
Eyd & YahnEl


Please click here for easy reading: PDF – July 8, 2014 Catching up of the Man Child – Taken from beginning of Part 3

Concerning the Catching Up of the Man Child [Rev 12:5]:

(Excerpt from Part 3 of the Book of the Man Child of Revelation 12:5)
To reiterate from Page 9 of Part 2, the Man Child, synonymous with the Bride; the Overcomers, 144,000, the Two Witnesses, Manifested Sons, and other terms, etc., is both for the Messiah and of the Messiah Yahushua and YAHUWAH [John 10:30].                                                   
In the most fundamental of terms, the Man Child is essentially a reward of the Father, given by the Father, and given to Himself as Yahushua.  He is giving to Himself His own Bride; chosen from among man, His own creation, whose spirits that are comprised of YAHUWAH’S Ruach ha Qodesh (See Chapter 2 of Part 2, Page 35), and who love Him unconditionally such that the priority of YAHUWAH and Yahushua only . . . are clearly demonstrated in the conduct of these person’s respective lives by the decisions and choices that they each have made pursuant to their corresponding lessons that they have endured; revealing the clarity and purity of the spiritual DNA of their respective spirits being readily attested, discernable, and approved to Aloahiym’s satisfaction; these people’s souls (that directly affect their spiritual health and condition of their spirits) having been cleansed of the darkness of evil (rebellion & idolatry) [1 Sam 15:23] during their related time on the earth [2 Cor  3:18].  In short, YAHUWAH’S heart’s desires have replaced the respective believer’s soulish desires.  Such is the purpose of man’s life on the earth [Deut 6:4-6; Mark 12:29-39; John 4:14; 7:38; 2 Thes 2:16-17; Psalm 51: 5-10; 119: 1-3; others]. 
Yahushua underwent a similar process during His tenure as a man (on the earth) [James 1:13-14; Matt 4:1; Mark 1:12-13].  Just as Yahushua overcame temptation and the world, so too man shall overcome because as Yahushua is, so is man potentially, subject to the choices (decisions) that he or she makes in the natural [1 John 4:17; John 16:33; Rev 12:11; 17:14; Deut 30:19; Gal 6: 7-8].

Thus, one who makes the right “choices” receives the just and righteous reward of YAHUWAH Aloahiym for having made those corresponding decisions according to His dictates, rules, regulations, and desires, when done so out of devoted, but unselfish, unmitigated, and unquestionable love of the Father, Son, and Set Apart Spirit; not only out of obedience, but also out of the same unconditional love for Aloahiym that He has for those that belong to Him [Deut 6:4-5; Mark 12: 29-31; John 14:28; 15:9; 17:26; 1 John 4:19; others].   These selected people would have seen, heard, and perceived Aloahiym out of His eyes instead of their own (of the flesh), having allowed Aloahiym to manifest through them according to His Will pursuant to the progress of the surrender (alignment) process [See Job 14:4; 15: 14-16; Psalm 51:17; John 14:10].   To repeat, such is the purpose of man’s life on the earth. However, most men and women do not accomplish this purpose.  Notwithstanding this, Aloahiym is pure Light, (“perfect” in the true sense of the word by man’s understanding and much more), and will not choose an “imperfect” Bride that is to be “joined” with Him, hence to become “one” with Him, and that He is both willing and committed to call His own [Eph 1:4; 5:27; 2 Cor 11:2; Col 1:22; Jude 1:24; Isa 62:3; Rev 21:9; 22:17; others].Abide in Him  The soulish connection (DELUSION) of man’s emotions with his or her own spirit is replaced with the Truth of the Light of YAHUWAH, anThed the Truth shall set one free [John 8:32].  Hence, the priorities and desires of the flesh are replaced with the priorities AND dhesires of YAHUWAH.Rev 22:17And the Ruach and the bride say, Come. And let him that hear say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoeverwill, let him take the water of life freely. Thus, there is absolutely nothing so important of man that can, or should, supersede and/or preempt the critical imperative of anyone called as a believer to prepare for the catching up of the Man Child; given that YAHUWAH Aloahiym demands perfection from the group of believers who qualify pursuant to the selection process [Matt 5:48].  As has been made clear in Parts 1 and 2, the selection process is open to all believers.  Those individuals, who are to be selected are chosen because they desired to be, and were willing to pay the price of their flesh during the course of their respective lives while on the earth in order to make it happen.  To be in the flesh is not the same as being of the flesh;this differencebeing a function of the identityfactor.  One either identifies with the flesh, a result of the soul (carnal nature) being attached to the flesh or one identifies with his or her spirit that is turn connected to the Ruach, where the soul is properly aligned with the respective individual’s spirit and the person’s spirit.   The total surrender on one’s soul is the completion of the alignment process where the soul is subservient to the person’s spirit, and the spirit of the individual is properly aligned and subservient (conformed) to the Ruach Ha Qodesh.   This was covered in Part 2 of this message.

