what manner He is able to do. Until then Iehova will suffice.”

Also a book called Origen’s Hexapla (not the original), but put together by Roman theologians in the 16th century, the text shows Jova Deus.

Also in 1278, Raymundus Martini came out with a book called Pugiofidei (Daggar of Faith), wherein he spelled the name Yohoua. Some time after, in 1303, Porchetus de Salvaticus completed a work called Victoria Porcheti adversus impios Hebraeos (Porchetus’ Victory Against the Ungodly Hebrews). In this book he also referred to the name spelling it variously Iohouah, lohoua and Ihouah.

It shall now be admitted that these forms are not necessarily from the best of sources, nor are they very old, but are from Catholic writers during the Dark Ages. Nevertheless, they are forms that existed, and should be brought to light for what ever purpose they might serve. The Reformation did not begin until about 1353, with John Wycliffe.

                                                    Chapter 12 / Index


Chapter 12


Place names were very significant to the English Europeans; they were like landmarks for a memorial, that the generation to come might ask, “What does this name mean, and what significance does it have?” In this way, an important message could be passed on from one generation to the next.

In the law we are told, “Thou shalt not remove thy neighbor’s landmark, which they of old time have set.” Deuteronomy 19:14

The wicked move the ancient landmarks, as brought out in the book of Job: “Some remove the landmarks; they violently take away flocks and feed thereof” (Job 24:2). In this chapter you will probably be able to determine who the wicked crew was that altered the place name of Ioua to Iona, and why it was done.

“Place names and dedications of churches across Europe and its islands, demonstrate the extent to which these evangelists traveled.” The Celtic Church in Britain, p. 9

“IONA, the ordinary name of the island which was the great Christian (Messiahan) seminary of North Britain, is due to false derivation. The oldest form of the mime in the MSS. is Ioua, used as an adjective agreeing with insula. . . . Ioua was altered into Iona.” Folk Etymology, A Dictionary of Verbal Corruption’s or Words Perverted in Form or Meaning, by False Derivation p. 537 by A. Smythe Palmer

Did you know that there was something special about Iona? Oh yes, there was! For out of this place many ancient truths were preserved and proclaimed. Truths which have been forgotten, hidden away, burned up, axed etc. The great enemy and champion of error fought hard against this place because of its propagation of the Truth. “It is not an injustice to history to say that Scotland twice saved the world for the Reformation.”Truth Triumphant p. 116

A question we might ask ourselves: Which ancient truths were preserved at Iona? There were many, but, as this chapter will show, the two most prominent were the seventh-day Sabbath, and the great set-apart name of our Creator.

The headquarters of Iona was established by Columba the successor of Patrick. These two prominent figures have now been “sainted” by the Catholic church, but the truth is, that they were not Catholic; as a matter of fact, they contended against Catholicism. The Catholic church had to “saint” them in order for the church to find acceptance in the minds of the people, who dearly loved Patrick and Columba.

One testimony concerning Patrick was that he “spread everywhere the name of God without fear, confidently,” Celtic Church in Britain p. 53 by Leslie Hardinge.

Columba observed the commandment of our Creator, His seventh day Sabbath. The last hours of Columba are recorded as follows:

“Having continued his labors in Scotland thirty four years, he clearly and openly foretold his death and on Saturday, the ninth of June, said to his disciple Diermit: This day is called the Sabbath, that is, the day of rest, and such will it truly be to me; for it will put an end to my labors’.” Truth Triumphant p. 108

“Columba taught his followers never to receive as religious truth any doctrine not sustained by proofs drawn from the Sacred Writings.” Ibid p. 106

The followers of Columba did this very thing. One letter which has survived, and is generally attributed to Columbanus “dealt with the Hebrew festivals as well with the Sabbath, and shows an affinity with early Celtic practice in quoting solely from the Scriptures.” The Celtic Church in Britainp. 83

“Columba with his own hand copied three hundred New Testaments, as well as portions of the Old Testament. What must have been the output of Iona when all the workers assigned to making manuscripts produced their contributions?” Truth Triumphant p. 107

“The object of the writing was, of course, to multiply copies of the Scriptures. . . .There must have been at Iona a separate room or hut where the writing materials were kept; a library where those engaged in transcribing the Scriptures might work, where the polaires containing the finished copies hung on the walls and where the valuable manuscripts were kept.” Menzies, St. Columba of Iona p. 68, 70

“Iona was not a monastery, but a great mission institute. It can be likened to the schools of the prophets of the Old Testament. Truth Triumphant p. 105

“The name (Iona) is believed to be a misreading of Iova, Ioua, a name that occurs in old MSS.” Winstons Cumulative Loose Leaf Encyclopedia & Dictionary 1936

“The earliest form of the word has excellent authority, for it occurs many times in the life of Columba written by one of his successors as abbot within a century of his death. But it is always given as an adjective, Ioua Insula the island of Io.” Place Names of the English-Speaking World p. 158, by CM. Matthews

Noah Webster in his first American Dictionary (1828) under the word ALLELUIAH shows that “Io” is a corruption of Jah (see Psalm 68:4 KJV) as in the word Hallelujah, meaning, Praise ye YAH!

This short form of “Io” as the set-apart name can also be seen in the original 1611 King James Version where it is attached to such Biblical names as Ioshua, Iohn, Ioci, Ioab, Ionathan, Iosedech, Iochcbcd, Ioram, Ioseph, etc.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance shows the fuller form of some of these names as Yehoshua, Yehochanan, Yehonathan, Yehosedech, Yehoseph, Yehoram.

Ioua was a form of the set-apart name of our Creator. When the set-apart name YAHUWAH was carried or pronounced into the Greek, it became Ioua. Example, take for instance the name Jehu (originally Yahu) in the Septuagint it becomes “Iou”. Let’s do another, take “Yahudah” (Judah) in the Greek it is “Iouda”. Yahu, which is the first part of the set-apart name of our Creator, was reduced to “Iou” when transferring to Greek, then on to Latin and other European languages.

Before it was pronounced Iova, the o and u were sounded together, the “o” being silent. CM. Matthews in his book Place Names of the English-Speaking World continues on to call it “Iova”, which resembles “Iowa”. By the way, the Lewis & Clark map of 1814 refers to the Iowa river, spelling it “Ioua”, which is exactly as the island of Iona anciently.

Iona, the great Sabbitarian center, was the hightower, or defense from Catholicism, where the righteous could run to and be safe from persecution. It was called “the government of Ia.” J. O’Donovan, The Annals of Ireland, Three Fragments, Fragment II, year 704. Quoted in The Celtic Church in Britain p. 26, 95 by Leslie Hardinge

This supports the idea that the island of “Ioua”, being named after the Creator, Who worked through this place in making His truth known, showing that Iona originally Ioua is another historical testimony to the original “a” sound at the end of the set-apart name.

What Ever Became of Iona?

Iona was the “Lighthouse of Truth” in Europe through the centuries of the Dark Ages. It was the last great hold out against Catholicism, until the Reformation.

What became of this great Sabbitarian center?

Queen Margaret, with a zeal for the Roman church, set out to Romanize the ancient Celtic Church in Scotland.

“Margaret never hesitated to unite church and state. Like Constantine, she joined together that which (the Messiah) had put asunder. Beginning with a Sunday law, she proceeded to the demolition of the Celtic Church. How little does the public suspect that religious legislation to enforce Easter and Sunday has often been the method of choking out the life of a liberty loving church.” Truth Triumphant p. 112 (proper title restored)

Chapter 13 / Index

Chapter 13

Testimony from the American Indians

James Adair is the earliest source information concerning the American Indians. He observed several Israelite characteristics in the southern American Indians.

James Adair was a backwoods preacher that lived and traded with the Southern Indians some forty years; he was called, by various writers, an Englishman, a Scotchman, and an Irishman. He was of a noble birth, whose family was of Earldom. His book was first published in London in 1775, and the main reason he wrote this book was to give evidence to show that the Indians were the lost tribes of Israel.

In recent times many stones have been turned up in America with ancient writings on them. These writings were compared to writings in the old world, and have been identified. These writings were found to be Arabic, Basque, Celtic, Cuneiform, Egyptian, Gaelic, Greek, Iberian, Libyan, Norse Runic, Numidian, Phoenician, and yes, there is ancient Hebrew inscriptions as well. One of these inscriptions is the “Bat Creek Stone” discovered in Loudon County Tennessee….

