1. Restoring the Timetable of Sabbatical and Jubilee Years from the Ezekiel’s account
Eze 40:1 In the twenty-fifth year of our exile, at the beginning of the year, on the tenth of the month, in the fourteenth year after the city was smitten, on that same day the hand of יהוה came upon me and He brought me there.
Babylonian Destruction of the 1st Temple and Jerusalem on 588/587BC on the 9th Day of 5th Month (summer) which is a Shemitah year: 588/587BC+14years=574/573BC Eze 40:1 which IS referring to the 67th Jubilee Year from Adam ; And from 1st exile at 599/598BC+25years=574/573BC. is a Jubilee Year ( Yom Kippur is on the tenth of the month of the agricultural new year.)
“Shmita” in Hebrew means “release”—the “release” from servitude or indebtedness, and to desist one year from field work. (Lev 25; 26:33-43; Deut 15; Jer 25:11; 29:10; Dan 9; Ezra 1; Neh 10:31; Zech 1:12; 7:5.)
2. Searching for the 7X70 Jubilee = the 490th “Shmita-Cycle” :
( 70 jubilees elapse from the Conquest 1407/1406BC to AD 2024/2025)
Jubilee 50:4 Wherefore I have ordained for you the year-weeks and the years and the jubilees: there are forty-nine jubilees from the days of Adam until this day, [2410A.M.] and one week and two years: and there are yet forty years to come (lit.distant’) for learning the [2450 A.M. the 50 Jubilee] commandments of YAHUWAH, until they pass over into the land of Canaan, crossing the Jordan to the west.
The chats attached below shows that: The 70th Jubilee counted from when the Israelites in year 1407BC, the 50th Jubilee entered the Promised Land. (Row 2 is the first Jubilee of the next 70 Jubilee.) Hence, 50+70 = the 120th Jubilee will fall on Year AD 2024/2025 since the creation.

3. The scriptures commanded us to observe every seventh year to be a Sabbath year –the year of the Shmita. (Lev 25 )
The last Shmita kept by modern Israel is 2021t to 2022. (The “t” stands for the month of Tishri, roughly our September.) However, the modern Shemitah does not claim to be related to the original one, which began when Israel entered the Promised Land (1407/1406 BC). The contemporary Shmita is based upon the return from Babylonian Exile.
4. Why is the 70th jubilee (2024t to 2025) important?
Because the jubilee is comprised of sevens, (7*7). (In the scriptures, seven is the number of completion.)
Because 70 jubilees is the same as seven cycles of 490 years, (the period mentioned in Dan. 9, )
Because 70 jubilees amount to 490 missed Shmita (70*7*7, Dan. 9)
Because Israel turns 77 years old from its birth as a nation in 1948 to 2025, and MessiYAH Yahushua directly linked the number “77” to “70*7” in Matt 18:22. (Because, the Greek can read either as 77 or 70*7.)
The 7X70 Jubilee = The 490th “Shmita-Cycle” is important
(Because, 70 jubilees elapse from the Conquest arrive to AD 2025)
Our MessiYAH Yahushua said, “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars” (Luke 21:25)
5. The eclipse of 2017 marks the last seven-year cycle before the 70th jubilee
Unlike lunar eclipses (except for the Passover-Tabernacle tetrad lunar eclipses of 2014-2015), total solar eclipses are rare.
July 14, 1406 BC, on the 50th Jubilee year from creation, an actual total solar eclipse occurred.
Aug 21, 2017. A Sabbatical year. ( 2024 Yom Kippur will be the 120th Jubilee. ) A Total Solar Eclipse as seen from Salem, US. Is it not a SIGN from the sky?!
It shows that YAH has used eclipses in the past to communicate His plans and can be expected to do so again. Yahushua said, “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars” (Luke 21:25). Around July of 1406 BC, the same year the jubilee count begins, Joshua commanded the sun and moon to stand still while Israel defeated the Amorites, (Josh 10:12). However, there was another celestial sign left unrecorded that occurred about the same time. On July 14, 1406 BC, at the front paws of the constellation (stars) of Leo, an actual total solar eclipse occurred. Compare the similarity of location of the two eclipses above.
Thus, the 1406 BC eclipse is the same location as our 2017 eclipse. To understand the eclipse at the start of the jubilees is to understand the 2017 eclipse at the end, nearly 70 jubilees later. Therefore, ponder the following carefully!
