(Download the pdf file at the bottom of this webpage)
Several have emailed me to request I publish the biblical calendar for 2016. I have been hesitant to do this for several reasons I explain below, but mainly because it is best for others who are keenly interested to learn to work this out for themselves given I have placed a lot of info from my research in this area on the ITD website over the past few years to help.
But the requests from many is that they have indeed worked it out but now want to confirm how if they have managed ok, so now I am uploading my worksheet of the 2016 biblical calendar to assist those who want to compare their calendar workout . This is a pdf file that can be downloaded at the bottom of this webpage.
I do hope is that all who are sincerely interested in the subject will be able to learn how to do this for themselves, as I know from my own experience of discovery – it is only when one begins to prayerfully and actively seek to do this that it is in the doping (and searching out) that YHVH brings understanding… Aside from desiring all to be confidently able to work it out for yourselves next year (especially if there is now access to the internet), there are other reasons that I prefer not to publish a biblical calendar on the web any longer, which I would like you to understand.
Firstly, I do not wish to unduly influence anyone or start a calendar movement, or create emotional arguments with any who are religiously dogmatic about their versions of a lunar or solar calendar. The ethical call of the scripture is to study a matter out with prayer and due diligence, seeking revelation from above, such that each individual be fully persuaded in their own minds.
Secondly, for over a decade, because I had worked to form some congregations, I would work out what I thought was the biblical calendar for those years. At first (as we were just beginning to understand the biblical festivals) , I was influenced by Messianic Judaism’s proclamation of the Rabbinical lunar calendar. With the “Hebrew Roots” movement challenging the Rabbinic calendar with the Aviv barley calendar not having the Zadok revelations nor the background of both scriptural and astronomical study information I now have been given, I was subsequently persuaded that the “Aviv Barley” calendar appeared more biblical than the Rabbinic calendar.
In practically working out these calendars for our fellowship worship, I came to see the shortfalls of these calendars. They simply do not keep time correctly and Passover increasingly moved into the winter season necessitating a full lunar calendar 13th month to be added every 3rd year. This error was compounded by the Aviv Barley calendar (Karaite approach) which would declare a leap year on the basis of the observation of the Barley harvest in Israel…but when we started to experience that calendar calling for an additional month to be added (i.e. the declaration of a leap year) in three successive years , the errors of the Karaite approach began to become evident to me. At the same time of that discovery, I was beginning to examine the astrophysics of our solar system with the aid of astronomical simulation software and I became increasingly aware that something was seriously wrong with the lunar calendars advocated by the “hebrew roots/messianic” movements.- it became clear that lunar calendars did not accurately relate to a true seasonal/agricultural (seasonal) calendar without massive intercalations every 3 years. Only an anchor in the equinoxes could accurately honour the seasons – and I then discovered that in fact Gen 1: 3 expressly pointed us to the sun and the stars for the telling of time, not the moon…and translations of the bible that caused the reader to focus on a prominent role of the moon for accurate timekeeping were erroneous (There are articles on the website about this).
Thirdly, in addition to that, I discovered that only an equinox based calendar could accommodate both the calendar rules of Leviticus 23, and the testimony of the Apostles regarding the timing of Yahushua’s last Passover, crucifixion and resurrection according to the sign of Jonah and explain how it juxtaposed the Pharisaic lunar religious calendar in the very day of Yahushua’s crucifixion. Once again there is a study on this topic on the website – which reveals how the sun equinox biblical calendar contrasted precisely with the Pharisaic calendar with just 1 day difference in the year of 30 CE, supporting the authenticity of the Apostolic testimony that Yahushua indeed had his last Passover ( and that it was not a ‘last supper” as Christianity would have us believe, nor a law-breaker as the Rabbinic Pharisees would have us think) and He indeed implemented the New Covenant with them at that last Passover, which was precisely one day prior to the Rabbinic Lunar calendar Passover celebrated in that same year.
