Principalities & Powers Exposed Pt.1

Principalities & Powers Exposed Pt.1

Published on Feb 13, 2015

This video by Etymologists Eliyahu is a edited remix of a old video with old words He does not use any more but is still Tov to share with others that are coming out. Eliyahu exposes the words commenly used by most religious groups today-and how words of the Principalities have slipped into the English language in Greek-Latin-Germanic-forms over clean Greek words and some not so clean to get the believers to speak their language of the rulers of this age controlling the education systems around the world. we’re exposing the strong holds on our tongue and words that show the fruit of these rulers of darkness active in the places’s of religious groups of worship on all sides of the fence and as Followers of Yah we need to be the called out ones to have a clean lip and tongue as a example for others and to fight these Principalities with the clean Hebrew words to have more authority in our prayers.

          Principalities & Powers Exposed Pt.2



Published on Feb 16, 2015

Part 2 of a teaching done years ago is so up to date of what’s happening right now in the spirituality of society so we remixed it with Greek and Hebrew words for a powerful message to the Fallowers of Yah to walk in this end time Anointing and Power of the Ruach of Yahuah against the evil principalities operating in the religious systems of today, Come and join in to hear this message with a live audience in the Upper room at Eagles Haven Congregation with Elder and Etymologist Eliyahu.


 Additional INFORMATION:

Replacement Theology now made Void “Canceled” Restoring Continued Grafted into YHWH YHUH HOUSE of Yisrael.                  Romans 11:15-27;     Eph.2:11-14,19;    3:3-7;

  1. ALPHA & OMEGA Greek for Beginning & Ending. Replaced Hebrew-ALEPH & TAV meaning Beginning & Never  Ending  Covenant, He is our Covenant and has NO Ending.

  2. ANGELANGELS=Latin Origin / Replaced English- Set Apart Messenger–    Hebrew-MALACH– Plural- Messengers= MELACHIM.

  3. Apostle -Latin for grk#652.Apostolos-Replaced English=AMBASSADOR Envoy; Heb. SHELIACH;              Ambassador 2 Corinth.5:20, &   Eph.6:20,

  4. BLESS, BLESSED, BLESSING=Origin 100% Latin Catholic-“Bloedsian” a Pagan blood Ritual for luck. REPLACED, in Heb.#1288 Barak, Baruch- blessed is a bad curse word against us believers. bless- BRACHA or blessings  BRACHOT, blessing-=BRACHAT, Clean words=Prosperity, Prosperous favored, Prospering.

  5. Bible-BYBLOS  a City named after a Pagan deity; that made paper. Replaced-Hebrew  Sefer-Scrolls, Scriptures, Parchments, Manuscripts.  2 Tim. 4:13. Also Biblion=Bella Rules.

  6. Christ, CHRISTOS, CRISTOS, KRISTO, KRISTI-Latin/Greek. Grk#5547 Orthodox Catholics REPLACED-Original Anointed in 100 AD Grk#3323,Greek true word stayed in scriptures Messi’asJohn 1:41, 4:25, compare to Heb.#4899 & #4886 MASHIYACH or MASHIACH=English-Messiah, All the same.

  7. Christ Jesus; Latin, REPLACED English-Messiah or Anointed  Joshua  or in Hebrew  Mashiyach   Yahushua.

  8. Christian CRISTIANOS-Latin /Greek KHRISTIANOS, Created in the Greek  Orthodox Catechetical School of Alexandrian 190AD.Then Roman Emperor Constantine adopted it in 310-326 AD.REPLACED-“Anointed” But before 310 AD believers were Called- in Greek. Nazoraeans  in Heb.#5139 NAZIYR.

  9. Church  Roman Catholic Greek for KIRKE,CIRCE, Sirse a Pagan LUST  Temple  REPLACED a clean Greek#1577 word  EKKLESIA ; old Greek  Ekklesiyah which means  CONGREGATION- Called Out Ones!

  10. Charity-Latin Chariti’es; Grk.5463 Charis; Pagan g-ddess, REPLACED Hb.#4976 Mat’tath” a Reward, Free Gift, Gratuity, Bestowment.  Charity does Not mean LOVE everyone knows love in Greek is Gk#26 Agape and Gk#25 Agapao.

  11. Charisma / Charismatic /Charm/ Greek Pagan g-ddess has the ability to Charm, Captivate, spellbound one into believing anything, male or female  Counterfeit spirit  REPLACED The Anointed gift of Yahh on believer’s.   NOTE; The words Charisma & Charismatic are not in the Scriptures at all.

  12. COMANNDMENTS/ Replaced-‘Right Rule, Prescribed Instruction

  13. FATE is the g-ddess of destiny,daughter of Zeus one of three sisters called Moirai                                                                                                                                                                              Page 1 of 5                               

  14. 14. FAITH / Faithfull-Greek Pagan g-ddess Pisteuo Pistis-a female g-ddess with a Holli wood magic wand for persuasive false Religious trust on someone or  something  of the Greek deities FATA;  without    REPLACEING   2 Tim.2:15   Belief, Trust, Established Reliance, firmness-Heb.#530 EMUNAH.

  15. FEAR-Grk.#5391-PHOBEO/PHOBOS-deimon deity, OK to use in the term like; Perfect love cast off FEAR=Deimon” also; He has not given us a spirit of Fear”.  But never towards   Aloahiym as to Fear Him We Revere   YHWH not fear Him. They want us to “FEAR G-d” the Germen deity on their dollar bill.

  16. GRACE /GRACIOUS  Grk#5485 for The Olympics “The 3 Graces” a Pagan  Trinity g-ddess  still worshiped wide today, a  female deity that married HaZeus   Zeus; She REPLACED=FAVOR  unmerited benefit  Favor, a state of favorable disposition.   Hebrew#2580 CHEN=FAVOR.

  17. GENTILE /GENTILIS-a Latin word 1350-1400AD Originally Grk#1484 Ethnos “ETHNIC” a tribe, foreign one, RACE, Nation. Inhabitant of Hellas of Greek speaking, REPLACED-Heb.#1471 Qoy=Nation Stranger-Qoyim- Sojourner same word used always for Abraham Gen.18:18 a great Nation/ Great Qoy or Qoyim.

  18. 18. GOSPEL=GOTTSPELL German Teutonic word also Anglo Saxon Goddspell= their a male Pagan deity  Fortune,money.NOT Greek nor Latin REPLACED covered over  clean word in Greek#2097 EUANGELION a proclaimer of good news /good tidings, to declare.  GOODNEWS In Hebrew #1319 Basar=bring take proclaim good news also Hebrew #1309 BESORAH “Towb” Hebrew for good, News, Good news tidings.

  19. 19. GLORY-Grk. GLORIA-Latin, “THEORIA” Greek PAGAN deity g-ddess   REPLACED covered over Grk.#1391/1392 word Dox’ah-apparent dignity, honor  praise esteem magnify exult, full of honor In Hebrew There’s  13  different words 225X used REPLACED over Hb#3519 KABOD-KABAD=                  Properly Weighed, Splendor, Honor  to Magnify Magnificence-Beauty  excellency, triumph loud, there is so many clean words in Greek and Hebrew  that could be Translated into English, There is NO reason to cover over them with a PAGAN g-ddess word replacement??

  20. GOD-in O.T.1st. Covenant all Capitalized letters is “GAD a Deity of The Phoenician Canaanite origin. REPLACED Hb.#430-Elohiym; of Hb.#430 Eloahh; also Hb.#410 EL,el-Mighty deity or Mighty One in Paleo Hebrew the E sound is more of The A sound before the Babylon captivity; so it                            REPLACED ”ALOAHH” The Lil’ letters god is  “el” a pagan deity.

  21. 21. God or god in the N.T. New Covenant; Is a PAGAN word for a German Celtic Teutonic Deity Called “GOTT” or Anglo Saxon “GODD” They are NOT Hebrew, Latin or Greek words. Latin would be ”DEIOS”, Greek=THEIOS; Hebrew EL / el” Mighty One. Means also Judge, Ruler, Authority, officer, EL in Spanish is still today, Great One, mighty one.

  22. 22. GHOST=SPIRIT=Grk#4154 & Gk#4151 Pneuma- exhaled air of a dead human, daemon, fallen angel, NOTE; not the breath of our YHWH which is His Ruach Only His Breath of Him is only “Ruach”. Not Spiritus Latin.

  23. HalleluYAH, AlleluYah = YAHH be Praised / Praise be to Yahh= Hb#3050 is YAHH.

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  1. HEAVEN=middle English 900AD Norse Valhalla Walhalla the Place where the dead warrior’s go with Odin. Grk.#3772 Ouramos the elevation sky extension abode of Greek G-ds angel’s happiness.” Elysian Fields” a Greek place after death to be with their G-ds-Thor, Zus, Grace, Glory, Sophia, Victoria, Apalo, etc. in the clouds above us. REPLACED; Shamayim Hb.#8064 Hebrew understanding of where the dead resurrect. OR  the abode of our Father YHWH and His Son Yahushua siting at His right hand of Authority.  Shamayim part from Mayim “waters” past clouds to where Celestial bodies revolve.

  2. HEBREW is IYVREE / Hebrews-Iy’vreem / the Hebrew language-Iyvreem

  3. Holy Spirit– REPLACED- Ruach HaKodesh or Ruach HaQodesh or Kodesh Ruach.

  4. HOLY holy Holi Hail Hal In the year 1100 first appeared in Catholic Latin Vulgate Bibles as Hal; Anglo Saxson as Hail also the German & Dutch bibles. Then appeared in the Wycliffe bible in 1382 AD, Grk# 40 h’agios Gk#39 h’agion Gk.#37 h’agiazo and Helios or gk#2413 Hieros-All related to a Greek  PAGAN        g-ddess still worshiped today a female Epithet “agios agioi  agioi  REPLACED; 7 Hebrew clean words, Mainly Heb#6944 Kodesh,  Hb.#6918 Kadosh-Hb.#6942 Kadash, There ok with a Q or K  beginning letters, Person,place or thing= Clean, Pure, dedicated, Set Apart, Morally  blameless, dedication.              28. Holy of Holies– REPLACED-Kadosh HaKedoshim, The Most Pure Dedicated Place.

  5. HOPE= 61x used over 2 Greek words only found from Luke to 1 John ; Grk # 1679 “el’pid’zo root #1680 el-pis a female name after a female Greek PAGAN g-ddess First seen in the Orthodox Catholic; Queen of Heaven Trinity  is FAITH, HOPE, CHARITY, REPLACED- 9 clean Hebrew words; Hb.#8615 Tiq’vah  Hb.#4723 Miq’veh Miq’vay, Miqve- A cord of expectancy, expectation, confidence, a place of refuge, a security trust assurance.

  6. 30. I AM THAT IAM in HEBREW=AhaYah Asher AhaYah also with E sound- EhYah Asher EhYah=All “Existent Eternal One”. I AM Capitalized in The New Covenant- N.T. when Messiah said it, is EhYah or AhaYah.