On July 14, 1406 BC, as Israel fought the Amorites, the path of the moon’s narrow shadow ominously crossed key demonic high places in one long curved line. It began near the place Columbus would later sail home after discovering America, passed through Spain, then over the seven hills of Rome, then the Greek gods of Mt. Olympus, Island of Patmos along with the seven churches of the Book of Revelation, Tarsus, then along the southern side of the northern border of Israel (thus visible by warring Israel, Josh 10). This includes Mt. Hermon of Bashan where the watcher-angels rebelled. It then continued along the Euphrates river to Babylon, Ur and Eridu (Tower of Babel), then out the mouth of the Euphrates (the eastern-most border that YAH promised to Israel), and Susa (of Persia), and then finally ends at Bombay India, the great Hindu metropolis.
On the year 2017 incident, it is the exact anniversary of the same day and month that Israel mourned for their first high-priest, Aaron, when he died exactly-to-the-day 70-jubilees ago, less the seven years. [Aaron died 70 days before the Day of Atonement, the day when the jubilee was proclaimed retroactively, Lev 25:8-10. A day for each jubilee till now — 30 of mourning until MessiYah, plus 40 till now. Moses repeats the same pattern six months later — except 70 days to when Israel crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land. (The death of the high priest has a similar meaning as the jubilee, for on the day that he dies those who had fled to a city of refuge could return home. Josh 20:6; Num 20:29; 33:39.)
Conclusion: Will the traditional 70th week (7 year period) prophesy starts on the 70th Jubilee anniversary in 2024? If 2017-2024 is to be Daniel’s the 70th Week, we agree that we didn’t see the fulfillment of expected mid-term events according to traditional eschatology. But, that doesn’t invalidate the math in the article pointing to the 70th Jubilee anniversary in 2024. So, whether the 70th Jubilee anniversary is the beginning, middle, or end of Daniel’s 70th Week, it deserves our attention as it will be a significant milestone to the ascendency of YAH’s kingdom rule on the earth.
Attached LINK below is the Jubilee Accounting Chart: From Creation to New Heavens and New Earth
Part 2: Just found one interesting Article on the same topic:
When is the Next Year of Jubilee? | The 70th Jubilee | Leviticus 25:10
The 70th Year of Jubilee = COMING 2024
When is the next Biblical Jubilee year… the 70th Jubilee? This article presents compelling archaeological and prophetic evidence suggesting the trumpet announcing the 70th Jubilee year will sound on the ‘Day of Atonement’ in 2024.
Yom Kippur 2024
This day will announce the 70th Year of Jubilee since Joshua led Israel to enter the promised land in 1406 BC. This 70th Year of Jubilee will celebrate our release from the toils of this world and the restoration of our ancient spiritual inheritance in YAH’s kingdom.

What is the Year of Jubilee?
According to Leviticus 25:8, the Biblical Year of Jubilee happens after every 49-year cycle. It’s announced on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement–the holiest day on YAH’s calendar, when the High Priest enters God’s presence to ‘cover’ the sins of the whole nation.
The Ancient Hebrew Jubilee Year
Jubilee first appears in the book of Leviticus. YAH said a Jubilee year was to be celebrated after every 49 years. During this 50th Jubilee year, all debts were erased and all indentured Israelites were freed. Everyone and everything in Israel was to be restored to their original clans and families.
YAH told Moses to start the 49-year Jubilee cycle “when you enter the land that I am giving to you.” Also, “the land itself must observe a Sabbath to YAHUWAH..” (Leviticus 25:2)
There’s no record of Israel ever celebrating the Year of Jubilee by complying with all its requirements to forgive debts, free slaves, etc.
Jubilee in the New Covenant
Enter Our Promised Land
Just as Israel was to celebrate Jubilee after entering their promised land under Joshua, we have a spiritual promised land to enter. What better time to enter our promised land than on the 70th Jubilee anniversary?

In the New Covenant, the Year of Jubilee represents entering our promised land, when YAH glorifies His overcomers.
This restoration includes: complete deliverance from our sinful nature, glorification, immortality, and restoring our heavenly inheritance in YAH’s kingdom.
Return to Your Property and Your Clan
…consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty in the land for all its inhabitants. It shall be your Jubilee, when each of you is to return to his property and to his clan.