 Bat Creek Stone

Usually interpreted “Only for the Yehudim” (Jews)

With inscriptions like this popping up, its easy to see how someone could come to such conclusions of the American Indians being the lost tribes of Israel, but James Adair had no rocks to go by.

Moses warned the Israelites that if they departed from the covenant faith that “YAHUWAH shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of earth even unto the other.” Deuteronomy 28:64. Most scholars interpret this to mean everywhere but America.

It is not the burden of this book to belabor the point too long, but it is in order to at least mention some points, because they are so interesting.

The American Indians did practice certain aspects of the Hebrew religion. “Cotton Mather in Boston, in the course of a long series of extraordinary letters to the Royal Society in London, drew attention to the existence, in Connecticut, of a tribe of Indians which practiced circumcision.” America B.C. p. 17

Even today the Cherokee nation honors the 7th day of the week. The numbers 4 and 7 are sacred to them, largely because it is the fourth commandment that sanctifies the seventh day.

A few evidences that James Adair listed:

1) They constructed their place of worship so “that their backs are to the east, and faces to the west”, this is after “the Jerusalem copy”! Adair’s History of the American Indians p. 118

2) “They do not pay the least perceivable adoration to any images, or to dead persons; neither to the celestial luminaries, nor evil spirits, nor any created being whatsoever. They are utter strangers to all the gestures practiced by the pagans in their religious rites.” Ibid p.20

3) “The Germans among them, frequently say “Yah-yah”, as an affirmative, they call them Yah-yah Algeh, Those of the blasphemous speech’; which strongly hints to us, that they still retained a glimpse of the third moral command delivered at Sinai.” Ibid p.70

4) They “observed a weekly sabbath”. Ibid p. 79 [This Sabbath is the seventh-day, as the Cherokee observe and many Seminole, the same day which Jews observed]

5) When they go to war they always carried their “sacred ark” with them! Ibid p. 162

6) They rejoiced “at the appearance of the new moon.” Ibid p. 20

7) They “observed a year of jubilee”! Ibib p. 226

8) They used the word “HalleluYah” in their religious gatherings etc.

James Adair, throughout his book, notes the set-apart name used by these American Indians as Yo He Wah. Josiah Priest, in his book American Antiquities p. 76 bears out that this was from the Choctaw and Florida Indians.

I remember attending a Feast of Tabernacles down in Kerrville, Texas where we had a formal reading of the book of Deuteronomy, where persons would take turns reading from the Scriptures. When the readers came to capital LORD (which indicates in the King James Version where the tetragrammaton originally appeared in the Hebrew Scriptures), some readers would say Yahweh, while others would say YAHUWAH, but when one sister came to it, she was uncertain of the correct pronunciation, so she would simply say the four letters “Yod He Vav He”. Later on she began using “Yod He Waw He”. To me, it sounded much like what Adair heard, possibly through time the three letters “Yod He Waw” turned into Yo He Wah.

In the old world, the form YHW was used by Jews in Elephantine Egypt.9

Also worth noting is that James Adair mentioned the Hebrew word huw which Strong’s shows to be “huw“, which Adair transliterated as Hewa,meaning he or she. Adair did this because of the way it is vowel pointed.

Another statement by Adair is worth noting:

“It is plain that where the Indians have not been corrupted by foreigners, their customs and religious worship are nearly alike; and also that every different tribe, or nation of Indians, uses such-like divine proper name, and awful sounds, as Yah-WahHetovah,&c. being transpositions of the divine essential name, as our northern Indians often repeat in their religious dances. As the sound of Yah-wah jarred in Laudon’s ear, he called it Java, in resemblance to the Syriac and Greek method of expressing the tetragrammaton, from which Galatinus imposed it upon us, calling it Jehowah, instead of Yohewah.History of the American Indians p. 218

Notice in the above statement the word “Java”, a Syriac and Greek way of expressing the tetragrammaton. The Syriac nor Greek have the letter “J” in their alpha-beta, nor do they have a “V”! It must have been a modem way of expressing it, just as the translators of the Ante-Nicene Fathers put “Jave” in the text of an early Greek writer. The reason for bringing this out, is that YAHUWAH would be transliterated correctly into Greek as Ioua instead of Iaue, as Josephus related to the Greeks, which he did say consisted of “four vowels”, which leaves out the “J” and the “V”!

To this day the Cherokee call the Creator “Yowa”, which does resemble “Iowa”, which would be a short form. J.C. Beltrami called the Iowa river the YAHOWA10 river, interesting to say the least.

Some have argued the Hebrew connection of the Hopi, that their ways were similar to the Baal worship of the Hebrews, the Kabalah connection. The Hopi have a word which describes from whence life first began, this word is “yayva”.

In the Book of the Hopi by Frank Waters, the Sun God is referred to as the Creator by the name “Taiowa”, a combination of Tau and iowa. The Paleo-Hebrew Tau Paleo Tau, is a symbol of the sun, also called the “MARK” or cross. The Hebrew Aleph and Tau are the first and last letters in the Hebrew alephbet. “Thus saith YAHUWAH the King of Israel, and His redeemer YAHUWAH of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside Me there is no Elohim.” Isaiah 44:6. The Greeks related it as Alpha and Omega as in Revelation 1:8. Other books refer to the Sun Spirit as Tawa. The Pueblo also call the creator godTawa.

Yahoya” is the deity of Bear Clan at Shongopovi.11

The Chickasaw Indians call the Creator “Chihoowah”. In Arizona there is a county and tribe of Indians called “Yavapai”, meaning sun people, pai, meaning people, and Yava meaning sun. There are many examples throughout history of the sun being confused with the deity. These Indians literally make prayers to the sun. We know from Scripture, in Ezekicl 8 for example, that this is not only an error but an abomination. However, YAHUSHUA said that the sun was a symbol that pointed to Himself when He said, “I am the light of the world.” John 8:12. The sun is the light of this world, which enables us to see about us and not wander around in darkness. What the Catholic church has done is take something that is a symbol of YAHUSHUA, and worship the symbol instead of what the symbol represents, which is the Messiah Himself.

Another example is that the Saviour said, “If any man will come after Me let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.” Matthew 16:24. The Catholic takes this literally and wears a cross around their neck.

Obviously they are in darkness and have not seen the “Sun of righteousness.”

In Texas, the Catholic priests established the Alamo as a mission for the very purpose of “Christianizing” the Indians. These areas, near the border of Mexico, were heavily Catholicized! Thus, my point with the Yavapai Indians of Arizona. Yahushua’s missionaries are needed out west, to help correct these errors.

Another one that is a bit speculative, but worth considering, is another tribe in Arizona called Havasupai. While passing down the interstate in Arizona, and seeing the word “Havasu” on a sign, caused me to ponder a bit. I already knew that “pai” means “people”. So what is left is Havasu; then I thought, what if this “H” is an English translation from the Spanish “J”, that would make it appear more like Javasu. Then this Spanish “J” would lead us back to an old “I” or “Y” in the Old World.

Well sure enough, in doing some research into this, several writers expressed it like I thought they might.

Havasua Pai – Ewing in Great Divide, 203, Dec. 1892

Jabesua – Garces (1776). Diary, 340, 1900

Java Supais – Baxter in Harpers Mag., June 1882

Javeusa – Escudero, Noticius de Chihuahua, 228, 1834 (misquoting Garces)

Yabipals – Garces (1776), Diary, 340, 1900

Yavai Suppai – Arthur (1882) in Indian Aff. Rep., 297, 1886

Yavipai Jabesua – Bandelier in Arch, Inst. Papers III, 112, 1890

Yavipai Javesua – Orozco y Berra, Geog., 1864 (after Garces)

Yuva Supai – Corbusier in Am. Antiq., 276 Sept. 1886

Notice the “Jabesua”, the “Jabe” resembles the way Theodoret and Epiphanius expressed the tetragrammaton which was Iabe. Also notice “Yuva”, it is understood that “Yu” is a corruption of Yahu, the first part of the set-apart name. Example: the Arabs call Joseph “Yusef, though Strong’s has Yehoseph; originally it was Yahuseph.