  7. J”j letters was not created until late 1478 AD Germanic sound unofficially. By 1524AD used in Italian language unofficially as well and was not added to the English Dictionaries till 1634 or so. King Iames Bibles didn’t use the letter “J” till mid 1750’sAD The1604 & 1611AD official bibles used “Iesus, Iesvs, Iesoos, Esus and King James was really “King Iames” Son of Queen Bloody Mary of Scotland the Catholic Queen; and the letter”J” was not starting to change till 1634 or so.  They even changed the Messiah’s brother name from Ya’aqob to James  also??  WHAT? Does this say, Hazon- Rev.22:18-19;

  8. JESUS Gk.#2424 Iesus,Iesvs,Esus, young name REPLACED Hb# 3091 Joshua In Hebrew Yahh-short of-YHWH-Hb#3068 with Hb.#1954 Hoshua=#3091  Yahushua  – YHWH is our Deliverer Savior Hb#3091              Yeh-Ho-shoo-ah.  Bemid’bar  Numbers 13:8,16;

  9. Jesus Christ– REPLACED-Yahushua Ha Mashiyach / English=Yahushua The Messiah or Anointed.                                                                                      34Judah– REPLACED- Yehudah  A tribe of the house of Yisrael.                                                                       35.  JEW – Replaced- Yehudi or Yehudite ; Also  Jewish   Replaced   Yehudim.                      PAGE   3 of 5

  10. JUSTICE-Roman Latin; Justitia – Greek Pagan G-ddess DIKE a figure of a masculine female g-ddess NOT in N.T. at all. They added this Greek Pagan word in O.T.REPLACING-Heb#6663 & #6664 T’sedeqVirtue, Morally, Rightness.

  11. KING -Replaced-Hb. Melech-English Sovereign;     KINGS-Melechim-Sovereigns

  12. 38. KING of KINGS   REPLACED-Melech Ha Melechim   English=Sovereign of Sovereigns.

  13. Kingdom of G-d; REPLACED Malchut Ha Alohiym-English= Reign of Alohiym.                                                                                                         Modern Aramaic Hebrew uses Elohim or Elohiym.

  14. Kingdom of Haven; REPLACED Malchut Ha Shamayim more  of a English way, Reign of Shamayim.

  15. LAW A Latin word not Hebrew nor  Greek, older word was LEW REPLACED=TORAH=Instructions.

  16. 42. Liberty  is Latin; Liberates  is Greek; both a G-ddess REPLACED 7 wide range  of Greek words ? Freedom, permit, pardon, deliverance, Tax free, a wide room, relief, rest. In HB.#7342 Rachab or Hb#1865-A wide Room, Pure, Clear. The statue of liberty has her own Law book on her arm Not TORAH.

  17. LORD a title  Ba’al=according to-Webster 1828 Dictionary; Smiths Bible Dictionary; International Standard Bible Encyclopedia; Fausset’s  Bible Dictionary and Easton’s Bible Dictionary; REPLACING=


  1. lord small caps is ba’al still, but as=Master, king, ruler of Authority

Landlord, He is not our Landlord but our Creator with a NAME.

  1. Lord our G-d ; BA’AL GAD Meaning =Lord of Fortune-REPLACED

Yahuah or Yahuwah our Aloahiym;

  1.  MERCY The Greek G-ddess of Clementia; Roman Latin-g-ddess   Romantica-Romance; REPLACED                                                      Gk#1653-Eleeo & Gk#1656 Eleos; In Latin for Compassioionate;  English meaning=Compassionate, Pity;           In Heb#2616 & Hb#2617=Kheh-sed-Pity, Kindly, Compassion. Greek and Hebrew meanings clean words, why?  Use a Pagan deity Mercy?

  2. NAME  A Capitalized N with the word Name expressed for the Father or the Messiah REPLACED “HaShem in Hebrew or The Name in English; Shem is the Attributes and Characteristics of Their Names, But we don’t call Him Name Name=Shem Shem, we call them by their Name’s, Yahuwah / Yahushua.

  3. PEACE “Not Hebrew or Greek; Latin-PAX; French-PAC; Peace Pac means-To  bring settling disagreements or takeover of one Nation, Country, By War force, Forceful Agreements, take over  your land, will, Laws; Then TAX you and let  you live on your own land or Country for a Temporary time on their terms. REPLACED  Shalom  Shalom  He is not the Prince of Peace,  But the Prince of Shalom.

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  1. Rabbi, Rhabbi, Rhabboni these words never in the O.T. First Covenant, it first appeared in N.T. New Covenant. The only O.T. word was “RAB” as Hb#7227 meaning; Many, Great Captain, Mighty, Greatly, all different meanings for English. The N.T. New Covenant Meaning in Gk#4461 G4462 for Rabbi, Rhabbi Rhabboni are GREAT, GREAT ONE, GREAT Master? NOT TEACHER, Teacher in Hebrew#995 is Biyn-Bene or Teacher, Instructor. In Greek#1320 it is KALOS Instructor, Teacher. Yahushua said to call no one Rabbi =GREAT MASTER, Great One.

  2. SAINT & SAINTS is a 100% Catholic Pagan word the original Greek it’s the same Gk#40 root word of Gk#53 which is the same words for holy Hali Halo AGIOS Agion Replacing in English SET Apart Person Hb #6944 Kodesh or chasiyd =”elohim man” today people say  Man of G-d -NO but  Man of Aloahiym.

  3. Testament Old & New?? Catholic REPLACED words Testament Latin Testamentum Middle English 1250 to 1300AD is the Last Will & Testament of a Dead Person. Our Messiah is not Dead He is Resurrected & Alive! Correction! FIRST Marriage Covenant is TORAH, NEBL’IM, Kethuim, are “TaNaK” N.T. is the New  Covenant or The Messianic Scriptures, Kethubim Bet. Etc.

  4. VICTORY – #3529-Greek G-ddess-NIKE; Victoria-Latin Roman Gk#3534 G-ddesss NIKOS; G-ddess of CONQUEST, Success, Subdue, Triumph, REPLACED-Hb.#8668-T’shu-ah= National Spiritual Safety, Deliverance with  Perpetual Strength,  Rescue  Salvation trustfulness.

  5. WISDOM GK#4678/#4679/#4680 SOPHIA a Pagan G-ddess ,Latin Roman  ATHENA; Catholic’s have Saint Athena, A’Theo’noa  Today she is on the Calif..Seal as g-ddess of war Minerva-Roman, They say She fell out of Zeus head?  There are better Greek words of choice that they covered over with just one pagan word- Wisdom. REPLACED Hb#2451 Cha’kam or #2451 Chok’mah=English clean words Prudence with Morals; Skillful Intelligence;   Success discretion; Knowledge sense.   Understanding;    Intelligent.

We Must Obey The  Word without Compromise;  READ

Shemoth EX.23:13     Yehoshua Joshua 23:6-11;    YirmeYahu Jeremiah 12:15-17; 

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Baal   “Lord”                WEBSTER  1828   DICTIONARY

BA’AL, n. An idol among the ancient Chaldeans and Syrians, representing the sun. The word signifies also lord, or commander; and the character of the idol was varied by different nations, at different times. Thus Baal Berith is supposed to signify the Lord of the Covenant; Baal Peor, or rather Baal Phegor, the Lord of the dead. Ps. cvi, Baal Zebub, the god of flies, &c.

Baal                                               SMITH’S   BIBLE   DICTIONARY

Ba’al. (lord).                           

  1. A Reubenite 1Ch_5:5.

  2. The son of Jehiel, and grandfather of Saul. 1Ch_8:30; 1Ch_9:36.

The supreme male divinity of the Phoenician and Canaanitish nations, as Ashtoreth was their supreme female divinity. Some suppose Baal to correspond to the sun and Ashtoreth to the moon; others that Baal was Jupiter and Ashtoreth Venus. There can be no doubt of the very high antiquity of the worship of Baal. It prevailed in the time of Moses among the Moabites and Midianites, Num_22:41, and through them spread to the Israelites. Num_25:3-18; Num_4:3.

In the times of the kings, it became the religion of the court and people of the ten tribes, 1Ki_16:31-33; 1Ki_18:19; 1Ki_18:22, and appears never to have been permanently abolished among them. 2Ki_17:16 Temples were erected to Baal in Judah, 1Ki_16:32 and he was worshipped with much ceremony. 1Ki_18:19; 1Ki_26-28; 2Ki_10:22. The attractiveness of this worship to the Jews undoubtedly grew out of its licentious character. We find this worship also in Phoenician colonies.

The religion of the ancient British islands much resembled this ancient worship of Baal, and may have been derived from it. Nor need we hesitate to regard the Babylonian Bel, Isa_46:1, or Beaus, as essentially identical with Baal, though perhaps under some modified form. The plural, Baalim, is found frequently, showing that he was probably worshipped under different compounds, among which appear —

  1. Baal-Berith. (the covenant Baal), Jdg_8:33; Jdg_9:4, the god who comes into covenant with the worshippers.

  2. Baal-Zebub. (lord of the fly), and worshipped at Ekron. 2Ki_1:2-3; 2Ki_1:16.

  3. Baal-Hanan. a. The name of one of the early kings of Edom. Gen_36:38-39; 1Ch_1:49-50.

  4. The name of one of David’s officers, who had the superintendence of his olive and sycamore plantations. 1Ch_27:28.

  5. Baal-Peor. (lord of the opening, that is, for others to join in the worship). We have already referred to the worship of this god. The narrative Numbers 25 seems clearly to show that this form of Baal-worship was connected with licentious rites.

Geographical. This word occurs as the prefix or suffix to the names of several places in Palestine, some of which are as follows:

  1. Baal a town of Simeon, named only in 1Ch_4:33 which from the parallel list in Jos_19:8 seems to have been identical with Baalath-Beer.

  2. Baalah. (mistress).

  3. Another name for Kirjath-Jearim, or Kirjath-Baal, the well-known town now Kuriet el Enab. Jos_15:9-10; 1Ch_13:6.

  4. A town in the south of Judah, Jos_15:29 which in Jos_19:3, is called Balah, and in the parallel list, 1Ch_4:29, Bilhah.

  5. Baalath. (mistress), a town of Dan named with Gibbethon, Gath-rim-mon and other Philistine places. Jos_19:44.

  6. Baalath-Beer. (lord of the well). Baal, 7, a town among those in the south part of Judah, given to Simeon, which also bore the name of Ramath-Negeb, or “the height of the south.” Jos_19:8.

  7. Baal-Gad. (lord of fortune), used to denote the most northern, Jos_11:17; Jos_12:7, or perhaps northwestern, Jos_13:5, point to which Joshua’s victories extended. It was in all probability a Phoenician or Canaanite sanctuary of Baal under the aspect of Gad or Fortune.

  8. Baal-Hamon. (lord of a multitude), a place at which Solomon had a vineyard, evidently of great extent. Son_8:11.

  9. Baal-Hazor. (village of Baal), a place where Absalom appears to have had a sheep-farm, and where Amnon was murdered. 2Sa_13:23.

  10. Mountain Baal-Hermon. (Lord of Hermon), Jdg_3:3, and simply Baal-hermon. 1Ch_5:23 This is usually considered as a distinct place from Mount Hermon; but we know that this mountain had at least three names Deu_3:9 and Baal-hermon may have been a fourth in use among the Phoenician worshippers.

  11. Baal-Meon. (lord of the house), one of the towns which were built by the Reubenites. Num_32:38. It also occurs in 1Ch_5:8 and on each occasion with Nebo. In the time of Ezekiel, it was Moabite, one of the cities which were the “glory of the country.” Eze_25:9.

  12. Baal-Perazim. (lord of divisions), the scene of a victory of David over the Philistines, and of a great destruction of their images. 2Sa_5:20; 1Ch_14:11. See Isa_28:21 where it is called Mountain Perazim.

  13. Baal-Shalisha. (lord of Shalisha), a place named only in 2Ki_4:42 apparently not far from Gilgal; Compare 2Ki_4:38.

  14. Baal-Tamar. (lord of the palm tree), a place named only in Jdg_20:33 as near Gibeah of Benjamin. The palm tree (Hebrew, tamar) of Deborah, Jdg_4:5, was situated somewhere in the locality, and is possibly alluded to.