Every believer has the same opportunity, but not all believers are willing to pay the price.   Thus, potential Man Child Company members are initially chosen from the general assembly of self –purporting believers, first; subsequently progressing into the Body of Messiah; then passing through successive filters of purification as the numbers of people dwindle or diminish who at some point in their respective lives, became unwilling to further pay the price (the total surrender of the flesh); once again, a result of the improper use of the carnal nature within them, and wherein YAHUWAH’S desires had not replaced the individual’s soulish desires.
This point is critical to the basic understanding and willingness of eating from the Tree of Hai, and separating oneself from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  To reiterate once again from Part 2, the carnal nature is the operative tool of the soul (in man’s composite being consisting of spirit, soul, and body) that serves to provide and empower man with his or her freedom of choice.   The soul’s wrong choices (resulting from the dominance of the soul over the respective person’s spirit) yield results that can be damaging if not fatal, including spiritual death apart from physical death.
The Man Child is anything but a passive subject, encompassing a wild array of soulish emotions, intellect, and comprehension.  The catching up of the Man Child is an event that is imminent, inevitable, and certain; is NOT contingent and/or probable, and is NOT of soulish origin and occurrence [Hab 2:3].  This is NOT what some people have termed the “rapture” or mass catching up identified in 1 Thes 4:17.  The catching up of the Man Child [Rev 12:5]is a completely different and separate event occurring prior to 1 Thes 4:17.  Bible prophecy will be fulfilled, and will not be changed for any man or woman.   This generation of the earth’s population will witness the event.  To witness the event without being a part of the catching up [Rev 12:5]istragic and invites judgment and the risk of death at the second resurrection [Rev 20:6]. As was noted in each of Parts 1 and 2 hereof, this is my first and so far only book, and is directly pursuant to the what the Ruach ha Qodesh has revealed to my wife and I, and is reported to readers pursuant to the direction and understanding that we have received from YAHUWAH Aloahiym [See 2 Pet 1:19-21; Amos 3:7-8; Dan 9:22-27; Matt 10: 26-27; Rev 1:1-3].   The validity and revelation of Scripture does not rest on man, but with Yahushua ha Mashiach Who is the Word [John 1:1, 14] and one with YAHUWAH [John 10:30].   Thus, there is no other higher authority who stands as our witness [1 Cor 4:4; Rom 14:12; John 5:32; 1 Thes 2:4; 1 Pet 3:12]as to what is articulated in this message and broadcast throughout the world, and Who holds us directly accountable for all that we say and do as the authors [Ezek 3:10-11, 20-21; James 3:1; Matt 10:24; 23: 8-10].
. . . End

This Is How The Followers Of Yah Walk Yah’s Path –  The High Calling

PDF THE HIGH CALLING Using the Proper Names  ( Click Link to easy reading PDF : )

If Aloahiym (Hebrew Title for the Creator Father, YAHUWAH, His Son the Messiah, and the Set Apart Spirit aka: the Ruach Ha Qodesh) has called you to be truly like Yahushua the MessiYah (the Messiah’s Hebrew Name) in all your spirit [John 2:5; 4:17; Col 2:6; 3:1-2], He will draw you into a life of a living sacrifice (full and unconditional surrender of the carnal nature) and humility. He will put on you such demands of obedience that you will not be allowed to follow other Christians (“Christian” is a religious label; more properly called “believers” or His disciples if they truly are in substance). In many ways, He seems to let other good people do things which He will not let you do.

Others who seem to be very religious (and/or carnal) and useful may push themselves, pull wires, and scheme to carry out their plans, but you cannot. If you attempt it, you will meet with such failure and rebuke from Aloahiym as to make you sorely penitent (encounter the conviction brought about by and through the Ruach Ha Qodesh) [1 Pet 3:17-18; 4:1-3; Matt 9:13; Luke 5:32; Heb 12:11; 2 Pet 3:9].

Others can brag about themselves, their work, their successes, their writings, but the Set Apart Spirit will not allow you to do any such thing. If you begin to do so, He will lead you into some deep mortification (conviction as to His set-apart Word and His instructions for your life) that will make you despise yourself and all your good works.

Others will be allowed to succeed in making great sums of money, or having a legacy left to them in having luxuries, but Aloahiym may supply you only on a day to day basis, because He wants you to have something far better than gold, a helpless dependence on Him and His unseen treasury [Heb 12:18-24].

Aloahiym may let others be honored and put forward while keeping you hidden in obscurity because He wants to produce some choice, fragrant fruit for His coming esteem and honor, shakan and kabod, which can only be produced in the secret place of the Most High Aloahiym [Psalm 91:1-2; John 15:7; Deut 30:31-32; Psalm 62:5-8; 119:11; John 4:17; 22:26; 2 John 1:2]

Aloahiym may let others be great, but keep you small. He will let others do a work for Him and get the credit, but he will make you work and toil without (you) knowing how much you are doing.