“Havasupai”, we are told, means “the blue green people”, breaking it down:

Hava = Blue, Su = Green, Pai = people.

On the surface, this seems illogical. Why would anyone call themselves the Blue-green people? But there is a deeper two-fold meaning…

Blue represents “heaven”, as it is blue when you look up at a clear sky in the day time. Green represents the “earth”. Heaven came to earth, or YAHUWAH came to earth in YAHUSHUA (some sacred namers like to say Yahuahshua; I’ve even heard Yahweshua).

The ancients used to associate a virtuous idea with the set-apart name, and from this stemmed many words, like jus = law, judge, justice, jury, jurisprudence etc. Take for instance the name “Jupiter”; the “Ju” is a corruption of “Yahu”. A quick example: Judah, in Hebrew is Yahudah. The prophet/king Jehu (originally Yahu) in the Septuagint is “Iou”, the English text beside it has “Ju”. Jupiter was associated with “the heavens”, as many reference works bare out; yea, even the Bible in Acts 19:35, “the image which fell down from Jupiter”. Newer versions put “the image which fell down from heaven.”

Piter is the same as pater, pader, padre, fader, meaning father, in this way Jupiter would mean heavenly father. What the Romans did was make an image of what they thought god looked like, which is forbidden in the Ten Commandments. At first, it was intended to only represent what El was like; then a couple of hundred years ago, by and by, they start worshipping it. Idolatry usually doesn’t start over night, but I still say men are more in the “image of Elohim” than some statue. Give glory to Elohim, wear a beard!

Back to the subject:

David wrote, “the heavens shall declare His righteousness.” Ps. 50:6. The heavens are blue, but blue also represents “the law”. Lets finish the text, “for Elohim is judge Himself.” There are hints in Scripture that the Ten Commandments were written on sapphire stone from YAHUWAH’s very throne (see Ex. 24:10 & Ezek. 1:26). Dan means “judge”, and the stone in the breast plate, worn by the high priest of Israel for the tribe of Dan, was sapphire (Sapphire is the fifth stone listed Ex. 28:18 and Dan is the fifth son listed in Gen 29 & 30).

YAHUWAH also told Mosheh, “Bid the children of Israel to make fringes, and be sure that when you make it, put a “ribband of blue“, why? “that you may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of YAHUWAH, and do them; and that you seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you use to go a whoring: that ye may remember, and do all My commandments.” Numbers 15:38,39.

Green also represents “living”, to be “alive” in YAHUSHUA. In the book of Revelation, chapter 9:4, the angel is commanded not to hurt “any green thing” or those written in the Book of Life, who have “life” in them. But the text continues, “but only those men which have not the seal of Elohim in their foreheads.” Rev 9:4.

They receive not the set-apart name which is part of the great seal, Name – YAHUWAH, Title – Creator, and Jurisdiction – Heaven & Earth, as brought out from the fourth commandment. Those who are not a green thing, receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved.

This is the hidden message of the Blue-green folks. This same concept is throughout Scripture. YAHUSHUA the Messiah told the rich young ruler and tells us today, “If thou wilt enter into LIFE, keep the commandments.” Matthew 19:17, with a reference to Leviticus 18:5

John also wrote, “Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of LIFE.” Revelation 22:14 KJV

There is also a large rock on Mystery Mountain near Los Lunas, New Mexico, which is inscribed with the ten commandments. Some scholars believe it to be some form of Paleo-Hebrew, others Phoenician Cyrus Gordon thought it to be Samaritan. The inscription is certainly authentic, as it was inscribed in a nearby stone, the documentation of a lunar eclipse; possibly how Los Lunas got it’s name. Researchers discovered that there was a lunar eclipse there in 107 B.C.E.

The set-apart name is inscribed therein as YHWH.


The Testimony from the American Indians have one common thread that runs through them all, and that is the “a” sound at the ending of the set-apart name.


9) The New 20th Century Encyclopedia (2nd Ed.) of Religious Knowledge p. 886

10) A Pilgrim in Europe and America Vol. II p. 151 byJ.C. Beltrami (1828)

11) Book of the Hopi by Frank Waters

Chapter 14 / Index

Chapter 14

 The Karen of Burma

In 1795 an English diplomat visited Burma near Rangoon. The first encounter with a European’s white face electrified the people in that village. Like moths drawn to a lamp they swarmed around the diplomat, who recoiled slightly as wiry brown hands reached out to touch his arms and cheeks.

The Burmese guide spoke disparagingly of the Karen, they’re just wild hill people given to stealing and fighting, which was not entirely true. The Karen were in fact the most progressive of Burma’s many tribal peoples. Burmese, however, had abused and exploited the Karen for centuries.

The Burmese Buddhists could not forgive the Karen minority for stubbornly adhering to their own folk religion in the face of unremitting attempts by the Burmese to make Buddhists of them!

The Englishman, in any case, was no longer listening to his guide. Cheerful Karen voices now charmed his ears. Every man, woman, and child around him glowed with radiant welcome. How refreshingly different, he thought, from the usual Burmese crowd’s aloofness toward foreigners.

A Karen man who could speak Burmese explained something to the guide.

“This is most interesting,” the guide said, “these tribesmen think you may be a certain ‘white brother’ whom they as a people have been expecting from time immemorial!”

“How curious,” replied the diplomat. “Ask them what this ‘white brother’ is supposed to do when he arrives.”

“He’s supposed to bring them a book,” the guide said. “A book just like one their forefathers lost long ago. They are asking-with bated breath-‘hasn’t he brought it’?” “Ho! Ho!” the Englishman guffawed. “And who, pray tell, is the author whose book has power to charm illiterate folk like these?”

“They say the author is Y’wa–the Supreme God.” To make a long story short, these Karen were greatly disappointed that he had not brought the book that, through many years of traditional teaching, had been passed down. Returning to the newly-established British embassy in Rangoon, the diplomat reported his strange experience in the Karen village to his superior, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Symes. Symes in turn, mentioned it in a manuscript entitled An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava in the Year 1795, published 32 years later in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Thus the Karen nation was poised like an 800,000 member welcoming party, ready for the first unsuspecting missionary who approached them with a Bible and a message from YAHUWAH. Whoever it proved to be, he was destined to enjoy one of history’s greatest privileges! This story is taken from the book Eternity In Their Hearts by Don Richardson p. 73, 74

The Karen of Burma have been a special interest to missionaries, because of what they call the Creator. William Spicer, a Seventh-day Adventist missionary, documents this name the Karen called the Creator as “Yuan” in Miracles of Modern Missions p. 178. The Encyclopedia Britannica and Don Richardson in his book documents what it sounded like to them as “Y’wa”. But really what the Karen sounded out is actually a blend of both “Yuwah”. Sound them out, they all sound nearly the same.

Now a real bona fide corruption of the set-apart name easily comes into focus. The original set-apart name that our Father and Creator spoke from Mt. Sinai was YAHUWAH, which is easily proven from Scripture alone. Throughout the ancient world, over and over, we see how “Yahu” got corrupted to “Yu”, and even “Yo” (the Cherokee version as Yowa). Example, Yahuseph in Arabic is Yusef (and Hebrew Yoseph), Yahuchanan (original Hebrew of Iohn or John) became Juan in Spanish. Thus, we can see how Yuwah was corrupted from Yahuwah.

Yuwa is another historical testimony to the “wah” sound at the end of the set-apart name, instead of the “weh” sound. This one is from a really good source.

Chapter 15 / IndeX


                                                      Chapter 15

                                                               FROM THE ARABS

A friend from New Mexico sent me a little booklet from the Islamic Propagation Center in Saudi Arabia entitled What is His Name? by Ahmed Deedat. He promotes the Islamic faith of worshipping Allah; some believe this is a variation of Ellah, Eloah. In the book he quotes Ellen G. White the prophetess of the early Seventh-day Adventist church;

“Learned men had in some instances changed the words, [of Scripture] thinking that they were making it plain, when in reality they were mystifying that which was plain.” Early Writings p. 220, 221

This is mainly referring to the change of the name, to Lord etc.

His book attacks Christianity (which Rome is the heart of), because of its paganism borrowed from Mithraism, Druidism, Essenism and Gnostiism. I don’t agree with everything in this little booklet, but the point I wanted to make is that he (an Arab) showed the name to be “Ya Huwa”.