  15. Baal-Zephon. (lord of the north), a place in Egypt near where the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. Num_33:7; Eze_14:2; Eze_9. We place Baal-zephon on the western shore of the Gulf of Suez, a little below its head, which at that time was about 30 or 40 miles northward of the Present head.




Baal (1)

bā´al̀ (בּעל, ba‛al; Βάαλ, Báal, or Βαάλ, Baál): The Babylonian Belu or Bel, “Lord,” was the title of the supreme god among the Canaanites.

  1. Name and Character of Baal

  2. Attributes of Baal

III. Baal-Worship

  1. Temples, etc.

  2. Use of the Name

  3. Forms of Baal

  4. Baal-berith

  5. Baal-gad

  6. Baal-hamon

  7. Baal-hermon

  8. Baal-peor

  9. Baal-zebub


  1. Name and Character of Baal

In Babylonia it was the title specially applied to Merodach of Babylon, which in time came to be used in place of his actual name. As the word in Hebrew also means “possessor,” it has been supposed to have originally signified, when used in a religious sense, the god of a particular piece of land or soil. Of this, however, there is no proof, and the sense of “possessor” is derived from that of “lord.” The Babylonian Bel-Merodach was a Sun-god, and so too was the Can Baal whose full title was Baal-Shemaim, “lord of heaven.” The Phoenician writer Sanchuniathon (Philo Byblius, Fragmenta II) accordingly says that the children of the first generation of mankind “in time of drought stretched forth their hands to heaven toward the sun; for they regarded him as the sole Lord of heaven, and called him Beelsamēn, which means ‘Lord of Heaven’ in the Phoenician language and is equivalent to Zeus in Greek” Baal-Shemaim had a temple at Umm el-Awamid between Acre and Tyre, and his name is found in inscriptions from the Phoenician colonies of Sardinia and Carthage.

  1. Attributes of Baal

As the Sun-god, Baal was worshipped under two aspects, beneficent and destructive. On the one hand he gave light and warmth to his worshippers; on the other hand the fierce heats of summer destroyed the vegetation he had himself brought into being. Hence, human victims were sacrificed to him in order to appease his anger in time of plague or other trouble, the victim being usually the first-born of the sacrificer and being burnt alive. In the Old Testament this is euphemistically termed “passing” the victim “through the fire” (2Ki_16:3; 2Ki_21:6). The forms under which Baal was worshipped were necessarily as numerous as the communities which worshipped him. Each locality had its own Baal or divine “Lord” who frequently took his name from the city or place to which he belonged. Hence, there was a Baal-Zur, “Baal of Tyre”; Baal-hermon, “Baal of Hermon” (Jdg_3:3); Baal-Lebanon, “Baal of Lebanon”; Baal-Tarz, “Baal of Tarsus.” At other times the title was attached to the name of an individual god; Thus we have Bel-Merodach, “the Lord Merodach” (or “Bel is Merodach”) at Babylon, Baal-Melkarth at Tyre, Baal-gad (Jos_11:17) in the north of Palestine. Occasionally the second element was noun as in Baal-Shemaim, “lord of heaven,” Baalzebub (2Ki_1:2), “Lord of flies,” BaalHammān, usually interpreted “Lord of heat,” but more probably “Lord of the sunpillar,” the tutelary deity of Carthage. All these various forms of the Sun-god were collectively known as the Baalim or “Baals” who took their place by the side of the female Ashtaroth and Ashtrim. At Carthage the female consort of Baal was termed PenēBaal, “the face” or “reflection of Baal.”

III. Baal-Worship

In the earlier days of Hebrew history the title Baal, or “Lord,” was applied to the national God of Israel, a usage which was revived in later times, and is familiar to us in the King James Version. Hence both Jonathan and David had sons called Merib-baal (1Ch_8:31; 1Ch_9:40) and Beeliada (1Ch_14:7). After the time of Ahab, however, the name became associated with the worship and rites of the Phoenician deity introduced into Samaria by Jezebel, and its idolatrous associations accordingly caused it to fall into disrepute. Hosea (Hos_2:16) declares that henceforth the God of Israel should no longer be called Baali, “my Baal,” and personal names like Esh-baal (1Ch_8:33; 1Ch_9:39), and Beelinda into which it entered were changed in form, Baal being turned into bōsheth which in Heb at any rate conveyed the sense of “shame.”

  1. Temples, Etc

Temples of Baal at Samaria and Jerusalem are mentioned in 1Ki_1:18; where they had been erected at the time when the Ahab dynasty endeavored to fuse Israelites and Jews and Phoenicians into a single people under the same national Phoenician god. Altars on which incense was burned to Baal were set up in all the streets of Jerusalem according to Jeremiah (Jer_11:13), apparently on the flat roofs of the houses (Jer_32:29); and the temple of Baal contained an image of the god in the shape of a pillar or Bethel (2Ki_10:26, 2Ki_10:27). In the reign of Ahab, Baal was served in Israel by 450 priests (1Ki_18:19), as well as by prophets (2Ki_10:19), and his worshippers wore special vestments when his ritual was performed (2Ki_10:22). The ordinary offering made to the god consisted of incense (Jer_7:9) and burnt sacrifices; on extraordinary occasions the victim was human (Jer_19:5). At times the priests worked themselves into a state of ecstasy, and dancing round the altar slashed themselves with knives (1Ki_18:26, 1Ki_18:28), like certain dervish orders in modern Islam.

  1. Use of the Name

In accordance with its signification the name of Baal is generally used with the definite art.; in the Septuagint this often takes the feminine form, ἀισχύνη, aischúnē “shame” being intended to be read. We find the same usage in Rom_11:4. The feminine counterpart of Baal was Baalah or Baalath which is found in a good many of the local names (see Baethgen, Beitrage zur semitischen Religionsgeschichte, 1888).

  1. Forms of Baal

  2. Baal-Berith

Baal-berith בּעל בּרית, ba‛al berı̄th; Βααλβερίθ, Baalberı́th, “Covenant Baal,” was worshipped at Shechem after the death of Gideon (Jdg_8:33; Jdg_9:4). In Jdg_9:46 the name is replaced by El-berith, “Covenant-god.” The covenant was that made by the god with his worshippers, less probably between the Israelites and the native Canaanites.

  1. Baal-Gad

Baal-gad בּעל גּד, ba‛al gādh; Βαλαγάδα, Balagáda, “Baal [lord of good luck” (or “Baal is Gad”) was the god of a town called after his name in the north of Palestine, which has often been identified with Baalbek. The god is termed simply Gad in Isa_65:11 the Revised Version, margin; where he is associated with Meni, the Assyrian Manu (King James Version “troop” and “number”).

  1. Baal-Hamon

Baal-hamon בּעל המון, ba‛al hāmōn; Βεελαμών, Beelamō̇n is known only from the fact that Solomon had a garden at a place of that name (Son_8:11). The name is usually explained to mean “Baal of the multitude,” but the cuneiform tablets of the Tell el-Amarna age found in Palestine show that the Egyptian god Amon was worshipped in Canaan and identified there with the native Baal. We are therefore justified in reading the name Baal-Amon, a parallel to the Babylonian Bel-Merodach. The name has no connection with that of the Carthaginian deity Baal-hamman.

  1. Baal-Hermon

Baal-hermon בּעל חרמון, ba‛al ḥermōn; Βαλαερμών, Balaermō̇n is found in the name of “the mountain of Baal-hermon” (Jdg_3:3; compare 1Ch_5:23), which also bore the names of Hermort, Sirion and Shenir (Saniru in the Assyrian inscriptions), the second name being applied to it by the Phoenicians and the third by the Amorites (Deu_3:9). Baal-hermon will consequently be a formation similar to Baal-Lebanon in an inscription from Cyprus; according to the Phoenician writer Sanchuniathon (Philo Byblius, Fragmenta II) the third generation of men “begat sons of surprising size and stature, whose names were given to the mountains of which they had obtained possession.”

  1. Baal-Peor

Baal-peor בּעל פעור, ba‛al pe‛ōr; Βεελφεγώρ, Beelphegō̇r was god of the Moabite mountains, who took his name from Mount Peor (Num_23:28), the modern Fa‛ūr, and was probably a form of Chemosh (Jerome, Comm., Isa_15:1-9). The sensual rites with which he was worshipped (Num_25:1-3) indicate his connection with the Phoenician Baal.

  1. Baal-Zebub

Baal-zebub בּעל זבוּב, ba‛al zebhūbh; Βααλμυία Θεός, Baalmuı́a Theós (“Baal the fly god”) was worshipped at Ekron where he had famous oracle (2Ki_1:2, 2Ki_1:3, 2Ki_1:16). The name is generally translated “the Lord of flies,” the Sun-god being associated with the flies which swarm in Palestine during the earlier summer months. It is met with in Assyrian inscriptions. In the New Testament the name assumes the form of Beelzebul (Βεελζεβούλ), in King James Version: BEELZEBUB (which see).



                          FAUSSET’S  BIBLE  DICTIONARY

Baal (1)


The chief male deity, as Ashtoreth is the chief goddess, of the Canaanites and Phoenicians. Baalim, the plural form, expresses the various aspects of Baal, as different localities viewed him. Baal is also associated with Aaherah, inaccurately translated “THE GROVE” or “groves” (Jdg_3:7; 2Ch_33:3; 2Ch_34:4; 2Ki_23:5-6). (See ASHERAH.) Baal means lord, in the sense of owner, possessor; but Adown means lord, master. The Hebrew article distinguishes the proper name Baal from the common noun; Bel, the Babylonian idol (Isa_46:1), is related. Midian and Moab, as early as Moses’ time, tempted Israel, by Balaam’s devilish counsel (Rev_2:14; Jos_13:22; Num_25:18), to worship the phase of the deity called Baal-peor (Numbers 25), from peor, “aperire hymenem virgineum” corresponding to the Latin, Priapus.

Terrible licentiousness not only was sanctioned, but formed part of the worship. A plague from Jehovah destroyed 24,000 Israelites in consequence, and was only stopped by the zeal of Phinehas. Moses subsequently, when warning the people from this example, notices no circumstance of it but one, which, though in the original narrative not stated, was infinitely the most important to advert to, but which none but spectators of the fact, perfectly acquainted with every individual concerned in it, could possibly feel the truth of. “Your eyes have seen what Jehovah did because of Baal-peor, for all the men that followed Baal-peor the Lord thy God hath destroyed them from among you. But ye that did cleave unto the Lord your God are alive every one of you this day” (Deu_4:3). For Moses to have used this argument was extremely natural but if a forger had asserted this at hazard, and put it in Moses’ mouth it seems very strange that it is the only circumstance he should forget to notice in the direct narrative, and the only one he should notice in his reference to it (Graves, Pentateuch, 1:4).

Baal worship prevailed much in Israel, except during Gideon’s judgeship (hence called Jerubbaal, “let Baal plead”), up to Samuel’s time (Jdg_2:10-13; Jdg_6:26-32; Jdg_8:33; Jdg_10:6-10). At Samuel’s reproof they put away this worship (1Sa_7:4). Solomon brought back Ashtoreth worship to please his foreign wives. Ahab, king of Israel, under Jezebel’s influence (daughter of Ethbaal, priest of Baal and king of Zidon), established the worship of Baal and Asherah (“the groves”): 1Ki_16:31-33; 1Ki_18:19-22. Elijah successfully for a time resisted it. His influence and that of king Jehoshaphat produced its effect in the following reign and that of Jehu. It was laid aside for Jeroboam’s calves, under Jehoram, Ahab’s son (2Ki_3:2), and under Jehu (2Ki_10:28); but for the most part prevailed until the Lord in vengeance removed the ten tribes from their land (2Ki_17:16).