Then, to make your work still more precious, He will let others get the credit for the work which you have done; this to teach you the message of the “Cross” (Execution Stake), humility and something of the value of being cloaked with His nature.

The Set Apart Spirit will put a strict watch on you, and with a jealous love rebuke you for careless words and feelings, or for wasting your time which other Christians (believers) never seem distressed over [Rom 8: 4-9; John 14:15; 21; 15:2; Rom 12:2; Eph 1:11-14, 17-19; 3:9-12; Phil 4:7; Gal 5:25].

So make up your mind that Aloahiym is an infinite Sovereign of sovereigns and has a right to do as He pleases with His own, and that He may not explain to you a thousand things which may puzzle your soulish nature and human powers of reason in His dealings with you.

Yahushua will take you at you word; if you absolutely sell yourself to be His slave, He will wrap you in a jealous love and let other people say and do many things that you cannot.

Settle it forever: you are not to argue, fight, or deal directly with the Set Apart Spirit such that your actions retard or prevent His work in, through, and to you. He is to have the privilege of tying your tongue and your hand and/or closing your eyes in ways in which others are not dealt with.

However, know this great secret of the Kingdom (Reign of YAHUWAH): When you are so completely possessed in your heart and in your soul with the perception, revelation, and understanding of Who and What the living Aloahiym in your life and in all creation; and pleased and delighted over this peculiar, personal, private, jealous guardianship and management of the Set Apart Spirit over your respective individual life, you will have found the vestibule of Shamayim, (Hebrew for what the Greek calls “Heaven”), and the High Calling of Aloahiym [Rom 11:29; Rev 1:8; 12:11; 19:10; 21:21-27; 22:12-21].

. . . Author Known Only to Aloahiym.

