Resting in His Sabbat 1 You Tube link

 Heb 4:10 For the one, having entered into His rest, has himself also rested from his works, as Elohim rested from His own.

Heb 4:11 Let us therefore do our utmost to enter into that rest

Shalom. Simply by listening to this music in your Sabbat day you could…

1. Open up to receive the Almighty Creator YHWH’s healing. This frequency has an amazing side-effect: defense mechanisms lower and feelings of unhealthy fear, guilt and shame diminish… (396Hz)”

2. Remove the recurring, negative cycles in your life like procrastination, addiction, and junk food…watch as sluggishness and lethargy disappear and productivity and creativity increase…enhance your digestion, ease stomach issues, balance your metabolism, and erase headaches and lower back pain…( 417Hz)

3. Discover the Master Key that precipitates all other frequencies. You’ll feel soothed by its multiple health benefits as you’re tenderly enveloped in peace. This is the very same frequency David used to soothe King Saul’s depression…( 444Hz )

4. Hear the most miraculous frequency of Love … it has the power to relax you… transform your stress into peaceful bliss. Creating the ideal environment for your body to repair hormonal imbalances, ease muscle tension, and release troubles of circulation… (528Hz)

5. Enjoy the fostering of Shalom and forgiveness in all your relationships. Also known to positively affect the endocrine system …( 639Hz)

6. Gain a keen awareness of your very own spirit in this powerful yet delicately performed miracle of healing. Experience deep spiritual and emotional healing while cleansing your immune system of common infections. Super-charge your circulatory system to support your healthy heart and blood flow…( 741Hz)

7. Revel in the frequency that celebrates the King of Kings. Purely spiritual – connect in the worship of The Almighty YHWH, His love for humankind, and MessiYah Yahushua, His return to those who await Him…( 852Hz)

Acknowledgement: This is a special album put together with the use of all 9 solfeggio freqencies by Kenneth & Alexander @PTMC

Resting in His Sabbat 2  You Tube link

1Jn 4:9 By this the love of Elohim was manifested in us, that Elohim has sent His only brought-forth Son into the world, in order that we might live through Him.

1Jn 4:10 In this is love, not that we loved Elohim, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be an atoning offering for our sins.

1Jn 4:11 Beloved ones, if Elohim so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

1Jn 4:8 The one who does not love does not know Elohim, for Elohim is love.

Shalom. Simply by listening to this music in your Sabbat day you could be in connection with this most miraculous frequency of Love … it has the power to relax you… transform your stress into peaceful bliss. Creating the ideal environment for your body to repair hormonal imbalances, ease muscle tension, and release troubles of circulation and fostering of Shalom and forgiveness in all your relationships. Also known to positively affect the endocrine system …… (528Hz)P.S.. ..Even NASA’s in on this secret…

They’ve shown that 528 Hz is all around us… and can affect us positively every single day if we know how to channel it properly.
It can even harmonize with the DNA in plants – giving them a supercharge to become more fruitful and lush…
You see, in isolated studies, NASA scientists have discovered that our sun is bursting with 528 Hz from deep inside its core. Since plants take in the sun, this frequency is also embedded in the oxygen released during photosynthesis.
Plants respond to 528 Hz by flourishing… and recirculating this powerful vibration around the world.
Although 528 Hz envelopes us and is “found in the heart of everything,” most people are simply not aware of its healing properties. It resonates as joy and is therefore known as the Love Frequency.”

Acknowledgement: “Garden Music” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0… hypnosis and music put together by Jason Stephenson solfeggio 528hz Miracle Tone

Shalom. Simply by listening to this music in your Shabbat day you could be in connection with this most amazing frequency of Cleansing … 417 Hz frequency cleanses traumatic experiences and clears destructive influences of past events. The revelation of truth allows the listener to release and convert the appearances of difficulty and setbacks, bringing order and inner listening to new heights of personal self-transformation. The tone from this Solfeggio scale produces energy to bring about change.

Mat 11:28 “Come to Me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I shall give you rest.
11:28 凡勞苦擔重擔的人可以到我這裡來,我就使你們得安息。
Mat 11:29 “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your beings.1 Footnote: 1Jer. 6:16.
11:29 我心裡柔和謙卑,你們當負我的軛,學我的樣式;這樣,你們心裡就必得享安息。
Mat 11:30 “For My yoke is gentle and My burden is light.”
11:30 因為我的軛是容易的,我的擔子是輕省的。」


We are the Followers of YAH Grafted into YAH's Covenant Without End Rev 1:8 I am the ‘Aleph’ and the ‘Tau’, the Beginning and the Covenant without End, says יְהוֹשׁוּעַ H3091 (Yahushua Ha Mashiach) “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.

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