Back when I lived in Texas, a friend of mine, Bill Matheson and I, made a visit to the Dallas Theological Seminary Library, where I introduced him to a lady that worked there, that spoke Arabic. I asked her what something read in Arabic, and she told me. During the conversation, brother Bill asked her how she read the set-apart name from her Arabic Bible in Exodus 6:3. Without hesitation she said, “Ya Huwa”. Bill replied, “Yahuwah”? She said, “No, it’s Ya Huwa”. She pointed out how the accent was a little bit different.

We were somewhat amazed, and thought it quite interesting, that they didn’t try covering it up, like the Jews.

Summary of the Historic Testimonies of a “wah” Sound
at the End of the Name

Yava – Arizona Indians

Iaua / Yaua – Syriac, Greek and Assyrian

Ioua / Iova – Sabbitarians on Iona 7th century

Jova – Roman scholars

Yova – Turks

Yowa – Cherokee Indians

Yuah /Y’wa /Yuwa -Karen of Burma

Yuva – Corbusier refers to the Havasupai

Yuva – The word young in Sanskrit,(tying in

Jeva – Hottinge. with juvenile & Jove)

Tawa / Taiowa – Pueblo, Hopi

Yo He Wah – Adair’s History of American Indians p.218

Yohoua – Raymundus Martini 1278 C.E. Iohouah – Porchetus de Salvations 1303 C.E

lehovah – Peter Galitinus 1516 C.E.

Yahoyah – deity of Bear Clan at Shongopovi

Chihoowah – Chickasaw Indians

Ya Huwa – Arabs

Yehuwa – Indonesian

Greek Writers

Iccode – Clement of Alexandria

Iape – Theodoret & Epiphanius

Iae – Origen

Iao -Iranaeus

Ieuo – Philo

Jove – Homer

Jave – Ante-Nicene Fathers

Chapter 16 / Index

                                  Chapter 16

                                             The Charge of Being Feminine

Some of the advocates of the name Yahweh have charged the name of YAHUWAH to be feminine, because that in many Hebrew words the “ah” ending denotes femininity; an example is Proverbs 8. Translators noticed the feminine ending throughout many of the words, and thus the personification of Wisdom was made feminine. But this does not always apply! For there are 137 names that end with “yah”, but the Advocates of Yahweh dismiss this because it is the short form of the set-apart name.

The name Jonah was used as an example, because it means dove, and the word dove is assigned feminine gender.

What about all the other male names that end in “ah”? Did they forget to notice these?



II Chr. 17:14



Gen. 36:40 Interchangeable with Alyah

# 841


I Chr. 25:2



II Sam. 4:2

# 880


I Chr. 5:6



I Chr. 12:3



I Chr. 24:14

# 946


I Chr. 2:25



Gen. 10:27



II Chr. 20:37 -meaning “love of Yah”



Gen. 25:14

# 497


I Chr. 7:20

# 501


Ezra 10:22

# 448


I Chr. 25:4

# 473


Gen 10:6

# 511


Ex. 6:24

# 433

Eloah, Elah

Dan. 2:37 title of YHWH, The Deity



Esther 7:9



I Chr. 9:7



I Chr. 3:20



II Chr. 34:22



Neh. 3:3



Gen. 10:7



Neh. 7:43 – means “majesty of Yah”



I Chr. 24:13



I Chr. 4:4



I Kings 22:8



I Chr. 7:30



I Chr. 9:4



Gen. 46:17



I Chr. 8:16



I Chr. 11:46



I Chr. 4:36



I Chr. 9:12



I Chr. 8:36



I Chr. 7:34



I Chr. 25:14



Gen. 46:17



Ezra 2:18



I Chr. 4:34



Gen. 29:35



Gen. 25:15



I Chr. 4:21



Ezra 2:45



I Chr. 4:21



I Chr. 7:18



Ezra 10:33 – means “gift of Yah”



I Chr. 12:10



Gen. 36:13



I Chr. 3:7



Judg. 7:10



Gen. 46:13



I Chr. 7:38



I Chr. 4:20



Gen. 10:7



Gen. 36:36



Neh. 11:9



II Sam. 5:14



Gen. 38:5



II Kings 22:14



Gen. 10:3



I Chr. 6:20



I Chr. 23:11

Also words like:






“asah” I Kings 12:21













So, does the “ah” ending make these giants, warriors, watchmen soldiers and circumcisions, female? No!

The set-apart name, you could say ends with “Yah”, but in the form “wah”. Since I AM THAT I AM is the translation, it stands to reason the set-apart name has three parts, since I AM is repeated. Therefore, “wah” the last portion stands for “yah”. The set-apart name is the tetragrammaton (four letters) YHWH, not YHYH, nor a pentegrammaton (five letters) YHUYH. Therefore the set-apart name cannot be Yahuyah, for the waw blends with the middle part “huw”, whereas the yod does not, which we already learned in Hebrew grammar rules. Yah huw wah. Yahuwah!

Yahuwah therefore is not feminine. If the set-apart name were Yahuah, then the gainsayers might have a point. Yahuah however could be a perfect Latin transliteration, since the Latin has no “w” to express the Hebrew.

But even if the ending of Yahuwah were feminine, does that somehow make the name of Yahweh correct? The “HU” part of YAHUWAH is masculine as Hu means He,which is lacking in Yahweh.

In the Old Testament, more than one person acted in the set-apart name. The Son of Elohim was also called by the name of YAHUWAH in His pre-existence. A quick example is in Exodus 3:2, “The angel of YAHUWAH appeared unto him.” Further down in verse four it says, “And when YAHUWAH saw that, he turned aside to see, Elohim called unto him out of the midst of the bush.”

Consider also Matt. 28:20, “Baptizing them in the name (singular) of the Father, and of the Son , and of the Holy Spirit.”

So I suspect the Set-Apart Spirit is also named with the set-apart name, and/or acts in the name of YAHUSHUA (Jn. 14:18 &16:13), the Family name (Eph. 3:14,15).

“Hear, 0 Israel: YAHUWAH our Elohim (plural) is united YAHUWAH.” Deut. 6:4

Chapter 17 / Index


                                   Chapter 17

                                      The Messiah’s Original Name!

If you were a treasure seeker, how would you go about trying to find those treasures? Would you expect to find them lying on the surface? Not usually! Treasures usually have to be dug for.

If you knew there was oil under the ground, would it not be worth drilling for? Of course it would be!

So often the religious world just surface read the Scriptures, and too often the cheap rocks on the surface mean more to them than the gold nugget.

The name “Jesus” is a name that is on the surface of the Bible. But, when you dig a little deeper into this subject, something very precious and profound comes out.

The Saviour Himself spoke to Saul on the road to Damascus, and Saul said, “Who art thou Master?”. The Messiah did not say, “I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.” Acts 26:15; though this is on the surface. By digging a little deeper, we understand that He did not say “Jesus”, for it is recorded that the Saviour spoke “in the Hebrew tongue” (Acts 26:14). Neither did Messiah stop in the middle of His sentence, speak a Greek-Latin name, and then resume in Hebrew.

So the question arises, “What was the Saviour’s name in the Hebrew tongue?” Scripture asks the same question! “What is His name, and what is His son’s name if thou canst tell?” (Prov. 30:4). The next verse gives the clue, taking all of Scripture into account upon the subject, the honest in heart will find it.

The name Jesus is translated from Greek manuscripts from “Iesous”, the same word that describes “Joshua” in Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8; butJoshua is usually found in the margin of the KJV. The New Age bible version restores “Joshua” to these texts, but did not restore the Saviour’s name, because they did not want to confuse everyone with the facts! [Does that make sense to you?]

What does this mean? It means that Joshua and the Messiah had the same name! Which was? Well we have a list. In the Septuagint the name of Joshua is transliterated in a variety of forms, the same with the Saviour in the New Testament, such as, Iesoi, Iesou, Iesouv, Iesous, and Iesoue(Ezra 2:6). Why do we arbitrarily choose “Iesous” as the one to transliterate from? Even the Greek New Testament shows Iesoun (Iesoun) in Matthew 1:21, yet, you never hear the Saviour called Jesun.

The question still remains. Which name is the only one under heaven given to men whereby we must be saved? The Greeks gave us quite a list!