Temple of  Heaven located on Beijing, China (Click the above link for YouTube Video Presentation) 
China is mentioned in the ancient Hebrew scriptures, an ancient prophecy from Isaiah 49 v12 (about 700BC): Surely these shall come from afar; Look! Those from the north and the west, and these from the land of Sinim. (Sinim=Qin which is referring to the Ancient China)
In context, this prophecy appears to refer to the return of exiled Israel from the nations of the world. The ‘north’ probably refers chiefly to Russian Jews and the ‘west’ to American and European Jews. But while ‘north’ and ‘west’ are general terms, ‘Sinim’ is a specific term, thought by many scholars to be China. The ‘Strongest Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible’ explains Sinim as ‘Chinese!’. In fact the nouns ‘Sinology’ or ‘Sinologist’ use the same root word ‘Sin’ pronouns as QIN meaning China. Isaiah thus prophesied that one day Israel’s exiles would return from China back to their own land. Other Christians have interpreted the above scripture to imply ‘Christians’ rather than ‘Jews’ meaning that many Chinese would come to believe in God. Maybe both interpretations are correct. However, regardless of how you interpret Isaiah’s prophecy, one important fact is that China (Sinim) is mentioned in the Bible!
It appears that the Chinese believed in YHWH the Almighty (ShangDi) without an organized religion for more than four thousand years.
From the writings of Confucius(551-479) and Moz (408-382 BC), we discover that the ancient Chinese were originally monotheists who worshiped a Creator-G-d whom they called ‘Tian =The Most High but English translated it as Heaven’ or ‘ShangDi’. In fact, an eastern Han (202 BC-8AD) scholar also confirms ‘ShangDi’ as an alternative name for ‘ Tian=The Most High; however, the English translation for it is Heaven’ as follows:
‘ShangDi is another name for Heaven’ The scholar Zheng Xuan The ancient Chinese, unlike their modern counterparts, did not believe in the theory of Evolution, which is a Western atheistic philosophy. How sad that today’s Chinese have accepted a Western philosophy in place of their own indigenous religion!! Now that we know that the original G_d of China was called ‘Tian (Heaven)’ or ‘ShangDi’, and how did the ancient Chinese people, including Confucius, worship Him. The following quotes from the writings of Confucius have left behind a clear record of ancient China’s original religious beliefs:
‘Emperor Sun sacrificed to ShangDi (2255 BC)’. The Book of History
‘The Border Sacrifice ceremony is how men serve ShangDi’ . The Doctrine of the Mean Sz Ma Qian, an official during the western Han dynasty (222 BC-8AD), affirms Confucius’s quotes and gives us additional information about the worship of THE ALMIGHTY (G-d) in ancient China:
‘Erect an altar of earth on Mt. Tai and offer a burnt offering to ShangDi or Tian (Heaven)’. Sz Ma Qian, The Book of Historical Documents:
‘There has never been any Emperor of China who has not performed the sacrifices
to Heaven’. Sz Ma Qian,The Book of Historical Documents
From the above quotes we can deduce that the Aloahiym of ancient China was worshiped in a ceremony involving animal sacrifices, with the chief participant being the Emperor. This ceremony, also known as the ‘Border Sacrifice’, was performed annually on the top of Mt. Tai in Shandong province, on the eastern border of China. Therefore, it should not be surprising to find that Confucius was a believer in Tian (Heaven)= (ShangDi), as he lived in Shandong province not too far from Mt. Tai. Even HuangDi (the Yellow Emperor), from the so-called ‘Legendary Period’, is reported to have sacrificed to Heaven (ShangDi).
In the 15th century AD the ‘Border Sacrifice’ site was moved to the Altar of Heaven in Beijing and continued there until 1911 AD when the last Emperor of China was deposed. Thus in China we have a religious belief system and sacrificial ceremony of more than 4000 years continuous observance! Worship of Tian (Heaven)=ShangDi at the Altar of Tian (Heaven) in Beijing
The Altar of Heaven complex, which is today an important tourist site, comprises 3 main edifices. The northern most structure, the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, has on its north wall, a tablet inscribed with the following characters:
‘Heavenly Sovereign ShangDi’ These characters clearly indicate that ShangDi (Heaven) was the Almighty worshiped at the ‘Border Sacrifice’. This sacrifice took place every year at the winter solstice (December 22) and by reviewing some of the prayers and songs used in the ceremony it becomes obvious how the Chinese revered their Supreme Almighty: “When Di (ShangDi), the Sovereign, had so decreed, He called into existence heaven, Earth, and man. The Statutes of the Ming Dynasty”
If we compare this with the Hebrew text of the Bible it becomes clear that the Creator-Almighty of the Chinese and Hebrews is one and the same:
By the word of YHWH the heavens were made… For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast. Psalm 33v6,9—The Bible. Heaven (ShangDi) simply spoke everything into being by His commands. In addition, the religious ceremony of the ancient Chinese appears to be identical to that of the Hebrews as recorded in the Bible: Then Almighty  (Yahuwah) said to Moses… ‘An altar of earth you shall make for Me, and you shall sacrifice on it your burnt offerings. The Bible, Exodus 20v24—Moses Remember, as mentioned above, the Chinese Emperors also offered their sacrifices and burnt offerings on an altar of earth at Mt. Tai. Truly the Creator Almighty  of ancient China is the one true Aloahiym as mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. This is confirmed by further Chinese prayers and songs used at the ‘Border Sacrifice’:” All the numerous tribes of animated beings are indebted to Thy favour for their beginnings. Men and things are all emparadised in Thy love, O Di(ShangDi). All living things are indebted to your goodness, but who knows from whom his blessings come to him? You alone, O The Sovereign One, are the true parent of all things. The Statutes of the Ming Dynasty.” From the above quote we learn that the ancient Chinese believed that their Aloahiym was The Almighty ( G-d) of love, as we learned previously from the philosopher Mozi quoted above. One final recitation from the ‘Border Sacrifice’ is of note: “Of old in the beginning, there was the great chaos without form and dark. The five elements had not begun to revolve, nor the sun and moon to shine. You, O Spiritual Sovereign, first divided the grosser parts from the purer. You made heaven. You made earth. You made man. All things with their reproducing power got their being. The Statutes of the Ming Dynasty” The above quote can be compared with the Biblical record:
In the beginning Aloahiym created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without
form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Aloahiym was hovering over the face of the waters. Then Aloahiym, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.’ …and Aloahyim divided the light from the darkness…Then Aloahyim made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night…Then Aloahiym said let Us make man in Our image… Then Alaohiym baruk them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply’… Genesis chapter 1, The Bible
In conclusion, the original religion of China is similar to that of the Hebrew people as recorded in the Bible. From ancient times right up until 1911 AD it had been the Emperor of China’s responsibility to obey the ‘Mandate of Heaven’ i.e.YHWH Aloahiym’s will. This included the ‘Border Sacrifice’.
本視頻源自:牧师康希(新加坡城市丰收教会)講道的信息 下集。
Part 2  January/February 2009.

                                                                         Oracle bone script, the earliest known form of Chinese.
  ShangDi – The Almighty Creator of the Chinese People for 4500 years   (click the above link for Video presentation)

 ( Mobile App link for Man-child website, you can read/watch from your Mobile phone now:


China is the oldest, continuous civilization on the earth. Ancient records date back to about  2500 B.C. and coincides with the Biblical timeline, which shows that the great flood took place around 2344 B.C. Source: Bible Study – Flood

Ancient Chinese myth has their first king, Fu-hi or Fohi (Chinese Noah) making his appearance on the Mountain of Chin surrounded by a rainbow after the world had been covered with water.  Myth says this Chinese Noah also sacrificed animals to the Almighty Aloahiym.