Then some 6 months after that discovery, I was directed towards the calendar of the ancient Zadok Qumran scrolls, through a book published by Prof. Rachel Elior. The revelation of the Zadok rules for identifying the biblical calendar (and the biblical theology that is associated is also discussed in an article I subsequently published on the website). I summary the revelation of the Zadok rules are in my understanding a true gift from Heaven and a biblical miracle that would could get access after six decades of being hidden from the general public.
Fourthly, the ancient Zadok revelation reaffirmed my conviction that the law given in Numbers 10:10 – where only the priests ordained by YHVH’s Law have the authority to declare HIS biblical calendar – still stands to this day and as there has been no temple priesthood since Acts 6:7 occurred (when the Zadok priesthood submitted to the Apostles and the new born congregation ) , this is the strongest sign that Jacob is yet in the exile and has not yet been re-gathered. This position will only change when the Zadok priesthood is reconstituted to their service in YHVH’s Millennial temple, as prophesied in Ezekiel 44:15 through 24) .
Fifthly, based on the proclamations of scripture mentioned above, far from my ignorant practices for my fellowships in a decade past, I have no authority whatsoever to establish YHVH’s biblical calendar, and do I have direct anyone to follow what I have studied and have worked through. All I can do is share what information I have found – and articles summarizing this information I have liberally shared on our website, so that anyone interested might be assisted in their own study.
Sixthly, what I can say is that my journey in this subject has led me to a confident position that the Zadok equinox calendar is backed up by the sun and the stars and not the moon, and as such is the creation ordinance by which the accurate measurement of time, especially biblical annual time for worship may be ascertained. At this point I am confident that we do not have complete revelation about the calendar – given that the Zadok priesthood is prophesied to once again be the authoritative declarers of YHVH’s calendar in the millennial reign. Thus anyone who is dogmatic on calendar issues – even to those who proclaim there must be an adoption of the Enochian 30,30,31 day month calendars – is but the practice of religion more than the search for truth, since the Enochian calendar requires a physical 364 day annual year which simply does not exist today – look to ecology and ask if it lives (experiences) a 364 day year at the moment – if not , then those who propose a lunar religious calendar year or an Enochian religious calendar year (where they emphasise one day is a hidden day – seems the most popular religious explanation here appears to be the Day of Atonement) are simply doing their preferred religion – for Moses reveals to us that it is YHVH’s creation is where we observe the measurement of time and not religion.
Add that to the fact that the days between the autumnal and vernal equinox and the vernal and autumnal equinox are not the same number – bears witness to the counting of months with a 30,30,31 day formula simply does not work out and such a calendar goes increasingly out with each month count resulting in the Feast of trumpets being declared too early. This is compounded by the 365.25 day solar year which means that in addition to the month day count errors, their calendar is advancing by 1.25 days every year and somewhere along the line they will need to intercalate back to proper solar time… It appears that YHVH has hidden His biblical calendar to protect it from intuitional apostasies of the religions of men – which He will only restore in the millennial reign . He worked this hiding of His calendar even to the degree that He has caused the earth’s orbit trajectory around the sun to be more elliptical (from 364 in the time of Enoch to 365.25 days today ) which has made the search for the His worship calendar really difficult for millennia!
Seventhly, it is clear to me that the recent revelation of the Zadok’s basic rules for identifying the calendar are not meant for us to make dogmatic religious positions about YHVH’s calendar, since when we see it worked out there are few that can observe His calendar today when the biblical Sabbath does not coincide with the Gregorian weekend. The majority of us have to work in the market place of the world order today – clearly strong evidence that the prophecies of the re-gathering of the remnant have not yet come to pass. So what are we to do then? Clearly most who are motivated will sacrifice their employment leave entitlements to observe the high days as best they can. But what of the weekly biblical Sabbath that this year falls out on the Gregorian Wednesday? The fact is that there is no reason why one cannot have fellowship meetings on the weekends with others – but why would Abba reveal His biblical Sabbaths on days which we cannot keep because most of us are yet slaves in Egypt? I believe we are beginning a “preview” of the imminent restoration of the last days remnant – we are yearning to keep His Sabbaths, to find the ancient paths and not pollute them (see the promises of Isaiah 56:1-7) by the way that He has prepared – first the wilderness of the people…
Eze 20:35 And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face.
and from thence the remnant will go to the “camp of Jerusalem”, as prophesied by the ancient Zadok priesthood, and in exact symmetry with the narrative of Joshua and the camp of the 2nd generation Israelites when they made their historical entry.