Baal worship also in Judah found entrance under Ahaz (2Ch_28:2-3), but was suppressed by Hezekiah (2Ki_18:4). Manasseh sought to bring Judah to the same state of Baal worship as Israel had been under Ahab (2Ki_21:3; compare Mic_6:16). Josiah made a thorough eradication of it (2Ki_23:4-14). A remnant of it and an effort to combine idolatry with Jehovah worship still in part survived until the final purgation of all tendency to idols was effected by the severe discipline of the Babylonian captivity (Zep_1:4-6). The Hebrew for “Sodomites” (1Ki_14:24; 1Ki_15:12; 1Ki_22:46; 2Ki_23:7) is qideshim, “those consecrated” to the vilest filthiness, which constituted part of the sacred worship! Flat roofs at Jerusalem were often used as altars (Jer_32:29).

“Standing images,” or possibly pillars or obelisks (matsebah) were his symbols (1Ki_14:23; 2Ki_18:4; 2Ki_23:14; Mic_5:13). “Sun images” (hammanim; Isa_17:8; Isa_27:9; 2Ch_34:4) “were on high above the altars” of Baal (Jer_43:13); “the images of Bethshemesh,” literally “the pillars (obelisks) of the house of the sun.” At Tyre one title was Malqereth “King of the city.” In a Maltese inscription, Melkart, lord of Tyre, is identified with “Hercules, the prince leader” of the Greeks; from melek “king,” and qereth “of the city.” Tyre’s colonies (Carthage, etc.) honored Melkart, the god of the mother city; the name appears in Hamilcar. An inscription at Palmyra names him Baal Shemesh, owner of the sun. Philo says his title among the Phoenicians was Beelsamen (shamain), “owner of the heavens.”

Plautus also in his Poenulus calls him Bal-samen. Contrast Melchizedek’s title for Jehovah, “Possessor Qoneh; not Baal of heaven and earth” (Gen_14:19). High places were chosen for Baal worship, and human victims were sometimes offered as burnt offerings (Jer_19:5). The worshippers wore peculiar vestments (2Ki_10:22). They gashed themselves with knives at times to move his pity (1Ki_18:26-28). The name appears in Asdrubal (“help of Baal”), Hannibal (“grace of Baal”), Adherbaal, Ethbaal. His generating, vivifying power is symbolized by the sun (2Ki_23:5), as Ashtoreth is by the moon, Venus, and the heavenly hosts.


                                  EASTON’S BIBLE DICTIONARY



(1.) The name appropriated to the principal male god of the Phoenicians. It is found in several places in the plural BAALIM (Jdg_2:11; Jdg_10:10; 1Ki_18:18; Jer_2:23; Hos_2:17). Baal is identified with Molech (Jer_19:5). It was known to the Israelites as Baal-peor (Num_25:3; Deu_4:3), was worshipped till the time of Samuel (1Sa_7:4), and was afterwards the religion of the ten tribes in the time of Ahab (1Ki_16:31-33; 1Ki_18:19, 1Ki_18:22). It prevailed also for a time in the kingdom of Judah (2Ki_8:27; compare 2Ki_11:18; 2Ki_16:3; 2Ch_28:2). till finally put an end to by the severe discipline of the Captivity (Zep_1:4-6). The priests of Baal were in great numbers (1Ki_18:19), and of various classes (2Ki_10:19). Their mode of offering sacrifices is described in 1Ki_18:25-29. The sun-god, under the general title of Baal, or “lord,” was the chief object of worship of the Canaanites. Each locality had its special Baal, and the various local Baals were summed up under the name of Baalim, or “lords.” Each Baal had a wife, who was a colourless reflection of himself.

(2.) A Benjamite, son of Jehiel, the progenitor of the Gibeonites (1Ch_8:30; 1Ch_9:36).

(3.) The name of a place inhabited by the Simeonites, the same probably as Baal-ath-beer (1Ch_4:33; Jos_19:8).




1.                     Yah’ushua  vs  Yahu’shua =shua as Vain.

Yes  SHUA  H7723 & 7722 “Shav”Shawu”Shau” in Ex.20:7, Vain”means a bad word, but has several different meanings not just here Like Lev.26:16 Vain=H7385 REEK. Deut.32:47=Vain H7386 Rake rake, 

1 Sam.12:21 Vain=8414 Tohu,  1 Sam.25:21

Vain=H8267=Sheqer… and there is much much more. But look at the first one H7723 & 7722=Shawu does that look like shua,

It Has the almost the same Phonetic sound but these are Latin letters creating Hebrew Phonetic sounds there not the same.

Also she leaves out the fact that the Name of our Messiah is Ye^h’ushua found in Num.13:16=Mosheh changed Hoshea Oshea

H1954 & 3442=Salvation by Kinsmen redeemer) to Ye^hushua Yahushua adding the H3068 root of 3467 Yahuwah Yahuah

to the short sound H3050 YaHH like Hallelu’ YaH in front of Hoshea’s name which turns the Hebrew name now to # H3091=

Yah’ushua the Phonetic break down is Ye^h’ ushua” Not Yahu-shua; they never show this one letter moved the wrong way, this

changes the meaning and sound of each part of a word in Hebrew Yibri’e like so many new believers say Tor’ah but it is To’ raH

The Phonetic sound changes some never shows this. In Strongs Hebrew Greek concordance the H3091 is (yeh-ho-shoo-ah )

some never shows this either, same name as mentioned in my teaching of this on Youtube =His name is Yahushua=

Zechariah 3:1, 3, 6, 8, 9, Haggai 1:1, 14, all these verses are in my video.  We have spotted some afro-american  groups

going around arguing with others to prove their point of view and condemning others if they don’t believe their way only, which

is wrong even if someone did use “Yahusha” as their savior we don’t condemn them because there is places where it’s spelled

this way and  Yah’usha which means Yahuwah’s Salvation.  But in Luke 1:31, 2:21= His name Iesus #2424 is linked

to Hebrew #h3091 the same as Num.13:16, where Mosheh changed lengthened Hoshea name to Yahushua, so We must walk in His Shem=

Name which is His Character of his love, And this spirit on these people judging others are not walking in His love. I believe this will help.


2   Power Points:  

A.  Doc37 gift & Fruit of the Ruach Ha Qodesh

B. Origins of God,gott, goud,

CName True Ha Shem,Power Point – Copy

D.Replacement Theology Corrections

E. Yah’ushua vs Yahu’shua






  1. טייס ג'לה

    טייס ג’לה:

    Very Interesting …..

    Satan’s Name Is “God” – Part 1 of 2
    Alan shows how we know that satan’s name is “God” … the short form of “God-ree-*ale*.” Be sure to watch PART TWO of this study, here:

    Jackson Snyder: You find that g-d is the name of the Ammonite deity that got Israel kicked out of the land in Isaiah 65:11 Hebrew. n What you been doing, טייס ג’לה

    Barbara Rae: New International Version * Isa 65:11 ~
    “But as for you who forsake the LORD and forget my holy mountain, who spread a table for FORTUNE and fill bowls of mixed wine for Destiny, (Look into the Name ‘Fortune’ = God )

    טייס ג’לה:

    Shalom Jackson Snyder! This is interesting too ……Worshippers believe the animal sacrifice, meant to appease Gadhimai, the Hindu goddess of power, brings them luck and prosperity……Interesting their goddess of power, luck and prosperity they call “Gadhimai” is similar in name and meaning of “Gawd” of luck / fortune mentioned @ ISAIAH 65:11-12
    Imágenes estremecedoras: Sacrificio masivo de animales en honor a una diosa en Nepal

    Jackson Snyder: Got to be a connection there!

    Jackson Snyder: God and Money: Gad & Meni.

    Richard Radavich: The name is Hebrew – Gadar El. It means “wall of god”

  2. Sheree Phillips

    Names of Pagan gods that have been incorporated into religion against the word of the Creator

    Holy – from “Halo” derived from “Helios” – Greek god of the Sun. Qodesh means set apart no religious aspect to it

    Glory – from Latin “Gloria” A halo or nimbus (more sun worship) awesome is the word

    Faith – from Latin “Fides” – Roman godess of faith and loyalty. Yahowah asks us to be reliant In opposition to faith and belief, Yahowah wants to be acknowledged for who He actually is, to be understood, to be trusted, and to be relied upon. This is the reason He encourages us to closely and carefully observe His Torah. It is why He revealed it, and why He filled it with prophetic proclamations.

    Grace – Greek godess of beauty, “Gratia” worshipped by Romans. No such concept in Yahowah’s Words other than Mercy in the Towrah

    Amen – from Amen-Ra – Egyptian creator god. Hebrew pronunciation is Amein (That which is trustworthy) pronounced Awe Mane

    Gospel of Grace is pagan. It is literally “Gott’s spell of Gratia.” ( regardless of whet you Pauilett’s claim) there are witness writings that prove the Towrah no “Gospel”

    Sacred – “Sacrum” (Latin) which referred to the gods or anything in their power. No such thing anywhere in scripture.

    Hymn – “Hymenaios” – Greek god of marriage ceremonies. Yahowah calls them (Mizmowr / Song /Psalm
    Divine/Divinity – “Dyaus” – Vedic religion: sky father. Derived from Latin – Deus (Godlike). no such thing in Scripture

    Hell – “Hel” – Norse goddess of the underworld.There is a place called the abyss and waiting place called sheol . Neither are full of flames and fire.

    Jesus – from Hesus the Druid Savior from the stonehenge sun cult. Yahoshah meaning Yahowah Saves which defines both Him and His mission is the Name we find exactly 77 times in the Hebrew Tankh.

    Lord – Ba’al’s monoiker . Yahowah is the Creators Name and He has no interest in lording over us .

    Jevovah – Hovah means bringer of ruin

    Bible –
    Turns out, sadly, that biblos is from Biblia, of the name of the Canaanite sun goddess. The Phoenician town known for weaving papyrus into scrolls was named in her honor. I am certain that we have offended Yahowah by attributing His Scripture to a sun goddess. Yahowah’s Words and in Daniel the term Scripture or Scripts is used not bible.
    Yahowah calls them His Words or Scripture.

    Adoni – from the sun god adonis yet another lord.

    “Do not bring to mind (zakar – remember or recall, mention or memorialize) the name of other (‘acher – or different) gods (‘elohym); neither let them be heard coming out of your mouth.” (Exodus 23:13)

    “Surely the person who proclaims a message on behalf of a deity who oversteps their bounds to speak words in My name which I have not instructed nor directed him to speak , and who speaks in the name of other gods (‘elohym), indeed then that prophet shall die .” (Deuteronomy 18:20)

    Christ :The Greeks used both the word Messias (a transliteration) and Christos (a translation) for the Hebrew Mashiach (Anointed). The word Christos was far more acceptable to the pagans who were worshiping Chreston and Chrestos. According to The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, the word Christos was easily confused with the common Greek proper name Chrestos, meaning “good.” According to a French theological dictionary, it is absolutely beyond doubt that Christus and Chrestus, and Christiani and Chrestiani were used indifferently by the profane and Christian authors of the first two centuries A.D. The word Christianos is a Latinism, being contributed neither by the Jews nor by the Christians themselves. The word was introduced from one of three origins: the Roman police, the Roman populace, or an unspecified pagan origin. Its infrequent use in the New Testament suggests a pagan origin.

    According to Realencyclopaedie, the inscription Chrestos is to be seen on a Mithras relief in the Vatican. According to Christianity and Mythology, Osiris, the sun-deity of Egypt, was reverenced as Chrestos. In the Synagogue of the Marcionites on Mount Hermon, built in the third century A.D., the Messiah’s title is spelled Chrestos. According to Tertullian and Lactantius, the common people usually called Christ Chrestos.
    The Term Mesayah is what Yahowah uses and it means the one that does the work of Yahowah.