The Miao tribe of Southwest China has a similar myth. According to the Miao, the Supreme Almighty destroyed the world by flood because of the wickedness of man. The myth also says Nuah (Noah) had three sons: Lo Han (Ham), Lo Shen (Shem), and Jah-hu (Japheth). Source: Silvia Videler

“ShangDi, the Creator-the Almighty (G-d) of the Chinese, surely appears to be one and the same as the Creator-the Almighty Aloahiym of the Hebrews.” Source: Answer in Genesis

“One of the earliest accounts of the Border Sacrifice is found in the Shu Jing (Book of History), compiled by Confucius (551 to 479 B.C.), where it is recorded that Emperor Shun (2256 to 2205 B.C.) sacrificed to ShangDi.” Source: Answer in Genesis

ShangDi is the Supreme Almighty of the ancient Chinese.  He was worshiped as the Creator Aloahiym for thousands of years. ShangDi was known as the Heavenly Ruler and the Chinese emperors were known as the Sons of  Tian (Heaven).  No other Mighty One was higher or more powerful.


Evidence says that the ancient Chinese understood the nature of Aloahiym as the ancient Hebrews did after Abraham (1812 B.C. to 1637 B.C.), who is considered the father of the Jews (about 3,000 years old), Christians (about 2,000 years old) and Muslims (about 1,400 years old).

While the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans worshiped many gods, the Chinese worshiped one Almighty Aloahiym above all others, ShangDi. If true, that would mean the Chinese might have believed in the Almighty Aloahiym longer than the Jews in Judahiam, Christians or Muslims.

In fact, it appears that the Chinese believed in YHWH the Almighty (ShangDi) without an organized religion for more than four thousand years.

Discover The Question of Religion


下集 For Part2:
Video Source:Message delivered by Rev. (Pastor) Kong Hee (City Harvest Church, Singapore). January/February 2009.
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The Original ‘Unknown’ God of China

An Ancient Pictogram Script Points to the Bible

by Dr. Ethel Nelson on June 1, 1998

 The Original ‘Unknown’ God of China
Why did the emperors sacrifice a bull on the great white marble Altar of Heaven at an annual ceremony, the year’s most important and colourful celebration, the so-called ‘Border Sacrifice’?


Mystery concerns the 450-year-old Temple of Heaven complex in Beijing, China. Why did the emperors sacrifice a bull on the great white marble Altar of Heaven at an annual ceremony, the year’s most important and colourful celebration, the so-called ‘Border Sacrifice’? This rite ended in 1911 when the last emperor was deposed. However, the sacrifice did not begin a mere 450 years ago. The ceremony goes back 4,000 years. One of the earliest accounts of the Border Sacrifice is found in the Shu Jing (Book of History), compiled by Confucius, where it is recorded of Emperor Shun (who ruled from about 2256 BC to 2205 BC when the first recorded dynasty began) that ‘he sacrificed to ShangDi.’ 1


Who is ShangDi? This name literally means ‘the Heavenly Ruler.’ By reviewing recitations used at the Border Sacrifice, recorded in the Statutes of the Ming Dynasty (AD 1368), one may begin to understand the ancient Chinese reverence for ShangDi. Participating in this rite, the emperor first meditated at the Temple of Heaven (the Imperial Vault), while costumed singers, accompanied by musicians, intoned:


‘To Thee, O mysteriously-working Maker, I look up in thought. … With the great ceremonies I reverently honor Thee. Thy servant, I am but a reed or willow; my heart is but that of an ant; yet have I received Thy favouring decree, appointing me to the government of the empire. I deeply cherish a sense of my ignorance and blindness, and am afraid, lest I prove unworthy of Thy great favours. Therefore will I observe all the rules and statutes, striving, insignificant as I am, to discharge my loyal duty. Far distant here, I look up to Thy heavenly palace. Come in Thy precious chariot to the altar. Thy servant, I bow my head to the earth reverently, expecting Thine abundant grace. … O that Thou wouldest vouchsafe to accept our offerings, and regard us, while thus we worship Thee, whose goodness is inexhaustible!’2

Thus we find the emperor worshipping ShangDi. Can we possible trace the original intention of this magnificent ceremony of antiquity? As the emperor took part in this annual service dedicated to ShangDi, the following words were recited, clearly showing that he considered ShangDi the Creator of the world:


‘Of old in the beginning, there was the great chaos, without form and dark. The five elements [planets] had not begun to revolve, nor the sun and moon to shine. You, O Spiritual Sovereign, first divided the grosser parts from the purer. You made heaven. You made earth. You made man. All things with their reproducing power got their being’ 3

For the Christian, the above recitation sounds strangely familiar. How closely it reads to the opening chapter of the biblical Genesis! Note the similarity with excerpts from the more detailed story as recorded in the Hebrew writings:


In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.
And God said, “Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters called He Seas.
And God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: He made the stars also.
So God created man in His own image; …’ (Genesis 1:1-2, 9-10, 16, 27-28)
Chinese characters
ShangDi, the Creator-God of the Chinese, surely appears to be one and the same as the Creator-God of the Hebrews. In fact, one of the Hebrew names for God is El Shaddai, which is phonetically similar to ShangDi. Even more similar is the Early Zhou pronunciation of ShangDi which is ‘djanh-tigh’ [Zhan-dai].4 Another name for their God which the ancient Chinese used interchangeable with ShangDi was Heaven (Tian). Zheng Xuan, a scholar of the early Han dynasty said, “ShangDi is another name for Heaven (Tian)”.5 The great philosopher Motze (408-382 BC) also thought of Heaven (Tian) as the Creator-God:

‘I know Heaven loves men dearly not without reason.Heaven ordered the sun, the moon, and the stars to enlighten and guide them. Heaven ordained the four seasons, Spring, Autumn, Winter, and Summer, to regulate them. Heaven sent down snow, frost, rain, and dew to grow the five grains and flax and silk so that the people could use and enjoy them. Heaven established the hills and river, ravines and valleys, and arranged many things to minister to man’s good or bring him evil.’ 6

How did ShangDi create all things? Here is one further recitation from the ancient Border Sacrifice rite:

‘When Te [ShangDi], the Lord, had so decreed, He called into existence [originated] heaven, earth, and man. Between heaven and earth He separately placed in order men and things, all overspread by the heavens.’ 7

Note that ShangDi ‘called into existence,’ or commanded heaven and earth to appear.
Compare this with the way the Hebrew text describes the method of creation by El Shaddai, who, we suspect, is identical with ShangDi, and the similarity in name and role would suggest:

… by the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. … For He spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast’ (Psalm 33:6, 9).

We have not yet explained the reason for the emperors’ bull sacrifice to ShangDi. Let us compare this Chinese sacrifice with the instruction given by God to the Hebrews:

Take thee a young calf for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering, without blemish, and offer them before the LORD’ (Leviticus 9:2)—a practice which began in earliest times (Genesis 4:3,4; 8:20).

The origin of the Border Sacrifice would appear to be explained in the book, God’s Promise to the Chinese.8 The authors, Nelson, Broadberry, and Chock have analyzed the most ancient forms of the pictographic Chinese writing and found the foundational truths of Christianity. In these ideograms, which date from before the time of Moses—we have the entire story of creation, the temptation, and fall of man into sin, and God’s remedy for sin in the animal sacrifices, which pointed to the coming Savior, Jesus Christ. All the elements of the Genesis narrative are found recorded, and still in use, in the Chinese character-writing.




The associated box shows some startling realities about the written Chinese language, indicating that we are all related—and not so long ago. All people in the world, not just the Chinese, are descended from the inhabitants of Babel, the first civilization after the Flood. God first gave His promise of a coming saviour, the ‘Seed of the Woman,’ in Genesis (3:15). The foreshadowed sacrifice of the coming Lamb of God, Creator and Saviour, is as old as mankind.
Should a Chinese person tell you that Christianity is a ‘foreigner’s religion,’ you can explain that the Chinese in antiquity worshipped the same God as Christians do today. Like the Hebrews often did, the ancestors of today’s Chinese wandered off after false gods; the memory of who their original God was dimmed with time.9 The ancient Chinese script gives powerful evidence for the historical truth of Genesis.


NOTE: For more technical details, see The Lamb of God hidden in the ancient Chinese characters (PDF) from Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 13(1).
See also: Chinese Characters and Genesis for large printable versions of Chinese Characters that show that the ancient Chinese knew the gospel message found in the book of Genesis.
  1. James Legge, The Chinese Classics (Vol. III), pp. 33–34, The Shoo King: Canon of Shun, Taipei, Southern Materials Centre Inc., 1983 Return to text.
  2. James Legge, The Notions of the Chinese Concerning God and Spirits, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Register Office, pp. 24–25, 1852. Return to text.
  3. Ref. 2 p. 28. The classical concept of five elements was different to the modern concept, which comes from Buddhism. In the classical concept, the five elements were wood, fire, earth, metal and water. These were seen as underlying many phenomena, both physical and conceptual / spiritual, and many things were classified according to their supposed underlying ‘element’. The five planets were one outworking of the five elements in classical Chinese thinking. Return to text.
  4. Schuessler, Axel, A Dictionary of Early Zhou Chinese, University of Hawaii Press. Honolulu, pp. 123, 528, 1987. Return to text.
  5. Lung Ch’uan Kwei T’ai Lang, Shih Chi Hui Chu K’ao Cheng, Taipei, Han Ching Wen Hua Enterprise Co. Ltd., p. 497, 1983 Return to text.
  6. The Works of Motze, Taipei, Confucius Publishing Co., p. 290. Return to text.
  7. Ref. 2, p. 29. Return to text.
  8. Read Books Publisher, Dunlap, UN, USA, 1997. Return to text.
  9. This was of course the near-universal experience of all tribes and nations. Return to text.
Ethel Nelson, M.D., F.A.S.C.P., is a retired pathologist living in Tennessee who was a medical missionary in Thailand for 20 years. Return to text.
Originally published in Creation 20(3):50-53, June 1998