Leviticus 25:10
Property and Clan
Return to His Property
What property are we to return to? Before you can understand the property we’re returning to, you need to know where we came from in our past.
Warning–the following section will probably be new and strange to you, so I ask you to consider this information without preconceived bias, according to the Bible–not according to denominational theology.
Our spirits existed with YAH in the eon of time before Adam, but we all fell into sin, resulting in YAH destroying the earth, making it without form and void. Our spirits continued to exist, but sin alienated us from our Kodash YABBA AHUWAH. The situation was hopeless–something in us died. Then, since ‘before the foundation of the earth,’ YAH devised a plan to reconcile us through the sacrifice of His Son, our Savior and Messiah. (Revelation 13:8, 17:8, Ephesians 1:4, Titus 1:2, Matthew 25:34)
Now, during our present eon, YAH reconciles Himself (and restores spiritual life) to every spirit who responds to the gospel truth. This includes everyone who receives the Father’s forgiveness through faith in our Savior and Messiah, Jesus. We are ‘begotten-again’ in a new creation. We’re sons of the ‘Second Adam.’ (see John 3:3, 1 Peter 1:3, 1:23 1 John 5:18, 2 Cor 5:17, Gal 6:15, 1 Cor 15:47)
Therefore, Jubilee will be fulfilled when we recover our previous state of Esteem/Honor and Delights in YHWH’s presence. Just as the Israelites returned to their ancestral allotment of land, YAH will restore us to our ancient spiritual position in His kingdom, completely reconciled and reinstated through His infinite favor and love.
I realize these concepts are not commonly taught, so if you’re curious to learn more about our spiritual pre-existence and YAH’s plan of reconciliation, refer to my free book Overcomers’ Treasure Map.
Return to His Clan – Spiritual Israel
What clan will we return to? When believers are grafted into Israel (Romans 11:17-21) we are grafted into one of spiritual Israel’s tribes. Within each tribe of spiritual Israel are families, or ‘mishpachah,’ which is translated ‘clans’ in Leviticus 25:10 above.
Natural Israel versus Spiritual Israel
Be careful–don’t confuse the present state of Israel, or Jewish people, with ‘spiritual Israel.’ The apostle Paul wrote:
Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to present-day Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.
Galatians 4:26
Paul was a Jewish rabbi, and he loved his Jewish countrymen. YHWH also loves the carnal descendants of Abraham, and many natural Jews will be reconciled to the Father through faith. But, YHWH has no favorite children who can disregard His rules. Yahushua is the only door to reconciliation–access to the Father is only through faith in Yahushua as our Passover sacrifice. (John 10:1-18, 1 Cor 5:7)
Spiritual Israel
So, in contrast to natural Israel, ‘spiritual’ Israel is comprised of every person (from any nation) who responds to the gospel truth–everyone who has ever been reconciled to the Father through believe in our Savior and Messiah, Yahushua.
What about believers who lived before Yahushua came? Spiritual Israel includes ancient saints, such as Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Ruth, and all the others who looked forward to the Savior in their future. Spiritual Israel is based only on faith in YHWH’s promises, not on carnal lineage. Therefore, Spiritual Israel includes all disciples of YHWH, since Abel, who wholeheartedly trust Him and walk in His ways.
Our Clan?
Currently, most of us don’t know what tribe and clan we belong to. I expect YAHUWAH will reveal our clan ‘allotment’ during Jubilee’s fulfillment. From then on, we’ll possess an eternal home within one of the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel.
Your Eternal Home
Jerusalem today is divided into four quarters–Jewish, Muslim, Armenian, and Christian. And, there are ancient gates coming into each quarter. But, in the New Jerusalem, there are 12 gates–one for each tribe of spiritual Israel. Each gate is made of a single pearl (Revelation 21:12). If you’re a disciple, one of these gates will access your clan’s portion of the city–your eternal home in YAH’s capital on earth.
During the Year of Jubilee the Land Itself Will Observe a Sabbath
…when you enter the land that I am giving to you, the land itself must observe a Sabbath to YHWH.
Leviticus 25:2
When YHWH fulfills Jubilee, the earth itself will enter into Sabbath rest.