    Psalm 16:4″The sorrows of those who run after another one are increased; I would not pour out their drink offerings of blood, Nor take up their names on my lips.”

    Bible: The term “Scripture (or Scriptures)” is used once in the Book of Daniel and fifty-four times in the New Testament. It refers to the whole book, which is commonly known as “the Bible.” The parts of The Scripture, or individual books, are called “books” or “scrolls,” which are biblos or biblion in Greek. These words do not refer to the complete writ, The Scriptures.The word “Bible” for The Scriptures was first used about A.D. 400. The papyrus, on which all documents were written, was imported from Egypt through the Phoenician seaport Gebal, which the Greeks called Byblos or Byblus. This seaport was the home of the Phoenician Sun-deity. This city was founded by Baal Chronos and was the seat of Adonis and once contained a large temple of Adonis. The sun-god was associated with the “Lady of Biblos.” Both the city of Byblos in Phoenicia and the city Byblis in Egypt were named after the female deity Byblis (also called Byble or Biblis). This deity was the grand-daughter of Apollo, the Greek sun-deity. Byblia was also a name for Venus, an astral goddess and a goddess of sensuality among the ancient Greeks.

    Again Yahowah calls thenm His Words . Yahowah did not intend for us to divide His “teaching and guidance” into chapters and verses, nor for us to take snippets of His “instructions and directions” out of context. So we will do as He asked and “shamar – be methodical and thorough in our observations, closely examining and carefully considering” the guidance Yahowah has thoughtfully, lovingly, and mercifully provided in His Towrah

    Church : . Dictionaries give the origin of “church” as the Anglo-Saxon root, circe. Circe was the goddess-daughter of Helios, the sun-deity. The word circe is related to “circus,” “circle,” “circuit,” and “circulate.” Circe was originally a Greek goddess whose name was written and pronounced as Kirke. The word “church” is known in Scotland as kirk, in Germany as Kirche, and in Netherlands as kerk . There is nothing in Yahowah’s words that support anything lie a church .

    We can join the family.
    The Word Ekklesia which is what church replaced is the Greek equal to Mowed Miqra or the 7 appointments with Yahowah we are all to keep . They start with Pesach or Passover and end with us all camping out with Yahowah at Sukah . Just Yahowah and no religion .

    I do not think there is any magic here . The reason Yahowah leads us away from pagan names and words is because he is leading us away from religion (satan’s counterfeit ) and toward relationship . Since He established a family covenant and men working with dark forces established religions I think this is fair to say . Let’s face it you cannot talk to a religious teacher or initiate for more than a couple minutes without hearing them break Torah 2 or three times .

  3. Rene Auret

    Most claim Faith and ‘Grace” when referring to their salvation .

    The Graces were associated with the underworld and with the Eleusinian Mysteries. Their naked form stands at the entrance of the Acropolis in Athens. Naked frescoes of the Charitesadorn homes in Pompeii, Italy which means that they transcended the Greek religion and influenced Rome where they became known as the Gratia. Their appeal, beyond their beauty, gaiety, and sensual form, is that they held mysteries known only to religious initiates. Francis Bacon, as the founder of the Rosicrucians, would have loved them.

    Faith – from Latin “Fides” – Roman godess of faith and loyalty !

    “Do not bring to mind (zakar – remember or recall, mention or memorialize) the name of other (‘acher – or different) elohym neither let them be heard coming out of your mouth.” (Exodus 23:13)

    The truth is being reliant is the key and giving the credit to Yahowah .

    “Permit me (natan — grant to and bestow upon me) neither (‘al) poverty (reysh — the state where I lack what is needed to sustain life) nor wealth (‘osher — riches in abundance). Break bread (tarap lehem)for me as clearly communicated and prescribed (choq — as shared and allotted, stated and ordained) lest I be self-sufficient (saba’ — satisfied and surfeited, be self-reliant, considering my needs met to the point of indulgence) and be deemed insufficient by You (kachash — be found disappointing and deceived, be disowned for having only deceptively feigned a relationship with You and having faked my reliance on You, causing me to cower in fear, prostration, and submission as the result of a failed and deceitful dogma).” (Proverbs 30:8)

    So by claiming Faith and Grace what you have literally done is given credit to two Pagan godesses and left the creator out of the picture and for that I am sure you can thank religion and it’s twisted teachings. Babylon was the most religious place on the planet and Yahowah walked Abraham out of there .

    Holy comes from the sun god Heious.

    “Surely the person who proclaims a message on behalf of a deity who oversteps their bounds to speak words in My name which I have not instructed nor directed him to speak , and who speaks in the name of other gods (‘elohym), indeed then that prophet is deadly .” (Deuteronomy 18:20)

  4. Jackson Snyder

    Where did the word “GOD” originate?
    used by permission of the author

    {This is the most comprehensive yet abbreviated essay on the subject I’ve found. –jhs}

    The English word for “God” has become a source of confusion for Christians since at least the Anglo-Saxon era. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary says that the origin of the word ‘god’ comes from a Germanic word ‘gad,’ pronounced as “gohdt.”

    The following information on the origin of the word ‘god’ will help to understand why we use it in our vernacular.

    GOD – The English word God is identical with the Anglo-Saxon word for “good,” and therefore it is believed that the name God refers to the divine goodness. (See Oehler’s Theol. of Old Test.; Strong’s and Young’s concordances.) (From New Unger’s Bible Dictionary) (Originally published by Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright (C) 1988.)

    Further information on the source of our word for ‘God’ is listed below:

    Word origin: God – Our word god goes back via Germanic to Indo-European, in which a corresponding ancestor form meant “invoked one.” The word’s only surviving non-Germanic relative is Sanskrit hu, invoke the gods, a form which appears in the Rig Veda, most ancient of Hindu scriptures: puru-hutas, “much invoked,” epithet of the rain-and-thunder god Indra. (From READER’S DIGEST, Family Word Finder, page 351) (Originally published by The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville New York, Montreal; Copyright (C) 1975)

    Now if the sources noted above are accurate, then the word that we use for the Supreme Being, God, comes from a very pagan origin. Thus the word god is used generically by many different religions to refer to their deity or “invoked one.”

    Some may laugh at the notion, the very idea that the word “God” has any origin or association with Hindu Sanskrit. To illustrate how this is possible, we again quote from ‘Family Word Finder’ on the historical development of our Modern English language:

    Page 7, ‘Word Origins’ – “English belongs to the Indo-European family of languages, which consists of about 100 related tongues, all descended from prehistoric language of a pastoral, bronze working, horse breeding people, the Aryans, who inhabited the steppes of Central Asia about 4500 B.C. Scholars refer to their language at this stage as proto-Indo-European, or simply Indo-European.

    Over the next 3,000 years or so, the community of Indo-European speakers splintered off, to Iran and India (where their idiom developed into the sister languages, Old Persian and Sanskrit) and elsewhere in many other directions, mainly westward.

    The farther a field they ranged, the farther their ancestral manner of speaking the diverged. The old national name, Aryan (meaning “noble”), survived in both Persia and India and is in fact the source of the present day Iran.

    Within a few hundred years after the primeval Aryan community started breaking up, there were already several Indo-European languages where there had once been only one.

    Derivative idioms grew even farther apart, so that by the dawn of recorded history a dozen branches of the Indo-European language family overspread most of western Eurasia from the Himalayas to the Atlantic. The most important of these branches are:

    · Indo-Iranian (comprising-in Iran-Persian and-in India-Sanskrit, together with the derivative Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, and other languages including Romany, the language of the Gypsies)

    · Slavic (Russian, Polish, etc.)

    · Hellenic (Greek)

    · Italic (Latin and derivative Romance languages such as French and Italian)

    · Celtic (Gaelic, Welsh, Breton, etc.)

    · Germanic (English, Dutch, German, Yiddish, and the Scandinavian languages).

    To illustrate the family relationship of these languages, here are the words for mother and brother in languages belonging to the above-mentioned branches and also in the common ancestor tongue, Indo-European:

    English mother brother
    German mutter bruder
    Gaelic mathair braithair
    Latin mater frater
    Greek meter phrater
    Old Church Slavonic mati bratu
    Sanskrit matr bhratr
    Indo-European * mater- *bhrater

    Note: Indo-European forms are preceded by asterisks, indicating they are reconstructions – that is, these are educated guesses by scholars as to the word’s original form; also, because word endings are the least predictable, most changeable aspect of language, scholars place hyphens instead of conjectural ending at the end of each reconstructed Indo-European word.)

    Words (from the list above) like ‘mother’ and ‘brother’ have common ancestry, and it is customary to refer to them as cognates. Thus, English mother is cognate with Latin mater, although it does not derive directly from it. (diagram omitted)

    During the Roman occupation of Britain in the first four centuries of the Christian era, many Britons and Romans were bilingual, but as far as we know it never occurred to any of them that their respective languages were long-lost cousins.

    Still less, would it have occurred to them that the speech of the Jutes, Saxons, Angles, and Frisians (who were encamped on the North Sea from Jutland down to the mouth of the Rhine) might be kin? It was with the coming of these Germanic tribes, however, after the collapse of the Roman authority in A.D. 410, in which the history of our language really began.

    We now refer to their descendants as the Anglo-Saxons and to their language as Old English. They were eventually to give Britain a new name: England, “Land of the Angles.”

    The Anglo-Saxon era lasted 500 years. During the second half of the period (from A.D. 800 onward), successive waves of Viking invaders took over much of England, reaching the height of their influence with the reign of Canute the Great (994-1035), king of England, Denmark, and Norway. Though the Viking invaders eventually integrated with their Anglo-Saxon cousins, these Norse-speaking newcomers left a broad and indelible mark on our vocabulary.

    The language of 10th-century England is as far removed from us today as the dragon ships of the Vikings. To read Old English with comprehension, we must study it like a foreign language. Here, for example, are the opening verses of the Lord’s Prayer as recited by Englishmen in the year 1000:

    Old English Modern English (King James)
    Faeder ure, Our Father
    Thu the eart on heofonum, which art in heaven,
    Si thin Nama gehalgod. Hallowed be thy name.
    Tobecume thin rice. Thy kingdom come.
    Gewurthe thin willa on eorthan Thy will be done in earth,
    Swa swa on heofonum… as it is in heaven…

    The Norman Conquest brought the old English period to an abrupt close. Expropriating the English nobility in a series of bloodbaths following his coronation in London on Christmas Day, 1066, William the Conqueror installed a new ruling class.

    Overnight, French became the language of state business; it was to remain so for several hundred years. At the same time, William promoted marriages between Normans and English – a farsighted policy that led, in the long run, not only to a national reconciliation, but also was richly blended with imported French word-stock.

    We call this language Middle English, and in it we can recognize the immediate ancestor of Modern English. Emerging during the 12th and 13th centuries, Middle English became a polished literary language during the 14th century.

    The dialect of the east Midlands around London was closer to Modern English than any of the other dialects of England. In 1476 the printer William Caxton used this dialect when he set up shop at Westminster and printed The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers, the first book ever to be published in England.

    In this, as in many subsequent enormously influential translations from the classics, Caxton used the current speech of London and thus helped establish its predominant status. By the reign of Henry VIII, nearly one generation later, London English was becoming a national standard.

    A contemporary style manual advises the writer: “Ye shall therefore take the usual speech of the Court and that of London, and the shires lying about London within 60 miles, and not much above.” The language of this admonition is a bit old-fashioned, but it is Modern English nonetheless.