In the KJV, Joshua is spelled Jeshua (Nehemiah 8:17), Joshua (Exodus 17:9), and Jehoshua (Numbers 13:16). Was it Jeshua? Well, let’s dig a little deeper! Though the “J” is on the surface, we know that it should have a “Y” sound, as in the Hebrew. Example, Hallelujah, where the “J” has a “Y” sound. OK Yeshua. Was Yeshua the original which Gabriel delivered to Yoseph and Miriam? Let’s dig a little deeper and find out! The Messiah said, “I am come in My Father’s name” (John 5:43). The Torah also prophesied that “My name is in Him.” Ex. 23:21. In other words, part of the set-apart name must be a part of the Messiah’s name. David also said, concerning the Messiah, of which Solomon was a type, “He shall be as a son to continue His Father’s name forever.” Psalm 72:17 margin

In the name Jehoshua, we at least see the concept of the Father’s name being involved, which most know as Jehovah. But we have already learned that the original set-apart name was, and is YAHUWAH; therefore the Saviour’s name, which was delivered by Gabriel, was YAHUSHUA.

Originally, Joshua’s name was spelled Yahushua (Deut. 3:21 & Judges 2:7); but after the children of Israel came out of Babylonian captivity (536 BCE) Joshua’s name was shortened (at least in the manuscripts of Ezra) to Yeshua. The Israelites might have changed, but our Creator said, “I change not.” Malachi 3:6

The angel Gabriel was not subject to Babylonian corruption through culture and time. No, Gabriel’s job was to deliver a message from the Father Himself. Woe unto Gabriel if he should alter it! Gabriel was a faithful messenger and delivered the original “Yahu” in Messiah’s name. The Messiah seemed as one who would restore Israel back to its former splendour when many used the element “yahu” in their names, before the Babylonian captivity. It is true that Yeshua was a common name in Israel in the time of Messiah, but YAHUSHUA was not.

If you were to have a son, and you being the parent, name your son Brent, and your neighbor comes along and says his name is Bert, you first try to be nice and cordial and reply to your neighbor, “we named him Brent”. But the neighbor says, “well, I named him Bert!” Then, you draw a breath and think for a moment. Then you try to explain kindly as possible to your neighbor, helping him to understand. “I am the parent, this is my son! I have named him Brent.” But the neighbor is quite insistent that his name is Bert. How would you begin to feel toward your neighbor? You know that he or she is out of line; this is your son and you named him. What to do?

This is the same situation our heavenly Father finds Himself in! He sent His angel Gabriel to Yoseph and Miriam; no human gave the name, not even Yoseph or Miriam, and woe to Gabriel if He should alter it!

The Saviour’s original name has been under serious attack, for Satan hates it.

Aquila was “celebrated for a very literal and accurate translation of the Old Testament into Greek.” Encyclopedia Britannica

He recorded the name Joshua in Greek as Iesoua (Iesoua), a perfect transliteration of the Hebrew Yeshua. This can be seen in Origen’s Hexapla in Deut. 1:38. This shows that it was at least possible for Greeks to transliterate correctly, it’s just that they wouldn’t. This form from Aquila is never noticed or mentioned by modern scholarship. Why?

If the Greeks were true to transliteration to begin with, we would never have had so much controversy concerning the Saviour’s name. But that’s just the way it is in this life, that truth must be controversial; for Satan, working through humans, has made error popular, and very credible and sometimes prestigious. Nevertheless, the long continuation of time cannot make error into truth.

Paul “spake boldly in the name of the Sovereign YAHUSHUA, and disputed against the Grecians: but they went about to slay him.” Acts 9:29

YAHUSHUA told Paul; “rise, stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee; delivering thee from the people, from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, to open their eyes, and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto Elohim, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are set-apart by faith that is in Me.” Acts 26:16-18

Paul further stated, “I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision.” Acts 26:19

Scripture shows a bit of the controversy between truth and the Grecian name game, which existed in Paul’s day (see Acts 18:15).

Greek may have been the international language of the world, but it was not the national language used in Israel. Josephus, the Jewish historian, shows how learning the Greek language was discouraged in Israel. (Antiquities of the Jews Book XX chapter 11 par. 2)

Even the Bible shows how Greeks were despised by the Jews (Acts 21:28).

While our Saviour was upon this earth, He was called by the Hebrew name YAHUSHUA. Can you imagine the kind of look that would have come across the face of the priest in the temple if Mirium had told the priest His name is “Jesus”? It surely would have startled him, and would have thought that they were rebellious Jews trying to bring in the Greek culture. But when the priest heard YAHUSHUA, he must have pondered the greatness of the child to be named after the heavenly Father (meaning YAHUWAH’s Salvation).

“Neither is there salvation in any other: For there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

The Germans, the Greeks, the Romans, the Spanish, the Britons, the Africans etc, are all under heaven.

If folks only knew how Satan hates the Saviour’s name and deliberately destroyed all the early manuscripts. The manuscripts had to either conform to Satan’s Grecian name game, or be destroyed. But the Truth can be discovered by taking the Bible as a whole; not surface reading, but digging as for hidden treasure. As veins of precious ore are hidden under the surface of the earth, so also are spiritual riches concealed in passages of Scripture, and it requires mental effort and prayerful attention to discover the hidden meaning of the Word of Elohim. Let every student who values the heavenly treasures, put to the stretch his mental and spiritual powers, and sink the shaft deep into the mine of truth, that he or she may obtain the celestial gold . . . that wisdom which will make us wise unto salvation.

Paul stated the reason people find themselves in a strong delusion, is “because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” II Thes 2:10

Chawah (Eve) was not condemned for believing the lie of the serpent, rather she was condemned for not believing the truth. That is, not believing what Elohim had said.

Our hearts should naturally love the Saviour’s original name, simply because it is His name. How can we say we love Him, and have a bad attitude toward His original name! We ought to love Him for what He has done for us, and for who He is: YAHUWAH’s Salvation.

Paul spoke expressly that in the latter times men would be “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” II Tim. 3:7

The truth is the original; and what is not the original is a counterfeit.

“Acknowledging the truth which is after righteousness.” Titus 1:1

Paul told Timothy: “In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if Elohim possibly will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth.” II Tim. 2:25.

In other words, if we wish to show ourselves repentant toward our Creator, this can only be done by our acknowledging of the truth.

Chapter 18 / Index

                                         Chapter 18

                                                    The Two Witnesses

The historic application of the two witnesses were the Old and New Testament. Since the 1260 days (years) applied to the Dark Ages, then this view is not incorrect. But as the 1260 literal days pre-eminently apply to the last days just prior to the appearing of the Son of Man, then the Two Witnesses must also have another pre-eminent application for the latter days.

The Two Witnesses are also called “the two olive trees” and the “two candlesticks”, “that stand by the Sovereign of the whole earth.” Zech. 4:14. This title Lord or Adonai usually applies to the Son of YAHUWAH throughout the Old Testament. Since YAHUSHUA is in the heavenly sanctuary, it stands to reason that these two witnesses are also represented in the earthly sanctuary, which served unto the example of heavenly things (Hebrews 8:5), thereby locating them in the heavenly sanctuary, standing by YAHUSHUA. Zechariah stated: “These are the two sons of oil.” Zech. 4:14 margin KJV.

In YAHUWAH’s temple, made by Solomon, the Scripture states that “within the oracle he made two cherubim of olive tree (ring a bell?) each ten cubits high.” (I Kings 6:23) The margin states the Hebrew more accurately “trees of oil”.

Moses is in heaven, and Eliyahu is in heaven, and evidently they have a work that they do there. From reading Zechariah 4:12, they possibly produce oil which keeps the seven branched candlestick burning. “Oil for the light.” Ex. 25:6. The seven branched candlestick represents something in heaven. It says within Hebrews 8:5…

as Moses was admonished of Elohim when he was about to make the tabernacle: “for, see” saith He, “that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed thee in the mount.”

The candlestick represents “the seven spirits which are before His throne.” Rev 1:4. “The seven spirits of Elohim (are) sent forth into all the earth.” Rev. 5:6. “Who maketh His angels spirits; His ministers a flaming fire.” Psalm 104:4.