All of creation eagerly awaits the manifestation of the (144,000) sons of YAH. When Jubilee Year comes, creation will be delivered from the bondage of decay into glorious freedom:
The creation waits in eager expectation for the revelation of the sons of YAH. For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will, but because of the One who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of YAH.
Romans 8:19-21
Not only will the overcomers return to their ancient property and clan, but YHWH will return creation to its original state in the Jubilee Year. During the Millennial Reign of Messiah the earth will be like the Garden of Eden, prosperous and peaceful.
YAH’s ‘Appointed Times’ Reveal YAH’s Plan and Sequence of Events

In Leviticus chapter 23 YAH established 7 ‘appointed times’ for His people. These appointed times symbolically portray YAH’s plan of redemption and deliverance. They also reveal how YAH will re-establish His kingdom on the earth.
YAH’s Appointed Times
- Passover
- Unleavened Bread
- Firstfruits
- Pentecost
- Trumpets
- Atonement
- Tabernacles
Jesus fulfilled the first 4 (Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, and Pentecost) on the exact days and times while the Jews were celebrating them.
Therefore, it’s reasonable to expect YAH will fulfill the remaining 3 (Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles) exactly on their annual anniversaries in our future.
The Biblical 49-Year Jubilee Cycle
Starting the year Israel entered the ‘promised land,’ the Jubilee-year cycle occurs every 49 years.
Here are the details from Leviticus 25:
Shmitah Years – Sabbath Every 7th Year
When you enter the land that I am giving you, the land itself must observe a Sabbath to YaHuWaH …For six years you may sow your field and prune your vineyard and gather its crops. But in the seventh year there shall be a Sabbath of complete rest for the land—a Sabbath to YaHuWaH …The land must have a year of complete rest.
Leviticus 25:2,3,5
Jubilee Year – Every 49 Years (7 Shmitah periods)
And you shall count off seven sabbaths of years—seven times seven years—so that the seven sabbaths of years amount to forty-nine years. Then you are to sound the trumpet far and wide on the tenth day of the seventh month, on the Day of Atonement. You shall sound it throughout your land. So you are to consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty in the land for all its inhabitants. It shall be your Jubilee, when each of you is to return to his property and to his clan.
Leviticus 25:8-10
The 50th Year in the 49-Year Jubilee Cycle
The Jubilee-Year cycle repeats every 49 years (7 shmitahs), but the actual Year of Jubilee is the 50th year. That is, the 50th year is the same as (it overlaps) the first year in the next 49-year cycle. Here’s a diagram to illustrate this overlap:
So, in this diagram, both year #1 and year #50 are Jubilee years.
Here’s another example: Every week has 7 days. According to the Bible, Sunday is the first day and Saturday is the seventh day. The next Sunday would be the eighth day, but it’s also the first day of the next week.
If this 49 versus 50 concept is still confusing, watch this video for a good explanation.
When is the next Year of Jubilee?
If you ask Google ‘When is the next year of Jubilee’ you’ll see there’s a lot of ignorance, disagreement, and confusion about this question. It’s a mystery.
According to Leviticus chapter 25, the Biblical Jubilee year cycle started when Israel entered the Promised Land.
Then YHWH said to Moses on Mount Sinai, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: When you enter the land that I am giving you, the land itself must observe a Sabbath to YHWH.”
Leviticus 25:1
I discovered a BibleArchaeology.org article which convincingly proves that Joshua led Israel to enter the Promised Land in 1406BC. A search on their website will provide many references to 1406BC. Here is one of them:
The commencement of the conquest can be dated exactly. With the exodus datable to 1446 BC, the conquest automatically is dated to 1406 BC, because for “40 years the sons of Israel walked in the wilderness” before entering Canaan (Josh 5:6). Since the crossing of the Jordan River transpired on the 10th day of the first month, a date of 28 April 1406 BC is fixed as the day in which the Israelites crossed into Canaan (Josh 4:19).
Jubilee Year Starting in 2024?
Based on this 1406BC start date and a 49-year Jubilee cycle, the next Jubilee Year will start on Nisan 1 (Day 1 of the Biblical calendar, in the spring of 2024) and Jubilee will be formally announced by trumpet blasts on Yom Kippur, in the autumn of 2024. It will be the 70th Jubilee.
Here are my calculations:
2024AD + 1406BC = 3430 years.
The pattern and dates fit exactly, just as they would if they match YAH’s plan.