    While London town and London English were growing by leaps and bounds, Humanism, the revival of Classical learning, was becoming a major movement in England as elsewhere in Europe. During the 16th century, Humanists introduced Greek and Latin words into the language by the thousands.

    A large number of these words survived and now belong to our classic vocabulary. Shakespeare’s works and the King James Bible, contemporary with the first English settlements in America, provided a modern standard on both sides of the Atlantic.

    (From READER’S DIGEST, Family Word Finder, pages 7-10) (Originally published by The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville New York, Montreal; Copyright (C) 1975)


    Since our English language has it’s origin from Indo-European influence, our understanding of the meaning of the word for “God” (from the Biblical Hebrew and Greek languages) is obviously different.

    When the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) was translated in A.D. 1611, the translators used the words common to European people. Instead of translating a word properly, by using the Hebrew or Greek meaning, the translators replaced the true meaning of the Scriptural words with words common to their London English vernacular.

    For example, we will first examine the words, LORD, Lord, and lord. By providing the true meaning of the use of these words, it is easy to see how the early Bible translations were in error:

    LORD – LORD. The rendering of several Hebrew and Greek words, which have different meanings:

    1. LORD; GOD = Jehovah (Yahweh; Hebrew YHWH, third person singular noun from the root word, “ehyeh” meaning literally, “self-existent”). This is used as a proper name of God and should have been retained in that form by the translators. The LORD (Yahweh) should read in the KJV and other versions as, “He is” or “He exists”.

    2. Lord or lord = (Hebrew ‘Adon’), an early word denoting ownership; hence, absolute control. It is not properly a divine title, being used of the owner of slaves (Genesis 24:14,27; 39:2,7, rendered “master”), of kings, such as the lords of their subjects (Isaiah 26:13, “master”), of a husband as lord of the wife (Genesis 18:12). It is applied to God as the owner and governor of the whole earth . It is sometimes used as a term of respect (like our sir) but with a pronoun attached (“my lord”). It often occurs in the plural.

    3. Lord = Adonai (Hebrew ‘adonay’), emphatic, “the Lord”; many regard it as the plural of number two (above; Adon). It is used chiefly in the Pentateuch– always where God is submissively and reverently addressed (Exodus 4:10,13; Joshua 7:8) and also when God is spoken of (1 Kings 13:9; 22:6). The Jews, out of a superstitious reverence for the name Jehovah, always pronounce “Adonai” where “Yahweh” is written. The similar form, with the suffix, is also used of men, as of Potiphar (Genesis 39:2, “master”) and of Joseph (Genesis 42:30, 33).

    4. Lord, Master = (Greek ‘kurios,’ meaning, “supreme”); referencing he to whom a person or thing belongs, the master, the one having disposition of men or property, as the “owner of the vineyard” (Matthew 20:8; 21:40; Mark 12:9; Luke 20:15); the “Lord of the harvest” (Matthew 9:38; Luke 10:2); the “master of the house” (Mark 13:35); “Lord of the Sabbath” (Matthew 12:8; Mark 2:28; Luke 6:5), as having the power to determine what is suitable to the Sabbath, and of releasing himself and others from its obligation.

    The term is also a title of honor sometimes rendered “sir” and is expressive of the respect and reverence with which servants salute their master (Matthew 13:27; Luke 13:8; 14:22); employed by a son in addressing his father (Matthew 21:29); by citizens toward magistrates (Matthew 27:63); by anyone wishing to honor a man of distinction (Matthew 8:2,6,8; 15:27; Mark 7:28; Luke 5:12); by the disciples in saluting Jesus, their teacher and master (Matthew 8:25; 16:22; Luke 9:54; John 11:12). This title is given to God, the ruler of the universe, both with the article ‘ho kurios’ (Matthew 1:22; 5:33; Mark 5:19; Acts 7:33; 2 Timothy 1:16,18) and without the article (Matthew 21:9; 27:10; Mark 13:20; Luke 2:9,23, 26; Hebrews 7:21). The title is also applied to Jesus as the Messiah, since by His death He acquired a special ownership of mankind and after His resurrection was exalted by a partnership in the divine administration (Acts 10:36; Romans 14:8; 1 Corinthians 7:22; 8:6; Philippians 2:9-11).

    5. Master, master, lord = Baal (Heb. ba`al, “master”), applied only to heathen deities, or to the man as husband, and so on, or to one especially skilled in a trade or profession. See Baal.

    6. Other and less important words in the original are rendered “Lord,” such as mare’, “master” (Acts 2:47), an official title, and seren, a Philistine term found in Joshua, Judges, and 1 Samuel, where “the lords of the Philistines” are mentioned.

    *Bibliography: E. Lohmeyer, Kyrios Christos (1928); W. Bousset, Kyrios Christos (1935). (From New Unger’s Bible Dictionary) (originally published by Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright (C) 1988.)

    According to New Unger’s Bible Dictionary, the word, “LORD” seen in the OT is “Yahweh.” Unger’s says of the word Yahweh:

    This is used as a proper name of God and should have been retained in that form by the translators.” Since we know that most translators have mistranslated the name of the Almighty, by calling Him, “LORD,” instead of, “Yahweh,” we will now research the word “God.” Perhaps there are similar translator errors here as well.:


    1. “El” – The primary Hebrew word for ‘God’ is the word “El.” By using Strong’s Definition, we can quickly ascertain the meaning of both the Hebrew and Greek words for “God”:

    · 410 ‘el (ale); shortened from 352; strength; as adjective, mighty; especially the Almighty (but used also of any deity): KJV– God (god), X goodly, X great, idol, mighty one), power, strong. Compare names in “-el.”

    · 352 ‘ayil (ah’-yil); from the same as 193; properly, strength; hence, anything strong; specifically a chief (politically); also a ram (from his strength); a pilaster (as a strong support); an oak or other strong tree: KJV– mighty (man), lintel, oak, post, ram, tree.

    · 193 ‘uwl (ool); from an unused root meaning to twist, i.e. (by implication) be strong; the body (as being rolled together); also powerful: KJV– mighty, strength.


    “El” = GOD or god (‘el 410). This term was the most common general designation of deity in the ancient Near East. While it frequently occurred alone, ‘el’ was also combined with other words to constitute a compound term for deity, or to identify the nature and functions of the “god” in some manner. Thus the expression “God, the God of Israel” (Genesis 33:20) identified the specific activities of Israel’s God.

    In the ancient world, knowledge of a person’s name was believed to give one power over that person. Knowledge of the character and attributes of pagan “gods” was thought to enable the worshipers to manipulate or influence the deities in a more effective way than they could have if the deity’s name remained unknown.

    To that extent, the vagueness of the term ‘el’ frustrated persons who hoped to obtain some sort of power over the deity, since the name gave little or no indication of the god’s character. This was particularly true for El, the chief Canaanite god.

    The ancient Semites stood in mortal dread of the superior powers exercised by the gods and attempted to propitiate them accordingly. They commonly associated deity with the manifestation and use of enormous power. Hence the common meaning of the word for God (el) simply meant, “strength” or “strong.”

    The concept of a deities’ strength or might is reflected in the curious Hebrew phrase, “the power (‘el’) of my hand” (Genesis 31:29), KJV; RSV, “It is in my power”; cf. (Deuteronomy 28:32).

    Some Hebrew phrases in the Psalms associated ‘el’ with impressive natural features, such as the cedar trees of Lebanon (Psalms 80:10) or mountains (Psalms 36:6). In these instances, ‘el’ conveys a clear impression of grandeur or majesty.

    Names with ‘el’ as one of their components were common in the Near East in the second millennium B. C. The names Methusael in Genesis 4:18 and Ishmael Genesis 16:11 come from a very early period.

    In the Mosaic period, ‘el’ was synonymous with the Lord who delivered the Israelites from bondage in Egypt and made them victorious in battle (Read Numbers 24:8). This tradition of the Hebrew ‘el’ as a “God” who revealed Himself in power and entered into a covenant relationship with His people was prominent in both poetry (Psalms 7:11; 85:8) and prophecy (Isaiah 43:12; 46:9).

    The name of ‘el’ was commonly used by the Israelites to denote supernatural provision or power. This was both normal and legitimate, since the covenant between “God” and Israel assured an obedient and holy people that the creative forces of the universe would sustain and protect at all times. Equally, if they became disobedient and apostate, these same forces would punish them severely.

    (From Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words) (Copyright (C) 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers)


    This term was the most common general designation of deity in the ancient Near East.

    The word ‘el’ was also combined with other words to constitute a compound term for deity, or to identify the nature and functions of the “god” in some manner.

    Knowledge of the character and attributes of pagan “gods” was thought to enable the worshipers to manipulate or influence the deities in a more effective way than they could have if the deity’s name remained unknown. To that extent, the vagueness of the term ‘el’ frustrated persons who hoped to obtain some sort of power over the deity, since the name gave little or no indication of the god’s character.

    Names with ‘el’ as one of their components were common in the Near East in the second millennium B. C.

    In the Mosaic period, ‘el’ was synonymous with the Lord who delivered the Israelites from bondage in Egypt.

    This tradition of the Hebrew ‘el’ as a “God” who revealed Himself in power and entered into a covenant relationship with His people was prominent.

    The name of ‘el’ was commonly used by the Israelites to denote supernatural provision or power.


    1. ‘El’: In the group of Semitic languages, the most common word for Deity is El (‘el’), represented by the Babylonian ilu and the Arabic ‘Allah’. It is found throughout the Old Testament, but more often in Job and Psalms than in all the other books. It occurs seldom in the historical books, and not at all in Leviticus. The same variety of derivations is attributed to it as to ELOHIM, most probable of which is the Hebrew root word ‘ul’, meaning, “to be strong.” Brown, Driver, and Briggs, Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament interprets ‘ul’ as meaning “to be in front,” from which came ‘ayil’, “ram” the one in front of the flock, and ‘elah’, “the prominent.”


    2. “Elohim”: Strong’s Dictionary of the OT defines elohim as follows:

    · 430 ‘elohiym’ (el-o-heem’); plural of 433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative (superlative means ‘Most excellent’; of the Highest order; greatest; superior or Supreme; magnificent; pre-eminent; foremost; unsurpassed; unequaled): KJV– angels, X exceeding, God (gods)- dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.

    · 433 ‘elowahh (el-o’-ah; rarely (shortened) ‘eloahh’ (el-o’-ah); probably prolonged (emphatic) from 410; a deity or the Deity: KJV– God, god. See 430.

    · 410 ‘el (ale); shortened from 352; strength; as adjective, mighty; especially the Almighty (but used also of any deity): KJV– God (god), X goodly, X great, idol, might (-y one), power, strong. Compare names in “-el.”


    a) Gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God;
    b) Occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates;
    c) Sometimes as a superlative (*NOTE: The word ‘superlative’ means ‘Most excellent’; ‘of the Highest order’; ‘greatest’; ‘superior or Supreme’; ‘magnificent’; ‘pre-eminent’; ‘foremost’; ‘unsurpassed’; ‘unequaled’)
    d) The root words from which Elohim derives it’s origin indicate that Elohim can also have in it’s meaning the idea of “strength; as adjective, mighty; especially the Almighty (but used also of any deity).”

    The first form of the Divine name in the Bible is ‘Elohim’, ordinarily translated “God” (Genesis 1:1). Elohim for “God” is the most frequently used name in the Old Testament, as its equivalent Theos, is in the New Testament. Elohim occurs in Genesis alone approximately 200 times. Though a wide chasm exists between the languages of Greek and Hebrew, the basic definition for elohim and theos is nearly identical in use and meaning.