Now, the Three Angels Message are not three literal angels, but three proclamations, messages and/or movements; but it is the people who give them. This is possibly also the case with the two witnesses. It is a message or proclamation and/or movements; people with a certain message. What was the message of Moses? The prophet Malachi gives us some insight, “Remember ye the law of Moses My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, with statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send Eliyahu the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of YAHUWAH.” Malachi 4:4, 5. Strange how he mentions both of them together like this. Eliyahu is known for the set-apart name showdown upon Mt. Carmel, where the people of Elohim were tricked by their religious leaders to call upon a common title (Baal means Lord – Hosea 2:16 margin), thus they could be in ecumenical harmony with the churches around them. But Eliyahu burdened with a message of restoration of the true worship, thus acknowledging, praising and honoring the Creator’s majestic name.

And Eliyahu came unto all the people, and said, “How long halt ye between to opinions? if YAHUWAH be Elohim, follow Him: but if haBaal (the Lord), then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.” I Kings 18:27

If this true worship is followed, it shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to the fathers. If the message is not received, I YAHUWAH will smite the earth with a curse. (Malachi 4:6)

“These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.” Revelation 11:6. This passage is a wide open hint to who the Two Witnesses are! Read it again! Does it ring a bell? Remember that it didn’t rain in the days of Eliyah? Remember the plagues of Egypt with Mosheh?

The Two Witnesses are the Two Sons of Oil. So how does the oil tie in with the message? Consider the following passages carefully!

Your name is as oil poured forth, therefore do the (wise) virgins love you.” Song of Solomon 1:3 ASV. Thus the names of the Father and His Son are likened unto oil. “A good name is better than precious oil.” The Parson 7:1 ASV

“Oil to make his face to shine.” Psalm 104:15 “Wisdom maketh his face to shine.” The Preacher 8:1 Thus oil is also likened unto “wisdom”. What does Scripture associate with wisdom? Moses said concerning the statutes and judgments: “this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations.” Deut. 4:6. Also “the man of wisdom shall see Thy name.” Micah 6:9.

There isn’t that much problem with folks acknowledging the statutes, except when it comes to the Feast Days, and because folks wish not to embrace the Feast days as part of the covenant given at Mt. Sinai (see Exodus 23:14-17), they feel that they must try to rationalize away not only the Feast days, but all the statutes, since they rise and fall together [Note, the animal sacrifices were not given on Mt. Sinai, but from the cloudy pillar above the tabernacle later on, see Lev. 1:1 and onward]. Therefore you could sum up the Two Witnesses, Moses and Eliyahu, in the two messages, “the Set-Apart name and the Feast days.”

Moses admonished the children of Israel to observe the statutes and judgments “that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it.” Deuteronomy 4:5. A type of entering heaven! Today this same message is designed to prepare modern Israel to enter the Promise Land (the New Earth). “And they that love thy name shall dwell therein,” Ps. 69:36. As men, women, and children proclaim the good news, YAHUWAH will open the eyes of the blind to see His statutes. The animating Spirit of Elohim, working through human agencies, leads the believers to be of one mind, one soul, unitedly loving Elohim and keeping His commandments—preparing here below for translation. This is what the angel of Revelation 18 will accomplish.

Moses told, in the plainest of speech, “My doctrine shall drop as the (latter) rain, my speech shall distill as the dew . .. Because I will publish the name of YAHUWAH: ascribe ye greatness to our Elohim.” Deut. 32:2, 3

It remains to be seen if these Two Witnesses actually come from heaven and walk among men. That possibility does exist; they did appear upon the mount of transfiguration with YAHUSHUA (Matthew 17:2). It probably would not be necessary, since we have the writings of Moses and the prophets. If we do not believe them, neither would we be persuaded though one rise from the dead.

The Scripture has already foretold that the majority will reject their messages, yet because they are messages of truth, they will triumph and rise again. Let Scripture be true and every man a liar, “that the testimony of two men is true.” John 8:17

Chapter 19 / Index

Chapter 19

Power of the Set-Apart Name

“He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of Elohim, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:11, 12

Even the seventy disciples of YAHUSHUA testified, saying, “Master, even the devils are subject unto us through Thy name.” Luke 10:17

The Set-Apart Name messages will be one of the most powerful messages here in these last days. How do I know? The Scriptures are full of types and their anti-types. Paul said, “All these things happened unto them for ensamples [or types, margin]: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.” I Corinthians 10:11

Remember David, the shepherd boy, he came to bring some food to his brothers who were fighting against the Philistines. But lo, they had stopped fighting against the Philistines because of a big giant, called Goliath. David said, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living Elohim?” I Samuel 17:26

So, to make a long story short, David took his sling and picked up five smooth stones, (of course he only needed one).

Goliath makes a death decree upon David and cursed David by his Elohim. (I Samuel 17:43,44). David overlooked these threats by faith and says, “Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and a shield: but I come to thee in the Name of YAHUWAH of hosts, the Elohim of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied ” I Samuel 17:45.

What happened? David put one little stone in his sling, and the sling went round and round and round and round, and one little stone went up in the air and the giant came a tumbling down!

This “stone” represents what? The Set-Apart Name! This was the stone that was set at naught by the soldiers.

“Because I will publish the name of YAHUWAH: ascribe ye greatness unto our Elohim. He is the Rock.” Deuteronomy 32: 3,4

“Their rock is not our Rock.” Deut. 32:31. For they literally worship rocks, which is an abomination (Rev. 9:20). David took what represented the set-apart name and hurled it right into the forehead of the giant. What happened? He died! The giant represents who? That’s right, the Devil!

Martin Luther wrote in his song, “A Mighty Fortress” (compare Proverbs 18:10): “And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to un-do us, we will not fear, for (YAH) hath willed His truth to triumph through us. The prince of darkness grim, we tremble not for him; his rage we can endure for lo his doom is sure, one little word shall fell him.”

That one little word which will overthrow the Devil is the SET-APART NAME. (“In My name shall they cast out devils.” Mark 16:17)

Nimrod the mighty hunter, who also represents the Devil, was a threat to the inhabitants of the then known world. His system of religion was in defiance of heaven, but it was “Shem” (Whose name in Hebrew means name) that slew Nimrod, that giant of a man! (see The The Two Babylons p. 63-66). Again we sec how the name overthrew the giant.

When Kepha and John were asked, “By what power, or by what name have ye done this?” Kepha replied, “By the name of YAHUSHUA the Messiah of Nazareth … This is the stone which was set at naught of you builders (reformers), which is become the head of the corner.

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:7, 10-12

All of these Old Testament stories point to a greater event about to happen! There is this great big giant image, which was in the making all the way back from Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the ten divisions of Rome.

Daniel said to king Nebuchadnezzar, “Thou art this head of gold. And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee (which was Media-Persia see Dan. 5:31) and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.” Daniel 2:39. Which kingdom conquered Media-Persia? That’s right, Greece! Daniel 8:20,21.

The fourth kingdom, we all know, was the Roman empire; and the ten toes, part of iron and part of clay, are the ten divisions of Rome.

Hitler nor Napoleon could ever conquer all of Europe because of these very words of Scripture: “they shall mingle themselves with the seed of man: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.” Daniel 2:43. That is powerful! That is why Europe is not united even now! The New World Order will never be completely set up because of these words.

As the New World Order pushes to be completely set up, and becomes partly strong, YAHUWAH will pour out plagues, and it will be partly broken (Dan. 2:42)

Watch out for that stone! It’s coming! Boom! Smash!

“A stone was cut out with out hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay and brake them in pieces.” Dan. 2:34

The authority of the Kingdom of YAHUWAH “shall never be destroyed: and the Kingdom thereof shall not be left to another people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” Daniel 2:44 margin

“For as much as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great Eloah hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof is sure.” Daniel 2:45

So let us identify ourselves with this Rock, the Set-Apart Name, the Name “of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.” Ephesians 3:15. The Kingdom of YAHUWAH!

“Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” Luke 20:18

The Scripture hath said, “The wicked are not so (like a tree planted by the rivers of waters, who meditate in the law day and night), but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the wicked shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For YAHUWAH knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the wicked shall perish.” Psalm 1:4, 6

Let us not occupy the seat of the scornful concerning the set-apart name. Whoever thought the Name was vain?

Christendom (Babylon) is mad upon their idols, but the set-apart name will overthrow Babylon.