In his 1260d.com website, Dean Coombs provides detailed corroboration that the 70th Year of Jubilee will start in 2024.
2017 and the 50-Year Cycle
In the 20th century important events happened for the Jews and the nation of Israel. Events occurred in 1917 and 1967, 50-years apart, making people wonder if something big would also happen for Israel in 2017… 50 years after 1967 and 100 years after 1917.
I enjoyed Israel’s 70th birthday in May 2018 in Jerusalem with Dr Michael Heiser and Derek & Sharon Gilbert of Skywatch TV. As you can see in my iPhone video below, Israelis filled the streets, celebrating with overflowing joy on the day the American Embassy moved there from Tel Aviv. Being there was an awesome experience!
Recognizing Israel’s Capital and Moving the US Embassy
On December 6, 2017 President Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announced plans to move the US Embassy. But, other than the Revelation 12 Sign in the heavens, I can’t find any other ‘big’ events that happened regarding Israel in 2017… at least not on the same level as the 1917 Balfour Declaration or the 1967 Six-Day War.
The 50-Year Cycle
People naturally associate this 50-year 2017/1967/2017 cycle with Leviticus 25:11, which says, “You shall have the fiftieth year as a Jubilee.” They assume that since every fiftieth year is a Jubilee, therefore 1917 and 1967 must have been Jubilee years because God did good things for Israel on these events which were fifty years apart.
Not a Jubilee Cycle
As I’ll explain below, I do recognize this important 50-year cycle. But it’s not the Jubilee-Year cycle.
For a compelling presentation why 49 is correct for Jubilee Year calculations instead of 50, see Jubilee Year Cycle (49 or 50?)
The 50-Year Cycle – Since Creation
The 50-year cycle started at creation, approximately 3983 BC, not in 1406 BC when the Jubilee cycle started.
So, what does the 50-year cycle symbolize? The apostle Peter wrote,
Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your notice: With YHWH a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
2 Peter 3:8
Therefore six days represent 6000 years. Six days reminds us of the 6 days of creation before YAHUWAH rested on the 7th day.
Most Bible teachers believe this means mankind will have 6000 years before the ‘7th-day’ millennial reign of MessiYAH begins. 6000 is evenly divisible by 50, resulting in 120. 6000/50 = 120
The number 120 will immediately remind Bible readers of what YHWH said in Genesis 6:3… After 200 angels mated with human women, producing ‘nephilim’ giants (for more about this see the Book of Enoch chapter 6), YHWH said:
My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days shall be 120 years.
Genesis 6:3
The Perfect Resolution of the 49-Year and 50-Year Cycles
Let’s connect the dots…
50-Year Cycle theory
The 50-year cycle begins with the Biblical creation in Genesis, ending (after 6000 years) on its 120th anniversary in 2017.
After 6000 years, the 120th anniversary of the 50-year 1917/1967/2017 cycle coincides with the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week in 2017.
2017 starts the final 7-year shmitah cycle.
49-Year Cycle Theory
In contrast, the Bible reckons the 49-year Jubilee cycle from when Israel entered the promised land in 1406 BC, ending on its 70th anniversary in 2024.
The 70th anniversary of the 49-year Jubilee cycle coincides with the end of Daniel’s 70th week in 2024.
The 120th and 70th anniversaries of the two cycles are symbolically significant in themselves. But for them to frame the beginning and end of the 2017-2024 period is too auspicious to ignore or discount. I cannot believe this is coincidental.
When Does Daniel’s 70th Week Start?
What event initiates Daniel’s 70th week?
Daniel 9:27 famously states, “And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week“. But, who is the “he” who makes this firm covenant? And what is this ‘covenant with the many’ for one week?
- The common view is “he” refers to the Antichrist, who will make a ‘covenant with many’ for 7 years.
- A common assumption is the ‘covenant with many’ is a 7-year peace treaty between the Antichrist and Israel.
- But,
others believe “he” refers to Yahushua, who confirmed the New Covenant in His own blood, poured out for many. (Matthew 26:28, also Mark 14:24)
- Finally, many believe Antiochus IV Epiphanes already fulfilled many details of Daniel’s prophecies in 167-164 BC.
With so many unknowns I’m not confident we can know who “he” is, or what the ‘covenant with many’ is. As a result, we may not recognize the event that starts Daniel’s 70th week.