This is an excerpt from the Mission Summary, to view the full message, please click the above link:

This preparation of the way of Yahushua involves more than handing someone a fishing pole,
and offering instruction on how to fish. For my wife, YahnEl and I, the Father has called us, in
part, to get His people moving into the action necessary that will force them to decide where
their priorities are . . . that is, do they love their own lives more than Yahushua Ha Mashiach,
thus forfeiting their inclusion in membership of the Man Child Company, and therefore
disqualifying themselves from becoming a part of the Bride, . . . or do they truly and
substantively love Him enough to do whatever is required of them, no matter what the price is
in the “flesh”, according to His leadership (Rom 8:14) directions and instructions (See John 14
again concerning love for Him and His commands, and Rev 2:7, 11; 11:1, 2; 18:4; Rev 21:7, 8;
22: 11-15). Far too many believers and shepherds at large along with their respective
congregations take the Messiah’s death on the execution stake for granted. His second arrival
is close, and He means business; and this time He is bringing a plumbline to measure His people
[Zech 1: 4, 10-16; 2:1-2; Amos 7:7-8; Isa 28:14-18; Rev 11:1-2; 21:15; others].
This requires them (His people) to follow Scripture, and move quantitatively and qualitatively in the Ruach Ha Qodesh, relying on Aloahiym to produce through them (the believers, His people)
signs and wonders out of His Shakan and Kabod . . . that would be appear to be by human
reasoning, supernatural by definition and in scope, but in reality, should have been a part of
their every day lives once they discovered who they are in Him, confirming their own identity in
and with Him through the oneness that Yahushua prays for in John 17:21-23, and that is
addressed in Rom 8:29! In reality, and in the truest sense, this can only be done by answering
the call of Aloahiym of “deep unto deep.” (See Psalm 42:7; Isaiah 29:15-16; Ezek 31:18; Amos
7:4; John 4:11; 1 Cor 2:10; 2 Cor 8:1-5).
Mission Summary:
This ministry has no name or separate identity apart from YAHUWAH
יהוה and Yahushua Ha Mashiach (Messiah) יהושע
Rev 1:8
All Ministry of YAHUWAH Aloahiym belongs to YAHUWAH Aloahiym Page 22
Revised: 7-15-13
One may ask why all of this is necessary. The answer is, in part, because no flesh shall take
credit for anything in His Presence (1 Cor 1:29-30), and the works of man (out of the flesh) will
not get him there (John 6:63; Gal 6:7-8; Rom 6:4-7, 22; Rom 8:1, 13; Rom 13:14; Col 3:1-3). As
a result, our ministerial efforts necessarily focus on accomplishing His will, not through the
flesh, but through the Ruach, while simultaneously executing His Will through us in the natural,
using the gifts of the Ruach for His purposes (and not our own agenda); simultaneously
eliminating the “mixture” of witchcraft (through religion, rebellion, and the lower abase nature
of our flesh; (as, and to the extent that the Father works through us).
Thus, this ministry of Aloahiym (Isa 40:3) strives to remove the stumbling block out of the way
of His people (Isa 57:14), by lifting up the Shem (Name) of Yahushua as a standard for the
people (Isa 62:10). This is accomplished out of the work of the Ruach ha Qodesh (Set-apart
Spirit) in the hearts and minds of men & women collectively, and not of our respective efforts
arising out of the flesh. Through the action of the Ruach Ha Qodesh, all truth is parallel. What
happens in the spirit realm, not necessarily the Ruach, also happens in the natural. Man attracts
either light or darkness from the spirit realm, according to his heart and carnal nature, into his
physical experience in the natural. However, Truth (Ruach is truth; and truth equals light)
[John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13] recognizes truth, and truth is absolute; fact (in the natural) even if
derived from darkness is relative; but truth supersedes fact. This is precisely why we pray to
change events and circumstances in our individual lives, because the truth shall set us free
[John 8:32]. Who and What is truth? The answer is YAHUWAH (YHWH), Yahushua Ha
Mashiach, and the Ruach Ha Qodesh.
Now, to reiterate: One does not learn truth, since it is impossible for truth to be learned. Truth
can only be experienced. One does not learn YAHUWAH (YHWH), Yahushua the Messiah, and
the Ruach Ha Qodesh, for they comprise us and dwell within us, enabling us to experience
Aloahiym’s presence since He dwells within His own existence, and we are a part of His
existence; (our spirit consists of His Ruach; in other words, His existence) ; we are a vessel of His
making . . . of His existence and presence, and we experience all that He is through the Ruach
that gives us our constitution. One’s mind (carnal nature) simply renders an understanding of
that experience. This is what being a part of the Tree of Hai is all about [Gen 2:9; Prov 3:18;
11:30; 13:12; Isa 56:2; Matt 7: 21-27; Rev 2:7; 22:2, 14; others].