    The Hebrew Elohim is one of a group of kindred words, to which belong also ‘El’ and ‘Eloah.’ Its form is plural, but the construction is uniformly singular, i.e. it governs a singular verb or adjective, unless used of heathen divinities (Ps 96:5; 97:7) or earthly judges (magistrates; rulers; Psalms 82:1 “rulers”; Psalms 82:6 – the judges in Israel are called “gods”).

    It is characteristic of Hebrew that, by extension, elohim means magnitude and dignity. As a plural noun in use with singular verbs and pronouns, the word is distinctly singular in nature, but applied as a plural of majesty or multiplication of strength. That is, elohim is a plural word used to express greatness, and to magnify the basic meaning of its root word (el’ meaning strength) as the “strongest of the strong.”

    Elohim is also used of actual multiplicity and expressed literally by the plural (numeric). It is not reasonable, therefore, to assume that the plurality of form indicates primitive Semitic polytheism. On the contrary, historic Hebrew is unquestionably and uniformly monotheistic.


    The derivation of elohim is quite uncertain. Gesenius, Ewald and others find its origin in ‘ul’, meaning, “to be strong.” The Hebrew ‘ul’ is derived from ‘ayil’, meaning, “ram” and ‘elah,’ meaning, “terebinth.”

    Elohim is then an expanded plural form of ‘el’; others trace it to ‘alah,’ meaning, “to terrify.” The singular form is found in the infrequent Hebrew word ‘eloah,’ which occurs chiefly in poetical books.

    Brown, Driver, and Briggs, Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament inclines to the derivation being from ‘alah,’ meaning, “to be strong.” They contend ‘alah’ as the root of the three forms, ‘El’, ‘Eloah,’ and ‘Elohim,’ although admitting that the whole question is involved in uncertainty

    · NOTE: It is this author’s contention that the root word origin of ‘elowahh (‘alah’ meaning, “to be strong”) is the most likely source of the Arabic “Allah.” Allah is the name of the principle deity of the pagan religion of Islam. The heathen nations borrowed from the Semitic language to create names for their particular deities.

    The origin of the Hebrew word elohim must always lie in doubt, since the derivation is prehistoric, and the name, with its kindred words ‘El’ and ‘Eloah’, is common to Semitic languages and religions and beyond the range of Hebrew records.

    It is the reasonable conclusion that the meaning is “might” or “power”; that it is common to Semitic language; that the form is plural to express majesty or “all-mightiness,” and that it is a generic, rather than a specific personal, name for Deity, as is indicated by its application to those who represent the Deity (Judges 5:8; Psalms 82:1) or who are in His presence (1 Samuel 28:13).

    3. ‘Eloah’: The singular form of the preceding name, ‘Eloah’, is confined in its use almost exclusively to poetry, or to poetic expression, being characteristic of the Book of Job, occurring more often in that book than in all other parts of the Old Testament. It is, in fact, found in Job more often than the ordinary plural ‘Elohim’. For derivation and meaning see above under 1 (2). Compare also the Aramaic form, ‘elah’, found frequently in Ezra and Daniel.

    (From International Standard Bible Encylopaedia, Electronic Database Copyright (C) 1996 by Biblesoft)

    4. ‘Elah’ 426, “god.” This Aramaic word is the equivalent of the Hebrew ‘eloah.’ It is a general term for “God” in the Aramaic passages of the Old Testament, and it is a cognate form of the word ‘Allah’, the designation of deity used by the Arabs.

    Elah is used widely in the Book of Ezra, occurring no fewer than 43 times between Ezra 4:24 and 7:26. On each occasion, the reference is to the “God” of the Jewish people, whether the speaker or writer was himself Jewish or not. While the Persians were certainly not worshipers of the “God” of Israel, they accorded Him the dignity that befitted a “God of heaven” (Ezra 6:10). This was done partly through superstition; but the pluralistic nature of the newly won Persian empire also required them to honor the gods of conquered peoples, in the interests of peace and social harmony.

    In the only verse in the Book of Jeremiah that was written in Aramaic (Jeremiah10:11), the word ‘elah’ appears in plural form to describe “gods” that had not participated in the creation of the universe. Although such false “gods” were being worshiped by pagan nations (and perhaps worshiped by some of the Hebrews who were in exile in Babylonia), these deities would ultimately perish because they were not eternal in nature.

    In the Book of Daniel, ‘elah’ was used both of heathen “gods” and the one true “God” of heaven (Daniel 2:11). The Chaldeans referred to such “gods” when reporting that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to participate in idol worship on the plain of Dura (Daniel 3:12).

    Daniel enumerated the “gods” when he condemned Nebuchadnezzar’s neglect of the worship of Israel’s one true “God” (Daniel 5:23). In Daniel 3:25, the word ‘elah’ refers to a divine being or messenger sent to protect the three Hebrews (Daniel 3:28). In Daniel 4:8-9,18 and Daniel 5:11, the phrase “the spirit of the holy gods” appears (KJV, RSV, NEB, NIV). Elsewhere the references to ‘elah’ are to the living “God” whom Daniel worshiped.

    (From Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words) (Copyright (C) 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers)

    The word ‘elah’ is similar in it’s uses to the word “el.” Both of these words are used interchangeably for either the one true God, or to pagan deities (the pagan deities are really no gods at all! READ Galatians 4:8).

    Old Testament word summary

    The most common words used on the OT for God, are “elohim,” and “el.” Both Hebrew words indicate, “might, strength, most excellent’; of the highest order; greatest; superior or supreme; magnificent; pre-eminent; foremost; unsurpassed; unequaled.”

    Since the OT words used for the Supreme deity have the basic meaning of, “strength,” why did the King James and other English translators used the word “God” instead? The translators could have translated the word “elohim” as “the mighty One of mighty ones,” or “the Strongest One.”

    In like manner, Bible translators could have translated the Hebrew word “el” as “one with strength” or “the Strong one.” Rather than be true to the Hebrew meanings, for some unknown reason, the King James and subsequent translators have used the Anglo-Saxon word “God,” which means “the invoked one.”

    A Study on NT words for God

    The NT is much less complex in its use of words for “God.” The NT manuscripts are primarily in Greek, with the exception of some Aramaic. The King James Version and other Bible translators have blundered by using a generic word, “god” to refer to the Almighty.

    The problem with associating the Almighty with lesser deities is more than mere semantics. When God inspired both OT and NT writers to pen the inspired text of scripture, He knew the importance of word meanings.

    It is NOT BY ACCIDENT that God used the Hebrew word ‘elohim’ and the Greek word ‘theos’ as the primary word to describe himself. Elohim and theos are virtually identical in meaning, and to translate both words with an Indo-European bastard language is taking away from our understanding of Him as the strong one, or as our source of strength.

    The antiquity of the Semitic languages are more pure than Greek. The Hellenized Roman Empire had adopted the Greek pantheon of deities. Both Greek and Roman culture were polytheistic and they had numerous deities, but they used one basic root word to describe a deity in general. This word was theos or theotes, albeit the word was commonly applied to rulers (magistrates).

    Both Greek and Roman societies embodied secular leadership with their deities. Great men and women (those of high status and influence) were viewed as gods and goddesses. Platonic philosophy blended nicely with the anthropomorphism of pagan deities. Those whom they subjugated worshiped conquering kings. Sages were elevated to god status by virtue of the knowledge (gnosis) and were considered divine luminaries and part of the greater Demiurge.


    The Greek word Theós (2316) in the NT is translated as “God.” In the polytheism of the Greeks, Theós is denoted “a god or deity,” (e.g. Acts 14:11; 19:26; 28:6; 1 Corinthians 8:5; Galatians 4:8).

    In New Testament times, Jews apparently used “Theós,” and “Theós” was later retained by Christians to denote “the one true God.” In the Septuagint “Theós” translates (with few exceptions) into the Hebrew words Elohim and Yahweh; the former indicating His power and preeminence; the latter is clearly a translator error by those who worked on converting Hebrew into Greek.

    When the Septuagint, which is the Hebrew OT translated into Greek, was made, its translators were not true servants of Yahweh. Had they been, they would not have associated the Hebrew word Yahweh (YHWH meaning, “He is” or “He exists”) with the Greek word Theós, meaning “strength.”

    Yahweh is derived from ehyeh, meaning, “I am {He} who exists, or is.” Ehyeh comes from a root word hayah, meaning, “to be.” The Greek counterpart to ehyeh is eimi, meaning, “I exist.” The Greek equivalent to Yahweh is ésti, meaning, “he exists,” or “he is.”

    Yahweh is a third person noun meaning literally, “He is.” In the English Bible translations of the OT, where “GOD” is all capitalized letters, it is the Hebrew word “Yahweh.” After the Jews were deported from Babylon, they no loner used the word “Yahweh” because of superstitions that they would somehow be blaspheming the name to even utter it.

    Since most of the Roman Empire in NT times was Hellenized, the majority of Jews spoke Greek, and therefore referred to their supreme deity as “Theós.” Only a few scribes, Pharisees, lawyers, and Sadducees actually spoke and wrote fluent Hebrew. They would use “Elohim” or “El” to refer to the Supreme Deity, but no longer used Yahweh’s covenant name.

    To distinguish the one true God from pagan deities, the majority of Greek texts precede the noun Theós with the definite article “ho’ (meaning “the, this, that”). Of course, to simply say “the God” does not prove he is, in reality, the supreme deity. For example, in 2 Corinthians 4:4 the Greek text reads, “ho Theós” but refers to Satan, calling him, “…the god of this world.”

    However, if the Greek text “ho Theós” read, “the God of this people Israel” as in the context of Acts 13:17, it would clearly identify Him as the one and only true God. Also, if God’s attributes are used in connection with “ho Theós,” then this would also be a way to distinguish the true God from pagan deities in the NT. Some of His attribute are His monism, (Mark 12:29; 1 Timothy 2:5; self-existence, (John 5:26); unchallengeable, (James 1:17); eternal, (Romans 1:20); creative power, (Acts 17:26-28) and so on.

    Theós is used with the definite article and without (an anarthrous noun). The English may or may not have need of the article in translation. But that point cuts no figure in the Greek idiom. For example, in Acts 27:23 “the God (toú Theoú) whose I am,” the article toú points out the special God whose Paul is, and is to be preserved in English. In the very next verse (ho Theós) we in English do not need the article” (A. T. Robertson, Gram. of Greek, NT, p. 758).

    In the following titles God is described by certain of His attributes; the God of glory, Acts 7:2; of peace, Romans 15:33; 16:20; Philippians 4:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 13:20; of love and peace, 2 Corinthians 13:11; of patience and comfort, Romans 15:5; of all comfort, 2 Corinthians 1:3; of hope, Romans 15:13; of all grace, 1 Peter 5:10. These describe Him, not as in distinction from other persons, but as the source of all these blessings; hence the employment of the definite article. In such phrases as “the God of a person,” (e.g. – Matthew 22:32), the expression marks the relationship in which the person stands to God and God to him.

    The word “theós” is also used of divinely appointed judges in Israel, as representing God in His authority, as in John 10:34, quoted from Psalms 82:6, which indicates that God Himself sits in judgment on those whom He has appointed. Jesus refers to the leaders of the Jews, saying, “You are gods…”

    (From Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words) (Copyright (C) 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers)

    Theós is a genitive noun, and Theoú is the masculine noun. Originally the heathen used Theós and they thought the gods were makers and disposers (thetemres, placers) of all things. The ancient Greeks used the word both in the singular and the plural.

    When they used the plural form of Theós, they intimated their belief that elements had their own “disposer” or “placer,” (e.g., the god of money called mammon; read Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:9, 13).