Conclusion – the 70th Year of Jubilee
A Bright Future
We are living at the end of the age, and the birth pangs are increasing for everyone. The good news is that YAH will defeat all His enemies and YAH’s people have nothing to worry about.
When these things begin to happen, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.
Luke 21:28
There is nothing man can do to us if we are in MessiYAH.
Who shall separate us from the love of MessiYAH? Shall trouble or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written:
For Your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of YAH that is in MessiYAH Yahushua our Master.
Romans 8:35-39
Finally, my advice is to be watchful. Abide in YAHs Spirit continuously, listening and obeying His voice. Strive to make yourself ready for Our Master’s imminent appearing.
Special Note:
I agree that each Biblical year starts on Nisan 1 in the springtime. In fact, I don’t believe the rabbinic ‘Rosh Hashanah’ holiday on Tishri 1 is legitimate. The only ‘head of the year’ according to the Torah is on Nisan 1.
So the question is, “On what day does the year of Jubilee begin?” Does the ‘year of Jubilee’ coincide with Israel’s annual calendar, beginning on Nisan 1, or does the year of Jubilee start when YHWH said to “sound the shofar abroad on the 10th day of the 7th month–on the Day of Atonement”? A person can make a good argument for either interpretation, but I’m now convinced the Biblical Year of Jubilee begins every 50 years on Nisan 1. I’ll explain why below.
The main reason I’m convinced the year of Jubilee starts on Nisan 1 is because of the prohibition against planting during the 49th and 50th years of the Jubilee cycle. (Ex 25:3-12) In each Jubilee cycle the 49th year is a Shmitah (Sabbath) year, when no planting is allowed. Obviously, the 49th year begins on Nisan 1. Then, the 50th (Jubilee) year is also a Sabbath year, where no planting is allowed. This is the issue that’s resolved in Leviticus 25:20-22, where YaHuWaH promises to feed Israel for 3 years if they obey His commandments to rest (and not plant) in the 49th and 50th years. Therefore, in the 50th year there’s no 7-month gap before the beginning of the Jubilee year–the 50th year begins on Nisan 1, immediately after the 49th year ends. Afterward, the shofar is sounded on the 10th day of the 7th month of the 50th year.
Exodus 25:9 doesn’t tell us the Jubilee year starts on Tishri 10 with the blowing of the shofar. It says blowing the shofar announces the Jubilee year on Yom Kippur, but it’s strictly an assumption to say that’s when the year of Jubilee begins. The shofar could be announcing a (Jubilee) reality that has been existing for 7 months since Nisan 1.
That said, I wonder…in our future when Jubilee is fulfilled, when will all the Jubilee restoration activities begin, such as repossessing every family’s land allotment, freeing all indentured servants, etc.? Will they begin on a future Nisan 1, or on Tishri 10 when the shofar sounds?
Regarding Tishri 10, I can think of two reasons to support an argument for the Jubilee year beginning on Yom Kippur, Tishri 10.
First, Ezekiel’s temple vision starts in Ezekiel 40:1 saying, ” In the twenty-fifth year of our exile, at the beginning of the year (literally, ‘Rosh Hashanah’), on the tenth day of the month—in the fourteenth year after Jerusalem had been struck down—on that very day the hand of YAHUWAH was upon me, and He took me there.”
Many scholars believe Ezekiel received his temple vision (chapters 40-48) on a Jubilee anniversary, based on the specific dating information he provided. But, the question is whether he meant the 10th day was literally “the beginning of the year,” or did he simply mean to say it was in early in the month of Nisan? However, if that were the case, why would he then specify it was the 10th day of the month, which most Israelites would automatically associate with Yom Kippur in the 7th month? So, Ezekiel 40:1 may link “the head of the year” with Yom Kippur and Jubilee.
My second reason is that it’s possible the fulfillment of the year of Jubilee will start in the future on Yom Kippur during the 50th year, but when the Jubilee is announced by YAH’s shofar (in our future) it will start a whole new paradigm. Jubilee year is then like the 8th day of Sukkot–it’s a new beginning, a new creation. So, if that’s the case, YAH may revise His calendar in the age to come to commemorate our freedom.
Since I think the arguments for Nisan 1 are stronger, I’ll update my article to reflect that perspective. Thanks for the question!
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