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1 Comment
Cool Testimony!
Would like to share this that I have read sometime ago in responds to certain insight related to your above experience:
The El’Yah and El’Sha Journey – By Randy Shankle
Dont let your past “cripple” your future. The Body of Messiah needs a “refreshing,” they need to “renew their strength” in Him. You can do that by “working on your patience.” Scripture says, “They that wait (patience) will renew their strength.”
The El’Yah Ministry must “digress” to allow the Messiah Message to “progress.” Most people get hung up on the “El’Yah message,” and never get beyond it.
The Purpose of El’Sha, was to take over, where El’Yah stopped. He dropped his anointing/mantle, so that another could take over, and pass it on. Yahushua did this as well, by dropping His flesh, so that the Apostles could carry on.
Yahuwah alters us, so we can be ready for the next advancement. That’s the purpose of the ‘change.’ When you hire on at a job, you don’t want to remain the ‘peon’ for 40 years, you want to be able to advance to CEO. Thats a counterfeit to Yahuwah’s Plan by Heylel.
Yahuwah wants you to start out as ‘Disciple/Pupil,’ and advance you to ‘Apostle/King.’ But to do that, you HAVE to want to ‘change/conform to HIS will,’ and not your own.
“There is a Power (Dunamis) coming to the body that not only will embolden My House, but will open doors, remove ME from the Boxes, and LET MY MIGHT POUR OUT! You have prevented me, and kept me back, but I will unleash like a Lion coming out of a broken cage, and I will let loose says Yahuwah.”
2 Kings 2:1-14
So many people “learn” but dont grow. Yahuwah is getting ready to ‘unleash the teachers,’ to His Body, to raise up Sons, and no longer “believers.”
Gilgal – Whirlwind, strong wind, Israelite Base when they started to take over Canaan/Born again.
When you get “born again,” you are at Gilgal/experience Gilgal. Its the beginning/outer court, where you are to learn about Messiah.
Hebrews 5:12-14
Gilgal are the “first principles.”
When I (Randy) first taught the six (first six) foundational stones at TBN, they said to me “we have never heard those taught before.” I said, “Of course not, because Sonship hasn’t been taught in 2,000 years, it is something ‘experienced,’ something ‘taught,’ and most have not been ‘taught,’ they have just ‘heard.’
Basis – A basis, foot, or foundation.
King – the foundation, through the notion of foundation of power.
There is the Doctrine of Kingdom, and there is the teaching of ‘entity (churchianity).’
Bethel – The Body/House, we assemble/gather into His House, unite us together as a family, build/construct us bone by bone, seed by seed, joint by joint, etc. It is the time of ‘Trusting Yahuwah, building ‘Believe/Emunah’ in Him.’ You need to ‘trust Yahuwah with your spirit, soul, and body.’
Bethel is the construction of His government, Apostles, prophets, Evangelist, Pastors, Teachers, Aids, etc. Placing the members of His Body in His government, as He pleases.
Two things a Carnal person wars with perpetually. Money and Authority. Money because they love it, they dont want to give it up, Authority, because they dont want to ‘answer to anyone.’
Take up your stake, and die to your carnal man. Learn how to view your carnal (material junk) as nothing.
Jericho – moon, fragrance, moonscent,
Jer 48:11
Most experience “moments” of inspiration, but they never experience the “Sonship” principles, He wants you to be Inspired continuously, not ‘sporadically.’
Stop being Moab, and start conforming to His Bethel.
Jordan – A place of Descent, to go down, river of judgment, this is the place/point you die to self, you judge your carnal man to death, and walk out a ‘new man.’ This is the place you ‘deny yourself,’ you experience Jordan right before Jericho, when your ‘walls come tumbling down,’ your ‘scent changes.’
You are no longer a ‘foul smell in his nostrils,’ but a ‘pleasant odor.’ You need to stop living in your carnal nature/natural man, and start living in the Pneumatic realm, and live the Zoe life that Yahweh created for you.
But what has to happen first? You need to go to El’Yah, and follow the El’Yah ministry, before you can ever come to the Messiah Ministry, and many want to just skip over the Torah and the Prophets, and run straight to a new being, without doing the work. Its impossible folks, it is IMPOSSIBLE! You must lay your foundation, meet El’Yah who will get rid of your carnal Ahab, that is married to the priestess Jezebel (who seduces you into false idols), and meet him at these places. When he drops his mantle, it is YOUR responsibility to take it up, and carry on to the Messiah Ministry.