Chapter 20 / Index

 Chapter 20            Publish the Name of Yahuwah

When YAHUWAH roars out of New Jerusalem (Jo-el 3:16), and shakes the heavens and the earth (Hag. 2:6) and delivers the everlasting covenant to His people on Judgment day (literally speaks the Ten Commandments), which name will He use to identify Himself? Jehovah? Which no one heard of before 1500 of the current era. Yahweh? The Greek version! Or, Yahvah? Or, will everyone hear the pronunciation they like best. Are we so slow to understand that truth is eternal?

“Every new truth has made its way against hatred and opposition; those who were blessed with its light were tempted and tried. (YAHUWAH) gives a special truth for the people in an emergency. Who dare refuse to publish it? He commands His servants to present the last invitation of mercy to the world. They cannot remain silent, except at the peril of their souls.” Great Controversy p. 609

From the conclusion of this book, the Father will utter the only name sustained by taking all of Scripture into account on the subject, the proof drawn from Scripture alone! Which is YAHUWAH, that all will hear on Judgment day, like it was on Mt. Sinai.

Moses said, “Because I will publish the name of YAHUWAH: ascribe ye greatness unto our Elohim.” Deuteronomy 32:3.

How can we “give glory unto Him” if we refuse to ascribe greatness unto our Elohim by refusing to publish the name of YAHUWAH?

“For You have made great Your Word, Your Name, above all.” Psalm 138:2 (ISR). Every point has been made by using Scripture alone.

“The Sovereign gave the word”, may the next portion of the verse be fulfilled in your life, “great was the company of those that published it.” Ps. 68:11

Therefore publish the name of YAHUWAH in the books, the Bibles, the hymnals, tracts. “Say among the heathen that YAHUWAH reigneth.” Psalm 96:10

“YAHUWAH reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the great isles be glad thereof.

“Confounded be all they that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols: worship him, all ye elohim.” Psalm 97:1

“Fear YAHUWAH, give honour unto Him for the hour of His judgment is come.” Rev 14:7.

“Give unto YAHUWAH the honour due unto His name.” Ps. 29:2

“O magnify YAHUWAH with me, and let us exalt His name together.” Psalm 34:3

“Let them praise thy great and terrible name; for it is set-apart.” Psalm 99:3

May the praise to YAHUWAH swell from nation to nation, from island to island, from hill to hill, till the whole world resounds with praise and glory due to His holy name.


By B. Earl Allen


1) The Encyclopedia of Religion & Ethics ed. James Hastings p. 223

2) Come Out of Her My People by Chris Koster

3) Mythology Folklore & Symbols

4) Funk & Wagnal’s Encyclopedia (1934) under V

5) The Scriptures, by the Institute For Scripture Research

6) The New 20th-century Encyclopedia (2nd Ed.) of Religious Knowledge p. 886

7) Journal of Biblical Literature Vol. 1xiii, 1944, p. 161

8) The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 14 p. 1065

9) The New 20th Century Encyclopedia (2nd Ed.) of Religious Knowledge p. 886

10) A Pilgrim in Europe and America Vol. II p. 151 byJ.C. Beltrami (1828)

11) Book of the Hopi by Frank Waters





  1. Michael Spencer

    Brother B.Earl Allen-
    I am in awe of what YHWH has downloaded into your spirit with such great wisdom and understanding with this wonderful publication. This is a MUST READ for all who desire to know YAHUWAH’S true and authentic NAME. I am honored and Baruch to find this publication by you and the beautiful man child couple. Praise be to YAH for HIS wonderful works through and to you folks.
    I would love to talk with you via phone if possible. I live in the USA. My contact information is listed below:


    Micha’el Spencer – True Believer and Diligent MASCHIACH’S Soldier to be in the Remanant of the Remanant! HALLELUYAHUWAH!!!

    Micha’el Spencer
    1637 South 263rd West Avenue
    Sand Springs, OKLAHOMA 74063
    Cell #: 918-859-6442

  2. Larry Hendricks

    YaH·oW·aH. is the correct way to pronounce the Creators name 🙂

    P.S.Almost invariably, the Waw (ו) conveys the vowel sounds “o,” “oo,” or “u.” In this regard it is similar to the vowel form of the English W, pronounced “double u.”