To be a part of the man child means coming to terms with first becoming a part of the tree of
Hai. One is either a part of this tree, or they are not. There is no middle ground. The tree of
Hai is perfection, according to the standards of YAHUWAH (YHWH), and Aloahiym’s tree of Hai
will not submit to compromise or contamination from man who continually eats from the tree
of knowledge of good and evil. That is why they were identified as separate trees in the garden
in Genesis; the two trees are separate and distinct, and mutually exclusive. One cannot feed
on both trees at the same time, or simultaneously. Questions as to feeding on trees outside the
garden are another matter altogether. When were these planted? After the fall, producing
poisoned fruit, since they were not planted by, nor are of Aloahiym, since the ground was
cursed [Gen 3:17-19]. The fruit of these trees is evidenced by the works of man that are of . . .
and for the world and the flesh . . . and/or for purposes of evil and ha satan, and NOT for the
Shem, Honor, Esteem, Shakan and Kabod of Aloahiym.
Following and applying the Scriptures studiously initiates the journey of the believer, enabling
the tree of Hai to be discovered within us, and personal decisions that are required to be made
by us individually as a result thereof.
During the course of this journey, the believer’s emunah substance is caused to grow and mature[Heb 11:1,6; Mark 11:22-24; James 1:3-9]; and the flesh is dealt with through multiple, and usually quite painful challenges, wherein the flesh (carnal nature) is brought into subservient alignment with man’s spirit; and his spirit into subservient alignment with the Ruach. Once this alignment is fully in place, then the surrender process of the soul is complete. This in turn, enables a soul’s participation in the Man Child Company that is caught up to Aloahiym in Rev 12:5.
The events following the catching up of the Man Child are just the beginning of the role for
the Man Child Company, and serve a key purpose in the transition of the ages (in this
dimension) for all of mankind, as well as in the very Throne Room of Shamayim. The Man Child
constitutes the first fruits of the Body of Messiah that walk in a realm as He walked on earth, as
it is in Shamayim [Matt 6:10] and as stated in:
1 John 4:17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of
judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
1 John 2:6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.
2 Cor 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God (Yah) with idols? for ye are the temple
of the living God (Aloahiym); as God (Yah) hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I
will be their God (Aloahiym), and they shall be my people.
Pursuant to these events taking place, the significance of the critical imperative of Rev 1:8 “I am
the ‘Aleph’ and the ‘Tau’, the Beginning and the Covenant without End, says יהושע (Yahushua
Ha Mashiach) “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty,” is magnified and
tangibly perceived in every soul’s life, without exception. YAHUWAH is manifested in and
through all of His creation . . . as the true meaning of “oneness” with YAHUWAH, our Creator
Father, and Yahushua, our Messiah, and kinsman Redeemer and Savior becomes indisputably
apparent in varying degrees through each and every living soul on the planet.
More information regarding the meaning and the significance of the Man Child is the subject
of the book now in progress, entitled: The Man Child of the Book of Revelation.
. . . Prayer
Father, we ask that readers of this message seek the answers to any and all questions from you
specifically, and only you [Dan 2:28; Matt 6:22; 11:25; John 14:26; 1 Cor 2: 10-16; Eph 3: 3-4]
and that you would illumine any and all darkness in their spirits, souls, and bodies. Father, we
further ask that all whom You have called into the House of Israel, answer that call without
delay, and that Your Name (Shem) be written on their foreheads [Isa 4:1; 56:5; Rev 3:5, 12;
22:4]. Father, we thank you for answered prayer; [Eph 1:17-19; 1 John 3:1; 5:14-15]. Amein.


Yahushua appeared to Royal C. in the mid-1980s and said:

“No one has the right to be right in anything – only the right to be broken.” [PS 51:17].

 Further, neither do we have the right to be opinionated, bigoted, prejudiced, critical, gossipy, or tale bearing! We only have the right to agape![1 PET 4:11; 1 JN 3:18]

No one has the right to be soulishly hurt or wounded – only to be unconditionally,
unreservedly forgiving! [1 COR 13:4-8; MT 18:15-17, 21-22]

Royal’s Prayer:

May Yahuwah our Master (Lord) baruk (bless) you with His imparted emunah (faith)[HEB 12:2a KJV; 

10:7; JN 17:18; 4:34; 6:38; 8:29] until His full appearing! [HEB 10:38-39; 1 PET 1:3-5; 2
THES 1:10]

May you be counted worthy to escape all the things coming to pass – by overcoming –
even as Yahushua (Jesus) did! [AMOS 5:18 KJV; LUKE 21:36 KJV; REV 2:7, 11, 17, 26-27;
3:5, 12, 21]