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{Since 2009 } Shalom: I am Eyd, My wife YahnEl and I are in full time ministry, moving according to the leadership of the Ruach Ha Qodesh [Rom 8:14]. In addition, we are also in the process of writing a book on the Man Child, identified in Rev 12:5 of the Scriptures. Thank you for visiting us here: http://www.man-child.com.
Upon completion, the book on the Man Child shall be made available online i n this website without charge since freely we have received, and freely we give [Matt 10:8]. If interested, please also go the following website: http://www.yaharise.com This site is essentially for the Chinese speaking community. The purpose of this Yah Arise website is an effort to spread the original Hebraic Paleo Set Apart Name (Shem) of our Father and our Savior through praise and worship songs in Chinese and articles as much as possible, and to be of service to Yahushua Ha Mashiach in bringing the Lost Sheep of the House of Yashar’al back into the Covenant according to Scripture: Matt 15:24 And He answering, said, I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Yashar’al.
In addition, our desire is to publicize the Paleo Hebrew Set Apart Name of the Creator ABBA Father, YAHUWAH, and His Son, Yahushua, the Messiah in written and spoken form. we choose Paleo Hebrew for all of our songs and our writings regarding the Names of the Creator and the Messiah due to their origin and their purity.
“ Proverbs 30:4 Who has gone up to Shamayim and come down? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, And what is His Son’s Name, If you know it? ” May all Esteem, Honor and Kavod be to our YAH! In His service, Eyd & YahnEl Stephenson *http://www.man-child.com *http://www.YahArise.com * manchildinfo@gmail.com * YahArise@gmail.com and http://www.perfectgiftorg.com PerfectGift777@gmail.com