    “And Moseh said to God (ha ‘elohym – the Mighty One), ‘Now look, if (hineh) I go (bow’ – come) to the Children (ben – sons) of Yisra’el (yisra’el –those who strive and struggle with, persist and endure with, individuals who persevere with and are empowered by God), and say (‘amar) to them, “The God (‘elohym – Almighty) of your fathers (‘ab) sent me out (salah) to (‘el)you (‘atem), and they ask (‘amar – question) me, ‘What (mah) is His (hu) personal and proper name (shem),’ what (mah) shall I say (‘amar) to (‘el) them?”’” (Shemowth / Exodus 3:13) While God would give Moseh a direct answer, He didn’t do so directly. And that is because there is a bigger difference between Amen Ra, Amun, Aten, Horis, Seb, Isis, Osiris, Sobek, et all, and Yahowah, than just a name. Yahowah is for real. He actually exists.
    By revealing the basis of His name, Yahowah answered the most important question we can ask: yes, there really is a God. “God(‘elohym) said (‘amar – answered and promised) to (‘el) Moseh, ‘’ehayah (אֶ הְ יֶ ה) ‘asher (אֲ שֶׁ ר) ‘ehayah.’ (אֶ הְ יֶ ה) – ‘I Am Who I Am.’” (Shemowth / Exodus 3:14) In His response, God conveyed: “I Exist.” “I was, I am, and I always will be.” “I am God.” “I am responsible for your very existence.” “I am the source of your continued existence.” “I am exactly who I say I am (and not what men say of me).”
    So that you know, ‘ehayah is the first person singular of hayah, meaning: “I exist, I am, I was, I will be.” ‘Asher denotes a “relationship, an association, or linkage,” and is often translated “with, who, which, what, where, or when.” By using these words, Yahowah told us: 1) He exists, 2) that our continued existence is predicated upon Him, 3) that relationships are of vital interest to Him, and 4) how to pronounce His name (Yahowah from hayah).
    “He said (‘amar), ‘Tell (‘amar) the Children (ben) of Yisra’el (yisra’el –those who strive and struggle with, persist and endure with, individuals who persevere with and are empowered by God), “I Am (‘ehayah – first person singular of the verb hayah, meaning I exist) has sent (salah) me to you.”’” (Shemowth / Exodus 3:14) There may be no more profound a statement, no more important a mission, no higher authority. The source of our existence, the one and only God who actually exists, was going to go from Arabia to the Nile Delta with an eighty-year-old shepherd to rescue His wayward and oppressed children from Egypt—the most oppressive religious, political, and military power man had yet conceived.
    Those who promote the myth that God’s name isn’t known, that it isn’t important, and that it cannot and should not be pronounced, stop reading at this verse. But God was not finished speaking… “God (‘elohym), moreover (‘owd – besides this and in addition), said(‘amar – declared) to (‘el) Moseh, ‘You shall say (‘amar) this (koh) to (‘el) the Children of Yisra’el (yisra’el – individuals who strive and struggle with, those who persist and endure with, those who persevere with and are empowered by God), “Yahowah (י ה ו ה), God (‘elohym) of your fathers (‘ab), God of ‘Abraham, God of Yitzchaq, and God of Ya’aqob, sent (salah) me (‘any) to (‘el) you(‘atem).” This (zeh) is My (‘any) personal and proper name (shem) forever (la ‘olam – for all time and into eternity). This (zeh) is My (‘any) way of being known and remembered (zeker – My way of being mentioned and recalled, My commemoration and memorial, the inheritance right, symbol, sign, and signature) in all dwelling places, homes (dowr) times, and generations (dowr).’”(Shemowth / Exodus 3:15)
    So, pray tell, how does anyone justify calling God “Lord” when God said as clearly as words allow: “My name is Yahowah. That is the way I want to be recalled, the way I want to be known, and the way I want to be remembered. Yahowah is My signature. Tell those who want to live with Me, those who want to be saved by Me, that Yahowah has sent you.” Know it, say it, remember it.
    Now that we have allowed God to resolve the myth that He has many names, some of which are too sacred to be spoken, what about the myth that no one knows how to pronounce the “Tetragrammaton,” or “four consonants” which comprise His signature.
    To begin, Yahowah’s name is comprised of vowels, not consonants. Flavius Josephus, the most famous of all Jewish historians, wrote in the 1st-century CE, in his The War of the Jews, Book 5.5.7: “…the set apart name, it consists of four vowels.” Weingreen, a noted scholar in Hebrew grammar, subsequently stated in 1959 for Oxford University Press: “Long before the introduction of vowels signs it was felt that the main vowel sounds should be indicated in writing, and so the three letters, Waw (ו), He (ה), and Yod (י) were used to represent long vowels.”
    In actuality, the easiest way to dispense with the “consonant” myth in early Hebrew is to examine the thousands upon thousands of words which contain the letters Waw (ו), He (ה), and Yod (י), and consider how they are pronounced. Almost invariably, the Waw (ו) conveys the vowel sounds “o,” “oo,” or “u.” In this regard it is similar to the vowel form of the English W, pronounced “double u.” The He (ה) is pronounced “ah” and to a significantly lesser degree, “eh.” The Yod (י) communicates an “i” sound, and is otherwise similar to the vocalization of the vowel form of the English Y. In reality, these three vowels, in conjunction with the Hebrew Aleph (א) and Ayin (ע), made it possible to pronounce every Hebrew word several millennia before the Sheva System was developed or vowel points were introduced by the Masoretes.
    With this in mind, let’s examine the three vowels which comprise Yahowah’s name. Perhaps the most familiar Hebrew word known to us today beginning with the letter Yod (י) is “yada’ (יָדַע),” meaning “to know.” You often hear it repeated: “yada, yada, yada.” Indirectly, we know the Yod sound from Israel, which is a transliteration of Yisra’el (יִשְׂרָאֵל). But it is also the source of the vowel I/i in: Isaiah (Yasha’yah), Messiah (Ma’aseyah), Zechariah (Zakaryahuw), Hezekiah (Chazayah), Nehemiah (Nachemyah), and Moriah (Mowriyah).
    Those who have sung “kumbaya (quwmbayah (stand with Yah))” or “hallelujah (halalyah (radiate Yah’s light))” know this Yod (י) sound as well. The י provides the vowel sound for the common Hebrew words yad – hand, yadah – to acknowledge, yatab – good, andyahad – becoming united.
    There are literally thousands of Hebrew words were the Yod (י) is pronounced just like the Y/y is in the English words: “yes, yet, yield, yarn, yaw, yawn, yawl, yea, yippee, year, yearn, yeast, yell, yellow, yelp, yeoman, yesterday, you, young, yolk, yonder, and yummy. And just like Hebrew, in English, the letter Y is often a vowel. Consider: “myth, hymn, my, fly, and cry.” In fact, according to the Oxford Dictionary, “the letter Y is probably more often used as a vowel. And in this role it is often interchangeable with the letter I.” This similarity to Hebrew is not a coincidence, because Hebrew served as the world’s first actual alphabet—a word derived from a transliteration of the first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet: Aleph and Bet.
    The second and fourth letter in Yahowah’s name is the Hebrew He (ה). Curious as to how Yahowah’s name could be based uponhayah (היה), which begins and ends with ה, and yet most often be transliterated “Yahweh,” where the first He is pronounced “ah,” and the second is pronounced “eh,” I examined every Hebrew word inclusive of the letter ה – especially those words concluding with He. What I discovered is that just like hayah and ‘elohym (meaning “God,” from ‘elowah) the Hebrew ה is almost invariably pronounced “ah.” In fact the ratio of “ah” to “eh” was nearly one hundred to one. So in hayah, Yahowah told us how to pronounce all but one letter of His name.
    And yet, in the definitive statement “’elowah hayah – God exists,” all of our questions are answered. We can simply look to the title Yahowah selected for Himself in this revealing discussion, “‘elohym (אלהים) – God,” to ascertain how to properly pronounce the Hebrew vowel Waw (ו). You see, ‘elohym is the contracted, and thus less formal, plural, and thus more inclusive, form of ‘elowah (אלוה) – “God Almighty.” And it is in ‘elowah (אלוה) that we find definitive proof of how to properly communicate the Hebrew ו.
    But there is another, perhaps even better known, Hebrew word which can assist us. Scripture’s most often transliterated title, “towrah – Torah,” also communicates how to properly pronounce the Hebrew Waw (ו). In the Divine Writ, this title for “law, instruction, and prescription” is written TWRH (right to left as: תּוֹרָה), where the “o” sound is derived from the ו. In addition, the most oft’ repeated Hebrew word over the last one hundred generations has been “shalowm (שָׁלֹום) – peace,” where once again, we are greeted with the means to properly pronounce the Hebrew ו.
    Other familiar Hebrew words which are pronounced similarly include: gowym – people (specifically Gentiles), yowm – meaning day,‘adown – master, ‘owy – alas, ‘owr – light, ‘owth – sign, and of course ‘elowah – God, in addition to the names: Aaron, Jonah, Job, Judah, Moriah, and Jerusalem from ‘Aharown, Yownah, Yowb, Yahuwdah, Mowriyah, and Yaruwshalaym.
    Beyond towrah and ‘elowah (God’s revealed instructions and title), there are forty extremely important reminders conveyed throughout the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms which serve to affirm that God’s name was pronounced Yahowah, not Yahuweh or Yahweh. While two of these, Yowb – Job and Yownah – Jonah, were shared previously, I omitted their meanings and etymology. Virtually every credible lexicon affirms that the “Yow” sound in both names is a contraction of “Yahow.” As such, Yownah – Jonah means: “Yahowah is the Dove (a symbol for the Spirit of God).” Yowb – Job is: “Cry Out to Yahowah.” But there are more.
    The most famous of these is Yowceph – Joseph, meaning “Yah Unites and Multiplies.” The most important is Yowbel – Jubilee, designating the year after seven Shabat of years, where “Yah’s Godly Lamb” frees us by forgiving our debts. Every important fulfillment on Yahowah’s calendar commences not just on Yowbel years of Freedom and Redemption, but on multiples of forty Yowbel. These include 1967 BCE (2000 years after the expulsion of Adam from the Garden) when Yahowah affirmed His Covenant with Abraham on Mount Mowriyah. Forty Yowbel thereafter (in 33 CE) Yahowsha’ fulfilled Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits on the same mountain. And finally, forty Yowbel removed from His sacrifice (upcoming in 2033), Yahowsha’ will return to Mount Mowriyah on the Day of Reconciliations in anticipation of celebrating the Festival Feast of Shelters for one thousand years during the Millennial Sabbath.
    Names which echo “Yahow” today include: Yow’ab – Joab (Yah is our Father), Yow’ach – Joah (Related to Yah),Yow’achaz – Joahaz (Grasp Hold of Yah), Yow’el – Joel (Yah is God), Yowb – Job (Cry Out to Yah), Yowchanan – Johanan (Yah is Merciful), Yownah – Jonah (Yah’s Dove), Yownatan – Jonathan (Yah Gives), Yowceph – Joseph (Yah Unites and Multiplies), Yowram– Joram (Yah Uplifts), and Yowtham – Jotham (Yah Perfects).
    Therefore, the obvious pronunciation of YHWH, written right to left in Hebrew ה ו ה י, is YaH·oW·aH. Mystery solved.

  3. toppertop08


    BRIEF video outlining the true HEBREW names of the Father and Son that has been taken out of the bible, and has been replaced with LORD,GOD, and JESUS and even when you do come across the names very often it has been misspelled, and mispronunce , as a result of vowel points that was put over certain hebrew words, to give a different sounds especially the SACRED NAMES, so that the hebrew reader would pronounce Adonay, or Adonai, these vowel points has been a tool used by the devil. The bible has been injected with false names thats been given to the creator and the saviour that been passed down to thousands and millions of people world wide,

    All its takes is some serious research if you really wanna know the true sacred names thats been used by the prophets and the apostles of old. PROVERBS 30: 4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is hisNAME, and what is his son’s NAME, if thou canst tell?

    HERE we see that the writer of proverb is asking do you know the father’s name & the son’s name??? DO YOU?????….
    THE true spellings of the HEBREW names are follows
    YHWH= YaHuWaH..which means I AM-HE (who)-exist (s)