To conclude – what then are the essential Zadok instructions for identifying the biblical calendar(articles on the ITD website discuss these points and their scriptural support .)
For the sake of those who have not yet studied the articles on the ITD website, they are:
the first day of the biblical year is to be found on the (observed) day of the equinox – not the difference between the mean sun mathematical (formula) estimates of the occurrence of the equinox, which we see on the and the actual day of occurrence of the equinox which is ascertained by sundial observation.
The identification of the biblical week (and subsequently the weekly sabbath) is identified by counting day 1 of the biblical year as the 4th day of the biblical week – i.e. count another 3 days from the day of the beginning of the year and you find the first weekly Sabbath of the year.
And what if you do not have a sundial, or haven’t learned how to use one, or there are cloudy days and you were unable to verify the occurrence of the equinox on your sundial ?
Go to this web page and download and save or print out the mean estimates of the occurrences of the equinoxes at the Jerusalem longitude for the next 20 years.
Remember that we are not using Greenwich mean time – for instance in GMT time, New Zealand is approximately 11 hours ahead of Jerusalem, but when looking at biblical time New Zealand is 12 -13 hours behind Jerusalem. Know your time difference with zero time being the Jerusalem longitude.
Remember that the equinoxes published on such website and calendars a mathematical average calculations – called means sum estimates – and are not true sun observation times. Thus if you see the equinox occurrence estimated as occurring during daylight hours then you can reasonably be sure that the actual sun observation would occur on that day listed. But if the time is listed as occurring during the night hours then you can be confident that the actual equinox by true sun observation on a sundial would be occurring the next day – for example have a look at the 2019 equinox values from the website listed:
As the mean estimate (average calculation)of the occurrence of the equinox is 11.59pm at night on the 20th March 2019, it is probable that the accurate true sun observation of the equinox in Jerusalem, as observed by sundial would be March 21st 2019.
To download my worksheet on the 2016 Biblical calendar click the link below:
Thank you for sharing your insight. I agree the 7th day Sabbath is not necessarily on Saturday.
I have worked out Yah’s calendar based on Enoch’s true equinox day which states the day equal to the night. This day is not the world’s so-called equinox because that day is not equal to the night nowhere on earth. I assumed Enoch’s equinox to be local in the region of Jerusalem (equilux) which is generally on March 16. Furthermore, the last day of Yah’s 364 day calendar must be on the day of true equinox according to Enoch’s instructions.
Thanks and praise to Yah for His help to come out of the pharisees’ lunar calendar.
Equilux Or Equinox ?
In addition of the above link of the subject: March 20 Equinox Vs March 16 Equilux….
The equinox (mean mathematical calculation as printed on common calendars across the world) is estimated for Jerusalem longitude at occurring on 20th March at 6.30 am in 2016 (see: http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/seasons.html?n=110 ).
Note that the mathematical estimate is not o be confused with the actual true sun observance which is confirmed by observation as it would occur on a sundial at the proper longitude.
As the mathematical estimate is calculated for occurring in 2016 early in the morning (6.30 am) then we know that the actual real sun observation on a sundial would also be occurring on that day (march 20th). If the mathematical estimate for Jerusalem was estimated at 9.00pm in the evebing of the 20th for example then we would know that the day of the true sun observance of the euinox ocurring would necessarily be falling out on the next day.
However this year it is quite simply for us to know – the actual true sun observation of the equinox this year will occur on 20th March…
So the 20th March is day 1 of the biblical year. To then identify the weekly Sabbath (using Qumran Zadok formula), we need to then identify the 4th day from the day of the occurrence of the true sun observed equinox – that is Wednesday 23rd March.
The biblical day begins at sunrise as opposed to the Rabbinic calendar theology of the day starting at the evening.