Part 3 of “Exploring The Authority Of Yahushua Messiah’s Biblical Calendar, In His High Priesthood Order Of Melchizedek”
From the Apostolic testimony of  The Begotten Son of YHVH, Yahushua’s authoritative calendar related behaviour,  in the context the foundational solar calendar precepts from the Zadok Priesthood testimony of the Qumran Library and the calculation of days according to Moses Law (Leviticus 23), we find that this year the Feast of Weeks occurs on Tuesday 27 May 2014 .
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Yahushua Melchizedek Calendar

Exploring The Authority Of Yahushua Messiah’s Biblical Calendar, In His High Priesthood Order Of Melchizedek (And Its Implications For Identifying The Appointed Times In 2014) by
This paper presents a synopsis of principles from my research and study over many years concerning the identification of the true biblical calendar and which I trust will help others in their studies and understanding of this subject and subsequently to identify the annual biblical calendar in the emunah firm belief of Yahushua Messiah’s demonstration.
The major statement of this paper is that, given the full biblical and historical evidence now available to us it is Yahushua Messiah   ALONE who only has the biblical authority over the biblical worship calendar today, through His post-resurrection office as High Priest of the Melchizdek order.   No-one else has any biblical authority to set or proclaim the biblical calendar of YHVH, regardless of what religious orthodoxies they are. His behavioural example is thus highly significant. 
The implications of understanding exactly who carries the true Divine authority over the biblical calendar today (as outlined by Moses in Leviticus 23) are both radical and profound to any who are sincerely concerned and called to prepare for the redemption and return of YHVH’s trustworthy remnant elect in the last days.







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