    The heavens were the grand objects of divine worship throughout the heathen world as is apparent from the names attributed to the gods by the ancient Greeks. The Scriptures also attest to this (Acts 7:42, 43; Deut. 4:19; 17:3; 2 Kings 17:16; 23:4, 5; Job 31:26, 27; Jeremiah 8:2; 19:13; Zephaniah 1:5).

    The gods the Greeks worshiped were the various aspects of created nature, especially the heavens, or some demons or intelligences they supposed resided in them. For instance, Orpheus, a legendary poet and musician of ancient Thrace, noted for charming animate and inanimate objects with his lyre, called most gods of the Greeks demons.

    The Septuagint constantly translated the Hebrew plural name Elohim, when used for the true God, by the singular Theós, “God”, never by the plural “theoi”, meaning “gods.” The primary reason for this is that the Hebrew word “elohim” is a plural of majesty, but the noun itself is singular. Plural of majesty emphasizes the greatness of the noun elohim. Therefore the Hebrew word “elohim” would mean, “Mighty one of mighty ones.”

    Greek idolatry was the prevailing superstition, especially in Egypt under the Ptolemy. Their gods were regarded as demons, that is, intelligent beings totally separate and distinct from each other. If the translators rendered the name of the true God by the plural “theoi”, they would have given the heathen under Greek culture an idea of a polytheistic God, inconsistent with the numerous scriptures in the OT and NT that state “God is One.” The following scriptures are examples:

    · Mark 12:29 Jesus answered, “The foremost is, ‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord. (NAS)

    · James 2:19 You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder. (NAS)

    · Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! (NAS)

    Theós is applied personally to the Father as the one true “God.” (John 4:23-24; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Philippians 2:6)

    The word “theós” also denotes the heathen gods or idols (Acts 14:11; 1 Cor. 8:5); magistrates (John 10:34, 35); by false application to Satan (2 Corinthians 4:4); to the belly which some people make their god or in which they place their supreme happiness (Philippians 3:19).
    Summary of NT word “theos”

    The Greek word “Theós” simply refers to “deity.” In most cases the word is used for the one true God. Theós is the Greek counterpart to the Hebrew word “el” or “elohim,” and both Hebrew and Greek words have comparable meanings.

    Today, our word ‘theology’ (meaning the study of God) comes from “theoó,” the root word of “theos.” It would be difficult to call the Almighty, “the Deity,” particularly in our culture. People will most likely always call the Creator by the term “God,” even though this word is in no manner associated with scripture.

    At the very least, earnest Christians with a reverence for the scriptures would begin to refer to God as,”the Almighty,” or “the Mighty One,” or “my Strength.” These words denote His true nature and characteristics, whereas the generic word, “God” tells us nothing about the One we love and serve.

    It is my prayer that Christians from all walks of life study the scripture, in order that they may know their Creator more intimately and with more knowledge. The King James translators used a pagan Anglo-Saxon word “god” from the Germanic “gad.” No one has ever really challenged this widespread use of this Indo-European word.

    The King James translators made the same erroneous translation of the covenant name of the Almighty. They changed the name “Yahweh”, which means, “He is,” to the Anglo-Saxon word, “LORD.” Why? They cared less about the truth of scripture than orthodoxy, and they decide to conform and relate to their manmade tradition. It was too much work, too big a leap of faith, and too unorthodox to step outside of their paradigms and comfort zone.

    It might seem strange at first to speak of the Almighty, addressing His covenant name, and saying, “I love the one Who is,” instead of saying, “I love the LORD.” But one could at least acknowledge Him as, “The One who is, and was, and always will be….”

    Maybe by adding His attributes to the meaning of the name Yahweh, one would pray in this manner, “The One WHO IS my strength, I call upon You for help.” This study is not intended to make a person more technical in their relationship with Almighty, but to let their hearts and minds understand who He is in their life more clearly.

    Instead of calling Him “LORD God” (Yahweh Elohim), we would call him, “He is the strongest one.”

    Instead of calling Him “LORD God” (Yahweh El) we would address Him as, “He is strength” or “He is MY strength” or “He is the strong one” or “He is MY strong one.”

    May the One who is, the One that exists as all you need Him to be, give you’re a spirit of wisdom and knowledge and revelation that you may understand His purpose and will for your life.


  5. Gideon Omwenga

    Baal = lord or LORD or master and that Baal is none other than
    Satan himself?! But coupled with Satan’s title of Baal which
    equals lord, or Lord, or LORD, or master is the word Gad. Gad
    meant Fortune or that troop. Could the old saying about a
    person selling their soul to Satan have any bearing here? Satan
    will give you a fortune for your soul, but once you have sold it to him, he will usually double cross you and take your life (soul)
    away! How many troops of lost souls does Satan have through
    his deceptions?!
    Notice how the Masorites vowel pointed the word Gad in
    Hebrew in 1409 like this: גָד: When pointed like this, the word is pronounced Gawd or God or god in Hebrew. Now if we
    translate Baal Gad into English what does it become? Does it
    not become LORD GOD? Or lord god? Or Lord God? The
    capitalization doesn’t change the sound of the word in any way
    and even so the fact is Baal Gad is the Lord God who is Lord
    Satan or Master Satan! For YHWH they have substituted Baal, the Babylonian deity,
    and Adonay, the Canaanite deity of the Phoenicians, both
    corresponding to the English word Lord.
    The characteristic appellation of the Most High, Elohim, has
    been substituted by the Assyrian deity Gawd, or God in
    English, and is repudiated by YHWH in Isaiah 65:11 which reads as follows, “But ye are they that forsake YHWH, that
    forget My set-apart mountain, and furnish a table for God, and
    furnish a drink offering to Meni”. No wonder the people of
    Scotland and some parts of northern England celebrate their
    Hogmanay, which in Hebrew means the feast of the god Meni,
    on New Year’s Eve with a fellowship drink for good luck! Isaiah truly expresses what YHWH thinks of Christian
    Isaiah 65:11 – But ye are they that forsake YHWH, that forget
    my set-apart mountain, that prepare a table for that troop,
    and that furnish the drink offering unto that number.
    The substitution of the Names of YHWH and Yahushua by the names of the pagan deities of the nations has brought
    immeasurable harm. Such names as Lord, God, Jesus, and
    Christ in no way represent the meaning of the Name revealed
    by the Most High to Moses and the ancient Hebrew leaders. By
    employing these names the people unknowingly turn the
    worship of YHWH into that of idols and actually ascribe the benevolent characteristics of the Mighty One of Israel to the pagan deities (Hosea 2:8).
    The set apart name of the Creator, YHWH or its short form, YH
    (Yah), is the one and only Name by which He is known in the
    entire Scriptures.
    “That men may know that Thou, whose Name alone is YHWH,
    art the Most High over all the earth”. Psalm 83:18 While YHWH has many titles such as Eloah, El-Elyon, and
    Elohim, and while He is characterized as YHWH nissi, YHWH
    rapha, YHWH ra-ah, YHWH tsidkenu, YHWH shalom, YHWH
    sabaoth, and YHWH yireh, the Name in each case is YHWH,
    coupled with a distinctive characteristic. The Scriptures are specific and leave no doubt about the importance of His Name
    and our responsibilitie s concerning it. “I am YHWH, that is My Name, and My glory will I not give to
    another (name) neither My praise to graven images.” Isaiah
    “Oh YHWH, Thy Name abideth for ages; Oh YHWH, Thy
    memorial is to generation after generation.” Psalm 135:13
    “If YHWH be Elohim, follow Him; And if Baal (the Lord) then follow Him.” 1Kings 18:21 (Hebrew: Baal = Lord)
    “How long shall it be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy
    lies? Yea they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart,
    which think to cause My people to forget My Name – as their
    fathers have forgotten My Name for Baal.” Jeremiah 23:26-27
    “I will take the names of the Baalim (Lords) out of her mouth and they shall no more be remembered by their name.” Hosea
    2:17 (Baalim is the plural for Baal = Lords)
    “I will declare Thy Name unto my brethren, in the midst of the
    congregation will I sing praise unto Thee.” Hebrews 2:12 and
    Psalm 23:22
    “And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the Name of YHWH shall be saved.” Acts 2:21 and Joel 2:32
    “And they that know Thy Name will put their trust in Thee.”
    Psalm 9:10
    “Thus saith YHWH, the maker thereof, YHWH that formed it,
    YHWH is the Name; Call unto Me and I will answer thee and
    show thee great and hidden things which thou knowest not.” Jeremiah 33:3
    “I have manifested Thy Name unto the men which Thou gavest
    Me out of the world.” John 17:6
    “And I have declared unto them Thy Name and will declare it.”
    John 17:26
    “Hallowed be Thy Name.” Matthew 6:9 The set apart name of the Messiah,(Yahush ua), is the Name by which He was known to His disciples, though He has several
    titles such as Rabbi, Son of Man, Saviour, Anointed, and King
    of Kings.
    “What is His name and what is His Son’s Name, if thou canst
    tell?” Proverbs 30:4
    The name of the Messiah, (Yahushua), literally means “YHWH is salvation”.
    “I am come in My Father’s Name and ye receive Me not…”
    John 5:43
    “Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the Name of
    YHWH.” John 12:13
    “And whatsoever ye shall ask in My Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye ask anything in My
    Name I will do it.” John 14:13-14
    “…for there is none other Name under heaven given among
    men whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
    There is no way to YHWH but HIS way. All other attempts are
    in vain and will be condemned and judged as failures by YHWH Himself.
    Today the only way to YHWH is through HIS mediator HIS son
    there is no other way.
    Religion is used as a robber among mankind. They all preach
    their own way to salvation or to YHWH despite what HE said was the only way.
    They interpret their own reasoning, written materials and
    demonic delusions to define YHWH and how to be with HIM,
    and they won’t work, they all fail and already have.
    They are NOT being led by The Spirit of Truth, they are being
    led by the false angel of light, satan himself. Praise YHWH

  6. Ryan McGinnis

    Lord God comes from an Ancient Canaanite (son of Ham, they did not speak Semitic or Hebrew) deity known as “Baal God.” If we look in our Concordances, we find Lord God listed under H1171, which is a morpheme (combo of two words) for Lord (H1168) and God (H1409). Everywhere in scripture (particularly the KJV) where we see words in all capitols (LORD, GOD, JESUS, Etc.), these are indicators made by Cambridge Scholars showing us that these names and words are “substitutes,” that did not appear in the original tongue. Yahshua warned the disciples, saying;
    You cannot serve two masters (Baal means to Lord over, to possess), for either you will love the one, despise the other, or hold to the one, and reject the other. You cannot serve Yahweh and God.
    Mammon is the Greek word for Baal (Lord) God, he was the Canaanite deity of Wealth, and fortune, or “wealth personified.”
    The Apostle Paul warned, saying;
    You cannot drink of the cup of Yahweh, and the cup of devils (Baal-Lord God in the Torah was one of the devils, serpents that bit Israel into turning away from Yahweh).
    In the words of EliYah, how long will you halt (pause, contemplate, think on, hesitate) in your opinions? If Yahweh is the Elohim, serve Him. But if Baal (Lord God), serve Him. Choose!
    Serve = to do service to, minister to, worship, A primitive root; to work (in any sense); by implication to serve, till, (causatively) enslave, etc.: – X be, keep in bondage, be bondmen, bond-service, compel, do, dress, ear, execute, + husbandman, keep, labour (-ing man), bring to pass, (cause to, make to) serve (-ing, self), (be, become) servant (-s), do (use) service, till (-er), transgress [from margin], (set a) work, be wrought, worshipper.
    Performing Baals (Lord God) works, is worshiping him. Committing your lives, children, work, pay to him, etc. Is worshiping him. Choose!